gm THE COURT 214-333 HAMILTBN 130mm, 03.10 Dennis Bai'n?tte Case No, A ?31 0 $0334 Zarfhary Gattasman, Esq. Gdtt?sman iaclge .38 East. St, Suite 1656' Cincinnati! 013%) 45262- W5 RELXEF-AND OTHER Piain'tiffg. 933m GES wmf?im vs. Ghio 801 P?ilm Streg?t Cincinnatigghio 4:5 2.0235785; anti Elie: {52235; ?12m ivi'duaily and in his: Officiai Capacityva's Chief of Police} 180113323332 Street . Ghioi 4352923705, and PatrickDu'h may[Individ?a?yand his Of?aiai Ca?papityiasf? City Manager] 801. {Jim}: Street . Cincinaati, Ohio .452 026-578 S, Def?ndants. Pia?intiff, thraagh team}. BL far his .Comp?laih?c against the-Defendants, states as. foil?ow's: "games .3. _Plaintiff, 133211133 gamete-,3 and. has b?en a Cinninnati Felice {3:33am with an exemplaryserviae?history si?c?e 2883. Befendaut, City?o'f Cincinha?tig isamunicipa?ty arganized .underthelaws afthe State of?hm 3.. Defendant, Eat??k Dummy, is the City Mamgeffar the City of Ci??i?mati?and this suit is against him in his individualland ef?tial capaciw. I Defendant, Eliat Isaac, is the Shief of the Cincinaati "Pence Belpartment [hereinafter and this suit; is braught against mm in hisin?ivl?uai anal?af?dai capacity, Facts. 5. On :23: Bet-.2018, at 21p}: toximately. {13-30 hsursat 3?733: Rea?iing Road, Gf?c?r Barnatte wascendubting a diz?ecitezi p?atml for-,3 parking complaint in the vicinity ?fths: Brown?stain?rn Ni?gh?t?liib. While gaming}, as: Of?cer?gmette heard .ye?ing-an? piasgrved a pizysicai fightiae?ueena female-black, Mama Riley; 333d 3- malazblaalg?e mick Freeman, 7. In: additian 1m Gf?cer Bamatte, there ware additienal CPD gamma-?} {311' "batten-assigned tame aff?dugr cietgil preyided to the Brownstone Nightcigxi}. As Riley and Freeman were segafai?di Gf?t?r Bametfce approgth'ed Riley aad rattempte? to calm her dawn. 9f G?c?r?amette?stw d. appraxima'mly mo feet-away ?from Kile}; in between hat: 23nd Fre?man._ .15; Riley ashamed he? d'is'otde?y behaviar by y?iling am} direc?tingi??ammaiaw ?camments anti epithets at ?aema? Gf?cer- {{am at demanded Riley. ge-ase behavidr while matting tewardsher. 12'. Riiey refused to. Swung her righ?'h?n?l in the? air striidzig?fficer ?Bamette?n the face 13. Aftershe struckhim in face, affirm? Bamette grasped Riley's left'arm pulled her foMard and braced haw against the. hood of a vehicie. 14; AS of?z?im?y detail of??e.?s engaged in the arms?: td'agsis't? GEficerBa?met?i?e with handcuffing Rilgy, Of?cer Barnette simmer}j ?nigger ?siapped nae-"in the face". 13. Prior to- and t?mughout Of?ca? Barnette?s interacfeiw with Riley, she and ethers We're- using ratiai an :1 9th er'co arse language. ?16. Within ?13323 of thisin?ci'dent, Gf?cer Barnette. was stripp?d this pence p?w?ers and Tequimd {a rel-inguis? his ?fty?issued. weapon and badge, {See {Level Ewing Summazy??) its ofthe dam 9f this filing, ef?ng? Barmtte?S?poiicg pcwers re?m?ir?z suspended and'there is 11;; indigatibn that they will be reinstated anytime in?the near Emma. .18; Of?cer Bam?tte has an etherwi?se 6x31333121}? s'eryi?e retard with numerous cammendatiqns and no prior significant discipiinary h'istgr'y. 19.. here is not new; not has there we? been a- Suggesti0n._hf 0r evide?ce? that Gf?cer ijs a'threat ta p'?hiic' gafet}? or mifitfor? duty. 2-8. 26 Sept. 2818, another was inveivedqih an arrest? during-which he was teeczfded? using 'idezzticai _pr:simil'at languaga as?f?cer ?Bamett?; 21. Of?cer Hill received a wr'i?en rep?imami for warm {a?guage and no suspensian. of. his police petal-era. 32". 'Gf?cet; Hill?s written misrimand was 'appro??d by ?che-?193 commarid staff including?t?e (Ih?ief; Asa-Chief ?endigate} ahd?a?pt. B?i?oxtez?man?on 23. Oct. 2818. 23. The only mama: .aifferen'ce between'tha incident invelving C?f?cer Bar'nette' and Of?cer Hi? is. that Officer Barnette $3.3 male Whim and Gf?c?er Rims-Ia ma?a blatk? 12.4, After Bf?car Barnetfie?g pciicepowers We?re Suspended; the Chief was either advise?' of rea?zed 6:1 his own the andh?zalou's situation he} had c?re?a?c?d by treating two cf??ters- differently-based 'sn'ieiy ?311 their face fer-identical commut- instead of reinstating" Officer 'Bamette?s police powers, time Chiefssusgaend'ed Bf?fcer Hill?s police pGWers altheugh. his discipline had been. reviewed, appmved, and imposed. 26; The ?suspezis'icn of Of?cer Bamat?ais 3:291ng puwers and .gan?sca?an af?his duty weazpe? and ?adga'ren?em ineligible-tn we rk af?duty deta?s as 1?16;th in th?e'pzisg reduces became he is no lengar making arrests; causes sums-3mm; loss; of?tature- a?ndpm fgssioinal gaming, and creams marinas safaty ha?Zard fbp' him b?ecau'??: heis unarme?ian?cihas no defense. againsmiolenfcriminal-she has'arz??st?d and is reqaired lay-tile City to. con fmntas a winzessfin .Court. The loss {if hisdahility ta perform has direatIy-_caused andW?] cantinua .113 Barnette Imasubs'tantiia} incense gym: whigh he and ?is family Eur their ?cbn?mk wailvbeingg Barnette irreparab] harm. inciiz?iizagr With?autlimimticm163$ of is Emma b?caxzse of his inability r9. pay his marigage-azi? othe? debts, andszibstan?fial damage. mizis cre'dithtery and?ra?ng-by cau?iiz'g him 1:9 d?fa?ltion financial obligations. 28'. The 1033.01? paid caurtt?-me has directly caused and wi? marinara t9 came Of?cer Barne?tertcz ipsesubstan?al income 1;th Whichhe an? his family are reliantfer-?fheir eceaomic w?ii?being; and withmit? which Qf?cer Barnette will suffer irreparable harm indudi?g, .i'imitation, 1,055 (If his Emma because his inab?ity to pay his .mert'gage and Grim? debts, and 'substantiai damage in big credit, hi?stery and-rating by catisingr him to defa?k financiai abligatims. 29. The ?ai?ce?hie? El'iat Isaac: has-?histarita?y usa?? suspen?swn _pa'1ii;e? pawers as an unabashed and completely discr?tmnary disciplinary measure in. an arbitrary} capricious, and. ra?i 3?12}; discrimin' :1th manner. The {2113:2117 dees thi? 136621215635ng suspension {if petite as. disgiplizie falls mutside of the collective bargaining: agraemenfz'between Ft}? Ledge No? 69 an?ligpqt subjectto. p36: re'viawfci' the union.gri'evanceprtmess. .31. The suspension Gf Offi'car Barnet??s p?fice pea/vets is. atrial; that ?el'ates Officar?ametm?s;Canstitutionai violazes Chap. 4112 af?ne Ghi'a Revised (10:113. 32. The acts and pmksion's that?ferm thecigasis of t?i?s Campiaint Were d'ane?wi?rh ?the express agpmval of'?efeadant, Duhaneyias Gity'Managgr. (2912111: 1 - Emg?o?ymm?it Biscrimitiatian 3-3; f?laintiff imiczrp?matemha preceding'aiiegationsby refer-ems as if 13.1113; restated herein. .345. iiursuaztz't t0 RC. it: is an ?uniawfui di?scrirhinatary pmc?ce ta ciiS?criiziinatetaga?ihsLt Qf?cer Bamgtte? with mspaat ?50 therermsiyconditims; 0r priVii-egyzs 0F emplaymen?g era ny'matter dire?tiy 9r indirectly reiated to employment, based-ion rate; 3'5; Defendants have engaged in 2m imiawful discriminatory pr?ctic?. in vio?latign amt; 4:12.92 3-6.. As a dimer and proximaga .reswgilt cf Defenda'ntg?viola?gn of R55. 411 ?Gf?cer Barnetteahas and em'aamitz damages inciudi'ng! Without limitatign; lost incoma, E635 t9 his reputatio h, ands-emotinnaipain-and suffering; As a direct-"and proxir?ate resalt of Defmadants? Violatian of mega-12.0mm, Qf?cer? Barnette is saffering further-zirreparableaharm including, withm?c- iim'itafizm, Tina racial? rziin? lessof his home, and negative impact on his credit rating, 38. Plaintiff eqizit?ble? r?lief pursuant tc? RC. $112.99.. Gaunt - 42. (Lac. $983- 39. Plaintiff incarpar?tes the preceding-allegations by?z'eference as if hilly restated herein. 4& Q?fezidants have vielated i?lai?tiff?s Cam?tu?tioml Righis uh?dar the 'Foutiteenth men'dment by cieprivinghim?fhx pirate-eta} proper?ty interests in? an arbitra my, capriciaus, inniawful, and racially diacriminat'qry manner-without ?ue Process ofiaw; bath substantive and precedural,?a?? are iiahl?e to Plaintiff pursuant-42? $983 for damages and $1.233;th i0 ?the equitable jut?is?ictzi'on (if this (201111;; :?E?Iaintiff demands iudgmeiat- against Befendant?s far gainers}, campe?saterry; spec-i333 213d punitive damages in an..amount-in excess as weaken attriai, immediate and permanent ?q?imma malief, his costs herein expended, reaSQnable -'attemey?s fees and such other relief as this. Comt?aeemsjus?t.? Resp?c?fdily submitted, ,st Zachary Gettemma Zachary? Gattesman {08586225} Trial Attorney for Piaintiff Gattesmazi 8: Ass'ociates, LLC 36 East 7th Sir-eats Suite 1651) fCinCinna?, Shit} :45 20-2 Robert ?amam 11(3me 'Thuma?m; 49 7S) Crehan Elemma?nn, L133 494 8212*?- St I Second Fiber ?inc?in?at? 4.5202 f?h. (S Fax; leumann@ctlawcin cin'natimjm'n Amara fury-Bamaad i?la-intif? lz?rehy demands=trial by iury {in ail 1351185 50' friable; ?Respeatfn?y sub mittad; gs? Zac?imry 'Gct'tesman Zachary Gritmgman Trial?At?o me}? {Or {Jiaintiff Praecipe ?ame .S?iive 'this?omplaint and a-Silmmons 1;an {he Defenda?tis by certi?ed U.S.- Mail at the addresses listedii: the gap tit) 13. mitte'd; jsz' Zac?aw Gottesma? Z?chary .th?esmam {985863 Trial-aAtm?n?y-far-Fiain?ff Cl Interdepamn?ntal Correspondence S?a?f? D336: April 2, 2019 00103:er 131503132133? Policie Chief Bram: CapmiizAamn R. cams, name: Two Gammandermolibe Law Liaison Copias to: Subject? ?epaa?tment-Lgi? 3332123ng Summary? OwneriBennis (333;: #18153 On Thursday! Mamh 7 20.19 at 9930 hours, I can?uotcd a beaming at 31.3 13223133 Charles Drive for lnt21 age, c?iehfa??icm, Gjen?etexp?ressiop and idmtfizy, maijital status, disabi?m mligiOHg-IRSQ, velar, ?thnigity, naticn?a} erigin, Appaiachian mginna'i ancestry, veteran ?status, military histery, swing. ?Empleye?man?Emplner Biscrijmin awry Harassment An ? consultant; saies temporary emp?lojkae, e310,}; to disgrimin?tary haras?mani. th?? Workplace is subjiecgi t9 this mgula?oiz. MITIGATION I: Affermading ef'ihe. charges, the hearing began with a viewing {if Bed): Worn Camera fcotaga whiizlz cagtgted Of?cer ?Barne?s-Saying, ?w Siappcd me 131 the ?363!? as. he was attamp?zing ta 131303 'I-asked Of?cer Bamette-Whatzhis feclings-wsmza?sr wat?hing the foetage; Officer Baa-time stated if was anacceptable, bat he dial iz.ot_t3membe: making ?ie'state?zgient. ember-Emma was shocked when 113 ?rst learned cf thesa?cgaticn thailhe. had used ma mciai word {mferri?g Le the mm: 3311?} against Ms,_ Riley, 2 . asked Of?cer 833333333: ?Why 3331 3633.311in you said it?? Of?cer 8333333333: did 33333 know 333133? he- 33:33! it Of?cer 3333333333- explained he 33333. $333301: :33 the: face but acknewiedggd baing 333333313 wnuid r3333. make 3333: 0f. the 333333! 33323333331313: Officer 8.3.3313:th farther. 31313133333331 he had not had 33333331 Is'ieep 13:23.31ng 11}: to the, incident because he had. been remodeling 11331333331333.5313 again asknawledged the lack of sleep wauld not 3133:3133: the: use 3f the: ward I 33133-331 Of?cer 823371133338 what 1133': 33363331333: his. 3333333331933? when he stated 33323311313333? Officer Bar-133333: 53333331133: does net 1153: that word. The: word is effezisive to Of?cer 8333333336. Of?car 3333335332 again stated 13?: did 333:: 3313033? why he: 3:333:31 the word, did 1333?: remember using the ward, and 31333133531 33333 the fact that he; 3333136333: 333331 31331333333333th f5: 16 3:333:25 and has inst had any racial 3333333161133 During the: viewing 6.373113 EWC fooia'ge,? the shack 3.336 dishaiigf- ofthesse 3:33 33:33:33, both civilian 3:333 533331333, is easily perceived. 13103313833 out Of?ce}: Baastte the 333310311033 of an 3:133:53 who heard 3133: 3133:? being 11.33331 .1 also painted {mt 3'33 Officer 8333316333: the ?iifercnt e?ects the use of the: .3133: had at 1303113133: 333333333 (3333332333133 hy'fh'ose 3333835333333} and 3333333133 33331 (publicity gamer?ti 53? the iandB??t} Officer Bamat?te explained he: was 33313 aware 33f some of the conseqnmces of'uaing the: word 1363;231:333: he was net present and had 313:3. 33de the fnatage until 3113: hear? 113g- 33133;: 31333333331 0333 that at 33333: 33333133 dunng the: BWC footage, some? of 3136633133133; (:31 sce'na? became concerned that Of?cer Bax-113333: wag 3133333: 33311313 M?s 355133136311}? 33:13:. 333 3331: fast 333: had used. 33313 The: cmilians asked 33313: of the 'ef?cmts on 33:33:33: Rage. to {3135133333. 3333333233: .andMs. R3333. Off-33:3: Baguette did 313333131333: .3 3333133313333 333 my statement. Sergeant Hils helieved. 31133 Office: 3333313333: was being truth?? whezi 133: stamp: he did 3333: 33333633136: using 3313: 3333331 33313133 11311313331 show 3333333113 use of the word 333313331; a conscious decision . 183333333333 H339 Spoke 33110333: the 37:13:: that 053335333- 3331333433333 35 well aware of 3.336 impact by him using the; wed Off 313:3 Bametfe 13033? ?33313;- isolated at '336313 ?om 331333 to time. Officber Bax-336333: has b31333: restric3ed to a limited daf}? 33213313 fur the 13133 09133313 ofmozztlis but. remain-'3: diligent 33:: E335 joh (1331:3313.- Sergeant 1-1313 33313333 03150333 Barnatte has almady been punished for 333mg the ward 3333133 Though 53313 33333133333133.3366. 3311333; 13:33:! of 6333330333133333138 causi?d (3333333 Barnett?c 1383:? 3133: 333321331 Sergeants Hils did :30: behave 311333 Officer 8333133333 {3.333333133111st made the {130353033 {0 use the 336333. Officer 13333333333:- :3 31 333133333 33333333133 33331313631 amplayee 33f the 03333333333333. Sexgeaat H513 also Commented '03: the: 333:: 311333; many ?ofth?e enuncil 331333313335 who called far Of?cer Barnetfz: to he: fired when the allega?ion of using the word was made. public: and prior to any 3nvas?gatian, were. aboutm have 333333: megsagm 31313333331339 that shaman} the (132333333331 113331333333: Fibemselves 33333313:- i?s?uiting Stat?mcnis 3'13 {heir messagas. Ser?geaht 311331. 33333133316193: the; ?333 31133331631333: 33633333333621: member had 1132;631th 333333 33331 13213! .3332g3313311-y :reCeiv?e'd 33 333313631 3633333133313}. 8333336333 Hiis agreed that Officer: Barnett: should he r'epzimandcgi far use 9f 3313:- word Sergeant ?3313: talked 323031: the. fast that Outside: 3333333113, 3313121 as fear 033333313. can 3:333:33: a mac?on through the body that affects the 3313:1333 winch 63331131 1333331. ?33: '33 1:833:91: saying somethmg they wonld net mmaliy say L?i'hat- same 5331333313 313333131 3:33.356. aI 33333333133331 to be 333333 313133 33 33:3 :3 fully consci?us .Ideicisian . A Sesgfsen??ils state'd'?ha? Of?cer 8222222222 will 22222223222222 in the. 22222222 so that he does 22922252: the word agsiri; Sergeaei H2122 was concame'?i'that the politieal 22222222232 22: this pattiselaz? allegatisn seek} affect 220226 the Dapax?ment, the Police Chief- and}. as the Hea?ng Of?cer wank! handle the violatisn Because there 13 522612 interest Sergeant Hils feared the 332230385 22f adjudice?ng the visla?icn weuld net be titea?edj" 22.2 a fair 222222222232 Serge-22211224215 again talked 222222222 Of?ce: Bamat?e easesstasdi?rzg the effect (22? him 225ng the ward and Miller stated Office's Bernese will never be the same. I acimmvledged that by using he slur Of?cer Basseiie will. suffer hing lastisg effecfs. Speci?cally, I asked Officer Bai'eatte if he was aware that 2212-2 use efthe slur weuld' 22222222; Likely be used is cha?esgs his credibility as 22 22222222235 every time ?he 2222222222133 in 22222222 for the res: 22f his career foicer Bamette acknowledged this was. a Ipossibility. I asked Of?eerBameIte, ?22211222 is life like at 221221 Distrie2 righ? Of?cer. Barnetie staieci that {2222222211. 2?2 was pretty good He had received 221222 of sappsr? from axial-gene and had 2222!;? had any negative encounters; I asked 021522222 1322221222222 ifh?e had given my {haugh? ts how he interact with sitizeas if he were ever allowed ts: 2atum to. pairel duties {IE-leer Barns?e stated he thc'ugsrt 222222221: it all the time 2'12: that he Would need 1:22 be mere cautious 22212322 dealing with citizens 2e ensure 12222222222; like this ever happened again. I expressed my 6022662222. to Of?ees Baxse?te ever the igiea 222222112 2222222122 have ts better? 002222102 1222222222? 2fl1e we: 22 aiiofwcd 222' 222222122 ts patsol defies I suggested that meet peepie 2222212}th have to ?control? themselves ts prevent theme of a. racial slur Se2geanf: Bile responded that Officer 3322222228 hears ?this word 22sec! 2215' citizens 2:222. 22 daily basis when .9122 2322 patml, especially in African?merxcaa eemmlaes Sergeant Hiis 22222222202222 whe?ier 2263.2ng the WOfd used- so mash may have. led to 0222222 Barnette 225mg it Speci?cally, Sesgeans Hil?s wondered- 2f 22 Was possible that Of?ce}: Bame?e heard the word being used at {2163236126. 02122.16 nightlife used it nSergeant-Hisexpressed. fear that if he wensin?the- same simatien?new as Of?cet'?ame?te, 221222112: 222022222 2222 as Iaarfui of 222ng the again 211221 22 may actually attach semelww sabeenssioasly, suggestieg. it eo?uld be 2232221 again Sergea?? Hils sxplamad the dif?cuity with the facf 21222221122 word will always be 222 the back sf Officer Bsme?a mind and- he will have 29 ?gure 22222- thew- .2192 to ever- say the word again.?1?his 2s dif?daliy zs compoun?ed by. 212222222 that he does not know why he said it 222 the ?rst 12232222 Sergeant H215 acmswiedged anathe?r use efi?he Word 2222222122 be fatal for Qf?cer J?araette 5 career Sergeaat Kils e'Xplaiued that ?he 212222 of theword was" an ab?errat?ien sad it tacit?sigma :ve'ars 222' seem. 1.218222222212326 Sergeant H213 and Offices?Bamette iha?'the- expectatien 2'2. 26212221122 .25: an entire eases? Wimsu?f using the 31222,. Sergeant Hil'ssaitsrated 2h22t the use. 222' the grad-202212122223 than a. 2222832222,; anti was satis?es 2223,2216 believedli? was a 'Subcsn?seious 221:2. Sergeant-BEES that agaiest e. conscious decis'ien ?22} make a derpgamry Statement, errepea?iag a statement over and ever. Sergeant H213 steied he did 22222 be?eve that Of?cer Bamette-is 3 22223252.. I expressed my 0022226221: 222322122 the 2222 that the a?eranee of-?he racial slat was the result: 0f ssheeascieus decision maki'ng I asked if Of?cez' Ramses did net know why he sa?2d it haw wonld?he-be ahime'control'himself in thf: futures? Sergeant?ils tesp?nd?. ?i (isn?t know,? Sergeani; Him ag?ai?; ?re?ght; 21;; Officer Bamette?s level 'of exhaustion the night {316 work} was used. and the fac: he was axsaujted. Sargaant Hil's did mat beiieve-asing {he Word-one time-underthese conditions pmvad'that Of?cer?mctie is a; mist. Sargeant Ems winged Q?t. wizh ting: exacf-point; That Of?cer- B?amette is heing?painted as a fa?i$t by politicians 'a?e'r using the cozidi?tisns?f that'evcaing; Serggani?ils commentgd that th3f?? wm?d ha. a lot. of'pressure me: $33: mains a- dmision regarding this case wm??dy bapolitica?y acaeptabla. I assuradr-Scrgaant E?Iils- that I wcuid make the decis?gnl felt was mast appropriate, andinavigate any scrutiny Itemi?w'e?ifmmiit tha best way! Could. I I 832mm cias?e? the hearing Shy using the; ward and'wished lag-muldiak?e' it batik; Although. he. had not perscna?y apologized futile: scam: that night far using. the wardiheiint?mdcd to? apolggim to than}. :11} ma?a -a_?nal statementregarding?itm use: sf thaword?betmez; civilians mic! pa?iice of?cers, pointi'zzg oat {be fast mat ef?cgts are held to a. higher sta?dard when it comets in age. cf racially- offensixre lang?p'age. HUTEISG.aelsznowledged-the 11313 the; wartiwas a subconscious dscisicm because if if? werea mnscimgdecisiom:f'hat would be indicatix?ejef amaze serious issue. Theme is nosdouht used arguably the mos: hainausvracial $1211?. {21' ihe-Eng?Sh Iaiiguagg as tin cmnt'AmErioan socisiy, O'ffi'cer?Bame?e?s use of tars: sky is even more egregious censider?izgg ha was upset and physiCain an Af?ca?eAme?ga? wema'n .Wh?tl it-Wa-Siuftafed. ?It'sziggests the wor&. was demean anofhez: 0&3ch because 'Qf .th race. Of?ine? Bamatte Will have ti) {36:31 rami?cations. of-hi.s acticns for the of?ais (Jamar. Spaci?ca?y; his credEb?ity as a pciite..of?c?mnd as a-witness will aiwaya'be called ink: (magma, especia?y Afriqa??Americans. Eire-r3: time Gf?cerB-amette is subpoenaed if} court,_ the prescmitio? will have ta pro?tici? thekf'acts? cf-this incident to ?113 ?efen?sa. Of?cer Bame?ew?l be forced?fo Mealtime tizis. har?le time an? ?mg again. it; have his tes?iimozzy? ?eame?tl crediiale.. 'Fhe .?only mi?ga?ng faster in th?is-inoi?daat is that Ramada ?135 nave}; beam max-sad Q?f .msing 1361211 slurs or gating i113 dwagat?ry? manna? the past} If that were the case; I wculd recemmen? Officer Bainctt'e'be ?ew. the Chasin?nati' Palice Bapa?mcai. gs it?stan?snaw, Of?cer Bame?a is. a sixtaian-yEar-veieran 03136:: singia. gamma {if the Shit, Withoat-any Q?lerlpattem m? gmaiice of prejudice t9 pgizgt'. shauld not 'lead'tc ?em?natidn. .1 believe a secenci wfioia?an swam lead in immediate dismissal. 'The'disciplinazy matrix ca?tained' in the Manna} 0f Rules and Reguiation's and Piccass far ?the Gingiinnati Paine :D'epam-rzmt recammend's between a day f?r a ?rst vioiatim: Rule 1.23m}. The City a? Cimimia??s Administrative Regulation No. 25 ?s?nguishes 'bemeea wreaks a hawk-work .envimmnem with magi-ha: 3333022 3 work and conduct that does. not rim t3 3 hostile, War}; 333333133111: It 1'3 my belief after watching the BWC footage 112333 1233313 3331:}: ??vironrtient 1333 333mm ?than Of?cer 1113;333:1323 .3111; Everyarre 31120113331 the 3133' bet]: sworn and 331133, imanediat?y 333333 their actittities 31: the time. and 5333313. 3013157 30333171133 with 333 133313; 0153383313333 333 of the 311:3? Under thi3 situation; Regulation No; ?25 recommends 3 minimum 3f .3 fatty hour. 3331333303 33:51 3333313333 {if an; Administrative Regaiatidn No 2:3 33333 33333321 far '3 ?rst viala?en A3 3131331 113331333137, (Ef?cer Barnett-3 11333 the: 313?:- whiie: angry and 33331133ng to 13kt: an AimamAmarrcan ferriale i313 custody. The circumstances are 3gregious and deserve the highest penalty recommended by the 333113 F1 8333d on tht; by ?re Internal 1113333333333 Erection and the itifoztrratimr 1333333t3d 31 {1?13 13313313311333 Hearing, ?11333 :3 3 SUSTAMED ?nding for Speci?catitm I. .RECOMMENHATK (Ea! Aftm weighing the, infermatiozr 933333133 t3 me in; this matter and adhm?ng t0 the Police Department. 3 progressive. disciplinary matrix; Itewmmetrd P011133 Officer Dennis B3m3tte, 3333133 the following corracriva arctic-'33. A seven day day, fifty-six {56) hear SUSPENSIQN Administrative Regulation No. 25 Trairriag Session. 3'3 the i?glice Academy An intervention plat}. tansismrg 0fweeidy? reviews 3f Gf?ear Barnette? ?s BWC f?ctag'e far the next Welva (32} months by his :diract sap?msor t3 fair and impartial delivery 31? police 33333333. T3033- 33313333 will be documented weekly via ESL attics in foifcer Bar?ettg" ETS ?ler 273:3 .. . i; 33 3 ,juNQ? 1 if; I 2 THE PLEAS. {30mm (3355' Na. _?iaint__i_ff, Judge- .VS. 132:5:ng cm OF saw, at; al. Mamm .RESTR-AINING 0mm Alumna Defendants. pursuant ta Ohio Civil Rule 65.,requesiisihis Caurt?: t9 issue ?a mammary testraiuing ordar and/or a preliminary 'injurmt?ian that: 1. Imme?i?tely rainsmtess Df?ter' Dennis palice; powers With the Cincinnati Poliae' Department.- Thi?smetion is supported by theatzazzhed memerandum. Respectfuily' Sebmitt?ed, f5} Zachary? ?c?tesman Zaghaty?otte'sman (085 86?? 53 ?I?rial Hain?ff G?ttasmz-m Sz??sSOQiaize?S; LLC 3-6 East 73"Street, Saitql?Si). Ci?cin?ati,_ Ghi? 45 202 Rabat-I. Thurman}: Rb?bert {9074975}: Cretan LLC 48415 121? St] Semnd Flear tmcinna? OH 4-5-2 Ph. Fax: (5133-38 1-1700. gm Plaintiff; Dengis Bartlet-ta, requests a temporary resimmi?ng order ami/er a preliminary i?junciign arziering Defendants, City {sf Cincinnati,- Ohm, at gig "to r?insta?a- Bf?cez? Barnett'e?s palice-powers-With the?incinnati 9011?3Bg?a {Want in cohjuzxtti?z?i with this. martian, a Compiaintha?s been. ?led with the Court arid by ref??ence 'tzhe Compiaint and exhibits harem Regardiess, beiow is a brief? summary of the facas.? FACTS {)fficer is a vetei'an?aihd has been the Cincinnati Police. _Department far 15 years. On ?ecez?nbar 2-3, 21318., Office? Bamam? was conductingga directed patrelf?v at parking complain may Nigh?club. fight beMee?. a- female black, ayan?a Riiey,,and a mam-weak, Eert?i?k Ereeman. off?duty..of?cens who Wereon?e tail-for observed'the altercatiqn and ass'iste? in separatii?lg'Ms. Rib}: and Gf?cer?arnette appmagbed Ms, Riley in an effari: t0 calm her dawn as she and Mia Freeman were separaltad; imwever, Mia. Riley ashamed 31g: dis?rd?rljr b??havior. MmR?ey refzzsed' to. campy-wit}; Gf?cer jBatnet?e's ci?der?s to Cathy; dowm am} .3225 struck .Qf?cer ?Barnette in the face aShe. appm?achje? her. Barnatmgrasped? Ms. ie'ft?arm; pg?ed?her fetward arid ?rmed her against, the. lived Effie-er Barnette?then stated, ?Nigger slappe? me in? the face.? Friar te? am! throughput; Gf?w?r Bam?ttefs interac?an wit? Ms! Riiey, she. and others were using similar raciai siurs', 'p?tufanity,_ 3116. Other?coume language; Est-days 'fo?gwingthis iaciden?tr Of?cer Bax-"mite was 'striggped .Qf? his p?iicev'poWers within. the: Cincinnati 'Pelice ?epar?tmem T0 this date; ha despite- an athevw'ise Semitic record, ham {Er-ems cum'mezzdations, and rm. preview idis?piinaryhistory. Gf?cer'Bam?mhagaisenew 1' beat: musi?dered-a 'thmatsmpublic safety or unfit ferduty, pri?r to and inalading?th'? incident. Iii-Similar incident acmrr?ed on-Septembeltzs, 2918mm 3 differenmf?cen??oz?e Hill;- haugax'rer,athe initiai cutcom? was-much different. was :recor?ded ming.the-samle- -siu?r as ?Qf?ter gamma in. fren?tof civilians, all) eit in a different centex?.. {3 ffice'r Hill rleceiv?dy calf; a written reprimand-{er his use {3f coarse Iangaaga The reprimand. was apg'rmved an O'ctehe?f'ZB, 2818. Thevonlymaterial difference between Hill is their race. Of?cer Barnezte isawhite male, Qf?'zzer Hill is a ?ick mam. Following the suspensikgn af?fficer Bamatta?s zpc?im pbwez?s with the Ei?ncirma?ci Police ilepartm en t, the Cincinnati Shief nf?Foliee was admiisezi 9f," tar-at the waxy least reaiized, 12hr: an?amalaus situation his degarmaizt'had created by: treating two of?cer?s with identical .con?ugtigqmpi?teiy different based $01613? (mathei'r race. .Presumabfy, in an .affartlte equalize, simairion. am? prevent hatkiash; in lieu af'r?insz?ating Of?cgr- Bill was retroactive}? 'susg?ended despiw already'receivingra rlep?mand mant?gs tear-lie}: Chia?f Elia: isaac has ci?ejprive?' Qf?cer-Bamet?ta no: 01313: cf his palic?'pczWers, but also 9f his ramming, credibili?y, income and 313.13.13.91?; to his family, and maria Chief Isaachas a history "of .sasgendiag- Cincinnati 'P'oiice D'ep artineht personnel 'michecked and; as a cempl'etely disc-reciting}! disciplinary measure in an; arbitrary, capfitieus?, am} racfaiiy discrimizzamry mantis??e can this 'be?ausa the suspe?nsi r3213 are not within. the scope 9f .0.) the between FOP Lnd?gefNo, Egysui??tt t'o'peer review or the wish 'gri?Vance?peli?cy. in 'effmit, he has-63133351 Uf?itez? gamma irr'epaz?abie ham}. Hi. LEGAL ARGUMENT :sm?da'r? fer .issziiag" a temporary restraining girder. and/hr a pr?liminaz?y is asvfallowg: 1; Whethei? the 9am! seeking the injunction has a sub?antial success (in the merits; 2} Whether the iniunction'will sui?f?r?irreparable? harm absent the injunction;- 3} Wha?mr the issuance ?3f 3 preiiminary initmc't'ieh wquld. causeS?ub?stantiai'harm ti} third parties; and Whamer friie public interest wogld 171$ saved h?yis?ming the irijunctior?a? A. Piaiatiffhas a Substantial Likelih?od of Suggessm; the Merits; Chief Isaac abused ?is.-discretion to suspend .gffiicers. based pureiy an face. Nd ether Fests exist. t0 justify the suspension cf .0Ffic'er B'a?metgt'e' 3363. Subsequent retmactive suspensibn of Officer am; This ?is blatant emplp'yment discriminatien pur?saiant t3 KC. in the. Lava! Hearing summary? provided Chief isaac tesgarding Of?cer-B?ame??aa-?s commit, anly'a's Mayday $11313 arisi'en Wag sugg?stad.- {See attached;} This. W33 based on the {mammary matrix; Qf?zier Barnette?s =con?inued sumwsivn is? i Cynizerggis (36:39; Iaakr?ra?, i?g-Ohia 31?}de 665, 666:, (thQAgvp. 2 Dist 32806) {?ffigzg Pmmrar'c? Gambia Ca. v, Smneham, 149 {311% App-?31221268, 26'? {the 1 Bis; 2868:} Ltn'xEszar;r'antedi an, abuse 91? Chief Isaac?s uncans?m?oma}, and distrimiziaiofy. Therefare, Plaintiff has likelihood .Qf-s'uizcess an the merits.- B, Qiaigtiff. is Threatened With irreparable 1:15sz. Bf?g?er Samara-has suffered and will-?cnntimze mm?er irr?apa fable harm if injurm?ve i'elief'is migrantadjto reinstate his, p?iice pawers. "i?hmugh His continued s?spe?sibn, .Qf?cei? Samara-is to werk Giff?dug! .dat'aiis? and paid court-time which 113$. a substantial impact an hat iny Officer Bam?ette, but aimhis family, $3th is reliant upon the i?m?m-pmmded from the?sad?taik to pay their 1331.15; each. moat-h. fishes-experienced gloss of??stature and 'profess?onal 'stan?ing in what: has been an gathemrise exempiafry 16-year care?r Wifh tih?az Cincinnati! {5.51169 Depagttment. Dgfandanmhave created an 132253173 wb?c'and living situation far Of?cer Barnattg by-mn?sca?img his; weapdn despite 3cm: fact he hastd fate, trident crim?i?nais. as '3 witness in .ceuri; Thenefare; witimut injunctiVe' relief; Of?Cer Bamette suffer immediate and? ir?repai?abie injury; Not i?ipese=Undue Kardship an Third Farti?s?nd Win Serve 'i?he Public, Interest. N9 ?xiyd?arty?s-intgresi: Will be harme? by the. injunctive reiie?fs?ag?t. '[I?h??reiief?w?l preventfurthariharm ?01.21 wiferan and 1 Svyear of?ng: with the Cintzinnati'?oli'ce Deya?z?tmenti. 'i?he, Smite (3f Gliio and {his Coart??annoi: cm?ina?'to alien! abuse Witihin the palice department-mix]: 16:14:18 ta arbitrary-anddiScriminatary e?mplayment pracficas. The i?junctiv'e ralief sw?ght (2111}; prev?hts fair-the? harm 3:0 ?f?cer?Bamef??g, but _sewes.;tize pubEig'ihterest to prevent Such abherfentbehaviar in thefuture; w. For the reasons resp?ezi't??ijz?ciuests that the-Courtan?ter an iigunc?ion requiring Safe?ndants ta reinstatai?f??cer'Beimette'to the Cincinnati?ql?ice Depart?mht Respectfu?y aubmit?mri, Is} 'Zachaw Gntxesman. -'Zach3r3ri Gntt'es?man Tfi a1. Attorney for the Plaintiff Gottesman 85: A336 ciates, LLC 36?East' 7m Street'S?it?a 15333 .Cincimati} Ghie 45 282 752? Rabe'?: Thumann Rab art}, [0 (374.9 7-5) Crehan? a?hama?am Lil: 4'94: 1?21?" Si: Semn'd Mam? '?ii?cinrzati OH 45202 1m: Fax: {5131-3814300 Thumanmf?C?awezincizmatimm