IN THE?cam? 0F ?0341?va HAMILTON EGUNTY, {33:0 Dante Hi? cjo Zhehafy-Go?ttasman, Esq. GotteSma? ?gmociat?s, LLC "36-13393: Suite 1650 Cindi-math {31130 4.5262 Plail?itif? vs. City of?incinha?, Ohio Street__ .Cincinziatii Shin and Rim: 13am: {Inhiivi?dua?y and in his 'Df?eiai Capacity ax (Ship? of Pblice} 8911311113: Street Cincinnati}, Ghio 45202-5785? and .Patritik. ?uhaney {Indivi dually an?d?itz-?his Qf?itiai Capacity 33 City Ma?ager) 801? 9113111 Stmet "Cincinnati, Chic: 4528295705, - Defendants. Case Na. Ava ??33 Amtm mama) can/19mm? ma mimcmm 3mm: may HEREQN Plaintif?; tare ugh far his {3513;113:313 int Baf?n dan?ts- states Parti?s- 1. ?iaintiff, Errata?ill, ?is ant} has: hearing ?inginnati Felicia (3mm: since 20%, 2. Defendant,_ City oijih (32311261173, i822; i??niaigzaiity {3 {gani?ized 112363 er the laws o?fithe? Sicatgt Gf?hio, 3? Defendant, Patri?kmahaney, is the?it}? hiaizager?for the City of Cincinnatiahd this suit is again? him in hES?individual and cffiti'al. capacity. Def?ndant, Elie: 3332112; is the. of the {Zinc-imam Pai?ce Department {hereina?zer CPD) ?rm ?his suit is bmught against him in his in?ividual and af?cia] .capazzity. Facts- ?31126 Gf-?cer??iil and Officer Bran?en ?ontris were dispatcimd?m a atesi'd Earl-Ce an Mannie Where We men weref?ghfing- and refused leave asiied 'Latisha. jel'msan; th?gapartment E?iv?ejmimztes after the arrival cf Gf?cer- {-1111 ah?i?f?'cer C9ntri?s,_ the twat} men engaged in a physical fight wtsidg O'f?the apartment and wi?zi?n close pmximit'y (if the'twa officers. Throughaut: the Iinteragtion; ?foicer' Hill? ?directfed an excessive num?er of unnecessary; grefanexsamments?? at the twe 'man' and Ms. This includeda d?i?vagive use .afthe ward. ?.niggef?i ?ESee Attached. ?Degarment?Lev?i Head 8. @thng this ih'bidenti Gf?'ser Hill. received dis?i?line' and counseling. fr?m three sup??rvist?s? in additien 20? a w?ritte?- reprimand-hut pdlice powers ware su'gp?hded. 9. in December "2018, 3? similar- ?iacident ngcusited Den?riis ?amette .nf the Cincinnati Pe?i?ce- [?g-payment. if}. 61; .23.. {136. 2618', Of?cer Bar?e?t?te was emanating: a diriet?ed palm)? for: ?a parking :complaiat near Brownstown 11. During the patm?h ?f?ter Barnette observed a? physical fight beaver-:12 a famaie black?yan?a Riley; and a male 13321639. Berrick Freeman. ?d?itional eff-duty OffiCeYs we were on. dgt?ailifer Brawnstane absez?ved-tha-a?itercation and ??ssist?e'ci in separati?ngl Riley and Mrg.-Freeman, 12.- ?Officer? Barnetm-iappmached M?s; Riley @1th dawn ?as she and. Mr. Freeman; ware Separafetii Ms; R11 ey?tontimied he? disaztderiy 2-3. Ms; Riley refused mmpiy with Of?cer 33 mate?s mderrs ta calm dawn and she struck'Of?cer Barnette in the face as he approached her. 14;. ?fter "being struck, G?icger Bar-nette graspea Ms. Riigey?s Leftvarm, pullgd her fomard and-braced hand efaiv?hicle. Gf?cep?amette?he? gtated, "Niggei' slapped?me i'mhe fam.? 15. Priorto aridthroughput?Of?aer'Bam?tm?s irate-radian witth? Rils'?y, she ?31363 athers'were using simiiar racial slurs, .prdfanify, and other course 1321:} gm: ge. '16; "Withii; days fallowingihis inti?gtit. Gf?ae? Barnetm Wag-stripped {if his poi-ice gamers; 17.. The .0111}; material differe'n?e between ?f?c?r Ba'rnett?e? cer-Hi?js- their ram Of?cer B?az?nett?e is? a. white male, is a black male. 18. After pence powers were suspended, the Chief was either advi?se?-of or?reaiiz?ed an his own the anomaioas .simation?he, hadcreated by treating two af?cers- templateiy-diff?ren?y based $919.13! {>13 identical canduct. 19. Presumabiy,_in an eff?rz ta equalize?the and 132%? exit backiash, ef?ng: 381} was: retroactiveiy charg?d with a Viela?on 91? Elite 123" (2., Qf'the? Gimin?nati Petite; Depaft?ment?s Manual 9f Ruies arid Regulatioa?s and Disciplinary :Ft?cces?; and of the .(Zity Qf'Cincinnati?s Administrative Ragula?an Na 25,, .Nfon?Bisc?minatisn and ?I?Sexuai Harassment. lZiL. Instead {3f reinstating Gf?icer Barnette?s p?iice pawers, the ?hief suspen?ad ?f?cer police pears-vars although his discipline had. lage'n ravi?wed, approved, and 21. O'ffiger Bill was net. Only ?ep'r-ived' 3f his po?lice powers, but 3156 of his :eputatiqn, .creziibiliiy, incq and suppc'rt? t6 his. family,_rand mar-e. ?The vsuspiensitm of Q'f?cer Hill?s pdl?ice and con?scation of'hisduty weaponand hadga renders Officer Hill inei?igihie ta'werk off-duty dew?15133.- he 'had {niche past; ra?utes? his Court-time becw?e he ES-ma logger makinglarre?sts,? mamas suiasmritial 11355 of stature and [maths a seriaus safety hazarsdfor him became he is-unat?med' 3216. 1185-216 defense against Vialen: criminals-balms arrESte-d and ?is reclaims! by tide-city to- as 'a-witness; in {tear-t; The loss af?his 'fo?duty details has and will centinuem cause Qf?c?er Hi}! to lose substanti?ai income upon whichfhe-and his family rely for their eco?nomic- Weill-being, and Mthau't Whigzh. ?G'f?c?r Hill Wili suffer i?rrepambie' harm- inciuciing, withaut limita?an, hass? af hisfhome because 01? his inability it; 13331 debt?, and saibfst?antia} damage ta} hisgredit history and rating by causing him ts) default on ??armial obligations; 24.; ?the 1055 9f paid mum-time fhas ?iz?ec?y? "caused-mm. wiil .gcontizme ta cause Of?cer Hi1: ta 105a substantial: income upon which he and his fam?y relay for their econamic wail-being, :3 nd without which win suffer irreparable harm indudigguwitheug limitatinn; 103$ {Sf'his'heme because elf-his i?ability to pay his and. eihg?r debtgand substantiai ?amage'to his and rating by'causing him to ??nanaiai ahiigatjons. 25.; The 3P olice Chief, Eliotisaac; has'h'isto'?ca?y vised sugpehsian pe?rsennei- poiice paw?e?m as: an t1?t?mcked ant! measure in an arbitrary, ga?r'zciau's, and ratialiy discz'iminatamr mannet._ The Chi??f (was this. because using suspension of poiice powers-as. discip?m faiis outside. of the callective? bargaining: a'gmement betweea Ladge No.69 and'igmt $1 $33th tamer reviewer the unitm grievancejpm cessa- 27. "The saspensi?en? Officer Hill?spolice payers is sin adxi'erse empioymem. action. that. vioia?te?s ?f?cer rights and violates. Chap. 4112.91? the Ghio Revised Sade; 28. T?hes'ac?cs ram! omissi_oas=that f?rm. ihe basis {if this Cabal-31mm were dame with the-exprass appmmi :ofjba?fendazzti Patrickmi?aney, as?ity M?anagez?. ?aunt: Emplaym?entrDisarimi?a?tihn 29. Plaintiff incorporates: the r?featenceas if?fu?y restagte? herein. 31L Putsuanit tr.) RE. $112.82, it is an unlawful ciiscrin?iinataw garactice t? dis?crir?inate agaizzst Of?cer Hill}: with respeat to? the termg, canditions, 9r privileges at ek?rxpio?ymeng ot'any?matter directly or-indir-ectly-mlatet} ti; emgzl'pym eat; 13.35351. on rang? 31,- Defandants haw gngagedgin an uleawfnl discriminat?ry practice in violation om. 4112.92 m. 32. ?553 adirect and prsgiximateresuitsf Defend-312m vi?dlatien Of?cer Hill has sustaihgd general," spe?ciaL; anti .econ'om'izf damages inciud'ing, withow; imitation, lest i?come?, lass ta his reputatien; a?ii-emo?cmi p?a?i?n and?sufiering. As?a? air-eat: and-pra?imate resuit af??efe?dants? vieiatian. of RC, Gf?cerf?ili issu?fferirzg? further hm?r?bl?'barm ?nancial min; 3.055;: cf his-Emma; anti negative impact: ahhislcredit rating; 3.4. Plaintiff'i?s? entitled to amaggs arid 35. Plaintiff {Margaretta-me preceding ailegati'dns by refe {fey} herein. 36. .Dafendants have: violated Plaintiff?s {Imnstituti?na'l Rights. under the Snurteezs th Amendment by ?epriving him ?this preheated groperty intarests in an arb'itrary? capricious; 'ualawiui, and racially disgriminatary manna? wi?wut Due. i?rocess 0f law, bqth' substanzjw an? 'pmcedurai,~and are liabie ta .Plaintiff pumuant? 42' ?1983 fer damag?as and subject the thejequitabie efthis Court. Plaintiff demazxds judgment against Bef?n?dapt's for general; special; and punitive .dgimzige?s {maxi ?x?c?ess. 6f $25,096??s prawn ?at {rial} immediate and pef'ma?ent aquita?ie r'eiie'? his casts harem ?Expanded. reasonable atmfziay?s fees,..and such ?ot'l?zer relief- as-Ihi? deems just; Resgect'fu?y sabmitige d, Is! Zachary'?ottesman Za?nhary Gottesman {9058675} Trial, Aztomey for the. ?Iai1?tif? Gstf?'smah Assn ciate's, LLC ?36 East?? Stije'gt, Suite ESSO 'Cincinnai?i, {31120 452.62- ?abm?t f. .szuman n. Qrehan?a??uma?n, LLC 404-8 3329? St I SEcan? Flam 4-5232 Pk. -: [5 13] 831-5030 Fax: (5 Thumann@c?awrii?cin Ra?-x3911: Almarrzayfor Rfaf?h?? 1:113! Demami Plaintiff her??y d?mands t?ai By fury an all issues so friable. Resp?ct?zlly? sizbim? tteda ls! Zai?h??f Gattesmaiz Zachary Gettes'man {(3858675) Triai Attorney?fozf Plaintiff Praacipe- $9 the, CLERK: Please serve this anzplaini an?' a Summam 1113,01; the Dgfendants by cerzi?'e? UgsfMail at the iiste? hi the Respectfully "submitted; 15/ zae?aw Gait-taxman- 2225113 Getiesman {(30 55.8 .675) Trial Attemay?for Piaintiff interdegiadm'anw Conmpond?nce 811002 .2. 330.20:- Aprif 8-, 2019' To: {3010001 51202 13.000, 9012.00 Chiaf F2011): {30132002. Dauglas Wiasma?, {2.0011301 8000:2033. Seetigg [3091023 20: S??j?cr: 2300022211002 Level Hearing Summary. 1?03200 ?211,128 C350 81w8154 min-aim.? 011 March 22, 2019, 02 3302} 12002.3 1 000211101302! 0 20001203230002 Hearing 2'22 310 82022221 Charles Drive, for [0.202001 Invasti'gati000 8001501130030 #18 1-54 Th0 P013200 90132121112002 placed a' charge 0f ?33012120 of {Road Behavior? against P0500. Officer D0020 Hill, ?District 110.00. Officer H222 :00; charge? with. '0 violation 0f-.R2110 .1. 23 01? .2110 Cincizznati Police-300022020221; 3 Manual 0f R0203 and Regulatinns and Dzsuiplmar} 13200033, an? 2 003234200 of the City 0f Cincima? Admizxistmtive Regulatinn No 2'5 'N'on-Discri-minati0n and 3.0222101 210203501001. REPRESENTATION The: F0ilowi'n'g individuals were 017030212 02 the {3013022020122 Hearing; Captain Deugias'M. Wiesma-za, Department Hearing Of?car Felice: S'0rg000?2 $200.00 Fox, Police Officw 002200200 1:000, Hearing Recordm Police Officer 130.020.. 2211],. {32322202 $121200 {3011'00 802300211; D00 Hils, POP 29200i0002 32002220202200 1; On September 26, 22318 .at 00.132022202222023? 3146 110,023 Ms Latis?ha 30110500 0021022 po?ige 19000000 M: 24.020010 0123/2022 and Mr. 3320022 Amison W020 aging in her 200260.000. at 389? 22110220023 Avengi: #16 and 2023302220 1022220 027133-002 D02120Hill and Office? Bran?on (3002223 022200.22 at 0.933203211232013: (315411301123 and W020 20-02 in 0100*. of the 033022100212 building by J0hnsen 3 32222000 year 01d 3217200310, 30110300 Mr. Clay-2012,0210 M?r Ami3mcn Ms. 301311.300 wanted M2. Amiszm to 203V0 A2 03302032200201)? 2115.9 h0.,urs M2. {3103:2022 002200112022 M2. Amiscn 0002110}! Engaged 10 a physical ?ghzi 221 01030 132032023225! 20 Qif'mr? (3.0112233 and foicer Offi00r 00122220 and Officer Hill 02.205200 Mr, Clayton {0220 Mr Amidsozz 2012110232 f0r2h?0r 500221002. Throughout 1110 111-.10110011011 Officer HiIl dimmed an. 0x00031170 11111131101 05111111000310137, 131013110 0011111101113 at M1. {11113110111 At apgroxima?rely (IZGI .110015,-Off1001 remarked to stupiw? I 1011:} you 10 wa?c T1101 wad-0111001001101 gm 315011 0.111 13011: acting stupid! At 0113310010101013 9284 hours, Ciayt0n asked @fficc: H.111, 33011 11311111 10 get Of?c0'r Hill 11003301111400 "1301100 I 111 3313-5061-1110 0171111111. 5 why A000rdivng to 1110 Cincinnaii Police Pam! Guide, Stan?ing .is, 115:0 0:1" pmfanc Ian-gagga {0.1111} may be 0011110110131 1.11 1110 (10.100116; stage. Verba'I summing-011011111 11.01 express any 311130121100 concerning 30.00, 1101101101 011131-11, lift: siyle 01 similar 1101501101 01101001011011031 I?mfane language: 3110111121 003011130 11' physical 2110.1 01111 110.1 1101700111111): 1111;001:1110 51103001 T110011011 p?r0fan0'11111g110g0 110:0 1101- 11301.1? during 1110 ?11011111110 0'10g0?? 0171110 001100 011120;: 0011-1001 0x13105000 11101111 0103011100,. 0110 1111111101 d0001?ib0 11 51313701001001. Th0 0.11011 13101711110 100g110g0 did 001' 111001 2111}: 0111011011. 01? 1011101 s1u11ni-ng. T110 W016 1101111011110 11101111,,0110100003 111.0111} 131011113100. Office: Hill 5 210110110 010 111 vi0lati0n 01? R1110. I ?23-0 01? 1110 M00001 of R0100 111111 R0g11Iati0n-s' 01111 Disciplmary P100030 fer the Cinc'i'zmau' 130.1100. Department, which 3111103: 1_ 23C Members 0] 1.301120111110111 Shad? not 1113210111 110131113}; 0?.10 1111111113 01131 01011211100 0r efferzsi?ve 1301111110112?: 0011001311111; race. 2101101101 011,010, life'- style ga?der, 01' 31:11:10.? 39011501131! 01101001121 151103. Of?cer RITE-32110110110010: 10' 1310100011. :0'f'1hze C'i-ty- 1:11" (351101.11 1101.1 30111111101110.1211: Regal-011011 N20. 25-, 01113 1303111701 11010531110111, W?'ich state's, 3.11- 3:111:11: D0-fini?0n 0f '1310011111131010131 Hangs-111.0111 11111110111111.1931? 11010001110111 111111 will vi01010 111111.; 0011032 0.110, 111031 121010101110 10W 1110111110: 9210'! or 11101111211 00113112111110.01150113 12101 0011111111 03301131110 1701110 051111113, 31-03121, 3.11111. negativa' siereafyp'z?ivz'g or 11110110131111011111121 00111111131211 0113101100 1.11101 0.10 51151113101111! 0'1: 1011-3013012 0: 111111111130013 0031101sz 3311-301? 01'? age grands}; 00111611 01'1'011'15011'011, ge?der 0x00001100 01111 1610111113, 01.111311125110111; 1111011111131, religion 1110200101" 1101011011 11111115: 1111332013: 31010.1, 3011,0110 3.21.1101}; 01? 0101113. Empioyeer?i?en-Empiogw Discriminam?g' 3010051110111; An 011-11111? 011133203220'110'10 511-0} 01:15 0: ??nwemplay'?e (1211121270? 00213113111111?, 51120.1 represem?afzve {emparary 0015231932012 010). {19 Aiscximz?aarory 1?11 15130 11011113332100 Su?jezrr 10111000101100. MITIGATION FOR I -:Serg?eam Dam Hiis and Officer ?Domaf?i? wag-Lied diarify'the- ani?ua} ward Off-fear ?H?ili ??er?al'izsci during this ing?idmt. All of-ih? contained in 113=s heating backle?t stated Officer Hi?ll.stat?d during-his with {-113 (if this incident Offic?'r Hill W?mea :1 mom: he used a derivative of {his Care word; end-ed Wiih a. ?was". S'eco?ndiy, Sargeah?t argued Office: Hi1} has already received disc?i?piinle and cimnseliag?ky District Three 1113? use of this specific ward vi? .2hc'Farm 1?7 {?authore?. by Sgt. 'P'ut?ick October 11, 2033-}, writt?n reprima?? (Served and. dated Oat-ghar'QQ, 2019?), will: camyani?qn ESL 9;:th gm Gem-her: 2'9, 26% 39? 512433.? of ?213 ail-,3. hearing backfaf: Thamf?azes arg??nt??ils and Offimr Dame Hill be?l?bve re??opeainzg this sage-hy- {-he Chi-ef?dhie assigned to: 113 f0: investigating}; De?wmber 28'. 23.18), the subsequenz HS in-v??wiiwz; 'a'nki charging in? Of?cef Hill with a violation 0f 1.238- fifty Admin?is?rative Rag?l?ation 325 is a._cleaz ?2191;51:3- jeopardy? Sim-mien. Tile-y camera} Officer Hill?sase? <31" the?mm was ahead}! investigmd, document?. and" adjudicatad by wri'?gm mptimandz?BSI; an 261.8; ANALYSIS. This; hearing affiaer Wama it in the qiaaresi (31? {?rms ?with emghasis? {he 11-33:: 2131? mg: care ward {31: any deriVafiv'? thereof mush- as at any other d?ari-x?aiive i?mmc?diatciy.rewg?izs?ci anti undated- ;0 the criigiam'i ward 13 ACCEFTABLE 6E $6.343 THE (30513830157 (IFFICIAL AS A CINCINNATI GR CIVIIZIAN ?Their? refer-s to every sworn or vivilian Departmem mam?) 61f ragan?ess 13f race: or ethaigi-ty. On October 1.1, 2.018, Say-gem}; Luke I?umick, ?istrim? Three, authoreda Form 37, Reg-nest fer Gf?ciaiRep?ma-nd Poii?a?if?cer Dame'Hili? the attached Form 56- S. The fohns {3156 an ?effic?ji'al fag-ages? to serva written reprimand on O'??car Dan-{e- Ei?l} for a Swami Rule 11,5518] 93f 2:116 Manna! o'f?RuIcs aa'? iR?guia?ahs-a?hd Process ?02" the? Cin?iana?, Department. The farms use several axampIes eff sewage, vi?e?ien?t, justify the ruls'vioia??on; fan's-of the: vesstamples chad forms is, ?mfhat go: ant?hare get you acting ?stupid The farms ware muted fhz'ng-h the: ckai?n 0f reviewed, and gag-{912352 by ((31:18 biz? i232: Lie-121321321?Oblonel {Assistant 3.391%38 Chief}, ?zm? the Poiiw Chief (Q?tmber?Z-S; 2-913), Tins: fininm Were retained EC: ?Iliist'i?ict ?fhrec f0 serve the Form 6&8: written myimmd, 0'11 Oiffixxar {Jeni-e; Hill. 011 Qcmber 29-, 20158-4. Ding-m Hill was. served me 13mm 66-?8; N'c'xzi'ca of ?ffieial?-apfimand and issued an cimmnezzting this action, (in; Deaember? 28? 2918? Chief W'mte 611.1112 ii?oz'tm ?To. ?18 fuli .inveszigai?oa, 8K1, 12/232?13?. Ergbmafy the thewcomg?afe? IES an? susiained a vioia?tion 0f Rulas 1.1368. for the use 6f {ma-cc 65:33:33 prefang l'a?ngua?g? and .3 far 1.23 fiat suiting, ?if-hat g-O?dama 211661161 gm 3:622. out 136333 3313333 stupid?; 53-33; 333;; 333mm: 231;)! newinf?rma?pn that was Ii?f a :63 i-m?egtigaied, disgovamd, 3216 documented i2: Sex-gem: Luke 1332;133:123: 3 and F6222: 66 S.- IIS 13212223531 gamer; 616' 63132331 ish?d? 2211222235223- v13 recerdea phone 52312222263213 2233213. were 0336226126 by Offiwr Hill?s. use pmf?nc language and {he word demgamry' racial term. The City and {31333313136313 erred 1332-1301 Grigina?y charging .Offiaez' 1302326 H331 With the '32263362 22361333011 o'f ?13122 1. 23 Internai Inve?s?gatim} 866132211) {3226 2231 disc?over. an}? new infmma?nn 3130321 this incident that was 320.2 3125223231)? discavered and dqcumemed. :11 3623533123- Luke lefzzick?3 angina} investigafzox and 33mm 631226 06166223 11,2618. When make procedural 02 tam-3m! mistakcsfarrors, the Bayartmem inveStigmes, 3002123132113, and E20163 them accu'mztabl?e to the 33232322332334: 3 323232 and mgu'iati?ns Likewisg, 231263233122 23333 <22" 132311223 a mistake 1236312013113 ackaow?edga it 332,6..123310 02135223235 accountable. FINDINGS B22336 on {he investigation of the Intarnai 12322230 33322022 Sectien, {122; 66c333n<2ntatiop and. iatervi??rs {2612222321323 322 the. meeting, bookiet, 232352222! 33-1? the SW 13213263333021 3212232232266 :32- 2126 Eeparmzem Hearing 21322222 3322 . . . . . fmdm?g f0: S'pemficaima i- 021 03263262 29 2.018 the City and Department 33332336363126 adjudicated Officer Dante 5 2236 <31? 2163: work} ?Mo? _w und?r violatien Rule 3 {1.6 B3 of the Manual {31" 3122133 and Regu3a