81? caumv 53%;me WHCE 4815 Laws SPEEDWAY ST AmUSTiua FL ARREST REPORT Egg}? 3312 3' ?rm Agency {laseIO?enae Mummy QCA Agency SETS ?amber 33%: 3m?c?r?? umber 011m Ngmm! i W13 03:94 AM ?7,qu ?g @933 313%? 3* Smiy Awaregs 5T. 7'35 CYPRE33 TR FL 32995 arm of chmce Date/Tame Lai??ude ng?ade wasmma 82:33 AM to 94%;qu 02:33 AM i ?rst ?ame th??m Name Ema? Mama Suffix {33:6 a? 86:13} 5: Race Sax He?gm Wa?sgh! Hair SYEPREIQ 675?3351985 5% 5% I 5553mm Mama #:2de Number mam 9f Bw?s Rama SSW avers Licensg Wm 8mm HESS Type 5 i 92. Ad?msg City 323% Km {33% ?hene ?149?! EGRTH L609 PARKWAY f3? AUGUSYEME ST 32685 CHARGES 9 {lmm?s {:hargg Number Charge ?384.93.231 EANERY 9&3ng Eng? have: ease Code 0 . 89nd Amoami HR 1? smaae gm?) magma PaswmpAL {3 ?mm I mum (m 51mm 3 FRQBAELE he andezs?gned certi?es and swears ?hat there ?s pmba?ie cause to bei?eve the abave-aamed defen?ani, was was positively idemi?e? by 1% Fierida {River?s $068136, cm we of Ap?i, 2939; at apgmximaieiy 4M {x3 AM {3 PM. a: 1491 Nam?; map Parkway w?thm Si. ?ohrss County, vimaw? me 33w am? 530 that: red thaw: ?8.53 53%me Emery {Qamest?c Vie?ence? E?he da?m?ant {Rd actua?y am inteniicna?y 2000?; 0r 3:3;ka the v?c?m agaiast the wi? the victim or ??sci inmmim?iy mum $66in ham victim. T?e visz?m 327% defra?dant mm pmv?msiy marrie? for awmximateiy yearsi and tcgei?er fur a 201$ a? 25 years. We defame at and the victim ?ave was ch?ksrea in and are curren?y in an intima?e and aiming re?a??onshiga. The Maxim sfaied she was at her msidenae, which she is sailing at 761 Sypress Cmssing 37303, w?an The ?efendam came me: after drinking at the bags in dam?own St. A?gas?na Tim victim mated the ?e?endant was angry because she wauid Got pick am up ?mm the one 91? the bars. The victim stated aha defen?ani was aisa angry over a?egaticns o? the v?m?m cheating on 336 defeadant and a vegbai argizmen? ensued. ?fhe vim?m atatad the vemai argmment when ?m {i?fendant became physicai wizh her vic?m @3913 the ?aciden: was a 5km b0? the {?efendam $136 We victim on the bed} was on tag; of bar wig"; Ms knee messing dawn on he: ie? ?rearm. E'he vicg?m siate? her bag was in her face whe? the defeadam piacaed we ham: on he: mnuth and nose causing he: :0 have some trauma breathing? "ma via?m is ansum of hand was used due {o my hair in he: fame {ans} {mama is see c?ear?y. 1mm be 303843! {he vs'ctim never ?es: mnscieusaess. The victim szated ?he Gasman? had his band on the 36?: si?e he: ?ace kaming her dawn, "(he yic?m staiac? the defendanf g?siqe? tip a Iamp and was stam?ng max: to 319 bed, and was shaking aha iamp? ?we vic?im betieved ?ha defen?an: was going {a hm. The v?ctim not wish 5:0 campieie an audio stateme?: of the incident 0 is to be noie?j :he victim was Shawn apt swing, arm: agpeare? {a :wri?ed. A bruise wag abserved an vic?ms ze? aye, aimg w?h a iawratim under irzer {swear iip. Rm} marks were obmme? en the viciim*s neck, $3tmtograp?s were {$3933 of me victim?s injaries? ?we v?ci?m did :20: we n? {o mae?ve medicat attemion Wh?? asked. The victim answered ?my? ?3 2&9 first two qazesticns a? ihe Bemes?c Vimenme E'kreat Level A$sessmem Game, The victim wa$ hesitant its answer the ?35! magma regardi?g ?f she be?eve? the defendan: is cagab?e of k?i?rzg her! The victim these to mt answer me Ques?m. Came? waS made with the defen?ani a? 1493 North 1.09;} Pa?way. The defendant was read We Constizuticnai Righis from an agemy card. Yhe ?efendargf: waived his rigms an? agreed to answer ques?ons. km? dist; not want it; pmvide an auc?o tecordmg, The ?efendan: sta?ec? he wen? $0152 bars in dawniown St Augmt?ne and drank, {mi fixer: $3363? sataied he did 30% think, Yhe defendant stated 58 asked the. mafia: is}: a ride back to his mgi?eme, bet she refased. We ?efendant stated he teak 32': ?ber ts: he? Enema where a verbaf aitercation ensuwm me defendant $3326 never became p?ysice? with hen bu: size began :hmwiag things around the hosse? Tirze defendarst staged he am: his ham? war he: mam}: 2a maven: her screaming The ?efem?am 031w again denied a ghysicai a?erwt?on accurred, A smai? cm was cbsewed cm the tag: of tha {iefendaat?s $813 ham: When asked where the cm came imm, the {Sefi?mdam? stated he was mama. ?hatographs a? ?ve: defandani?g injuries were taksm {Sitat?on No. ?amessic Viaience: pmba?on: {2 Yes Na yea L?ca?csn: 36mg! ?>Pea?atc>t {3 Yes N0 Engiis?: {X?Yea i} No Qeaf?mute: {3 YES 9&0 Anamm?ni?s, Statemems: Tm?i?c Citaiicms: [3 {3&1 Qames?c Vieience Threai Lew; ?ssessmeni REPORT Page ?3 a? 2 Filed for record 04/08/2019 03:19 PM Clerk of Court St. Johns County, FL MZTW WV {Zam??anmm Wi?wg??cy 133% ?3}:wa ymgg?m; 3mm Rm {mm . 52% 36mm msmaawwmz 1 Has gamirafm ever was?! a mama againsz yet: 0? thmawm? yea: w?h a weagmn?? Yes :3 No 2? game?raim thraatam? a} k??i gag war ch??ma?? Yes {i 1% 36 Elisa wag ??ak mmimmr is saga-we a? kiil?ng yea? Yas 13 Na ?amed {33 4, ?ecimaic Mon??m?ng is muesia? if (ma 9r mare are ?mw yes. Yas Na [3 2.mum MPEARAECE {3m {3m WW Cami {Ema Time GERRY 313% Gram Wm ?mm LENS SPEEDWAY, ST FLOWDA 32034 ?wmms Magi 93m 2 "f?ma Ragidancy mjured 8mm: of Emmy gigs? mm (1:43:34 as: Win iurisdic?en Mane MA Ayms??s Mm: \iw?sai?amn 93 8am. . . .. ..?Wmi??sdk?w. . . gm? . ARREST szy 635 . .. . . $31. Wigwam #65333??mas? T0 33;; I mm imaiim Wm 3.955 . .. . . . .. ARRESYWG MW NW {j??ce?r Name 5} mg. 3839 BROWN, EEWMM aummw am swam a; {or Wm me am at: {133 m? 5 A31mwaizy mm me a: hm ?m?uew as idemi?ca?a?, Mm, 5 WM 3 Pub?a Camm?ssim No: wig {immissim Exam: S??z?amm wsmmamzzam Wage 2 a? 2 LAW i it.? i .1111 1?11.) 1 11* 1.11111 yum 11.11.1111 g1? (AWACQ TO 12" 11:11 111m 1 . 113121311? 11- .2- mm MW 111611111 1:1111121- {3 .1 1215.211: 1 3111111112 SECOND LEVEL (3131111113? 1""511. 1? $111 1 11111111351 1 1 1% {561111 {111 - 1111 11111111131 ii?" 131? 11- .1: 1:123:11 111m :1 1:11"? ?1 @6211 1: 1:1 1:1 Swag? 111??111~1 $1.11. 311:?- 1 1; 11 $111.12 35;? 1311111113111 11 1311512110113 11 11:31.1. 1211111115 11 @135?? .g 11; 53112 1 ?15.11. mw? 11' 21:16 $11? ?1,1311 1 111.1112. .11.. 11. if magma .11. 5.11.1?1 1 311:} - - 13? 3111:1111: ?111 {1&111311E?j 111511113111; (291111131 mg 11211511135: Tim: 11mwm 1301411113? 111212111. 1121112 .1. 11112111131213 (30211111171 11mg RELEASE: amawm ad 1111133 1113me (3011115? 11111311. 111-1111311135: 311113 T111152 30131333311131? 1111111135 {31 1125113111111 gamma 31111:}: mm 111111.522 WW-.. mm 1:11: 11ng 863$me 3111?? 1 ?1?11?:sz 11110111111011 FOR RELEASE 1?11 123011.111 OR 1313192111131) {3111111131 1211115011 1. ?cammgwiaLW "1 3 $1151= . ON 111/ 1 1 1. ?1 11:? 1?5? 1 11:" 31 ?1 1 E??igi?ixggz} 11 C6191 {111? 112131111; {11.111113 {13322:} (Print Wain": 23 Name} 1331 $111. 1.1 11$ 111' 11 "1 1 3x11111211?21 111$; mmgm?s 11111113311331) A 1111111113113. 1113 (30111116? 311131211. Be: Name 11121111 12? 1 VW REVESEQ .1 8331331131 ADBITIGNKL VICTM CGNTACT MOWTIQN WORK - $51 565111 15 13:11 11 3131-10131. 31113511113011 3 111111115 13(31111151611 NAME 11111311323 I 111111311131; any ZIPWW 11 "12151811111125 1 53513111111111 mamas mm 1:5ng 00mm": 1311151111111111'1611 13911235 . 11133121353 any 3mm 21:2 1:113: 311% 2:112 ?mwmm 1 1 CELL.- 11111113 11 m1. 13mm?: 11" (12319519 JOHNS COUNTY OFFICE MCDANIEL, STEPHEN SCOTT Bwking Information Bagking SJsemgNamsa? SJSOH9MN102865 Gen: ?magmas 14-91 LOOP Phage: (384)838w8542 DOB: 07531351965 SITIEENSHIP: FBI P33: WV MARITAL STEQTUS: U??marri?? RACE: HGT: 601 WET: 0 Halli: BRO EYES: BLU SSN: ?Bh SID: BL: STATE: 1311; Inmate P119129 ?151:: Gempa?a?; SIRECTQR Emphyer: WV DIVISEQN Plume: RESOURCES Bagked: 4/6219 04:3? Baeked By: NELSON, JR R?eage?: Search?? By: PALMER, TAYLGR .1 Photo By: PALMER, TAYLOR Print 33;: at i have 12mm": advise? my pragms?ty stained over 31% is ta be reEeased or maiie? at my awn experzse w?hin five (jays. 1? 1 undamtamf that my phanefcanzean passw?e am m??dan?al and (mated by me. mg no! share 11% maxim; with anyana 1 am My far usage and mammary abiiga?ms amociated wi?h Em passcwa. 838$ ?3 :19: rasmmibie {gr 1938 a? fym?s an my acmuni. Inmate Signatzzre Of?cer Signamra Witnegs Signawre Pag? i {3&13 JOHNS COUNTY OFFICE MCDANIEL, STEPHEN SCOTT Case/Charge Report 3.13m (barf Case Number: 5512*er infarmation: ?rmst: O?bme: 55(34929234 ggamy: E?s-To EGRNS SHERWFS Of?cer: NO: 389?} Rand infarmation: {7mm Sand: 80%} C?mme?t?: S?aimce Gain Time Watk. Time {Bisah?iiy Time Fart Time Start: ngth: (Tm: - Cm?it: Waxed: End: Sewe?: Ckargeg: Siazuie: ?38463331 TGUCH OR SEREKE {Teuntsz Szam?: PENDENS Ban?; Camments: DQMESQC Eamaze Signatwe Wimegs I Officer S?g?amre i?z?ime? {33% #35639 Page 2