EleHonlder Evil Honklerls @EvilHonkler Saint Breivik was a WigNat until he wasn't 9 Twitter Today at 1:02 AM I Anton @AntonAyx Fun fact. I actually have a face shield with death skull, I bought I before the wignats trademarked it. 9 Twitter Yesterday at 9:02 PM Evil Honlder APP 1:07 AM EvilHonkler/status/ 1 119105200399065090 I Evil Honlder? @EvilHonkler Saint McVeigh was a WigNat until he wasn't Twitter Today at 1:07 AM Fritz Tegularlus @fritztegulariu @AntonAyx the normies.. on the day of justice. on the dawn of RETREBUTION.. they shall beg the saxson for 1 1 19027890530725888 Twitter Yesterday at 8:00 PM 100 AM Evil Hoe-Idem @EvilHonkler Saint Bowser was a WigNat until he wasn't Tw'rtter Today at 1:00 AM I Anton hA @AntonAyx Christ. I log of twitter for half a day and all the clown-faced wignats raid my page Twitter Yesterday at 7:Ogonblick @Notiser (76 kB) - . mad.? 9: Tn ?wa' Why warn the norms list-n ID you? AmNus Mont exactly uni-d law oi Mobyneux I- unwarran- 2 MNHINID gnu-?ml l1 mm 1w? 1le .u ?05001 You IHIS bi . mum" [1 5 El uh?rwhm/h 1? 1?4" Mn' . Fuck it: (ml m'tht?m hem landed shit an toodu'nb mav- . C) (TJ I (428 kB) . Akin-m =r~n [act 1? ?n :nl'l ?thigh via-mm mm :1 ?our mam 'mm? ?mum: in gang In uu-w?uugnuzibwnn I .vM-?r 11 0 .0. - -,