Contaet'. Tiffanie Blaeknmn-Jones FDR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel- W1223?o?? est- 3414 Cell: 34-34-9621" Email: Date: April 2?1 ZUIEI Statement re: April 1'9. Elli") Called Board Meeting -- This eyening. the Des-ate: ISD Administration reeornmended the Boani of Trustees not move forward 1with taking aetion on the posted agenda item regarding teaeherand administratiye eontraets Instead- Administrtiion reeomrnended postponing Board Ition to allow more time to resi ew infonnation as well as provide additional seenaiios related to the reduetion in i'oree. .31 reduetion in force is yery dif?enlt. part ieulady when emsidering the distriet's esperienees otter the eourse of the past year and a half. We understand that this has been a stressful esp-erienee for stai'l'. and we believe that the extra time allows both the Administration and the Board of Trustees to melee deeisions in the best interest ofthe students and sta DeSoto 15D adminis trators an tieipate the aetions eould be resisited thring the May ?oats! Meeting. In order to support those employees who hate been identi?ed as potentiaily imparted by the impending reduction in foree. the distiiet will host an employee-only job fair set to Ieature and non-instruction-based employees. The job fair is from 3pm to [1an May 3- 21319- at the De?oto High Sehool Aet?emy Cafeteria loeated at Ml] Ergle Dli?: in De?oto- The eymt will inelude will inelude a number of neighboring sehool districts- as well as entities sueh as Workioree Soluions and Primed ea- About Independent School Distriet Lit-3st: JED rs spat-w: "response-Hr site-of d-srr-er sew-are; r?ri-ii?rrt- rr'iarr If! snare-its aura 213?} The ?rst-'12! rs mongoose-u of 73 car's-poses sure-v.3 stutter. rs Heels-gs- Uni-sult- i'i?ilii'e. V's .I. .rrnl .rft'L? I il'.t- Hind-Hui: PM): Llhl'h I'a t'rl-i-II It: ts't' this: .I .mJ m-H- Iguanas-J eat": a: lt.? shalenrs turn-mes II. Ijh'lu. mu an: mun! .tbt-nr Debuts