MAGETREND EMS SERVICE BRIDGE Wayne Flra Departmem 3300 Wayne Road. Wayne. Mi 48134 Phone: Fax: A I08249 I IMI I I01 WI I [2019 I 1 I I 19-0300 I I 0 I linden! We Slider} Incident Number Eznneule as?: Location Type mans: Flue 5669 I -I I Sires! address I I I I I inlea?seclian MW am In front or I I I Wayne I I Mi I 48184 Rear Of m?umm m1 211: Cad: Adjaceni :0 I Directions Cruse Street. Directinm orNI?orla?iGrIli. II Ippilrahlo 7 US Nalional Grid incident Type E1 Dales and Tlmes "mm?m IE2 Shifts and Alarms 4'24 Carbun monoxideincidenl Monlil Da Year Hour Sec Checklarnellr NMMatmaysmm?red mu Given or Recelved - Alarm 01 31 I 2019 Mutual aid received AHRWanquiden-msi sci: as . Arrival 01 3 2019 95 54 00 iE3 5P lets lldi 2 Automatic aid renewed WI ?Ill? FDID Their Slat. CONTROLLED In?aml, Hug! ?William lid? 3 Mutual and glven Controlled I i ?was?, Wu: 4 Automatic aid given WI, mam mm; 5 I Ulsr unn' mum .mpl I2019 I I 0 :20200 I 5? 5 Other ald glven Cleared i None Taken i G1 i 62 Estimated Dollar Losses and Values I 86 I I Investigate XII 3:3" m1 gr ame- ille'lwm. None Ill? Apparatus Personne! Suppresman 1 I I Cements EMS 2 can PREJNCIDENT VALUE: swans: 6r I0 I I I Property 3 mudeaumelued Contents 3 I I Completed Modules H1 Casualties ?3 H3 Hazardous Materials Release i 1 Mixed Use Property Fire-6 i Death injury a Spenlai Hamlet acliuns required as spill 55 gal. I 00 Mixed use. other i Flre I I I 0 I 1 Natural gas: slowleek. no sync. or HezMaI actions 30 Assembly use Ciw?e?an a? Gee-4 sang?) 2 Propane gas - Less than a 21 in. tank 20 Educational use 0?"Gasoline ~ve'hllie fuel lank unmitahle cunlainer 33 Medical use HZ Detector I 4 Kmsme - ?Jei-burmng eqt?pmenl?purlahle storage i 40 ResIdgnugl use i ?m ?mum m: 5 Diesel ElelIfuei all - vehicle fuel 51 Raw ofeluree \Midi?l'ld ?re-8 I ?5 Eetectur alened occupants 6 Householdfn?ice seluen: or chemise! spill 53 Enslaeed mall mam?? 2 2 Deiector no: alert occupants 7 Motor nl:- engine or portable container 5B Easiness and residential use ?mm?ei?m Unknown 8 Pains-spills less lean 55 gallons I 59 O?lce use Arson?11 I None so lndusl?s! use I 63 Militaryuse i 55 Farm use i i NN Rulmlxed use Page 1 of 4 .3 Property Use structures 13! Church. mosque. synagogue. temple. chapel Est Restaurant or cafeteria 162 Bar or 213 Elementary school. including kindergarten 215 High schooiljunlur high schooirmiddle school 241 Adult education center. college classroom 311 24-hour care Nursing homes. 1 or more persons 331 Hospital - medical or Outside 124 Playground 655 Crops or orchard 669 Forest. timberland, woodland 80? Outside material storage area Eli! Dump, sanitaryland?il 931 Open land or lield 938 Vacanliut 34-1 Clinic, clinic-type in?rmarv J42 Donor. dentist or oral surgeon af?ne 361 Jail. prison (not Juvenile) 419 1 or2 family dwelling 429 Multifamily dwelling ?39 Boardinglrouming house. residEnlial hotels 449 Hotellmotel. co mmeroioi 459 Residential board and cars 56? Berreotts. dormitory 519 Food and beverage sales. grocery store 938 Graded and caredfor pints of land 916 Lake. river. stream 951 Railroad rimt?of-way 950 Street. allier 951 Highway or divided highway 961 Fleaidenll? street. road or residential driveway 539 571 5?9 599 615 629 TM 319 382 39% 981 984 Household goods. sales. repairs Service station. gas station Motor uehide or boat sales, servim. repair Business of?ce Electric-generating plant Laboratory or science laboratory Manufacturing. processing Livestock, poultry storage Parking garage. general vehicle Warehouse Constitution site Industrial ptant - ares ?331 Property Use 419 have WM: cm Warm! ?52 But I or 2 family dwelling I Property um Bowman" K1 PersonlEntity Involved Looai Option Business Home (IrAppIIuhIn) mesons. Phone Met madrihlsboxilssme I I mun-?Mrs ?muame LasIName sum: . . .. I i Number Pm?! Shad Kuhn! Sull'o: I I IWavne i ran other: our Amalgam or; IMI I I48184 I-I I sat. zoom: K2 I Lnulopunn AreaCnde m?unber I I I ML.M5..ME. First?ame Mt LulName Su?! I Number Frets: Street or Highway sunny.? Surfs I [Wayne I Pod C?w Box Apusunarnwm City IMF I I set: 21pm: Authorization I 36 I I AndrawStager I I Capt Of?cer in charge to Signature Position urmnk Assignment Month Day Year I 36 I I AndrewStager I I Capt 2019 I Member lD Phlibn errant: Assignment Mount Dav Veer Remarks inn-lamina Dispatched to the above location for a Carbon Monoxide detector activation. On arrival we found maintenance on scene in the basement monitoring for C0. FD investigation showed levels of CO from 35?50 throughout the house. Fumaoe boiler was shut down by maintenance and windows were open for passive ventilation. Homeowner was found at neighbors house and advised of the situation. Maintenance advised FD he would contact their healing and cooling company. Once CO levels were reduced. FD turned scene over to maintenance. Steven Miller (maintenance) 313 399?0095 Page 2 of 4 A MM on [08249 I [01 31 ?2019 I I1 1 11943300 I lo I Appamus Ol? Resources FDIC Slall Incm Dale Slah'on "16?ch Nll?hol Elpe?ln 8 Apparatus or Resource fDates and Times ?W"Whm 58am: Number of {Apparatus Use ?ctions Taken ?3 Cheekiflhesame lulu astmd?eoanBuslc Muddet?lock E1) EMONE be: l'ureach iUslwmic?una [crack-menial and each a 1a Ealmm j; Dispatch 0113112019 [0544 . 01Twain Am?vai {0113112019 "0554 I Ex L?i?l 2339551? i I i I 10113112019 ?0620 i Page 3 01'4 I IMI I I1 I ?9.0300 I I0 Indium Date IWENI Numhar Expaiule Personne Apparams or Resource .. . Type! 11 I Emma and ?rms ?drum 5! new Number of Apparatus Use People Autlans Taken ONEbaxluroach ?ml. unnel ID I Dispatch 01I31I2019 0544 enij 5?5? I 86 I I I Amva' )4 0113112019 0554 I I I I EMS i Clear xii-Io113112019 ?0620 I Name' Rani; OrGradeuW: Amiih?k??" 3511351565" Efa'?Ves, ?asbn I 4 :Llieut?nan?Paramedic 86 Stagef,'Ahdr'ew maps' fag Page 4 of 4