THE STA TE 014' NEW JERSEY VS. . TAYLOR TWP OF HAMILTON REGIONAL MC ADDRESS - 5101 1313 STREET -- HAYS LANDING NJ 08330~0000 509435--5521 couuwos ATLANTIC -- KY -- 3 cl CHARGES mums POLICE case .. DEFENDANT INFORMATION 3 ACPOLEDMB SEX: BROWN 12/13/1574 COMPLAJNANY mm ,mm un_ swa; 4 59'! BLVD SECURIW SDI a. TELEPHONE il HAYS LANDING 08330 LIVESCAN By Csrliflcalhm or on Oath, the Complainant says mm (o the has! U1 his/her knowiedge, iniormatmn and belief the named delendanl on oraboulDl/12/2016 In mum>>: TWP mum-1c Countymadld: WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THIS COURT, COMMITTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL PENETRATION WHILE THE VICTIM Is ONE WHOM THE ACTOR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WAS PHYSICALLY HELPLESS, MENTALLY DEFECTIVE OR INCAPACITATED, SPECIFICALLY BY INSERTING HIS FINGER IN THE VAGINA OF-- A PRISONERI WHO WAS PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO ELEE BECAUSE SHE WAS SHACKLED AT THE WAIST AND CUEFED AT HER ANKLES. IN VIOLATION OF N.J.S. A CRIME 09 THE FIRST DEGREE WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THIS COURT, COMMITTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL PENETRATION WITH THE VICTIMI-- WHO WAS DETAINED AS A PRISONER AND JERMAINE TAYLOR HAD SUFERVISORY 0R DISCIPLINARY POWER OVER THE VICTIM BY VIRTUE OF HIS AND OCCUPATIONAL STATUS, SPECIFICALLY BY INSERTING H15 FINGER IN HER VAGINA. AT THE TIME, THE VICTIM WAS HANDCUFFED, SHACKLED AT THE WAIST AND CUFEED AT HER ANKLES, In vIoIanun an 0 fl Oviginalchame I) 2c:14--2A47) 2) awn--zen) a) zen-an AmsndadChame I mm, mm Var-gum; < 12 1306/2017 10:05:32 AM Pg 2 0f ?10 Trans iD: MCS2017482208 STATE V. JERMAINE TAYLOR IN VIOLATION OF N.J.S. A CRIME OF THE SECOND DEGREE. THE JURISDICTION OF THIS COMMITTED AN ACT OF AGGRAVATED SEXUAL CONTACT, SPECIFICALLY BY TOUCHING THE BUTTOCKS AND VAGINA 0- WHO WAS PHYSICALLY HELPLESS. - IN VIOLATION OF N.J.S. A CRIME OF THE THIRD DEGREE. It 'w 1 i 1 Originai Charge Amended Charge . - I 10:05:32 AM Pg 8 10 Trans ID MCSZO17482208 VS. JERMAINE TAYLOR 61.01 13TH STREET HAYS LANDING 609-625-6621 NJ 08330-0000 CDUNTVUF, ATLANTIC -- KY -- a CHARGES mums POLICE cAgE x: DEFENDANT 3 nercisasis grooms. arm can; iz/ia/im nuns Llc, DL NAME: a 7 sum BLVD seem. SECURITV a" sal ms mm momma--I..- "3 "33" UVESCAN FCN 1' roman: The more fully doctrine the lite ollhe alleged cuense an that eludes may determine vmbehlo eaves, 1. Description ct relevant facts and circumstances which support probable cause that (1) the offense(s) was committed fl (2) the defendant is the one who committed it: In January was transported from Califurnia to Massachusetts by a prisoner transportation company, P571, in a transport van along with other prisoners. During their trip, the van stepped in xentucky and switched transport afiicez'sr Officers Trey Welch and Jermaine Taylor took turns driving the vehicle kentucky tc Mahler There were multiple male prisoners in the rear section of the van. All prisoners were shackled at their ankles and their hands were cuffed and shackled tc their waist. There was one female prisons in the middle section at the van which was only accessible iron the passenger side at the van. The rear section of the van was only accessible iron the rear es the van. on 1/12/15, the van stopped at the Atlantic county Jail in Mays Landing, NJ, for restroom break. Taylor went to the side and opened the door tor while office: Welch went to the rear of the vehicle and opened the dear for the male prisonersr all prisoners were escorted into the ACJF tc use the reatrnom tacilitiss. When they returned outside, onicer Welsh took all of the males to the rear of the vehicle and office: Taylor escorted_ to the side entrance. -isdicated that Taylor touched her buttocks with his hand when she entered the veh cle.-- sat in the vehicle and Taylor remained at the side duozr Taylor then instructed the male prisoner: to remove trash from inside of the rear of the vehicle. Taylor was instructing one male linemen". on picking up the garbage while Welch was standing behind the vehicle with the other prisoners. while Taylor was instructing_ he placed his hand on the thigh c5 . Taylor then touched her vagina outside 02 her clothing. Taylor then put his hand inside uE her pants and penetrated her vagina with his finger. -- closed her legs and Taylor removes his hand tron between 11-: legs. When they arrived at the Eaaex Countyl Kass. jail Taylor escortad- inside the jail. Prior to entering the jail, Taylor handed-a piece of paper and indicated that they could, "finish what we started." -- is seal-l on Aurvaillance vidaa placing something into her tront pant packet.- later tells a nurse at the jail that she was sexually assaulted and that she had a piece of paper with Taylor-s phone numhetr Taylor denied any inappropriate contact but could not explain how his name and cell phone number. written in his handwriting, was located in-s pants packet. Wu2017~001340~0112 12f0612017 10:05:32 AM Pg 9 0f 10 Trans 1D: M082017482208 THE STA TE OF NEW JERSEY VS. JERMAINE TAYLOR 2 I am aware of the facts above because: (Included, but not limited to: your observations statements of eyewitnesses defendants admISSIon etc) Conducted recorded interviews of victim, witneesee and suspect. In addition, I secured case related evidence. 3. If victim was injured, provide the extent of the injury: Certification: I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, punishment. I am aWare that if I am subject to Signed= LUKE IRELAND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Date: 12/05/2017