FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 Re: MAR2 8 20\9 FOIA No. FY19-34 1st Rolling Response Letter VIA ELECTRONIC AND REGULAR MAIL Katherine Anthony American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, D.C. 20005 foia(mamericaoversight.org Dear Ms. Anthony: This letter responds to your correspondence received January 23, 2019, in which you requested documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 388.l 12(d) (2018). 1 Specifically, you requested copies of the following: I. Records sufficient to identify all employees who entered into a position at the agency as "political appointees" since January 20, 2017, and the title or position of each employee (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). For purpose of this request, please consider any employee in a PAS position, a presidentially-appointed position, a non-career SES position, a Schedule C position, or any administratively-determined position to be a "political appointee." 2. Records sufficient to identify all career employees who have been detailed into leadership office or component front office since January 20, 2017; the title or position of each employee while on detail; and each employee's originating agency or component, and prior title (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). 3. Names and resumes of anyone from the transition teams or beachhead teams who have joined the agency in full-time capacity, either as career, political, or administratively determined positions since January 20, 2017. For the purpose of this request, please include any employee who previously had a 1 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended by the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, Pub. L. No. 114-185, 130 Stat. 538 (2016). FOIA No. FY19-34 -2- temporary or provisional appointment at the agency before January 20, 2017, and took on a permanent appoint after that date. 4. For each individual identified in response to requests 1 to 3: a. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or, if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency's records. We have no objection to, the redactions of contact information (addresses, telephone numbers e-mail addresses) for the employee or references, or to the redaction of past salary information. Employment, education, and professional association information is not exempt and we object to any redactions of such information. b. Any conflicts or ethics waivers or authorizations for the individual, including authorizations pursuant to 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502. c. Records reflecting any recusal determination made or issued for the individual. d. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position or title, including when the employee enters or leaves a position. We have no objection to the redaction of home addresses, telephone numbers, or social security numbers from the SF-50s. 2 A search of the Commission's non-public files has identified 44 documents responsive to your request. All of the documents, which are comprised of SF-50 personnel information and individual resumes, are released with redactions pursuant to FOIA Exemption 6, which protects files that if disclosed would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. 3 Privacy information including the employee's social security number, personal home address, and phone number has been redacted. The redacted documents are enclosed. Given the volume of information requested and the amount of Commission staff time required to process any responsive documents addressing your request, additional determinations addressing the remaining documents will follow on a rolling basis. We will 2 On March 26, 2019, after speaking with Attorney Advisor Michael Watson, you agreed to allow the agency until March 28, 2019 to respond to your request. 3 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6). FOIA No. FY19-34 -3- endeavor to provide you with another determination within twenty business days of the date of this letter. Ordinarily, any appeal from a FOIA determination must be filed within 90 days of the date of issuance as provided by the Freedom of Information Act and 18 C.F .R. § 388.1 l0(a)(l) of the Commission's regulations. However, because your request is being processed on a rolling basis, the Commission will hold your appeal rights in abeyance pending a final determination. This will allow you to file a single appeal at the conclusion of our processing of your request. If you decide to appeal, the appeal must be in writing, addressed to James P. Danly, General Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20426, and clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." Please include a copy to Charles A. Beamon, Associate General Counsel, General and Administrative Law, at the same address. You also have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the FOIA Public Liaison of the agency or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). Using OGIS services does not affect your right to pursue your appeal. You may contact OGIS by email to ogis@nara.gov; by facsimile at (301) 837-0348; by mail to Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Room 2510, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001; or toll-free at 1-(877) 684-6448. Leonard M. Tao Director Office of External Affairs Enclosures REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION Standard Form 50 Rev. 7191 6 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION U.S. Ornce of Pern,nnelManagemenl FPMSup1> 296- JJ Subth 4 I. Nome (Lost, First, Middle) 3. Dote of Birth 2. Socio! Security Number 4, Effecllve Date I ADAMSKY , TRACY A FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-B. Norure of Action 5- A. Code 12/07 /20 17 6-A. Code 6- B. Nature of Action DETAIL NT E 05-13-20 930 5- C. Code 5- D. Legal Authority 6-C . Code 6-D. Legal Aulhority 5-E. Code 5- F. Lego! Authority 6-E. Code 6-F . Legal Authority 7. FROM: Position Tille and Number MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM 9121008000 2002772 8. P•y Plan 19, O«. Cod, GS 15, TO: Position Tille and Number MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYST 110. Grad, or Lcvtllll . Slcpor R••t l . To11ISalary 13 0343 01 74584 94796 Il?C. Adj.DasiePay 128. Loollly Adj. l?A. Buie Pay 113.Pay Bui s PA 94796 202 12 I I;, Olher Pay 9121008000 2002772 16.Pay Plan 117.O«. Code GS ANALYST 12 '·Pay 18.Grade or Levtl 119.Sltp or Rate 20. Tolal Salary/Aw■rd Ba,i, 13 0343 PA 208. Loeallly Adj , 20A. Buie P11 y I20C. Adj. I200 . 01hcr Pa)' Ba, lc Pay ' 14, Name ond Locution of Po,ltl on's Orgonlzotlon FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISS ION OFFICE OF THE EXECU TIV E DIRE CTOR PROGRAM OVERSIGHT AND C O ORD INAT ION 22. Nome and Location of Position 's Orgonizollon FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMM ISS ION OFFICE OF THE EXECU TI VE DIRECTOR PROGRAM OVERSIGHT AND COOR DI NATION WAS HI NGTON,DC WASH! NGTON, DC EMPLOYEEDATA 23. Veterans Preferenc e 17 1-No H 1 - S-Pol■ I J - I O-Poh1t.lOloiblHty .t - 10- PolnUCompu, u lile 24. Tenure ~o-r1 .S- ID-Pol111 1/Olhr 6 - IO-Poh,l1Ct1 mpt1u,abkJJ0% I- Pcrmul!ftl ny Usc J - Jadcn,.11, ~ 02/02/2009 ICA F 26. Veterans Preference for RJF n vi;:s fx7 NO 29. P3' Role Determinant NOT APPLICABLE 0 I l 3 I. Service Comp. Dntc (Leave) 32. Work Schedule 30. Retirement Pinn FERS&F 2 - Coa,dltMnal ) 28. Annuitant Indicator 27. fEGLI ~ BASIC + OP TIO NAL(2X) ~ . .. 33. Pert-Tim e Hours Per I FUL L- TIME Biweekly Pay Period POSITION DATA 34. Po-Pol11t/Dh,ablllr y 5 - 10--Poli.l/Ochtr 1- !i-1'.:.lnl _.- l lt- Pol11&Campc.1u, 1 1thk 6 - lfl-Pol111/C o mpu1.1blelJ D'" /• 0 BASIC ONLY 9 JO. Retirement Plan ~ l 0 - NOM I - Permanerit 28. Annuitant 27. FEGLI col 26. Veterans Preference for RJF 24. Tenure I - No• e 31. Service Comp. Dale (Leave) 05/16/2007 FE RS&F ICA l - Co11clllkln.l J - lndc-n11llc ~r use 7 vEs fxl NO 29. Pnv Ruic Dctermlnanl Indicator I NOT APPLICA BLE T I l 33. Parr-T ime Hou r s Per 32. Work Sch edule ~ FULL-T IME Biweek ly Pay Per iod POSIT IO N DAT A 34. Posi tion Occu pied 36. Appropriation 35. FLSA Category ~ I - Co mpe:rltln Sen·kT ?- Eittplnl &n kt- ~ l-SESCC'n.cnd _.- SES C11r«r Rcwn rd 8888 38. Dul)• Station Code 39. Duty Stnt ion (City - County - Stole or Overseas Location) 11-0010-001 WASHI NGTON,DIST RICT O F COLUM BIA 40. Agency Data FUNCC LSO0 1 41. VET STAT X 37. Borg n lning Unit Status Code E - Eu-mr1 N - Nnnuemr1 1 42. EDU C LVL 1 43. SUPVSTAT2 144 . PO SITI ON SENS ITI VITY CR ITI CAL -SENS ITIVE 4 f'!fu1_2~ SERVICE NONE CREDITABLE MILI TARY SERV I CE: NONE EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS - RAE OR FERS - FRAE. PREVIOUS RE TI REMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED THE PAY RATE OF AN EMPLOYEE OCCUPYING A POSI T ION SUBJEC T TO THE PAY FREEZE PAY L I MIT ATIONS OF F I CIALS SHALL BE BASED ON THE RATE OF PAY AND APPLICABLE APPOIN T ED BY THE PRES I DENT WITH ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE SENATE SO. Signature / Authentication 46. Employing Deparlmcnt or Agency DNFE S-P•rt 50- 316 48. Personnel 4280 ornccID and Title or Approving Ofncinl 182062660 / ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY: ON· FEDERA L ENE RGY REGULA TO 47. Agency Code FOR CERTAIN SENIOR POL I T I CAL IN EFFEC T ON DECEMBER 31, 20 13 49. Approval Dnte 10/25/2018 RITA HOWSARE HR SPEC IALIST 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Term Record· DO NOT OESfROY Edilions Priorto 7/91 Are Not UsableAfter6/l0 f9l NSN7540-0l- 33J-62J8 DOE-19-0036-A-000017 REDACTED PURSUANT T O FOIA EXEMP TI ON 6 S1and11rd Form SO Rev, 7/91 U.S. Officeof PersonnelM1nagcmenl FPMSupp296-JJ Subrh4 NOTIF ICATION OF PERSONNE L ACTION I 2. SociolSecurityNumber I. Nnme(Lust, First, Middle) 4, EffectiveDote J. Duteor Birth 08/1012017 CHATTERJEE, INDRANIL NMN SECON D ACT ION FIRST ACTION 6-A. Code 6-B. Na1ureof Aclion S-D. LegalAu1hority PUBLIC LAW 101-271 6-C. Code 6- D. LegalAuthority S-F. LegulAu1hority 6-E. Code 6-F. LegalAu1hority 5-A. Code 571 S- B. Norurcof Action S-C, Code ZNM 5-E. Code CONY TO EXC APPT NTE 06-30-21 IS. TO: PositionTille ond Number CHAIRMAN 7. FROM: rosi1ionTitle end Number COMMISSIONER l 9002000000 OEX0002 III.Slepor R••t2. TalAI Salary 8. PayPlan19. Ore.Cod, 110.Gradeor Level EX 030 I 04 00 155500 12A, Buie Pay 128. 155500 Lo.. lliy Adj. I I 2C.Adj.Ba,k Pay lJ. Pay0 .. 1, PA 11 ~0. Olhcr Pay I"· 208.Locallly Adj. 20A. Ouk Pay 0 165300 155500 0 9002000000 EX00001 or Race20.ToialS•luy/Award 121.PayBasis 16.PayPlan Ocr.Code t8. Gradeor Level119.Slep 03 00 165300 PA EX 0000 I 20C.Adj.RaslrPoy 165300 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATO RY COMM ISSION OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER CHATTERJEE 22. Nomeand Locationof Position's Organization FE DERA L ENERGY REGULA TORY COMM ISSION OFFICE OF CHAIRMAN CHATT ERJEE WASHINGTON,DC WASH INGTON, DC 14. Name and Location of Position's Organization 120D~ Olh-Polol/lllublll l)' _, _ lf>-Pol11l/C ompct1 Abk S- 10-PlllnllOthn 0 6- IO-Pol.11tlC ompcn1i1obldlO'A ~ilant 27. FEGLI ~ I 0-Non«I - Pc-rnuinct11 2 - Cc11iJl1ki11 .1I J - h1dcfl11l 1c- 26. Veterans Preference for Rlf nyUse lx7 Indicator NOTAPPLICABLE BASIC ONLY JO. Retirement Pinn 31. Service Comp. Date (Leave) ~ FERS-FRAE& FICA 0 NO I ,~:i~! :rm• 32. Work Schedule F 04/11/2013 vES n 29. Pov Rate Determinant Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period IFULL-TIME POSITION DATA 34. Posl1ion Occupied ~ t - Cllmi,etlrlHSenlt-e 2 - £·1ce-p1rdSc-n·Stt ~ rwl 4 - SES Cuttr Rrx-n ·ed E:- E,rmpl N-No11nrmpl 8888 38. Duty Station Code 39. Duty Station (C ity - County - State or Ovcr-Potn11Dt,.blt i1y 5- JO-Pollul01tu-r 1- S-P olnf 4 - 10---Polntl'Compc-Hllbk 6- 10-Pola l/Compn a:t.bklJOo/. --;--io-N1-Pttmllntfll m ~ ONLY l7 vEs n FERS&FI Tlalc F 12/31 /2012 CA NO Determ inant NO T A PP L ICABLE 31. Service Comp. Date (Leovc) 32. Work Schedule 30. Retirement Plan ~ 26. Veterans Preference for RIF nyUse 28. Annuitant lndk ator 27. FEGLI ~ BASIC l ...CondllH,... t 3 - lnJ,nnht 7T I imc Hours Per Biweekly Poy Period FU L L-TIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied J - S£S Ctncr•I -t - SES Cuttr R«c"ncd 1 - E1ttp1td Stn~ 4 ~&'f'JffO N IS E- Eumpl N-Noncump r WAS H INGTON,D ISTRICT OF C OLUMBIA AT THE FULL I 43. SU PV ST AT 8 1 42. EDU C LVL 13 1 41. VET STA T X PERFORMANCE LEVEL ON - F ED ERA L ENERGY REGULA TO DNFE 5- Pnrt 50- 316 48. Personne l Oflice ID 4280 49, Approvol Date 08 114/ 2018 2 - O PF Copy- ,44. PO S ITIO N SENS ITIV ITY MODERATE RI SK OR BAND. 46. Employing Department or Agency 47, Agency Code 8888 39. Duty Sta tion (City - Coun ty - State or Ovcrscos Location) 38. Duly Stotion Code 11-001 0-00 1 40. Agency Dula F'UNC CLS 00 !El 37. Bargaining Unit Sta tus 36. Appropria tion Code 35. FLSA Category ~ I - Compctitln Sc-n·kc Long-Term SO. Signature /Authentication and Title orAppro1•lng Offlclul 181550733 / ELE CT RO NICALLY S IGNED BY: RITA HO WSARE H R SPECIA LI ST Record - DO NOT DEST RO Y EditionsPrior lo 7191 Are Nol Usable,Hier 6/30193 NSN 75-40-01- 333-6238 DOE-19-0036-A-000025 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTJFICATION OF PERSONNELACTION Standard Fonn SO Rev, 7/91 U.S. orncc of Personnel l\lanai:cmcnl 6 FPM Supp 296- ll S11bch 4 I. Name (Last, Firs!, Middle) ESTENSON, 2. Social Security Number SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-8. Nnture of Attion 721 REASS IGNMENT 5-C. Code Y7M 5-D . Legal Authority 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority SCH C, 2l3.33SCH 6- A. Code 6-8. Narure of Action 6- C. Code 6-D. Legal Au1hority 6- E. Code 6-F. Legal Authority C. 213.33SCH C 7. FROM: Position Title nnd Number CONF IDE NTIA L ASSIS T ANT 9003000000 GS 15. TO: Position Tille nnd Number CONF ID ENT IAL ASSISTANT SC00020 19'Otc. Code 12 03 128. LocalityAdj. 66904 PA 85035 IllC. Adj. BasicPa)' 18 131 9004000000 SCO00I7 16.Pay Piao 1 17.O«. Code IIJ. Pay Bui, 110.Gradeor Level["· St-Pol1ttl01her ,- 1ir Palnf/Campt,1,M1b lc/}1)% 12/31/2012 FERS & FICA 3 26. Veterans Preference for RIF 0- No 11e 1 - Co1tdhMlnal I - Perm1-1tc-1tl l - 1.ndennlle NO 33. Port-T ime Hours Per Biweekly Poy Period 32. Work Schedule FULL- TI ME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35 . FLSA Calcgory 1- Comptllth ·c-Scnkf- l -S£S Ceac-nl [- [umr, 2 - ElttplNI Scl"·i« .- - SES C11n:nR~n~d ,,,_ r,lont..un,r1 36. Appropriation 37. Bargaining Unit Status Code 8888 38. Duty Station Code 39. Duty S1arion (City - County - State or Overson, Local ion) 11-0010-001 WAS HI NGTON,D IST RICT OF CO L UMBIA 40. Agency Dain 44. FUNCCLSO0 POSI TI ON SENS IT IVITY MODERATE RISK 45. Remarks SO.Slgnnlure /Authcntkalion 46. Employing Deportment or Agency ON - FEDERAL ENERGY REGU LATO 47. Agency Code DNFE S- P,1150-316 48. Personnel Ofncc ID 4280 ond Tille of Approving Officio I 182076894 / ELECTRON ICALLY SIGNED BY: 49. Approval Dote 10/29/2018 RJTA HOWSARE HR SPECIAL IST 2 - O PF Copy - Long-Ter m Record - 00 NOT DEST ROY Edi1ion:sPrior 10 7/9 1 Are Not UsableArte.r6/30/93 NSN 7540--0J-33) -6 238 DOE-19-0036-A-000028 REDACTED PURSUANT Stand111.-d Form SO Rev. 7191 U.S. ornce orPersonnelf\.-tan att<'mcnl fPM Supp196-JJ Subch4 TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIFICA TIO N OF PERSONNEL ACTIO N I 2. Social Security Number I. Name (Lusl, Firsl, Middle) 4. 3. Onie of Birth EffccliveOnie 01/06/2019 FISHER, TRAV ISS SECOND ACTION FIRST ACTION 5- A. Code 72 1 5- 8. N•turc of Aclion REASS IGNMENT 6-A. Code 6-R. Nnture of Action 5-C. Code Y7M S-0. LegalAu1hority 6- C. Code 6- 0. Legal Authority 5-E. Code 5- F. LegelAu1hority 6- E.Codc 6- F. Legal Aulhority SC H C, 2l3.33SC H C 213.33 15. TO: PosilionTille and Number 7. FROM: PositionTille und Number SEN IOR ADVISOR, MARKE TS & REL IAB ILITY 9001000000 SC00021 PayPl,n 19.0cc. Cod< ilO.Grad,or Lev•l1II.SlprovingOfficial 46. Employing Dcporlmcnt or Agency 47. Agency Code AUTHORITY 49. Approvol Date 04/03/20 18 S IGNED BY: R£ BECCAH RATNER HR SPECIALIST Etlition.sPrior to 7/91 ArTNoc Usablt Afltr6/30/9J 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Term Record - DO NOT DEST ROY NSN7540--01 -JJJ-11238 DOE-19-0036-A-000030 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION 6 TRAVIS FISHER EXPERIENCE: Departm ent of Energy, Washington, DC January 201 ?~present: Senior Adviso1; Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) • Led agency -wide effort to produce the August 2017 Sta.ff Report on Electricity Markets and Reliability, a 187-page technica l report to the Secretary - Identified, organized, and supervised the work of approx. three dozen experts across National Labs and DOE program offices - Gave editorial direction during drafting and navigated the report through concurrence - Presented findings to Hill Staff, NERC, NARUC, EPRI, S&P Global, regiona l electric reliability groups, and trade associations • Represent DOE and OE in intra-agency, intergovernmental, and media activit ies - Advise the Assistant Secretary for OE on all policy matters - Coordinate with senior leadership to deve lop strategic messaging - Approve all concurrence packages that come to OE • Co-lead DOE's long-term electricity restoration and resilience p lanning for Puerto Rico Institut e for Energy Re search, Washington, DC June 2013-Janua,y 2017: Economist • Was recruited for the 2016 Presidential Transition Team as a subject matter expert to assist DOE and FERC (September 2016-January 2017) • Wrote original materials cited in Politico , E&E News. The Hill, and The Wall Street Journal - "T he Story of Electricity" September 2014: educational video, website , and encyclopedia "Estimating the State-Level Impact of Federal Wind Energy Subsidies" December 20 13 • Briefed lawmakers on energy issues ranging from federal an d state sub sidies to FERC policy • Represented lER in the media: interviewed for print media, national radio, podcasts, and television Federal Energy Regu latory Commi ssion, Washington, DC June 2006-May 2013: Economist, Office of Energy Market Regulation (OEMR) • Drafted Commission orders and developed policy memos on a wide range of wholesale electricity issues including transmission tariff changes, interconnection agreements, and disputes between state publ ic utility commiss ions - Special ized in Central U.S. markets: Midcontinent ISO and the Entergy footprint • Managed teams of 4-5 people (attorneys, engineers, accountants) in drafting Commiss ion orders Led an OEMR-wide reeva luation of emp loyee training and know ledge management practices to forma lize the expertise of veteran staff and educate new employees EDUCATIO N: North Carolin a State University, Ra leig h, NC May 2006: Master of Economics • Acce lerated Bachelor-Master program, Independen t Study in Austrian Economics May 2005: Bachelor of Science, Economics; Mino,; Spanish - Magna Cum Laude • Special Achievemen t Award, Economics; Outstanding Senior Award Nominee; Omicron Delta Epsi lon Honor Society; President, NCSU Society for Po litics, Economics, and the Law RECEN T PUBLICATIONS AND MEDIA HIT S: Greentech Media, The interchange Podcast: "Behind the Curtain: A Conversation With Travis Fisher, Lead on DOE's Epic Grid Reliability Report" August 2017 U.S. Association for Energy Economics: "Broken Windows and Electricity Generation: The Cost of Prematurely Closing Existing Plants" September 2015 MEMBER SHIPS : Washington Renegades Rugby Football Club (Board of Directors 2011, 20 12; Team Captain 2013, 2014), U.S. Association for Energy Economics (2011-present) DOE-19-0036-A-000031 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION Standard Form SO Rtv. 7191 U.S. Officeor Per.sonnet~lanagtmrnl FPM Supp 296- JJ Subch 4 2. Social Security Number I. Name (Last, Flrsl, Middle) 6 4. Erreclive Date 13. Date or Dirth 09/ 17/2017 GENTRY, LINDSEE B. SECOND ACTION FIRST ACTION 6- 8. Nature or Aclion 6- A. Code 5- A. Code 5- 8 . Nalur< or Aelion 002 CORRECT ION S-C . Code 5- D. Legal Au1hori1y 6- C. Code 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Aulhorily 6- E.Code EXCAPPT 170 6- D. Legal Au1hori1y SCH C, 213.33SCH C, 213.33 Y7M 6- F. Legal Au1hority IS. TO: Posilion Tille and Number 7. FROM: Position Tille and Number CO NFIDENTIA L ASSISTAN T 8. Pay Plan 13. Pay Ba,1, 110. Gnide or Level I. S1rpor Ratl 12.Tola! Salary 128. LoealltyAdj. 12A. Basie Pay 9002000000 SC00007 II 19.0c c. Code I I 1 120. Other Pay 12C.Adj. Basie .Pay 16.Pay Plan I"·Oec.Code GS 0301 18.Grade or Lc,el 119.Slepor Rate 20. Tolal Salary/Award 121. Pay lla,b 12 05 20B.Loe,llty Adj. 20A. Basic Pay 120D~Other Pay 90350 19264 71086 PA 90350 · 120C. Adj. Buie Pay 22. Nome and Location or Posh Ion' s Organizat ion 14. Name and Lototion or Posilion ' s Orgonizalion FE DERA L ENERGY REGU LATO RY COMMISS ION OF FICE OF C HAIRMAN C HATTERJEE W ASHI NGTON, OC EMPLOYEE DATA ri7· N•" I1 - S-PolAt J- ~- 11>Pol,o/Olu•III" S - 10- Po1,.1101hi:-r IO-Pnh1II Com('lC'n:.ble , - IO-Puh1ll'Cnmrc-.,a bk lJOo/• 2 - Cot1dh'6n■I 1- No o, 3 n yUse BASIC O NLY 9 30. Reliremenl Pion 31. Scrvkc Comp. Dule (Leave) ~ FERS-FRAE vEs lX7 NO 29. Pov Role Detcrminont I NOT AP PLICAB LE 7 I I 33. Parr-T ime Hours Per 32. Work Schedule ~ 06/03/2014 & FICA 26. Vcleron, Prercrentc for RIF 7 t I - Pc,rnw.111:-nl l - l.adtft11U 28. Annuilont lndlculor 27. FEGLJ col I 24. Tenure 23. Vclerans Prercren-Pnln&I01hrr 6 - 10-Polnc/CompnqbldJ41't. ~O-Nm I - Pcrrna•Hl 2 - Co1111Utlo111l J - lnJcnnll o I Use l 28. Annuitant lndicoror 27. f£GLI !col BASIC ONLY ~ 30. Rc tircmcnl Pinn ~FE 6 RS-FRA E & FICA 26. Veterans Preference for RIF n vEs fxl Fo7atc NO Determinant NOT AP PLICAB LE 31. Scrvilubilhy ~ - 1 0-Pol■ t/Othrr -t - l ►PolnUComptngbJt 6 - 10- Pl>l,-LfCompcnMbkf.}0% 27. FEGLI ral 26. Veterans Preference for RJF 0-N••• 1-P trll'lllauil 2 - Co,idllk>n1tl l - Indtflnh~ n vEs fxl ~~yUse 28. Annuilent Indicator ~ BAS I C ONLY 30. Retirement Pion NOT AP P LICABLE T 3 I. Service Comp. Dale (Leuve) 32. Work Schedu le ~ FERS-FRAE & FICA 12/0712017 ~ NO 29. Pay Rate Determinant I 33. Puri--Time Hours Ptr Biweekly Pny Period I FU L L-TIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 121 3S. FLSA Cutegory 1-C nmpctirhtScl"\·5tt J- S£S CscHra1 2- EsttplC'dScl"\ltt -t-SES C11rttr RHl"l"'NI !El 36. Approprlallon Code 8888 38. Duty Stnllon Code 39. Duty Stntion (City - County - State or OveNcas Location) 11-0010-001 WASH INGTON,OISTRICT 40. Agency Doto FUNC CLS 00 1 41. VETSTATX 4 c~w!!f~TsI TEM NUMBER20 1 42. EDUC LV L s- r,r1 so- 316 48. Personne l Office ID 4280 143. SUPV ST AT 2 144. POSITION 50. Signulurc/Aulhcnlicatlon ON - FEDERA L ENE R GY REGULA TO DNFE OF CO L UMB IA SENSITIV ITY CR ITICAL-SENSITIVE FROM l 72100 46. Employing Deportm ent or Agency 47. Agency Code 37. Bargaining Unit Status E- Eumpf a"l-N011tsrmpl ond Title or Approving Officlal 172367175 / ELEC T RON ICALLY S IGNED BY: 1 49. Approval Dole 12/11/2017 RITA H OWSARE HR SPEC IAL IST 2 - OPF Copy .. Long -Term Record .. DO NOT DES T ROY Editions Prior 10 7/91 A~ Not Uuble AOer6/30/93 NSN7540-01-333--6238 DOE-19-0036-A-000039 Stand■rd REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIFICATIO N OF PERSONNEL ACTION Form 50 Rov.7/91 U.S. Omcc of Pcnanncl r't-hn1gcrncn1 6 FPMSupp 296- JJ Subth 4 2. Socio!Securlly Number I. Name (Last, First, Middle) 4. Effective Date 13. Dntc or Dirth I MCINTY RE, KEVIN J. FIRST ACTION S- A. Code 12/07/20 17 SEC OND ACTIO N 5- B. Narurc or Action 6- A. Code 6-0. Norure or Action 6-C. Code 6- 0. Legal Authorily 6-E. 6-F. Legal Authority EXC APP T NT E 06-30-23 171 S- C. Code ZNM 5- E.Code S-0. Legal Authoriiy PUBL IC LAW 101-271 5-F. ugal Authorily Code 7. FROM: Position TIiie and Number IS. TO: Position Tille and Number CHA IRMAN 8. PayPl•n 19. 0cc. Code 110.Grade or Lovet I. Step or Rat,112.TotalS•lary llA. Buie Pay l? B. Locallt) ' Adj. I12C.Adj.BasicPay 113.PayDuis 1120.OtherPay 900 1000000 EXOOOO I 16. Pay Plan 117.Otc. Code 18.Gradeor Level119.Stcpor Rate 20. TotalSalary/Award 121.PayBui, 03 00 172100 PA EX 030 1 20A.8a,lc Pay 20D. LocalityAdj. 172100 I 20C.Adj.BasicPay 172 100 0 120D~ OtherPay 22. Name and Location or Poslrlon's Organiznrion FE DERA L ENE RGY REGULATORY CO M M ISS ION O F F ICE OF C HAIR MAN MC INTYRE l4. Nnmc and Location of Position's Organization WAS HI NG T ON, DC EMPLOY EE DATA l'l I-Non.~ 2 - S-Polnl J - 10- Poin&fDI.Ahlllty S-10-P 4 - l ~Poin&tC11mpc■ P1bk: 6- 111-Poln&.'CompcuahldJ0'/4 oTMfOthcr ~ o - Nm 1-PumHCDI 1 - ConJltloul l - h1dl'R• llc 28. Annuitant Indicator ~ NOT AP P LI CABLE 27. FEGLI ~ BAS IC ONLY I l 12/07/20 17 FERS-F RAE & FICA F 26. Veterans Prcrcrence for RIF n YEsf"xl NO ~•le Determinant l 31. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule 30. Retirement Pion M l2s.Agency Use 24.Tenure 23. V<1erans Preference 33. PRrt-Timc Hours Per IFULL- TI ME Biweekly Pay Period POSITION DAT A 34. Position Occupied ~1 1- [U't'Jllnl Sc-nk't' ~ J - SES Ccnl'nl ~- SES Canu Ru.rnfll E - Enmpt 8888 !'l- f'lqnucmpt 39. Duty Station (City - County- State or Ovcrscns Location) 38. Duty Station Code 11-00) 0-001 40. Agency Onto F UNC C LS 00 37. Bargaining Unit Status 36. Appropriation Code 35. FLSA Category - Campctlthc~~lt"C WASHINGTON,DISTRJCT OF COLUMBIA 14 1. VET ST AT X 142. EDUC LVL 143. SU PV ST AT 2 144. POS IT ION SENS ITI VITY C RI T ICAL-SENS ITI VE 4 fp\56fflTMENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 12 / 07 / 17. CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE: NONE PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED REASON FOR TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT INELIGIB L E FOR LEAVE. FERS - RAE OR FERS - FRAE. EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, WITH ADVICE AND CONSEN T OF THE SENATE. APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT 50. Signaturc/Authcnlicalion ond Title or Approving Orncinl 46. Employing Dcparlmcnl or Agency 172338379 / ELECT RONICAL LY S IGNED BY: DN - FE DERAL ENE RGY REGULA TO 47. Agency Code DNFE 5- P•rt 50-J 16 48. Personnel Office ID 4280 49 . Approval Date 12/07/20 17 RITA HOWSAR E HR S PEC IALI ST 2 - OPF Copy- Lo ng-T erm Record - DO NOT DESTROY Edilions Prior 10 7191Art Nor UsableAfter 6/J.0193 NSN 7540--0i-333-6238 DOE-19-0036-A-000040 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIFICATION OF PERSON NEL ACTI ON Standard Form 50 Rev, 7/')I U.S. Office of Personnel Managemenl FPMSupp 296-JJ Subch 4 I. N•me (Lasl, First, Middle) 2. SocialSecurllyNumber FIRST ACTION S-B. Nature of Action EXC APPT NTE 06-30-20 6-A. Code 6- 8. Nature of Action 5-C. Code ZNM S-D. LegalAuthoriiy PUBLIC LAW 101-271 6-C. Code 6-D. LegalAuthorily S-E. Code S-F. Legal Aulhorily 6-E. Code 6-F. LegnlAulhorily 7. FROM: PoslllonTille and Number 12/1112018 IS.TO: Position TIiieond Number A MEMBER OF THE FE DERAL ENERGY REGULA Code 0.Gradeor L"•<1 ilI. Stcp or Ratt2. TotalSal1ry 1 l?A, Basic Pay I SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 171 8. PayPlan 19.0cc, 4, Effective Dole 3. Dale or Birlh 1 MCNAMEE II , BERNARD L. 6 128. Locality Adj. I12c.Adj.B"k ray 113.P•yBa,b 1120.Olh-Pol11tl'Cumpct1.uhko ~o-N S- IO-Pol11U01hn 1 -Pc n1w111cnl 26. Veterans Preference for RIF nyUsc n vEs[xl 2 -Co 11dllM1111,t J- lnddlnhe 27. FEGL I ~ BAS IC ONLY T NO T A PP L ICA B LE FERS-FRAE& F 08/10/20 17 FICA I 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period 3 I. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule JO. Retirement Pion NO 29. Pav Rate Determinant 28. Annuilont lndieotor -coi ~ .. , 6- 10-Pol~IICutnpNoahk/JD¼ I IFU L L- TI ME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied -'- SES Citttr 1- £u,:plcd Sc-nb ~ l - SES Ccticn.l E-Eun,Jll 8888 N - Nmu•.,emJII RutneJ 39. Duty Station (City - County - State or Overseas Location) JS. Duty Station Code 11-0010-00 I 40. Agency Dain F UNC CLS 00 37. Bargaining Unit Status J6. Appropriation Code JS. FLSA Ca tegory ~ I - CompctHh·c !Hnb WASHINGTON 141. VET ST AT X r :~UC , DISTRICT LVL OF CO L UMBIA 143. SUPVSTAT2 144. POSITIO N SENS IT IVITY C RI TICAL-SENS ITI VE 4 AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 08/10/17. A'~!3filTMENT CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE : NONE NEVER COVERED RETIREMENT COVERAGE: PREVIOUS APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT REASON FOR TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT FROZEN SERVICE NONE FOR LEAVE. INELIGIBLE FERS-RAE OR FERS·FRAE. IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, EMPLOYEE BY THE PRESIDENT WITH ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE SENATE APPOINTED 50. Signntur e/Authcnticotion and Title or Approving omelnl 46. Employing Deportment or Agency DN • FEDERAL 47. Agency Code DNFE s- Pnr1 50-3 16 171475801 / EL ECTRONICAL ENERGY REGULA TO 48. Personnel Office ID 4280 49. Approval Dote 08114/2017 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Term LY S IGNED BY : RITA HOWSARE HR S P EC IAL IST Record - DO NOT D ESTR OY Edilions Prior to 7/91 r\re Nol Usable After 6/30193 NSN 7540-01·333-6238 DOE-19-0036-A-000042 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTI FICAT ION OF PERSONNEL ACT IO N Slandard Form SO Rc"Y , 7/91 U.S. Ofncc or PersonnelMan1,:cmtn1 296-ll, FPM Supp, 6 Subch. 4 I. Name(Lasl, First, l\liddle) 2. Sodal Sccurily Number 4. Effrcli\'eDale , 3. Dale or Birth I POWELSO N, ROBERT FRANC IS FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 317 5--B. Nalure of Action RESIGNATIO N 6- A. Code 6- B. Narure of Action 5-C. Code RPM 5- 0. LcgnlAu1horiry REG 715.202 6-C. Code 6-0. LegalAulhoriry 5-F. u;al Au1horiry 6-E. Code 6-F. LegalAuchoriry - 5-E. Code 08/11/2018 7. FROM: PoslUonTille and Number 15. TO: PosillonTitle and Number A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGU LA I. I r· 9004000000 EX00004 PoyPiao,,. O«. Cod< Cr■d< or l..<"111t. Sld 119.St' Pay Pcrlod FULL,-TIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied JS. FLSACutegory ~ 1 - c . "1prtlthe-$r.oltt J - StS Cnirni.l ri7 J - Euw,1nl $,e" b 8888 N-l'tMcu:•11• -' - SE$ C•l'ftr Rarn c-4 38. Duly Station Code 39, Oury S1ation (City - Councy- Stale or Overseas Loc11ion ) 11-0010-001 WASHI NGTON,DISTRICT OF COL UMBIA 40. AgencyD•I• FUNC CLSO0 --- I 41. VETSTATX 37. BnrgnlnlngUnit Status 36. Appropriation Code E - Ur.m pl I 42. EDUC LVL 143. SUPV STAT2 144. POS ITIO N SENSITIV ITY CRIT l C/\L-SENSITIVE ~M~WXilli ING ADDRESS : 135 VIBURNUM DRIVE KENNETT SQUARE PA 19348 EMPLOYEE GAVE NO REASON FOR RESIGNATION . TO CONVERT TO AN HEALTH BENEFIT S COVERAGE IS EXTENDED FOR 31 DAYS DURIN G WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL POLICY ( NONGROUP CONTRACT) . YOU ARE ALSO ELIGIB LE FOR TEMPORARY CONTINUATION OF YOUR FEHB COVERAGE FOR UP TO 18 MONTHS. SF 2819 WAS PROVIDED. LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE IS EXTENDED FOR 31 DAYS DURING WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO CONVERT TO AN INDIVIDUAL POLICY (NONGROUP CONTRACT). 46. EmployingOepartmcnlor Agency ON · FEDERAL ENER GY REGUL ATO 47. Agency Code DNFE 5- Part SO-) 16 48. Personnel Office10 4280 50. Slgnuturc/Authcntlcntlonand Title or Approvingomclnl 181551122 / ELECTRON ICALLY SIGNED BY: ~9. Approval Oare 08/ 14/ 2018 REBECCAH RATNER HR SPEC IALIST 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Ter m Record - DO OT DESTROY £dl 1ions Prior to 7/91 Art No1 Us,i;ble A0er6/J0/9J NSN 75-I0-OI- J)J-62J8 DOE-19-0036-A-000043 Request for Senior Executive Service Appointing Authority Agency Name: FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Print Date: 08/17/2017 POC:CHERYL HARKNESS Phone: 202so2601 o RequestNo: DR170008 Request Type: APPOINTMENT Fax: 2022193093 Appof ntment Authority: NONCAREER Extension: No Duration: ES Pay Leve l: $161,900 Temporary Allocation: No Candldate: ANTHONY PUGLIESE Position No:DRES00325 Title: CHIEFOFSTAFF Organlzatto ·n Name:OFFICEOFTHECHAIRMAN Recruited Fr om: DIFFERENT EXECUTIVE BRANCH Current Title: GEO Location: WASHINGTON ADVISOR SENIOR WHITEHOUSE Prop osed Title :CHIEFOFSTAFF SES Endorsement Statement Agency Whtte House Liaison Name:_ __ _ _____ _ ______ Signature:_____________ _ _____ _ _ ________ _ Phone: Date Signed: _____ _ OPM USEONLY Checkthe appropriateBox(esl 0 Yourrequest ror a new noncareer appointmentauthority, reassignmentor pay levelchange1s: ~pproved O Disapproved .. (J _Youu.equesUor .a.lirnltedter.m.emergeocy _apPQiotrnenloutho dtYfor tile.___ ,,.. _-~~-durationof _____ 0 Is: Yourrequest for temporaryspace allocation Numberof non-career altoca~~ OPMApprovlngOfflclal: ~-- EMAIL: SERS@opm.gov Source:Officeof Personnel Management 1• O Approved with Modlftcation • O Return without Action ========= .-.e, .. _ .-· Modification ,________ _ ________ Percent of SES,pace allocation: - , % DateSlgned: #/7 ATTENTION:Senior Execut ive Resource Services Report 1652, VersionNovember 2008 DOE-19-0036-A-000044 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIF ICATIO N OF PERSONNEL ACTION Sta ndard Form 50 Rev.7191 U.S. Office or Personnel l\·hnai:cmcnl 6 f"PMSupp 296-33 Subch 4 I. Nnme (Lnst, First, Middle) P UGLIESE, 2. Social Security Number i I3. Date or Birth ANT HONY JOSEPH S- 8. Nature of Action SES NON-CAREER 146 08/20/20 17 SECOND ACTJON FIRST ACTION S- A. Code 4. Effective Dntc 6-A. Code 6-8. Nature of Ac1ion 6-C. Code 6- 0. Legal Au1hority 6-E. Code 6-F. Legal Authority APPT 5-C. Code V4L S-0. Legnl Au1horhy 5-E. Code AWM S-F. Legal Aulhoril)' NONCAREER AND OPM FORM 1652 5 U.S.C. 3394(A) NO NCAREER IS. TO: Position Tille and Number C HI EF OF STAFF 7. FROM: Poshion Title and Number 113.Pay e,,1, 8. Pay Pion 19.0cc. Code 110, Crade o, Le1 •,l1l I. S1-PolntlComP"ntahldlU•/4 0 1- ConJlflo,ud I - Pe:rma11c-11t l - ltule!nnlte: l2s. Agency Use 26. Vecernns Preference for RIF I i I 197 NOT APPLICAB --=;;-i LE 0 RS-FRA E & FICA r--;--i 01/20 / 20 17 NO l l 31. Service Comp. Date (Lea,•c) 32. Work Schedule JO. Retirement Plan YEsfxl 29. P•v Role Determinant 28. Annuitant lndicotor 27. FEGLI WA IVED FEGL I COVERAGE ~FE I,_,. ... 24. Tenure l - 10-Pob,tlOl.sabllh y ..i- IO-Poh11/C11mprnublc- 2-S-Pcih11 33. Part-Time Hours Per Blwcckly Poy Period FULL- TI ME POSITION DATA 34, Posilion Occupied 1 - Eu~r1tt1 Sc!nltt J- SES Ct-Hral .i -SES Can-er Rr-Kn·e:d E- Eie:mpl N- flioncJ.C:mpl 8888 39. Duty Station (City - County - State or Overseas Locotion) 38. Duty Stntion Code 11-00] 0-001 40. Agency Doto FUNC CLS 00 ~ 37. Borgaining Unll Stotus 36. Approp riati on Code 35. FLSA Category ~ I - Comr,clldn Sc!n·lc-c WAS HI NGT O N, DI ST RI CT OF COLUMB IA 141. VETSTATX 1 42. EDUC LVL 13 143. SUPV STAT 2 144. POSIT ION SENSITIV ITY CR ITICAL-SENS ITI VE '!'~11{~AS 4 5 TO THE SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE. IS NOT APPLICABLE USED FOR 5 U.S.C. 3502 NONE CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE: PREVIOUSLY COVERED PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 08/21/17. 20170120. PERIOD BEGINNING SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF ONE YEAR SES PROBATIONARY 207(C) EMPLOYEE SUBJECT TO POST-EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS UNDER 18 u .s.c. APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. FERS-RAE OR FERS - FRAE. EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, EMPLOYEE IS COVERED BY FERS BECAUSE OF PREVIOUS ELECTION. OPF MAINTAINED BY FERC HQ SO.Signaturc/A uth enlicntion and Title of Approving Officiul · 46. Employing Department or Agency ON - FEDERAL 47. Agency Code DNF E 5-Pan 50- 316 ENERGY REGULATO 48. Personnel Office ID 4280 171542291 / ELECTRONICALLY 49. Approvu l Dote 08/22 /2017 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Term SIGN E D BY: RITA HOWSARE HR SPECIA LI ST Record - DO NOT DESTROY Editions Prior to 7/91 Att Not Usable After 6/J0/93 NSN 7540--01 - 33J-ii2J8 DOE-19-0036-A-000045 REDACTED PURSUANT TO FOIA EXEMPTION NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION S1andud Form SO Rev, 7191 U.S. Officeof Pcrsonnl'IMan11i;:cm rnt FPMSupp 296-JJ Subch 4 2. Social Securil) ' Number I. Nome (Last, First, Middle) 4. Effective Date 13, Date of Blrlh 10/ 14/ 2018 SM ITH , MIC H AEL A. SECOND ACTION FIRST ACTION 5- B. N• ture of Action 5-A. Code 6 6- A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 6-C . Code 6- D. Ly l?B. Locallly Adj. I I 2C.Adj, Basic P,y 11lD. Olh; cc:MarcosAraus < Marcos.Araus2@ferc.gov>; !)J 1 attachments (57 KB) Powelson.pdf; April We've noticed a mistake in footnote 4 of the attached 502 authorization for Commissioner Powleson for . Docket No. ER18-134, which Charles issued on May 31, 2018. Footnote 4 says the Commissioner's recusal period for issues related to the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission pursuant to the ethics pledge he signed is two years. The recusal is actually only for one year from the date of his separation from the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission, because the ethics pledge provides for an exception of a shorter period for state based organizations. Attorney General and Administrative Law Office of General Counsel 202-502- /\ I\ J1Cn10 /\ I\ I DOE-19-0036-B-000057 1/1 AMERICAN j) VERSIGHT FOIA-2019-34 Katherine Anthony Accepted Date: January 23, 2018 Track 2 Due Date: February 21, 2019 January 18, 2019 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Toyia Johnson, FOIA Public Liaison Office of External Affairs Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street NE Washington, DC 20426 foia-ceii@ferc.gov Re: Freedom of Information Act Request Dear FOIA Officer: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. ? 552, and your agency's implementing regulations, American Oversight makes the following request for records. American Oversight promotes accountability in government through transparency, informing the public's right to know what the government is up to. Since the president took office in January 2017, the administration has experienced a revolving door of senior personnel.1 With scores of new individuals joining the government in key, senior positions, it is essential to understand who they are and the backgrounds they bring to their work. Without such transparency, the public cannot have confidence that government decisions are shaped by the interests of the American people, not personal or professional allegiances. Requested Records American Oversight requests that you produce the following within twenty business days: 1. Records sufficient to identify all employees who entered into a position at the agency as "political appointees" since January 20, 2017, and the title or position of each employee (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). For purposes of this request, please consider any employee in a PAS position, a presidentially-appointed position, a non-career SES position, a Schedule C position, or any administratively-determined position to be a "political appointee." See, e.g., Politico Staff, The Revolving Door of Trump's Cabinet, POLITICO (Nov. 16, 2018, 4:00PM), https://www.politico.com/interactives/2018/interactive_trump-cabinet-departures/. 1 A\11 IC/\ PVERSI f) 1030 15th Street NW, Suite B255, Washington, DC 20005 | AmericanOversight.org DOE-19-0036-B-000058 2. Records sufficient to identify all career employees who have been detailed into a leadership office or component front office since January 20, 2017; the title or position of each employee while on detail; and each employee's originating agency or component, and prior title (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). 3. Names and resumes of anyone from the transition teams or beachhead teams who have joined the agency in full-time capacity, either as career, political, or administratively determined positions since January 20, 2017. For the purposes of this request, please include any employee who previously had a temporary or provisional appointment at the agency before January 20, 2017, and took on a permanent appoint after that date. 4. For each individual identified in response to requests 1 to 3: a. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or, if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency's records. We have no objection to the redaction of contact information (addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) for the employee or references, or to the redaction of past salary information. Employment, education, and professional association information is not exempt and we object to any redactions of such information. b. Any conflicts or ethics waivers or authorizations for the individual, including authorizations pursuant to 5 C.F.R. ? 2635.502. c. Records reflecting any recusal determination made or issued for the individual. d. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position or title, including when the employee enters or leaves a position. We have no objection to the redaction of home addresses, telephone numbers, or social security numbers from the SF-50s. In addition to the records requested above, American Oversight also requests records describing the processing of this request, including records sufficient to identify search terms used and locations and custodians searched and any tracking sheets used to track the processing of this request. If your agency uses FOIA questionnaires or certifications completed by individual custodians or components to determine whether they possess responsive materials or to describe how they conducted searches, we also request any such records prepared in connection with the processing of this request. Under the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, agencies must adopt a presumption of disclosure, withholding information "only if . . . disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption" AMERICAN PVERSIGHT 2 DOE-19-0036 DOE-19-0036-B-000059 or "disclosure is prohibited by law."2 If it is your position that any portion of the requested records is exempt from disclosure, American Oversight requests that you provide an index of those documents as required under Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974). As you are aware, a Vaughn index must describe each document claimed as exempt with sufficient specificity "to permit a reasoned judgment as to whether the material is actually exempt under FOIA."3 Moreover, the Vaughn index "must describe each document or portion thereof withheld, and for each withholding it must discuss the consequences of disclosing the sought-after information."4 Further, "the withholding agency must supply 'a relatively detailed justification, specifically identifying the reasons why a particular exemption is relevant and correlating those claims with the particular part of a withheld document to which they apply.'"5 In the event some portions of the requested records are properly exempt from disclosure, please disclose any reasonably segregable non-exempt portions of the requested records. If it is your position that a document contains non-exempt segments, but that those non-exempt segments are so dispersed throughout the document as to make segregation impossible, please state what portion of the document is non-exempt, and how the material is dispersed throughout the document.6 Claims of nonsegregability must be made with the same degree of detail as required for claims of exemptions in a Vaughn index. If a request is denied in whole, please state specifically that it is not reasonable to segregate portions of the record for release. You should institute a preservation hold on information responsive to this request. American Oversight intends to pursue all legal avenues to enforce its right of access under FOIA, including litigation if necessary. Accordingly, your agency is on notice that litigation is reasonably foreseeable. To ensure that this request is properly construed, that searches are conducted in an adequate but efficient manner, and that extraneous costs are not incurred, American Oversight welcomes an opportunity to discuss its request with you before you undertake your search or incur search or duplication costs. By working together at the outset, American Oversight and your agency can decrease the likelihood of costly and time-consuming litigation in the future. Where possible, please provide responsive material in electronic format by email or in PDF or TIF format on a USB drive. Please send any responsive material being sent by mail to American Oversight, 1030 15th Street NW, Suite B255, Washington, DC 20005. If it will accelerate release of responsive records to American Oversight, please also provide responsive material on a rolling basis. FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 ? 2 (Pub. L. No. 114-185). Founding Church of Scientology v. Bell, 603 F.2d 945, 949 (D.C. Cir. 1979). 4 King v. U.S. Dep't of Justice, 830 F.2d 210, 223-24 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (emphases in original). 5 Id. at 224 (citing Mead Data Central, Inc. v. U.S. Dep't of the Air Force, 566 F.2d 242, 251 (D.C. Cir. 1977)). 6 Mead Data Central, 566 F.2d at 261. 2 3 A\11 IC/\ PVERSIGHT 3 DOE-19-0036 DOE-19-0036-B-000060 Fee Waiver Request In accordance with 5 U.S.C. ? 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) and your agency's implementing regulations, American Oversight requests a waiver of fees associated with processing this request for records. The subject of this request concerns the operations of the federal government, and the disclosures will likely contribute to public understanding of those operations. Moreover, the request is primarily and fundamentally for non-commercial purposes. American Oversight requests a waiver of fees because "disclosure of the [requested] information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government."7 The requested records directly concern identifiable operations or activities of the government--namely, the background and qualifications of appointed and career employees working for the agency. Since January 20, 2017, the Trump administration has been appointing or assigning individuals to play significant roles in shaping the agenda of every federal agency, with frequent changes along the way.8 Identifying who these people are, and the background and perspectives that they bring to their jobs as federal employees, is essential to informing the public regarding the operations and decisionmaking of the federal government. In particular, only with clarity regarding the identity and background of these appointees can the public make informed assessments regarding whether decisions might have been influenced by conflicts of interest among the decisionmakers and whether those employees have personal or private interests affected by their policy actions. The requested records would thus "contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities" of officials leading your agency.9 And, as described in more detail below, American Oversight's website and social media accounts demonstrate its ability and intention to effectively convey information to the public. This request is primarily and fundamentally for non-commercial purposes.10 As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, American Oversight does not have a commercial purpose and the release of the information requested is not in American Oversight's financial interest. American Oversight's mission is to promote transparency in government, to educate the public about government activities, and to ensure the accountability of government officials. American Oversight uses the information gathered, and its analysis of it, to educate the public through reports, press releases, or other media. American Oversight also makes materials it gathers available on its public website and promotes their availability on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.11 American Oversight has demonstrated its commitment to the public disclosure of documents and creation of editorial content. For example, after receiving records regarding an ethics waiver received by a 5 U.S.C. ? 552a(4)(A)(iii). See, e.g., Politico Staff, supra note 1. 9 5 U.S.C. ? 552a(4)(A)(iii). 7 8 10 Id. American Oversight currently has approximately 12,100 page likes on Facebook and 49,800 followers on Twitter. American Oversight, FACEBOOK, https://www.facebook.com/weareoversight/ (last visited Jan. 17, 2019); American Oversight (@weareoversight), TWITTER, https://twitter.com/weareoversight (last visited Jan. 17, 2019). 11 A\11 IC/\ PVERSIGHT 4 DOE-19-0036 DOE-19-0036-B-000061 senior DOJ attorney,12 American Oversight promptly posted the records to its website and published an analysis of what the records reflected about DOJ's process for ethics waivers.13 As another example, American Oversight has a project called "Audit the Wall," where the organization is gathering and analyzing information and commenting on public releases of information related to the administration's proposed construction of a barrier along the U.S.Mexico border.14 Accordingly, American Oversight qualifies for a fee waiver. Conclusion We share a common mission to promote transparency in government. American Oversight looks forward to working with you on this request. If you do not understand any part of this request, have any questions, or foresee any problems in fully releasing the requested records, please contact Katherine Anthony at foia@americanoversight.org or (202) 897-3918. Also, if American Oversight's request for a fee waiver is not granted in full, please contact us immediately upon making such a determination. Sincerely, Austin R. Evers Executive Director American Oversight DOJ Records Relating to Solicitor General Noel Francisco's Recusal, AMERICAN OVERSIGHT, https://www.americanoversight.org/document/doj-civil-division-response-noel-franciscocompliance. 13 Francisco & the Travel Ban: What We Learned from the DOJ Documents, AMERICAN OVERSIGHT, https://www.americanoversight.org/francisco-the-travel-ban-what-we-learned-from-thedoj-documents. 14 Audit the Wall, AMERICAN OVERSIGHT, https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/auditthe-wall. 12 A\11 IC/\ PVERSIGHT 5 DOE-19-0036 DOE-19-0036-B-000062