SCHUOL DULLABDHATION CDLLEETIUE DCF Board Meeting February 5, 2019 $559 DETROIT Fuxa School Collaboration Collective SC2 2018 Recap a SC2 Cohort School Profiles a SC2 Year 1 Cohort Experience SSHOBL COLLABURRHUH COLLECTIVE oods aamss the dw without qua it schoo Vi .1 Many neighborhoods across the city without quality schools S?hooi Quality Lan?gaaoe in ?etm??i eek to address the speci?c needs of our Detroit Chiidren SCHOOL INVESTMENT We have a muEti? prenged investment approach fer seheols I '_dershap Development: Prowdmg _tegfc dire't?pn, candle: the mpamty qf-schp? - 3 apportto high .3 ncrease parental :nvofvementand _lmprovement??umaraund. opportunmes andp?rm ersta. addte?f :"stheeI5'En' . {ilproduae omwafar :1 EnraumentMammxzanon Inten?onalstrategla t9 ensure pp . to add more dassrooms anw'or gradesto . 51M and ?rmwares bu?dmpaaty . watchabre?nureseat focused - muesanentsta?wmeschools -- . . . a: wash for sahoa?s Development. Pray; rategrcic?rectron coachmgana? ali-Iisuppoft ft) high to f: Iii-Increase parental :nvaivementand :engagecammumtyleaders '1 1- -- .- :fEanment Intention ai strategres ta gensure f3}: fammes enrol! therrchud the? 3-333 5. . . Prowde and 5 Structures 3 '2 - that enable future s?at- focused mvestments to thrive o'i-N'ew . teams to. launch new H'schogfs .. Sd'mm pmve em wsu ave the greatest Empad SCHOOL INVESTMENT We have a muiti-pronged investmentappiroach far shchocis - ?Wm-Wha?mm amm I SCHOOL STRATEGY m?feren?isse? qua my seat Strategy 1 mmw?mm?wWwW SCHOOL INVESTMENT . mnge. ?west em schm?g . -. _'eprcartr 5r wlocafhigh n'd charters'thh prover: successfuimodefs raj; and art support to? high to Increase parental Involvementand to. add more and/or grades to I {New School: I . 3 . . teams to. Munch new . support for ?u undatmna! systems and I structures, helping build capaaty that enabie future sear focused 1 Investments to thrwe SCHOOL QUALITY STRATEGY Increase number of students receiving quality education usmg differentiated qua?ty seat strategy mg awartmim make? a ?mgaat Eecmitme-nz . Replica?bn 9% 11% Turnarouna 11 Schaoi hammers-zen: 1 :1 . . - .Neaa?chm?- incubation 3a mmamund auiewSchac-i incwbadm Sch-30% 2e ?emim?zz. -. ?e 1 .1. mam ilcar?ed .E'g - Incorporate Lessons Focus on schools that Convene the right Invests-deeply . Learned using past are ready for change partnerships to lead, and for the long . success and failures (me?requisites must manage, embed the term as a roadmap for the be met) change future LESSONS LEARNED mgamza?ong Kids First {hicaga Context Launched 3 sd?ro?l W2 me mix-?aw rim-?mm of?dtma?w wan onvideieadei'sr mihtheneccssa . Tuisa Rrea Community Schoc Key Accomp?shn - - #3 19"? Contact mm?m- Y8 . Tm? 5W leisdersl?pimzab Plan 'wmw 9m msecotd?as- ?m mcykelrs cg: - Snider m. Ski?man mandating {100d Schaais ?$73k Comm 3' {rm - - rm: Plan . . - ceammfocmmimwbem - szAcmmp??Immt?} - nmqgedthewmmanabau: ?miaomofmmgamcofwe schoolpe?mnce Key'fakewayis} - 12 ligation; E?ea?ned Incorporate Lessons Learned using past success and failures as a roadmap for the future Focus on schools that are ready for change (pre?requisites must be met) Convene the right partnerships to lead, manage, embed the change Investdeeply and for the long term School Collaboration Collective Cohort HOLISTIC LONG TERM INVESTMENTS Invest strategically up to 7 years Year i iP?Eet} School Diagnostic - 3 Year Strategic Plan 1?2 Interventions Clear Success Metrics Milestones - Monitor Progress Adjust Year 2% - 1-2 Interventions per Year Monitor Progress Adjust Year a - Reevaluate 8: Update Strategic Plan 1-2 Interventions - Monitor Progress 8: Adjust Year - 1?2 Interventions per Year Monitor Progress Adjust 14 GUIDING PRINCIPLES Ie susceSS ias?ans i ilea?ned'; Incorporate Lessons Focus on schools that Convene the right Invest deeply: Learned using past are ready for change partnerships to lead, and for the long success and failures (me-requisites must manage, embed the term as a roadmap for the be met) change future teadersirip Mindset Leadership team members who are honest about the state of their school, demonstrate a strong desire to improve, and are willing to do the work to raise the bar Leadership teams that believe they are 100% accountable for all student success and outcomes Leadership teams that demonstrate an Open and effective relationship with their school board .4 SCHOOL READINESS FOR CHANGE Grange Leadership Mindset prerequisite for the 5C2 mange Leaders and staff who are willing to be completely transparent and trust DCF as a partner Leaders and staff who are open to change and are willing to embrace new ways of working Schools that currently show positive indicators of success mange teadershin iriindset t?i?r Bieersitir, Edditir incidsidn Mindset Leaders and staff who demonstrate a mindset to serve a_l1 children and believe all children can succeed Leaders and staff committed to ensuring gjl_ students have the necessary resources, supports and academic preparation Diverse leadership teams and staff who understand the perspectives of our students and are comfortable working across lines of difference 16 Ed? Awa?hm?n E. .. as: Mr.? . . had. a ?an: .M a. Sigu?ahd .ikuohup?nuun mien. ii an." ivy-uh Riva-.3. . gang man "19:2 . ?1.533.433 6.3.1u?amy?m? Ea :93 . .. 3 (la?9. ?0.296% ?3 ?aggig. i Eta-n 94.9.. )9 . . ?dn?dgi??. .3: . . El? .: 10.62.23 8.. ha.? sun". La - .. things? mm R11 ml mm "mill! an gigan?? g. HBMIF WW4 mm ?I'll mm Hill ?hut! .m "1ka mm Ennis?: ?icillu?n Hm 3.5.?gna?a n?uilil m5. 3.11.1; mm wwlu. ?Hm mm at. v. .193?? ?Sinai-.1: U?lillr I uh .Eumw?.g?a millilaieih?t with?: n? ?try.? mm .1.-- . . Wm. WEE mudilu. miumw .w mm?u? Wisind- . uthllua?z?m m?laipl .uwmm up? mlihn? Starving? Mann] ?Ilium?: NW WM mil ?33.233i?. ?3 mm?. mm; mm mm mm auvu?annig ?Juli! an}: nl .II Kiwis at an? Gnu. $415.9: 3.1a. $32.1. 3n. 35.3 in .338? a inunq 1 EN. Eu .914 .91. Pant?!- ?rln. Jig-39.50 55 "1.6.5161 33.15.45. . a :i wish l: {Yul??10 again. ?vi lain. 9.3.5.. Lisa: . 5:5 15; . urn ?gang. 9. 9.3.3 Erna?. in Juan i5n??vys?h $3215 ?toutiruia by! #9145694. can an 2n =an .8 anion. 93.15:. 5. Giles?hi3?? a. .v v. .. its: ta 9 units-4. v1. . . . in? agg?h?pln? Vol.2 ?nia- 51%; giggi?s? the" ?annua??n?ion i gaining.? Ha?hwkv?g?n?r?n If! Luv; nig?hisilqa 4.81.. 8. . E. vii?pn?i ?31. up; 203-39.: $355 5% 5m. 2.23. cm 5m SELECTION PROCESS October November December DCF initial School . Conduct Quality School quality Panel interview conversations completes SC2 School Reviews review followed with DCF with the school Application and ?critical by analysis, selection leadership to friend walks" dEbFiEf committee and assess fit - reflection school leadership team SELECTION COMMITTEE DIVERSE SELECTION Independent Scoring . Co?bora?on Collective Elna! Talk! Sheet; Pilot 2019 Brightmoor Commu Detroit Children?s Fu Skillman Foundation, Teach For America, - Wayne State Univers SC2 Year 1 Cohort 20 DETROIT ACADEMY OF ARTS 8: SCIENCE (DAAS) Our sw?em's are known na?ona?y fm' pesfarmmce want them to be known nationaiiy for acaagemic exceiieme. ~Maur?ce Morten, CEO ESCUELA AVANCEMOS i was mspited by my emfesset wim my eyes to the inequities that exist in our community. ~?Sean Townsin, Smoo? Leader HOPE ACADEMY ifeei prs?meged to $9 reacm?rsg the Same community i grew up and in me seme 5mm! baf?ing where i attendee? 6th grade. -Patricia Davis, Schm? Leaeer .IALEN ROSE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY nheeys wanted in he a teacher and when 5 had children of my own my eccennrehhiw to children grew even stronger. ~Wend?e Lewis, Schoo? Leader SC2 KICK-OFF are excited be art a Eeammg community?. ??60 Found?ng Cohort ember .. .. swam. cemaoamou EULLEETWE 25 2019 PILOT 5C2 Wm pmv?de mcreased support over HG educators and 23m students SCHOOL COLLABORAHUH COLLECTIVE 4 SCHOOLS SCHOOL LEADERS 12 0 EMS 9M5 TEACHERS EA EA Hope JRLA 26 SC2 Year1 27 MN 9.9 389.339 n11 .Euu 1.9 91.90 999m .. Gnu. .0- 1.1.1019 ?190.03 go?! 931.93 in. ?911.19 A. ?11.x? 555.113..? an 6. 0.5 .94.. 9.51.9 9 99 1,110 .3 want-149.9899 ".1199 ?5.855 .0 ?hhg??nlni 0 0.1.9.. 9.3.1} .199. ?Um 55 ?in ?5.109.009.? 99 ?39119.9 9.9.30; ?9.9m a: so. a? Lnunb 291519.. 1993031.. am 81.10.! .93. 1.0.13 3 ?.11 3.9.1115 .3939?. ?00.01. .3 .519? .. 91.191305 .. 93? mr?tstj?e? .. ?Ir . .110 En. .3091? ?Egalmm ?a 9.3% .0133 4.001.383 9.98091. Eris I113 313?.? ?1.9139 3mm 1.4.1916. A101. 4191;? 9 90.950 E03 9.3). ??990 ?0 . ?nag @314 .00 #904 . 9.13 0.90093. 95:13.90. . a. 9. .1. M069 cam? 31101.9( (.1 91100.: ?a 53.11? I mug! urn. ?3199th 130:? 93$? 9i 0 9 ragga a? .1?.va 93.340 $091.00 a 991. .. Iwm ?1.00. ?gn?a? ..8 ..Euna?. Eufl 0. 15A ..nm zT?s?m 91.485. .E #8933991? mtwurih. Jul? gab-?. .591. 91.9.50 .5 ?4 b.5919. .1900). was. ?91.1.01. a} u. ?91.09.90 99.9 9950! 50.. 93.0..qu Engg??d?sxg??a? .2 2% .?vJImuoet? ?Murcia. .341?) 95? 1.69. 9.190.. m? ?10.96.. .8. 84.0? incurrnkuv 911 E9 5.039193 Eh 330.019. 3.3 .9580 Ermivuanu .05. 0.91.13". ?Insist-Kn. .hugslg?u?gultmf?. i?i?r?giu ? .350 ?31960 3.319.. v9.5 Hush 9 .931 1.11% .1591. 9.13 wiring. 0.13.15! Eh?>?Unumi?? . 53:91.0 928 .3an 199.. 09.1091? .555. w?n?u?a? .93? 13.333 E. 53.? ?are-JEN ?11:91.16 mm Taxi.? titut .9310 01.11140 5 11.1% ??32.93 tuna 99mm.? 3299 03?. 11.09010 ..Um 91w H. ?gimgeu mrwt?tvu. Ems. ?1.50.1130. an?; . . . 1 .5598. 9 930.17.611.01 tmca?. 9.9m #93 in .339? 9939180989.?. 53.1?: ?195 31%. ?921 0.9% Carson. 30 I 5.49% .3 cams-.3. v.5. fist In? .5 939.0 J. .. . 01.93.?. .00 ER 318-.3113 ?930 .. ?13 m. 38?. .3 mung F. ?1.913 a 9:19 or.? .19.. "$2.90 0.9.1050. 11.5 @3599 turn ".0008 a.r.nyun&? 05..qu n30.? .qu 0.515.990 903. 8.. 999.15 3? 0.9% 9.95.03 u. n. 99331.0 9:90.03 30.10% ?om 26.3330 m0 290.. .. $531? 9.. m SC2 1 ohort Based teaming The 502 program provides cohort-based learning experiences, including: KEEN-SEE: A celebratory orientation of the journey ahead. Participants will meet and begin to build relationships with other cohort leadership team members (January) SEE EVE ENE SEESEQ S: instructional leadership team members will meet in the evening to Collaborate, learn, and share successes and common challenges. The time to ether will be focused on building relationships, how to effectively lead change, an high-impact instructional leadership practices. (February? December) VESEES: - In small teams, participants will visit high-performing schools throughout the country. - Schools will be chosen based on identified areas of focus for SC2 members. (March December) ER EEARNE - Based on school needs,_instructional leadership team members will participate in summer learning experiences. This may include Unbound Ed?s Summer 2019 Standards Institute, 3 SC2 cohort experience, or other leadership conferences. (June ?Ju y) MAY UPDATE share magress SCHOOL COLLABORATION COLLECTIVE - Progress - Metrics 0 Early Learnings