CONSULTING AGREEME . ': This agreement (the ”Agreement") is entered into as of October _ 20l4 (the “Effective Date”) hy and between C.R_ Bard Netherlands Sale° B.V . having its registered address at Lorentzlaan 4», 3401MX IJsselstein. Netherlands ("Bard") and ‚ with an address at UMCU, loc. AZU, Heidelberglaan 100. 3584 CX Utrecht The Netherlands (”Consultant"). PREAMBLE Whercas Bard is engaged m, among other things, the design, development, and selling of medical devices, and as such, periodically seeks the expertise of representative health care providers, scientists, end/or medical experts who een provide advice and consultation to Bard; and Wherces Consultant is & gynecologist registered in the Netherlands with the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst (Physicians’ Council) and 1183 the requisite medical training and experience to provide the valuable consultation and advice that Bard is contracting in this Agreement. Consultant and Bard agree as follows: !. Services. Bard hereby engogcs Consultant and Consultant hereby accepts Bard‘s engagement to provide services related to Bard’s activities. The scope of this engagement is more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a pent hereof (the "Sem‘ces"). Bard or any affiliate ot' Bard may direct Conmdtant in the perfomance of the Services. Thc contractual relationship, contract performance, and corresponding work results shall be comprehensiver docurnented To this end, Consultant shall prepme periodic reports of its activitìec The contractual documents shall be kept for a minimum period of two (2) years unless & longer period is required by applicable law. Consultant will remain en independent provider of training and educational services and will maintain control over clinical content end teaching methods l'or each preceptor session, provided however, Consultant will agree to implement those relevant teaching and presentation materials as may be prepared and provided by Bard. At no time shall Consultant discuss off—label use ofa Bard product while rendering Services on behalf of Bard. Bard sponsored training sessions must incorporate Bard products, and exclude the use of competitive products indicated for the same application, tmlas otherwise agrwd to between the partito. Except es set forth above, Bard hereby exprocst acknowledgee and agree: that nothing contained herein is intended to prohibit or ratrict, nor shall any provision beroof be constxucd in & manner as prohibiting or restrictiog, Consultant’s right to utilize, in Consultant’s sole discretion, any product manufacan or service provided by any third party. 2- Compgnggtlon. As full and complete compensation for the paformance ofthe Services and in consideration of the other obligations, representations and warranties omde by Consultant heretmda‚ Bard agrccs to pay Consultant the amount set forth in Exhibit A… 'l‘he parties agree that the compensation paid tmder this Agreement (i) has not taken into account the volume or value of referrals or business gmerated between the parties, (ii) is not being given or accepted in exchange for an agreement, explicit or implicit, to purchase, prescribe, recommend, or otherwise influence the purchase of Bard’s products, (iii) constitutes fait market value for the services tendered, and (iv) is appr0priate for the Services. No additional compensation shall be paid to Consultant or to any other third party, iockxding the Consultant’s personnel, in relation to this Agzwnmt or the Services. Payment will occur only through & bank transfer to an account that is located in the country in which the Consultant is based as Specified in the prcamble above and that is in the name of Consultant or Coosultnm’g healthcare institution. Compemation shall onder no circumstances take the form of shares or any ether form of participation in Bard or in the profits derived from the development or marketing ofa Bard’s product. It is agreed that Bard shall°bc allowed to withhold From Consultant’s payment arty taxes. social smrîty contributions, and/or to report payments, as required by applicable local tax laws or regulations Consultant acknowledgcs and agrees that it shall be Consultant's sole obligation to report as self- employment income all compensatìon for services received by Consultant from Bard and to pay of all taxes and social security contributions imposod or required by applicable lnw that pefiain to the compensation paid or rcimburscmcnts provided to Consultant. Consultant represents &nd warrants that he is duly registered as Self—employed or has otherwise the right to receive payment of the compensation from Bard. Consultant shall provide evidence of such registration or right ct Bard’s request. It is also agreed that payments will be made direcrly to Consultant’s healthcare institution or employer if this is requested by law. 3 Term. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section to, this Agreement shall be cfi'ectivc from Efi'ectíve Date until the earlier of (i) the completion of the Services or (li) twelve (IZ) months from the Eíî‘t'ective Date, 4. Records. Consultant shall keep accurate and complete records relating to the Services. All such records, whether paper or electronic, shall be the sole property of Bard and subject to Bard's control and review at any time. Promptly upon the termìnatìon or expiration of this Agreement, all such records, whether they were prepared by Consultant solely or joìntly with others, all Confidential Information (as defined below), any other property of Bard anc! any materials provided to Consultant by Bard, shall be nlroed over by Consultant to Bard. 5. Regrmerxtntiung Consultant represents and warrants to Bard that: (a) Consultant is not a party to any agremnent or understanding rcstrícting or limiting Consultant’s ability to abide by the terms of this Agreement. (b) Consultant agroes to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the country Where Consultant is licensed and in the country where Consultant will be performing the Services. (t:) Consultant has reviewed Bard’s Business Ethics Policy (found at h :llwww.crbard.comh; loadodFiles/Co S'te/Abo Bard/l— and agrees to act in all ntaterinl respects in accordanco with such policy and other relevant policies that Bard may consider as applicable &orn time to time. (d) nothing in this Agreement will violate any laws, rules and regulations to which Consultant is subject, including internal ndec of the institution, hOSpìtal or university in which Consultant carries out Consultnm's professional duties. (e) Consultant’s performance under this Agreement will not violate any laws, rules and regulations to which Consultant is subject, including internal rules ofthe institution, hospital or- university in which Consultant carn’cs out Consultant’s professional duties… (t) Where required by law, regulation or professional code of conduct or ethical obhgation, Consultant agrees to submit. or Will submit in clue time, a written declaration of uttercst and this Agreement to any applcable official panel or body of which Consultant is a member and that may be relevant zo Bard’s business, in particular the relevant association(s) of physicians to which Consultant belongs. (g) that the mnagcmem of the ímtìtutìon, hospita] or university in which Consultant normally carrím out professional dutìw, has been du!y informed of the cxístcncc cf thís Agreement and of the terms contained dx.creìn ( including the Consultam’s dulics and räp0tzsíbìïíâìcs‘ hezeundcr'and the compensatìon sct out in Section 2) and, where rcquìrcd by applicable law er internal mies and regulations, has marked íts approval acd Consultant agrca to make available to Bard the foregoíng notifications anr! approvaîs en request. (h) Consultant is duly licensed îo practice medicine in the country whe-rc he resides and has received no notice threatcníng to suspend oz° revokc any such license. Consuïtant shall immediately notify Bard in writing in the event Consultant’s Iìccnsc is suspended or revode or bc receives notice Lhrcarcníng such suspension or tcvocation. (!) Consultant is not nor, without the prior written appmval of Bard, will become an official or employee of any government or of any política] party, or of any public international (k) In carm'ng om Consultant’s responsibilities under thís Agrccmmt. Consultant shall not, directly or indirectly, pay, promise to pay, or authoríze the payment of any money, or give, promise to give. or authorizc thc giving of anything of value to any official or employee of any government, or of any agency or insmn'nentality of any gcvcmment‚ or to any politica] party or officíaì ü1creoí; or to any candidate for political ofiîce, or to any official or employee of any public íntcmatíona! organization, for the purpose of influcncing any act or decision of such official or employcc er othcmisc promoting the business immo—‚ of Bard in any respect. shall have no liability [0 you unda» this Agreement for any few, reimburscrncms or other compensatíon under this Agreement or for any other loss, cost, claim, ur damage mmhíng, directly or indirectly, to you &om such tcmzìnaücn… 6. Confi enü Informaïíon. Consultant acknowledgcs {hat infmmnü'on _o=r materials of Bard, its affiliates er third parties will be zmd: milach to Consultant or developed by Consultant in connection with the perfomance of the Servic&c (“Confidenu'al Infomafion"). During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Consuítant shall not; (í) disclose to any third party any of the Confidential Information; (ii) permit any third party to have access to the Confidential mfmmtion; or (iii) use the Confidential Infonn3tíon for any purpose other than in connecuon with Corxsukam’s pcxfonnance ofthe OUSHCPCWnM:g Am(EUZOII) 3 Senices, provided however, Consultant moy disclose Confidential Information to health authorities if required by law end provided ‚thet Consultant gives prior written notice to Bard- Notuithstaudiug the foregoing the term “Confidential lnfonrxation” shall not include any information or material that: (a) is or becomes available in the public (il)lìlfflïl tluough uo fault of, or act or failure to oct on the part of Consultant; (b) is rightfully in Consultnnt’s possession at the time of disclosure as evìdenccd by Consultsnt’s written records maintained in the ordinary cotusc of business; or (c) is obtained by Consultant &orn any third party that is lawfully in possession of such Confidential lnl"onnstion and not in violation of any coutractuol or legal obligation with respect to such Confidential lnfonnstiou. Consultant shall not“ disclose to any third party Bard’s interest in the subject matter of this Agreement, the subject matter of any Services or any results obtained b_v or an behalf of Bard. In any event, Consultant shall subject any third party to whom he must disclose Confidential Information to the same confidentìslity obligations as those to which he is subject under this Agreement. Consultant agrecs to return all Confidential Information at the conclusion of the performance of the Services or at an earlier Consultant acknowledga that remedies at law would be inadequate to protect Bard against auy actual or threatened breach of this Section 6 by Consultant, and, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies otherwise available to Bard, Consultant agrees that Barri shall be entitled to specific perfomance and/or an interdict, including urgent relief (in addition to any other remcdy ìt may have at law) in the event of & breach or anticipatory breach by the Consultant of any of its obligations hereunder. lf Consultant is (1) requested in any judicial or administrative proceeding or by any governmental or regulatory authority to disclose any Confidential Infomation, Consultant shall give Bard prompt notice of such & request so that Bard may seek an appmpriatc protective order or waive compliance, (ii) required Confidential Information. it will give Bard prompt notice of such went and will furnish only that portion that ts legally required and will exercise al] reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be affordcd to the Confidential Information. 7. Ownership. Any Invention (as defined below) couceived or reduced to practice by Consultant, individually or join ly, (i) during the term of this Agreement, (ii) within one year after Information, shall be promptly and fitllv disclosod to Bard and, whether or not so disclosed, shall become the property of Bard. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Inventions’” shall mm any of the following that relate to the Services: inventions, discoveries, patent applications, patents, certifimtes of invention, trademarks, copyrightable subject malter„ writings, improvements, ideas, designs, drawings. computer models, dats, concepts, formulas, know how_ trade secrets, test results, nama, tradenames, tmdedress and Consultant onrrants tha; () all Inven:ìous ere or wil: be original creations; and (11) Consultant shall not misappr0priate the in ellectual pruperty rights of a third party in connection with the Consultant will assist Bead, dining the term of this Agreemcnt and thereafter, in the procurement, maintenance, protection, assignment, and enforcement of Berd’s rights with respect to Inventions. ln eddttion, Consultant will, upon Bands request, promptly deliver to Bard (witlmt further consideration but at Bard’s expense) executed assignments <:«r other instruments and do such other acts as may be deemed -. us HC'P Conmlu'ng Agam en zo; :) 4 necessary or desirable by Bard to pzot=ct tiara’s ‘#orldtaâdc rights with roepect to any lnvcotloos. lt is understood that Consultant m'll talcc such action whenever Baud shall make such request whether during the term of Gais Agrcctncm ot thcrcaflcr. 8. ]ndegandcnt (Iontractor. Cortsultartl's status shall be that of en independent contracter without the capacity to bind Bard. Nclthcr Consultant oor aoy employee, agent or subcontractor of Consultant shall be considered an agent or employee of Bard. Without limílìng the genaalìty of the forcgoíng, Consultant shall have no authority to act on Bard‘s behalf orto commìt Bard to any course of conduct, and shall make oo representation to the cootrary. 9. Indemnificatlon. Consultant shall defend, íoácmmfy tand hold Bard and its cmploym, directors, officcrs, afiìliatos aod agents harmloss from ond against any and all claims, losses, damages, lîabìlìties, judgments. awards and costs whatsoever, including reasonable attomeys' l'ccs and court costs and including without limitation bodíly injury, doet!: or pmpcny damages arising out of or resulting from any breach of Consultant's representations, warranties or obligations hcrounder. l0‚ Termination Bard shall have thc right to tr:tminatc this Agreement l'or any reason upon tem (10) days' writum notice to Consultant, in which case the foon payable hereundm- shall be pro-rated on “. _S_l_l_r_xx_°y_gl_ Sections 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, U, 17 and 19 ofthís Agreement shall survive the terminatìon or expiratìon of this Agreeman 12. A ‘ ment rm Sa 0 tractín . Th‘s Agroanent may not be assigned by Consultant, including by the operation of law or otherwise. Subjcct to the forcgoíng, thís Agreement is binding upon and shall inurc to the benefit of Consultant and Bard and its successen in interest. Consultant shall not subcontmct the perfomance of the Servica or any portion thereof to & third party without the pn'or Written consent of Bard… 13. Waiver‚ A walvcr by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement in any instance shall not be dccmod or construod to be & waìvcr of such term or condition for the fumre, or of any subsequent breach thereof. All rights, remedies, tmdcrmkìng or obligations contained in this Agreement shall be cmnulatívc and none of them shall be in limitation of any other tight, moody tmdcftalcing or obligation of either party. 14. Notices. Any notice requímd or permitted by the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be (í) delivered pemonally‚ cfïcctivc en the date of delivery, (ii) sent vie overnight delivery by & nationally recognized overnight courier to be cfi'ectivc the day following deposit, crr (iii) sent by certified or mgístcred mail‚ postage prepaid, rdmm receipt requoctod‚ to be efioctìvc three (3) days after deposit. Notíc& shall be addressed to the party concerned at the address sct forth in the pmblc of this Agreement or at such other addms as such patty may subsequently designatc by like notice from time to time. Any notice given to Bard shall also be given to Q R. Bard, Inc. 730 Central Avenue, Murray Hill, N.l 07974, Attm Gcncntl Counsel. 15. En íre A reemeut‘ Inconsístencica Îìu's Agreement and the Exhíbáis attacth hercto constúutc the entire agreement between the parties uitb respect [0 tho subgcct matter hercoí'and superscde al! pnor agreements bcmmn Bard and Consultzm! with respect to the matters addrcsscd hcn:ín and can only be modified by :: witten _amendmem Sëgncd by Consultant and Bard Notwiúxstandíng the Î0rcgoing, the obligaïíons of Comu‘tant under any axzs?ing nondísclosurc or confidmtz‘alíty agreements mlh Bard shall continue. In the cvem ofany incoas.stcncy between the terms of this Agreement and the tcnns of any Exhibit attached hcrczo, the terms of this Agreement shall govem and mail !6. No Third ‘Partv Bencficíarîcs Nothmg hcrcm, cxpr&;s ur imphcd, is intended to 0: shall MW confer upon any otho: person or enhty any nghî‚ benefit o.=- remc-äy of any name whatsocver under or by reason of this Agreement 17. Prívacv. Bard and its afiíiìates shall az aîl tìmos make best efi'orts to protect Provider’s personal data. Provider agnes that Bard may store and process the personal data hc has provided in connection with this Agrccmem and may disclose &nd/or transfer thís data to ìt.s afiìlíatcs or to third parties, including those outside the European Union ( ‘EU”), including the United States, where standards of data protection may nu: meet the requirements of the EU. Further, Bard y identify Provider as having performed the Scrvicmc pursnant to this Agreement in cormnunìcaùons to us affiliates or to third pax-tius. 18. Governìn Law. This Agrecmmt shal! be governcd by anc! construed in accordance with the laws of the counü‘y where Consultant resides. [& Stamg Dutv. Consultant shall pay any duty stamps in acx:ordance with 211: laws of the country where Consultant resides and/or is h‘ccnsod to practice medicine, whichever is applicable. 7 _0. Severance. 21. Countemarts. This Agreemmz may be executed in two or more counterparts‚ cach of which shall be dccmcd an origma! and al! ofwhich !ogethcr shall constitute one and the same instmmmì. {signamres on following page] ()’.73 Hi"? fm:-‚;&;ng: FgTî‘” ":‘-;î £-.ìë ‘? ‚. - !"N WTI‘NFSS WHERLÊW. Baud 15:d (To::uíüml h.;‘n/t =:.xsu-.x;có L!;ìiì Agsfzîmczïâ a.s Uf'!hc (ia:! „ first a&x3xc wíâttzx C & Bard Nethcriands Snîes B.V. Bv. Profcssionaí License Numbe;s .an… Print Name: Locations: Pn'm Tide: Fínancìai Controller w‘‚.‘“f‚ ëzt. !( i:ù_,„‚‚""h’:.êu_î r-;._tc: '_r‚s_: :ûif) 'Ó ;gïgàäxí_a íg_g_5_tcmpnûrv ûï“- Tugsmmg._zgs wììä cn:zducx xraênìngs (=»r_r-fkshüpìf’pi'ucwxìngjj With & Bard Pclw'c Fiom producî {'B&WLIJADJS’Ü aad wììä pmvâcic diêr:cîizt scssíms reìaaed zo Bard‘5 women*s bcaíâh surgery far U.fûi=>gìst and G:mccoîogésxs. Trainings will be íntanded to expand the knewìedge of physicians in new pelvir: floor techniques. There wììì b'è nu minimum number oftrainìng sessions perfurmed, and a maximum of 4 physician attendees at each session {given operating raam space) Training wííì be conducted cm live patiénts, and wìH be conducted at eìthe; sfacìïíîy nr £«. ïhârd party fatììlát3;. ‘ €! . rcpaêr. is & weìí-qnaìáficd surgeon and is experienced ìn the us:: of Bard products for hemm Thv: spccifics of the engagement arc: Ë Specific Ì Estimated hours!days ; Date(s) (If applicahìe) Preposed Payment ; Dutyz'Atîíviîyfl‘asks (€)/Fee Structure _‘ } Workshops Ful! 12314 _ 2014/2015 € 250 mrpartìcîpant ì Pï0ctorifig '/'Ë: day, 4 hours 2014!2015 _ _ € 500 per 'ff: day _? : TOTAL xzxwzcn»:n ‚ ; € s.amae 5 ‚ FÊES :f ______ ì Í