Border Patrol Strategic Plan 1994 and Beyond National Strategy Prepared by the U.S. Border Patrol . July, 1994 ''•' •. Border Patrol Strategic Plan 1994 and Beyond Preface Why the StraJegy? The 1994-1995 immigration'·initiatives included a Border Patrol enhancement as an integral part of the Administration's commitment to reform the immigration system. The Commissioner, Immigration and Naturalization Service, recognized the need to address the immigration challenges of asylum, technology, criminal aliens, naturalization, and control of the border in an efficient, comprehensive, coordinated manner. In that context, the Border Patrol has developed a systematic approach to strengthen control of the border with goals and .measures of success based on the Administration's and INS' immigration initiatives. ~ The Border Patrol adopted a strategic planning system that permits planners to prioritize (_Cft.eir efforts over tinfui? The strategic planning.ptocess challenges the organization to focus on the task at hand, to prioritize its efforts by geographic area, to incorporate long term goals, and, most importantly, to define and meaiure success. In its strategic planning process, the Border Patrol accepted that absolute sealing of the border is unrealistic. Through the strategic planning process, however, the planners found legitimate reason to believe that the border can be brought under control. Where does the Stralegy Take Us? A planned strategic approach to enforcing immigration laws a'!ong our nation's borders integrates the Border Patrol's vision for the future with a systematic means to achieve that vision. The process prioritizes the use of the organization's resources as it travels along a well defined path leading to effective border control. The strategic planning process sets the entire organization in motion concentrating on the task at hand. The process establishes long-term goals and instills a stronger sense of pride and professionalism. It sharpens the Border Patrol focus, improves public image, employee morale, and facilitates justification for allocation of resources. Our strategic approach strengthen~ control of the border, restricting the passage of illegal traffic and encouraging legal entry as the preferred method to enter the United States. Vision 1 The planners consisted of planning experts from the Department of Defense Center for Low Intensity Conflict (CLIC) and Chief Patrol Agents from all regions and selected ·· eadquarters staff. · 1 The keystone for strategic planning is a vision offering a clear sense of direction for the future. The strategic planning process provided Border Patrol leadership the opportunity to define their vision for the future. Once established, planners concentrated on what direction should be taken to arrive at that vision. Planners found that the organization's traditional goal of controlling the border between the ports of entry remained valid. The importl,nce of this traditional task in the face of massive illegal entry of persons and contraband into the United States has increas-ed. In protecting our borders against unlawful activities, we improve national security and protect the immigration heritage that helped to form the nation's institutions. The Border Patrol's success in achieving control of the border will restore confidence in the integrity of the border and the organizations ~_Iltrusted with its management. The Vision: The U.S. Border Patrol will control the borders of the United States between the ports of entry, restoril!g our Nation's confidence in the integrity of the border. A well-managed border will enhance national security ;nd safeguard our immigration heritage. Environment The border environment is diverse. Mountains, deserts, lakes, rivers and valleys form natural barriers to passage. Temperatures ranging from sub-zero along the northern border to the searing heat of the southern border effect illegal entry traffic as well as enforcement efforts. Illegal entrants crossing through remote, uninhabited expanses of land and sea along the border can find themselves in mortal danger. The demographic profile of the border area has a significant influence on the border environment. Population centers straddling the international boundary have developed all along the southwest land border. These "twin cities," sometimes separated by little more than a line in the dirt, are the areas of greatest risk for illegal entry. These urban areas offer accessibility to i:oads, rail lines, airports and bus routes to the interior of the country. Enforcement Challenge2 In FY 93, the Border Patrol apprehended 1,263,490 aliens nationwide of which 97 percent were Mexican nationals, mostly from the interior of Mexico. Typically, an alien arrested by the Border Patrol is under the age of 25. Twenty percent are women and children who are attempting to reach thdr husbands and\or fathers who are already in the United States. Most of the aliens encountered are poor, are looking for work and have incurred transport and smugglers fees. Those who are not Mexicans are from Central America and numerous other countries from around the world. In FY -93, 40,754 Other Than Mexicans (OTM'S) aliens were 2 Information provided by the INS Intelligence Program contributed to this section. 2 smugglers fees. Those who are not Mexicans are from Central America and numerous other countries from around the world. In FY-93, 40,754 Other Than Mexicans (OTM'S) aliens were apprehended attempting to enter the United States. A majority of apprehended aliens are destined for the States of California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Illinois. Mexico's government institutions and economy are under significant stress from its lower socio-economic sfrata. Some of the major causes for increasing instances of social unrest and illegal immigration include: o Rapid population grow_\ll in Mexico's lower socio-economic groups o Great disparity in the standard of living and chances for upward mobility in Mexico versus the United States o Significant population of unemployed and underemployed in Mexico The passage of The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) should reduce illegal immigration as the Mexican economy improves. The NAFTA agreement lifts commercial barriers among its members: the United States, Mexico and Canada. In the spirit of NAFTA, the United States and Mexico are cooperating in efforts to resolve the issues of illegal migration of Mexican workers into the United States, border environmental issues, narcotics and dangerous drug traffic into the United States. The Governments of Mexico and the United States have been intensifying cooperative efforts to jointly resolve enforcement concerns along both sides of the border. In addition to the passage of NAFTA, other initiatives include jointly naming areas on both sides to reduce response times for law enforcement officials and focusing on reduction of border violence. INS will continue to seek stronger cooperative ties between the two governments to facilitate legal im"migration while strengthening control of the U.S. border. INS' immigration enforcement role is more complex and challenging than at any time in its history. INS officers at the border, at the ports-of-entry, and in the interior are uncovering increasingly sophisticated methods used by aliens and smugglers of aliens to enter the United States and to avoid detection and apprehension .. Document fraud is widespread. One of the most recent concerns is a new trend in which a rising number of Mexican citizens attempt to enter illegally and secure work authorization in the United States by requesting asylum. Also, a pattern of Mexicans posing as Guatemalans claiming political asylum has developed. This method of obtaining Guatemalan birth certificates is occurring along the Southern Border and Gulf coast states. Illegal entrants from Mexico claim Guatemalan citizenship in the belief that the asylum claims of Guatemalans are processed faster and are more like! y to be approved than claims from citizens of Mexico. Another area of concern involves the Nationals from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) who have become the third largest group of Other Than Mexicans (OTMsfapprehended 3 along the Southern Border. Once PRC aliens arrive in Latin America, often by boat, smugglers easily lead them by land through Mexico into the United States. Similarly, citizens of Cuba are entering Mexico to take advantage of Mexico's diplomatic mechanisms to gain entry into the United States. Many Cubans are also being s~uggled to Mona Island, an uninhabited island between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. The Cuban immigrantS are dropped off by the smugglers who know that the Border Patrol will rescue them. Once processed they are released to continue their exodus from Cuba to the Miami, Florida area. Many illegal Haitians are doing the same as the Cubans and requesting political asylum. The forces that cause legal and illegal migration are powerful. Without positive, long term changes in the root causes that prompt illegal migration such as improvements in the Mexican economy, NAFTA, effective employer sanctions restrictions, or closing the loopholes that allow illegal aliens to gain equities in the United States, the "push" and "pull" factors will remain strong. ~ ~ 'CQ_ose attempting to illegally enter the United Stat~ in large numbers do so in part ecause of the weak controls we have exercised .over the southwest land border in the recent ast. Strengthening border control is a critical component of improved bOrder management and will provide the U.S. Government the opportunity to deal with powerful global immigration pressures in a reasoned, systematic manner. INS can meet the challenge of controlling illegal immigration to the United States through a coordinated enforcement effort. Controlling the border must be supported with such efforts as effective employer sanctions, back-up enforcement in the interior of the United States, reducing document fraud, providing detention and deportation for eligible illegal aliens and expeditious removal of criminal aliens. Assumptions In developing the 1994 Border Patrol Strategic Plan, Border Patrol planners relied on a number of key assumptions: o Alien apprehensions will decrease as Border Patrol mcreases control of the border. o Influx will adjust to U.S. Border Patrol changing tactics. o Violence will increase as effects of strategy are felt. o Rapid increase in personnel/equipment (resources) will reduce time reqnired to achieve control of the border 4 V~id o measures of effectiveness of border control mechanisms/systems are needed to adjust enforcement efforts and reach the strategy objectives. o A strong interior enforcement posture works well for border control. o The INS must maintain a multi-program perspective that includes but is not limited to strengthening control of the southwest border. 0 Improvements in technology will make border control strategies more effective and less resource inte.I}_sive. 0 Control of the border will reduce INS cost and produce more efficiency. 0 [j ~uccess _of the strategy depends on continued Congressional support throughout Its duratiOn. Mission As part of the strategy building process, Border Patrol leadership reviewed their traditional mission statement in the context of the Administration's immigration initiatives, the INS goals, and the "vision" for the future. The duties performed by Border Patrol agents have expanded and evolved over the past 70 years. It became clear, however, that the basic concepts of deterring, detecting and app{ehending illegal entrants into the United States specified in the immigration statUtes continued to be the basis of the Border Patrol's mission. Many of the tasks are spe£ified by statutes. Many more are implied tasks inherent in the accomplishment of the mission. Implied tasks include, but are not limited to: processing and removing illegal entrants, pursuing employer sanctions cases, seizing vehicles, facilitating prosecutions, gathering intelligence, maintaining public image, conducting liaison, being prepared for emergency responses, obtaining and providing training, and managing resources. With the above in mind, the current mission of the Border Patrol is best described as: The mission of the United States Border Patrol is to secure and protect the external boundaries of the United States, preventing illegal entry and detecting, interdicting and apprehending undocumented entrants, smugglers, contraband, and violators of other laws. The Border Patrol has significant strengths inherent in its organizational structure. Border Patrol planners have capitalized on those strengths in plotting the course of the strategy. The Border Patrol has maintained a continuous uniformed presence on the border since 1924. Even today, the Border Patrol is the only uniformed Federal body with_ a significant patrol function between the ports-of-entry. No other institution has amassed a more 5 comprehensive knowledge of the border environment. Strategic planners relied on this knowledge in generating the assumptions and predictions incorporated into the strategy. Virtually all State, local and Federal agencies with a mission that interacts with the immediate border environment have at least a local liaison mechanism with the Borc!er Patrol. The courses of action developed at the national and Sector levels rely on the Border Patrol's liaison network to garner the support the organization needs to communicate and coordinate strategic actions. Individually and collectivelyJ_ Border Patrol agents identify very strongly with their organization. The Border Patrol's chain of command is one of the strongest and most direct in uniformed Federal law enforcement. T~e organization views itself internally as the best in the world at their business. The Border Patrol employs specialized recruitment and stringent training standards, including Spanish language competency. All agents are originally assigned to the southern border, and, as a consequence, build strong ties based on commonality of experience and training. The Border Patrol's strategy relies heavily on the organization's "esprit-de-cows" to implement the course of actions described in the strategy, many of which are significant and challenging changes in the way Sector operations have been conducted. The Border Patrol is aware that there are significant challenges to be met in the strategic course they have set. The volume of attempted illegal entries is very large by any estimate. Illegal entry trends r!! '.•. Maintain Baseline Leve Is II Maintain Baseline Levels SAN DIEGO ELPASO TUCSON DEL RIO LAREDO MCALLEN EL CEN YUMA MARFA REST OF BORDER FlowControl Shift in Flow Increase in Apprehensions :~~~~~~m~m~~~~~~~ ~~0~~~~ ~~;~~~~TOhTt ' Shift in Frow ILLEGAL ENTRY CORRIDORS ...........· AA11 0 AA9 HVM ,, . ,/·~ .• .• •. AA7 • ...... /~.- . ~I ./ ·'... AA12 soc ·~·li11 AA4'/;:-::I 0 ~·· ....... ·>·>... '.// AA2 ,::x:::, . 0 .'1'.n·' ·'. . ~-"' . Sk--wging Neas In Me:6co "''1·', ' ·1,:1); AvflroQs ol Approach Soc !or Hoaclq.Jal1orS '-~~~··· Puorn Rko ·, t:-L,.. 9<1f,',. . ·.·~·.·.· "/.1:: ...... . -:'fq..u< / •'. (AA) '!:!:> Anlidpalod Aveoo<>s ol Aj>proach .A. ' :'1{: .. ' ·, ..t,;o;.. ·. "U·'.· ,.· Q)sta::les ::::::::> '·"IX>.· . '.·, ;\'<"'. (!] Stagng NoM In U.S. (AA) ~ T ~ AA5 \S)-~......... · .··~ -· .•. .lloY- ...,4,' ;" /' .· ,• .·,. ' .· ·<·>~<- .~>:/.·>> / • • •• • .1' ---- (l-WT1 AND TI-lE DOMINICAN f'S'U