Risk Study - Phase Status Report for Colorado River District Boo rd of Directors Phase Scope of work 9 Current and Future Conditions Modeling in Both CRSS and StateMod Current 2018 Demand schedule from UCRC StateMod?s baseline Future Demands Define first for StateMod, then with CRSS Investigate StateMod behavior with respect to admin and adiudication dates: Uncertainty about ?pre? vs ?post" compact water volumes Within and across west-slope basins Using several different administration dates PRELIMINARYM I, How Much Consumptive Use is Senior to Key Dates in Development of Colorado Water? Modeled Administration dates: (12/31 899) turn of the Twentieth Century (as a ?bookend?) (1 24/ 922) the signing of the Colorado River Compact {.944 - 1:33. 25/ 929) the signing of the Boulder Canyon Proiect Act gafter the Fryingpan-Arkansas Proi?ct administration date PRELIMINARYM All Colorado River Depletions within Colorado 2,500,000 - - - - 2,305,968 2,303,396 2,000,000 1 738 931 ~25; 1,649,573 1,661,774 1 713,873 5 1,531,946 15583833 '5 1,500,000 1 1,181,909 0 a 973,422 2 1,000,000 5 3?6 2 500,000 12/31/1899 11/24/1922 6/25/1929 7/31/1935 7/30/1957 I Appropriation Date I Administration Number FT Note the simulated pre-compact consumptive use numbers higher than we expected (conventional wisdom based on Historical usage suggests ~l .l -l .2 MAF) All Colorado River Depletions within Colorado 2500-000 2,305,968 2,303,396 1,138,931 ,774 1 713,873 1,558,833 1,649,573 1,181,909 973,422 1,000,000 Average Annual Depletion: (AF/yr) 12/31/1899 11/24/1922 6/25/1929 7/31/1935 7/30/1957 I Appropriation Date I Administration Number Why? I FT Increased irrigation efficiency if only using pre-l 922 rights Typically there is water available for both SR and JR rights, so modeled efficiency is lower (this is also reflected in actual usage data) Better methodologies for determining Crop CU over time Modified B-C including High-Alt adiustments lead to higher CU than previously computed All Colorado River Depletions within Colorado 2500900 2,305,968 2,303,396 1% 1,738,931 .774 1 713,873 1,558,833 1,649,573 2% 5 1,181,909 973,422 1,000,000 Average Annual Depletion: (AF/yr) 12/31/1899 11/24/ 1922 6/25/1929 7/31/1935 7/30/1957 I Appropriation Date I Admhistration Number . Digging into the details of the Statemod model Baseline individual basin .StateMod vs CRSS Baseline linked StateMod 'vs Baseline individual basin StateMod - lnduvnduol Bosm S?ro?reMod CRSS Comparison SloleMod and CRSS results from 1 988-2005 (current period of overlap when using the ?Stress Test? hydrology) CRSS SloteMod CRSS-BL (current) Annual Depletions (AF/yr) StateMod IndIVIdual Annual Depletions (AF/yr) Minimum Average Maximum (current) Minimum Average Maximum Yampa 169,151 193,879 209,249 Yampa 173,547 196,982 215,193 White 22,884 36,624 48,310 White 48,550 62,060 69,030 Upper Colorado Upper Colorado Front Range 684,794 1,227,709 1,294,957 Front Range 1,117,487 1,220,386 1,345,192 Gunnison 269,198 501,108 532,688 Gunnison 502,591 575,267 624,538 San Juan Dolores 224,687 410,644 438,421 San Juan Dolores 335,365 500,717 556,627 StateWide 1,370,713 2,369,965 2,523,625 StateWide 2,258,518 3 2,743,484 x/ 2,250,560 Linked StateMod vs Individual Basin StateMod Results - 1988-2005 Average Depletions Are Similar 1% Diff) Upper Colorado model from CRWAS, not 2015 update Individual Basin Models Average Average Individual Model Average CU Average EvapAverege loss Depleliens Linked Model Average cu Average Evap Average Loss Deplelions Basin (AF/yr) (AF/yr) (AF/yr) (AF/yr) Basin (AF/yr) (AF/yr) (AF/yr) (AF/yr) Yampa 170.538 12.870 13.573 196,982 Yampa 169,354 11,383 13,147 193,884 While 49,758 3.086 9.217 62.060 whale 49,750 1,767 9,216 60,733 Colorado 1,117,645 48,414 54,327 1220.386 Colorado 1,108,453 45,157 52,867 1,206,476 Gunnison 487,856 37,715 49,697 575,267 Gunnison 489,354 34,674 49,241 573,269 San Juan 424,764 33,600 42,353 500,717 san Juan 417,240 29,747 42,776 489,763/ . rolol Individual 135,685 169,167 2,555,413 Total linked 2.234.151 122.728 167.246 2,524,127 Shortages are apparent both to new uses as well as some iunior existing uses (Especially on the Colorado mainstem) Equivalent increases used for other Upper Basin states in CRSS (equivalent to approximately 2040 StateMod Future Uses Future Uses identified through conversations with BRT reps on the Technical Working Group in the 2017 UCRC Demand Schedule) Future Use Depletions (AF/yr) StateMod Average Yield of Average Increase Input Demand Linked Model New Depletions in Basin Depletions Yampa 29,506 29,485 30,104 White 61,839 61,787 65,000 Upper C?l?rad? 86,077 82,425 120,450 Front Range Gunnison 31,053 31,100 37,900 Southwest 81,104 82,355 130,499 a: ?f21 .3: 2?StateWide 289,578 287,153 383,953 Preliminary Results Simulating Lake Powell conditions with linked StateMod/CRSS model Baseline 2019 Current conditions demands Future ~2040 (UT, WY, New demands for StateMod (+384kaf) Stress Test (1988-2015) Hydrology FT 3,750.0 77?~ - - . Powell Pool Elovetlon (ft) ?Soen 1: Baseline, Current Seen 2: Baseline, Future ?Soen 3: DCP, Current ?Saen 4: DCP, Future . PRELIMINARYM a What?s Next? Continue To Look at Pre-Compact CU Estimates Simulate Different Call Demand Management Scenarios in StateMod Simulate Stress Test in CRSS With Current StateMod Depletions incorporate Future Depletions Into CRSS ED