mm.LU 1" I I STATE OF HAWAII JUDGMENT ?55 CIRCUIT COURT OF THE GUILTY PROBATION CR. NO 84-0236 FIRST CIRCUIT NOTICE OF ENTRY STATE OF HAWAII VS (DEFENDANT) REDOFT NUMBER DALE JAMES MCSHANE c-B7923, 6?87923?1 DEFENDANTS PLEA GUILTY NOT GUILTY NO CONTEST JURY VERDICT a JUDGE FINDINGS OHIGINAL CHARGE CHARGE TO WHICH DEFENDANT PLEAD COUNT I: ATTEMPTED 3? . COUNT I: ATTEMPTED 3O COUNT II: BURGLARY 1 COUNT II: BURGLARY DEFENDANT ts CONVICTED AND FOUND OF COUNT I: ATTEMPTED 3? COUNT II: BURGLARY 1 JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE OF THE PROBATION TERM FIVE (5) YEARS I SPECIAL CONDITIONS: CI RESTITUTION 8 OTHER 3 JAIL COMMUNITY SERVICE . it" It is adjudged that the Defendant has been convicted end is gutlty as stated above. terms and candatmm o! ptohdli?n set Ionh the attached document. Detendant a eupt UI Judgment IT IS THE NJ 00 ENT TESCE ot'the court that the DeIertdant paythe ?ne and ts hereby placed on prohatton Iorthe penod stated above. eummencmg ofthe due ntthatjudgment. unless soonet hyorder DI the court. upon eondttion that the Defendant comply tuth all of IT IS that cortex 0! this Judgment be deltsered to the Adult Ptobattun oIthts court. that a probatton Of?cer court take rhugeof and h?\c DI the Del?endmt and Instruct the Delendunl the terms and ot'pmhatton. and that the probatton other tumuh the I 1' 2/20/85 TANY S. IIONG DATE SIGNED JUDGE SIGNAT NOTICE OF THIS JUDGMENT HAS ENTERED AND CODIES MAILED 0R DELIVERED TO ALL PARTIES. FIRST COURT STATE HMWJI HUD DATE CLERK FEB 21 985' B. NAGATA FEB I Lei-I, DISTRIBUTION PROS DEF APO l3 POLICE. 0 DIVISION, JAIL (IF {Dan no can at. 54 JUDGMENT IGUILTY AND PROBATION SENTENCE- - 1?34 {($333 I I CASE NUMBER 1 I: . STATE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 0F PROBATION CR NO 3-3-0286 FIRST CIRCUIT T0: DEFENDANT DALE JAMES MCSHANE f. It is the ORDER OF THE COURT that of probation. }ou shall comply in all with the following terms and conditions: I. You must obey all law and follow all lawful and rczminiihlc irmruciions Much .irc to you {13- your probdlloll of?cer. You must report as by your probation ol?cer. 3. You must report any change of adorns. or clung: of employment within 48 hours. 4. You must not lcavc the island ol Oahu at an}: umc wuhoui firm ob?ldlning from war probuiinn um?, 5. You must permit your probation of?cer in visu your home and place of cniploymcni a: all rcnsunablr times. in. Your further SPECIAL of premium an: as follmu. You shall be committed to the custody of the Director of the Department of Social Services and Housinq for imprisonment-for a term of fourteen (14) days. TO ISSUE EFFECTIVE FEBRUFRY - 22, 1985 at 8:30 am. - (bl You shall obtain and maintain mental health treatment)?. . services, including medication.muyor tests if ordered, as deemedm: appropriate/necessary by the Adult Probation Divisionr andrif so? directed, remain in treatment until clinically discharged with tie concurrence of the Adult Probation Division of the First Circuit Court. (C) You shall obtain and maintain gainful employment andfor I educational/vocational program as directed by the Adult Probation Divisioniofthe First Circuit Court. I NUTS: l1 our whereabouis become unknown to yam probation oilicer become 0! your laiiure lo keep him Informed. the courl mav . order your arrest. Any failure by y0u io comply with all of ihe terms and condilions oi probalian will mean ihal ihe court can revoke your probailon and sentence yen to prison. or change or add to the icrms oi probation. I I I J?s-mum Th: rains and cr-niliizom oi pr-ihdimn haw: rim-n explain-ml arm I fully them and by int-m: way. and understand ?it? :1 Hip) oi lht?st? irruis .ini'i oi I DATE inf-Art? Jim-11'. L-TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF a .