ARIZONA STATF UNIVERSITY May 23,2014 Shanique Scott shaniguescottg Dear Ms. Scott: Arizona State University's Office of Equity and Inclusion (0E1) is charged with the iesponsioility for investigating potential violations ofthe University's policy provided in Academic Affairs Manual, ACD 401, "Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Nonretaliation." In this letter, 1 am providing a determination based on OEl's investigation of your complaints of discrimination against Professor David Barker, 3 faculty member in the School of Film, Dance and Theatre. Senior EEO Consultant Jason Williams headed the irlvestigation and reported the results to me on May 15, 2014. have reviewed the report and accept its finding that no violation 401 occurred. The invesn'gation revealed that there were interpersonal issues among members of your cohort. However. 0E1 did not find any evidence that these difficulties were motivated or caused by race discrimination. Contrary to your Claim that Professor Barker failed to take action to address issues among the students, the investigation revealed that he requested assistance from OEI Executive Director MS. Kamala Green. Although her intervention may not have resolved the issues among the students, you noted that the other minority students in the cohort did not believe that race was a cause of the problems. As an example of the issues, you reported feeling excluded from collaborations with other students. The investigation revealed that the interpersonal issues among the group led to other students making the same complaint. There was no evidence that students were excluded or minimized based on race. You told the investigator about an incident in which Professor Barker asked the students to line up so that another studentiwho was having breathing problems caused by a fragrance someone was wearing--could determine who was wearing the offending fragrance Professor Barker later supported the student in emailing you to find out what fragrances you wore. so that she could provide the list to her doctor. Professor Barker confirmed that this occurred While this approach to the situation was misguided, the investigaiion does not suppon a finding that you were singled out or treated differently due to race. oi the unimth vievou anti Em Ullentry onve we on mans Tempe, AZ 8523797302 (noises-ass; (deal 95541755 hItDS/lprovnst asu edu/ The investigation did not substantiate your allegations of discrimination. Please be aware, however, that retaliation against any individual who participated in the investigation is a violation of ACD 401 and will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns or questions regarding retaliation, please report them to the Of?ce of Equity and Inclusion immediately. This concludes the complaint review process. Sincerely, Robert E. Page, Jr. University Provost Attachment: ACD 401 c: Michael Underhill Kamala Green Lisa Hudson