SENT BY' 3-28-96 : 5 :01PM : ~ 202 637 1505 :# 2/ 3 t r MEMORANDUM '1'o : David NicUli From : BMSK Date : March 28, 1990 ----- ................ .... ............. ............. ... . . . .. . .. . ----------- ----------------------------- Politierrl Assessment uf the If :dastry The industry's position on Capitol Hill is weaker than it has ever bccn . Our friends and allies are confused and pessimistic, though still with us . The Mzttthces and Se.nfltors who have quietly supported us, but never been rcal comfortable abuut it, would go south if wc had to vote on a tobacco issuc today . The news on the so-calicd "whistleblowcrs" dalnagcs our creciibility with the quiet supportere and puts our strong allics on the ilcfcisive . Most of thetll (both categories) probably privatcly be]icvc the whi,tlcblowcr5' stories . The LcI3ow settlcmcnt creatcs the first major public break in the induetry's united front on legal and public policy issue5 . That distresses our allies . It canses both allies and quiet supporters to be Ucssirnistic about our future financial success . All this comes at a very bad time, with the Adminiciration poised to promulgate FDA rCkulatiun of tobacco. On the merits of that quectiou, as a regulatory issue, we havc a lut of support on the Hill . If the issue is viewed hy t .'.ongress, not as regulatory, but as a qucstiun of the companies' conduct in determining the role ofnicotine in their product, rlur suppurl will vanish . Actions to bo Taken Corporate PM PM should undertal:c a massive, multi-media ativertising and public relations campaign tu infurm every American about the Action Against Access program and what PM has douc to fullill its promises . Elaboration oFthi .s case has been given to you orally . Source: SENT BY' : 3-28-96 : 5 :01PM ~ 202 637 15Q5 :# 3/ 3 -2- Responding to the press and the whistlchlowcrs on the tiicotine issue is obviously a delicate question . The lawyers propcrly tie your hands and prcvent a full-fledged defense providing all relevant facts . But, sonic limited respunse composed of two tn three talking points that factually undercut the whistlcblowers must be presented tn the free media by PM exccutives . A limited, pat, but persuasive response that can he widely ciretilated and repeated with great tliscipline . {f`ashirrgton PM Whca Congress returns in mid-April and, hoPe .fully, in conjunction with the ntassive ddvcrtising campaign on AAA, our lnhhying teHms should hit the Hill and brief kr,y Mt;mber5 and SeRators on AAA and what has been done . We have made this presentation to a few Memhers and it has been well received . Now, is the time to arm all our allies with this informatinn and use it to reel in the quiet supporters who may bc headed south . Whatever the corporate PM response is on nicotine, we necd a cornmunicatiou tu the Hill Prosenting the exact same message . My idea would be to havc a onc-pagc lettcr to each tienator and Congressman (except hard-core antis) from Mr .l3ible that our Inhhyists would hand deliver, in person where possible, to ensure rcadership . These talking points, even if limited, arc dcspcrately needed . ' Simply said, we need to respond on the iucotiiie issuc tu ttt least finesse it and get folks on the Kill to undcrstand that tho juiy is out on that issue, then go on offensive higtime on AAA . We have a great progrrun, wG havc bcen implementing it, and have a . o:nod story to tcll . Metnbers Taking Tobaccu MunKy This eattipxikn is getting a lot of attention and is hecnming tt problem with a few offices . In lhe end, candidates act in their own self-interect, co few who have taken our uwncy in the past will stop taking it, i .e ., the Mnnt,ina story that was circulated . But, this is j ust one more good PR move by the antic that puts us on the defensive on yet another front. We do believe it will have little lacIin8 irnpac .t . Source: