NERMONT AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF DISABILITIES, AGING AND INDEPENDENT LIVING Division of Licensing and Protection 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05671?2306 VoicefTTY (802) 871 ?331 7 To Report Adult Abuse: (800) 564-1612 Fax (802) 871?3318 December 3, 2015 Ms. Mary Belanger, Manger St Joseph's Residential Care Home 243 North Prospect Street Burlington, VT 05401?1609 Dear Ms. Belanger: Enclosed is a copy of your acceptable plans of correction for the survey conducted on October 27, 2015. Please post this document in a prominent place in your facility. We may follow?up to verify that substantial compliance has been achieved and maintained.? 'If we find that your facility has failed to achieve or maintain substantial compliance, remedies . may be imposed. Sincerely, . (is. meal-MEN Pamela M. Cota, RN Licensing Chief Disability and Aging Services Blind and Visually Impaired Licensing and Protection Vocational Rehabilitation FROil?l- St Joseph Home Burl 8028045540 T-2-?il P00030005 F-584 PRINTED: 11/12/2015 . . . . FORM APPROVED Division of LicenSInci and Protection - .. STATEMENT OF . (x1) CONSTRUCTION (X3) DATE SURVEY AND PLAN OF CORRECTION NUMBER: COMPLETED . A BUILDING. 0.155 3- WING - 1 0/27/2015 NAME OF PROVIDER 0R . STREETADDRESS, CITY. STATE. ZIP cons 243 NORTH 3T RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME - - BURLINGTON, VT 05401 iD SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES IO OF CORRECTION (X5) PREFIX ivusT BE PRECEDED sv FULL pREFix (EACH ACTION SHOULD BE COMPLETE REGULATORY OR 1.50 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) TAG TO THE APPROPRIATE DATE R100 Initial Comments: R100 An unannounced On s?ite survey Was Completed by the Division of Licensing and ProtectiOn on 10/27/15; the survey was a follow Up to a survey of 8/25/15 The following deficiency was found. 8?ng v. RESIDENT CARE AND HOME SERVICES R162 5.10 Medication Management 5.111s. Staff will not assist with or administer any . . . . To guard against admitting residents medication, prescription or over-the-countet? medications for which there is not a physician?s ?nth Incomplete phys1c1ans Orders, the 1 written, signed order and supporting diagnosis or 3035??th form 11111313 b5 completed by problem statement in the resident's record. the nurse doing the admission and . . . countersigned by the DNS prior to $313 REQUIREMENT Is not met as eVIdenced admission. If any of the information Based on staff interview and record review, the 13 the adm1ssmn ?flu 1,101; home failed to assure that residents 000W ?ml the documentatmn 15 - administered medications had Written signed complete. This form will be kept as orders for 1 or 5 applicable residents in the part of the admission paperwork. survey. (Resident Findings include: Per record review, Resident #5 was admitted to . Please see attached form the home on 8/25/15 and there Were no ad1111331011 admission orders for medications and treatments signed by the physician as of the date of sun/ey. . 10/27/15 The resident was receiving 2 routine - - 3 daily medications and a treatment to the foot Ruta PUC *1 131115 without signed orderS In the medical rsCOTd Per - \i?r interview with the nurse, the physician failed to - - provide written orders although s/he had been contacted by telephone On 3 occasions. The Only medication order that had been signed by the physician was a telephone order for warfarin. Division of Licensing and Protection . LABORATORY OR REPRESENTATIVES SIGNATURE . TITLE (X5) DATE Mun 5 .. 1< STATE Fon?ivi' em - ?3011 . ?Ii?243% ?18:28 FROlii- St Joseph Home Burl 8028845640 F-584 CHECKLIST The following forms need to be completed or copies provided PRIOR to admission. Resident name: Admission date: INSURANCE CARDS-copies of front and back of all insurance Cards COMPLETE AND SIGNED ORDERS: Yes Initials EMERGENCY CONTACTINFORMATION: Yes Initials RESIDENT PICTURE 2 COPIES: Yes Initials COLST: Yes Initials ADVANCED DIRECTIVES: Yes N0 MEDICAL RELEASE OF INFORMATION FORM: Yes Initials LEVEL Ill ADMISSION APPROVAL SIGNED BY PHYSICIAN: Yes Initials PRN STANDING MEDICATION ORDERS: Yes Initials COMPLETED DIAGNOSIS LISTING: Yes Initials IF INFORMATION IS NOT BY ON DATE ADMISSION, ADMISSION WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL ALL DOCUIVIENTATION IS COMPLETE. Signature of nurse completing admission: Date: Signature of DNS: Date: