Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 1 of 9 PageID #:1299 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT oF lLLlNOfftt llAY EASTERN DIVISION lr PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ex rel. KWAME RAOUL, Attorney Genera! of the State of lllinois, Plaintiff, V. -5 lll ltr 88 rLED MAY .. _.THOMAS _ 6 20tg G. BRUTON cLERK u.s. osrdlCf No. 1:18-cv-2861 Judge Andrea R. Wood SUBURBAN EXPRESS, INC.; ALLERTON CHARTER COACH, lNC.;and DENNIS TOEPPEN, individually and in his otficial capacity as owner, Defendants. FILING TO ADVISE COURT AND PLAINTIFF OF CHANGES TO DEFENDANTS' WEBSITES AND OPERATIONS 1) Suburban Express website, other than lost and found form, ndil.html, and announcment of cessation of business, will be taken down as of 5nfi9. 2) Suburban Express is ceasing operations SlZllg. 3) Allerton Charter Coach is ceasing operations, other than movements related to disposition of vehicles, on snn9. Attached form MCS-150 was mailed to FMCSA/DOT on May 2, 2019. MCS150 notifies FMCSA of end of operations and causes operating authorities and DOT number to be voided. 4) Allerton Charter Coach website is down and has been down for more than a week. 5) lllini Shuttle website, other than Iost and found form and announcement of cessation of business, will be taken down as of 5nfig. criunr Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 2 of 9 PageID #:1300 6) wind-down accounting will take place over next +-e rlieers. i' 7) Allerton Charter Coach, lnc and Suburban Express, lnc are being dissolved as soon as accounting wind-down accounting is compteted, and hopefully no later than July 31. 8) The above actions render state's recent motions moot, and seem to render most of the consent decree moot. They obviate the need for court to devote further resources to this matter. 9) The $100k payment required by consent decree wil! be made by approximately May 15, months ahead of schedule. 10) Defendants continue to be agreeable to extending Consent Decree by a few weeks to make state whole for initial delayed compliance and for compliance which began during B0 day cure period. 1) Green River Lines, of Peru, lL has indicated that they will be offering bus service to and from University of lowa beginning this fall. 1 12) we have decided not to facilitate or aid in reptacement of Champaign-Urbana service. lnstead, we prefer to sit on"the sidelines and watch as competitor's fares rise, frequency falls, and passenger injuries and fatalities increase. We understand that competitor had a ten injury accident only a few weeks ago at onarga, tL on l-57. we have never had a passenger injury or fatality in 35 years. 13) Defendants appreciate Judge wood's patient, compassionate, empathetic, courteous, intelligent, and professional handling of this matter, as wel! as other matters observed while waiting for status calls. 14) Defendant Toeppen's reason for undertaking above actions: "l stopped enjoying this business around 2001, and lthink it's beginning to show." Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 3 of 9 PageID #:1301 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. o,_u---Dennis Toeppen Respectfully submitted May 2,2019 by Defendant Toeppen, representing himself and both of his businesses in his role of sole stockholder and president of both. * ,,i*, , rfr;ir]. ', #. Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 4 of 9 PageID #:1302 Exhibit A MCS-Is0 Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 5 of 9 PageID #:1303 Foilre}flo Revtsfld6l2,l20j-a OlrB Io.: 2123,oota lrohdotuoty''olNa Ihc collcctloa of tf,It labra$loa b uthorLcd undcr ttc probloor of {, Cp& p.rtr 39G399. Pulilic nporuag for thrr collcctbn of hfrrmrtloa ls €stm.Ed;L 20 mlnutce (urd 7.5 forrwlerrlag trclnrtsu.doDr.adcomPbtilga"arwiarrng ue;,[E;; mtnuterloi u. u.rora ,rparc.t Fr - rr"mr a*t",irtEl,u thid.tsi"r-t"a mandeory rnd will bc prwtdcd ta onfdcni o U..r-iaforn nor rr'n r pcnoo unles thrt collcction of tirbrmauon dtirlap a cunat *eriibMl U" rcspo,,o hdud.og rhe dmc o 6ls co[ecdoofinbrnntion responrB 3i:ix,ffi ffi.ffi5ffi #f"f fl:fl Iffi a";b"i G;;iilffi #ft;t m a r;;ffiff il*;ffi;ffiff"" tri?,*#mmi,ffis*Hmmr,tn r.n -u." im ale ,r,o infoniordon ollocuoa b 2r2d- , Unltod States Dep€rtnent of Transportaton Frdrnl Xobr Grrl., 3d.ry Aoilil.ffion Motor Carrier ldentifi cation Report (Application for USNT Number) FORM MCS-150 REASONFORFILING(set*ontyone)t , t O4*lrr* 5rrtTl{ Q New Application O Btcnntal lJpdatc or changa fiou, o7 s*ino, Ilottfication Q Rcapplrcatton 1. LB6AI. BUSIilESS 2. l-, nlpvt NAIIE: DOI{G BUStilESS AS l{AmE (,f (after r*ocattotr of tuu ctrhant) (.u4u differentfrom LegolBusiness Nome)t 3.7. PRII{CIPAL PI.ACE OF BUSIT{ESS: L itrPov* *'4 l5 3. STREET ADDRESS/ROUTE NI'MBER s.srArE/pRovrNcE 4. CITY &l2.IulAlUl{GADDRESS: Q &lme,Epancpalklihcs , e eapE6G-- ttvtc+'a'G lf ,=fu.,,=t-t zl t 8. STREET ADDRESVROUTE NUMBER 9. CITY IO. /Eo 3 ll.aPcoDE STATryPROYINCE - Li 1----]-.i-.,f' zb oo r 3-1 13. Lz.COI.ONIA(Menoab) s. COI{TACT t{UitBERSr PRINCIPAL BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER ''B'','isirr?!*"'*3 15. ?.coroN@l Matltnga&hcssbctow: r PRINCIPA! CONTACTCELL PHONE NUMBER 14. a-, .3 19. k.c 20.E*IAILADDR6S: 2f . CARRIER IIILEAGE (to PRINCIPAI BUSINESS 8AX NI,NdBER g* lT.MCorlv0(NUMBER l8.DUN&BMDSTREETNUMBER USDOTNT'MBER 15. *1 tb ??b IPS/IAXIDNUMBER lastructtonE blofi congl*try thts scctton) .l nrrcrre;t t O,OOO mite> fot rhe ptqious I 2 months)2 22. COIIPAI Y OPERATTOIIS (check oil rhot oppty)z $,*.*.,. Grrler E B' lntrastate Hazmat Carrter I c. lntrartate Non-Hazmat Canter E D. lnterstate 23. OPERAnOil CLASgf lCffiONS kheck oil rhar apdilz XA Ei. A*hoa For-Htre "d For-xtre E c. Prlvatc Poperty Exempt I D. Prtwte Motor Canler of Passenger (8usin65, El E Prlvate Motor Gnler of Passengers (IVon -Busi ness) EIr.Mpnnt E E c. u.s.tvtait H. redenl Government ! ! t. state Govemment J. Local Govemment E K lndlanTribe FOnI trC3tto . ?.a1. 1ot8 Hazmat Shlpper E E tntrastate Fl€zrnat itlpp", Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 6 of 9 PageID #:1304 t FOiI rlcStlo Reytstr,d O6/2U2OLS OIIB 1lo.: 2!2G00tS Exptr.Uoa= Ol/$/,{it:t 24. CARGO CLASSTFICATIONS (check oil thot appty)z fl A" General Freight E B. Household Goods E I Machinery Large Objects E Q. coal/coke E Y. Paper Produc E J. Fresh Produce E R. Meat EIz uttttty EI C. MetaL SheeB Cotl$ Rolls ! K Liqutds/Gases E S. Garbage, nefuse,Trash E AA. Farm Suppltes E D. MotorVehicles E L tntermodal container E r. u.s. tvtatt E BB.Constructlon E E Drive Away/Iowaway [tn., E U. chemicals E cc.waterwelt E F. Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber E N. O[ Field Equipment E V. Commodttles Dry Bulk E oo.other: E G. Bullding Matedals E o. Ltvestock E w. Refrtgented Food E H. Moblle Homes ! P.Grain,Feed,Hay E x. Bevenges 25. HA:ZARDdTS IIATERIALS (Crrrlor or Shtppei kheck oll that opply); (C=Canier; S=Shipper; B=Bulk, in cargo tanls; NB=Non-Bulk, in packages) CS CS BN8 A.Drvt.l tr tr tr tr B.Dtvt.2 tr tr tr tr c.Drvl.3 D tr tr tr D.Drvl.4 tr tr tr tr EDrvl.s tr tr tr tr F.Dlv1.6 trtrtrtr tr tr tr tr H.DIV2.ILPG tr tr tr tr l.DlV2.1(Methane) tr tr tr tr G.DlV2.t(Ftam.Gas) t.Dtv2.2 EItrtrtr tr tr tr tr LDlv2.3A tr tr tr tr K. Dtv2.2D(Ammonta) M.DIV2.3B tr tr tr tr N.Dtv2.3c tr tr tr tr 8NB o.Dtv23D tr tr tr tr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr R.CLASS3B trtrtrtr P.CLASS3 Q.cLAss3A S.COMBLIQ tr tr tr tr trtrDD T. DlV4.1 trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr U. DIV42 v. Dtv43 w. Dtv5.1 x. Drv5.2 Y,DIV6.IA tr tr tr tr z.Dtv6.tB tr tr tr tr AA.Dtv6.lPO SON E tr tr tr BB.Dtv6.lSOL D tr tr tr tr CS DD. CLASS 7 EE HRCQ FF. CLASS 8 GG. CLASS 8A HH. CLASSsB t!. CLASS 9 D tr tr tr tr tr tr tr JJ.ELEVATEDTEMP.MAT. KK.INFECTIOUSWASTE LLMARINEPOLLUTANT5 MM. HAZARDOUSSUB(RQ) NN.HAZARDOUSWASIE oo. oRM BNB trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrDtr trtrtrtr cc. Dtv6.2 tr tr tr D tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr EtrDtr 26. ]{UIIEER OF I'EHICIES THAT WII,I. BE OPER'IIED IN T}IE US.: Hazmat Cargo Stralgtt Iluck Tank Ihcks Tlactors Tkailers Tluda Hazmat Cargo Tank Motor- Thallers coach School Bus Bus passengcrVan llmoustrc 27. DHVER INFORMATION: DRIVERINFORMATION Wtthtn lfi)-Mle Radiuc Bcyond l0-Milc Radius INTERSTATE INTRASTATE TOTAIDRWERS 28. IS YOqR USDOT NUMBER REGTSTRANON CURRENTTY REVOKED 8Y THE FMCSA? Q \-z ra $[rvo 7\ If ycq enter your USDOT Number: _ FORIitc$tlo. Patc20f 8 TOTAI, CDL DRTYERS Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 7 of 9 PageID #:1305 FonI xc31l0 Relvl sfld $6/22/2OLA Of,B llo.: 2!t3,00'tt EOtnton:O{/!0/20tl 29. COMruAilCE CERTIFKATON: ALL MOTOR PASSENGER CARRIER AppLtCANTS must certifi as foilows: A?Plicant b ft, willtng and able a groride the prcposeil opnaions and to compty wtrt allpefiinent statutory and rquhnry nqulremenh, including the lLs. DePmtmeflt of Transportationl Americans wiih'Disabititi* Act rqulations for ovctldt -.oa compania located at 49 CFR part 32, Subpart H, if applicable. tr b* vEs Prhrate entities that are primarily ln the buslness of tnnsporting people, whose operations aftct commerce, and that transport passengers in an over-the-road bus (defined as a bus characterlzed by an elevated passenger deck oner a baggage compartment) are subject to the us. Department ofTransportation! Amerlcans with Diiablllties Aa regulatlons located at 4g cFR part 3z Subpart H. For a general overview of these regulationt go to the Federal Motor carrier Salety eiilnrstnilon!web slte at www.fmcsa,dot.oov/ rules-regu lations/bus/comoanv/ada-guidelines.htm 30. PT.EASE EI{TER I{Ai/!E(S} OF SOLE PROPRIETO& PARTNERS, OR OFFICERS AI{D TMES (e9., president, treosurer, gmuol ponner, limited partner) I, z (?lwwcfrpnntnma) 31. CEfflFKAnOI{ STAfEilEI{T (ro be complaed by authotized ofrciol)l ,,W,certirythatlamfamlllarwiththeFederalMotorGrrlerSafetyRegulatlonsand/orFederal Heardous Materlals ReEulatlons. under penalties of perjury I declare that the lnformatlon entered on thls rcpqrt i,, to the best of rny knowledge an{rlqplief, true, cofect, and complete. srgnturE: P'ukl* nile. W FOntfc$rto. P.aaSofs orn S/g/t? Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 8 of 9 PageID #:1306 Case: 1:18-cv-02861 Document #: 114 Filed: 05/06/19 Page 9 of 9 PageID #:1307 ,- t// t I e a*-a* I ywL (ha''tk 7ur'' -t, l<