SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DEFENSE FENTAGDH WASHINGTON. DC. seam-toot: HAT El ZINE MEMORANDUM FOR CHIEF MANAGEMENT OFFICER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHAIRNIAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF IINDER SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU OF THE COMEATANT COMMANDS GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR OF COST ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION INFORMATION OFFICER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ASSISTANT OF DEF EN SE FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR OF NET ASSESSMENT DIRECTORS OF DEFENSE AGENCIES DIRECTORS OF DOD FIELD ACTIVITIES SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR AFGHANISTAN RECONSTRUCTION SUBJECT: Restriction on Temporary Duty Travel to Afghanistan from May Bill?;I through SePtemher 30, 2019 I direot that there he limited visits to Afghanistan from May 15. Elli 9 through September 30. If? 9' by Del] senior civilian and military personnel. All Components will scrutinize senior?leader travel plans to ensure compliance with this policy- sonior civilian and military personnel 1Mill submit travel requests through the required Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System for a detennination of operational Ifa request is deniedl personnel must coordinate appeals with compelling justi?cation through the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia for approval by me or the Chairman of the oinl Chiefs of Staff. Consistent 1with normal staf?ng processes, all personnel assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Agencies. Field Activities, and Offices of the Secretaries of the Military Departments should seek approval from me. All personnel assigned to the Joint Staff, Combatant Conanaads. and Military Department staffs and earrunands should seek approval from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This polic}r is not intended to inhibit the normal operational flow of personnel to Afghanistan. The purposc of this policy is to curtail and consolidate senior-level visits to Afghanistan during a critical period for LLB. Forces-Afghanistan. the Resolute Support eoalitien, and eur afghan partners. I have also asked congressional delegations to honor this travel restriction. Please ensure all civilian and military personnel within your component are briefedcn the spirit and intent of this policy. Patrick M. Shanahan Acting