1-1. Asset-ding to the Inspector General Statement on the Federal Election Commission ?s Management and Peifornsanee Challenges (Mid), "the senior leadership roles of the Sta??Direc'tor and Chiefinj?omotion G?eer (Cit?) are ?lled by the some individual. :15 both senior leader positions are critiral to the agency, we strongly believe these two positions should have separaie?il'l?time pensonnel soieitp dedicated to each position. Do you agreewith the Inmector General Yes- All ofthe agree that the Commission should have separate indie-imam ?lling the senior leadership roles of Staff DirectorandCI'D- As is true ofthe General Coimsel position [sue-e msponseto question 1 above}, me salary limit placed on me Staff Director ID by the FECA {level IV of the Enemtiye Seheqhsle] means that the Sta?? Director supervises personnelwhose positions, on the (33-15 and Senior Level pa],r scales, often provide higher salaries thanme statlrtory salary for the Staff Director. The longreomnmended that Congress de-linh me Staff Director's salary ?'om me Executive Schedule. 1Wheaime Commission promoted our CID to Sta?? Director, we allowedhim to eonu'mle tosereeas CID andheoompensatedatthat levelratherthanahsoi?o asuhstantialpayeut inorder to the promotion. This has allowedthe Commission to maintain in its most senior staff leadership.