7?2? CENTUIRIDN jMareestrgat-SW 57 maree Street .. . . . . :Pthh-e'tszraom 255-1 .P'os'busJPQ Bon??Q? -- . . Noordbru92522 Pottih'?fsttobm 21315242345 ?Tar: 9.1329713795? Faks? 1' Fax: .01 8 =29?" BABUELEDI MR U- reference: MR. EN. RAMPERSHAD - gen-1111333220119- Egm?ru ham Dear; sir/madam, VARIOUSPOLITIGAL PARTIES I 12, wecon?rm that was-are aci?ihg; ifbllowing 2'7 political parties; 1.11 Forum D?liveiry; 1:2- Content Mdvem?efnt; 1M3 . Rf'euelati'on Congress; --1 .242 :Af?c?a'n. Conventmh; 15 Ecoforum 1 .6 .?B?etfer. .Resl-idenis 38355615111311; 114:? CW: 21' South African" National Congress- 1131 rW?men?quward; MOGLMAM-LLB LLM dear I Assistt-d-by: JAN KRIJT. LLB . Registrasie?bmm?r_[ Registratiqn number-I Qertificate Legal 4 1.10 Land Rarity: 1.11ATM 112 PAUL- 1.13 11121- .Alliance- tar-1155515111151155;. 115 005E: '1 . 16 nity: 1 ..17 African Security Congress 1.18 SANCOTA =1 .19" - menu; '1 .20. CompatrletsofSOUth Africa; 121 NPA 122 1.223 1.2-4 EN 125 PAC: 19:25 land." 1.2? We: 001111150 that. 001: clients haVe already; raised pertain 10.01151.objectidns may-ghe- a'mp'lifled'1-at 13115111311 's'tage) jar?t'df 1115111321111r clients hat-1e? farther t'a?k'eh? hdte 11151. 11152 is.- w1l 1ng 1'0 conduct ah.- :aerit 011 lt?s by Virtue 0f the. veracdy of these complaints received "The complaints: 101-1110 .110; Tirrengl-ariti'eej 1115?: occurred during. 1115 12011916011515! Electihhe (1110; 5010010111910 .d?u?rl11511151101181; Casts Serious?: doubts. as 515511511 processand the 011100015911151501. For; your ease 01? reference we attach hereto )5 letter that was addressed t0 you by- some of the representattves 010w respectlve clients We r500?rd that they have raised various: issues that are 1101 1.0th Ohly material 10.- the outcome of the electrons but by the very na1fu're thereof east serious doubts over the credlbillty and the freeness and DIREKTEUREI DIRECIQRS: HANS.- LL13 CLARISSA. PENAAR LEM deur .1 Assisted by:- JAN 151.com LLB- I Registration number: 20071028053121 BEE Certi?cate Namb'er: EMELOSOBOQBS Level '4 n. Paga- 3? very ham 'thegrgg'f; cast .--serious- over? the Credibility and The} ?freeneiss fairness 9f: 2-164 20:19? General E44444 The: ampla'ints- are, .?i?'feji?i alia. :thiez 44116449.:? 4:413 442;. 4 3. 44 43.5 46 There; ane- *Of peeple W?Q-?voted "Multiple times. The fun :e'xteiht of this-Win never. 4944444 no how mush-l-Samp'ling is "The p?eb'r?l? and; incarcerated fo'r ritu'are ..more: than: likely victims 4f poii'tic-aL bullying and abuse. ?Mating stations-- qp'ened late? and 41346? Mt at-au. Manymting- ?sta'ti'?ns ?rah .:ou't papa-rs. :andjpeopl? were. asked-to came; back later, 90 "to station .or giveyn one ballot; paper and fold to come- back far the other later. Many indelible. in?k? pens?i'd; not? work. an?dji'couid' Shaw scanners 9r Scanners did not 444. By; ?viriue- of? NS dysfu?ctionality.= the: EEG was. amongst; Other things-.- in: no]_positian ft'o? "determine; Whether a: :46th Who .r'a'prgeisenfetd himfherself-?at 461mg :sta'tion was 4- regis'tenedwfer;" w?ether- such "voter? has. already cashed their vategonj the, same. day- .at a- different. siaft?idnzgujr 145,3, Whether pers'Qn is igtd?in'arily" 'rfegismred i?n' . a; different :th'ani me- .prowince'fwhereth? is not aimed. Many: papers- were. no.1 stamped at, the DIREKTEURE I DIRECTORS HANS JURIE HOOD-MN LLB- PIEINAAR LLM Bygestaan deur'f Ass?lsted JAN KRIJT 8 LLB Regktraslenommer} Registration number: 2007;028053221 BEE- Certificate umber:- EMELQSOSQQ3S Level 4 i4. 1432? 9 Page "People were won different: oon?oufation-s of ballot Tl'ap?rs sometimes ?52? National" or .125 gand tho-?- Noft?hi west thoro- a?rIe-- oven reports- :of- 3 ballot-papje'rs; have aoslStod :?people to veto 'U'hmafke'd' Tel-M papers. were accepted? by rule's- or 4:10 i. 412 4:113. form's Were not available ln most provmces which meant- that people could only vote NatIOnally Special] Votes: used: a system-"that utilised 2. :??nv?lopes, -.o.th'e.rs 3 ands-orna- The oumbor-of spoiled votes is "fat ?hloherthan before, We motruoted that" these: issues were? also ?formally Wr'aised? With IEO via-- thousands of fermal complamts from across the ?length and breath of. tho Republlc of South Africa In addition: tothe complaints referred: _-.tfo above we. also hold; ifh?sftru?tibh?z it?oi fih'fte'r? gaiflia, the iadditifonalj objections; '622 The: alt-taking of: theoorftji?eo voters: .__roll: between the date or Certificatio? and the: date po'n "Which the JelectiOns took 56th -8.- May" 2019 With: tho-objective of allowing unregistered failure; to ?separate.- The? ba?l?lo'to of the yogtors. -referjredi' to inf paragraph 4.6 eabbtre; from: thefhallots: placed in ?the: .ball'otbox before? the registratloh status the relevant-yogawho only completed n? appendix 4=iaffidantS could be veri?ed :thqs; 'en ,abilin-g soch -_pers;ons to: vote: illegally. Without the ability to- retrleve the. DIRECT MGOLMAN LLS St CLARISSA LLt-tj Bygest?aan clear I Assisted by: JAN KRIJT B- tor-1 LLB Regis??astenommer! BEE lumbar EMELocoaooss Level 4 10 11 Page 5 By pf? the 111111- 11131-11113- various: issues were. With. the 11111an 1111; :?elegti?ns? 1119 JEQ. after receiving1he Various complaints- and ?after; "the voting-station's were clcsedj accepted the veracity 0111119313Widespread complaints. as. a result} 1d?eeidad:to: communicafe .vi'a- themedia?th'ajt ifwiil be :cqnd'ucting its sown "12111011" audit": -'cl.ie.nits accept-- the need? fdre- an audit 31196911?? they are 01?" {he 111.8thha1 1111111111119: 91-1111 1511121;- 1aise'd :C'ahh'ot': only be attributable to isolated incidental-ri?nvoIVIhg individuaIs .Lemipl?oyed- by are: iSsues ith-a'tj can b'e-Ldfi'fedly? linked to, 11111111116201 Were-55011.11 fareseeahle; and: preventable had the IEC duty :10: "ensure? free These; 73111111111111.3115 :a can'fIICt {In our clients? view} disqualifias the :10. hammer-"an: 1111111 01113-2 own: fai?l?u?res; ?This mnsti be: considered .ag..alhsi?the? b'abkgi'ound. that. the -.has; had more than "ample opperthIn-ity 10L gpr?Op'erly? prepare for the-52019 General :Eiectiionsg- I the" light-2' of? thet-EbWQ we con?rm that are. not: satisfied wan-- 111131 fact. that. the: IEC [is in daedth'e party co cti 1-19 an-audit In this matteL. Our 1113301111211 View thata'5?1hei compromised insofar; as .Qplectivi'ty-101 any 2.130111211111136 and IEC .- '11 May 2619, appoints: an Li'n'dapendent audit 11m 11> 111111311111211:111- needs to do 1150-. 111:1 agree to; an independent.11:111. sweghold instructions to approach: :the- acogurt for amongst 21111111111191. an order-"to 90111133111113 app?olnt 'anf Indie-11311111111111.1111? ?rm: to scond act'- agn'. elections? and fox-refrain- Dutcam?e .of the. electingn. Lastly,- kindly find. fer aceess tor in?rm-aim for" you; urgent- attention; DIRECTORS: HANS. JURIE MOQUYIRN LLB EL CLARISSA PIENAAR LLM Bygegtaan dgur- I Assisted hzy JAN KRUT 8- COM LLB Registrasi'en?mmer I Registration number: BEE Certi?cate Lane! 4 Page 6? we awaiffyb-ur urgent rep-Wand res rights in tom Yours"faithfully DIREKTEURE DIRECITBRS: MDOLMAN LLB: PIENAAR LLM Byge?ta'anj de?ur Assisted by: JAN KRIJT 8 COM LL-B RgagIstraslgnommer I Registration number: 263302805321 BEE Certi?cate Numbe'ri Level 4 ,30uni?me; To: AFRICAN CON From; [Era Legal. ism-vim . ?blaazlja?i' Acknowledgement; Of Re?eiptj This: ($99113: {he Obie'cior'thatthenotic?. Reference N?mb?ri receiv'?d by The ??owing 5.3.erfi.nehf{ ibf?rm?dfian is?li'n respect to {he receiptibfth?Written bibles-311ml" '=Raf?rence Num?er: Objpc?d? Received: Oble??o? captured :5 W315 "?amers; 51$?r?fti??: 'Telaphqna Nam?ger: Fax 'N'ium be? r: Ema." Addfr?ss: i-Prartv .Re'iir?aen'i?d: 10370906 AM. 20919-0509 {9:131 Swanepoei 0761903265.. . MQVEMENI Elastpral Hyena-2 B-?rovince: unmet-9:213: young ?ia?t?fl?'ir. Wtingi?tatid? Name P?ys'lpail Mama's: Pasta! Address:- an Munidpafit'f?s All AH Voting Station's R0 OM NUMBER 1 7? 52-1-00 fir?veracity: as: the- wit? be?etermined by jhezGommIsSlon?. 'JDaiter- . mamabOIo --. . chief Ele-erare-omcw Ms Duly ?spammed :i'Pe'rsr?sil': Dear Ms. swanep?es s5: The Electoral arms recast-of-seur 'Iett?f gagged May2019; recsivsde gt. on balsam-ulna {thirty-ans- parties". :in respect 'of "Cal'n'plai?li Thebommiss?idn cgh's'ider'y?ur camp'laint and reverts-io-you instiuezcourse; 1 find thefabiOLV? .111 Cider]. 'Yoyffs'sfaith'futlyr rm; .. 'T?mp-e?rlshad Legal Services. 09105120119: Electo ral 9 mi 5:51 10 2508011119 emphasis-1m: v.3, Muir. Dr. 1 wast. {Jews I ds?d?gsb; Fain!- 33% moma'umtmmu 6.09 hjudon. 131.57 .Pleg' 12-, Toma?) .12 522.5790 l_._st To: AFRICAN "comm From: gaemlon-?s ??ie??tion . . Acknowledgement Thigrec?ipf servgs?tb-ndiify- th _Ei_ que-cgonhat' trie- Humbert-1030906. .iha's "been irgcelve'd. lay-the. im?gyfq?pwmgi :I's'flnzur?spea't fig jh?g- ?rece'ipt ?fths. writt'e'? anytime-cf Itha 1.030006 "Electoraf. Event: ELECTION- :Obl??tlan 1011.0 AM ?blgc?ari. 10:14 Mu?lci?ality': MUnl'c'ipaliti'es ?Vpi'ing :Si??dn N. 5.3116:- All Votih? Statiohs. Nam?ei's: Va nessa ?Surh?ma: Swan-9pm: Telephone Number .fFiax?-Nuz?hber: :?'al'lphone TN'umber: 0761903265 - Email Address?: Postal Address: Room NUMBER -1 FIRST FLOOR ipazrity R?pta?ented: . 7:7 12-100.. This ?con?rm Gr pig-your; dbi?ctib?n; as: "she- .rnau?r'wtlihe bv'ftheif'comirmssiqr?m. Date; Signature Symamabolo 77731771071120LBGALDBPARTMENF via-1:773 -:jdi?spute that 7117:" $171711; A??iGan 20.19 N-atidn?l?nd :Plj'ovi'nqifal- Elections have-been- free. and "fair. list and; we reserve. mini-1:3 to add to. thus list of," griwangegs' 75116963. be) covers the $27169, that wag-{he undelf?ifg'i'lfa? as resulted. fif??- 7136 fair .?iedii?n;envir?M?i?has; set =711:t?7ihi the smithA?'i'd?n?GhiiSt'iuilim This ganeral 'l-isf (7:13. this The sai'd=_ 9271773737711 each 37671777:17:37amt?samplainm pertaining To. thjes'e' 91? the} due processes.- as." a farm's} obj?cfioii $11117 submitted it") the,- to ?the; IEC'lagall'of?cetat the National ROG earth?s-- situated in77791777773131. T137: tjn'det?szignc'd Pi?ithalgpal?els andWlie-f?; it- Edged ass-a?- 717979117711 11.. 721719713 Willi -1levbi% .2 15691716 'accusgd'" {if {his rand incimtcerat?'d- ?971: are. 1110176 {liaii- likely- Vibfii?s- of Iid'li-tical Voting late? audion'e 1197-77711. V?'?mg?statious ran .out? pagple. 37717 a?kg'dfjto Wye lb 716172171737 '99. {to another 701.116 back $6,177,116 ?ber-later; Man-y ?11616] ?15177 ink pans c'iicl not? work and c'Q'uld b'e_I'L1'bb'ed GEE-very- easily.- 141317)! did not have Scatlinergm-.Scamiers did-not-work. I 7 i-Mauy 13711071977575; ?73:7.th 37771111791 at the back ?2?313 2.77711 diffcxent :cpu'?gp l?afi? ballot 59.313; 6 5me 11131163: 2 Nationalor Pm?mia? ?ad?s are being, g?iven- 3 ban-o: . 9.. Presiti 11.33 gf?c?fs trig-70136: withoul. any tl'j'iitdE'party-9113361112 1.10 W313 accepted by atlas. offhamm? 1'1 WG-4 ware-.1777 71117th - 1.2; some ?u'sed a system this ati'liseid 2 611761912731, 0th? 3?31"? 303164 higher- thau' b77777; a '1an 't'img 1.5.7111}? "agan'ts wemmt ?213117ng piriggp_.e71y; - pmven?ng VOTBTS Tearmng what then 6666113 6.1.6. 16 Many of. the) 311161161 6616.63. T161116 1161161: 36611. 61 116616 th'6i1' ?1ghted and 61.1mm 611661.663." ?6116 6f ?1gl1t1ng 3611661116. T7 M611y-6f1116'111631dmg of?cer's 616166611613 and 611111163166 by government 61166.16 361116 people 616 used evety 611.16 which 6166633 'bi63 6116 often :631'6163311633'16 followmg 6166661116; 1'87. When 16661I111g issues to t-T'16' IEC usi'n'g'. th6 computels ?1163" 16360116 T611633 T1166 T01 I116 bigg'61. pal'thS 63166133.:- ageint-s i3116t 666q316t6'. '20. T6616 '13. 6 11161115666111 medta towalds 16136 11611163 6116 often 311161161 116111163 gnevances 61'66111111611t3 6.1.1 i33116s 6116' igumed. 21 V6161'6d.'1166'ti61113116t' ad?qu?TB and 11666663 16: 6? 611v11011n1611t 136116611611 6313,1633". 166133161161 13. v1: tualiy I22. T116 W63t6111 C666 WOT 11613 decided that 11163131166666) stop. working 11616.16 ?1.16. 1.1.0163 .1166 61166611 counted Essennally the 6111116 p166633 and 111666613116 South Africans. 11611.6" 6.61 6.66 11.16. oppo1tumty t6 61.616136 Itl'1611'r71 116111 to 116.16 T116j'1331163 .666v6, 66116T66 with. Itl'16 fact- that the 661663 6116'61611166131'1163 are116t'6661116t61y16?66t6d 1.11. Voting 16311113 111113 16.1.; Intimate That 616' 611616 voting 61.666513 is ?awed and possibly .CaprItlled by The luli'ng party; Consequently We. .hi61'663 16611331 I11. 6' {2.1611 6611.1. flit? 130 32-. 61.111'i11cl6pend6nt 1116' 11.6616 6116- 1216616661; 131666663 making 1.13.6 6111616. 366-6111161661 process. Tame mus-3311's legal! 13161.6 61-611116611111313?. W6 lcqucstcon?lmatlon 661111331161165161and." 61' ..1'661'631 t6 116-6111161361 6: 6611.161 of 111661163! within by 96111 .611- 51.05136? may: 11161116661161 Revelanon 061161 633 'Dach Malulelce A?lcan P661116 3' Conventmn . D1 13.6.66. "Kag136 Mokoena R631dents ASSOCIBIIOTT Slpho X11311 CPM .Ma's6g'6. Kodisang F6111111 '4 3619198 D6TW615J :Sibong?e 16611 N-6fi0116l 633 of Traditional Authoutlcs Ledwaba W6111611F61'w111d :31. Ch. 1-6? IO Caste-:20 Machetcee Land 11 Maasdox BLF 12 Maudisa Mashlya .13. Rev.- Mzoxoio Boyama PAU l4 - SRWP 15 Nelly T6111 L?Aliia?ge fol: T1az1f01fn'l?fi66. 16. Dennis 13166111 I7 Leonald Sekhukhunce A?lcan RenaISsance Umty Amide A?mau Seouuly 19 Sibonglle Ntull SANCOTA g20._ Ka-tlego M6kwen?a Yolanda L6 Roux?- Compamots of South A?lca 2.2. Jabulani Mambo;- NPA 24.: 21111131118116: Zwane 25 MZWakhe ?Sib'isi 26 PAC 27 PRM "28 Kai-2:1 Maswanganyl Ecofomm =29 ThandJ UDM 30- Di? Camry Baloyi Afr-i061} Covenant 31;. Jimmy- Manye' - ATM The followmg has been Abe signed as a collectwe by a duly replesentauve 66 behalf of ?all The abave 11161160666 P2116133 - "-f-i'igned an May .2619. at..-Pretar1aeWesit.: 33629191166296" I 0761-9023265 Dub? a 613.611.1166. J?epreSBl?mi-w REQUEST meuAQ?C'Ess: To OF PUBLIC: BODY (Section 18( 10f the Promotron of Access to Informatron Act 2000 (Act 2 of 2000)) [Regulahon 6] FRDEPARTMENTALU-SE Reference number .. Request: received 55! (stats 3?r??h?h name and surfs?a me for I "stricsf'r?rdep?u'ty iwarm-ami-er?ber) on (dateRequest fee (if- any) Deposit (if any) fess . .3, OFFIC ER. A Of?cer/Debug Of?cer:- The Independent Electoral Commission g'o'f' South e. QFRERISON ACCESS-TO. REC-glib; The particulars of the person .who- requests access to the record must be below "The address and/or fax number In' the Republrc to which the information Is ts be sent must be. given (e'J Prop?f of the capacrty in which the. request is made if applicable must be attached .?Full 'narhesfatnd s_IIr.na.mes: Ms Clarlssa Plenaar from the firm Mootman .8: .tdtent'ity .rJ umber; 8401230092084; ;I=gsira; Peta hefstroom, 2531 Poaox 21:99.7- iicordbmo "252 Fax; Intimb'o'r: . 01851297 0397 TeleiihoneniinibE'r: :01829'7-82'99 Eamoillodidreso: Capacity is made; when made :of?aoother person: 0 MADE ThIS-Ssotioii must request on--,5-ehajlf' 9f: 38 Ether "person; till.? he mes and Sumo me: . Forum4 Sen/ice Delivery and various registered political parties as listed i{1 the letter to the IEC dated 10.. May- 2019 Registration number: p- PARTICULARS RECORD Provide full particulars of the record to whioh; access is requested including the reference number If that is known to you, to enable the record to be located 19') "If the provided space is inadequate please continue on a separate folio and attach it to this form The requester must sign all the additional folios DeseriijitIOn .ofreootd omelet/ant part _ofthe record: 1,:1 Copies. of all complaints andfor objections and/or affidawts containing objections lodged with the IEC by :faII or any political parties and/or other persons that participated in conducting the 2019 General Elections (?elections?) and: emanating from the. 201. 9.1-5 A request for access to a record other than a record containing personal . information about yourself be processed only after a request fee. has been paid You will be notified of the" amount reqUired to .be paid ?615.. the request fee [The fee:- pa'y-a bie- far-access. ii's: required and? the; reasonable time to for arid" ?pi?ePare? a -reec.rdi.-. .. . (Ci) ifyo?u qua{infar-exemptian of the. paymeniof any-fee, piease' {state the reasan for-:exemptiom ACCESS .. ?you are: prevented by a dis-ability Iqaread; Vlew cjar iigtjen: t?ci fine; record i the: form of acneSSpigciyidezd 10?? If} 1 $94 b?ldwa state. disability and indicate-11h: WhiCh form the r?e?cc?ard- Is; required. . Disa MIA. Form . mark the appropriate .bo-x With .an? NOTES: Comiia'nce; With yaw: access in the specified aform ay depend- .. . Q'ni'th-? ifarmin which i5? available Access. in: the farm; .feqyiested? may he. i?fused "in gbe'rt'ai? :cimums-tannesj; in} sucha case you. will. be informed; If- access will be. form Th3. Q'feje: payable'_ff0'r= access to {h as raw rd, I feel ny?. Qb?? determined partly by. the? within "which access is requested. :1 If the" record is printed farm: corny: inre'qordii- I??pectib? tiff record 2 're'cord consists: .O'f Virtual images- (this. slides. ivideei recordings. computer-generated- Images. . images "tranaoriptidn of :the image's"* 3 if mtg-card zofijj?cqi'ging words is: -ih?tci?rma'tia?' Which can be? refprb'duced inso-unld: listen to the; soundtrack (audio cassette.) transcription of'I'SQundtraCk-IX (written 'or- primed document) :4 if regard: is?; held aon? compute-r- an. Jeiegf'tironiic: ma??i?ei?eada?w form:- . . . 'Pi'm?d COPY-Of-i??mdi sprinted copy of itif'carmaiipn-z derived: mm the record copym computer readableformx