in) ALLIED PILOTS ASSOCIATION Repuhuuing the piluh opium-emu? Animus fu?iMJt?tiLTX 76i55-25i2 8i7.302.2272 FOIA Request 2019-004306 February 26, 2019 Via E-Mail FOIA Coordinator FAA Southwest Region, AFN-140 10101 Hillwood Parkway Ft. Worth, TX 76177 Attn: Judy Shipp Dear Ms. Shipp: Please accept this as a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for copies of the following documents from January 2016 to present: 1. All documents and correspondence between the FAA and American Airlines, concerning the certi?cation and operations of the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System on the Boeing 737 2. A copy of any and all correspondence between the FAA and American Airlines related to, or explaining the basis for, the Emergency Airworthiness Directive issued by the FAA on November 7, 2018. We understand that there may be fees associated with the production of the requested documents. We are prepared to pay all such fees upon receipt of an invoice for same. Thank you for your attention to this request. Very truly yours, Captain Dani F. Carey