FY 2019-20 Budget Worksession Deming Public Schools Presented by Lesley Doyle Chief Finance Officer Assumptions made for FY20 budget Teacher salary minimums increased to $41K, $50K and $60K DPS minimum salary is higher than surrounding districts so we can recruit the areas best teachers. Minimum wage increased to $10.00/hour 6% increase in salary across the board (not including teachers who received a higher percent increase) At least 19 new teaching positions created and 1 new security guard position created (ECHS) to address security concerns Increases in Health (5.9%), Dental (5%) and ERB (employer only .25%) Increase in liability insurance of 2% to $1.4 M Significant items for FY20 budget Increase in at risk index from 3 year average total rate x .15 to 3 year average rate x .25. DPS At-Risk rate = .22 Additional funding for K5+ so all elementary schools will benefit from 25 additional days of instruction (estimated cost FY20 is $3.2M) Additional funding for Extended Learning for all schools includes 10 additional instructional days at secondary levels (estimated cost $900K)  and afterschool programs for the district. Significant items for FY20 budget (con’t) Anticipated increase in Instructional Materials FY20 Science adoption K-12 estimated cost $700K Need to backfill instructional materials due to prior years cuts in funding Anticipated increase in Transportation funding Decreased ridership at DPS Training and Experience index increased by 2.2% to 1.115 Subsequent years will include TCI (Teacher Cost Index) which looks only at teacher licensure level and not experience) State Financial Position Determines District Financial Statewide Unit Value is based on total appropriated revenue over total statewide membership, and it reflects the strength of recurring State and District revenue for school operations. Annual Change in Unit Value 374.56 190.2 104.63 106.59 FY18 FY19 20 FY15 FY16 FY17 -48.12 Projected FY20 State Unit Value determines District SEG revenue (initial value adjusted to final value at first of calendar year)  Initial unit value based on statewide revenue appropriation over total PROJECTED statewide membership (used to establish initial budget)  Final unit value based on actual state revenue receipts spread over actual membership (adjusted to increase or decrease initial budget) District Membership Trends 5400 5350 5300 5250 5200 5150 5100 5050 5000 4950 School Year 2014-2015 School Year 2015-2016 School Year 2016-2017 School Year 2017-2018 School Year 2018-2019 40 Day Count 5263 5311 5250 5193 5086 80 Day Count 5257 5275 5210 5348 5083 120 Day Count 5264 5259 5211 5290 5091 5260.5 5267 5210.5 5319 5087 Average 80 & 120 Count Percent Change in District 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% -1.00% -2.00% -3.00% -4.00% -5.00% -6.00% 40 Day Count 80 Day Count School Year 2015-2016 School Year 2016-2017 120 Day Count School Year 2017-2018 School Year 2018-2019 Average 80 & 120 Count Projected School Year 2019-2020 State Unit Value applied to District Membership determines SEG operational Dollars SEG Revenue is the product of the State’s Unit Value, factored by the districts total Program Units Student attendance counts! 80 & 120 day student attendance are averaged to determine total student membership, which is used to determine next years SEG budget Capital Outlay Funding • Public School Capital Outlay Act • Direct legislative appropriations • Target specific projects within the district (must be sponsored by a legislator) • Sale of bonds, direct levies, investment earnings, rents, and sale of property • Local school districts may issue General Obligation Bonds for the “Purpose of erecting, remodeling, making additions to and furnishing school buildings, or purchasing or improving school grounds or any combination of these purposes” Capital Outlay Funding Public School Capital Outlay Act • Funding mechanism that ensures all school district facilities meet adequate standards • Statewide database ranks the condition of every school building and the facilities with the greatest facilities needs will be addressed first. • Ranking assists PSCOC in allocating funds to school districts. Districts who receive a match are required to provide local match. Current projects 61% state match, 31% local match. Challenges • Increase in insurance costs • Medical/Dental insurance average increase of 5.9% & 5% respectfully • Increase in Employer portion of Educational Retirement Board of .25% • Risk Management increase of $30K • Technology • 1:1 Laptop initiative funding • Anticipated decreases in Title I funding FY20 Public Input Please visit the Deming Public School website and take the public input survey available until April 15th for input.