6 tcme El IZI I Hi Ivan the Printed Gun Fact Checker, Your account, has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Speci?cally fcr': Violating cur rules against hateful ccnduct. ?t?cu may yiclence against, threaten, cr harass cther pecple an the basis cf race, ethnicity, aaticnal crigin, sexual crientaticn, gender, gender identity, religicus af?liation, age, disability, cr sericus disease. .. Ivan the Printed Gun Fact Checker 2 @frameslip @incarbcnite?l "There are entirely many tranny fur-fuckers in the Is that mcre or less cffensiye than what ycu just said? Let me kncw. ncte that repeated yiclaticns may lead tc a permanent suspensicn at year Prcceecl tc Twitter tc ?x the issue with ycur