STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Olympia, Washington 98504 May 7, 2018 CERTIFIED MAIL 7016 3010 0001 0575 0648 P. Blair Stam, Executive Vice President Signature Healthcare Services LLC 4238 Green River Road Corona, California 92880 RE: Certi?Cate of Need Application Dear Mr. Stam: Thank you for agreeing to the conditions on your Certi?cate of Need (CN) application to construct a lOS-bed hospital in Pierce County pursuant to the settlement agreement in Signature Healthcare Services, LLC V. Washington State Department of Health, Pierce County Superior Court, No. 17?2?07040-3 (Settlement Agreement). Because of the size of the construction project, the department may not issue a CN until it receives a copy of the approved Conditional Use Permit.1 However, the department may commit to issue the CN if the requirements of the Settlement Agreement are met. This letter serves as that ?Intent to Issue? a Certi?cate of Need. The ?Intent to Issue? commitment for this project is not approval for any other local, federal, or state statutes, rules, or regulations. The project may also need Department of Health approval for a construction plan and facility licensing or certi?cation, as well as other federal or local jurisdiction permits. Once issued, the Certi?cate of Need is valid for two years. The project must begin during this time. If there is substantial and continuing progress, we may extend the certi?cate for one six-month period. For an extension, you must submit an extension request at least 120 days before the expiration. You cannot begin a project after the expiration date. We monitor projects until completed or the expiration date, whichever occurs last. We do this with quarterly progress reports. At least 30 days prior to the progress report?s due date, you will receive a form to complete and return. WAC 246-03-030(4) P. Blair Stam, Executive Vice President Signature Healthcare Services LLC CN Application May 7, 2018 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions, please contact Janis Sigman with the Certi?cate of Need Program at (360) 236-2955. Sincerely, Nancy n, xecutive Director Health Facilities and Certi?cate of Need Washington State Department of Health