Case 2 PagelD #1 71 recur-returned M- LAW LI H. HAL-runn- TAMI-IRE cull-t.- can-en: run-Illa. new mud-n. lumen-Lump. 3231!} ITIRLIHB SUITE IHILL "jinn." Al?l'l'lln $.me rumpus. HUFEIHIA. I?ll-l all?u??-l Wm PM 135*: seamen-t Jen-A1 mm H. Re? MHHIHI H?'ll?r'l'u new nun February 3. ran mull hrui lun?l: Ila-:H. rear-Ina. 33-4-51:- Lain" Eli-?dd? [den can-Ila I'll- 'I'hll? El- Mall at. ire-u: rear? Ill]: ant-mu Illa! Ill-Till- Ice FT- if! leIlL-I'. n- Clint-Cr tuna! Jill-HI!? fin-ll FILED UNDER SEAL VIA FACEIMIILE AND FIRST GLAEEJJAIL The Herrerable l. Lee Glasser United Stams District Judge Eastern District cf New ?r?crlt 225 Cadman Plaza East New ?r?crlt 112m Fle: United States tr. Felix Safer Ease Ne. Dear Judge Glasser: Please accept this as Defendant Felix Eater?s matte-n tc centinue the sentencing hearing currently set befcre ?r'eur Hencr cn Wednesday. February 9. EDGE at t??d am. As the Ceurt may recall. Mr. Sater has been inyelyed in prctenged engeing cacperatien actiyities with law agents, and has prcyidad truthful and credible inicrmaticn en a wide yariety cf criminal activities, same at which has already led tc criminal presecuticn ci cthers. haye centerred with Assistant United States Attorney Eric dces the relief scught herein. Currently Mr. Sata is with the Federal Bureau ef tnyestigaticn inyely?rng bye lcng-term investigatiens inte majcr internaticnal criminal crganizatiens. Eater has trayeted ta 3 fcreign ccuntr'y in the past several menths. alcng with special agents in erder assist thern in their inyestigaticns in that ceuntry. Fu rther travel is expected. Sater has alse taped targetisl in excess cf 3t) ccnsensual reccrdings. Further taping is cngeing and is expected tc be leng term- Additicnally, haye been asked tc relate tn the Ccurt that Assistant United States Attemey Eric will. upcn his return tn the District. submit la the Ccurt. it necessary under seal and under separate ceyer additicnal detailing mere speci?cally Mr. Eater's engcing efforts. Case Document 28 Filed 02/03/05 Page 2 of 2 PageID 72 Accerdingly. we respectfully.r request that the Ecurt ccntinue Mr. Sater's sentencing hearing for a pericd at six menths in erder tn enable Mr. Sater ta centinue his signi?cant Res[tactfullyr submitted, Myles . Maiman MHMl'pg cc: Assistant United States Attorney William Burke Assistant United States Attorney Eric United States Prat-alien Of?cer Michelle Espineza .- t' asInf" ?If air EL . f, If: if: Hun-ea. HALMH - curses EEHTEF: seen snaune new - sum: 1 acumen. ?9 PALM EE-IEH YORK. NEW II HEW