Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 1 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 2 of 6 "(346515; mm -., FEDERAL BUREAIE 0F INVESTIGATION Dale {33 {fit/'2 (i '3 DOCUMENT RESTRICTED TO CASE $hie decume?t contains information that 13 restricted ta Gage participants. Deputy Aseigtant ?irectmr (BED) 9eter F, was intexviewed in hie effice in the Special Cauneel'm Office-in Waehington D. Qan? the interview were Senier Assistant Special Ceunsel ans? Swen-?xer? apecial Agent Th9 purpase 0f the interview wee to celiecg certain regar?ing Strzak?s invelvement in.varieu3 aspects 0f what has became the Speciai Couneel's investigation. ?trzok pxovide? the follewing informatiem: - Ms F83. ?aunterintelligence 33:52:?, 5:121:20}: had invelvement in eevera; FEE inveatigatiena which were subsequently taken over by the Special Counsel. ?pacifically, F8: imvestigatiena xegaxding theanatienal Seearity Adviser, Genexal Michael kt varieus times, Strzak'and the cu Deputy Atterney GeneraliActing Attorney General Sally Yate? and other BGJ representativee an the entire span 0f the Russian electimn intexferencefceilusion inveetigatimns. LJJ (mgg?e0e3 a with up t0 Acting 143?. n? Mi 3?3 - as: ?ssistant Atterhey Genexal Mary McCerd. a bistrict 6f yolumbia, United States {2526311} mu: - Dmdm?ed by - This docmnm! contain? Milli-v: um minim: nf 1h:- FBI. I: is that property of the FBI and its imn?td u: ymn? age-My; it and its; come-ms mt an: to he dism?bmed outside mt: agmmy. Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 3 of 6 mum (Rev. era-03? m) - r: -- t: whimsx?iy? .Pngn e3? Cfanumwim: of of 5) 3?03: 53?) 33' . 2&17, Mc?ebe tcib? 1. interview and Fiynn agreed to be ?red the On January 24, Fiynn. Mc?abe talked at i2:30 p.m. intexviewed that day at 2:33 p?m. Ma?ahe may have documec conversation. Comey wag g?ing to tell EeKe? right before the interview, but mhe calie? him iiret ?ex anether :eazon ha? a whance t5 DOJSCOJUOOETZOZ Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 4 of 6 (Raw. 1 r; lemmimufm?mg?f Peter P. Streak interview B?Hl?u?ml'? .Pa'gc '5 of. .1: mall. When he told her the FBI was interviewi?g she wee net 1355131123; . $115720}: and FBI his. interview panthex, get accegs to the White with the aegietance Qf an EB: White Reuse detailee. met them at abaut 2:15, which was earlier than agreed. was alone and "relaxed and jocular." He wante? to give them a little tour of the area around his effice. During-their waik through the ?eet Wing, Preeident Txump and same mavers were discuseing whexe tats palace ?ame art work walked between Strzo}: and but nobody paid attentimn to the agente. did not intxaduee them t0 anyane. Befmze the interview. McCabe, FBI General Cmunsel Jamee Baker others deci?ed the agents weuld not warn that it wag a cxima t6 lie during an FBI interview because they wanted to be reiaxe?, and -they were cancerned that giving the waxnings might adversely affect the xappert. was unguarded and cleaxly saw the FBI agents a3 allies. Be talked about vazieus subjects, including hotela whexe they etayed duxing the campaign and the Ereeident?e knack for interior deeign. He talked about the leng houre ef the job and complained abaut the pelitice aurrounding it, but always seemed to woxk hi3 way to the subject'ef terroriem. was so talkative, and had so much time for them, that Streak wmn?exed if the Natianal ?ecurity A?viaex did not have more impertant things to $3 than have such a relaxed; n?nhpertinent diecuseion with them. it wag decided befexe the interview the agente - av-?J z. ?a??lia?i LES-the exact wizarcis Lia-zed, such as tie try terefresh his recallection. If atill weuld u. an 5 . dat he Said they would net amnfant him my talk him threugh 53:25:29}: conducted the: interview and - wars: primarily respensihle fox taking natea and writing the (UXEFOGC) Throughmut the interview, had a very ?sure" demeaner and did net give any indicatore 9f deception. did mat paxse his wards er heeitate in any ef his anewexs. only hedged once, which they DOJSCO-700021203 Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 5 of 6 50-30231 (Rm. 05.03-20; $533330} EM) Peter 3mm}: interview .931?. 3} of f5 Cumumalinn 0f 5; bath had the impraesien at the struck documented in the 302. Streak and time that wag net lying ox di? not think he wag lying. ?trzok 33 ?bright, but not prafeundiy sophisticated.? The agente left in a collegial, positive way. There was hm of fellewwup. Straw: and ?L*et11riaed to Headquaxters and briefee? McCabe and Baker an the interview. McCabe briefed Camey. Streak was aware that Baker and ?rincipal Asscciate Deputy attorney General Matt $xelrod later axgued about the decision to interview (UXJFOUG) Shortly after the interview, Yates and McCoxd briefed White 'Houee staff an the calls. Case Document 77 Filed 05/16/19 Page 6 of 6 FED-3025 (RH, {15-63-10} 13M Pete-r P. imerview .On may ?3 {:13 5