. USOOS403605A United States Patent [19] Patent Number: 5,403,605 Smith et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Apr. 4, 1995 [54] COFFEE BREWING METHOD FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] Inventors: Robert F. Smith, Ridge?eld Park, 55-068254 5/1980 Japan . James P. Herrick, Brook?eld. 2205229 12/1988 United Kingdom . Conn.; Timothy J. Strelevitz, White 688175 9/1979 U.S.S.R. . Plains, N.Y. 1637740 3/1991 U.S.S.R. . [73] Assignee: Kraft General Foods, Inc., OTHER PUBLICATIONS North?eld, Ill. Sivetz and Desrosier, Coffee Technology, The AVI Publishing Company, Inc., 1979, pp. 334?335. [21] App]. 112?708 Sivetz and Derosier, Coffee Technology, The AVI [22] Filed: Aug. 26, 1993 Publishing Company, Inc, 1979, pp. 324-325. Primary Examiner?Joseph Golian Related US. Application Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm?Thomas R. Savoie; Thomas [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 606,041, Oct. 30, 1990, aban- Marco? domed. [57] ABSTRACT [51] Int. (11.6 A23F 5/26 Coffee brewing cycle time is improved by contacting [52] US. Cl. 426/433 roasted ground coffee with a brief interval of steam, e. g. [5 8] Field of Search 426/433 3 seconds. The steam is preferably introduced prior to . contact with brewing water and may be followed by a [56] References Clted brief interval of pause prior to introducing the water. PATENT DOCUMENTS Steam and water are preferably introduced under a 3,620,758 ?/1971 Friedman et a1. . moderately elevated pressure. Improvements in appear- 4389924 6/1983 oesselbarth 99/289 ance, color, ?avor, aroma and yield can be achieved 4,531,239 4/1986 Woolman et 31. 426/433 along With raduced CYCIB time- 4,583,449 4/ 1986 Dangel et a1. 99/279 4,707,368 11/1987 Vogel et al. 426/386 1 Claim, 1 Drawing Sheet