Setllement Agreemerrt a¡rd Release This Settlement Agreement and Release ("Agreement") is madeand entered into by and between the Center for Media & Democracy ("Plaintiff') and the'Wisconsin Deparfment of Justice ("Defendant"). Recitals A. On Septemb er 24,20!8, Plaintifffiled a lawsuit against Defendant ín Dane County Circuit Court seeking a writ of mandamus for alleged violations of the Wisconsin Public Records Law. The lawsuitwas assigned Case No. 18-CV-2560 and is refened to in this Agreement as the "Lawsuit," B. Plaintiffand Defendant wish to settle any and all claims and disputed issues of law and/or fact that were brought or that could have been brought arising out of the Lawsuit. Agreernent In consideration of the mutual promises contained below, Plaintiffand Defendant a.gree as follows: 1. Dismissal. Within one business day of the Effective Date, Plaintiffagrees to f,le with the Court a Stipulated Voluntary Dismissal, signed by defense counsel, providing that the Lawsuit will be dismissed with prejudice. 2. Production of Documents. In the interests of open government, Defendant, through counsel, agrees to provide Plaintiffwith the records originally requested by an open reccrrds lequest datedAugust 3,2018. Defendant agrees to providc the documents beginningMay 1,2079 andcompleteprodttctionbyFridayMay 10,2019. Defendant confirms that the Deparfment of Justice's prior poliry or practice of denying open records requests that initially generated more than 500 potentially responsive email messages is no longer in place and that references to this policy have been removed from the Department of Justice website. Furthermore, Plaintiffacknowledges and agrees that counsel for Defendant will review all records before production and remove or redact information that may be withheld under W-is. Stat. $ 19.35 or other laws. If counsel for Defendant makes such a redaction or removal, counsel will provide Plaintiffa specific and sufficient explanation for the redaction or removal in writing. Plaintiffreserves the rþht to challenge these redactions in a separate proceedfurgand/o'- make follow-up open records requests. Defendant understands that content determines whether a document is a "recotd," not medium, format, or locadon; therefore, materials othelwise meeting the defurition of "record" and not subject to any other exception are not exempt from disclosure by virtue of their location on private email accounts, online apps, or frle-sharing services. 3. Attorney Fees and actual damages. Defendant will pay court costs and attomey fees of $10 ,g47 .A2 and, d,amages in the amounr of $100.00 by check issued to pines Bach LLP for the total amount 30 days after the case has been dismissed with prejudice. 4. Release by Plaintiff. This Agreement is a full, final, and complere compromise and settlement of all claims, actual, doubtful, or disputed, as to questions of liability, damage, and remedy for fhe claims raised in this Lawsuit related to the public records requests related to the Lawsuit. Plaintiffcompletely releases and forever discharges Defendant and the State of Wisconsin and its departments, agencies, officials, offi,cers, emp-l-o-vees, or-agents,-whe.ther in an individual.c-apacity or official capacity, ftom any and all claims, demands, obligations, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation of any nature whatsoever, be they direct or indirect, in law or in equity, ' whether known or unknown, which Plaintiffmay lrave had, presently has, or may have in the future related to the allegations in the Lawsuit. 5'. Effective Date. The Effective Date is tlre last date on which this Agteement is signed, as indicated by the signatures below. 6. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts (including copies and PDF file versions of the original signafures) all of which will together constitute one and the same insffument. 7. Authority. The individuals execuríng this Agleementrepresent and warrant fhat they have obtaineci the legal authority to execute this ,A-greement on behalf of Plaintiff and Defendant. 8. Entire Agleernent. This Agreement constitutes the final expression of the parties as to the terrns of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and discussions,between the parties and/ or their respective counsel. Onbehalf of Defendant: Dared: lr*danr \0 ?¡11 ' Assistant Auomey General Onbehalf of Plainfiff: <\ Dated: o. Attomey for Center for