-ÞoN e¡rle GRÀPllIC 1 PROGES9 I Aü filed Þata - DLN: 934933r9009088 OMB l'¡o 1545-00a7 Return of Organization Ëxempt From lncome Tax ,"*990 I t) Under section S0L(clt 627, or 4947(a)( fou',ldâtaoni) 2017 of the Internal Revenue Code (exccpt private > Do not entêr socral secunly numbeE on thrs fom ès rt mèy be made publrc Þ Informat¡on abouÈ Form 990 and rts rnstructrons rs at vqr,yf,e5".,q-q,fll:p-¡.m999 I^Ll'¡l l¡1cúl $1'lhr' litì!!!1 l¡tcnlrl [{cre¡rt lr-¡t rtr Open to Putrlic Inspect¡ûn A a Cherh rf €pplrc¿ble LiBTRTY O Address chanqe 0l'lame ch¡nùe E tnrbal retrrn O ¡rn¿i Ü Amêôded r€trrn E ApÊfrËåtroÍ 0i g¿nrza tro¡ CENTER D Employer rdcntfrcatror iusïcE 45-4204425 ¿5 Number ônd strêct (ot P o Ù0x rf ñåil ts noÈ ilehveNd to 5ùreet ôddressl ¡90 5 yrSALLË SfRgET NO 1500 or F Tðx-exernpl$tått'" 3r2 N¿me äñd K Fornrofqrgenr¡¡t,on Pârt ü)sor(,)(¡) ü Ml Cç,pq,¡¡,rrn çor(.)( )r(irrs¿ftNr üasorlr¡1r¡o. Ëszr il f.u:t il ¡""oc,ahon lelephone of or prÒvtncÊ¿ counÈry. 60Ë033470 JOHN TILLI.IAN ,.90 S LASALLÊ STREÉT NO 15OO J E Roffileurte ñ H(al Is thrs ¿ group X(b) Are ail [v*. Muo subcrdrnates üy", ¡ncluded? lf'No," attach ê hst H(c) 6roup exêñption fho (seè rhËtructrofls) number > it M Or¡u, > I I STS o o 2 ? a 5 6 ., td (¡, 5 q 7a b check thrs box > Ü rf the organr?atroñ drscantrnued lts oÞ€ratrong or drsposed of ñlore Numbe¡ofvotrngmembersofthegovernrngbody(PartVI, lrneta) ., 3 Number óf rndêpendênt votrng members of thë gôvêrirrög body (pårt \t{, hñË Total n'Jmber of rndrvrduals employed tn calendar year Z0l7 (Pãrt V, l¡ne T.otal number of volr¡nteers (estrmate tf necessary) 2a) 4 , . Vl¡I, cólumn (C), tlnê ToÈal unrefated busrness reve^ue From Pàrt lb} Net unrelåted busrness taxðble rncome from Form 990- 12 5 0 6 c Ta c 7b lrne 34 6 I a q lO (f,' contrrbutions and grants (Pârt VIII, trne 494,00C 69¿ 32 2 ( 0 0 0 0 0 Progrðm serylce revcnue {Pê^ VIll, llne 2q} lnvestment rncome (Pårt Vllf, coluffin {A), lrnes 3, 4, àñd 7d ) other rovanue (Part VIll, column (A), llne$ 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, lûc, ând 11e) 11 12 7otål revenue-add E th) 494,000 VIII, olumn (A), lne r2) (Part IX, column (A), Ines 1-3 ) . lrnes E through 11 (must cquâl P¿rt 13 14 Gmnts and srmr ar amounts pard 15 Salanes, other compensatron, empl'oyåe benefrts (Part IX, tÒlumn (A), hnes 5-10) Eenefrts pärd tô ór for fieñbers (Pðrt IX, colurnh (A), 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 477,969 559,903 477,968 559,901 hne a) 16ã Profes$onål fundrarsing tÉes (Palt IX,.cdur¡n (A), l¡ne 11el û êr¡J b 17 Totrl fundrarsrnq exp€nåes (Pðrt¡X, colùnH (o), lrre 25I >12,47ç 18 Total expenses Add hnes 13-17 (m{istequðl Pait lX, column (A), ltne25) 19 Revenue less expenses Ëubtràct lrne 18 from ltne 12 otherexpenses (Part IX. column (AÌ, ùnes llq'lId, ltf-24e) ,32,4le r6,032 Begi¡n¡ng ol Cu¡rênt Yqat à 16) . 20 ToÈal åssets (PaÉ X, lrne ?1 Total Laþlhbeç (Fart X, ltne 22 NeÈ Fart II 26) 0 Cutrent Year Pri0r Yèår End of Yo¡¡ 151,208 r8.789 . 0 c . åss6ts or fuñd bðlances Subtract lrne 21 froñ rs,709 ¡rne 20 I 5 1,208 Siorãture Efoc statements, Perl ury, knowledge and belref, rt rs true, correct. and compleÈe Ðeclar¿tron to my rs based cn all informatron of whtch preparer has :nv l¿nnwla¿i¡¡ \ Sign 20tB !1 t5 f5ç;äiiiry O¡té oi oäiãáa llere ol parôì nåmc Pínt/lyoÈ ¡rrçù.¡re¡"r Paid Preparer Use Only KIHBÊIìLÊY Frrn's PrcFtrça's srUnôlurc n.rme 5 ËRIÌzSCHË namÉ > Þ Fim'.q addreår KII'!BËI{LËY vJiLLOW cPA GR0UP ¡ l>22 9J (OLONIÁL INVËÑNEg$. IL P 2ù18'11'1i LfD RKIyAY Check Ü F:rm's EtN SUlTi 10 i Phone ¡f > P00232679 41-2f78273 no (847)453'395ù 60067 thê IRS dtsquFs tht$ rÊturn wrlh thê prepa!.sr shown abovû7 (see rnstructrons) For Paperwork Red¡¡ction Act Noticê, see the ôepârate ¡nstruct¡ôns' lvl¿y DÀte 5 ËRI]25'HË . M Va" D no , Cat tlo 1128¿Y Éorm 990 (!Cl7) Forrn 990 (2017) flflfffl Page 2 statement of Prog ra m Serv¡ce Accomplishments Check ¡f Schedule O contarns a organrzêtron's mtgston 1 nse or note to lrne rn thrs Paft III TO ADVANCË ËCONOMIC ANÞ SOCIAL LISERTIËS ANÐ A ËRËË ËNTËRPRISË SOCIËTY THROUGH SÌRATËGIC LJT1GATIÔN, TRAINTNG, COMI'4UNICA.IION. ACTIVISM AND RESEARCH IN ADDITION, THE CENTER WILL TRAIN LAW STUDENTS, LAWYERS AND POLICY ACTIVISTS IN TIlE PURSUIT OF PU8IIC INTEREST LITGATION 2 Ðtd the orgèntzàtton undertake any stgntfrcont prograrî servrces durrng the year whrch were not Lsted on E Y"" üjH" the prror Forrn 990 or 990-EZr If "Yes,'' descnbe these new servtces on Schedule 3 Drd the orgårttzåtton cease conducttng, O or make srgnrfrcant chånEês rn how ¡t conducts, åny proEråm nY.r Servtces? If "Yes," descnbe these changes on Schedufe 4 4a E]¡t" O Descrlbe the organtzatton's program servrce accomphshments for e¿ch of rts three largest progratn servrce:i¡ as measured by expenses Sect¡on 501(c){3) and 501(c)(4) organizattons are requrred to report the amount of çrants and allocatrons to others, the total expenses, and revenue, rf any, for each program servtce reported (Code 524,7O9 ) (Ëxpenses 5 rncÌuclrng grantr of g See Addrttonal Data 4b {code ) (Expenses $ rncludrng qrdnts oF g ) (Revenue 4c (Code ) (Fxpenses I rncludrng grants of s ) (Revenue s 4d Other program seryrcee (Þescrrbe rn 9chedule O (Expenses 4e $ Total program servíce exp*nseaÞ I ) rncludtng grants of g ) (Revenue $ 5¿4,709 Form 990 12017) Form 990 (2017) Part IV Page Checklist of Yes I ts the'organlzatton descrlbed tn sect¡o¡ 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a prrvate foundairon)r Schedule AeW 2 If "Yes," complete Is the organtaatton regurred to complete Schedu/e E, Schedule af Contnbutorç (see rnstructrons)? % . Þtd the organtzatton engage rn drrect or rndrrect polrtrcal campargn actrvtttes on beh*lf of or rn opposrtron to candrdates for publrc offrce? If "Yes," camplete Schedule Ç, Part I 4 Section 50f (c)(3) organizatìons, Ðld the organlzatton engage rn lobbyrng åçlrv¡tres¡ or have ê sectton 501(h) electron ln effect dunngthe tax year? "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II If 7 I I "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part Iil Сd the orqåntzêtron märntâtn any donor ådvlsed funds or any srmrlar funds or êccouÃts for whrch donors haveùhe nght to provtde adv¡ce on the dtstrrbutron or rnvesEment of amounts rn such funds or acsor¡hts? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, P¿rt I g Ðtd the organtzaÈton recerve or hold ¿ conservattôn eäsemeñt, rncludrng eäsements to preserve opên gpåce, the envtronment, htstonc land areas, or hrstonc structures? lf "Yes," complete Schedule Þ, Part /l 9l , Dtd the organt?atton matntarn collectrons of works of art. hrstoncal treasures, or oihor srmìlèr assets2 lf "Yes," complete Schedute D, Part Iil I Dld the ó16anteatton report an amount rn Part X, ltne 21 for €scrow or custôdral account l¡abrllty, serve ê6 a cu6tÒdtan for amounts not ltsted rn Part X, or provtde credrt counselrng, debt manågenlÊnt, credtt reparr, or debt negobratton servrces?ff "Yes," complete Scåedu/e D, Part IVU 10 Ðrd the organtzatton, dtrectly orthrough a related organrzatron. hold assets rn temporarrly restrrcted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasr'endowments? If "Yes," complete Scl¡edvle Ð, Pârt VA 11 It the organtzatron's enswer to any of the followrng questrons or X as apphcåble a 2 Yes No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 No Is the organtzatton a sectlon 501(c)(a),501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organrzatton thatrecerves r¡embershrpdues, ãssessments, or srmrlâr àmounts as deflned rn Revenue Procedure 98-19? If 6 No Yes 1 . 3 5 3 uii"ed rs "Yès,'' then ço.mplete Schedule D, Parts VI, I No 10 No VII, VIII, IX, Ðtd the orçantzatton report an amount for_land, burldtngs, and equrprnent 3n Part X, hne 10r "Yes," complete Schedute D, Paft VI i g . lf No 1la Yes Dtd the organl?atlon report an amount for tnvestments-other s€currttes rn Part X, hne 12 that ls 5olo or more of tts total 11b asrets repÇrted rn Pa¡t X, hne 16r If "Yes," complølte Schedutø D, Part VUg . c Drd the organtzatton report an amount for tnvestments-program related. n Pàrt X, llne 13 that ts 5o/o or more of rts llc total assets reported rn Part X, lrne 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, PartVIilç] , d Dld the organtzatton report an amount for other assets In Part X, ltne 15 that ts 5o/o or more of rts total assets reported rn Paft X, lrne 162 Îf "Yes," complete Schedute Ð, Paft lX?J 1ld b e DrdtheorganrzatronreportanamountforotherlrabrlrtrestnPartX,Ìrne?52 f If "Yes,'complete$cheduleÐ,PaftX*) Dld the organtzahon's s€parate or consoltdated.flna¡oal sta[ements for the tax year tnclud€ a footnote that addresses the orgarrzatron's habrÌrty for uncêrtarn tax posrilons underFIN 4B (ASC 74t)7 If 'Yes," complete Schedule D, Pàrt Xg No No No 1le No LLÍ Yes 12a Yes L2a Ðld the organtzatron obtatn separate, rndependeht audlted flnanclal statements for the tax yearr If "Yes," compÍete b Schedute D, Farts XI and XII 4 . Was the orgåntzåtron rncluded tn consoltdated, rndependent äudrtêd financrel ståtements for the tex yearz If 13 "Yes," and tf the otgãÍtzâtton answered "No" to ltne L2¿, then complettng Schedule D, Parts XI and XII ts optrcnal Is the organrzâtron.å schoof descnbed rn seetton 170(b)(1)(A)(rr)r If "Yês," completø Schedule E 14a DrdtheorgantzattonmarntarnanoffrÇe.employees,oragentçoutsrdeoftheUnrtedStatesz b 12b No 13 No 14a No r4b No Drd the orgånrzåtlon have aggregate revenuês or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmakrng, fundrarsrng, buslness, rnvestmentr and program servtce ãctrvrtres outstde the Unrted States, or aggregate forergn rnvestrnents valued at $tr00,000 or more? lf 1Vcs," complete Schedu/e F, Parts I and IV , 15 Dtd the orçantzatron report on Part IX, column (A), lrne 3, more than 95,000 of gränts or other assrstance to or for any forergn stganrzatron? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV . , 15 No 16 Dtd the organrzatron rcpdt on Paft IX, column (A), lrne 3, more than 95,000 of aggregate grants or other assrstance to If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts III and IV . . 16 No T7 No 18 No 19 No or forforelgn rndrvrduals) L7 ,"8 t9 Drd the organtzatton report a total of rnore than $15,000 of expenses for professronal fundrarsrng servrces on Part IX, column {A), ines 6 and 11er If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I (see lnstructlons) Drd the orqanrzätron report more than $15,Ðû0 total of fundrarsrng event Çross rncome and contnbutrons on Part VIII, lrnes lc and Ba) lf "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part II Drd the org¿nrzàtron report more than $15,000 of gross tncome from gamrng åcttvtttes on P¿rt complete Schedule G, Part Ifi VIII, hne ga, If "Yes," Form 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) EEIilU Page Yes 2Oa Drd bhe organtzatton opêråte one or more hosprtal facllrtlesT If "Yes," complete Schedule H b If "Yes" to ltne 20å, drd the orEanrzatron attach a copy of rts audlted frnenclal 20a $tatements to thts return? t{o No tnh 27 Dld the orgåntzåtton report more than $5,000 of grants or other åssrstånce to any domestrc organrzatron or domestn government on Part IX, cotumn (A), ltne l> lf "Yes," complete Schedule I, parts I and Il . 2L No 22 Ðrd the organlzatlon report more than $5,000 of grants or other assrstance to or for dor¡estlc rndlvrduals on Part IX, column (A), lrne 27 If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and III , " 22 No 23 Ðtd the organtzåtron änswer ''Yes'' to Part VII, Sectron A, lrne 3,4, or 5 about compensatron of the organrzatron's current and former offtcers, dtrectors, trustees, key empfoyees, and hrghest compensated employees? completeScñeduieJ 24a , If "Yes," 23 ?l cômplete Schedule K If "Na," go to lñe . 25â of' tssuer for bonds outstandrng ãt êny trme durrng the yeâr? 25a Section 50 1(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c) (29) organizations. Drd the organrzatron engage rn an excess benefrt transactro¡ wrth a drsquehfred person dunng the year? complete Schedule L, Part 26 27 28 a I Is the orgenrzatron awere that rt engaged rn an excess beneflt that the tr*nsectron has not been reported on any of the If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Paft I 24b 24c - 24d If "Yes," "Yes," complete Schedule L, Pärt or 990-EZ: II Dld the organrzatton provtde a grant or other assrstånce to an offrcer, dlrector, trustee, key employee, substantral contrlbutor or êffiployeê thereof, ä grânt selectron commrttêe member, or to a 35% côntrolled enttty or fåmtty member of any of these persons2 If "Yes," complete Scheóule L, Part Ìltr Was the organtzatton a pärty to a busrness transactron wrth oneof thefollow¡nE pårttes (see Schedufe L, Part lV rnstructrons for applrcable frlrng thresholds, condrtrons, and exceptrons) A current or formeroffrcer, drrector, truslêe, or key employeet Part IV lf If dtredorr trqstee, or key employee (or a famrly member thereof) was an offrcer, drrector, trugtee, or dtrêct or ¡ndrrect owneP Íf "Yeç," complete Schedule L, Part IV $25,000ìn non-cash contnbutrons? If "Yes," complete Schedule Drd the organtzatton recerve more than 30 Þrd the orçantaatton reçerve contnbutrons of contnbutrônE? If "Yes," complete Schedule 33 M t Ðrd the organrzatron ltqutdate, telmrnate, M . . ot dtssôlve and cease operatrons? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part I No 27 No 28a No 28b No 28c No 29 No 30 No 31 No 32 No 33 No . Drd the organrzatroñ sell, exchange, drspose of, or transfer more lhan 25ö/o af rts net assetsT "Yes," camplete Scåecru/e N, Part II If Drd the organtzatron own 100o/o of an entrty drsregarded ãs separatê from 3Ol 7701-¿ and 301 77AI4) If "Yes," complete Schedute R, Part Was the orgånfzatron related Fart V, I¡ne I " the orgànrzåtton under Regulattons secttons %l to any tax-exempt or taxable enttty? ¡f "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part lÍ, fi , or IV,.and tf 35a OId the organrzatron have a controìled entrty wrthln the meänrng of sectron 512(b)(13i7 b If 'Yes'to ltne 35a, drd the orgènrzËìron recerve äny pèyment from or engäge rn any transäctlon wrth a controlled entrty wrihrn the meanrng of seçtron 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, PaftV, Itne 2 %l 36 Sectian 501(c)(3) organizations. Dtd the organtzatton make any transfersto an exempt non-chantable related organrzatron? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, ltne 2 l t7 Drd the organtzatton conduct more than 57o of rts actrvrtres through an entrìy that rs not a related organrzatron and that ts treated as a partnershtp For federal rncome tax purposesz If "Yes," camplete Schedule R, Part VI I 3a 26 aft, h¡Ftoncal treasures. or other stmtlar assets, or quaftfted conservatton I . 34 No An entrty of whlch a current or former officer, 29 32 25b "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part TV 31 No "Yes,* complete Schedule L, b A famrly member of a current or former ofñcer, dlrector, truÉtee, or key employee7 c 25a Itfred person rn ð pnor yeðr, ånd Ðtd the orçantzatron repoË any amount on Part X, l¡ne 5, 6, or 22 for recervables from or payables to any current or former offrcers, drrectors, trustees. key employees, hrEhest compensâted employees, or drsqualrfted persons2 If No 24a , Þtd the organtzatton malntarn an escrow ¿ccount other than a refundlng escrow at any tlme durrng the year to defease any tax-exempt bondsz d Ðld the organtzatton act as an "on behalf b Yes Dtd the organtzatton have a tax-exempt bond rssue wrth an outstandrng prrncrpal amount of more than g100,000as of the last day of the year, that was tssued after Decembet 3L, 20027 If "Yes," answer hfies 24b through 24d ¿nd b Dld the organtzatton tnvest any proceeds ottax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod êxceptìõF? . c 4 Checklist of Requii"ed Schedules (con0nued) Drd the organrzatton complete Schedule O and provrde expJanatrons rn Schedule O for Part Vl, lrnes 11b and 19: Note. All Form 990 filers are requrred to complete Schedule O 34 Yes 35a YeE t5b Yes 36 No 37 No 38 Yes Form 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) Pärt V Page Stät€mêrits Regardlng Other IRS F¡lings ånd Täx Complisncê eck tÊ Schedule O contatns or â toa hne rn Yeg la b c 2a Enter the number reported rn Box 3 of Form 1096 Ënter -0- rf not applcable 1a Êhterthe number of Forms W-2c tncludêd ln lrne 1a Entat -0, rf not applrcable 1b Dld fhe orgañrzätrôn Ëomply wrth backup wrthhôldrng rules for i.eportable päyñents to vendors ¿nd repórlabl€ gåmråû (gambhng) wrnntûgs tô pr¡¿e w{nners2 . Enter the number of employees repoÉed on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, ftled for the calendar year endrng wrth or wlthrn the year covered by thrs retum . , 1c 2a b If åt lêast one rs reÞortêd 3a No 6 2b on lrfié 2â. drd the orgånrzättôn flle äll rêqutrêd federal employment tax Note.If the sum of ltnes 1a and 2¿ rs qreater than 258, you may be requrred to e.frle (see 'nstructtons) Dtd the organtzåtron h¡ve unrel¿ted bustness gross of $1,000 or more durrng the ye¿r? . 'ncome 3å b If"Yes,"hasi[frledaForrn9g0-Tforthrsyear?Jf"No'tolnejb,prowdeanexplanatronrnScheduleO No 3b 4a Atanyttrnedurtngthecalendaryear,drdtheorgånrzatronhayeantnterestrn.oras¡gnatureorotherauthonÈyover.a ftnancral acçoutt tn a foretgn country (such as a bank acÇount, secuntres account, or other frnar¡cral accoilnt)t Nö b If "Yes." enter thè name of the foretgn country > See rnstructrons for frhng requrrements for ÊrnCEN Form 114, Report of Forergn Bank and Flnancal Accounts (FBAR) 5a Was the organrzafron a pärty to a prohtbrted tax shelter transactton ät any ttme duín0 the tax yeÊr? b Drdanytaxablepartynotrfytheolgån1zåtronthåtrtw¿sorlsåpårtyto¿prôhtbrtedtåxsheltertrånsåctton? clf^'Yes,"tolrne5aor5b.drdtheorgåñtzðttonftleFormSSS6-T7..i. 5a No sb No 5C 6a b Doestheorqan¡ãatronheveannual grossrecerptsthatarenormallygreaterthan$l00,000,anddtdtheorgantzahon sohcrt any contnbutrons that were not tax deductrble as charrÈ¿ble contnbuttons? 6a If"Yes,"drdthêorganrzåtrontncludewrtheverysôlcrtåtìônånexpressstater¡entthatsuchcóntnbuËtonsorgrftswere not t¿x deductìble7 7 a No 6b Orgân¡zat¡ons tfrat may reeeive dêductible contr¡b$tions undér sectiqn 170(c). D¡d tha organtzatron recetve a payment tn excess of $75 made partly as a contnbuttÞn and pèrtly for goods and servt 7a No provrded to the payor) b If ''Yes." dtd the organizatron notrfy the donor of the v¿lue of the goods or servtcê3 provrded) c Drdtheorgañtzatrônsell,exchange,orotherw¡sedrsposeoftangrblepersonalpropertyforwhrchrtìNãsrequrredlof¡ 7b le Form 828?) d If ''Yes." 7c rndrcate the number of Forms 8262 frled dr:rrng the year e Drd the orçanrzatron recerve any funds, dtrectly f g Drd the orçanr¿àtron/ dunng the year, pay prernrums¿ drrectly or No 7d or rndrreetly, to pay an a perËórål benefrt contracl? 7e on a personal benef¡t r If the orgãnrzatron recerved a contnbutron of quakfted rñtèllertuäl contract? , requrredt h If the organrzatron 7g recetved a contrrbutron of cars, boats, ãtrp¡enes, or other vehrcles, drd the organrzatron f¡le a Form 1098-C7 I ,1 drd thé orgånrzåtrön frle Form 8899 as 7h Sponeoring crganizations maintaining donor adviehd fqnds. Dtd a donor advtsed fund marntarnedby the sponsorrng or.ganr:atron have excess busrness holdrngs at any trme durng the Yearr 9a b 10 a Þrd the sponsorng orgåDÉabQñrmake àny texêble drstrrbutlons under sectron 49667 9a , Dtd the spônsonng organrzetron måke a dtstfibutron to a donor, donor advrsor, or relÈted person" . . 9b Sectìon 50 i, (c) (7) o{ganlzations, Enter In¡tråtroô fees and caprtål@ntrrbutrons rncluded on Part VIÌI. hne 10a 12 b Grosi recetpts, rncluded on Form 990, Part V¡II, hne 12, for pub[c ueç ef club fac¡lrtres 10b 1l Section 501(c)(12) organìzetions, Enter a Gross rncome frorn members or sharehotders . 11a . b Gross ¡ncome from othe¡ sources (Do not net amounts due or patd to othêr sources agatnst amounls due or rècetved from them ) , 11b l2a Section a9a7(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts, [s the organrzatron frlrng Form 990 rn Leu of Form 1041) b If "Yes," enter the êmount of ú*x-exempt tnterest recerved or eccrued durrng the ye:r l2b 13 Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonpfof¡t health ínsurance i¡suere. a Is the organlzatron censed to rssue qualLÉed heålth plans rn more than one stateTl{ote. 5eÊ the instructrons fo. addrtronal rnformãtrôn the orçanrzatton rnust report on Sche.dulè O b E¡ter the amoun( of reserves the orgànrzàtroñ rs requrred to mêtntatn by the stètes whtch the orgènr¿åtlon rs hce¡sed to rssue qualrfred heälth plåns c Enter the ârnount of reserveg on hand 14a b rn l2a 13a 13b 13c lhe orgàñr?àtron recerve any påyments for rndoor tanning servtces durrng the tåx year? . . Il ''Yes," has È frled a Form 720 to report trese p¿ymentsTíf "No," prowde an explanahon ¡n Schedule t4a Drd Q t4b No 5 Form 990 (2017) Part VI 6 Governance, Managemént, and'DísclosureFor each "Yes" response to ltnes 2 through 7b below, and for ä "No" response to hnes 8a, Bb, Òr 10b below, descrtbe the c¡cumstances, proçesses¡ or changes tn Schedule Check rf Schedufe O See nsÈructrcns 0 cantarns å response or note to anv hne ln thrs Part Vl M nt Yes la Enter the number of votrng members of the governrng body aÈ the end of the tax year 1a J 1b 2 N0 If there are matenal drfferences tn vottng nghts among members of the governrng body, or rt the governtng body detegaiod broad âuthoflty to an €xecuirve coílmrttee or srmrlar commrttee, explatn tn Schedule O b Ënter the number of votrng members tncluded rn llne l¿, above, who are rndependent 2 Dld any offrcer, d¡rector, trustee, or key employee have a famrly relatronshrp or a busrness relatronshrp wrth any other offrcer; drrector, trustee, or key employee? 3 Drd the orçantzätlon d€lêg¿tê cofltrol ôver ffiånåqêmônt dutrês Êugtornärrly performed by or under: the drréct 2 No 3 No 4 of offtcers, drrectors or trustees, or key employees to a managem€nt company or other person? o1c tle o10an1z",:n a1v stlntn¡an1 chlnoes to rts sovernrnn o:.u:"n,' .,.n.".,n",or,:r Form'eeo.was frledz 4 No 5 Dtd the organrzatton become aware durrng the yeâr of a srgnrÉrcant drversron of the organrzatlon's assets? 5 No ö Drd the organrzàtrôn håve members or stockhoiders? 6 No 7a No 7b No 1t"n: 7a Drd the organrzatton have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appotnt one oT more membefs of the governrng body? b Are any governance decrsrons of the organrzatron r€served to (or sub¡ect to âpproval by) members. stockholders, or persons other than the govemrng bodyr I Þld the organlzatron contemporaneously document the meetrngs held ot wntten ¿ctrsris undertaken dunng the year by the followrng a The governrng body? 8a Yes b Eäch comm¡ttee wrth Áuthorrty to åct on behalf of the governrng bodyr 8b Yes I Is there any offtcer, dtrector, trustee, or key employee l¡sted rn Part VJI, Sectron A, who cannot be reached at the organrzätron's marlrng address2 If "Yes," prowde the names andaddresses ,n Schedule O , B esfs the not I No Revenue Yes 1Oa Dtd the orçanrzatron have local chapters, branches, or affrl¡¿tes¿ b 1Oå If "Yes," dtd the organtzatron have wr*ten polrcrcs ånd procÊdures gov€rn{ng the åôttvrttes of such chapters, äfftltãtes, and branches to ensure therr operatrons are conststent wrth the orgãfttzauon's exempt purposes) No No 10b 11a Has the orgånr¿atron provtded a complete copy of thrs Forftì 990 to all members of rts gove¡'nrng body before frhnq the forme 11a Yes !2a Yes 12b Yes 12c Yes b Þescnbe ¡n Schedule O the process, tf any, used by the organteãtton to revrew thls Form 990 12a Þtd the organrzatron have a wntten confltct of Interest poltcy? If "Na,' go to Ine 73 , , b Were offtcers, drrectors, ortrusteêt, and key employees requ{Fed to drsclose annually rnterËsts that could grvê nse to co nfhcts? c Drd the organtzatron regularly and conststently monrtor and enforce comphance rvrth Schedule O how th¡s was done , . lhe pottcyT If "Yes," descnbe tn t3 Dtd the orçanrzatron have ä wntten whlstleblower pohci? 13 Yes 14 Drd the orçanrzätion håve å wnttéR 14 Yes 15 Þtd the process for determrn¡ng corìpensatron of the followrng persons ¡nclude a revrew and approval by rndependent persons/ comparabtltty data, and contet¡poraneous substantratton of the delrberatron and dec¡s¡on? 15a Yes 15b Yes a docuhent retenbôn and destructron polrcyr The organrratron's CEO, Eiecuttve Ðtrector, ôr top mànaqement offrctal b Other offtcers or key employees of the orfanrzatton If ''Yes" to kn€ l5a or t5b, desctlhe the pro(ess ¡ Schedule O (see lnstructrons) 16a Drd the organrzðtlon Invest tn, contrrbute assets to, or pärttctpate tn a Jornt venture or slmllar arrangement wrth täxãblê êntrty dunng the yearr b a 16a No lf "Yes," dtd the organtzatron folloW a wrtten potrcy or procedure requtnng the organrzatron to evaluête tts pàrtrcrpàtron rnJornt venture årrangemelrtgunder apphcable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organrzatron's exempt status wlth respect to such alr.ångements2 r.6b Sect¡on C. Disclosure 17 Lrst the Ståtes wrth whrch ¿ copy of thls Form 990 rs requrred 18 Sectron 6104 requrres an organrzatron to make rts Form 1023 (or 1024 rf applrcable), 990, and 990'T {501(c}(3)s only) ävärlåble for publrc r,"ìspectrôn lndrc¿te how you måd€ these åvåtlåblê Check ¡ll that åpply to be flledÞ 1L 19 20 tl O,*n websrte M Another's wêbsrte M upon requôst I Oth"r (explarn rn Schedule O) Þescnbe tn Schedule O whêther (and rf so, how) the orEãntzåtrôn måde tts governrng documents, confllct of rnterest pohcy, and frnancral ståtÊments avarlable to the publtc durrnç the tax yeðr State the name, address, ånd telephortô number of the pêt$on who po$se$ses the orgânr¿atron's books and records >LÖuis sroNE 190 s LÂSALLË sTREEl" No 1s00 cHrcAGÖ, IL 60603 (312) 346"5700 Form 99O [2017) Form 990 (?017) page 7 ' ontractors Check lf Schedule O contarns a or note to m hne rn thrs Part VII Sect¡on A. Offieers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensâted E la Complete thrs table for all persons requtred to be lrsted Report compensatrôn for the calendàryear wrth or wlthrn the organtzaïon's tax yeår o Ltst all of the organtzatton's cur¡ent offtcers, dtrectors, trustees (whether rndrvrdusls or organrzatrons), r€gardless of arnount of cornpcnsatron Ënter -0- rn columns (Þ), (Ë), and (Ê) rf no compensatran was patd r r Lrst all of tho organtzatro¡'s current key employees, rf any See rnstructrons for defrnrtlon of "key ernployee " Lrst the organtzatton's lve current hrghest compensated employees (other than an offtcer, drrector, trustee or key employee) who reÇerved reportable compensatron (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-f'1I5C) of rirore than S100,000 from the organruatron and any related organrzatrons r Ltst all of the organrzatror's forrner offrcers, key employees, or hrghest compensated employees who recerved mare than $100,000 of reportable compensatron from the orgãnrzâtton and any related organrz¿tlons o Lrst all of the organtzatro¡'s former directors or trustees thaL recerved, rn the cåpaqty as a former drrector or trustee of the organtzatton, more than s10,000 of reportable compensatron from the organrzatron and any relâted organrzat¡ons Ltst persons tn the followtng order rnd¡vtduai krustees or dtrectors, rnstrtutronal trustees, offrcers, key employees, hrghest compensated employees, and former such persons Check thrs box rf nerther the nor ¿ related current ensated (Â) (B) (c) Name and Trtle ,qveräge (do not (heck rnore than one box, unfess person rs both an offrcër and a dtrector or trustee (Ë) Reportable compensatron from related organrzattons PÖsrtron hours per week (lrst any hours for related drrector/trusÈeê organ rzatrons below dotted Irne) r:t o 3 rr ,E î ':l o rD i't¿,f, ô :-c (, r¡ from the ) r ('ï ¡n compensatron (w- 2/1099" -Í g 9 þ.lrsc) ,1. r_, J ïl' .?. v Êù (' q (1) ]OHN TILLMAN CHAIRIV1AN, SECRETARY AN D TREASURER (Z) 10c c 384,500 38,690 0 121,7 50 14,1 0 0 40 0c PAT HUGHES X DIRECTOR (3) STEPHANIE LINARES 26 X 1 I 0C 10c 0 DIRECTOR Form 99O (2017) Form 990 (2017) PäTt VTI Page Section A. Di Posttion (do not check rnore than one box, unless person rs both an offrcer ¿nd e dr q5 _ ,:! rlï fË e (0 rector/trustee) /1,:r q / .t, q 4 o I ,r' o a -n s f ,t, ,1¡ È rÌ' . c Total frorn continuation sheets 2 l tþ 11 = 'f 't d n T ¡, ¡I( ;.r) ,t' {,Q '¡) {¡ . lb Total edd lines to Part VII, Section A and s06,250 ïotal number of rndrvrduals (rncludrng but not lrmlted to those of reportable compensêtron from the orgänttëttrn > 52,80 4 D¡d the organrzatron lrst any former offiÇer, dr l¡ne 1a7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J farçuch ) who recerved more then $100,000 rgå n tzatro n tndtwdual a , nd , re I :^',*t: Drd any person lrsted on lrne or âccrilër Compen$atron from any unrelated organrzatron or rndrvrdual for "Yes," complete Schedule I far such peßon , Complete thrs your frve No (A) Totat number of rndepen com tron frôm the 4 Yes 6 No rndependent contractors that recerved more thån $100,000 of compensatron wrth or wrthrn the an¡zatron's tax (B) the calendar year frorn the Name 2 3 le, tEthe sum of reportàble €ompensðtlon ånd ather compensatron from the ated organtzatrons gr€eter I,f "Yes," schedu/e .com,p/ete T*n.*t10,*:ot servrces rendered to the orqê I No key employee, or hrghest compènsated employee on For any rndrvrdual llsted on hne o 5 1 0 Yes 3 I conanued (c) (A) Name end ïrtle 1b Sub-Totäl nsatcd and Þ0 add ress (c) DeÊcrrÞtron of servrces (rncludrng but not lrmrted to those llsted above) who recetved more than $100,000 of Form 990 20t7 ForD 99o ( 20 i7 ) Pårt VIrf 9 statèñènt of Reveñue or note to lrne !n thrs (A) (B) (f) (Þ) Totâl rêv€nue Relatrd or Unrelated R€vênuê exel¡ Þt bus,negs èxcludèd ffoÉ revenue tðx uñde¡ sect'oÍs fun(t!on revenue Fêderåted cêmpårgns , lt ttt fã (Js 64 ËË oË ø.: 's áút =a) c) ÈtÌ oÊ UG b þlernberËhrÞduês c Êund/êrsrñS 1ð lr¡ , êvêñt9 d Rålated orqañt¿ôttons e ('overnfi èü! qranf s f tontnbllron5) f Àll other coltübutiôös, gr¡ls. 4lðrìts, {fd grmilar åmouDts not úrrlud4d I Noncàsh cont¡but¡ons tnclvded rn ltnes la-lf $ h Tot¡l,Add lrnes I , 1s-lf . 1e tl . 692,322 ! c 9usrness Code ry & b F c ! t cN c, *o d e f All other proqrðm servrce reveflu€ çTÒt¡l.Add l¡nês 2å-2f . 3 lnvertment rn 4 lncome frôm tnvêstment of tâx-exempt bond prccÊeds > 5Roy¿ltres, . . Re¿ I ( > Personal 6a Gross ¡enls b Less rertål expen*5 c Renlðl rncome or (lors) d llêt rentâl rncomê or (r) Securrt¡es 6 t, cÉ (, 4 ô b LÈss cos[oi other bôers snd sr!les etæÐses c d G¡ro or (løs) (x) other Net gatn or (ìoss) 8a Gross rncomê from fundrðrsrf,g event€ of {not rDclvdrng $ contnbuuons reported on lrne lc) See P¡rt lV, lne 18 , a b Less drect exp€nses , , ç Net rftcome or (loss) frqm fundrarsrng 9a Gross rn(ome f.cm gð(Íng êctrvrtres 5€e Påft IV, hñe 19 , , , b Lesr direct expen$es . . c Net tßëotÌrê or iloss) ffôrtl gåmin9 ¡ctrvrttes less c Net tncome or from Reven ue Busrness Cqde 11ã t c d AII other e70tal, . . tla-tld revenue Add ¡r¡es , 1? Total revenue. See [nstructions ô91 ì Forrn 990 (2017) page 1O Sectton 501(c)(3) å¡ìd 501(c)(4) orgånrzåtrons must complete ¿ll cofumns All other orgånrzätrons must complete cotumn (A) Check rf Schedule Q contarns a se or note to a Do not íncludê arìrounts repotted on lines 6b, Irne rn thrs Part lX (A) 7b, 8b, 9b' and 10b of Part VIII. Totìrl expenses 1 Grants and other asslstance to domestrc organr¿èttons and domestrc çôvêrnments SÊe pðû IV, frne 21 2 Grants and other assrstance to domestrc rndrvrduals See IV, lrne 22 3 Grånts åfid óther åssrståncê to fórêtgn organrzatrons, forergn governments, ånd forergn rndrvrduals See Part 1V, lrne 15 (B) (c) Ptoqram seTvrce l'lanagament and exÞense5 oeneT¿l Êxgenses (o) Ëundranr nq expenses Pa ¿nd 16 4 5 Benef¡!s pard to or for members 6 Compensatron not rncluded above, to drsqualrfred persons ( defrned under sectton 4958(fX1)) and persons descnbed ln sectron 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 I Other salarres and wages I Other employee benehts Compensalron of current offrcers, drrectors, trustees, and key employees PeîsJôñ plan arcruals ånd côntflbutrons (¡ncludê Eêctron 401 (k) and a03(b) empfoyer contrrbutrons) 10 Payroll taxes 11 Fees for servrcês (non-employees) a Management r 1.886 b Leqåf ! 1.886 e,925 8,925 c Accountrng d Lobbyrnq e Professlonal fundrarsrng servrces See Part IV. lrne 17 I lnvëstmênl månågemênt fees f¡ Other (if lrne 119 amount exceeds 100/o of trne 25, column (A) amount, Ìrst ltne llg expens€s on Schedule O) t2 Advertrsrng and promotron 13 ôffrce expenses 14 I 5,979 5,979 840 840 , nformatron technology LS Royaltres 16 ôcc upa ncy L7 Travel 6,739 6,719 685 685 18 Payments of travel or entertarnment expenses for any lederal. state, or local publtc offrcrals t9 Conterences, conventrons, and meetrngs 20 I nte!'e st 21 Paymenhs to affrl¡ates 23 12.950 I 2.950 22 Depreclatron, depletron, and amortrzatrcn 5.¿76 5,2'16 I nsu rå ncê 24 Other expenses lÈem¡ze expensas not covered above (Lrst m¡scellaneous expenses rn lrne 24e If lrne 24e ãmount exceeds 109,b ôf lrnê 25, column (A) amotrnt, lrsl. hne 24e expenses on schedule o ) a WAGES AND SALARIES-PAID 4t1,135 41t,135 b EMPLOYËË BENfFITS.PAID 43,t73 41,173 c PAYROLL TAXES-PAID Tl"iRO 28,424 ;8,424 d RESEARCH ),562 7,562 e Ail other e 25 ïotal functional 26 Joint costs, Complete t6,329 Add lrnes 1 throu 24e 559,903 6,500 9,829 5 2r,70 9 22, tt5 t2,479 thrs hne only rf the orçaflrzàtron reported rn column (B) ¡otnt cosls lrom a combtned educatronaf cèmpärçn and fundrarsrng solrcltatron Check here > n ¡f followrng SCP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Form 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) Part X Page 11 Balance Sheet Check ¡f Schedule O contarns a or note to å hne rn thrs Pàrt IX (B) End of year I ? 3 4 5 6 tâ o tâ v1 7 I 9 10a b 5,843 1 Pledges and grants nel ''ecetvable. Accounts recervable, net 4 Loans and other recelvables from current and former offrcers, dlrectors, frustees, key employees, and hrghest compensated employees Complete Part II of Schedute L , Loans and other recetvables from othÊr drsqualrfred persons (as defrned under 5 sectron 4958(f)(1)), përsons descnbed tn sêctron 4958(c)(3)(B), and contrrbuttng employers and sponsonnE organrzatrons of sectlon 501(c)(9) voluntary employees'benefrcrary organtzattons (see ¡nstructlons) Complete Part II of Schedule L Notes and loans recervable, net 7 I I lnventones for sale or use Prepard expenseg and deferred charges L¿nd, burldrngs, and equrpment cost or other basrs Complete Pårt VI of Schedule D 1Oa Less accumulated deprecratron 0 10c tl 13 14 Int¿ngrble ässets L4 15 Other assets See Part IV, ltne 11 1?,946 15 18.7ð9 16 12 16 Total assets.Add h¡es L7 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18 Grants 19 Deferred revenue 20 Tax'exempt bond h¿btlltres. Ø 2L 22 fi 25,309 Savrngs and lemporary cash rnvestments Investments*pubhcly traded secuntles Investments-other securltres See Part IV, lrne 11 lnvestments-program-releted See P¿rt IV, lrne 11 t1 o Cash-non-rnterest-beaflng payable 25,899 L2 t3 1 through 15 (must eauàl ltne 34) 0 1 51.208 L7 18 . L9 . . 20 I 2l Ëscrow or custodral account lrabrfrty Complete Part IV of Schedule D Loans and other payables to current ðnd former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compensated êmployee$, and drsqualrfred persons Complete Part II of Schedule L 22 . 23 Secured mortgêges änd nôtes payable to unrelåted thrrd partres z3 24 U¡secured notes and loans payable to unrelated thrrd partres 24 25 Other lrabtlrtres (rncludrng federal rncome tax, payables to related lhrrd partres, and other lrabllrtres not rncluded on lrnes 17-24) 25 26 Totaf liabilíties,Add hnes 17 throuqh 25 Complete Part X of Schedule D Organieatione that follow SFAS 1t7 (ASC 959), check here complete lines"åTthrough 29, and lines 33 and 34. ) M 0 26 0 18,789 an¿ o () (i 27 Unrestncted net 27 107,822 ð 28 Tempor*rrly restflcted ñet ðs$ets 1S 43.386 Permanently restncted net ãssets 29 29 o 30 c) 31 c) 32 33 34 z ås5eÈg Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ) E an¿ complete lines 3O through 34, Caprtal stock or trust pnncrpal, or current funds Fard-rn or caprtat surplus, or land, butldrng or equrpment fund 30 31 Retarned earnrngs¡ endowment, accumulated tncome, or other funds 32 Total net assats or fund balances 18.789 33 1s1.208 Total frabrlrtres and net assets/fund balances '18,789 34 131,208 Form 990 (2017) Forrn 990 (2017) Part XI Check tf Schedule O contarns a I 12 Page Reconcilliation of Net Assets nse or note to n Itne ¡n thrs Part Xl I 2. Vlll, column (A), lrne 12) Total expenses (must equal Part ÎX, column (A), line 25) 3 Revênuê less expenses Subtrâct lrne 2 from llne 4 Net assets or fund balances at begrnnrng of year (must equal Part X, [rne 33, column (A)) 4 5 Net unrealized garns (losses) on ¡nvestments 5 6 Ðonated servrces and use of facrlrtres 6 7 Investment expensês 7 I Pnor perrod adJustmènts a 9 Other chançes rn net ¿sEets or fund balances (explarn rn Schedule O) I Total revenue (must equal Part I a , se L32,4I9 3 1O Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combrne lrnes 3 through 9 (must Fart Ê¡nanc¡äl Stätemènts änd Report¡ng Check rf Schedule O conta¡ns 692.,322 s59,903 or note to a Part X, ìtne 33, column (B)) 0 10 15 Yes Accountrng method used to prepare the Form 990 casn Accruat M oth., Ëf'StlFIED If the orçantzatton chançed rts method of accountrng from a pnor yeãr or checked "Other," explarn rn Schedule O 2a Were the organrzatton's ftnancral ståter¡ents comprled or revlewed hy an rndependeñt åccountânt? ff 1,208 M Irne rn thrs Part XII 1 8,789 1 No fl 2a If 'Yes,'check à box betow to rndlcate wheiher the frnåncrå1 stàtèments for the yeer were comprled or revrewed on No å separàte basrs. consolrdated basrs, or both n b Separate basrs E Consolrdated basrs ! Aotn consohdåted and separate basrs 2b Were the orgaarzatron's flnånctal statements audried by an ;ndependeñt ðccountant? If'Yes,' check ¿ box betow to rndtcate whelher the fnancral statements for the year were audrted on a separate Yes basrs, consolrdated basrs, or both M Separate basrs I Consolrdated basrs n Aot¡r consoTldated and separate basrs c If "Yes," to lrne 2a or 2b, does the organrzatron have å comm¡ttee th¿t assurnes responsrbllrty for oversrght of the audri, revtew, or comprlatron of rts ftnancral statements and selectron of an rndependent accountant2 If the organtzatron changed erther rts oversight process or selectlon process durrng the tâx yeår, explarn rn Schedute O 3a b As a result of a federal award, was the orEantzatron requrred to undergo an audrt or audrts as set forth rn the Srngle Audrt Act and OMB Crrcular A-133? If "Yes," dtd the organtzatton undergo the requrred audrt or audrtsT If the organrzatron drd not undergo the requrred åudrt or audrts, explarn why rn Schedule O ard descrrbe any steps taken to undergo such èudrts 2c No 3a No 3b Form 99O (2017) Additional Data Software IÞ: Softtârare VerÊlon: EIN: I{amê: 45-4204425 LTBERTY JUSTICE Form 990 Ëorm 990, Pert lt[, Line 4a: ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCtAt UBERTIES AND A FREE FNTERPRISETHROUGH STRATEGIC RESEARCH co ACTIVISM AND EfiIC GRAPHIC PriNt - DO NOT PROCESS SCHËDULË A As Filed Data * DLN: 934933190O9O88 I Public Charity Status and Public $upport (Form 990 or ee0Ðz) 2017 Complete if the organization is a section 5O1(c)(3) organization or a section agaT(aX f ) nonexempt charitable trust. Jr Attach to Form 99O or Form 990-FZ, Þ Information about Schedule  (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its l)e¡rlrt:rrer:t ol tlrr '[ re¡lrun Open to Pu Ins org¿l number LIBËRÏY JUsÏICË CËNTËR 5 I gtätus All 0 ântzåttons must com lete thrE tnstructtonS. The organtzatton ts not a pnvate foundatron use rt ts For t 12, check only one 1 n A church, conventron of churches, or assocratron of churches descrbed rn section 176(b)(fXAX¡), Pärt 2 tr Public Cha A school descrrbed rn sectÍon 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Scheduie Ë (Form 990 or 990-É2) ) ! A hosprtal or a cooperatrve hosprtal servrce organtzatron descr¡bed rn sectíon 4 n 5 I A medlcal research organtzatton operated ln con,¡unctron wrth a hosprtal descrrbed rn sectio¡ l70(b ) ( I ) ( A ) (i ii). Enter the hosprtal's name, crty, and state Añ organrzatron operated for tl'1e bënefrt of a college or untversrhy owned or operated by a EoveFhmental unrt descrtbed rn sect¡on 17O (bXlXl)(iv). (Complete Part II ) A federal, stÐte, or local govemment or governmental unrt descrrbed rneectÌqn 170(b)(1)(Altv). 3 6 An organtzatton that norr¡ally recerves a subst¿ntral part of rts support from a governmentål unrt or from the general publrc descrrbed rn sect¡cn 17O(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Complete Pêrt lI ) A communrty trr..:st desrrbed rn section 17O(bX1)(A)(vi) (Complete Pañ II ) 7 I I An açrrcultural research org¿nrzatron descrrbed rn 170(b ({{A)(ix) operäted rn conJunctron wrth a land-grant college or unrversrty or non-land grant colleqe of agnculture See rñstructrons Enteî the name, crty. and state of the college or unrversrty 10 n 11 n n 72 a b c d e r 17O(bXl)(A)(¡¡¡). n a An orgänrzåtron that normålly recêrves (1) more thån 331/39b of rts support from contrrbutronÊ, membershrp fees, ånd gross recerpts from actrvrtles related to rts exempt funcüons-subleçt to certã{n exceptrans, and {2) no more than 331/:o/o of rts support from gross tnvestrnent rncome and unre/ated busrness taxable rncome (leÉs secùon 511 tax) from busrnesses acqurred by the organtzatton after June 30, 1975 See section 5O9(a)(U). (Complete PertIII ) An organrzatron organrzed and operated exclusrvely to têst for publrc safety See section 5O9(a)(4). An orçanreatron organrzed and operated exclusrvely for Èhe beneftt of, to perform Èhe functrons of, or to carry out the purposes of one or more publrcly supported organrzätrons descrrbed rn section 509(aX1) or section 5û9(a)(2). See section 5o9(aXA), Check the box rn trnes l2a through 12d that descrrbes the type of supportrnç orgåhrzatron and complete hnes l2e, 12f, and 129 Typè I. A supportrng orEênr¿atron operatad, supervrsed, orcontroll€d by rts supported oËganrzatron(s), typtcalty by Etvtng the supported organrzatron(s) the power to regulerly appornt or elect a fialonty of the drrectors or trustees of the supporttng organtzatton You rnust complete Part IV. Sections A atrd Ë. Type tI. A supportrng organrzåtron supervrsed or controlled rn connectron wrth rts supported orgênrzatron(s), by hevtng control or management of th€ suppoftrng organrËåtto¡ vested lnthe sãme personô thåt control or rnanag6 the supported organtzatton(s) You must complete Part IV Sestions A a¡d C. Type lllfunctionally integrated. A supportrng qrgäntzatrqn operãted rn connectron wrth, and functronally rntegrated wrth, rts tr supported organrzatron(s) (see rnstrrcttons) You must complete Part IV, Sections Â, Ð, and E. n Type III non-functionally íntegrated,Á,supportrng organrzatron operated rn çonnectron wrth rts supported organtzatton(s) that rs not functronally rntegrated The organrzatron generally must satrsfy a drstnbutlon requrrement and an attentrveness requrrement (see rnstructrons) You must complete Part IV, Sections A and Q, and Pãrt V, tr Check thrs box rf theorganrzatten recerved ¡ wntten deterrntnðhon from the IRS that rt rs a Type I, Type Ii, Type III functronally rntegrated, or Type IIl non-functron;lly rntegrated supportrng organrzation Enter the number of supported orgamzatrons t] I n (i) Neme of supported organrtätlon (iii) Type of orgar reatron (descnbed on lrnes 1- 10 above (see rnstructrons)) (iv) Is the 0rgånrzätron lìsted ln your governrng document? Yes Total For Päperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 99O or 99O-Ë2. Cåt No 11,285F (v) Amount of monetàry support {see rnstructrons) (vi) Arnount of other suppoÊ (see tnstructrons ) No A Form 990 or zlJL7 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) ¿OL7 Page 2 Support Schedulë for Olgäniuät¡ons Described in Sections 17O(b)(tXA)(iv), 170(bX1)(AXvi), and 170 (b)(rXAXix) (Cornpiete only rf you checked the þox on lrne 5,7, B, or 9 of Pârt I or rf the organrzatlon farled to qual rfy under Part farls to qualrfv under the tests ltsted below. olease comolete IIl. If the oroan (cr fiscal year I ning in) Þ Grfts/ grants¿ contrrbutrons, and membershrp fees recerved (Do not rnelude any "unusual gränt ") T¿x revenueg levled for the organtzatron's benefrt and erther pard to or expended on lts behalf The value of servrcqs or facrlrtres furnrshed by a governrnental unlt to the orgånrzëtton wtthout charge Total. Add knes t through 3 The portron of total contrrbulions by each person (other than a governmental unrt or publrcly suppofted organrzatron) lncluded on Irne 1 that exceedç 2ôlo of the åmount shown on lrne 11, column (t) Public support. Subtract lrne 5 from 2 3 4 5 6 (a) 2013 (b) (c) 2014 225,Ù35 343,0 00 225,03s 343,000 (e) ?015 149,2 50 {f) 2017 494,000 Total 2,101,607 692,322 494,00C 607 L,123,784 979,823 Section B. Totâl Cä yeâr (or fiscal year begínning in) Þ 7 I 9 10 1l Amounts from frne 4 Gross rncome from tnterest, drvtdends, payments recerved on secunttes loans, rents, royalttes and rncorrle from stmrler sóurces Net rncome from unrelated busrness actrvrtres, whether or not the busrness rs regularly car¡ted on Other tncome Þo not rnclude gatn or loss from the sale of caprtal assets (Ëxplarn tn Part VI ) lotal support, Add l¡nes 7 through (a)2013 22s.035 (b)2014 (d)2016 (1)Totål {el20L7 494,000 692,322 2,101,607 10 l2 Gross recetpts from refated acttvtttes. etc 13 First five years. If the Form 990 ¡s for here check thrs box end Section C- Computation of T2 , thrrd, fourth, or frfth tåx yeår âs å sectron 501(cX3) org¿nrzatron, ÞLl Pe llc suppÖrt perrentäge z kne , column ( 14 tS Pubkc suppott percentage for 2016 Schedule A, Part II, lrne 14 15 16a 33 t/3o/o support test-2017. IT the organrzatron drd not check the box on kne 13, and lrne 14 ts 33 1/3 o/o or rTlore, check thrs box and stop here. The organrzatron Qualrfres as a pubtrcly supported organtuatton b 33 1/3olo Ëupport test-?O16. If thgorganrzat¡on drd not check ¿ box on lrne l3 or 16¿, and lrne 15 rs 33 1/3o/o or more, check thrs box and stop heËe. The organraehon quãhf.res as a publrcly supported organrz*tron 17¿ l0o/o*facts*ånd*c¡rèumsta¡ces test-2017. [f the organrzatron drd not check ð box on lrne 13, 16à, or 16b, and lrne 14 ls 10olo or more, and tf the organrzatron íñeets the "facts-and-crrcumstances" test, check thls box and sto p here, Explarn rn PaÊ V[ how the organtzåtron meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances" test The organrzatron quahfres as a publrcly supported 14 46 580 % >M Þn org an tzatron 6 10o/o-factS¡and-circu mstances test*2Of 6. lf the orça n rzatron drd not check a box on lrne 13, 16a, L6b, or 17a. and hne 15 rs l0% orrñore¡ and rf the orgañtzätrofl meets the "facts-and-crcumstänÊes" test, check thrs box and stop here. Explarn rn Êärt'VI how the organrzatron me€ts the "facts-and-crrcumst*nces'' test The organruatron quålif'es as a pubitcly supported organrzatton 18 Prívate foundation. If the organrzatron dtd not check a box on llne 13, 16a, t6b, 77a, or 17b, check thrs box and lnstructrons see Þtr >ü >ü Schedule A lForm 99O or 990-EZ) 2017 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2QL7 page 3 (Complete only rf you check€d the box oû ltne 10 of PBÉ I or rf the organrzatton fâtlêd to quâlrfy under Part II, If the organrzatron fårls to qualrfy under the tests ltsted below, please complete Part IL) Calendar year (or flscal year beginning in) Þ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a b I (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (f) ïotal (b) 2014 (c) (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (f) Grfts, grãnts, contrtbutrons, and membershtp fees recerved (Do not rnclude any "unusual grants ") Gross recerpts trom admrssrons, merchandrse sold or sêrvrce$ performed, or facrlttres furnrshed rn any actrvtty that ts related to the orgånrzatrón's tåx-exempt purpose Gross recerpts from actrvrties that are not ån unrelåted trade or busrness under sectron 513 Tax revenues levted for the organrzatron's benefrt and erther pard to or expended on rts behalf The value of servrcês or f¿crlrt¡es furnrshed by a governmentål unrt to the organrzatron wrthout charge Total" Add lrnes I through 5 Amounts rncluded on lrnes 1,2, anð 3 recetved from dtsqualtfted persons Amounts rncluded on lrnes 2 ènd 3 recerved from other than drsqualrfred persons that exceed the greater of $5,000 or 1% of the amount on lrne 13 for the year Add Ìrnes 7a and 7b (Subtract hne 7c Þublic su from l¡ne c Section B. Total Support (or fiscal year I r nning in) Þ 2015 Total AmÖunts from lrne 6 Gross rncome frÖm rnterest, 10a drvrdends, payments recerved on secuntres loans, rents. royaltres and tnçome from stmrlar sources Unrelated busrness taxable rncome (less sectrôn 511 taxes) from busrnesses äcqurred åfter June 30, b 197 5 c Add lrnes 10a and 10b Net lncome from unrelated busrness actrvrtres not rncluded rn lrne 10b, whether or not the busrness rs regularly carned on Other rnçome Do not rnclude gatn or loss from the sale of caprtål Ë6sets (Éxplarn rn Part VI ) Total support. (Add lrnes 9. 10c, 11, and 12 ) First five years. If the Form 990 rs 11 !2 13 14 check th¡s box and Section C. 15 16 Pubfrc support Section Þ. nvestmenÈ t7 organlzatron's frrst, second, th¡rd, fourth, or frfth tax year as a sectron 501(c)(3) organtzatton, >ll on of 8, by hne 13, column (f)) from 2016 Schedule A, Part III, lrne 15 for 15 16 Investment Incoff e Percenta lncome percenta€e umn percentage from Part IIl, ltne 17 Investment rncome 2016 $chedule A. la tê$t6-2017, If the ôrgântzatlon check thê box on lrne 14, and lrne sopport drd not lgâ331/zo/o 17 f8 !5 rs more than 33 L/3o/o, and lrne 17 ¡s not >n more then 33 !/3o/o, check thts box and stop here. The organrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organrzatron 33 t/3o/o suppôrt tests-2o16. If the orgântzåtton dtd not check ê box on lrne 14 or lrne 19a, and ltne 16 rs more than 33 LlTø/o ê d lrne 18 ts Þ! not more than 33 1/3%0, check thrs box ånd stop here. The organrzatron quahfres as a publrcly supported orgânrzetron b 2A Þn Private foundation. Ifthe orqanrzatron drd not check a box on lrne 14, tga. or 19b, check thrs box and see rnst.uctrons $chedule A lForm g9o or 990-EZl 2017 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 f+,Tffim Page 4 Supporting Organizatioris (Complete only rf you checked ¿ box on lrne 12 of Part I If you checked t2a of Parl I, complete Sectrons A and B lf you checked 12b of Part I, complete Sectrons A and C If checked l2c of Part I, complete Sectrôns A, D, and E If you checked 12d of Part I, complete Sèctrôns A and D änd cômnlÈtê Pårt Section A. All Su Yes I Are all of the organtzatton's supported ürganrz¿trons lrsted by name tn the organrzatron's governrng documents? "No,' descrtbe m Part VI how the supported organzatons are des/gnat€ d lf desqnated by class or purpose, descnbe the destgnatton If htstonc and contmwng relatrcnshrp, explatn If 2 I Drd the organrzatron have any supported orgênrzâtton tha[ does not håve an IRS determlnatron of 6t6tus under sectron 509 (a)(f ) or (2)2 If "Yee," explàn ¡n Part VI how the orEanrzahorl determtnêd thât the suppor:ted orgânzatþn ,vâs descnbed n 3t sectron 509(e)(1) or (2) 2 Dtd the organtzatton have e supporled organrzatron descrrbed rn sectron 501(c)(a), (5), or (6)> lf "Yes," ànswer{þ) and (c) below 3a b Dtd the organreatton conftrm that each supported organr¿ätron qualrfred under seç.trpn 501(c)f 4). (5), or (6) end sètr$fred the publtc support tests under sectron 509(a)(?)r If "Yes," descrtbe tn PartVI whan ënd hôt\r the organuatton made the determ¡natrcn c Ðtd the orçänrzatron ensure thèt all support to such organrzatrons was usêd excfusrvely for sectron 17t{c)(2)(B) purposesT If "Yes," explatn tn Part VI what controls the organåâtton put m place to €n,sc¡re such use 4a b c 5a b c 6 Was any supported organtzatron not organrzed rn the Unrted States (''forergn supÞorted organrzatron")7 checked 12a ar 72b tn Part I, answer (b) and (c) below If "Yes' and t 3b 3c you 4a Ðrd thê orgånrËâtron håve ulÈrrnête coñkrol and drscret¡on in dectdtng whether to make grånts to thê fore¡gn suppo*ed organrzatron7 If "Yes," descrtbe n Part Vf how the organtzatton hàd such contrøl and d¡scretrcn despÊe betng controllød or suoervsed bv or tn connectpn wth rts suooorted orodntzàt¡ons Drü the orgañtzatron support any forergn åüpportea órganrzatron thåt does not håve an IRS deternrnåÈron undêr sectrons 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(I) or (2)? If "Yes," explan tn Part VI whaÈ cantrôlt theergantzahon used to enstlre that all suppolt to the foregn suppofted organrzatrcn was used exclusrvely for secttan 170(çXâXB) purposes 4b 4c Ðrd the organrzatron add, substttute, or remove any supported organvatrons dunng the tax year? If "Yes," answer (b) and (c) below appltcable) Also, provÈe detatl tn Part llÍ, ncfudtng (r) the names and EIN numbers of the suppot'ted orgânëâtrcns added, substttuted, ar remôvêd, (,) fhe reasons for eeeh such ãcüon, (m) the authonty undër the organtzatton's organzmg document authonzng such achon, and (rv) áow the actrcn was accompltshed (such as by (Í 5ê amendment ta the organtzng document) Type I or Type rI ônly. Was any ådded or substrtuted supported orgåRfråtrrn pårt of å clåss älreådy desrgnåted rn thê orgènr¿êtronrs orgênrzrng documentr Substitutions only, Was the substrtutron the result of an event beyond the organrzatron's control? Drd the organrzatrcn provrde support (whether rn the form of grants or the provlsron of servrces or fêcrltres) to ênyone than (r) rts supported organrzatrons, (rr) rndrvrduals that are F¿rt of the charrteble çlass benefrted by ooe or r¡ore cf tts supported organrzatrons, or (rrr) other suppôrtlng orgànrzètrons that also support or benefrt one or more of the frhng orgåñfzåtron's 3upported orgðnrzåtrons2 If 5b 5c "Yes,".provrde detatl tn Fdrt VL 6 r Drd the org¿nrzåtron provtde a gr¿nt, loan, compensatonf or other srmrlar payment to a substantral contnbutor (defrned sectron a95e(c)(3){C)), a famrly member of a substantral contrrbutor, or a 3590 controlled entrty wrth regard to a substantral contrtbutorz If "Yes," complete Part I af Schedule L (Form 990 ar 990-EZ) E Ðrd the orçanrzatron mäke a loan to a drsquahfred per$on (as defrned tn sectron 4958) not descrrbed rn lrne 7z complete P¿rt t cf Schedule L (Form û90 or 990-88) 9a the organrzètrqn controlled drrectly ortndriectly at any trme durrng the tax year by one or more drsquà Irfred persons as defrned rn sectron 4946 (other than foundatron managers and organrzatrons descr¡bed tn çectron 509(aX1) or (2))r If "Yes, provde detal ¡n Pa¡t tÆ, 9a or more d:squalrfred persons (as defrned rn lrne 9a) hold a controllrng rnterest ¡n any entrty rn whrch the supportrng orgênrzåtron had an rnterestr ff "Yes," prov¡de detail ¡n Part VL 9b lf rn 7 "Yes," I Was b Drd one c Drd a drsqualtfred person (as defrned rn lrne 9a) have an ownershtp tnterest rn¡ or deflve ðny personål benef¡t frorn, asrets whrch the suppoÈtlng orgênrzåtron also had en rnterest? 1Oa Was the organrzåtron gubJect "Yes, " provñe detai ¡n Pärt VL 9c to the excess bus¡ness holdrngs rules of sectron 4943 because of s€ctron 4943(f) (regardrng certarn Type II supportrng orçanrz.atrons, and all Type answer ltne 10b below b If r III non-functronally rntegrated supportrng organtzattons)t If "Yes," 1Oä Drd tho organrzatron have any excess busrness holdrngs rn the t¿x yeare (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determne the organtzattôn hèd excêss bus¡ness holdtngs) Schedule 10b 99O or No Schedufe A (Form 990 or 990-EZj 11 ä b ö 2017 Page 5 Yes No Yes f{o Yes No Yes No Has the organrzatron äccêptêd e grft or contnbutron from any of the followrng persônE? A person who drrectly or rndrrectly controls, erther alone or together wrth persons descrrbed rn (b) and (c), below, the governrnq body of a suppofted orgånÌzatronT A famrly member of a person descrrbed tn (å) åbove? A 35% controlled entrty óf å përsoñ des*rbed rn (a) or (b) abovez I sg(t¡on s. 1la 11b If "Yes" to ¿, b, or c, prowde detatl ¡n Part VI 11c ånizât¡ons 1 the drrectors. trustees¡ or membersh¡p of one or more supported orgânrzatrons have the power to regular,l.y åppornt or elect at least a ma¡ortty of the organrzatron's dtrectors or trustees at afl trmes durrng the tax yearT If "No," descrcbe n Part YI how the supported organrzatton(s) effecttvely operated, supervsed, or controlled the organrzatton's acilvrttes Íf the orgëntzèhon had more than ane supported organrzètrcn, descnbe how the powers to appornt and/or remove dtpctors or trustees were allocated among the supparted organtzatrcns and what condtt¡ons or rastnchans, É any, applrcd tg such powers dunng the tax year 2 the organrzatron opèräte for the benefrt of any supported orgänrzatron other than the supported organrzatron(s) that operated, supervrsed, sr controlled the supportrng organrzatron2 If "Yes," explarn tn Part W how provtdtng such beneht carned out the purposes of the supported organzatton(s) that operated, supervtsed ar cantrolled the supportng organzatton Drd t Drd Section eIISu C ¡zät¡ons Were ¿ malorty of the organrzatron's drrectors or trustees dunng lhe tåx yeär also â ffìaJonty of the drrectors or trustees of aach of the organrzatron's supported organrzatron(s)} If "No," døçcnbe tn Part W how control or management of the supportrng organzatrcn was vested n the same persons that contrclled or managed the suppofted organaatron(s) 1 Sect¡on Þ. Al¡ 2 IU St¡ n I o 1 Drd the organrzatron provrde to each of rts supported organtzatrons, by the last day of the frfth month of the organtzatton's tax yeär, (r) a rarntten notLce descrrbrng the type ànd &'mount of support provrded durng t he prtor têx yeär, (rt) a copy of Form 990 that was most recently ftled as of the date of notrfrcåûon, and (rrr) coptes of the organrzatron's goverrlrng documents rn effect on the date of notrfrcatron, to the extent not prevrously provrded? 2 Were any of the orgåntzatron's offrcers, drrectors, or trustees etther {r} êppornted or elected by the supported organrzatton (s) or (rr) servrng on the governrng body cf e supported organrz*ûon2 If "No," explarn rt Pärt VI how the organzaban matntatned a close and contnuous worküg relatrcnshtp Wth the supported orçantzatrcn(s) 3 By reason of the relatlonshrp descrrbed rn (2), drd the organnatron's supported organrzatrons have a srgnrftcant votce tn the organrzatron's rnvegtment polrcrês and rn drrectrng the use of the organrzatront tncome or assetE åt all trmes dunnE the tax yeart lf "Yes," descnbe n Fart VI the role the orgenzatton's supported organzahons played n thrs regard I z Section 1 3 E. Check the box next to the method that the used to satrsfy the lntegral PaltTest durrng the year (see instructions) The organrzatron satrsfred the Actrvrtres Test Complete line 2 below The organrzat$* rsthe parëñt of eäch of rts supportëd orgänrzètrons Complete line 3 below The orqantzätron suppofted ã governmentål enttty Dëscnbe rn Part 2 Actrvrtres a VI how you suppofted a govèrnment entrty (see rn$tructtons) Test Answer (a) and {b) below, Yes the orgenrzatrsn's ectrvrtres durrng the tåx year drrectly further the exêffipt purposes of the supported organrzatron(s) to whrch the organ¡zatton was responsrver If "Yës," then tn PartVI ldêntify those supporteú organizations and explaln how these ãcttwtrcs drrectly furthered thetr exempt purposes, how the organÊâtþn was responxve to fhose ãupportú organaatþns, and how the organzatton determtned fhat tñese acttvrttes constttuted substdntally all of tts açt vrt¡és b Drd the âcttvrttes descrrbed rn (å) constrtute äctrvrtres that, buà for the orgånr¿atron's rnvolvement, one or more of thê organrzatron's supported otrganrzatron(s) would have been engaged nt If "Yes," explan In PartVI the reasons forthe organzatrcn's poatrcn tåaf rfs supported organrzatton(s) would have engaçed rn these acttvttrcs but for the organtzatton's nvolvement Parent of SuppoÉed Organrzatrons 3 a b No Drd gubstantrally all of 7.a 2b Answer (a) and (b) below. Dld the orgånrzatron have the power to regularly appornt or elect a ma¡onty of the offrcers, dtrectors, or trustees of each of the supported organrzatrons? Provde detatlç n Part VÍ, Drd the orgåntzätton exercrse a substantral degree of drrectron over the polrcres. progrâms and actrvrt¡es of each of tts supported organlzatrons? If "Yes," descr¡be ¡n Part VI. the role played by the organzatøn m thts regard 3a sb Schedule A (Form 990 or 99o-EZì 2017 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 EEIñI 1E Type III Pege Non*Functionally Integrated 5O9(a)(3) Supporting Organlzations satrsfred the lntegral PartTest as a qualrfyrng trust on Nov 20, 1970 (explarn rn Paft Check here rf the (A) Pnor Year Section A * Adjusted Net Income I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Net short-term I Recovenes of prror-year dlstrrbutro¡s 2 Other gross rncome (see rnstructrons) 3 Add lrnes 1 through 3 4 Oeprecrat¡on and depletron Ë (B) Cunent Year (optronal) Portron of operatrng expenses pard or rncurred for producÊron or collectron of gross rncome or for management, conservätron, or mårntenance of propedy held for productron of rncome (see tnstructtons) Other expenses (see rnstructrons) Adjusted Net Income (subÈract lrnes 5, 5 and 7 from hne 4) a Section B r Min¡mum Asset Amount t (B) Current Year (optronal) Aggregate farr market value of all non-exe mpt-use assÊts (see Instructroni for rhort tax year or assets hetd for part of year) a Averaqe b Soe 1. monthly value of secuntres Average monthly c¿sh belances c Fålf mårket value of other non-exempt-us€ åssêts d Total {add lrnes la, lb, and 1c) e Discsunt clarmed for blockage or other factórs 1c td (explarn rn detarl rn Part 2 3 4 Acqursrtron rndebledness appllcable to non-exempt 2 Subtract hne 2 from hne ld 3 Cash deemed held for exempt use Ënter L-L/2%o lrne 3 4 rnstructrons) 5 Net vetue of non-exempt-use essetg (subtract llne 4 from lrne 6 7 Multrply lrne 5 I lr{inimurn Asset Amount (add lrne 7 to ltne by 5 6 035 Recoverres of prror-year drstrtbutrons 7 I 6 sect¡ofl c - Þ¡str¡butäble Amoufit I Ad¡usted net rncome for 2 3 4 5 6 Enter 85% of lrne Currenl Year A 1 2 1 Mrnrmum asset arnount for rr year (from Sectron B, lrne 8, Column A) Enter greäter of lrne 2 or lrne 3 Income tåx rmposed 5 D¡str¡butable ternporary reductrolt 7a 5 from hne 4, unless sub¡ect tô êmergeflcy 4 6 S€E Check here rf thô current year t$ organrzatlon's frrst å9 å non-functronally-rntêgreted Type III supportrnE orgäntzatron (see tons A Form 99O or 6 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 tEIill Page III Non-Functional¡y Section Þ - Þ¡stribut¡ons I 2 Type tos Amounts rated a o 3 continued Current Year to accom hsh exe Amounts patd to perform åctrvtty that drrectly furthers exempt purposes of supported orgêr'lzättons, ln excess of rncome from 3 4 toa Admrnrstratrve Amounts 5 ard to exem nrzatrons åssets set-astde amounts 6 of lRs Other drstnbutrons descrrba rn Part VI See rnstruçtrons 7 I Total annual distributions. Add llnes 1 thro 9 Drstrtbutable amount for 2Ol7 from Sectton 6 Drstrrbutrons to attentrve supported organrzatrons to whrch the organrzatron ts respónstve detarls rn Part VI See rnstruct¡ons 10 hne I amount drvrded lrne 6 Lrne 9 amount Section E - Distribution Allocations (see instruGtionË) I ( ¡ii) Ðistributable (i) Excess Distributlons Amount for 2017 Drstnbutabfe amount for 2017 frorn Sectron C, lrne 6 2 Underdrstrrbutrons, rf any. for years pnor to 2017 (reasonable cause requrred-- explarn rn Part VI) See rnstructrons 3 Ëxcess drstrrbutlons ca rf to 2017 b From 2013, Frorn 2014. From 2015. Frorn 2016, f Total of lrnes 3a throu he to underdlstrrbutrons of nor h to 2017 dlstilbuhable emount i Carryover from 2012 not apphed (see tnstructrons Remarnder Subtrêct lrneg ånd 3r froñì 3f 4 Þrstrrbutrons for 2017 from c d e $ nor yeãrs ed to underdrstrrbutrons a b Applred to 2017 drstrrbutable c Rèmärnder Subtråct 5 Remarnrng urìderdrstnbutìons 2AL7, tf any Subtraet lrne¡ If the amount rs and 39 greâter than zero, See rnstructrons 6 7 Rema¡nrng underdrstnbu knes 3h and 4b from lrne I than ze tn Paft VI 2017 rs g rêâter Ëxcess distrîbutions carryovê r to 2018, Add lrnes, 3¡ and 4c 8 Ereakdown of [ne 7 Excess from 2013. Excese from 2014. c Excesç from 2015 d Excess from 2016. a b e Excess Írom 2017, e ( or 2 7 Additional Data Software tDr gsft!'vðre VerËion¡ ETN: Name: Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Part VI Page the lrne 10. A, l¡nes l. 2, 3b, 3c,4b, 4c,5a, $, 9€, 9b, 9c, 11a; llb, and 11c, Part IV, Part [V, Sectron D, lrnes 2 and 3, Pért IV, Ssctlon E, lrnes lq, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b, Sectron D, hnes 5, 6, and 8, and Part V, Sectron E, lrnes 2, 5, and 6 Afso complete 5 aorf by F¡rcts And Ctrc umsta nces B, hne Pa* z , Sectron C, llne 1, hne le, Part V rnformatron (9ee I efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE D. Su (Form 990) I)r¡rrrtrnent ol"th,i I rr.:ìrun lrler n¡l lìer en\r* Sçrr rcc As Filed Data - ÞLN¡ 93493319O09088 OMB pplemental Financial Statements No 1545-0047 2An Þ Complete af the ôrgänizâtiôn ånsuuered "Vès," on Form 99o, Part IV. linê 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, ltd, 1le, tlf, 12ä, or lzb. Þ Attach to Form 990Information about Schedule D (Form 990) and its instructio¡s is at Open to Public Inspect¡on Name of the organization nurnber LIBERTY JUSIICT CTNTER 4s-4204425 Part I Organizations Fla¡ntaaning Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Fund$ o¡ Com (a) 1 2 3 4 nts. anrzatron ånswered "Yes" on Form 990 PArt IV lrne 6 rf the accounts Donor adv¡sed funds ïotal number at end of year Aggreqete value of contnbutrons to (durrng year) Aggregate value of grants from (durrng year) AgEreEåte vålue åt end of year 5 Drd the orgånr¿åt¡on rnform all donors and donor advrsors rn wntrnE lhåt the åssels organrzåtton's propêrty, subJect to the orgêntäâttcñ's exclusrve legal controlr 6 Drd the orgântzatron rnform all grantees, donors, and donor advrsors ¡n wntrng that.grant funds can be used only for chantable purposes and not for the benef¡t of the donor or donor advrsor, ór fqr åny Öther purpose confëltrng rmpermrssrble pnvate benefrt? Part 1 It Conservation Easements. rn donor advrsed funds are the lete rf the 990 Part lV nrzatron a Purpose(s) of conservatrÕn €asements held by the organrzauon (chêck all thåt il Ü Preserv¡tron of lend for publrc use (e g , reçreatron or Ü Preservatron of open space Protectron of natural educätrun) n habrtet Ü a b c d n v.u fl r'¡o 7 Prës#rvatron ot an hr$toncally rmportant land area Fr€servatron of a certtfteé hrstonc structure Complete hnes 2a throuçh 2d rf the organrzatron held a qua[fred conservatron *ontrrbutton rn the form of easement on the fast day of the tax year 2 lne ilv""üno Total number of conservatlon easements 2a Total acreage rest¡tcted by conservatron easements 2b Number of conservatron easements on a certrfied hrstonc structure rncluded r* (a) 2c Numberof conservatroneasementsrncludedtn(6iacqurred afterS{LT/0Ê, andnotonahrstonc structure sted rn the Natronal Regrster 2d Held at the d 3 Number of conservätroñ eåsements modrf ed, tränsfêrred, released, extrngurshed, or termrnated by the 0rgånrzat¡on durtng the tàx yÊar > 4 Number ofstates where property sub¡ect to conservåtron easement rs located Þ 5 Does the organrzatron have a wntten pohcy regardmg the penodrc monrtorrng, rnspectron, handlrng of vrolattons, and enforcement of the conservatron eàserñênts rt holdsr ü y"" n no 6 Staft and volunteer hours devoted to monrtorrng. tnspecttng, handlrng of vrolatrons, and enforcrng conservatton easemeots durrng khe year 7 Amount of expenses rncurred rn monrtonng. rnspectrng, handlrng of vrolatrons, and enforctng conservåtron easements dunng the year I Does each conseruatton easement repoÊed on lrne 2(d) above satrsfo the requtrements of sectron f 7O(hXa)(S)(t) and sectron 9 ln Part XlIl, descrrbe how the organrzahctn reports conservêtton €asemefìts rn rts revenue and expense statèment, and >$ 170(h)(4XB)(u)? E y"" !x" balance sheet, and rnclude, rf app cable, the text of the footncte to the organrzat¡on's frnanoal statements that descrtbes for consen/atlon eãgements the Pärt III la lf the 6 d Maintaining Çollectionç of Art, H¡stor¡cal Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. (i) Revenue lncluded on Form 990, Part (iÌ)Assets rncluded rn Form 990, Part 2 a b oñ answered "Yes'' on Form 990 PôTt IV lrne a I orEånrzåtron as permrtted under SFAS 116 (ASc 958), not to report rn Íts revenue ståtemênt and bal¿nce sheet works of art, hrstortcal treåsures, or other srmrlar assets held for publr< exhrbrtron, educatton, or research tn further¿nce of publrc servtce, provrde, rn Part XÍll, the text of the footnote to rts frnancral stêt€ments that descnbes these ttems If the orgãntzatton êlected, as permltted undêr SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report rn lts rêvenue stat€ment and balance sheet works of art, hrstortcal treàsures, or other srmllar assets held for publrc exhrbrtron, educatron, or research rn furtherance of publrc servtce, provrde the folìowrng amounts relattng to these rtems >$ >9 Vlll, hne 1 X If the crgantzatron recerved or held works of art, hrstorrcal treasures, or other srmrlar assets for ftnanct¿l gatn, provtde the followrng åmounts requrred co be reportêd under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relatrng to these rtems Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part VIJI, lrne I Assets ¡ncluded rn Form 990, Parl X For Paperwork Reductlon Act Notice, see the Instructions for form 99O. > Þ Cat No 52283D $ S D (Form 99O) 2017 Schedule D (Form 990) 3 2017 page 2 Ustng,the organtzatton's acqursrtron, ¿ccessron/ and other records, check ãny of the followrng thàt äre a srgnrfrcant use of tts Info?måtion al¡out Schedule l:\'lr+rUrír¡ ôl ¡hL i rc,rrt(^ lnErn,rl RcrtÕur DLN: 934933190O9088 Ofllg No 1545-0047 990) ånd it5 ¡netruct¡ofts ie aa Open WÆ!E!Ã9![9!n229. to PuÞlic rrL UsEflTY Idêntiftcation of Dasteserded Ent¡tiês Çomplete rf thê organrzetton aÞswered "Yes" ol Form gg0, Pårt IV, f!@ l!årnE, ¡drJ.as!, dnd (ù) Elll lrt¿H)lrcêble) qfdrsrèq.rlXêd erìiLy ¡dentification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations Complete PäTt IT ofre (c) lê€âl Conìi(1le (Ft3tê o. fo,erqn (ounùy) IL SINåII SUITå Drr ''Yes" on Fo.m rt the organrzairo Part IV, e.l cArtroll¡Ðg one or rnor e þecause rt (cl (d) dcmcrlè (9tåté ór lorù,ìô (@ût¡y) Exemp¡ Cod€ sechoo (€) Pu) € ch¿rì[y {ltug lrl sùrt,on 501{c){3}) rol (cxJ) nr,l[ I (b) ¿(€d crg¿nEáb@ Leg¿l IN$JJ'I UTÉ S LÂSALLI (t) (b) Êflmêry âÊtrvrry tax (.) l{¿.ne. addrè9!, ¿nd Elê¡ ¡rne 33 (o (s) ÒÍèct .orìtroii,fg r3l ti"lNo¡s froUçY NS TTT\JTE T5OC 6ùÁQJ (2IGOVERNI'IENT /ICCOUNT^È,IL iTl Al.lIAllC€ rSO S L.AEALLI çTREEI SUÌTE T5OC 501(C)(4) lñt€PÈ-N D ÉlJT 6OVÉRlJ [1Êfvr WATCHDOG AOVOCAÏING FOR ThE PEOPLE OF ILLI¡¡ÛfS LtINÕi5 POLICY t{s'ilTr.rf Y€5 E cHlcÁ60. tL 60úc3 For paperuork Reduction Ac( Notice, æe the Inõtrsctions Jor É+rm 990, Ca: llo $chedule R (Form 990) 201, Scheduie R (Écrm 990) 2017 fl@ Paga 2 faentif¡cåt¡on of Relåted org,sn¡zät¡ons Tåxäble äs Ër pårtnership coîlplète rf thê orgän:zâtron ånsw€rêd ''Yes" on Fornì 990, Pårt IV. lrnê 34 becåusê rt had one ôr more related orgånlzâttons trÈäted äs å pårtñershtp durt¡tg thê täx yeår. (.) NÀmê, ðddrea6, add riü of re!¿ted r¡ç¡nt¿¡ftcn (b) (c) (d) Le$ål DtrË I caûlrolllùq ¡tt¡vi[? (f) çhâ16 (.t¡r ol GI shå/e rn(onre ô9!& (st8te ¡Ì (h) (r) code v'u8l ¿ ôtði cì9) rn ¡O qâiner) oÊ ñ i¡o bêcåusê rt hàd one or fiÌore Nðr¡p, ¿ddrÈs, ¿Íìd Ell.¡ of felãtgd o¡g¡ß11ðlon PÉr!:eûlÁge S.hGdurË K.i (For 1Q65) ot Part lV (k) 0) 6ener¿, m¿n¿qL¡ç âs ä corpor¡rtion or Ïr$st cornplete tf the orgânrzâtrons treåied âs â corporðtion or ìrust dunrrg th€ lax yeàr (b) lYpe l,lo "Yes" on Ëorrñ ÊñLrty 5 gh¡rÊ rne 34 le ) ol end"ol. (ht Pêrsn[¿ç4 SÉ¿t ùì ëtiets Schedule R (Form 990) 2017 S{heduie R (Form 990} 2017 Trðncåct¡ons fl[[ Page 3 with Rêlâted orgån¡zåt¡ôrrs complete tf the orgânrzêtron aôswêred "y€s" ôn Form 990, Part w. Note, Camplele hne 1 rf any ertrty ri lreted rn Pårts lf, lll, or IV of thrs Échëdule 1 ouilnq the t€x yeàr. drd the ôErànr¿ãtìon engage tn any ol (ha followrng t¡an#chon9 rvrt¡ gñe or morê rålðléd orqanrz¿trors lrsted in Þ¿lt6 a b c d e f g h i j k I m h o fecetpt of (¡) rnterest¡ (ii)annurties, (i¡¡) royaltres, or(iv) tent from ð (qûroiled enttty Grft, grant. or cap(tal (onlobutron to rel¿ted orgå¡rzatron(s) , crfr. qrðnt, or caprizl contrtbutron franl .eiðted aDacrrekan(s) . 1rnê 34, 35b, or 36 Yes lä . tb 1c . Loanr or loân gtåràntëes to or For relaled orq¡nrzatton(s) ¡d Loäns or loan guôrânteeË by Íelâtec organr:âtron(9) . !,e Drvrdendq from reläi6d ôi!ånr¿àbon(e) 9dle af as:ets to related organrzaìtcn(s) . Pqrchäse ofâssetç from related organrzâhan(s) Exchàflgê of assets ryrìh relàred organrl¡tror(s) . , . . 1{ No lg lh l{ No 1t Performance of serurcês or m€ñbershrp or fuñdrô¡srng sohcrlattons by related organrzðlrof,(s) shÉr¡ng of fðcrltliês, ôqutpmeht. ñârhñg l$ts, ot other a$sets wtth relåted qrqañ zãtron(s) , lm . ln Rermbueement pard to rel€bed organreatron(F) for expenses , r s 2 Other trangfer of càsh or property to relðted crgaorzêtron(s) , Yæ 1o , p q l{o ll( . pêdormance of servrcês o¡ membershrp or fundrasrng sollcrtàtio¡s lor reläted orgåôrzätron(s) Sharrng of pätd emplôyees wrth rslated orçånrzåtron(s) Yê5 U Leèse of fåoltt1es, equrpment, or other assets tÇ related organlzatron(s) Leåceoffåcrlrlrês,equrpment,orctheraE€etsfromrêlâtedorgânrzàlan(s). No lt-lv? Y€9 Rermbursemert pëd by relãted orgânr¿åtron(s, for expensee , Otller irån5fnr of c¡sfì or properly Il the l¡oô No No related orgaf,rzalron(s) . ansrver to ðny of the ¿bcve rs 'Yes," eee the rnstrucùons for lnfomètron on who m.¡¡st N¿me oi' thrs covered relðtrofishtps ånd traìsäctron thresholdS (b) (ol iNne, ar!¡nr¡ðlon üÌe$od Tra¡5acliÕn tYDê (1 4F (d) dêtcrmtorra ðmount rf,vo¡vEd la-s) 185,000 ( 2)lr-LrNots pollcY IN9TtlvlE f¡ 66.s60 ( 3)G0vËlr NMtN-r P 4ã2,732 cÂs¡l (ASH R Form 990ì 2017 Echedute R (Form 990) 2017 PðTt VI U 4 nl?atlons Taxable as a aså vrâs rì0t ê relâted or'Éånt?àttotì Seê lnst^¡ctroni teçêrdtnq exclusron (ê) flùne, àirdrérs, âüd {l¡i óf es(iiy Complete rf the organrzalron answered "Yes" an Form ftr fn0rè ôrgànrâèttan perc€ht Part IV !rne 37 assets or 9ross rts äctrv¡trÊs certärn tnvestment p¿rthérshtp3 (b) (c) (d) tÈoô¡ dcm'crlu (rlêîe ar Prsdúnrtú*l (å) t¡el¡ l€d, !oraldled Árì r[ 9¡ltne$ *ttron 50: (ql(.1) oagdnt¡¿L!on6l (r! llr¡re tot¡l of (e) (r) ShùrÉ of aDd'Ðf.ì¡o¿r Cuda V"LlBl ) ul ÊÉrcÈt'dqù nìén¿ürÒ! å5æll 2.O cf 5Èhedû1e (Forñ 1065) Ìàv under srtrÐns 512 sr{ (k) (J) GÊaÊrðl Y.t ilo Yag l{a YG3 llo 17 Schedune R (Form 990) 2017 @E Pege 5 Silpplemcntal f nformâtlon Provrdå rifufftðbôn for Schedule R Retum Rëf€rence sC¡¡EoUr-E R, PART V, UNE (zXD) Expl.n¡t¡on ÁMOUNT OF SHAREO SY USED BY UBÉR.TY IUETÍCE BY THE SQUARE FOOTAGE