The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may DOT FTA U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration CA-03-0808-00Quarterly Narrative Report Jul. 01, 2014 through Sep. 30, 2014 As Of Dec. 02, 2014 MS/P Report Submitted , FFR Submitted Part 1: Recipient Information Project Number: CA-03-0808-00 Recipient ID: 1620 Recipient Name: SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Address: 401 B ST., SUITE 800, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 4231 Telephone: (619) 699-1900 Facsimile: (619) 699-1905 Part 2: Project Information Project No: CA-03-0808-00 Brief Desc: Mid-City Rapid Bus (12400100) FTA Project Mgr: Susan Chu Start/End Date: - Gross Project Cost: $44,526,000 Adjustment Amt: $0 Total Eligible Cost: $44,526,000 Total FTA Amt: $21,650,000 Total State Amt: $0 Total Local Amt: $21,827,000 Other Federal Amt: $1,049,000 Part 3: Federal Financial Report Financial Status Previous This Period Cumulative A. Federal Cash on Hand at Beginning of Period $0 B. Federal Cash Receipts $0 C. Federal Cash Disbursements $0 D. Federal Cash on Hand at End of Period $0 E. Total Federal Funds Authorized $21,650,000 F. Federal Share of Expenditures G. Recipient Share of Expenditures H. Total Expenditures( F + G ) $18,291,859 $0 $18,291,859 $4,572,965 $0 $4,572,965 $22,864,824 $0 $22,864,824 I. Federal Share of Unliquidated Obligations $0 J. Recipient Share of Unliquidated Obligations $0 K. Total Unliquidated Obligations( I + J ) $0 L. Total Federal Share ( F + I ) $18,291,859 M. Unobligated Balance of Federal Funds ( E - L) $3,358,141 N. Total Recipient Share Required $21,827,000 O. Remaining Recipient Share to be provided N - ( G + J ) $17,254,035 P. Federal Program Income on Hand at Beginning of Period $0 Q. Total Federal Program income earned $0 R. Federal Program income expended in accordance with the deduction alternative $0 S. Federal Program income expended in accordance with the addition alternative $0 T. Federal Program income expended on allowable Transit Capital and Operating expenses $0 U. Federal Unexpended Program income ( P + Q - R or s or T ) $0 Indirect Expense Type N/A Rate 0.00% Base $0 Amount Charged $0 Federal Share $0 Part 4. Milestone/Progress Report Project Status Overview 9/2014 After about a year of construction to build new shelters and street improvements, the new service launched as Rapid 215 on Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014. Rapid routes 235, 237, 280 and 290 are also running. Mid-City Rapid is a high-speed, limited-stop transit service between San Diego State University and Downtown San Diego along El Cajon and Park boulevards. The ten-mile project provides North Park, City Heights, and College area residents, students, and workers with a fast and reliable way to get around in one of this region’s key transportation corridors. The web page located below is continuously updated. 6/2014 Progress continues Design - Design elements impacting City of San Diego facilities is are being addressed with ongoing coordination with City Field Division staff. Vehicles - MTS identified the New Flyer CNG articulated vehicle as its choice and procured a fleet of vehicles to serve the route. Testing and commissioing of the vehicles is underway. MTS included 15 vehicles in its contract option with New Flyer and added a few spares to fullfill the service requirement spare-ratio. Stakeholder Coordination - Business-owner-oriented workshops focused on individual stations is on-going. On-going presentations to community planning groups and neighborhood associations are being made upon request. Newsletters and fliers were prepared, and the SANDAG web page has been continuously updated. Construction- The project`s construction is progressing well. As of month end June construction is approximately 80% complete. We`ve completed work at 9 of 10 stations and installed 30 new traffic signals with TSP along the corridor. We anticipate completing the remaing stations in late August/September and will be ready to begin revenue service operations in October 2014, The web page located below is continuously updated. 3/2014 Progress to date •Construction of new sidewalks, storm drains, and bus pads at El Cajon Boulevard and Texas Street has been completed. •Four new street lights have been installed on Park Boulevard between Lincoln Avenue and Centre Street, and another four on Lincoln Avenue between Park Boulevard and Normal Street. The new street lights will be activated in spring 2014. •Seven new curb ramps have been added along the east side of Park Boulevard between University and Howard avenues. •Striping of traffic lanes and diagonal parking spaces on both sides of Park Boulevard, between University and Lincoln avenues, has been completed. •Three new street lights have been installed in the center median of Park Boulevard between University and Lincoln avenues. •At the northwest corner of El Cajon & 35th, near the used car dealership, the sidewalk has been rebuilt, and it has reopened. •14 decorative street lights, which are painted Nason green to match the color theme of El Cajon Boulevard, have been installed on El Cajon Boulevard between Texas and Kansas streets. The web page located below is continuously updated. 12/13 Construction- continued construction of the transit guide way in Park Boulevard between University and Lincoln Avenue. Completed construction of utilities and civil improvements at Texas Street Station. Completed construction of 30th Street Station westbound platform and began construction of eastbound platform. Began construction of 35th Street Station improvements. Vehicles - MTS has contracted with New Flyer articulated vehicle procurement. MTS has included 18 vehicles in its contract option with New Flyer. Stakeholder Coordination Business-owner-oriented workshops focused on individual stations is on-going. On-going presentations to community planning groups and neighborhood associations are being made upon request. Newsletters and fliers were prepared, and the SANDAG web page has been continuously updated. 9/13 Construction started 6/13 Construction of the Mid-City Rapid Bus Project will begin in July 2013 and will last approximately a year. Construction activities are taking place concurrently along Park and El Cajon boulevards. Generally, work proceeds south to north on Park Boulevard between Essex Street and El Cajon Boulevard, and west to east on El Cajon Boulevard between Park Boulevard and College Avenue. Construction occurs six days a week typically from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3/13 Progress continues. 12/2012 Preparation of final design plans, specifications and cost estimates are complete. Design elements impacting City of San Diego facilities are being coordinated in the preliminary review process with the City. The New Flyer articualted variety will likely be the vehicle of choice. Coordination with the manufacturer for a CNG version is underway. Business owner oriented workshops focusing on individual stations are ongoing. Presentations to community planning groups & neighborhood associations are made upon request. Newletters and flyers were prepared and SANDAG`s web page is continuously updated. 9/2012 No significant changes since last quarter. 6/2012 No significant changes since last quarter. No major revisions would be required to the Final IS/MND as a result of the proposed modifications. No new or more severe significant environmental impacts have been identified. Therefore, preparation of a subsequent MND or EIR is not required. No additional environmental analysis or review is required for the proposed Project. This document will be maintained in the administrative record files at SANDAG offices. 3/2012 No major revisions would be required to the Final IS/MND as a result of the proposed modifications. No new or more severe significant environmental impacts have been identified. Therefore, preparation of a subsequent MND or EIR is not required. No additional environmental analysis or review is required for the proposed Project. This document will be maintained in the administrative record files at SANDAG offices. ______________________________________ Since the approval of the original environmental document, staff has been working to complete final design and obtain approval of the street modification and improvement plans by the City of San Diego. Two types of approvals from the City are needed. First, the restriping of side streets adjacent to Park Boulevard to replace lost parking spaces required approval from the City Council. This approval was granted in July 2011. Second, the street and traffic signal improvements must be approved administratively by City staff. The plans have been under review by City staff and are pending final approval. The Mid-City Rapid Bus Project was addressed under a previously adopted Final Initial Study (IS)/MND pursuant to CEQA. As described in the Final IS/MND, the Project would have no impact related to Agricultural Resources, Biological Resources, Land Use and Planning, Mineral Resources, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Recreation. Impacts of the Project on Aesthetics, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, and Utilities and Service Systems were considered less than significant. Impacts of the Project on Air Quality, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, and Noise were considered less than significant with mitigation. Implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Final IS/MND will reduce these potentially significant impacts to below a level of significance. These mitigation measures, as applicable, are being incorporated into the Project. Changes made during final design to address community concerns described above require an addendum to the environmental document. These changes include: • Relocation of the station originally planned for El Cajon Boulevard at Euclid Avenue to El Cajon Boulevard at Winona. The station was relocated to avoid removing a piece of terrazzo paving at the Euclid site at the request of several community organizations. The new location at Winona will provide a similar level of service. • Modification of the sidewalk width on portions of Park Boulevard to provide additional onstreet parking. Impacts to parking in this segment of the corridor generated community concerns. After several design modifications, the project now results in a net gain of parking in the area, with 7 spaces lost on Park Boulevard and 24 gained on several side streets. • The eastbound station planned for the south side of El Cajon Boulevard at 43rd Street was shifted one-half block westerly of the originally proposed location. This modification allows the current direction of travel on Fairmount Avenue to remain two-way. The new location is operationally similar to the original far side, since it does not conflict with right-turning movements. The purpose of the addendum is to provide environmental clearance of the proposed project modifications under CEQA. The addendum describes the project, summarizes existing CEQA documentation, provides appropriate CEQA documentation for the project modifications, evaluates project-specific environmental impacts, and makes a determination that an addendum is the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the proposed project modifications. The addendum determined that no new significant environmental impacts would occur, nor would there be a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant impacts. 12/31/11 Environmental analysis completed. The Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Final IS/MND) was completed with no proposed modifications. No new or more severe significant environmental impacts have been identified. Therefore, preparation of a subsequent MND or EIR is not required. No additional environmental analysis or review is required for this proposed Project. 9/30/11 Design efforts continue. 6/30/11 Design efforts continue. 3/31/2011 Design progress continues. 12/31/2010 Design - preparation of final design plans, specifications, and cost estimates is underway. Design elements impacting City of San Diego facilities is being coordinated in Preliminary Review process with the City. Vehicles - MTS has identified the New Flyer articulated vehicle as its likely choice. Coordination with the vehicle manufacturer for a CNG version is underway. MTS has included 15 vehicles in its contract option with New Flyer. Stakeholder Coordination Business-owner-oriented workshops focused on individual stations is on-going. On-going presentations to community planning groups and neighborhood associations are being made upon request. Newsletters and fliers were prepared, and the SANDAG web page is continuously updated. 9/30/10 Other funding currently being used to reimburse expenditures. 14.02.20  STATIONS, STOPS, TERMINALS, INTERMODAL Milestone Description Orig. Est. Comp. Date Quantity  0 FTA Amount $10,319,000 Elig. Proj. Cost $22,700,000 Rev. Est. Actual Comp. Cont. # Rev Comp. Date Date Code  1.  RFB/IFB OUT FOR BID  1/28/2011  4/30/2013  5  12/30/2012 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope encompass the construction (including construction support activities) and implementation of the project, including transit signal priority, enhanced stations including larger station platforms with raised curbs, passenger staging area, shelters and benches and drainage infrastructure. The project also provides for enhanced technologies (e.g. Next Bus), pedestrian improvements, and dedicated transit lanes. PROGRESS:  3/2012 Since the approval of the original environmental document, staff has been working to complete final design and obtain approval of the street modification and improvement plans by the City of San Diego. Two types of approvals from the City are needed. First, the restriping of side streets adjacent to Park Boulevard to replace lost parking spaces required approval from the City Council. This approval was granted in July 2011. Second, the street and traffic signal improvements must be approved administratively by City staff. The plans have been under review by City staff and are pending final approval. Once approval has been granted, SANDAG will advertise the project for construction. We are anticipating issuing bids in April 2012. 6/30/11 Design efforts continue Design - preparation of final design plans, specifications, and cost estimates is underway. Design elements impacting City of San Diego facilities is being coordinated in Preliminary Review process with the City. 3/2011 Design - preparation of final design plans, specifications, and cost estimates is underway. Design elements impacting City of San Diego facilities is being coordinated in Preliminary Review process with the City. Stakeholder Coordination - Businessowner-oriented workshops focused on individual stations is on-going. On-going presentations to community planning groups and neighborhood associations are being made upon request. Newsletters and fliers were prepared, and the SANDAG web page is continuously updated.  2.  Contract Complete DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope  4/7/2012  6/30/2014  2  6/30/2014 encompass the construction (including construction support activities) and implementation of the project, including transit signal priority, enhanced stations including larger station platforms with raised curbs, passenger staging area, shelters and benches and drainage infrastructure. The project also provides for enhanced technologies (e.g. Next Bus), pedestrian improvements, and dedicated transit lanes. Quantity  0 14.06.60  ROW, LAND, EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS Milestone Description Orig. Est. Comp. Date  1.  RFB/IFB OUT FOR BID  12/1/2009 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope encompass all activities related to purchase of Rightof-way for the project, including negotiaions with property owners for construction easements, access, and right of way acquisition necessary to accomodate Rapid Bus Station platforms. PROGRESS:  See summary page for project overview. 3/2013 Since the approval of the original environmental document, staff has been working to complete final design and obtain approval of the street modification and improvement plans by the City of FTA Amount $320,000 Elig. Proj. Cost $2,000,000 Rev. Est. Actual Comp. Cont. # Rev Comp. Date Date Code  12/1/2013  1  12/1/2013 San Diego. Two types of approvals from the City are needed. First, the restriping of side streets adjacent to Park Boulevard to replace lost parking spaces required approval from the City Council. This approval was granted in July 2011. Second, the street and traffic signal improvements must be approved administratively by City staff. The plans have been under review by City staff and are pending final approval. Once approval has been granted, SANDAG will advertise the project for construction. We are anticipating issuing bids in April of this year.  2.  Contract Complete  12/1/2010  12/30/2014  2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope encompass all activities related to purchase of Rightof-way for the project, including negotiaions with property owners for construction easements, access, and right of way acquisition necessary to accomodate Rapid Bus Station platforms. Quantity  0 13.79.00  PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ADMINISTRATION Milestone Description  1.  Ongoing DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  SANDAG TIP ID: SAN78 Orig. Est. Comp. Date FTA Amount $614,000 Elig. Proj. Cost $2,126,000 Actual Rev. Est. Cont. # Rev Comp. Comp. Date Code Date  12/31/2012  12/31/2014  1 This activity includes all direct staff, fringe, overhead and administrative costs for the project. This would include such staff activities and miscellaneous supplies and services necessary to accomplish the job 13.31.02  ENG/DESIGN - NEW START STATIONS Milestone Description  1.  RFP/IFB Issued Quantity  0 Orig. Est. Comp. Date FTA Amount $639,000 Actual Rev. Est. Cont. # Rev Comp. Comp. Date Code Date  3/31/2009  3/31/2015  3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope encompass the assessment, design, and preparation of the project, including transit signal priority, enhanced stations including larger station platforms with raised curbs, passenger staging area, shelters and benches and drainage infrastructure. The project also provides for enhanced technologies (e.g. Next Bus), pedestrian improvements, and dedicated transit lanes PROGRESS:  See summary tab  2.  Contract Complete DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 activities under this scope encompass the assessment, design, and preparation of the project, including transit signal priority, enhanced stations including larger station platforms with raised curbs, passenger staging area, shelters and benches and drainage infrastructure. The project also provides for enhanced technologies (e.g. Next Bus), pedestrian improvements, and dedicated transit lanes PROGRESS:  see summary tab Elig. Proj. Cost $2,900,000  9/30/2010  9/30/2015  2 13.13.06  PURCHASE EXP - ARTICULATED BUS Milestone Description  1.  FIRST VEHICLE DELIVERED Orig. Est. Comp. Date Quantity  15 FTA Amount $9,758,000 Elig. Proj. Cost $14,800,000 Rev. Est. Actual Comp. Cont. # Rev Comp. Date Date Code  2/28/2012  1/31/2014  2  1/31/2014  4/30/2012  1/31/2014  2  1/31/2014 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 15 articulated, low-floor, low emission (alternative-fuel (CNG) and/or hybrid-drive) vehicles.  2.  ALL VEHICLES DELIVERED DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 15 articulated, low-floor, low emission (alternative-fuel (CNG) and/or hybrid-drive) vehicles.  3.  RFP/IFB OUT FOR BID DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 15 articulated, low-floor, low emission (alternative-fuel (CNG) and/or hybrid-drive) vehicles. PROGRESS:  See summary tab 12/11 Progress on the entire project continues 6/2011 Work continues on bus acquisition. 3/2011 Work continues on bus acquisition. 12/2010 MTS has identified the New Flyer articulated vehicle as  10/31/2010  10/31/2014  3  12/31/2013 its likely choice. Coordination with the vehicle manufacturer for a CNG version is underway. MTS has included 15 vehicles in its contract option with New Flyer.  4.  CONTRACT AWARDED  1/31/2011  12/30/2014  3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 15 articulated, low-floor, low emission (alternative-fuel (CNG) and/or hybrid-drive) vehicles.  5.  CONTRACT COMPLETE DETAILED DESCRIPTION:  TIP ID: SAN78 15 articulated, low-floor, low emission (alternative-fuel (CNG) and/or hybrid-drive) vehicles.  6/30/2012  12/30/2015  3