/:- ! , EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 15 ) ,"*998 018 seclion 501(cl, 52?, or 49CZ(aÍ tl ot thê lnteßlal Rov6nu6 Code (excapt private Þ Þo not enler social $eourily numbers on th¡€ fsm as il may be rnade publie. OcÞd1ruølol thâ fr$sury lnlensl f\) vt tô å € lår 20'17 calendar Á 2 Return of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax C Nåme of organr:åtton S TO Qq[sÞusrnesqaq Numbor and stre€l (or P.0. box lf f-:-lFtnal [-Jrrtunr lsmn- 8OO]. BNÀDDOCK matl ts not delNered t0 street address) N) è .Þ. lRoom/surte ilîtr*' lsoo RD F Name and addro$s of pnncrpal dmg (9 æ Ë Crty or town, slate or provtnçe, cÇuntry, and Zlp or rore€n postâl codo €t6d pcn r9Ð LËõAI, DËTENSE FOUNDATTON, INC. ÀI=,SO Kt{Olr¡N AS NÀTIONAL RIGHï' To WORK offrcer.l{ARK A. MIX ç9 L Gfos H(a) ls thrs a grdtp return lôr subordtnâtês? atl zubddmtêatnc¡¡¿e¿f ^rê ËTY"" nYeS m No Õ No q' D lf ''No.'attach a fu$t (seÕ Instructtons) Trusl o t ç {s c t¿t o (5 { tt, o Þ t¡ Ò Olher I Bnelly descnbe the orgânläälþn'g rnÉsron or Ílost srgnltcant acltvrtros. 2 3 4 5 € f lhe organuatton dccont¡nued n$ opérallôns or Þ Number of votrng members of tho govemtng body {part Vl, llne Ta} Number of ¡ndependont vottng membors of lhe governrng body (part.V.l, knø Totaf number of tndtvlduals employed rn calenda¡ year ZO17 (part V, Irne äå) Total numbor of volunteers (esttmáto ú nêce69âry) 7 Checkrhßbox of mor€ lhsn 25% of rts Êet .l 4 Þ) E 6 a ïotal unr€latod buslness revenue from Part 7e 7b Net ¡c I9 Prior Year l) Contilbulrons ând grants (Part Vlll, lne t h) It) Program seruce reveñue (Pârt Vlll. hnö 2g) lnve$tment rncomg (Part Vltl, ru cË ø (ù 10 tl Other ¡evenue (Pârt Vlll, column fevenue fg Grants and $tmtlar amounts pald Bènêfús påd to or lor members 14 16 4.535 " 86ß. 223 .9û5. 1 (/) lX, column (A), (4, I Ê Írne c 16a Profêssronal fundrarsrng fees (Þaft lX. o o^ b Totat fundrsrsrng expþn€€e (Part tX, coh¡mn (Þ), hne x 'r 8A .323. 75.535. 5. 093 .633. 130.000. 9.591 . S1l 0 4.535. ¿09. UT Salanos, other compêfisêtrør, tt t¡J 257 4, and 4, . â,06 .31 1l e) ZS) > f7 f8 Othêr exp€nses (Pail lX, column (A). hnes f 1a.t 1 d,11t.24a) Tolaf expenses, Add lrnos 13-17 (must lX, column (A), 20 Totalas$6ls(PânX, üno 10) 2f Total 36 4,011. Jrne 6 .01 3 . ?gq 25) ^ Booinnino ol C¡rrant Yee¡ Pan ll (/) l) b á ? m 19 0n Here of PnnÍïy¡,e ualS name Pa td > Uee Only Frrm'saddress¡ 7900 WESTPÀRK DR, gTE T420 A' è cÐ has Sígn Prepa rel &,9 .080.578. per¡ury, I declarg that I have oxamlned thh relurn, rncluúrng accompanytng schedule¡ and slalemenls, and to lhe best 0t rnY knowltdoe and belef, rl s Under @ a (') 25.033 .59¡ (Pad X, lin€ ?ô) S¡gnaturo 6loe /.ço/ /d ctÉ LEJ 6 íü{Ddor!d Fum's EIN 7 73200r rr-?ô,ì7 LllA For Paperwork Fleducl¡an Acl Nolice¡ see the separale instruct¡onÊ. o rorm 990 1zot4 6ffi f._ Eam,990 (2o1 7) LPart 2 3 4 lll I Statement of Program 59-1588825 Service Accomplishments Paqe? Dd the organrzåtron undêrtake any sunrfrcãnt progrâm servrces dunng the year whþh werê not'fusted on the ggo.EZ? ilY"" pnor Form g9o or KJ xo tf "Yes," descnbe thess now servpes on Schedule 0. Bd lho organrzaton ceae€ çÐnduct¡ng, or rnake srgnrfrcant chânggs tn how rl conduçts, gñy program Xo lf "Yês," descnbe these çhangês on Schedule ö, D€scnbÉ the organEâtlon's prograrn servco accompltshmgnls for each of rls three largest Êrogram sorvrsgs, as mgasured by oxpenses Sectron 501 (cX3) and 501(c)(a) organrzatrons arð requrrêd to report the amouflt of granls arül allocat$ñs tO ôthèrs. th€ tôlât expensGs, and sarvrces? revonue. 4a - NATIONAL RTGHT TO WORK LEGÀL DEFËNSE A}TD EDUEATÏON FOUNDÀTION, INC. rf any, for each orogram servþe reported, 3, 95-'Q'756. )(s"þ""*s (c.oa [Vu" lTl Ðdudrnøsrøreqt$ ) (novmæ t ¡nçlu&tq C¡â¡lÉ of $ ) (nwmue $ ) (novøvo CERIITFÏ ED CITASS ACTION CASES. 4b (co¿o -_-)(exæo*ssc THE FOUñÐÀïION CONDUCTS A PROGRÀM OF INFOR.I'IING WORKERS, FOUNDATION _, ffupLSgTEEË { åìr.D ..EHE pUBtrIC OF WORKERS' RrGrfrS TO BË FRHH rROM ABUSES OF OURSE AVÀILABLE TO WORKERS TO SECIJRE SUCH RTGHTS. 4a 4d (co¡o 104,500. ol3 t Other prograJn servrces (Describe rn Schedule O,) (e¡ens óê rrctud¡ng grmtE I lhmras 3 Total Droôrefi servbe exoenses Þ 5.483 .084. rorm 99û lzotz¡ 132æ2 11-2A 1'l 4 f\At) NATIONÀL R]GHT TO WORK IJËEAIJ DEFENSB 'I Yes ls tho otganåaTton desonbed rn secl,on 501(cX3) or 4947(axl) (otftsr thåo â prrvate foundâhon)? ll "Yes,' complete â 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 1f x Conlnbutotg the orgent¿atoñ engage rn drrect or rndrrect polttlcal câmpaqn aclrvrtrês on bohalf of or puÞlr offrce? ll "Yes," coÌ,plate Scl¡adu/e Ç, Par. I Drd rß opposürcn to candtdates fot S€ction 50f{cx3} orgâ[i¡åtions, Dd ihe organrz{rtron ongage rn foþbyrng âctrvßßs, orhave a sectron 50f (h} ?16êtlgrÌ rn Éffêcl dunno the tâx yeâÉ /t'yer,' complets ScñeduJe C, Paftfi l$ tho organEatron a sêctþn 501(c)(4), 501(öX5), or 501(c)(6) orgânrzålton thât recårvog mømborshrp duås. ess€sôm€dtâ, or srmrlar amounts as d€frned rn Rovenuo Procedure 98-19? lf 'Yes,' complefa Scl¡edule ô, Psn lll Drd the organrzâtron malnìarn ary donor advÊed funds or any stmtlar funds or accounts lor wl'uch donors have the nglTt to provde advce on ths dstftbutron or rnvestment of amounts rn such funds ot aceounts? ll 'Yes," eaj,i,ptêfe $cAeduþ D, Part t Drd the o¡ganrzatþn recofve of hotd a conseNatfon oasemenl, rncludrng oasemenls to presafvâ op€n spa€o, lhe envnonrnêñ , hrstofrc lånd ârêås, o¡ hrslorrc struclures? // "Yês,'complete Schedule D, Mti ll Þd the organrzatçn ma¡ntarn colbctþn$ sf works of art, hrstoncai tr6asu.es, or other srmrlar ä$*ets? /f "Yes,' comp/ele Schedule D, Part lll ûd the organtzatron report an âmount rn Parl X, lrne 21, fo¡ escrow or custodEl account l¡abdûy, servê ag å custodËû for amounts not ll$l€d tn Pañ X, or provrde credrt coungelng. debt managsmonl, orBdrt ropârr, of debt négotrâtþn sorvrcss? t/ "yes,' comptete Sahedu¡e D, Part lV Ord the organrzatron, dueçtly or through a related organrzalroo, hoH âsset$ rn tempor¡nþ re$tnctêd endowmenl.s, petman€nt endowments, or quA8r'endowrrr€nts? l/ "yes,' cornplêle Scàêdu,iÞ Ð, Pat't V lf the organkaton's answer to any of the followrno quÊslrons ls "Yô.s,'lhen complet€ Scheduls D, Parts M, Vll, Vlll, lX, or X as a x Schedule A lo lhe organrzalren raqutrèd to complele.Scàedule B, Sct¡odule Ef X, l¡he 1 0? ff 'Yes,' complete Scf¡edu/e Drd the organrzatþn repod an amount for rnvêslménts . oth€rsecurdras nr Part X, assets r€port€d (n PaÍt X, ftne 16? lf "Yes,' compløIø $chodub,Þ, Patt Vll D¡d d the o{ganr¿atron réport an amount for tflvebtrn€nts Part X, lrne 161 b 1? a É¡ 10 x I'le X O, ll 'Yes,' cómpletê - progralll rålat6d rn Part X, kne 13 that rs ô% or more ol rts lotat D¡d the orgånRåtron obtäffi sep,ärate, Indøpênd€nt auddåd fnancral stâtemonas fôr tfte lâx $chedule D, Pañs Xl and Xll Was the orgaftzatlcn nckjded n consohdåted, rndêpendent åudrted linancral lla x 1lf x 1,21) x yeãr" ,f 'ye$,'coffp/êfe stâtsnìents for lh6laxyøà(? lrtt ¡f 'Yes," and tl the otganúEt¡an answercd 'Ne' lo lme 12a, thÊn complettng Schedule Þ, Pâtls Xl dnd Xll ts optrcnal ls ìhê organEalron a school desonbod rn seclron 1 7O(þXIXAX D? lf 'Yes,' cornplele $côedufe F dìÊtfltärn ãn'Ðffrce, employðêË, or âgånts 1fê lld Schgdule Ð, Patt lX the organrzatron reporl an amount for other lHbrlrtÞs rn Part X" lmè 252 IÍ 'Yes,' completa Schedule D, Pàtt X Old the organmaircn's s€parate or consohdeted ftnancrâl gtatèû¡€ntg for the tax year rnclude a lootnole that addresses lh€ organrzatron's lrabrlrty for unceftarn tâx posfirors undÉt FIN 48 {ASC 740)? l¡ 'Yes,' compløt€ Schedute O, Part X D¡d l4a üd the organEâtrcn b 7 .t.rh as$els r€ported rn Pa¡t X, ltne 16? // "Yes,' comprefe Scñedufe Ð, Part Vlll Drd the orgánl2âlton rêÞolt en åmount for othêr assrts rñ Part X. hno 15 thãt rs 5% or more of rts totâl assGts repoñed rn 12¿ 6 tne 12 lhaì ts \ye ot riÉre of .ts lotal c e I 5 applcable 0d the organrzatron report an arnount for land, burldrngs, and equrpfn€nt n Fa¡t Pa¡1 Vl b 4 l3 outsde ol lh€ Unñed Stâtes? 14â Drd tho orgânrzskon halrê agorogd$Þ rêv6nu8s or expenses of rËroro lhan $10,000 frorn granlmâkrng, fundra$rng, busrnesg, Invêstm€nt, and progrEm torv¡eq actNft¡ss outstda ths unÉÉd stales, or a8gro0ata forôtgn rnv€stmsntg valuad ät $100,000 l7 il 'Yês,' complaæ Sìñedulo F, Pads t and lv ... tho orgânÞalbn roport on Pärl û( ôolumn þ), lina 3, rrK¡r€ lhan $5,@0 of grant$ or oth€r âcErslanco to or for ariy lorcign organlzatøn? il 'Yas,' complâle Schødulø F, Parts ll and lV Dd the orgâni¿atron rðpon On PArt'lX, column þ), ¡ne 3, more thân S5,000 of aggrogAto gr6nts or oth€r âs$rstancô to ortor lorêrgn lndv¡cfuals? ll'l€e,' complete Schedule F, Parts III and lV D'ilt the ortanÞatnn repoft a total ot more lhân $15,000 of exponscs for profsssnrial fundratsrng senvrses on Pañ lX, 18 Oid the organizathn report more than $1S,OG) total of furidra,,flng event grôss ¡ncome ând contrlbírtÐns on Par¡ or moro? 16 18 column (A), ftms 6 and '11ø7 1c and 8a? l9 r4b D¡d /l 'yes,'corrtprête ll 'Yes,' l8 t? cornpfele Scfiedu,e G, Pañ Í Scâedo/e G, Pafl D¡d the organi¿al¡on råport more than 1A Vf ll ll, ûnes 18 $15,0Ð ot gross fncome from gamrng açt¡vrt¡es on Part Mll, ltr]rø 9a, ll 'Yes,' to Form 73?q¡3 11-28-r7 5 120171 NATÏONAI, RTGHT TO }IORK IJEGÀL DEFENSE Yas 2tä ûd the organlzalron operate one or mor6 hô6prtal facdrttos? If 'Yeç,- çomplefe Schedule H b 21 lf 'Yes" lo kne 20a, drd the organrzatron altach a copy of ilt audned financral statements to thrs retum? tld ths orgênräatron report moro lhân S5,@0 of grant$ or othor assr$tanco to any domsslrc orgsnEatÞn or PIfì n domestrc governmÊnt on Part lX, column (A), hne r'¡ //'yes.'complefe Sctredule t, Parts I and ll D¡d ths organrzaton r€porl moro than $5,000 of grants or other a$$rslance to or for domesllc rndfi¡rduals on part lX, column (A), fine 2r ll "Yes,'complete Schedub l, Fañs I and tll _Æ* f¿ Drd the organnatron answ€r'Yo$'to Part Vll, Såchon A, hnê Scl¡eduþ J last day of the y€ar, thât was rssued after Ðecember 31 , 2W2? ll 'lbs,' 24à Dtd thê orââÍìrzatron rnvesl arìy proceeds of tax.éxêmpt bonds bËyond å temporary peíod Drd the ofganrratton mârntarn an €scrow aôcounl other than a refundlng escrow at any t¡me oÅ¡\ year to defease äny t*x-sxempt bonds') b æ 27 X ¡nswer faes 24b through zAd.iltd cornplete d ord ths organlzätron 25a ß Dtd the orgâñrzâtron have a tax.êxempt bond rssue wúh ån ôutslandrng pnncrpal amount Of rnô¡e than $100,0O0 as of the Sclredub K lf ^No', gÒ to l¡ne 25â b c D' 3,4, or 5 about cornponsatron of thê organEatron's curêñÎ and former offrcers, drrsctors, lrusteês, key employees, añd hrghëst comÞônsatêd employ€es? ¡l "Yès,'ßomplële 24g i_ act as an "on behalf ol' rssuer for bonds outstandrng at any lrmB duflng thç year? ssctlon 5{)1(cX3), 5Ol(öX41, and 601(oX29) organizåtions. Drd th€ org+nlzatlon engagè ûT âo êxêess benelrt tran$actron wth a dlsquålfred person dunng the yean l/ "yes,' complete Scåedufe L, Paft I ls the orgântzâtron åwåfê lhat ft engagsd rn an excess brnofrl trånsactÞn wrth a drsgualfcd person tn a pnor year, and that the trânsaclron has not been reported on any of the organrzatnnt prror Ëorms 990 or 99O-ËZ? ll 'Yes,' complete Schedu/e L, Part I Drd the organrzaton report any emount on Part X, lrne 5,6, or 22fO¡ recorvahbs from or payables to any cur€nt or fonïef offþors, drreçtorg, truste€3, key employees, hrghe$t compen*at€d er.¡ployèoô, or drsqualdred pêrÊons? lf 'Yes,' complele Schedule L, Part ll Drd the organrzatrcn provrde a grant or other assrstanc€ to qn efíçer, drsroçtor, tÂJste6, key employee, subslântral contíbrrtor or emphyo€ th6rôof, å grâ¡t selsctron commiltôe Ínemb€r, or to â 35% controfled entny or famrly member of any ot these persons? II'Yes,' complefe Schedu/e L, Pâtt IA. æ Wâs thê orgañrzalron a party to å busrnesg transâclron wlth one of th6 fûllewrng paríos (s€o Schedulo L, Pârt lV nstructrons for apphcable frfing thresholds. condrtrons, and exceptrons) a A curcnt or lo¡mer offrcer, drrector, trustee, or koy êmployee? tl "Y.f¡b,.c complete Scl¡edu/e L, Pan IV b A tarnlly memb€r of a cunent or forme¡ offrcer, drrector. truslee, d ltey employee't ll 'Yes," completë Scñeduie L, Part lV c An enhty of whlch a curr6ot or formgr otftc6r, drrector, truôtoe, or k6y omployee (or a famrly fiì€mbêr thârâof) was an offrcer, drrector, truslee, or drrêct or rnduect ownerT ¡f "Yes,' ëoñpìete Scäeduls L, Paft lV ,. tran $25,000 rn non'cash conlnbulsons? ll'Yes,' compløta Schadule M æ Drd the organrzalron rcçarie n¡o¡e 30 Þtd thê organt¿atton feceNe-Contnbuûons of art, conl r¡b utr ons? I f ' Ye htgtolÞl tteasures, or oìher 24c 24d 2Ai 2Eb * rt 2A^ 2Ab tAF 2g x srmrfar ass€ls, or qualñed conservalron 3ô s,' a'orrpr8te Scfiedufe M Drd the orqãnEalron lquruate, tennlnête. or drssolve and cçaso op€ratlons? 3''l 3f ,f 'Y€s,' complete Schedule N, Part I g2 Þrd lhe orgânrzåtrofT såll, exëhârEâ, d¡spose oÍ; Scñedu/e N, Pâtt ll 3l! Dld the orgânËatþn ewn y sections 301.7701-2 and 301 .7701.3? ll'Yes,' complaae Sqttedufe F, Part I wa8 ths ofgânEat'ton r€latod to any lâx.exefnpr or taxaÞlo êntity? /l 'Yês,' complele schadula R, Pad il, lll, or lv, and 3Sa Drd the orgâôizalron hava¿controlled entny wrthifl the moântno ot eoclron 512(bX13)? Paû V, hnø b g6 37 38 oY tÉrì8fêf morê than 25% of ns nel assots?rl 'Yes,' comBlate A' l@,6 ul an entrty dlsregardsd as 8€paratg from lhe orqanizâlon undÉl R6gulâtÐns I lf ''Yes"do lrrre 35a, drd the organzalron r€c€rv€ any payment lrom or sngage rn any aíl 34 âEl lransact$n wÌlh a controll€d entny 2 wnhrn the mBanng of eectÐn 512(b}(13)? ll 'Yes,'complÞfe Scheduls R, Pan v, hna ... Section 6{11(c}(Slorganiøtioos. Ord th€ organr¿ateî mak€ âny trangfers to an exerflpt nonchaflteble felatëd organÈatíon? 35b tf 'Yes,' camplele $clrcqlule Ê, Part V, hne 2 â6 0¡d thê organEåtton conducl more than 5% of fls astvflres through ari enthy that rs not a relâted organlzâtþn and thât ¡s lreated âs a partnershtp for lederal rncome tax purposes? lf 'yes,' comp¡ele Schedule R, Part VI .. Drd the organÞatþn complet@ Schedule O end provrde oxplânelronó rn Schsdule O for Pa¡1 Vf , hnes 1 1b and 19? 3? 3ß Folm t320ôa 1t.28.1r 6 x 990 (?ol 4 NATIONÀL RIGHf TO I^IORK t ËGAL DEPENSE Compliance Check ú Schedule 0 contarns a response or note to any hnê rn thrs Part V Yes l a Ent€r tho number repodsd ln 8ox 3 of Form 096 Enter .0. rl not apphcable b Enter tt¡e number ol Forms WZG rncludod ln ltn6 1a Enter.0" f not appf+cåble c ùd the orgaflrzâtron comply wrth backup fithholdtng rules for reportabfe psymênts to vêndors and 1 (çamÞhng) wnnrngs to prrze wrnnerg? 2a 1o )t ã' x Ërìter the number of employees rêpoñâd ofl Fofin W.3, Trânsmñtal of Wågê âr¡d Tax ûled for the catendar year endrng wrlh or wrthrn the year covorâd by lhrs retum b lf at least ons B reponêd on ln€ 2â. drd the organrzatþn frls all requrrêd Îêdêfal employfilont tax .Motc. lf the sum of lnes 'l a aôd 2a rs greator than 250, you mây be requrred to e-¿le (sse mstructrons) 3a W the organrzåtron hâve unrêtatêd bugtness gross rncome of $1,0@ ôf morê dunno the yeaú 3A llfr b 4ä lla b 5a See rnstructx¡ns for trfrng rsqürreûrênts for FrnCËN Form T 14, Report of Ëoreçn Bank and Frnancrgl Accounls (FBARi Was the organlzatmn a party to â prohlbiled tax shelt€r tran$acttofl at any trmg dunng the tax yeâr? 6á Ðd äny tåxåþ16 party notdy the organrzâtroñ thal il was or 5h b c lo e prohrbûed råx shdier trangacttofi? lf "Yes," to hne 5a or 5b, drd the organaatron íle Form 8886-T? ûoos th€ orgâì¿âton havo annual 01068 racerÞts lhat are norm¿ùl)¡.grôâter lhan 6a h rs a party 5c S10O,OO0, and drd thê organËatlon soltctt sny contnbutrong lhat wer€ not tax deducùþl€ as chantâbl€ contfÞ{tþnsî lf "Yes," drd the organrzatþn rñclude w(h ev€ry sohcrtatroñ an e){pfèss stetorÏ ent that guch conlnbutrons or grfts wêrè not tax deductrbls? 6â 6b 7 â 7à b 7h 0 ta d fe e 71 fa 7h h I a I Se a sb b '10 Section 6of(ê)(7) organlÍsüoils. Enter' e lnÍratron loes and ôaprtâa coîtt&¡tfi,ns rnclùded ên Part Vflt, ltné 12 b Gross rec€rpt$, rrìcludsd orl Ëorm gS. P¿rt Vlll, tnB 12, for pubÍc use of club fâcrfrtr€s 1t Sectioî õof(olf12) orgn,ri?aüonú. Enlor. â Gross income fiom momb€rs or ehdrêhold6rg b Grogs rncomg frðm other gourcos lÞo not net amounts duê or patd lo othef goufcos agalngt âmounte duð or rocslved kom them l 'l2a Sobtiqn 4947(ãll1) non-e¡arT¡ptcÞârit8hle üusts, ls tho orgailzaton frlng Form 900 rn lieu ol 1041 b ¡f "Yt$,'-önter tho ãmount of tax€xêmpt rnterest rEceíved or âccrued durrng thø year t3 Section S0{cleÐ) qualil¡ed nonprof¡t heatlh lnsurance lssuers. a ls lhe organzâtbn l¡consed lo rsqu€ qualfisd håallh plans in mqre than one state? .- 12A 13á Nole. See thB instruclßn6 lor addfionåJ rnforrrâlron lhe organEalÐn must report on Schedule O, b Enter ths amodrnl ol iaðerves lhe organzatron $ r€qurred to rnalnta¡n by lhe stalgs rn whrch the organÊattoô ß lfcen8ed lo rssus quålrfied heanh plans . ln c Enter lhe amount ol ressrves on hand l¿+s Drd thê orgâfi¿a:Krn recgrvê afiy payments lor rndoor lannrng sêrv[ês dunng the tax year? f4Ð 1Âit Íorm ?3200õ rr.2&.rt 7 99{l (?gt7l NATIONAÍ, RTGHT TO WORK I,EGATJ DEFENSE to hne 8â, 8b, or 1Qb be/ow, a For each "Yes* æsponse to ûnes ? through 7b descnbe thë ctrcumstdnces, processÉs, or cñanges rn scåedule o, see ånd /or â "No" ëspôñse A- la Yes Ëñter lh€ numbêr ol votrng members of the governrng body at the end of ths tax year I¡ lf there are materHl dtflereno€s tn voltno nghts amons m8mbers of tha govsrntng bodyi 0r tf lhe 00verntng body delegated broad authonty lo an execufrvÊ c0mmrllee 0r srmtlar corímiltgg, explatn rn Schedule 0. b 2 n hne 1a, above, \4,1ìo aro tndependent âny olfrc€r, drrector, lrustêé, or key employee have a famrly reialonshrp or â bussìsss off$er, drêctor, lrustêe, or k€y emFloyeê? 3 Dd tho organtzaton dsl6get6 coñtrol over rnanagement dultês cuBtoñánv p€Éormed by or uûd6f the drfêêt superv.rsþn of oftcers, dtreolors, or trustees. or key employeos to a msnagem€nl company or other pår6on7 4 5 6 7a b I a b I Enlgr the numbâr of votrng momþêrÊ rncluded 13 ûd x 2 Dtd thê orgenÊatlon make âny srgnrtlcånt changos to rtÊ gov€rntng docuftÊ'ì t6 6rnce lhe pÉûr Fôrm 9S) was ftled? Dd tho orgånËatton become awarê duíng th6 yêar of â sqnrflcant dtvorsfon of lhe organlzätton's aös€ts? Dtd thÊ qrganEatron havo mambers or stockholdeTs? e 4 å 6 Dd ìh€ orgañËåtton håvo merïbers, stockholders, or other persons who had.the power to elect or appotnt onå or more members of the governrng body? fue any govemance dectstons of tho organr¿aÎÞn ro$öÌvëd 1o (of subloct to âpploval by) mernbers, stockholders, or persons other than lhe governrng body? 7ã 7t) Dtd the of ganEalron contemporansously document the meettn0s held or \¡ifltten acltons und8rtål€n dufing the yeär by lhg folloung: Ïhe governtnQ bodyr Aâ Ëach commrttêo wûh authoilly to âct on behalf of the govemtng body? ls the.e any otfrcer, drrector, 'trust€s, oÍ key employee hst6d tn pal V¡ , 8b x x who cannol be reeched at the I Secfion B íOâ b 1 la b 12a b c Drd the oroântzatton have local chapters, branchæ, ot efftltates? lôa lî "Yes," dtd the organzatron havo wrtttoñ poltc€s and procedures goveÉung lhe acltvttres of such chepters, afr¡ates, ând branches lo ensule lhetr operâl ons ârê coltst$t6n1 wÊh the organÊaùOn'g exempt purposês? rob Hâs thê orgânl¿alofl provrded a comptete dõÞ.y of thrs Form gg0 lo all members of rts governrng Þody Þefore trhng the form? Oescnbe tn Sehedule O the process. f âfty, used by the ôrgantzatÞnto revrew tht6 Form ggo Þrd the orgânrzåtÐn havs a wnlten co¡lllËt of tnterest p'altey? /f .f$o,. go to ltne 1'l^ x 12.â x Were 0fftcers, dlrect0rs, or truslees, ald lGyê{¡ployg€s requrred tod}sclose annuelty tnlerests that could otve rß0 to conlttcts? Drd the orqanlzatþn regulârly and consiSgntly monrtor and Ênforcå corïphance wdh th€ þolK.y't ll'Yes,'descnbe 'r2b n Schedule 12c lS O horr, ürn was dor¡e 13 Ord the orgenrzelþn have t wntten h,hptþbbwerpÞhcy? 14 Dtd the organtzaton have a wntton doourtêflt retgntþn and dê$truclþn polÉy? '15 Þ¡d lhÖ procoes lor determrnrng oompðnsähon of the followrng persons tnchJdå I revtew and approval by Ìndepend€nt ð b 16a b persons, cornparabllrty data, and conlemporansqus substanltalron of the deltberatton and dsctston? The orgântzâÙon's cÊo, Êxgcultve Drector. or top Íraflagefit€nt ôffìctâl Otherolícçrs or key €mploy€Þs of lh6 organ¡zâtton 13 1{ x f5a x 't6b lf -Y€s" lo lnø 1 5a or 1 Sb, dâscflÞê the proc6sg tn Schêdul€ ô (see rnstnrctlons) D¡d th€ organhalton rnv€st rn¡ contnbute ass€t9 to, or partrcrpal€ an a þ¡nt vonlure or srmrlat arântem€nt wílh a taxable entíty dur¡rtg lho .. ,:.,,,".., lf "Yes," ctld th€ orçÈnizal¡on lollow e wrrtl€n po[cy or procÊdurê r€quiring lho organization to èvatuat€ lta participatian tn arangomsnls snúPr.åFplÞabl€ tgdefaltÐ( law, and take st6ps to safeguard the orgaflr¿stion's yøart lBå lÊl1 t7 18 fg ãÌ ÏL L¡st lhe states wÉh ÞÍtìrch ð copy of lhË Form 990 rs rêqurred to bê fited >AK , AL . ÀR . C.É. . CT . GÀ . , KY, MA, MD , S€alton 610¡l roqurreÐ ar¡ organk^atron to make ls Forms 1023 (or '1024 rf apphcable),990. and 99GT (Sêctrcn 5O1(c){3}s only) avarfable for publte inspecton^ lnd+calo hor¡/ you made fhess avarlabþ Chêck åtl thâl äpply. ldE .IifI Describe tn Schedule o whethet (and rf so, how) lhe organizâtron mado ûs govemrng documents, confltct of tntercst polröy, and financräl statcments avallable to the pvbllc dunng tlle tax year. Btrrtå tho nam€, addrêss, end t8lçphone number of lhê person wtìo poss€sses lhe organEatton's books and records 73200A tt-28-17 ) SEE SCHËÐUI¡E O FOR FUI,L IJIST OF STATES I form 990 (2017) NATIONÀT RIGHT TO WORK LEGAIJ DE¡.ENSE . Employees, and Independent Contractors 1å ÇamPlete thls lablê for all p€rsons requrred to be llsled RÊporl comptfrsatþn for thg calôndar y€âr ondtng wth or wrthtn the'organrzãt on,s tax year (A) (B) (c) Nam€ and Trtls Average hours per week Posrtron (trst any hourc for related ßc bor, unls$ pam c ôlfw ud s (do nol chÕd( (Et (F) Reportable Estrmat€d comp€fìeatþn amount of olhêr from related 0r9änEat¡óñs 3 È (w.2/1099.MtSC) compBnsåtton from th6 orqantzatron organtuattons below ç änd rslated 5 orgânrzattoñs tme) (1 ) M.àR¡( (2) à. 37.50 UIX (3) FÀTTf -¿û BI'FFETT (4) SÀNDFÀ CRANDÀIJIr (5) EVA (6) $'TLI,IAI,' 4 x L53 .42L. ,, x 0 0. x 0 0 x 0 0 BRENT I,. H. DUROSS III .00 2 x 0 0 x 18.000. YËEDERICX FOT,JLËR 0 0 0 fì x 0 0 x o 0 o 0 x 0. 0 x o 0 x o 0 x 0 0 II1 x ) irôSËpll 8. (10) ( 11¡ llË.ËHA¡r MÀRr( ucoFÃt{È 0. é0 0.40 -00 DrrNCÀ¡l (t2t 0.40 (13' L.00 (14) KIRà ( 15 0 REYNOI,DS x (8) (9 0 ÞISBRO ',YNNE (1 x STBVE ÀNßOSH x x x SHEIJIJBÏ ) IIILI,IA}! WAJ"DOCN 0-40 (16) RÀ114OlrD J. f¡À¡Er¡NEssE JR. 40.00 (17) PÀlRrCX ?. SEt4r.rHätS 4t -00 x .049. 0 92 " 181^ o L87 x 132olJ? I l-26-t7 rorm 9 9901e0r4 NATIQNÀL RTGHT TO WORK T,EGAI, DEFENSE (Al Nrma ând til€ (B) (c¡ Average hours per week (bst any hours for Posilton I (rt Eslrmated (do ñot clE€k mofg thân qôo Þo¡, vnlêq3 rs both oflrcêr sd a drraçldn vglêê) p6s ü amounl of Olh€f comp€nsatron from the olgântzatron and rêlâted ofganrzattons $ E fi 16letód E ãE 9r below = g hne) ( 18 ) D. r,oos {19} B. CÀ}lhRoN 40.00 c. ÎÀuBuÀN 40.00 {20} (21} !f- CHÀPPELL (22) R. CLåIR {23' J. RAITDAIÀUêH Á0-0, Ë sé F x 0 x x 17 &.271. & x 0 x 0 x 166.592. L427.810. fb c Totäl trom cont¡ñuât¡on shêêts 10 pôn Vtl,Gêctlofi A 2 folal number ot rndtvduâls 3 Þd the ôrganzâlron hst âny fôrmer offiëþr, drrê6.lor, or trustes, key employeê, or hrghest côfipensated employee on llnø 1a? ll 'Yes," complele Schodu¡ê J for sucft múvßual For any ridruduåt hsted on,Rne 1a, ts ttt6.Ëurn of lepoftabb cömpgnsat{on añd othêr cornpensat€n {tom the organrzalton and related øganzattons øfeater thån $150Jm? ff "Yes,'comptete Scbedule J /orsuch ndmdual Drd any person lñted on 1 a reçerva or accn¡€ compafisataon ftom any unrelat€d orgânË¿ìtrcn or ¡ndlvrduãl for gervtcea Sub-tolal 4 0 0 t.427.810. thoge hslgd ahove) who recerved more than $1 1 0 0. 0 0 00,000 of reponÉble Yes 4 6 No 3 x + 6 Seotion B. 'l Complele rndependenl conlractors thât recatvsd nors than $100,000 of componsâtton ftom Neme äaìd (B) DeÐcripllon of seN¡cðs addrôss tct ComÞensation BIGËYE ITYNCH, 11 1 FREEDOM DRTVE, SSITE IN\TESTT6ENT IANAGEMÊNT HUS LEGAL 2 Total nurnber of rndependenl conlractOrs fncfudrng but not fimrted lo those lrsted aÞove) wtro recerved more than rorm 9S) (zol4 ?t200ô 1't-?0-r1 t0 NÀTIONAL RIGHT fO WORK L¡EGAIT DEFENSE s (A¡ Tôlal rêveflue fB) Relâtèd or e)€mpt tunct$n IêVêñUê I a Fgderaled campargns b Msmþ€rshrp due$ c Fundrarstng events d Relatodôrganrzatrons e Government grârìts (contnbuttons) f All other contftbuttons,0tfts,0rånl$, ând srmr¡ar amounls nol rnêluded above g tc Non€sh cqlilb{rl@3 hcludqd o ¡n€s 1ê"11 220 51t S õ o () ? À4q ûqA 2a 46 5A? â,6, .+F,1 b d¡ .f, c cl e I All other prograrn s€rutce tevenue Á6 qî? s 4 lnvêstûlènt rncome (ncludrng drvidends. rntêrest, and other srmrlar lncomo ffom Inveçtment ol tax.exempt bond proçeåd$ 5 Êoyaltr€s 6a Gross reflls ámounts) > > 1Í1 ? lt <1 ÊÁ Real b Låss renlal expensos c Ronlal ncomê or (loss) 3 l5 d Nel rental rncom€ or (lo9s) Gross amount forfi säles ol assets othËr lhan lnventory b LBss. cost or othe. basts 535 7A and sãles expensês c Garn or (loss) d Net gårn or (loss) 0l 0a ç o 1 ?q? $ contflbuttons r€ported on lns 1c). See Parl lV, knê q¡ G b E b LÊss: drrecl o 1f,À G¡oss rncome from fundratsrng events {nol rncludrng ol 18 €xporlg6s å b c Net rnc(iltê or (loss) lrofi fundrarsrng events 9a Gross lr¡ccme lrom gam¡ng aclvrlr€s. SBB Part lV, linê 19 . L€ss: diréct .,. sxp€neèo ... â b Net income or (losslfrorn gañrng actrv{í€s Grass sabs of rtìvontory, les$ returns ând allowanc€s ofgoodstold b Less. cÖsl 11 *r b a b c d o All olher rcvenue fotã . /qdd hnes 1 1a-1 1d q 5q1 q1ì 7t?QO r r-?8" r7 ¿6 6n1 -1 AA Form 11 {20 r7) NATÏONå,IJ RTGHT TO WORK T,HGÀL DEFËNSE Ðo not ¡ndtcta ûmounts rcpot1f,d on ilneê ôb, 7b, eb,9b, snd 10þ ol Fâû WU. I (B) Program servtce êxÞênseg rotarJSenses tÇ) Manaqement ånd oengral axoens¿s Granls and olher assrslance to domeslrc 104.500 and domeÐlrc oovsrnmønls. Seê Part lV, hne 21 2 t_04 . 500. . Grants and olher assrsiancø to domesttc ¡ndrv¡duals. See Þart lV, ine 22 3 Grants and öther a$srstance to tor€rgn orgarlrzettons. f oretgn govêrñrlântsi ând 4 5 rndrvduals See Pa¡l lV. ftnes 15 and 16 Benefrts pard to or for mambers CömpÉnÊâtrofl of cu.rønt offrcörs, dtroctors, truslees, and koy employees ê Comp6nsalron nol rncludcd above, to dtsquahfrgd 61"3.696. p6rsons (as deltnÊd undersectron 4958(f)(1)) and pêrsorìs descrLbed ln secton 4958(c)(3X3) 7 I 3 Other salaras and wagos Penston plan accruals and conlnbultons 0nclude t g 383 "327 . 246 .811. 23ô,.L37 . I $ee Part lV, lnv€stmênl mânâgem6nt fêss Other (ll Ine 1 lg am0unt exceods 1070 . 397.691. sectr0n 401(k) and 403(b) êmployef contilburtons) I Other employee benefrts t0 Fayroll taxes l1 Fees lor servrces (non-erfiployees). a Manâgem€nt b L€gal o Accounttng d Lobbytng e Professronal fundrarsrng servrces, .027 , 599 ns Ë5.1 46 - 7 .q88 - 933. 5. 884. I 53. I8.000. 17 133. 343. of llne 25, column (A) amount, lßt lrne 119 êxpen$es 0ñSch 0.) 12 13 14 16 16 1l 18 19 * 2'l n n Adverlsrng and promotron OtfÇe expenses lnformåtron technology .72t. 336 .694. 29 156. r 90- 24.965. 3"572- 180.1 Royahres f_85.96s. 130.529. Occupancy fravsl 126 .708. 4 Payments of lrävel or gnledålnm€nl êxpenses for any federal, slate, or local pübkc offarals Conferences, convóntþns, and meetrngs 6 lnterest .000. 805. 1 Pâyßù6nls to âf'ihaì€s 23 .683 DÉprêcrahon, öop¡elon, and arnoÉEation 20.0?0. 28.186. - 33.40q. lnguranco 3 .1ô2. 1l.485. 24 147.91s. a c r45 .825 . 57.( 51. 98 .21L ^ ,r47.000. 5.483.084. 8-O01- d e 6 26 ,792. .23r. L22 98 b Joiftl 0osb tomplete lhrs lrne rnly tl lìe 'l 89. 1 41_. 5.658. 299.905. o{ganøatron r€porled r0 column (B) prnt ccsls from a combrned educ¿lr0nal ånd f ünÚraËrn0 solttftal¡of¡. L80.462. 196.1'12 0 Form 732ô10 t1.26.17 L2 (2017] NÀ1TITONAL RTGHT rt TO WORK LEG.àL DHFENSE o (A) Begrnnrng of year 1 2 3 4 5 6 o (¡ 6 o: 7 I I loa b 11 12 t3 L22 Cash.non.rntBrêsî.bÉânng ,[sr (B) of year - Savrngs and lemporary cash rnvestmsnt$ IL Loans and othêr recervabl€s from cutr€nt and formar offreers, dtrector8, trustees, key employees, and h€hest comp€nsated employees. Complete Part tl of Sçhedule L Loans and other recelvaþles from oth6r drsqualrfred persong (as defrned under sê$tþn 4958(0(1)), përsons doscnbed ln sêcrron 4058(c)(3XB), and coñlnbutrng €mploy€rs ând sponåonng organEetlons of seclron 501(cXg) voluntary 5 employees'benefnrary organrzåttons (sae tnstr) Gomplote parl ll of Sch L Noteo ãnd loêns roc€tvablo, nêt lnvenlofles for sale or uso 6 Frepald exÞsâ3es and óeferred chargee lårld, burldrngs, and equtpment cost orothor basrs Compl€te Pa¡t Vl of Schedule O s Less, accumulated deprectatron lnvestments . puÞhcly trâded seôu¡ttrås 7 ß ft fnve$tments - other secuntles See Part lV, hne 1 1 tnvestments . program.relatad See Parl lV, ftne 11 lntângrblè âôsêts f4 t5 Other assets See Part tV. lme 11 't8 Íôìâl eseeìs- Add hnes 1 throuEh t2 13 831.097. 1 0¡ 101 .05 1()c 1-6,7EC.t 5 (must eoual t4 l5 96¿.1: IA 17 17 t8 fß l0 v, 4,L89 ,01 280.0( 2 3 Fledges and grants rêcer\,able, net Accountg rec€rvat¡fê, net ls N 2û 21 ,1 4 ¡l .g æ 24 25 26 U' tU (, c 27 tt % æ .s ó lt C f tr Total liatillttes-¿{dd ll¡los 17 lÌ¡¡ouoh 25 Organlzations thst follo,* SFAS 117 (ÂSC 958), chet*< trere cornplete lines 2? throiigh 29, ancl tinâe 3il and 34. unréstíôt€d n6l ass€ls ïempo¡arlly ro$tricted not assgts Þ l-F} ;d 3tt Permansntly f€sìrlcted net agsdte Caprtal stock or trust Fnnctpâ , or current fund$ Pard'tn or câÉñål'$iirplus, or land, burlding, or equrpmenl a) 32 Êetå¡ned eamÍnge, endowmeßt, accumulatsd tncome, ot oth€r funds 33 34 Tota] net ass€tg or fund balânces . 326.461. 1.585 -: o 23 24 2E )â, 2? I 3r z 75.t i00. 119. 27 â, .7ss aa o v, ^.) Lg.6es.942 Oçganirations that do not tollow SFAS 1 1? (ASC S581, ctred¡ here Þ ônd complete lines 30 through 34. E o Secured morlgagos and rpres p¡yabfe to unf€laled thrrd pÉrt€s Unsgcured note$ and hans påyâ@ to unrolal€d thtrd partrês Other l€brlñres (rnclulng federal rncònæ tax, payables to related thlrd pârtl€s. and othor háhilthes not lncluded cn Ínås 17.24), Completê part X of Schedulê O . )A 33, 2A 2.27t 5 il 3tr fund 31 . 32 19 .08û . 57r 20 -66C _ 8ß1 ... ToteJ l¡äbilrtres ând nÉl asselslfunrl hãlsncês 3Í - u 2 25 .033 .5, rorm t3ærì ri.2ð-rt L3 990pot4 NATIONAI¡ RTGHT TO WORK LEGAL DEFENSE (Óomplete only I you checked lhe box on ltno å, ?, o¡ B of Part I or tt the orgänrualron farled lo qualrfy farls to quatrfy under the tests Ísted bolow. please comptete Fan lll ) lf the organtzatrcn Public 0ålgndtr !ôar (or l¡¡0ål y0u be0inn¡nO ill )' f Grftg, granls, cofltnbutrons, and membèrshrp fèÊs r€corved, (Do not 2 Täx fevsnus$ levrBd forths organ. rzaton'$ benefrl and erlhér pard to 3 The value of eervrcesorfacrl¡tres fumtshed by a govemmental un,t lo tho organ¿atþn wthout chargø 4 á Totå . Add hnos 1 through 3 Tho podron of total contftbutlons by each person (otherthan a governm€ntal unrt or publtcly rncludâ âny "unusoaf grânts or êxpsndêd on [s ") l¿l 20T3 tbl 7 2å7 r6B 6 222 t94 \ )71 )4À 7 )A'I 6 222 L9À. q ??1 ?q¡t fcl 201 4 2O1 5 tdr 2016 Á Ë16 AfiA behalf aCq 7 å¿S 0S6 ? fi¿i ôsß supponed orgafl lråtilcn) rncfu dod on ftne 1 that excåads 27o ofthe amount showlr on lrne 1 1, column (Q Calsnd¡r year (or fiaorl ye*t beginning ìn) 7 I ) ô q16 86n 7 20? 355. AmDUntS from l¡ne 4 30? G.oss Income from rnterêst, d¡vldencls, payment$ rocetved on g securilres lóäns, renls, royåltres, and rnco¡rp f¡orn $lmllar $ources Nêt Income from unrolated busrnegg 279.892 469.343 â27 .795, 91 .878 221 . SOË 455 - 1_46 act¡vrlres, whether or not the bus¡noss rs reçularly camed on 10 Olher rncome, Do not rnclude garn or loss from lhe sãlê 0f caprtâl assets (Explarn tn Part Vl ) 1 lå.8 _ q2q 12 13 Total $uppoft Add hnes 7 t¡rough 10 Gross rece¡pls irom relätsd âctrvrtlss, First tive years. tf the Form 99G rs lor the 14 Fublc f6 Pubhc 1 d6 . snT ^ 1, f¡rçt, second, thrrd, fourth, or fflh iax year as a sectnn 501(cX3) (f) drvded by lrne 11, cotumn (t)) 14 ,ts A Part ll, hn€ 14 16ä 93 1 tr/o espþoft leet - 2Ot7. lf ths organi¿ation did rìot ch6ck tha box on hnF 13, and lino 14 rs 33 1/3o/o ôr tnþta, chock thts box and stop hcrs. Th6 otoanization qualifiog áE â publícly ÐupÞor1€d organ¡zation 1lî/e sueporl tþst . ã)t8, tho ürÞãr}¡zaton did not Chock a box on tne 1t or 16a, and ftno 15 is 33 1/3o/o oÍ ñorê, ch€ck lhis box and alop here.'lhö orgänrzâlion qualifes as a publ¡cty supportsd organlzalþrì 17a 1ú/s -fåct!-ând-circurhstancèF lest - þJ7, lf the organrzatron drd not ch€ck a box on kne 13, 16a, or 1Sb, and Ìne 14 rs 1(P¿6 or mcre, b 93 >m ¡f - and il lhë organrzatron fteel8 the "fåctg.andcrcumstencës" test, chÊck th¡s box and stoþ hêtë. €xplarn rn >D Part Vl how the organüalton test The organuation quallies as a pubkcþ supported organrzal¡on b lvlo -fâots-¡nd-q¡rcsfnrtancês l6s1 - 2016, lflhe organzation did not checka box on hne 13, 16a, 16b, or f7a, and hna 15 ¡s 107o or msets thc 'facts,andcrrcumslances' morê, ând d the organEztion fiêets rhe 'fac'ls-andf1rcumstances' test, cheek thrs box and stop hera. Explan nPail Vl how the organizatton meets tha 'facls.andcrrcum$tanc€s' t€st. Thê organizåt¡on qualfms ae * publrcV supporled organízatíon . . >n > f] Schedule A {Form 99O or 9SO-EZ) 2017 f32022 10-08-17 15 NÀTIONAT, RIGHT TO I{ORK LEGAIJ DEFENSE (Oomplet€ only rf you ohecked the box on l¡ne 10 of Part I or rl the organrzatron tãrled to quaÌfy under Part ll ff the organr¿âtþn farls on 0al0ndar y0rr (or fi00Bl yeår beo¡nnin0 ¡n) Grfts, grants, contnbulrons, and I > lal 2O13 lbr2014 lflì loì 2O15 2O'16 tel2-O17 membershrp fees rBcerved (Ðo not -) rncludo any "unusual granls 2 Grogs ¡eççrpts from admrsspns, mqrchandtse sold or 90rvlceÊ per. forrned, or fac¡lnra$ fumlshâd rn any actNrty lhât rs rehlâd lo tho ótsantzat¡on's tàx-exempt púf po69 G¡oss rscêrptg from actrvfites that â16 not an unfelated tradÞ of bustness under sectton 5 3 3 4 Tax revenues levþd for thâ organ. lzâtton's b€nefft ând efther Þad to or expended on rts bohalf S The value ol servrces or faotlttEs fumrshed by a governmenlal un{ to lho organtzåtron wnhoLd charge ô Total. Add hnes'l through 5 7a Amounts rncludsd on hnes I, 2, and 3 recerved from dlsqualúrtd persons / b Arôænts rnctudod on lrnlis ¡ ¡rìd 3 ffived tm olhH thú drsquslrf€d P{K6 thol .xffid åflìounl th6 çræt6 Of t5.000 ffi lrm 13 tor lhc ø yg / 196 01 tñê c,Àdd ùnes 7â and 7b 0*lendar yea r (or liscal year beginnin¡ inl g Þ lal2O13 fbtæ14 1 Tolâl Anounts from ftne 6 l0a Gross rncort¡g ffom tnterest, drvrdends, paymênts leÖervcd on sêcuntÊ$ loans, renls, royahlos, and rncofie from etmtlar sources b Unrelated busrness laxable (less sechon 51 1 laxes) lrom acqurfed aflsf June 30, c Add lrnes l0ê afld 10b N61 1ñcom€ ffom ufìrelâted b.u$HlêSs actrvrtres not ¡ncludêd ln ftne 10b. whethêr or not lho.ùus.nêss ts '' 11 l2 l3 t4 fêgûlarly carr€dtfr Olher rncome,.h not rncludegan o¡ loss from thË Éä16 of caprtal assotê (Ëxplaín in.Parl Vl) . e , lôc, t!, sd 12 Ïot¡l oupDort. 99ó is F¡rst llvô yêêr$, lâo organhation'g l¡r$t, second, thkcl, fouñh, or llflh tax year as â sÊctþô 501(c)(3) otgenizât¡or1, lor 2O17 (hne 8, column (f) drvded by lrnê 13, column (0) ¡nvestmânt l7 .13, column (0) Jor æ'17 (lrne f Oc. column (f) drurded by tne lnvestmonl income Part lll, hne 17 lrom 20í6 Schedule/A, rncome lnveslment 1A 19a 93 i/gelo support teslr - 201?. lf the orgân¡zâtron dd not chêck the bcx on ltne 14, and line 15 is more than 3.3 1/3%, and l¡ne 17 ß not more than &3 1/3%, check thls box and stop hêre. Thg organizatþñ qualrl¡es as a pubÙcly supported otgan¡zatlon b Sít l/3Plo support têsts - 2Of6, lf ths organøaton drd not check a box on [ne 14 or lne 1ga. and line 16 rs more than ß 1fî/o,aaó % >[: >tf ltnetB¡snotmorathanSS113%,checkthrsboÏandatopherê.ThBorganEationqualrfiesasapubltclysupportedorganlralion... n rnlionc .ld nrt .,¡âîk a hox nn linâ 14. 1gâ. or lgb- check th6 bôx ând g€o lf lhe Sohedule A(Form 980 or €S-ËZ) 2O17 732023 rO-Oe17 2lt Private foundeìion- L7 NATIONAIJ RIGI{T TO WORK I'EGAL ÐEFENSE pporting (Complete only rf you chscked a box rn hne 12 on Part I U you checked 12a of Part l, complele Sectrons A ândB lfyouÇhoÇked12bo{Pârîl,complÈtêSocttonsAandÇ lfyoucheckedl2cofParll,complêts Yes 1 Are al¡ of lhe organrzatron's supported organlzaùons tsted by name rn lhê orgaßrzâtþn's govåfnrrq doeuments? ,/ 'No, " descnbe ,ñ part vl trow ¡he suppofted oryanËålrons 8r€ desgnêted lf dQstgilated by c/ass orpuryose, doscnöB the deagnalnn ll htstonc ând contnung raialrcnshq, expla]'l.- 2 D¡d lhq or$antzatrcn havo åny supported organüafion 8a I lhal does nol hâve än tRS dë16fmìnålþn of ståtu8 under seclron 5O9(âX1) ar {2)? ll "Yßs, ' explan ¡n part Vl àqw the organzat¡on deteil¡l,ned thal fñe supported orgànEatrcn Lvês descröed,n søc!øn 509(aN1) or (2) Drd th€ organrzalron have a supported organr¿aton de$crþãd rn ssctún 501(c)(a), (5), or (8)? f "yêq, : årtsrer ââ (b) and (c) batow. b q 4a b c ûd the organrzalton conlFrn thel each supponed orgailzâtþn qualfred under sectron 501(ef4), (5); or (6) and Êâtr3fred th6 publlc support tosts under sectron 509(a)(211 lt 'Yes,. descnbç ¿n Fart Ul whønøtld t aw the otgsnÈatþn made the detènnngaþn Dd tha organrzatron ensurs that all support to such arganEatnns was used exclusNgly lor seçlton 170(cX2)(B) puÞosês? ll '^Yøs,' explan rn Part Vl rvåat conlro/s .hs atgânÈstrcn paf n pl8c9 tq ensul€ socñ use. Was any supported organlzåtron not organrzed rn the Unrted States {"forergn supported orgânnaüon')? ,f 'Yes,. Bnd ú you checked 12a or 'l2b ,n Pa,Î l, answer þ) atd (c) hsktw. decdmgrvhelher to rT:akc grants to thê for€qn $Upportod organEattoÍì2 ,f "yes,' doscnöo ,n Part Vl lroìe tâo orgdntzêtfin åâd srrèñ ctntral and dlsoraian despûe beng controlled or stJperursed by or n conneclrcn ølå ,ts suppode d organzafions Dd tho otganBatron suppon anyforergn supportod organRatron thät does not hav6 an IRS determlnätton und€r sectrons 501{c}(3) and 509{aXl ) or l2't? ll "yes, ' €xprêrn ,n P¡rt Vl út sú côfitro/s t ìe oîgant2atþn ßed to 6nsurê that âll suppo¡t to the /orergn suppo,'ted otpânaai9dt was used ilclus¡uely /or s€ct,on 1 70(cX2)(B) b gö ¿lâ duíng the tax yea¿ l/ 'yGE' püt (r) the names and EIN provtde (c) n netudtng (b) applrcablê) Nsô, detaú Vl, anct below 0f answer numbçrs ol the suppoded orgàn?âilons eddêd, s¡/bst lule4 or ærnaved. (tt) the reasons lor each suc¡ sclÉn, (n) lhø aulhofty undet lhe otgannalønb orgatlÐ,ng dûcu,fient atflttrø,lt'tg 6uch actrcn, and M how lhe actrþn was âccoñphshed (such as by arnendmen¡ to the oryaüflng docvrnent) Type ¡ of Type ll only. was any addèd or substiluted $uppofted ofganrzåtron part of a class âlr€ady 4b k Þrd the organrzãltoô add. subslrtute, or remove ãny support€d organrzatþns lhê orgântzattonS organËrng document? Subgtitufions on¡y. Was the suÞstdulÐn thè rêsutt of an eùênt beyond the orgenlzatton's control? Dtd th€ organtzatron provd€:€uppÖrt(ü¡trether rn the fom of gråflts or the provreron of ssrucös or factlllles) Ìo anyone other than 0 rts ìupported organzatrons, {ri) rndrvrduals that are part of thå charrtable cla$$ dos€nated c 6 3b Drd the organrzf,tton have ultun¿lte control and drscretun rn p0rposes. õa 2 tn b€n€lrtod by one of rnoro of .tts supported orgåfirzâtrofle, ôr (rÛ oth6r supÞorttng organtzatÞns lhat also support or benEfrt ons or morê af th€ filtng o,ganaetlor'g support€d organrzalrons? If 'Yes,' prowde detail åå 5h 5c n 6 Pan Vl. Z Old the orgânl¿alon provrdâ a grant, loan, oorfipensâtron, or olher srmrlar payment to a subslaôtlalcont.tbulor (defned rn secton 4958(cXOl(O), a lamrly m€mb6r of I sobstaftlral conlßbutor. ot a35Yc controllod ontrly wnh 'Yês,' eampløta Paft I ol Schadule L (Form 99O or990-EZ) r€gârd to a sL,bgtantial contnbuti¡r? 7 I Did the organizal,ion meks a loen lo ô d¡squel¡fþd persoo (as dolined in soclioñ 49581 not describsd ¡n bno 7? ll 'Yes,' complote Herl I o/ Sct¡edu b L (Form 990 w 990-EZ). å 0a Was thç orgañizatiarì cañtfo[ed d]Foctly or rndrroctly at êîy tímo during the tax year by one or more drsqualfied.persons es delingd m sßctron 4S46 (otherlhañ loundaton managers ând organrzalÐns descnbed f rn eectron 5tS{à)(1} ot (2)l? lt 0a 'Yøs,' prowde detâ,/ ,n Part Vl. b Dd one or flþrs dßquallfeü peßons (as delÌned rn lrne gal hold a conlroll¡ng rnterEst fl áñy orttily rn whlch lhe supporlrng organtråtËn hâd ân intÊrest? ll 'Yes,' pîov¡de detaíl in Pañ Vl. c Old a disqualrfiôd pers,on (as defined rn hne 9a) havG an ow'rêrshrp tnlêfêst rn, or denve any pgrôonal bentsf¡t loo b Eê from, assets ¡n whrcf¡ the supporttng organlzat$n eßô hâd an intérået? ll "Yes,' provde dcfål, tn Pârt Vl. Wâs the organu&tþn subFc,t to lhe exô€ss busrñess hotdtflgs rules of sectron 4941 bêcause Of ôêctÉn 4943(fl (regardrng cêrterî Typê ll supportrng organrzåtrons, and afl supportrng organ¡¿at¡ons)? U "Yes,' snswer 1Ab belovt. th Iype lll non-functlônally intêgrated 1ab Ord the organÊatiofl häve any excess bus¡nsss holdrngs in the tax yealt (Use Schedule C, Fofin 4720, lo tob Schêdulê A (Form 99rtt or 99O.EZ) 2017 732024 1ù4ú11 18 NATTONAL RIGHT TO WORK ],EGÀIJ DËFENSE Yes l'l a Has the organrzatrôn accepted ä grft ot conlnbultôn from any of the followtng persons? A p€rson who drroctty or tndtrectly controls, €rther aton€ or tog€ther wlth psrson$ d€scnbed rn (b) and (c) b€low, tho govom¡ng body ol a supported orgånr¿alton? b A f¿mrly mernber ol a person dêscÍbed 't1b rn (a) atrove? ltc ft B. Yes f Drd lho drrectors, trustees, or membershrp of one or mo¡ø supported orgânrzatrons have the powôr lo regularty appolnl of elecl at lÈast å mâprrty of the orgânt¿etton's drr€ctors or trustÊes ai állttmes dunng the tax yea¿ Il 'No,' descnbe m Pârt V; ttow tñe suppoñed orgrâotalnn(s) eflecttvety opèÊtød, Slttç,¡vßed, or cankolted lhe organ?atnn's scûvrfros. ll the oryanzat¡on had mon than one suppofted organ,zal,an, descnÒe how lhe powerc ta âppont andlor remove clr¡ecloÌs or frusúees werc allöcâted añong lhë sçtppotted organr¿atrons and wiêf condrton$ orrcsfflcalon s, í any, appl€d to sucñ pow€¡s dunng tñe tåx )ear I 0!d the croañrzâtron óp€rate forlh6 bêñefn of any supÞorted organrzátton othsrthan th6 ôuppÒrted organaatücn(s) thät operâted, supsrvrsed, or controll€d the ãupporthg organEatÞn? /f "yes,.G¡rcrarn ,n Part Vl trow provøtng such heñeht cârned out lhe purpoges ol the supponed çryanzdtÆnls) that operated, 2 2 Woro a rnalorrty of th€ organEatron s dtrêclors or trusteos dunno:'tñø tax year also a malorrty of the dtrectors or trustees ôf êäch of th€ organËâtÉn's supporled organeatron(s)? /f "No, * descnbe tn PartYl how control or maùàgedrent of the suppoûng organ^atnn was vesled ¡n låe ssrn€ persoûs thal controlled ar managed 1 ' Drd the organrzatron provtde to each of lts suppo¡tèd organreãtons, by th€ last day of fhe frtth monlh ol the willtên notrce descnblng lhê type ând &mount of support provrded dunng the pnor lax year, (r) a copy of the Form 990 thst was most recsnlåy f¡led as of thð date of notilrcatÌon, and (rr) copres of the organrzatron's govemrng doçuments rn slfoct on t¡€ date of notfuatto{ì, to th€ oxÌent not prêvfously provtdêd? Were any of lhe organEâtton's offrcers, drrectors, or ru.€t€e$ 6fthõr ($ appotnted or electÊd by the supported orgâñBatron(s) ôr {r¡) $orvlng on tho govefilng body ol ai¡büpported organtzat¡on? /f '/Vo,' expla¡n n Part Vl åow the orgauzatton matntamed a close ànd conttnuous wotî (Form 990) Compl6te ¡t Þarl lV, line 8, 7, OåÞrltrtrl ôlthêTtéåsy Nameoftheorsan.zation NATIONÀL Part RIGHT TO lo Publ¡c on WORK LEGÀII DËFENSE or I on Fofm 1 answe¡ed on Føm 900, 11a,1 lb,11c, l1d,1fe,11f, 12a, ot 1ù. to Form 99ó. number or Similar tf the Part lV, ftne 6 (a) Þonor advrsed funds f 2 3 4 5 g ând olher accounts Total number al end of year Aggrêgâtê vafuê ol contñbr.rtþns to (dunng year) Aggrêgete value ofgrants from (dunng year) Aggregat€ value at ênd ol yêår Dd the organzatron rnform âll donors and donor advrsore rn wrilrng thâl the assetô held are the ofgântzatlon's property, subJect lo thê organtzatQn's exclusrye legal control? Þd ths organrzeton rnform all granteês. donors, and donol advlsors tn wnttng that grafit funds llll ves [--l uo can be for charrtablg purposas and not tor the benefrt of the donor or donor adv¡sor, or for eny rf lhe ? a lne 990, Part of conseryatpn easemênts héld by the orgântzåtton (check alì Preservatþn of land for pubhc use (e.g , r€cr€atton or educatron) Prolsctron of natural habrtet 1 7 rmportant land area of a certrted hr8tonc ttructurs P¡eservalron of open space Complotg ftnos 2a th¡'ough 2d rf the organEat{on held a qualrfaed corìsêrvâtori Çantnbvtron ln the form of a day of the lax year Total number of consarvat¡on easemênts 2d ttr b 2c d 2d 3 4 ð f*ì ¡¡o yaâr 6 7 >$ Does each Çonsorvetron êâseme¡ìt reported on lrne 2(d) âbove sâtrsfy lhp requrrements of seclron 17o(hX4l(BXi) ô g flJ v"t and sectton 17O(hX4XBX'D? f---ì ¡¡o slrtöflênt, ând bälânce sheet, ánd frì Part Xlll, tn ns rôvorluê ånd êfp6n$é rncludo, rf slalçmerits that descÍbes lh€ orçanrzatrcn's accounlrng for rgs, or 'Yes* oo Fom la b Psrt lV, hnå B. lf lh€ organi¡âtion as p€rmûåd under SFAS ! 16 (ASC 958), not to rÉpon ln its revsnue stâtêment and balancs sheol works ot art, histoñcel lreâsur6s, ol åss€ts heH lor publrc orhrbilon, education. or reßâarch in furtherance of publb ¡eryice. provido, rn Part Xlll, th6t€xt oÍ th6 loolnot€ to rt$ ftnancral statem€nts that doscnbo$ these rt€rns lf ths organü¡rtnn oleotod, as permrtted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958 , lo report rrr rls revenrs stat€ment and þalance sheel wo¡ts ol art, hrstoncâl treasurês. or otnor Êrmrlår agsets h6td for pubÌc exrrtbilron, educairon, or research rrt fuilhêfânce ol pubÙc s€r¡l/ree, prov¡ds the followng arnounts relaìrng to these rtêm8: (il Hevenue ínciudad on Form gg0, Part Vlll, hrie (ii) Ass€ls inctuded,in Form 99O, Part 2 I ... > X .... > $ lf the organlzat(on .êC6vêd or hêø works of art, hßtorlcâJ trèä$ures. oF olhêr grmrlar åssêls for f¡nanc¡el gain, provde the lollowrng ûnounls requrrsd to bo råported under SFÀS 116 (ASC 958) retatiflg to these rtems: ., >$ >s a Reveriue rncluded on Form 9É)û, Parr Ult, Ùns 1 .. b Assels inctuded rn Ëorm 9s0. Pârt X LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Nol¡ce, see {tla lnstuct¡ons for Form g{Xl. 7320É1 0 tojg-17 27 sclìedulê D {Form o9o) æ17 NÀTÏONAL RIGHT TO WORK IJEGAI' DEFENSE f tha Dgscf tptton of secuf tty or calâgofy ('ncrrdrne nmo or soqnty) {l} Form (b) Book value vafue Frnancral deilvatrves 12) Clog€ly-held equrty rntsreßts 13) Other lnvestments - Program Belated. tÍ escnpton of rnvestrion( lbl Eook velu€ market Assets. f the 'Yes" 11d frne 15 þ) "Yes' rf tho Form lnê 11o or f1l. S€€ Form Book valuo ftne 25 (bl Book vålue 8¡l - 185. ÞÀYABLE 384.185. col- Z Lrabúty fo. uncerta/n tax positioñs. ln Part Xlll, provrde the texl of lhe footnote to lhB organøålron'c f¡naficrâlstatemenls lhat r€ports the Schadute D (Forrn gg¡) ã)17 73ito53 10{c'r7 29 NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK LEGAL DEFENSE pèr Answ€led I'Yes. Form Total rèvenue, gatns, ând olher rupport per audrted Ínancral slaternonis Amounls nduded on hne f but not on Êorm 9S, Part Vlll, hne 12 N9t unrgalt¿od gano (losses) on mve3trnonts f 'l 2 a b Donaled sêilrces and use of laoftìres c Rocovetreg of pnor year grants d Other (Descnbe rñ Fårt Xlll ) e Add lrnes 2a through âcl g Subtracl lrne 2e from Írn€ I 4 Amounts rnctucfed on Form 990, Part Vlll, llne 12, but not on ltne a lnveslmont oxporlsès no1 rncluded on Form 990, Part VllÌ, hne 7b Þ c Irne 12a. 2h 2c 9tl 1 Olher (Þescnbe rn Parl Xill ) hnes 4€ and 4b A/d 4c p€r psr rf the Pâft "Yes'' on Form Total oxponses and losses pgr audûgd finançtal statements funounts rficludod on hnó 1 but nol on Form 990, Part lX, llne 25" Donatod servrc€s and use offacthtres 1 2 a b P¡or year adJustmonts c Olher losses d Other (Descnb6 rn Part Xlll ) e Add lrnês 2a through 2d 3 Subtract hne 2e from hne f 4 Amounts rncluded orì Form 990, Parì lX, ltnÉ 25, but not ön ltne'l a lnvestrient expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Pârt Vlll, lnê 7b b Olhêr (D€scflbè rn Pad Xlll ) c Add hnes 4a and 4b 1 2À 2c 2tt 2e 3 4t! k 5 Prov¡de thç dçsonptrons requrrBd far Part ll,ln€s 3, 5, and 9, Pâft lll, llnes 2d âod 4b; and Part Xtl, lrnês 2d an¿ 4b'Also oomptêtè tfits part PART X, TÀJ$FN I¡ÍNE IN THE 2; . hne 0 . 4, Part X, hnê 2, Part Xl, any addfronål lnTormatpn. , 1}¡( IFARS TITAî R¡UâTN TA¡(q,,,o,N,..Àb¡ 1NCOMË -t-_l*( rÐ( 4, Part lV, lnes 1 b and 2b, Pârt V, 6.1t7 SÇE{ECT TO ËXNUINATÏO"N OR EXPËÇSS.- 8 REIURI{. TrfE*FOtt¡üpåtrON RECOeNTZFS rHE TÀX ÊENEFTTS POSITION !qT"i*"k,BE SUSTAINED ON EXÀMINATION BY Tå,X AUTHORITIES. THË FOUNDATION RECORDBD NO ÍJIÀBIITITY FOR UNCERTAIN INCOME TÀX POSITIONS FOR PART ts2o5¡ V. LINE 4r 1o"oe-tl $chedule D (Forh 9SO) ã)f7 30 NATIONAIJ RIGHT TO WORK IJEGAL DEFENSE FU¡ID TN PERPETUITY ÀND TO çENERÀTE INCOME FOR USE TN THÐ FOI]IÍDÀTION'g OPAF.ATIONS. Schedute D (Form 990) 2017 132055 lO.O0.ü 31. lform 9tlG) DêpEthdll ol tho Þ Attac¡ f¡osswy IiTORK Name of ths organrzaton Open to Forñ 09(). toPuÞlic h€pêctton for Go to Part Ot\¡8 N€ 1545-001? Graats and Ottrer Assi ¡tance to Organizations, Govemments, and lndividuals in the United States Coûple{e it t}ìe organi:ation angw€red "Yes" on Form 9Ð0, PartlV,l.nè 21 ü 2. SCIIEDUL€ I LEEAL DEFTNSE Employer idenff ication number I zatúî ñìa ntä fl rsçgrds io substaîlrata the amount ol the grants or ass stance thê gjênìses El€ bl tty for the glants or ass¡sÎâncs, and the selsctron c(toria us€d to award the grenls orassistar¡cs? Does the ofgân ll Part C*ovcrnmefis. Cornplete Grants and Other f fX] th€ orga.tzat¡on answerod "Y€s" on Form 990, Part lV, lrne v"" U ¡¿o 21,fof any can bs I (a) Name and addr€ss of qeanlzalion or govamment fdl Å¡nount of {bt E¡¡'¡ cAoh gønt (el Amount ot non-cash assßtanco ffl Msthod 01 vâluatþrì {book, FMV, epprarsal {9} Descnpton of noÊcash assstanre (b) Purpûs€ of grant or assÊtance oth€r) NÀÎIONÀL ¡NSIITI'PE FOR I,ÀBOR RELÀîIONS RESÐÀRCH - 5211 PORÎ ROYÀL ROÀD. SUIÎE 510 - 52-1303565 ìn1 tc'tllt 1 no oflo 2 Enter totaf number of section 501(cX3) and govemmenl organlzalrons hsled in tha hne 1 table â È.1èr t^tâl â¡rñho¡ LHA ¡l nllrar ¡r¡anpatnne 0 l¡