cfìlé GRAÞHIC Dr¡nt - DO NOT pROCESS ,..*990 I A foundations) F > Do not ènter socrel secunty n(mbers on thrs fom as rt m¿y be made publc Þ Informatron ãbout Fôrm 990 and rts rnstructtons ß at rer' Opefi to Fubl¡c W!ÆApyÆenzg! In$pe{tion L7 Ëor B check rf ¿Þphcúble O Acldres charçe O 2017 Under eection 501(c), 5?7, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue cod€ (except private tc¡r¡l ìlr'r ctruç !¡rr I¡ ÐLNl 9349321, OMð No 1545-0047 tturn of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax . r.f tlr.' 'l rc.t:urr l\¡rrlrrrrrrl As Filed Data - Þ EmFloy"r rdÇntrfrcåtran n[mbcr THE NÁTIOIIÄL RIGHÏ TO WORK COMAIIÍTEE 5L-Ot47724 Name change ôs lnrÌral re(urn Ü rrr¡t D Atrìèndèd return Ë lo 5lrPÈl rs í¡ot Èú01 &RADtocK AÞphcðtron Roonì15urte ôto 500 {703) 321 qr town, slate ot provtnçe¿ counlry, SPRINGÍ¡ÉLD. VA 22160 0f G Grqsg rêcarpt4 and address I"1ARK H(a) A MIX I 11.51ð,t52 Is thts å group retqrn fôr BOO1 BRADDOCK RD NO 5OO I Tôx"exemptstob''* n sor{.x¡) M sor(.)(4)<(rnserrnó) E KFormoforgâñrzacron I Ø coçorat'on f] rrust Ú +s¿r{¿i(r)o, ú t¿r staùe ! o,¡", > Anso.ra¡on of legël dom crle V.q Bnefly deccrrbe the or9ânlzåtron's m¡ssron or mosl srgnrficant actrvrtres OPPOSE COMPULSORY UNTONISM ANÞ SUPPORT THE R(GHT OF ALL PFOPTF TO OBTAIN AND HTLÞ AJOB WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO JOIN A IABOR UNION OR'IO PAY COMPUIsORY UNTON OUFS o a { ù rt5net 2 CheckthlsboxÞÛ rftheorgànrzatrondrscontrnuedrt5operàtronsordrsposedofrnorethên259ãof 3 Numbêr of votrng members of thå govèrnrng body (Pà11 Vl, lrne 1å) . 4 Number of ¡nCependent vottng mêrñbers of the govemrng body (Part Vl, hnÊ 1b) 5 Tôtal number of rndrvrdu¿ls êmplôyed rn calendar ye$ 2Al7 (F¿rt V, llne 2ai . , ; 6 Total number of volunte€ls {esttmðte tf necessary) . , 7a Total unrelated busrness aevenue from Part Vlll, cotumn (Ç), lrne 12 . , b Net unrelaÈed busrness tåxèble rncome from Form 990-T, lrne 34 ú C¡ ,t 3 t2 5 242 6 13 7e 47,9t1 = ô ;þ CE I I 9 l0 11 UJ 10,822,644 Prograrn serurce revenuê (Part VIII, ltne 29) 0 Inv€stment rncôme (Êârt VIiI, côllmn (A). ilnes 3. 4, and 7d ) Other revenue (Part Vlll, calumn (A), Ines 5, 6d, 8c. 9c, Loc, and 11e) 17 -Iolôl l!ndrare rq exÐenses (Pðrt lx, l9 eiuiln {D}. [*25] oE a¡ = 00,567 609, S3 1 410,454 1 I 1,599,787 576,000 871,00C c 0 4.402,68€ 4,02õ,6 16 ô ld, 1 1f']4e) 0 2,788.4 35 5,40s,921 , r4,679,607 13'17 (must eguàl Part tX, column (A), hne 25) 7, 92û,180 Rêveoue less expehses Subtråct ilñe 18 from trne 12 20 Totål ¿ssels (Pàrt X, lrne 16) . 2L Total lrabllrtres (Part X, hne 26) ?2 Part 12.701,s3 , Nèt åssets or fund balances subttåct lróe lI ól Yeðr 14.555,333 5 878,311 844,451 1,823.624 11,710,882 ånd to the retúrn, Decla¡¿tron óf prepärêr my rs based on all rnfoimätron of whtch preparer has a \1ìx Pft Paid Preparer Usc Only 1 End ture per¡ury, I knowledge ànd bê[ef, rt rs true, 5¡gn Here Zl from l¡ne 20 l9 1,05 1 1,29 3,5 r 5 Bêt¡ñnrno of C0rÉñt B g 1 0 Þ2.<50.213 Other expenses (Part [X, €olurnn (A), hnes I 1a*1 .Add lrnes 7,664,28 676,57t 16a Professronal fundrarsrng feås (Pert IX, column (A), itna 11è) 1S Total exÞenses 4o Current Year Côntíbútlorìs äâd grèñts (FãrtV¡lI, ¡rne ¡h) t? Totålrevenue--addlnêsBthroughll,.tñî¡lgtçquðlPârtVul.column(A).lne12) 13 Gränts ¿nd srm¡l¿r èmounts patd (Part'lX. column (A), llnes I'J ) . 14 Ðenefrlçpatd toorformembers(PartIX, colunn(A), ltne4) . . 15 sa!ðrres, other cornpensêtron, emÞlÖyee benefrts (Part IX, qalvmn (A), trnes 5-10) b -424 7b Prior Year G 13 4 Prep¿!Èr's 5 grìõiur€ nVType Frcp¿aeTs n¿me 8ÀRRY FrÍn 6 'fioMAç 5 rdínc > BARRY G THOI'1AS ROSS LANGAN E( MCKENúREE LIF Êrrm': ¡ddrsss > 7900 WÉSTFARK ÞR ETE l4?C ¡.lC1ÉÀN, Þðtô lìhec* M rf Frrm's EtN Phóne > p0 tl04162 52-090I831 oo (703) 893.266ü VA 22!02 Mvrt n no ¡4ay the IRS dtscuss thrs reiurn r{rth the prEparer shou¿n ¿bove) {see tnstructlon6) For PâÞerwörk Reduction Âct Notidè, sèê thê sepðråtê instructloñs' Cat l,¡ô 11282Y Forr¡ 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) [[[ff[ 1 Page 2 Stateineni of PrÖgram Service Accomplishments 'Check rf Schedule 0 contarns å response or note to any lrne ln thrs Part Bnefly descr¡be the orgàûrzêtton's l1r¡ss¡ôn llt M THË COMMIÏÏËË IS A NONPROFIT, TAX"EXEMPT. ËDUCAÎIONAL-LOSBYING ORGANIZATION OPPOSING COMPULSORY UNIONISNI IN ALL ITS ËORMS AND SUPPORTING THE RIGHT OF ALL PEOPLE TO OBTAIN AND HOLD A ]OB WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO JOIN A IAEOR IJNION OR PAY COMPULSORY UNION DUES THE CO¡4MITTEE SUPPORTS THE PROTECTION AND ENACTMENT OF STATE RiGHT TO WORK LAWS UNTL THE FEDËRAL SANC]-ION FOR COI'{PUt$ORY UNIONISM IS ËLIMINATED 2 Drd the organtzatron u¡dertake any srgnrfrcant progr¿m servrces durrng the year whrch were npt lrsted on il V*" ül the prror Form 990 or 990-EZ: If "Yes," descrrbe these new seryrces on Schedule O Dtd the orgånrzatron cease conductrng, or make srgnrfrcant changes rn how rt conducts, ðny progråm [v*" servrcesT rfo MN" Tf "Yes," descnbe these changes on Schedule O 4 Descnbe the organrzatron's program servrce ãccomplrshments for each of rts three largest program s€Ìvrces. ¿s rneasured by expenses Sectron 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(a) organrzatrons are requrred to report the amounI of grants and allocatrons to others, the total expenses/ and revenue, rf any, for each program servrce reported 4a (Code 4,576,5ù8 ) (Expenses $ rncludtng grants of $ 576,000 ) (Revenue $ See Addrtronal Dðtå 4h (Code ) (Expenses 5 rncludtng grants of $ ) (Rëv€nue 5 4c (code ) (Expênsês g rncludrnç grènts ôf s ) (Revenue s 4d Other program servrces (Descrtbe tn Schedule o (Expenses Total g ) rncludtng grants of $ sêrvrce ex $çs> ) (Ravenue $ 4,576,5Q8 Form 990 (201 Form 990 (2017) Page Pärt ïV Yes Is the organtzatton descrrbed tn sect¡on 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a prrvate foundatton)r 1 Schedule 2 3 4 A If "Yes," complete Is the organtaatron requtred to cornplete Schedu/e B, Schedule of Contr¡Þutors (see rnstructrons)) %l Þrd the organrzatron engaq€ tn drrect or rndrrect polrtrcal campaiçn actrvrtres on behalf of or rn opposttron to candrdates for publrc olfrceu lf "Yes," complete Scåedu/e C, Part I9 Section s01(c)(3) organizations, Drd the organtzatron engage tn lobbytng ãÇtrvrtres/ or have å seçtron "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part Íl 50f(h) electron rn effect dunng the tãx year? 7 I I No 10 Drd the o.rgêntzatron, drrectly or through a related organlzatron, hol.dassets rn temporarrly restrrcted endowmentF, permanent endowments, or quasr-endowments) If "Yes," completè ScJiedu/e D, Part v A , 11 lf the 2 Yes No 3 4 Is the orgenrzatron a seÇtron 50f(c)(a), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organrzatron that recerves membershrp Sues, äsressment$, or srmrlar amounts aF deftned ¡n Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Paft III?J Ðrd the orEånrzâtron mårntàrn åny donor èdvrsêd funds or any srmrlar funds or åccouhts for whrch donors heve the rrght to provrde ådvrce on the drstnbutroî or ¡nvestment of amounts rn such funds or accounts? . ,. . If "Yes," cômplete Schedule D, Paft 12) , Ðrd the orEånrzetron recêrvê or hold å conservåtron easement, rncludrng eäsements to preserve opên 5pàce¡ the envrronment, htstonc land areas, orhrstorrc structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, ParttI9J . Ðrd the organr?atron marntarn (ollectrons of works of art, hrstorrcal treasures, or other srm¡l*r.assetsr If "Yes," compíete Schddule D, Part Iil I Ord the organlzatron report an amount rn Part X, lrne 21 for escrow or custodr¿l accöunt habtlrty, sonre as a custodta¡ for amounts not lrsted rn Part X, or provrde credrt counselrng, debt rnanËgement, credtt rgparr. or debt negottatton servrces?ff "Yes," complete Schedute D, Pàrt IVeH . 6 No 1 , If 5 3 Schedules 5 Yes No 6 7 No I No 9 No 10 No organrzatron's answer to any of the followrng questtofis rs ''Yres,'' then complete Schedule D, Pàrts Vl, VII, VIII, IX or X âÉ êpÞhcåble a Ðrd the orçanrzatron report an amount for land, burldrngs, and equtpment Part VI , ç4 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, ln Part X, lrne 107 1la Ðrd the orgàntzatlon report an amount for rnvestments-other gecurrtres rn Part X, ftne t2 that ß 5o/o Qr more of rts total assets reported tn Paft X, Lne 162 If "Yes," complete Schedule t, Part Vilg , c Dld the organtzatton report an amount for tnvestmen[s-progrâni rel¿ted tn Part X,-lrne 13 that ts 5o/o or more of tts total assetE reported rn Part X, lrne 16? If "Yes," complete Scheddle D, PartVIil2i d Ðld the organrzatron report an amount for other assets rn Part X¿ fune 15 that ¡s 5o/o or more oÉ ¡ts total assets reported rn Part X, lrne 16? Îf "Yes," Çomplete Scåedule D, Paft IX?J , b e Ðrd the organtzatron report an arnount for other lrabrlrtres f n Paft X, lrne ?52 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Paft X*) Ðld the organrzaÈton's s€parate or consolrdated frna¡ctal stalêment$ forthe tax year rnclude a footnote that addresses the organrzatron's labrlrty for uneerta¡n tax postttons under FtN 4ê (ASC ?40)2 lf ''Yes," complete Schedule D, part X5 L2¿ Þld the organrzatron obtarn separate, lndependeht åudrted frnanctal statements for the tax year? Îf "Yes," complete Schedule D, Parts XI and Yes tfb No llc No úld No lle No 1lf Yes 12a XII 9 b t2b 13 L4a No Yes 13 No 1"4a No 14b No 15 No l6 No 17 No 18 No 19 Nö b 15 16 lX, column (A), lrne 3, more than 95,000 of aggr€gate grants or other assrstance to "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parf." III and IV . Drd the organrzatron report a tot¿l of more than $f5,000 of expenses for professronal fundratstng servtces on Part IX, column (A), hnes 6 and 11er If "Yes,u complete Schedule G, Part I (see lnstructtons) Ðrd the organrzatron repoÊ on Part or for forergn rndrvtduals) L7 If VIII, 18 Ðrd the organrzatron repor! more than $15,000 tôtal of fundrarsrng event gross rncome and contrlbutlons on Part lLnes 1c and 8a2 If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part II 19 Ðld the orgåntzatton report more than $15,0û0 of gross rncome from gamrng àctrvrttes on Part VIII, hne 9a> If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part Ifi Form 99O (2017) Form 990 (2017) EEM Page Yes 2Oa b Drd thê orEåntËålron operâte one or more hosprtal facrl¡tres7 If "Yes'' If "Yes," complete Schedule H . 20e to lrne 20å. drd the orEånrzätrorì attach a copy of rts audrted frnencral stâtements to thtE return? Ðrd the organtzatron report more than $5,000 of grants or othêr åssrstånce to any domestrc orEanrzatron or domesttc government on Part IX, colurnn (A), lrne 17 If "Yes," complete Schedule Parts and 22 Drd the organrzatron report more than $5,000 of gränts or other asgrstance to or for domestrc tndtvrduåls on Pårt IX, column (Ri, lrne 2? If "Yes," complete Schedulø I, Parts I and III 9 . 2? Drd the organrzatron ans!1i er "Yes" to Part VII, Seqtron A, lrne 3, 4, or 5 about compensatron of the organrzatron's current and former officers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, and hrghest compensated employees? If "Yes," I, completeScåedu/eJ I II . *¡ . ) , b Drd the organrzatron rnvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod exceptron? . c Drd the organtzatron marntarn àn escrow ¿ccount other than a refundrng escrow at any tlme durrng the,year to defease any tax-exempt bonds: d Drd the organrzatron act ¿s an "on behalf ofl' rssuer for bonds outstandrng èt any trme durrng the ye¿r? 25a Section 501(c)(3), 5O1(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organîzations. person duflng the year? the organlzatron engage rn an excess beneftt transactron wtth a drsq complete Schedule L, Part I Yes No 23 Yes No 24a 24b 24c . If 24d "Yes," No Is the organrzatron aware that rt engaged rn an excess benefrt trangaqtron wrth a dtsqualtfred person ln e prtor year, and 25b that the transaÇtron hes not been repoñed on any of the organrzatton'F pr¡ar Forms gg0 or 990-ü2; No "Yes," complete Schedule L, Paft I Ðrd the organtzatron report any amount on Part X, lrne 5, 6, or 22 for recervables from or payables to Bny current or former off¡cers, dtrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compensated.èmployees, or drsquålÌfred persons2 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part II Drd the orgãntzåtton provrde a grant or other assrs.täFce to an offrcer, dtrector, trustee, key employee, substanttal contÛbutor ôr êmployee thereof, å grânt selectron eommrttee rfiember, or to å 350/0 controlled entrty or famtty member of any of these persons? If "Yes, " complefe Scheóule L, Part III . 27 2L 25a If 26 No 9 24a Dtd the organtzatton have a tax-exempt bond rssue wrth an outstandrng prrncrpal amo.unt of more thån $I00,000 as of the l¿st day of the year, that was rssued after Decembet 3L, 2ö02? If "Yes," answer.ltnes 24b through 24d and cômpletë Schedule K Îf "No," 9o to ltne 25a , , Ðrd No 2flh 2l b 4 Checklistbf Required Schedules (conûnued) 26 No 27 No 28ä No 28b No 28c No Was the orgånrzatron ä party to a busrness transactron wrth one of the followrng pärtres (see Schedute L, Part IV Instructrons for applrcable frlrng threshotds, condrtrons, and exceptrons) 28 ä A current Paft IV or former offrcer, director, trugtee, or key employeeT If "Yei," completø Schedule L, b A famrly member of a current or former ófftcer, drrector, trustee, or key employeeT TV, c Îf "Yes," compleèe Schedule L, Part An entrty af whrch a current or formçr officer, drrector, trustee, or key employee (or a famrly member thereof) was afl offrcer, drrector, trustee, or dtrect or tnd¡rect o.wnerT Îf "'fes," complete Schedule L, Part IV If "Yes," cornplete 9 M, 29 Ðrd 30 Þrd the organtzatton recetve contnbuttons of art, htgtonÇ*l treasures, or ather srmrlar assets, or quahtted conservåtlon contnbutrons? If "Yes," cømplete Schedule M ' 9 Drd the organrzatron lrqurdate, te.rmrnate, of iXtgsolve and cease operatrons? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part I ' 31 12 the organtzatton recetve múre thân 525,OO0 tn non-cash contrbutronsT Drd the organrzatroq $ell, exchange. drspose of, or transfer more than 25ô/o . "Yes," camplete Schedu/e N, Part II If 33 Drd the organtzatton o'^ln 1û6V0 of an entrty drsregarded as separate from 3OL 77OI-2 and 301 77aI-37 If "Yes," complete Schedvle l, Pa¡t 34 Was the orgårì¡zêtlon related I Paft v, ltnê. to any tax-exempt or taxable entrty? If Schedute 36 37 3a Yes 30 No 31 No 32 No 33 No of lts net assets? the orgànrzãtron under Req¡lat{ons secttons g "Yes," camplete Schedule R, Part I . II, III, or IV,.and gl 35a Drd the orçänrzatron have a eontrolled entrty wtthtn the meantng of sectton 512(bX13)i b 29 If 'Yes'to ltne 35a, dtd the organrzatron recetve any payment from or engäge rn any trårlsact¡on wrth a-controlled enttty lh wrthrn the meènrng of sectton 512(b)(13)2 If "Yec," complete Schedule R, Paft V, ltlne 2 Section 501(c)(3) organizåtions. Dld fhe organtzatron make any transfersto an exempt non-charrlable related . organrzãtron? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, ltne 2 Dld the organtzatton conduct more than 57o of tts actrvrtres through an entrty that rs not a related organtzatton and that rs treated as a partnershrp for federal rncome tax purposes) lf "Yes," compléfu Schedule R, Paft VI I Dld the organlzatron complete Schedule O and provrde explanatrons rn Schedule O for Part VI, Ines llb and 19: Note. All Form 990 frlers are requtred to complete Schedule O 34 Yes 35a Yes 35b Yes 36 No 37 38 Yes Form 99o (2017) Form 990 (2017) Page Gheck rf Schedule O contalns se 0r note to a lrne rn hrs Yeg la b { Enter the number repofted rn Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- rf not apphcable 1a Enter the number of Forms W-2G lncluded ln lrne 1å Entar -ô- ri not appltcable 1b 2å Enter the number of employees repoÊed on Form W-3, Tiansmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, ñfed for the c¿lendar year endrng wtth or wtthtn the ye¿r covered by No 13 the orgarìrzètron comply wrth backup wrthholdrng rules for !'êportable payrflÉnts to vendôrs ênd reportable gañtng (gambilng) wrnnrngs to pnze wtnners? , DLd thts return . tc 2¿ . b lf at lêast âa 5 Stät€mênts Regardlng Other IRS Filings ånd Tåx Compliance Pärt V onê ts r€ported on [tné 2å, drd the orgånr¿ðtron frle all requrred fëderål ernployment täx Ìêtu Note,If the sum of l¡nes la and 2a rs greater thãn 250, you may be rÉqurred to e-ñle (see tnslructrons) Drd the organtzatton have unrelated busrness gross rncome of 91,0O0 or more durrng the year? . 2b Yes ' Yes b If"Yes,"h¿srÈfrledäForm990-Tfôrthrsyearrlf"l/o"tolne3b,provdeanexplanaèonrnScheduleO. 3b No 4a At any trme durtng the c¿lendar year, drd the organrzatron have an rnterest rn, or a 5¡gnature or other author¡y over, ê frnancral account tn a foretgn country (such as a bank account, secuntr€s account. or othet flnancal acçÞunt)7 NÓ b lf "Yes," enter the narne of the forergn côuntry > 5êe rnstructrons for frltng requrrements for FTnCEN Forrn !14, Report of Ëorergn åank ãnd FtnâncÌål Acc.ouns (FBAR) 5a Was the organrualron a paÊy to a prohrbrted tax shelter transactron åt any trme duflng.the tax b Drd ðny tâxåble pårty nohfy the orgänr¿åtron thåt rt wès or rs a pårty to a prohrbrted c If "Yes," to lrne 5ã or 5b, drd thè orgånrzatron frle Form 8Bg6-Tt year? ì tåx.shêftér trånEåshon? 5a No 5b NÔ Sc 6a b Does the org¡nruatron have annual gross recerptç that are normally greater lhan $100 solrcrt any contrrbutrons thät were not tax deductrble as char¡ì¿ble contnbutrons? b c organízâtiong that may receive deductib¡ê contr¡butionÊ under sectiôä 17O(c)" DrdtheorgantuatronrecerveapaymentrnexcessofgT5madepartlyasacontnbutrooandpaÉlyforgoodsandservt provrded to the payor> If "Yes," dìd thê orgânrzatron notrfy the donor of the v¿tue of thê goods ôr servrces provrded? Drdtheorgãnl?atlonsell,exchange,orotherwrsedrsposeoftangrblepersonal propertyforwhrchrtwasrequrredtofrle rndrcate the number of Forrrrs 8282 frled durrng the Drd the orgântãåtton recetve åny funds, drrectly year 1098-C7 . 7g 7h . Sponeoring organizationr maintaining donor advised funds. 9a Drd the sponsoíng organ¡zatron måke any tôxåble drst¡rþut¡ons under sectron Dld a donor advrsed fund rnatntatned by the sponsorrng organtzätton have excess bustness holdrngs at any trme dunng the year? 49662 to a donor, donor advrsor, or relaled person? Drd the sponsonng orgånrzatìoft måke a d¡strrbutron I 9a , . 9b Section 501(cX7) o:ganizations. Enter ä Inrtratron fees and cäprtål contfibutrons rncIuél'éd on pârt b Groçs re(elpt5, rncluded on Form 990, PäÉ VIll, hne 12 ViIl, llne 12, for publrc use of club Section 50 1(c)( f 2) organ¡zêt¡oûs. Ënter G¡oss rncoffe from members or shareholderg . 10â fàcllttres . b G.oss rncome from athç¡ sources (Do not net amounts due or patd to other sources agarnst amounts due or recerved f¡om them ) . 10b 11a t1b 12a Sectiona9aT(a)(1)non-exemptcharitabletrusts,[stheorganrzatronfrlrngForm990rnlreuofForml04l¡ b If "Yes," f3 71 Iftheorganrzatronrecervedacontnbutronofcers.boatå,e1rFlãnes,orothervehrcles,dtdtheorganrzat¡onflleaForm I a 7b 7e requlred2 11 7a or rndtrectly, to pay prèmrum$ on a person¿J benefrt contract2 , b 1O Yes ?d . f Drd the organrzatton, durtng the year, p¿y prerilumsr dtrectly or rndtrectly, on a personal beneñt contract? 0 If the orgañrzatton recerved â contflbulron of qualtfted rntellectuål property/ drd the orgånrzãtron frle Form 8899 as h 6b 7c Form 8?8?r d lf "Yes," e Yes ff"Yes,"drdthèorganrzatronrncludewttheverysohcrtatroôanexpressståtementthä.tsuchèôntnbutronsorgtftswere not tax deduct¡bler 7 a 6a enter the êmount of tax-exempt rnterest recerved or accrued durrng the year l2a r2b Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health íncurance írsuers. a Is the organtzatton hcensed to rssue quatrfred health plans tn more th¿n one stâte)Note. See the tnstructtons lo. addrt¡onal ¡nformãtron the orgañlzatron must report on Schedule O b Enter the amount of reserves the organrzäiron ts requtred to marntatn by the states tn whlch the orgânìzåt¡on rs hce¡sed to rssue qualrfred heatth plåns . c Enter the amount ôf reserves on hand , , 13b 13c 14a Drdtheorgðnrzàtronrecervêðnypåyrñentsfortndoortannrngservrcesdur!ngthetaxyear?. b If "Yes," l3a . has it frled a Forrn 720 to report these pèyments¡If "Na," provtde an explanatton ¡n Schedule A t4ä No 14b 990 (2c17) Form 990 (2017). Page 6 response to ltnes 2 through 7b belovt, and for a "No" response to lnes or changes n Schedule O See tnstruct¡ons Check rf Schedule Ó contärns ê response or note tO any llne tn thts pårt Vl M Section A. Governin and Ma Y€s la Enter the number of vottng members of the governrng body at the end of the tax year Nd 1a If there are materral d¡fferences rn votrng rrghts among members of the governrng body, or rÍ the govêrnrng body delegåtêd broad authoflty to an €xÊcutrvô corninrttee or çrmrlar commrttee, explarn rn Schedule O b Ënter the nur¡ber of votrng members rncluded rn lt¡e la, above, who are rndependent 1b Drd any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee have a famrly relatronshrp or a busrness telatronshrp 2 any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee? 2 Drd the orçånrzatron deleg*te coñtrôl over manågêmðnt dutras custom¿rrly per"formed by 3 orunder thê drrect of offrcers, drrectors or trustees, or key emptoyees to a management company or other pe'rrsonz 4 o: ,1. oln"nj="a:n T"U: any srsnrfrcant chanses to rG sovernrnn O:.r:"n.t r:.".rn",0t':t Drd the orqànrzatron become aware dunng the yeär of a srgnrfrcant drversron of the orgènrzatron's asséts7 6 Drd the orgånrzÉtron hsve members or 7a Drd the organrzatron have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the members of th€ governrnÇ body? . b Are any governance decrslons of the organrzatron reserved to (or sub¡ect to approval by) members. stockholders, or Þersons other than the govemrng body: I The governrng body? b Each commrtte€ wrth ðuthoflty to ãct on behalf of the governrng body> I Is there any offtcer, dtrector, trustee, or key employee organrzatron's marhng addresst If "Yes," provrde the Section H. Policies who cannot be reached at the Part VII, No 4 No 5 No É No 7a No 7b No durrng the year by Þrd the organrzãtron contemporaneously document the meettngs held or wntten the followtng a 3 Form eeO.was frledT 5 stockholders? Yes Yes 8b Yes I o I Revenue B 8a No Code. Yes 10ä b 11ã Drd the orçänrzåtron have local chapters, branches, or affrhatesT 1Oå If "Yes," drd the organrzatlon have wntt€n polrcrËs ðnd procêdurês gpvern(ng thé åctrvltrês of such chapters, ¿fftltates, and branches to ensure therr operatrons are Êengstent wrth the organÌzaËrôn's exempt purposes? l0b Hã5 the orgànrzatron provrded ð cornpletê eopy of thrs Forrþ 990 to alt members of rts govÊrnrng body before fìltng the form? No No 1la Yes 12a Yes b Descrrbe rn Schedule O the process, rf any, used,by the organr¿atron to revrêw thtÊ Form 990 12a Drd the organrzàtron have a wntten confhct of rnterest polrcyT If "No," go to ltne 73 , , b Were offrcers, drrectors, or truste€Ë, and key êmployees requrrnd to drsclose annually rnterêsts thàt could gtve rrse to co nfl rcts ? c Drd the orgenrzatron regularly and consrstently morrrtor and enforce compltance wrth lhe pohcy? Schedule ô how thts was done . . If "Yes," descnbe ¡n 12b No t2c No 13 Drd the organrzatron have ê wfttten whtstleblower poltcyr 13 L4 Drd the orEanrzâtton håve å wnttén docr.¡ment reten8on ênd dêstructron polrcyT 14 Yes 15 Drd the process för determrnrng coilpensãtron of the foilowrng persons rnclude 15ô Yes ô a revtew and approval by rndependent persons, comparabrhty data, and contemporaneous substantratron of the delrberatton and decrstonT The orgånr?ätron's CEO, Bxect¡trve Dtrêctof, or bop månâgernent offìclâl b Other offrcers or key employees of the organrzatlon If "Yes' to lrne section c. DÍsclosure L7 Lrst the States wrth whtch 20 No 16â No a copy of thrs Form 990 ts requrred to be fifedÞ NY, SC, PA, KY, NC, 16b UT Sectron 6104 requtres an orgånrzatron to make rts Form 1.023 (or 1024 rf applrcable), 990, and 990-T (501(c)(3)s only) av¿rl¿ble fôr publrc tnspectrôn Indrcâte lrow yor.r mådê these ¿v¿rl¿ble Check ¿ll thåt åpply Ü 19 lSb 15ê or 15b, descrrbe the process ln Schedule O (see tnstructrons) 16a Drd thè orgåntuðtton tnvest trr, contnbute âsset$ to, or partrcrpåte rn ð Jornt venture or stmrlar älfàngement wlth â taxåblÊ entrty düíng the yearz b If "Yes," drd the organrzatron follow e wrtten potrcy or procedure requrnng the organrzatton to ev¿luate tts partfc¡Pàtlon ln Jotnt venture arangements under ãpphcable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the orgentzatton's exempt status urrth re$pect to such arrangements? 18 No fl M I ot¡,". (explarn rn schêdu]ô o) upon rêquest o*n wâbsrte Anothe.'s wËbsrte Þescnbe ln Schedule O whether (and rf so, how) the organrzatron made rts governtng documents, confllct of lnterest polrcy, and trnancral ståtêmentE av¿rlable to the publtc durrng the täx yeår Stâte the name, åddres$, and telephon€ numbar of the persoñ who posseçses thê orgäntäatroh'6 books and records >THÊ CO¡4MITTËË SOOT BRAÞDOCK RD 5OO SPRINGFTELD,VA 22 160 (703) 321"9920 Form 990 {2017} Form 990 (2017) Page cor¡pens?t¡or!'of off¡cßrs. Þ¡rectorÊ,Trq$tees, xey Employees, Highest cor¡Fen$åted Pmployees, and Independent Contractors ffs[! Check rf Schedule o contarns a rÈsÞonse or note to any hne rn thrs Part VII , . 7 ü Section A, Officers, Ct¡rectoral Trusteer, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees 1â Complete thrg tèblê fôr å I persons requrred to be hsted Report compensåtron far the cèfêfldår year endrng wrth or wrthrn the organrzatton's tax Yzàt a L:st älf of the orqäflr2ätron's current offrcers, drre(tors, truËtees (whêthèr rndrvrduåis ôr orgàôrzäÈroôs), regardless ôf åmount ôf rômpeñsåtrôn Edter -0- rn cô¡umns (D), (E), ån.d (F) rf ho co$pe11sðtröñ wäs påtd e Lrst ¿ll of the orgånrzåtron's turFêñt kêy emplôyees, rf any See rnstructróns for defrnrt¡on of ''key employee ' r Ltst the orgðnrzatron's nve current hrghest compensated employees (othêr than an offrcer, drrectÇr, trustee or key employee) who recerved reportable compensdtron (Fox 5 of Form W-Z ãnd/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than 9100,000 from the organrz¿tron and any related oTg¿nrzåtrons ¡ Lrst all of the organrzatroh'$ former offrcq¡s, ¡at employees, or hrghest compensated employees who recetved rnóre than $f00,0c0 of reportable compe^satron from the organrzatron ¿nd any relãted org¿nrzaùons r Lrst ¿ll of the org¿nrzåtron s formor d¡rêctors or truste€s that rêcêrved, rn thË cåpãcrty as ¿ former drtector or trusteê of the organrzêìlon. more thår 510,000 of rêportåble compensåt]ön from the organr¿atron and any related orgÈnrzatrons Lrst pefsôns rn thè followrng order rndtvrdual trustees or drrectors, rnstttutronal trustees, officers, key employees, hrghest compensäted emptoyees, ând former such persons I ch"ck th,s bor rf nerther the noË currênt ofttcer relåtêd (A) (s) (c) Name and Trtle Averàqe hours per week (lst any hours for related ofgân¡zatroos below dotted Posrtron (do not check more lrne) than oße box, unless person ts both an officer åôd à drrector/trustee) -{J ¡ ù 8ä c lu* ã a {. ! ,l'e ñ T 3 ,t, ,Þ o i [. .f. t { (1) SIARK A PIIX X DIRECTORIPRESIÜENf (2) X t4ì],492 31,2/-¿ 62,444 0 Í Í i5c DONALO VAUcHN X ÐIRECTOR (3) ¡IÖRTON C BLÂ(K!iÌ€LL 10c 0 0 DIRÈCfOR l0{ (4) SANDRA CRAI.¡DALI. 0 OIRËCTOR (5) RR EEBING x c c 0 c c c DIRECTOR (ó) CORNFLL W GEIHÞI¡\N 10ù ÐtRËcToR/vtcË cHAtRt¡ 040 X At',1 (7) GRgG lrAGEÌ,¡STOñ c (B) ERIK r 10Û HAT.TSON ( DIRECTOR o 1ô{ (9) JÊNNIE STEPHENSON o4ú X 0 0 0 0 OIRËC?OR (10) CHARLES R stRro X x DI RËCTOFJ(HAI RI.1AN ( r1) r^ t) vERNOr,l 4{ X a 0 0 X c t 0 X c (: Õ d o DrRËClOñ (12) MICHAE{_ ÊteMtNG OIRECTOR c40 (13) GUY SHoRr DIRËCÏÔR (14) DUNCAN sCOrr o4c X DIRFCTOR (15) MATTHE\.1 M LEEf'r (16) 5TEPHÉN O GOODRTCX 40 00 ]/ X 2Ð't,536 ( 56,2Brt X 38,54q { 28,057 5Q VP/TREASURER (1T) "1ARY XINú .lC 0c x l 2 r,0ú8 'I 1,20 0 Form 990 (2017) Pärt Vïï Pase Section A, Þ ïr 8 and (A) (B) (c) Name and Trhle Average hours per week (hst any hours for related organrzatrons below dotted Po$rtton (do not check more Irne) than one box, unless person rs bohh an offlcer and a d Hr _ .:L !¡: ,0 e. r-r :* ä cö it, rt rrector/trustee 5 n a ) lr'l q ã l= 'þ -n 11 't, 'Ît 3 If ö ';¡f, -.t 'D r, '1, :- (1 J ,t, ¡t' ft,9 È îr,t, c= 1 & /t' ,f ,t C! (18) GREGQ¡,Y MoURAD 40 00 x c 42,712 x 0 32,34) 0 24,t41 0 49,O97 lREAS (1e) ANNE 40 00 þt CASPËR 100 SËCRËÏARY (20) loHN A KAL8 (21 STANLEY GREER 40 00 40 00 90,2 X s r X NEWSTETTER EDTTOR lb Sub-Total c Totãl d from continuation sheete to Part VII, Section A . Total add lines 1b and Total number of rndrvrdusls (rncludrng bul not l¡mrted to those of reportable compensatron from the organrzatron Þ 5 2 376,642 909,785 above) who recerved more th¡n 5100,000 Yee 3 fgr.mer ofr.l6er, drrêctðr or tr.uÉtee, key employee, or htghest compensated employee on "Yes," camplete Scfædu/e J forsuch ndtv¡dual . , NÔ Ðrd the organrzatron lrsi any lrne 1a) Îf 3 No For any rndlvldual llsted on hne l¡.a, ls the sum of reportable compensatron and other compensatton from the organrzatron and related orgêngatrons greater than 9150,0001 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such 4 nd¡wdual , 4 , la recetve or rccrue compensatron from any unrelated organrzatron or tndrvtdual for servrces rendered to the organrzatton?If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person ' Ye$ Ðrd any person lrsted on lrne 5 5 No Section B. Inde 1 Complete thrs table from the rzatron hrgheSt õompensated tndependent contraclors th¿t recerved rnore than $100,000 of compensatlon 's tax for the calendar endl wrth or wrthfn the (B) (A) Name and buE¡ness address 8tGËYË DTRËCÎ (Ç) PRTNTING AND Þ14)LING Compen$åtroil 299,612 PRINTING AND þ1AILING 106,121 Descrrotron of seNlces PO 80X 71086s OAK vA 20171 PROLIST ÐATA & MAIL 45IO BUCKEYSTOWN PIKÊ SUITË M l\40 21704 2 Total number of rndependent contr¿ctors (rncludrng but not ltmtted to those lrsted above) who recelved more than $100'000 anraatron ) 2 co satron from the Form 990 (2017) Check ¡f Schedule 0 contðrns ð or note to lrne in (a) (å) (c) (Þ) Tût¿l rÊvenuè Related or Unrelâtêd exêü1Þt bus,öësg revgn ! e Revênqô excludêd from tåx under sect¡onS fqÐ (tr o n rêvênue Fêderàted (àmpåtgn5 o!4 b (g: dußs þlembêrËhrp 1ä , 1b , IJE c Êvndrarsrng events . ó,4 d Rèlätèd ôrqånr¿åtrons iEI E åõ (9Ë e 6ûve¡nnrètl gr¿ni5 (conlrrbutons) (, .= f Ettl =É) 'so Êtl êE (JG 1c 1e Àll othÈrroqtftb((1on*, 0'[ts, {fåûts. afd grmrlår ðbove g ¡morfits no( dÈlud4d 1f Noncàsh contr¡butrons rncluded rñ llnes la-lf $ 7,66d,¿gt 52,624 h foÈ¡l,Add nes la-1f 7,664,241. Bugrness Code ! q + & b 5 ç ! t d e e I f s o È All other proqràm servrce rêvenúÉ 9TÖtãl.Add lrnes 2à-2f , 3 lnvestment ìncomê (rncludrng drvtdends, ¡nterÊst¡ ðnd other . Érrnrlårämôunts). t84,99B > 4 lncÒmê from rnvêstment of täx-exempt bond prcceeds > sRoyaltres, , . (r) Real > (rt) Personal 6a Grois rênts 53,975 b Lêss rentål erpen#s ç Rent¿l rncome or (lo5s) d Net rentâi tncome or (los5) 53,975 c Þ (N) Other {r} Secufltres 1.197,56¡ o 5 6 (, cÉ {r ô b Less costoi c d Gðro or (los5) other bssrs ãnd çëlÈg etænse5 2,7-t2,1\1 425,25, 425,25t- Net garn or (loss) 8a Gross rn(oñe lrom fundrarsrrg (not rncludrng I ol El rf followrng SoP 98-2 (ASC 958'720) (20r7) Form 990 (2017) Pärt X Page 11 Ealan'ce Sheet Check tf Schedule O contarns a 0r note to å lrne rn thrs Part IX (A) (E) Begrnnrng of year Ënd of year 72,704 343,577 Cash*non- rnterest-beanng Savrngs and temporary cash rnvestmenhs 4,472.451 Pledges and grÂnts recervable, net 16,660 Accounts recervable, net 4 J,950 Loans and other recervables from current and former offrcers, drrectors, 6 trustees. key ernployees, and hrghest compensated employees Cornplete Part II of Schedute [ , Loans end other recervåbles from other drsquahfred persons (as defrned under 7 sêctron 4958(fX1)), persons descrrbed rn sectron 4958(c)(3)(B), and contrrbutrnE employers and sponsorrnE organrzatrons of sectron 501(cXg) volu ntary employees' benefrcr ary organrzatrons ( see ¡nstructr ons ) Complete Part II of Schedule L Notes and loans recervable, net I Inventorres for sale or use 9 Prepard expenses and deferred charges th o Ø 10a b Land, burldrngs, and equrpnrent cost or other basrs Complete Pärt VI of Schedule D 5 6 7 I 411.143 9 407,370 363,893 lOc 292,552 1Oa Less accumulated deprecratron 7,554,602 1f 9.204,472 178,889 L2 103,834 L2 Investments- publrcly traded secuntres Investments*other secur¡tres See Part IV, lrne 11 13 Investments*program-related See Part IV, lrne t4 Intangrble assets L4 15 Other assets See Part IV, lrne 11 15 11 13 11 through 15 (must equaI lrne 34) 16 Total assets.Add lrnes LT AccounÈs payable and accrued expenses 18 Grants 19 Deferred rêvenue 19 20 Tax-exempt bond lrab¡lrtres 20 Escrow or custodral àccount lrabrftty Complete Pa¡t IV of Schedule D 27 o 2L o 22 payable 1 1 2,701 ,935 16 14,55S,333 878,3'1 r t7 844,451 18 . Loans and other payables to current.and former offrcefs, drrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compensated'elhployees, and dtsqualrfted persons Complete Part II of Schadule L . gecured moftgågeE and notes påyåbìè to unrelated thtrd partres 22 23 24 2E U¡secured ßgtes and loane payeble to unrelated thrrd partres Other labrlrtres (rncludrng Federal tnçome tax, payables to related thtrd parttes, and other habrlrttes not rncluded on ltnes 17-24) 26 Total liahilítÍ€s.Add hnes 17 lhrough 25 ff 23 24 25 CompleÈe Part X of Schedule D Organixations tbat follow sFA'$ 117 (ASC 958)r chech here complete lines 2? through 29, äGtd lines 33 and 34. e; () = c0 o { zo ) M 878,31r 26 844,451 11.823,624 27 13,710,882 and 27 Unrestflcted net åssets 28 Temporanrly restflcted net äseêtg 28 29 PernlÊnen$y restrrcted net assets 29 30 Organizations tbat do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check he¡e ) E anU complete lines 30 through 34, Caprtal stock or trust pnncrpal, or current funds 30 31 Pard-rn or caprtal surplus. or land, butldtng or equtpment fund 31 22 Retarned earnrngs, endowment, accumulated rncome, or other funds 32 33 Total ¡et ass€ts or fund balances 11,823,624 33 13.7 1 0,882 34 Total lab¡lrtres and net assels/fund balances 12,701,935 34 14,555,333 ( 2017 ) Forrn 990 (2017) fl@! 12 Page Reconcilliation of Net Assets Check rf Schedule 0 contatns a nse or note to ø Irne rn thts Paft XI t 8,684,566 2 Total revenue (must equal Part VIlt, Çolumn (A), hne 12) Total expenses (rnust equål Pårt IX, column (A), lne 25) 2 7, 39 3 Revenue less êxpenses Subtrêct lrne 2 from lrne 3 1,29 3,5 4 Net assets or fund balances at beqinnlng ofyear (must egual Part X, hne 33, column (A)) 4 Lt,823,624 5 Net unrealrzed garns (losses) on rnvestments ö 606,063 6 Donated servrces and use of facrlrtres 6 7 Investment expenses 7 I Prror perrod adJUstments 9 Other chânges tn net åssets or fund balances (expfarn rn Schedule O) I I I 1 , 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combrne trnes 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, hne 33, coiumn Part XII 5 -12,3ZO 10 1 a or note to a lrne rn thrs Part 3,7 1 0,882 n XII Yes 2a 1 Financial Stätements än d Reporting Check rf Schedule O contarns 1 1,051 No 'Ü Accountrng method used to prep¿re the Form 990 E castr U Acc.ual ot¡'". if the organrzatron changed rts method of accountrng from a prror year or checked "Other," explarn tn Schedule O Were the organrzatron's frnancräl statements comprled or revrewed by an tndependeat accountantT No 2a If 'Yes,'check a,bcx beÌow to lndrcate whether thê frnäncral statêrnents fôr the veêr were comprled or revrewed on a separate basrs, consalrdated basrs, or both il b Separate basrs I consolidated basrs il aoth conso¡rdèted and separate basrs Were the orgånrzatron's frnancral ståtements ¿r¡drted by an rndependent gccount¿nt? If 'Yes,'check a box below to 2l:. Yes 2c Yes rnd¡cate whether the.ftnsncral statements for the year were audrted on a separate basrs, consolrdàlêd basrs, or both I c separate basrs M Consolrdated basrs I gotn consohdated änd separate basrs If "Yes," to lrne 2a or 2b, does the organrzalrçn have ¿ commrttee that assumes responsrbrlrty for overstght of the audrt, revrêw, or compllatron of tts frnanctal ståtements and selectton of an tndependent accoi¡ntantr If the orçanrzatron changed erther rts oversrght process of selectton process durrng the tax year, explarn ln Schedu[e O 3a b As ¿ resull of a federal award, was the organlzatron requrred Audrt Act and OMB Crrcular A-133? to undergo an audlt or audrts ¿s set forth rn the Stngle drd the organrzatron undergo the requrred audrt or audrts? If the organtzatton drd not undergo the requtred audrt or audrts, explarn why rn Schedule O and descrtbe any steps taken to undergo such ¿udrts 3a No If "Yes,'' 3b Form 990 (2017) Additional Datå Ëoftware IÞl Softr¡uårê Versiön¡ Ell{¡ 5L-Ot47724 Name: THE NATIONAT RIGHT Form 990 F.K tt Form 99O, Pêrt trII, Line 4å: TO TO STATE$ TO 28 OTHER AS WELL A5 TO qOMPUTSORY UNIONISM TT5 BY TOTAL OF RIGHT TO WORK efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS SCHËDULË (Forn EZI 990 DLN: 93493214004498 Political Gampaign ând Lobbying Activ¡tie$ C or 990- l)!¡ilììrl.ll]Ènt ol Ihc'lrel:un lntern¡l ïler cnuc Serr rcc As Filed Data * 2017 For Organtzations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) and seetion 527 Open t0 P¡¡blic ÞComplete if the organization is described below, ÞAftach to Form 990 or Form 99O-Ë2. )Informalion about Schedule C (Form 99o or 99o-FZ) and its instructions is at lf the organizatron answered ne 3, or Forrn 990-EZ, Part V, line 46 (Polúicå¡ on -0447 OMB No Inspection gn ), lhen il-8 Part ll-A line 3öc nufil orga nrzatton THE NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK COMMITTEE Part I-A 1 Complete ¡f the org n is exempt u L47724 c)ori sect¡on 2 Provrde a descrtptron of the organtzatton's drrect and rndrrect polttrcal campagn "polrtrcal cêmpargn actrvrtres") Polrtrcal camparçn actrvtty expendrtures (see rnstructrons) 3 Volunteer hours for on 527 orga rt IV (see rnstructrons for deftnrtton of $ acttvtttes see ln Part I-B Complete ¡f the oÍganization ¡s exempt u Enter the amount of:ny excrse t¿x ¡ncurred by the organrzatron 3). 1 t¡nder sêctron 4955 2 Enter the amount of any exctse tax ¡ncurred by organrzatron managefs under sectron 4955 3 lf the organrzatron rncurred a sectron 4955 tax, drd rt frle Form 4720 tilr thrs year? 4a Was a correctron made? " descrrbe rn Pa¡t IV btf Part I-C I Enter the amount drrecily expended by the frlrng organtzatron Enter the åmount of the frlrng organrzatron's funds contnbuÈed ¡P H v*t E 527 exempt functlon actrvrtres > organrzatrons for sectron 527 exempt functton actrvrtres 2 Y"" ilno ! ¡¡o 5O1{c), Gxcept sêct¡on 501(c)(3). Complete ¡f thê organ¡zation ie exempt u 2 $ I >$ 3 Totat exempt functron expendrtures Add ltnes 1 and 4 Drd 5 Ënterthe names, ¿ddresses and employertdentrfcatton nurnber (ËtN) of ¿ll sectron 527 polrtrcal organtzatrons to whrch the frlrng orgånrzatron made payments FËr each organr2atron trsted, enter the amount pard from the frltng organtzatron's funds A lso enter the amount of polrtrcal contnbutrons recelved thah were prornptly and drrectly deltvered to a separate polttrcal organteatron, such as a separate segregated f!¡nd or a polrtrcal actron commtttee (PAC) If addttlonal space ¡s needed, provrde rnformatron rn Part IV the ftlrng organrzatron frle Form 1120-ÞOL for thrs En?êr'here and on Form 1120-POL, lrne 17b $ HY"* [n" yeaf (c) EIN (d) Amount patd from frIng organrzatton's funds If none, enter -0- (e) Amount of polrttcal contnbuttons recerved and promptly and drrectly delrvered to separate polrtrcal a orgånrzåtron If none, enter -0- t 2 3 4 5 6 Påp€twork Rèduct¡on Act Hotrce, s€ê thë laÉtructtons or Càt No 500845 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 rm 990 or 990- Schedule C Part II-B 20L7 For each "Yes" response on l¡nes 1a through ft below, provde tn Part IV a detatted descnptton of thë tabbymg acttvtty 1 Þunng the orgaflrzatron ce statê or n, tncludtng any attempt to tnfluence publrc oprnron on a legrslatrve màttar or referendum. through Volunteers? b Pard c Med ra advertrserrrentsT d Marlrngs ê Pubhcatrons. or publrshed or broadcast statåments? f c Grants to other orgaûlzatrons for lobbyrng purpoEes? Drrect contact wrth legrslators, therr staffs, government offrcra[s, or a legrslatrve bodyr Rallres, demonstrat¡ons/ semrnêrs/ conventtons, speeches, lectures, or any stmrlar means?. Other actrvrtres? Totêt Add lrnes 1c through 1r Dtd the actrvrtres rn ltne l cause the organrzatron to bè not descrrbed tn sectrorr 5tL(cx3)? If ''Yes," enter the àmount of any tax lncurred under sectlon 4912 If ''Yes," enter the amount of any tax rncurred by organrzatron m¿nagers undersectron 4912 d If the ftlrng orgânrzåtlon rncurred å sectron 4912 tåx, h ¡ j 2a b Yes Amount No year, a s 3 Complete if the organization is exempt under sectìon 501(c) (3) and has NOT filed Fcrm 5768 election under 50 us@ of staff or månagement (rnclude cornpensåtron rn expenses reporled on llnes 1c through Fart III-A to members, legrslators, or the pubhc? drd rt flle (c)(4), sect¡on 501(c)(5), or sect¡on Complete if the organization is exempt 50 6 Yes Were substantrally all (90% or more) dues recelved nondeductrble Drd the organrzatron make only rn-house lobbyrng expeadÉures of Þtd the organrzatron agree to cêrry ovea lobbylng and' 1 2 3 Part III-B I from the pnor year? No 2 3 No No Complete if the organization is empt u sect¡on 5O1(c)(4), section 5O1(c)(5), or sect¡on 5O1(cX6) and if either (a) BOTH Paú IfI*^, lines I eÃd 2, ar€ answered "No" OR (b) Part III-A, line 3, is änswered "Yes." Dues, assessrnents and stmtlar amounts Sect¡on t62(e) nondeductrble lobbyrng and 2 lessT No 1 I 7,55r,879 2Z 4,576,508 Ínclude ämoünts of political expenses for which the section 527çlt, a Current year 2b b c 3 dues 4 the excess does 2c 4,576,508 3 7,551,879 polrtrcäl 5 4 Taxable åmount of lobbyrng and Part lV expendrtures (see tnstructrons) -2,975,37L 5 sup Provrde the descnptrons requrred for Pàrt lnstructrons L Return Reference ine 1, Part l-8, thrs l¡ne for a 4, Part l-C, hne 5, Part Il-A (affrhated group lrst), Part II-4, ltnes l and 2 (see addrtronal rnformatron Explanatron ule C (Form 990 or 99 20L7 efile GRAPHIC or¡nt - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE D As Filed Dðta - DLN: 93493214004498 OMB Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) Þ Complete ¡f the orgån¡¿âtíoñ ån$r¡rered "Ye$," on Form gg0, Fart IV, line 6,7,8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 1ld, 1te, 11î, 12a, a¡ 12b, > Attach to Form 990, I)t¡rrtmc.rrl of lhc l rt'r¡run Information about Schedule D (Form 99o) and its înstructions is at llrlenrrl Rer enuç' S,¡rr rcc Name of the organization No 1545-0047 2017 open to Publíc Inspection ¡v¿r i¿laxllfiar) THE NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK COMIIITTEE PðTt I Organization$ l{ainta¡ning Donor Advised Funds or Com rf the o Similar Funds (a) 1 2 Total number åt e¡d of year 3 Aggregate value of grants from (durrng year) Aggrega[e vålue st end of year nt$. PArt IV Irne 6. nrzätron ånswered "Yes" on Forrn and other accounts Donor advtsed funds Aqçrêqete velue of contrrbutrons to (dunng year) 4 Ord the orgênruatton Inform all donors and donor advrsors rn wntrng 5 nds åre the thêt the å$sêts held ¡n do¡or I v." fl organreatlon's property, subJect to the oroênrzatron's exclu II Part I no for Þrd the orgånrzätron rntorm all grantees, donorf, and dono chantable purposes and not for the beneftt of the donor or pnvate benefrt? 6 permrssrbte Iv."Eruo Part IV lrne a 7 PurpôEê(s) of conservatron êêsêmênts held by the organr n Preservåtron of land for publtc use (e g , recreatton an hr$toncally rmportånt land areâ Protectron of natural håbrtåb a cerÈtfted htstortc structure Preservatron of open space 2 complête Lnes 2a through 2d rf the orgånrzatron held a easement on the last day of the tax year Total number of conservatron easements ¡ b c d form of q the End of the Year 2a Total acreage rest:rcted by conservatton easements 2b Number of conservatron easements on a certrfred htstorq structure rncluded tn (a) lc Number of conservatron easements rncluded rn structure hsted tn the Natronal Reglster {r} acqurred after 8lL7/0Ê, and not on a hlstonc 2d transferred, released, extrtgurshêd. or termtnated by the organlzatton durtng the 3 Number ôf conservêtron eåsemênts tax year Þ 4 Number of states where property sub¡ect to cõnservatron easement rs focated Þ 5 Does the organrzatron have ¿ v;nktan pchcy r,egardrng the perrodrc moñrtonngr tnspectton, handlrng of vtolattons, and enforcement of the conservahon eãsements tÈ holdsz ü v"" Ü xo 6 Slaft and voiunteer hours devoÈed to monttonng, rn5Fectrng, handkng of vrolat¡ons, and enforctng conservatton easements durrng the year 7 AmounÈ of expenses rncurred rn monttsnng, rnspecttng, handlrng of vrolatrons, and enforcrng conservatton easements dunng the year >$ E Does each consefvatton easem ent reported on lrne 2(d) above sattsñ7 the requtrements of sectron !7O(hXaXBXt) ¿nd sechton 170(h)(4)(B)(tt) I 9 In Part XIII, descnbe how the organrzaüon reports conservatr on easeme¡t5 ln ¡ts revenue and expense st€tement, ånd balance sheet, and rnclude, rf app cable, Èhe text of the footnote to the organtzatton's f¡nancral statements that descrlbes accountrng for consetvatron eàEements the Part III 1a If the organrzatron elected, as permrtted under SFAS 1t-6 (ASc 95ê), not to report 6 EY"" Ino ns Ma¡ntainÍng Coltections of ¡Art, Hiçtorical Treasures, o. Other Similar Assets. "Yes" on Form 990 PATt IV Irne B rn ¡ts rève nue ståtement ¿nd balence sheet works of art, hrstorrcal treasures, oaöthâr srmrlar assets held for publrc exhtbrtron, educatron, or resea rch rn furtherance of publrc servtce, provrde, ln Part XIII, the text of the footnote to rts frnancral statements that descrtbes these tems lf the organrzôttôn elected, as permltted under SFAS 1f6 (ASC 958), to rêpoft rn rt$ rêvênue statément and bal¿nce sheet works of art, hrstolcal treåsures, or other srmllar assets held for public exhrbrtron, educatron, or research rn furtherance of publrc gerylce¡ provrde the follolrng amounts relattng to these rtems (i) Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part (iî)Assets rncluded rn Form 990, Part 2 a b Vlfl, llne >$ >9 1 X If the organtzatton recerved or held works of art, hrstor¡cai treåsures¡ or other srmrlar assets for hnanclal 9aln, provlde the follorvrng amounts requrred to be reported under 5F,AS 116 (ASC 958) relatrng to these rtems Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part Assets rncluded tn Form 990, Pârt For Pape Act VIII, lrne I X see the tnstructions for Form 99O. >$ Þs C.¡t No 52283D Schedule D (Form zoLT Sehedule D (Forrñ 990) 2017 Fart 3 Page 2 Collections of an¡zations Mainta¡n or Other Similar Assets check any of the followrng thtt äre å srgnrfrcant use of rts collectron Historical Treasu Ustng the organtzatton's åcqutsrtron, accessron, and other records, rtems (check all that apply) ä [ Pubkc exhtbrtron b-,{-,henother L-J Scholarly research c Ü Preservatron for future d ¡ Loan or exchange prograrns generatrons 4 Provlde a descrrptron of the organrzat¡on's collect¡ons and explarn how they further the organtzatron's exempt purpose lrì Part XIII 5 Ðurrng the year, drd the organrzatron sohcrt or recerve donatrons of art, htstoncai treasures or assetç'to be sold to ratse funds rather than to be marntarned as part of the organtzatton's Part IV nY"r nH" Escrow and Çuotodial Arrangements. Conrplete rf the organrzatton answered "Yês'' on Form 990, Part IV, lrnè 9, or reported an åmount on Form 990, Part X, hne 21. Is the organrzatron an agent, trustee, custodran or other rntermedrary for contrtbuttons or other Bsset not rnclr..:ded on Form 990, PaÉ Xr 1a Amount b If "Yes," explarn the ãrràrìgement rn Pårt XIII ånd complete the followrng table c Begrnnrng balance 1c d Addrtrons durrng the year 1d ê Ðrstnbutrons durrng the year fe f Endrng balance 2a Ðrd the organrzatron rnclude an amount on Form 990, Part X, ltne 21, b lf "Y.t," explarn the arrangement rn Part XIII Check here rl the 1f or custodral accoünt ltabtlrty; nno fl y"" tr s been provrded rn Part XIII "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, ltne 10 Endowment Funds. Complete rf Part V ilv*" ilno lbìPrror vear (c)Twó years back (d)Three years back back le Begrnnrng of year balance b Contnbutrons c Net rnvestment eàrnlngs, garns, and losses d Grants or scholarshrps . e Other expendrtures for facrl¡tres and programs f Admrnrstratrve expeflses g End of year balance the curr¿nt year end bålänce (l¡ne 19, colt¡mn (a)) held Provrde the estrmåted percentåge of 2 a Board desrgnated or quasr-endçwment Þ b Perrnanent endowment Þ c Temporarrty restncted endowment Þ 3a as The percentåges on lrneg 2a, 2b, and 2c should equel 100o/o Are there endowrneiRt',funds not rn the possesston of the organrzatron that are held and admtntstered for the Yes organtzatron by (i) ( b No 3a(.) unrelated orgrnrzatrons 3a( ¡¡) relåted örgèrìrzåtróns If "Yes" on 3a(ir), are the related organrzätrons lrsted as requtred on Schedule ii) 3b R2 Descrrbe rn Part XI.$ the rntended uses of the organrzatton's endowment funds 4 @ Land, BuÌldingâ, Corn rf the Descnptron of property êÍd Equipment. rzatron answered "Yes" on Form 990 {a) Cost or other bðsÌs (b) Cosl or other rt IV Irne 11a. Form 990 Part (c) Accumulated deprectãtron bôsrs (other) X lrne 10 (d) Book value (rûvestmenl) 1â L¿nd b Bu tld rngs c Leasehold rmprovernents d Ëqurpment e Other Total, Add lrnes 1a through 7e (Column (d) must Form 990, Part 3?3,0 16 295,865 27,tst I,A12,448 774,30t 238,147 478,621 45 1,367 1 27,254 292,552 Schedute Þ (Form 99O) e017 Schedulè Þ (Ëcrn 99oJ 2017 page 3 of strulrty of (èt€gory (a) ( ncludrng n¿me ot secu¡rty) (b) Co![ or end of-yeÈr màrket value Book !ålue (t,) (2) Frnàncrai deí!åtr\.es Cloæly-he¡d equrty rnter$ts (3)Other {À) (ð) tc) (F) (c) (H) ol Tot l. Pärì answerÊd 'Yes'on Form 990, Paft IV, llne 1lc. see Form 990, Part X, lrne Complete rf lhe Degcíptrgn ûnÊ 1ã Inveslment Co$t or vôluc (1) (e) lotå1, Pärt lX tñe Olhêr Atftì3" côdblelê rF t1) thå ôrdåôr2åtróñ âñs$ârêd Ydq' oñ Fórñ 99û. Pâit IV- l¡ñd l1d Eåé Boot vêlue (1) (l) ({) (5) (6) (8) (e) ñvst P¿ft col anslvêred'Yè5'on Form 990, Pàr't [V, kne 11è or 11f, (b) Bool f, value (1) Federal ;ncone (z) (l) (4) (5i (6) {s) lotè1. lbi ¡rrrl e?!¿lFdn tç{), parl X, ol (A) tae 25 ) 2.L¡abítrtyfcfuncert¡rntèxpÖstkon5 lnPènXllf,prov¡dethetextofthefootnotetotheorgànr¿êùon'sinåncràlst¿têffenlsùhstreÞaltgthe gj orqènr¿atron's lÊbÍ ty lat !nceftarn lax posrton5 under Ëil'i 48 (ASC 740) che(k hcre rf lhe text of çhe foctrotè hês been provlded tn Pårt XII: schèdulê D {Form 990} 2017 Schedule D (Form 990) 2017 Page Part XI , Reconciliation of Revenue I Com lête rf the antzatroñ ¿nswered 'Yes' on Form 990 PåTt IV lrnê 12ä Total revenue/ gàrns. and other support per audrted frnancral statementg 2 Amoúnts rncluded on llne 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII. lne 12 a Net unrealtzed garns (losses) on rnve3tments , 2a b Donated servrces ånd usê of facrlrttes 2b c Recoverres of prror year grånts 2c d Other (Descrbe rn Part XIII 2d ê Add hnes 2a through 2d ) 3 Subtrêct lrne 2e from ftne 4 Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part Vlll, hne 1.2, but not on hne . lnvestmeût expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Part VII[, lrne 7b 4a b Other (Descnbe tn Part XII1 4b c Add lrnes 4a and ) Total revenue Add hnes 3 and 4c, (Thrs must equal Form 990, Pêrt I, ltne 1? Part XIï 1 Totål expenseE and losses per åudrted frnanc¡al stâternents 2 Amounts rncluded on lrne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25 Donated servrces and use of facrlrtres b c d e Pnor year ad.¡ustments 2c Obher (Descrrbe rn Part XIII 2d 2d 3 8,569.892 4c II4,67 5 8,684,566 I 4 penses per Return. 1 Other losses Add hnes 2a throuçh 953,00 ântzatton ãnswered 'Yes' on Form 9 a ) 7,635,635 359,258 2e , Subtract lrne 2e from lrne I 3 ) Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements tf the o 2ê t 1¿ . 5 Com 9,522,893 I a 4b I 346,938 . I 4 per Audited Ëinancial Statements With Revenue per Return 3 . 359,258 7,276,377 Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part IX, hne 25, but not on lrne 1! 4 a b c 5 lnvestment expenses not rncluded on Form 990, P¿rt VIll, hne 7b Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIll ) t14,674 4c Add l¡nes 4a and 4b Totai expenses Add lrnes 3 and 4c. Part XIII must Supplemental Inform for Part ¡I, lrnes Provrde the descrrpttons requtred XT 4a 4h . lrnes 2d and 4b, and Part XI[, lt Return Reference 990 Fart and 9, III, I, ltne 18 lrnes 1a and 5 ) 1t4,674 7,39r,45L lb and 2b, Parl V, llne 4, Part X, llne 2, Pari add¡tronal rnformatron 4, Part lV, trnçs part to provrde a Ëxplanatron See Addrtronal Dala Table Schedçle D (form 990) 2017 schedule Ð (Form 990) 2017 Part XïlI Return Reference Êage 5 Information Fxplanatrcn 1 %. { "d #Hãsr.Þ lForm 990) 2017 Additicnat Data Software fD¡ Software Verg*onl EIlrll 5L-4L47724 Nam* THE NATIONAL RIGfIT Informatfon Return Reference PART X, LINE 2 THE lt'l SUBJÊCI To ÊXAMINATIÖN oR EXPECTS TO TAKE TZËS THË TAX BËNËËTIS ÊRÔM UNCËRTATN INCOMË T OÏ THË TAX POSTTION WILL BË ORÞsÞ NO IJABILN-Y FOR UNCFRTAIN IN ITS FINANCIALST IN THE TAX YEARS THAT REMA RËTURN TfIE CÔfVIMTTTËË RËCOGN IF IT ]S MOR.Ê I-TKËLY THAN N TAX THE COMM¡TÏËË REC FOR ANY OPEN TAX YFARS ReÈurn Refèrenie PART XI, LINÊ 2Ð . ADJUSTMENTS OTHËR Ëxplanatron OPËRATTNG REVENUE OF WHOIIY-OWNED ÊOR.PROFIT SUÞSTÞIARY 346,938 emefltÊrl Retur¡ Refèrence PARTXI, t¡NH 4B - OTH*R ADJUSTMTNTS Explanatron RBNTS ANÐ çO5T-SfIARING FROM WHOLLY-OWNMÞ FÐR-PROFTT SUßSIDIARY 174,674 Return Refèrence PARTXI, IJNE4B - OTH*R ADJUSTMENTS Êxplanatron RENTS ANÞ COST-SIIARTNG FROM WHOttY.9WNfrÞ FOR-PROFM SUBSTDIARY TT4,674 Return Refèrence PART XN, IINF 2D ADJUSTMENT5 - OTHBR OPERAITNG EXPENSFS OF WHOTTY.OWNEÞ ËOR.PROFXT SUESID¡ARY 359,25É Return RefÞrence PART XTI, LIN* 4F - OTHÊR AÞJUSTMfNTS Explanahon RENTS ANÞ ÇOST-SHARTIÊG FROM WHOLIY.OWNf;Þ FOR"PROFTÏ SUåSTDIARY 114.074 : RAPIIIC DriNt. DO NOT PROCESS e I AG Filed Däla - DLN: Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and lndividuals in the Unlted States (Form 990) comFletè lf the orsân¡rðtlô" Depð.tnretìl rl ihe > Informatlon äbout Sch€dule I ïäijff;J':?;_"lff:- e!0, Part IV, llhe 11 or 24fi 22. (Fûrm 990) ãrd ¡ts ¡nstructions ís at www,lrs,oav/1om9.9.O, THÊ Í'JATIONAL RIçHT TO WORK COÞ1I'1ITTEE Part I on an 1 Þoes the orçanr¿ðt¡on m¿rntðrn recordt to substêntrðte the êrnount of tlre gr(nts cr ðsslstðn.e, the grëntee5'ei,qrbrlrly lor the grants or ès5rstðn.e, dñd the gelectron cfitenð used to av/ard lhe gaânìs or ê55rilancel , , , 2 Dêknbe tn Pðrt lV the orgånr¿¿tro¡'5 p¡ocedures for fronrtoflñq the usÊ of gråñt funds rn thè Unrted StðtÈ5 a Ei answered 'Yes" on Fotm olel€ v.t n à¡y *" rectpreôt Í (a) Name and address af oTgàntzêtton (h) Eßr (c) IRç sect¡qn (rf rppLcable) (d) Amouat of cãsh grånt (e) Amount of non' or goverñment (g) Descrptron of noDcasfì ¿sststance cash ä95lstånce (h) Purpose ot g.¿nt or êSsrgtsfce (1) 5ee Addrtronal D¿ta (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (0) (e) ( r0) ( 11) ( 12) 2 3 Ëor Enter total number of seÇtror 501(c)(3) and government crgan:¿¿hons irsted rn the ltFe Ent€r totðl 4uÊ¡ber af athEr orgaErzatlohs lsted In thè lìoe I tåbfE . Þ.peruo.k Redvclion Act Nolice, 5€€ the lngtrqcltqng lor Fotm 99o. I 10 Cér tio 50055P Schêdlle I (Forh 9eô) 2017 2017 ft ITI (ã) Iypê of gtänt ar on åssrstâncê (bl Numtier of (c) (d) AmÒr¡nt of (c) Amount of Method (fl ofvaluäÍon noneãsh ågsrstaôce cas h (1) á. (:) (3) (4) (5) Å (6) (7) Fârt IV Return R€fêr€EcG PART UNE 2 rn ExFlånätlon TO RECOG¡¡TZED III, colu and any other Dêscrìphoh of nôné5h âsrstàncê Add¡tl0ilal Datã Softwårê ID: Softü¡âFè Vsrci0ni Ëll{¡ ¡TËñe: (a) Name and ¡ddrc¡ of (b) (d) Amount of Ë¡r'l organrzatto{l or govêrññ6nt CONSÊ*VAÏIVË AETIÖN LFAEUF PO BOX 1082 51,"0147724 THE NATIONAT RIGIIT TO WORK COMMfTTEÍ Comptete if the organizations answe¡ed "Yes" on Form 99Û, Part IV, lÍnes 29 or 80. > A$ach to Forrn 990. >Information about Schedule M (Form 990) and its instructions is at l)r'¡rrrtrrrenl rll' tirc Trr'il\un tce Irrlentrl tìet enut' Open to Public Ins organrzatton me THÉ NATXONAL RJGHT TO WORK COMþTITTEE sL-0t47724 Part I of (d) (b) (a) Method ot determrnrng noncash contrrbutron amounts Check rf Itlumber of contrrbutrons or rtems contnbuted applrcabÌe L Art-Works of art 2 Art- H rstÖncâl treasures Art- Practronal rnterests 3 4 Books and publrcåtron5 Cìothrng and household goods Cars and other vehrcles Boats and planes " 5 6 7 I I 11 Intellectual propêrty Securrtres-Pubhcly traded Securrtres*Closely held stock Secu rrtres-Partnershtp, LLC, t-2 Secuntres-Mrscell¿neous 13 Qua I rfred L4 stru ctu res Qual rf red conservatron 15 Real 10 52,624 FMV ON DATE OF GIFT 4 X or trust rnterestg . consêrvatron contr¡button-H rstonc contrrbut rcn-Other estate* Restdent¡al Real estate-Commercl al 1õ L7 18 19 Real estate*Other Collectrbles Food rnventory . Drugs and medrcal supphes Taxrdermy Hrstoncal artrfacts Screntrirc spectmens Archeologtcal artrfacts other Þ ( Other > ( ) Other > ( ) j Other > 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Number of Forms 8283 recerved by theurganrzåtroh d unng the tax ye*r fôr contnbutlong for whrch tFie organtzatron completed Form 8283, Part IV, Ðonee Acknowledgement 29 2e Yes property reported ln Fart 1, lrnes 1 through 28,- that the organrzatron recetve by contrtbutron any must irotd för ai least lhrej years from the date of the rnrtral contrrbutron, and whtch rs not requtred to be used for exempt purposes for the ent¡re hetdtn€i peñod7 3Oa Durrng the year, drd b 3l If "Yes," descr¡be the arrangement ln Part that requ¡res the revtew of any nonstandard contnbutlons? 32a Ðoes thê organtzätton hlre or use thtrd pãrtreE or related orgåntzattons to sôllctt, process, or sell noncash . 30a No 31 No !I Does the organtzattoñ have a grft åcceptance polrcy contrrbuttons? No rt . b If "Yes," descrlb¿ rn Part II 33 If the organrzatron drd not report an amount rn column (c) for a type of PropeÉY for whlch t2a column (a) ts checked, descrtbe tn Pert 1I For Paperwork Redu(t¡on Act Noìlce, see the fnstluctlons tor Form 990' cår No 51227J Schedule M (Form 990) (ZOfZ) echédule l.l lForm SgOl f Page 2 20l7l Supplelmentäl Informät¡on. Provrde the lnformatron requrred Þy Paft I, lrnes 30b, 32b. and 33, and whether the organtzatton ls reportrng tn Part I, column (b), the number of contnbuttofts, the number of rtems recerved, or a combrnatron of both. Also complete Returñ Referêntê PART I, COLUMN Explänatron NUM OF 990ì 120É7ì Ef¡IE GRAPHIC Drint * DO NOT PROCESS SCHËÞUtE O (Form 990 or 990- Êzl l)cIiìrt:ll('rìt rri the -['reil:un As Filed Data * DLN: 93493214004498 Supplemental lnformation to Form 990 or 990-Hz Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on Form 990 or 99O-EZ or to provide any additional information, Þ Âttach to Form 990 or 990-Ëä. Þ Information about Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its ínstruct¡ons is at www,irs.qov/form99O. sI-ar47'ì24 99O Schedule O, Supplementäl Information FORM 990, PARÏ V, LINE 39 No 1545-0A47 017 Open to Pu fnspection n number e organtzatton THE NATIOI{At RIGHT TO WORK ÇOMI"IITTÉE Rsturn Reference OMB Explanatron FORM 990-T WILL BË FItÊD LATER UNDËR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE 99O Schedule O, SuppleñÊntãl IilfÕmrat¡on Return Rtfèrence PER ITS BYIAWS, THE COMMITTEË HA$ AN ËXËCUTIVÊ CCIMMIlÏHË (ÊE) VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE EOARD OF DIRECTORS. THE FRESIDENT (W.IO IS ALSO O 4 ADDITIONAL DIRECTCIRS ELECTËD BY THE BOARÐ, FOR A MAXIMUM OF 7 E BYLAWS^ THE EC EXERCISES BOARÐ AUTHORITY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PE ËN MËËTING$ OËTHË ËULL BOARD THE CHÆRMAN AND UPT ÏH 99O Schedule O, Supplemental Information Ëxplånaùon Returri Reference À MIX, CHARLES SERIO, $ANDRA CRANDALT ANÐ ÞUNCAN SCOTT MlX, CHARLES GERIO, CORNELL GETHMANN, SANÐRA CRANDALL, ERIK USINESS RËLATIONHIP) MARK A sHrP), MARK (B 9ÐO Sehedule Q, supplemçntãl trnformat¡on Ëxplanaûon Return Reference THI PRESIDENT, WHO IS AL$O A BOARD ANÐ ËXECUTIVË COMMITTEÉ MEMBËR, PARED BY THE COMMITTEE'S OUTSIDE CPAS IN CONSULTATION WITH TÞ{E CORPORATË COUNSEL FORM 9gO IS FILËD AFTER THE PRËSIDËNT GIVES HtS FI OF FORM 990 AS FRH AND 99O Schedule O, Euppl€mentâl InforÊlat¡on Returrl Reference Ërplanetron INTERÊST, REVIEWS ËACH YEAR. THE ËXËCUTIVE OOMMIT"TEE. MINUS ÀNY MSMBERS WITH A THE PRESIDENT'S COMPENSATION, RECEIVING AND RELYING ON A REPCIRT DATAAS TO COMPARABILITY THE EXECUTIVË COMMITTEE THHN DËTFRMINES ATION THAT WILL 3E IN EFFECT UNTIL THE NEXT ANNUAL REVIEW, ADOPTING A ËoR M îHË ACTTON TAKËN THË RËSOLUTION I$ INOLUÞËÐ IN THË HXËCUTIVË THE AND EËTING AT WHICH THE REVIEW TOOK PLACË, AND THOSË MINUTES ARE PROTESSA DOCUMËNTING ËXECUTIVË COMMITTËË'S NHXT REGULARIY SCHEDUTEO MËËTING FORM S RE KEPT, AND THE PRESIDENT'S COMPEÑSATION IS REFLECTED ON 90 FILING, AS RËOUIRËÐ 9Ðo Sch.edule O, Supplem*ntal trnformation Ëxplanatton Returri Reference THf OOMMITTEfr MAKES ITS AUDITËÞ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AVAILABLE TO IT MAKES ITS GOVERNING DOCUMENTS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOLICY IF AND TO THE EXTËNT TEGALLY REQUIRED TO DO SO UPON RÊQUEST 99o Schedule O, Supplemental IRformat¡on Returd Reference Ëxplanatron UNREALIZED LOSS ON TNVESTMENT IN WI.IOLIY-OWNËD FOR-PROFIT SU SSIDIARY 20 99O Schedule O, Supplernantâl trrrfonnat¡on Returil Ëxplanâtron Reference ÏHË COMMITTEF ÞËCLINf;S TO PROVIDfr SPECIFIC IDENTIËYING INFORMATIONI ON OUNDS THAT SUCH DISCLOSURE MAY CHILL THE DONORS' FIRST AMENDMENT VATE WITH THE COMMITTEE NAACP NA T ONAt RI GHT TO WORK. 590 F 2D FORMAÏÍON ts gËING FROVI tËD ON SSIGNING A NUMBER TO EACH DONOR LISTED TO ON THË GR IN PRI BYA SCHËDULË R (Form 990) l\1]4il(.[l Þ cqmplete ) ¡ht irÈi\(ß Intrn:rl Rrrcnut Srrr¡cc ùt THÉ NAãIÕNAL tö OfllS Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships ifthe or6aniratio^ "";îïå1nli"r;:l!îil lnfo¡mation about Schedule R (Form eeo. Part 990) and itJ inetruct¡ofts No 1545-0047 20t7 Iv, lin€ 33, 34,35b, ?6, or 37 opeñ to public it ?t wqw,¡rs.Qov/form99t, wÒRK cùt'4Mn rEE Ident¡ficat¡oñ ot D¡sregarded Eftit¡es Çomplete rf thê organrzatron answered "Yes" ón Form 990, Part IV¡ lrne 33. fl@ (.) (b) l*èrns, ðddr es!, ¿hd El& ( f êppl (ðþiei af drsrâqardêd enr'ty Part II ¡dentificat¡on of Related Tax-Exempt Organizat¡ons Complete tf the (b) N¿me, ¿ddrss:. nquêrÈ.j ''Yêc (c) or lôr*,{d rcuotry) (e) Côd-ôf-yêèr ÈtÊç¡g (d) Code sechoi Ór (r) sl €êìtrollilç (") (f) fubIc Lh¿rlty ltafus fscùo¡ SSI i()(,ìll 0!rè¿( ron{!oliiì9 entrty {¡!' 5or(qì{ r) "0ucanoNr.L ]UBLICAì (d) lotêJ rncEm! on.Form 990, Part IV, Ine 34 þecause tt had one or rnot ErsÈ Lègðt dùrnr(¡t4 (sBt€ ¿íi EIN of iÈlálpd orqðn¿ô¡cñ (llN^ltoNÀL INST1TUìt fOR i.Â90ß RCLÀTIONS RC'itÎf,CR 52I! PÙRT ROYAL ROA' 510 o (c) Lêqdl,joqr*lE (:ldte or foreLqn coüntryI .tr,¿e e 3) 7 TOII9 9PRINGFI{LO, VA ¿21ì1 (2lTHE tiÀ1lONÀL Rt6flf lO {lQiìr( CC{4l4trrFÉ PÀç BÜOT :ÉDER^L )27 PÀC IflE f,tÂ'l loNA¡. RI6FT rO WORK CDI¡II1¡TTEÊ BMDDCCì( flOAÞ SÙITE 50Ð 5FfifN6FIÈLD, VA 22T51 I t27 ;TÂfE PAC ÈRÁÞ0CC( RQAII SUÌlË 500 IHT NÂÎTONAL R]GHÍ w0RK cÒt"lt4uÌeË iO sFRI¡JCFIELD, VA 2?151 54"6rd10.36 For Paperuork Reduct¡en Aqt Notice' seè the Fqrm 990, cat No 50135Y Schedule R (ForD 990) ¿017 Scheduie R (FÕrm 990) 2017 EEEIIÐ Pase 2 trdent¡ficätìorr of.Felåtêd Orgän¡zåt¡ons Tâxåble as a P¿rtn€rsh¡p Coinplete tf thè orgåntzäÈton answêred'Y€9" ôn Ëôrnì 990, Pàrt IV, frné 34 bêcäuse rt had ônè or mor€ rêlated ôrgåntzatrons tréatêd as å påÉnershrp dur ng the täx yeär. (â) (") (b) N¡nr^, ¡údresi, ãn, Eif{ af re:¡tc