Dear Caroline, I am writing in response to the letter you sent on 3/8/2019. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me and to share the policies and resources that you feel are relevant to conversations we’ve had over the past several months regarding Barrett Watten’s behavior toward me in and out of the classroom. In your letter you include the Workplace Violence Policy which states: the university will not tolerate any threat, direct or implied, of physical harm to persons or property, or which disrupts or interferes with another’s work performance, or which creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile work or educational environment. You indicate that if I believe my rights have been violated pursuant to this policy, I should provide you with a written complaint, along with supporting evidence. I believe that on several occasions Barrett has violated this policy. While the scope of Barrett’s behavior is difficult to “prove” with supporting evidence—he, like many seasoned bullies, is skilled at avoiding a paper trail—I will do my best to provide you with evidence when available. Barrett’s behavior has interfered with and disrupted my work performance and has created an intimidating, offensive, and hostile work and educational environment on numerous occasions. First, during the Fall 2018 semester as I was talking to a student in front of State Hall, Barrett passed by me and waved. I was paying little attention to my surroundings, as I was listening to a student, and Barrett approached us and demanded to know why I didn’t wave back at him. He then proceeded to put his hand inches from my face and wave furiously at me for an uncomfortably prolonged time. The student was quite taken aback and I was left shaking. Barrett and I did not have a social relationship at that point and his interruption of my conversation with a student as well as his physical invasion of my space made me feel very unsafe and professionally threatened. I had difficulty teaching the class following our interaction and began avoiding the 9th floor so I didn’t have to run into him again and experience similar physical violence. If you would like to contact the student to confirm Barrett’s behavior, I would be happy to share his name with you. Second, I serve as a Graduate Student Mentor through the Composition Program. Part of the work I do as a mentor is provide my mentees, Holly Wielechowski and Laura Kraftowitz,