UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, et al., Plaintiffs, v. 3 Civil Case No. 18-2340 (RJL) CVS HEALTH CORPORATION, et al., 3 Defendants. I MAY 1 3 2019 MEMORANDUM ORDER May/Q, 2019 On October 10, 2018, the United States of America (?the Government?) and the States of California, Florida, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Washington brought this civil antitrust suit to challenge the merger of CVS Health Corporation and Aetna Inc. (?Aetna?). Four months later, having negotiated a mutually agreeable divestiture of a part of Aetna?s business, the Government filed a Motion for Entry of Final Judgment [Dkt 57] on February 25, 2019, seeking to settle this suit through a consent judgment. When settling a civil antitrust suit through a consent judgment, however, the Government must not only comply with the requirements of the Tunney Act, 15 U.S.C. but also be able to demonstrate to a Federal Judge that entry of the proposed ?nal judgment is in the public interest, see id. 16(6). At the April 5, 2019 status hearing in this case, 1 indicated to the parties that it would probably be helpful to me in evaluating whether this proposed linal judgment is in the public interest for the amid curiae participating in this matter to present one or more witnesses at a future hearing regarding the proposed final judgment. As such, I ordered the parties and amici, on April 8, 2019, to submit a list ofpotemial witnesses, with a description of their potential testimony, for my consideration. See Order (Apr. 8, 2019) mm. The Order made it very clear, however, that the Court, alone, would decide which, if any, of the potential witnesses would be called at a future hearing. See id. at 2. Having reviewed the submissions by the American Medical Association [Dl