I I ~ B~ U.S. Small Business Admini str at ion Laura.Wages@sba.govI202-205-6156Iwww.sba.gov Office of Human Resource Solutions I 409 3rd Street , SW I Washington, DC 20416 April 23, 2019 Mr. Austin R. Evers American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, Suite B255 Washingt on, DC20005 Foia@americanove rsight.o rg Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is in response to your Freedom of Informati on Act (FOIA)request Number SBA-2019-000274. Your request was for: "l. Records sufficient t o identify all empl oyees who entered int o a position at the agency as " political appo int ees" sin ce the date the search was conduct ed for FOIA request number SBA-2018-000231(the "Relevant Date") and the t itl e or posit io n of each employee (to the extent that such individ uals have held multiple titles or posit ions since the Relevant Date. ide ntify each title or pos iti on). For purposes of this request , please consider any employee in a PASposition, a presidentially-appointed position , a non-career SES position, a Schedule C position, or any adm inistrative ly-determin ed positi on to be a " politic al appointee ." 2. Records sufficien t to identify all career emplo yees w ho have been detailed into a leadership office or component front off ice since the Relevant Date (as that term is defin ed in request l); the title or position of each employee w hile on detail; and each emp loyee's or iginatin g agency or compo nent , and prior title (t o the exte nt that such individuals have held multiple tit les or posit ions since the Relevant Date, identify each titl e or position). 3. For each indi vidua l ident ified in response to request s 1 to 2: a. The resume provided by the individu al to th e agency in connecti on wit h determining the appropriate salary for the individual , or, if that is not availab le, a recent resume cont ained w ithi n the agency's records. We have no objection to the redactio n of contac t information (addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) for the em ployee or references, or to the redaction of past salary information. Employment, educati on, and professional association info rmat ion is not exempt and we object to any redact io ns of such infor mati on. b. Any confli cts or ethi cs waivers or authorizations for th e indiv idual, including auth or izati ons pursuant to 5 C.F.R.§ 2635.502. c. Records reflect ing any recusal determination made or issued for the indi vidua l. d. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the ind ividual reflecti ng any change in position or title, includ ing when the employee enters or leaves a position. We have no objection t o the redaction of home add resses,telephone numbers , or social security numbers from the SF-S0s. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. 4. For all employees who entered into a position at the agency as "political appointees" prior to the Relevant Date (as that term is defined in request 1), and all career employees who have been detailed into a leadership office or compo nent front office prior to the Relevant Date: a. Any resume provided by the individual to the agency after the Relevant Date. As noted above, we have no objection to the redaction of contact information (addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) for the employee or references, or to the redaction of past salary information. Employment, education, and professional association information is not exempt and we object to any redactions of such information. b. Any conflicts or ethics waivers or authorizations for the individual created after the Relevant Date, including authorizations pursuant to 5 C.F.R.§ 2635.502. c. Records reflecting any recusal determination made or issued for the individual after the Relevant Date. d. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position or title, including w hen the employee enters or leaves a posit ion, created after the Relevant Date. We have no objection to the redaction of home addresses, telephone numbers, or socia l security numbers from the SF-S0s. Attached you will find 91 pages of the requested documents wh ich will be emailed to the above email address. No documents have been withheld. The only redact ions are contact information for the individuals, including addresses, email addresses, socia l security numbers and phone numbers, in conformity with your request. There are no records responsive to you request regarding conflicts, recusals, ethics wa ivers or authorizations for any individua ls identified in your request. If you are dissatisfied with the Agency's decision, you may file an administrative appea l within 90 days of the date of this letter to: Office of Hearings and Appeals Attention: Delorice Ford, FOIA Officer 409 3 rd Avenue, SW - 8th Floor Washington, DC 20416 If you are unable to resolve your FOIAdispute through our FOIA Public Liaison in the Office of Hear ings and Appeals, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS),the Federal FOIA Ombudsman's office , offers mediation services to help resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies. The contact information for OGIS is: Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road--OGIS College Park, MD 20740-6001 ogis@nara.gov; ogis.archives.gov or 202-741-5770/877-684-6448 Sincerely, ~.QAtw)l~ . - Elias Hernandez ~ \J ~hief Human Capital Officer tt/ AllSBAprograms and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. T • Standard Form 50 Re, •. 7/91 U.S. Offire of Personnel Manag ement FPM S llllJ). 296-33' Su bth 4 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION I. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Numb er 4. Effective Date 13. Date of Birth DA V IS, W EN DELL G I - FIRST ACTION 5-A. Co de 01/08/ 18 SECOND ACTION 5- 8. Nature of Act ion 6-A. Code 6- B. Natur e of Action 6-C. Code 6- D. Legal Auth ority 6- E. Code 6-F. Legal Authority EXCAPPT 170 5- C. Code 5-D . Legal Auth or ity Y7M SCH C 213 3332 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 7. FROM: Position Title and Number - 15. TO: Position Tit le and Number REGIONAL ADMIN ISTRATOR , REGION I SBGS0634 SBGS34 8. Pay Plan 19'0cc . Code rO.Grade or LevelIII.Step or Rater. I13. Pay Basis Total Salary 16. Pay Plan , 17. 0cc. Code 12A. Basic Pay 1128. Locality Adj. I 12C. Adj. Basic Pay .00 15 20A. Basir Pay 1120. Other Pay .00 18. Grode or Le,•el 119.Step or Rate 20.Total Salary/Award 121. Pay Basis 0301 GS 164,200.00 I20C.Adj. Bask Pay 27,54 1.00 164,200.00 136,659.00 14. Name an d Location of Position's O rga nization 10 20B. Locality Adj. PA 120D,Other Pay .00 22. Name a nd Location of Position ts Orga nizatio n SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION REGION I-BOSTON RHODE ISLAND DISTRICT EXECUTIVE DIRECTION SB 31017100 I 000000000 pp 01 2018 EMPLOYEE DATA 117 iZolLI 23. Veterans Prefer ence t - Non, 2 - ~Point J - tO-Pu ;no/D;,.b rn,,· "- IO-Po in1/Compen s11hll' 24. Tenure ~O -Non, ~- 10- Point/Other 6- 10- Point/C omrNl~ilbk>/JO•;. 125. Agency Use 2 - C•mdi lto na l J- Jndcfinll e I - Pt'rt1Utnfflt 28. Annuita nt Indic ator r9l BAS IC 30. Retirement Plan I I 0 1/08/ 18 NOT APPLICABLE ~ FULLTIM NO 29. Pav Rate Determinant 7 n 31. Serv ice Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule ~ F ER S (FRAE) 26. Vetera ns Preference for RIF nYES0 IS UP ERIOR Q UALi FiCA Ti 33. Part- Ti me Hours Per Biweekly Pay Per iod E POSITION DATA 3~. Position Occup ied 35. FLSA Category ~ 1 - Co mpdith ·~ Sen ·kc 2 - El.""°pll'd Se n kt' J-S[S ~ C..n eral 4 - SES Ca"" r ReR nc d 38. Duty Station Code 36. Appropriat ion Code 37, Bargaining Unit Status E- [:u:mpl 8888 N - Non('l.l'lll)'lt 39, Duty Station (City - Coun ty - Stale or Overs eas Location ) 44-0 190-007 PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE RI 40. Agency Data 1 41. 1 42. 143. - - "w&~~ - J:· - - -- - - - - TO THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATI ON AWM - 10 1 9 DTD 12/05 /17 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 01/08/18 FROZEN SERVICE: 00 YRS . 00 MOS. CREDITABLE MILITA RY SERVICE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS-RA E OR FERS - FRAE. APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. 46. Employing Depart ment or Agency 50. Signatur e/Auth entication and Titl e of Approving Official SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 47. Agen cr Co de 148, Pcr 5onncl Office ID SB31 1826 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ 1 49. A11prova l Date CHIEF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER 11/27/17 5- Part 50- 3 16 \J PVERSIGHT 2 • OPF C opy - Long -Term Record - DO N OT DESTROY Editi ons Prio r to 7/9 1 Are Not Usabl e Art er 6/30/93 NSN 7S4o--0!- 333-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000001 Wendell G. Davis,Esq. CURRICULAMVITAE EDUCATION: Universityof Notre Dame Law School,Notre Dame, IN Juris Doctorate 1993 Central ConnecticutState Univer sity,New Britain, CT Bachelor of Arts - Political Scie nce 1989 Honors Student - Pi Sigma Alph a ADMISSIONS: U.S. DistrictCou rt of Connecticut Admitted to ConnecticutBar EXPERIENC:E DCB Law Group LLC,Managing Partner - Septem ber, 2002 - present PracticeArea: Businesslaw and CommercialTransactionsPractic eGroup • Established and now man ages the firm's Business Law and Commercial Transactions Practice Group which represents lenders and borr owers in all aspects of commercial finance transactions and provides guid ance and advice on a variety of related serv ices, including structuring of loan transactions, compliance with loan and sec urity requirements, inter-credit or arrangements, priority issues, regulatory com pliance, environmental concern s, preparation of loan agreements, preparation and registration of requisite security documentation and perfection of security interests. • The practice group furth er handles complex busines s and financial transactions with specific exp erience dealing with clients and their sale or purchase of assets, planning of company structures and shareho lder/ corporate governance documents and then , often , serving as outside cou nsel assisting corporate clients in the day-today support and guidance on the myriad of business Issuesthat confront bus inesses. • Experienced in representing non-traditional lending outlets including regional development authorities, non -profit, community based mic ro lenders and borrowers seeking federal and state guaranteed loans. SBA-19-0057-A-000002 • Negotiated and drafted mul tiple multi-million dollar contrac ts for the sale and purchase of national wire less communication assets and companies including acting as lead counse l in a recent purchase and fina ncing of a legacy microwave tower portfolio loca ted in thirty -five states Practice Area: Telecommunicat ions • Advised and represented num erous mid-tier tower developmen t companies with telecommunications and corporate related issues and negotiated thousands of co-location agreem ents on behalf of numerous tow ers com panies, Tier One Wireless Carriers, point-to-point microwave ope rato rs, WISP operators, AM and FM Broadcaste rs. • Representation has included regulatory compliance issues incl uding FCC,FAA and NEPA/SHPOcompliance and recent negotiation of Master Pol e Attachment Agreements with utility compan ies and multiple municipalities, and compliance with state and municipal regulat ions in the deployment of DAS and small cell sites. • Acted as lead counsel in the development, management, leas ing, operation and sale of telecommunication assets and telecommunications towers and representing both FCC lice nsed carriers and tower com pan ies before administrative commissions, cou ncils and agencies and complia nce with FCC regulations. As both Connec ticut and national counsel, resp ons ible for the negotiation, examination and drafting of lease/license docume nts, including ground leases, co-locations agr eements, building and rooftop agreements, master lease agreements, sub ordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreements, easements and othe r corporate, financial and real estate related documents. • Served as counsel responsible for legal and regulatory complia nce and site development of tower compan ies' strat egic build programs in the Connecticut market and nationwide; oversig ht of site compliance issues incl udin g FCC,FAA and NEPA/SHPOcompliance; supervised the leasing proces s incl udin g federal and state statutory compliance and reviewing lease terms and landlord modifications; analyzed propos ed sites for potential environ mental issues, including inland wetlands, floo d zone, coastal area manage ment, watershed areas, historic area, etc.; manage ment of site acquisition and zon ing personnel; supervision of outside A/E con tractors and related services; identification and development of strategic site loca tions and interface with wireless providers, RF engineers and tenant co-location personnel. 2001-2002 AMEn1cAN u-r Project Director- SBANetwork Services,Inc. Responsiblefor Federal and Sta te compliance and commercial site development of SSA'sstrategic build program in the Connecticut market -pVERStG~1----- ------- SBA-19-0057-A-000003 -- 1993-2000 Attorney- Cranmore,FitzGerald& Mea ney, Hartford, CT; Dixon, Wright & Associates, SouthBend,IN; Huelat & Gardner,Mich iganCity,IN and Jones,Obenchain,Ford& Pankow& Lew is,SouthBend,IN PracticeAreas: Banking Law, Corporate Litigation and Transactions; Insurance Defense litigation INTERESTS: Presidentof the Central ConnecticutStat e UniversityAlumniAssocia tion. Responsible for setting and implementing the goals of the Alumni Association. Represented the Alumni Association in a variety of settings including small and large group lunches and functions and interacting with alumni business leaders. Participated in numerous committees including the hiring committee for identifying candidates for the Office of the President of the University. Responsible for conducting meetings of the Board of Directors and delivering the alumni welcoming address for each graduating class. Debate Judge. Responsible for judging both the technical and substantive abilities of high school students in deba te competitions in Massachusetts and Connecticut . AM f ICAI\J :,OVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000004 Standard Form 50 RP 296-33 Subch 4 L Na me (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Securi ty u mber 4. Effective Date 13. Date of Birth I FIELD , M IC I-IAEL J - FIRST ACT ION 5-A . Code SECON D ACT ION S-8. Nature of Action 570 6- A.Code 6-B . Norure of Action 6-<:. Code 6-D . Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F . Legal Au thority CONY TO EXC APPT 5-C. Code 5-D . Legal Authority SCH C 2 13 3332 Y7M 5-E . Code 5-F. Legal Auth ority - - 7. FROM: Position Tit le and Number IS. TO: Position Ti tle and Number REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, REGION X SBGS0618 SBGSl8 8. Pny Pinn 19. O«. Code 110, Grode or L•••t I. SlCncd 38. Duty Station Code 16-0 160-00 I 40. Agency Dat a FU L L T IME 1 41. 1_: · SB31 37. Bargai ning Unit Status 8888 DUTY LOCATION-GS15, I 48. Perso nnel Office ID 1826 144. 143. - STEP-2 - - LOCALITY 46. Employi ng Depart ment or Agency SMALL BUS INESS A D M IN IST RAT ION 47. Agency Code 36. Appropriation Code Enmpl N- Non".\cmpl 39. Duty S1a1ion(City - County- State or Overseas Location) BOISE ADA ID 4 bBrn~t°I S £- NO 29. Pay Rate Determinant 0 OT APPLICA BLE POS ITIO N DATA Cemprtilin Sl'n ·k-t 2 - E1."pte d &n K"I' .00 26. Vetera ns Pre ference for R.IF 31. Serv ice Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule ~t- 20D.01her Poy PP 04 2019 24. Te nure r-;-io-N• n• 5- 10-Pobit/Othn 6 - IO-Poin1/Comptmabldl0'!. 27. FEGLI !Kl PA I 20C. Adj. Basic Poy SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION REGION X- SEATTLE BOISE DISTRICT OF FI CE EXECUTIVEDIRECTION SB 3 110200010000000 00 2 - ~Point 125,323.00 I 16,696.00 EM PLOY EE DATA ~ 02 208. Localil)' Adj. 22. Name and Locatio n of Position' s O rganization SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION REGION X - SEA TT LE SEATTLE REGIONALOFF ICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR rcii7 02/ 17/ 19 BOISE , - IDAHO 50. Signat ur e/Aut hentication and Title of Approving Oflieial E L ECT R ONICAL L Y S IG E D BY: E LI AS H ERNAN D EZ 1 49. Ap pr oval Date C HI EF H UMA ' CAPITAL O FF ICE R 02/ 12/17 5- Pnrt 50-H6 2 - OPF Co py- Lo ng-Ter m R ecor d - DO NOT DESTROY pVERSIGHT Editions Prior to 7191 Art Not Usable Afttr6!30/93 NSN 7S4o--0t-333-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000005 M. JEREMYFIELD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • • • Eight years of experienceadvising organizationson federal policies and effective agency communication Proactiveaction-orientedleader who can be trusted to get it done and deliver results History of communicatingeffectivelyto build lastin g relationshipsand provide a clear vision for policy advancement EDUCATION IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY, Pocatello, ID Master of Public Administration • ScholarshipRecipient; American GovernmentProfe ssor,Political Science Club Member UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, COLLEGE OF LAW, Moscow, ID Juris DoctorDegree • Foundingmember of the Latino & Spanish Spea king 2014-2016 2004-2007 Attorney Club BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY, Provo, UT Bachelorof Arts Degreein PoliticalScience • Awarded Full Academic Scholarship 2001 -2003 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY-IDAHO, Rexburg, ID AssociateDegree in Mathematicsand PhysicalScien ce • Awarded Full Academic Scholarship 1997-2001 EXPERIENCE WESTERN INTERNATIONAL UNlVERSITY, Tempe, AZ MPA Professor • Develop classes, provide timely feedback,and creat e safe environmentsfor student learning • Mentor students to become better communicators 2015 ..=cPresent U.S. SENATOR JAMES E. RISCH, Pocatello, ID RegionalDirectorand State Grant Coordinator 2009 - Present • Manage U.S. Senator Risch's daily communica tionthroughoutSoutheast Idaho • Build strong relationshipswith communityleade rs resulting in Senator Risch's office consistentlyactin g as the point of the spear for federal issues • Lead a cross-functionalteam of directors and staff in coordinatingcongressionalgrant support for the State • Mentor communityleaders to improvetheir relati of Idaho onshipsand strategies with the EPA, BLM, and other federal agencies • Train nonprofit, private, and governmentgrant-seek ersin grant writing strategies • Assist grant-seekersfind grant-makersfrom both governmentand private organizations • Provide weekly policy feedback on political, legal , managerial,and ethical concerns in Southeast Idaho ADA COUNTY COURTHOUSE, Boise, ID Deputy County Clerk . • Updated all felony, misdemeanor,and infraction archivesfor the county • Prepared notices to criminal defendants in Ada County, City of Boise, and the City of Meridian • Fulfilledall requests for legal documents and main tainedthe criminal files SEIBERT LAW OFFICE, Boise,ID 2008 Legal Staffer 2006, 2007 • Litigationsupport to a sole practitioner • Performeddocumentsummation, witness interv iews,damage summaries, drafting of pleadings, and legal research • Handled cases involving employment,contract, property, creditor's rights, and tort law • Researchedand prepared a detailed brief conce rningthe constitutionalityof drug testing high schoo l students IDAHO SUPREME COURT, Boise, ID Intern for Chief Justice Gerald Schroeder 2005 • Trained as a clerk M f I pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000006 • • Conductedresearch on Idaho's judicial history for the Idaho HistoricalSociety ADA COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT, Boise,ID LegalStaffer • • 2005 Mediated over 30 small claim disputes with a perfect success rate involvingcontracts, maintenance & child support payments,wages, landownernegligence,earnest mone y, insuranceclaims, and other matters Excelledat aiding parties create workable agreement swith minimal intervention U .S. SENATE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING, Washington, D.C. Staff Assistant • • • • 2003 - 2004 Organizedhearings and assisted in producinga week ly news program Servedas the Spanish voice of Senator Craig in a week ly Committeebroadcast Supportedall committee staffers, especiallythe Com municationsDirector,Press Secretary, and Special Inves tigator Providedfriendly front desk service and answered const ituent inquirieson aging issues ADDITIONAL • • • • • • • • A AND VOLUNTEER United Way of SoutheasternIdaho Board Member Ex Officio Board Member: Bannock DevelopmentCorp orationand BlackfootChamber of Commerce Fluent in written and spoken Spanish- served 2-yea r volunteerreligious mission to Santiago, Chile Deliveredhundreds of speeches and trainings on vario us topics Publishedan academic article in Climate about publi c risk perceptionand climate change Co-founderNice Presidentof the Spanish Speaking Law StudentAssociation Co-Coordinator,Serving with Smiles, LeadershipServi ce Institute Enjoy baseball, football, basketball, white-waterraftin g, reading, photography,fishing, and ham radio comm unication f ICAN pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000007 Standard form SO Rev. 7191 U.S. Office of Per sonnel Mana~ement NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION FPM Su1>1,. 196-33. Subc h. 4 GRAY, CH RISTOPHER 04 /08 / 18 S SECOND ACTION FIRST ACTIO N 5-8. Nature of Action 5-A . Code 4. Effective Date 3. Date of Birth 2. Social Security Number I. Name (Last, First, Middle) 6- A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 6-C.Code 6-D. Legal Authority EXC APPT 170 5- C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority Y7M SC H E DUL E C 213 3332 - 5-E . Code - 5-F. Legal Authority - 6-E. Code 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 6-F. Legal Authority 15. TO : Position Title and Number SENIOR ADVISOR 8. Pay Plan 19. 0cc. Code 110. Grad• or Levollll . Step or Ratel12.Total Salary SBGS0064 i 13.Pay Bas;, 16. Pay Plan It7, 0cc. Cod• GS 12A. Basic Pa y 1128. LocaHtyAdj. I12C. Adj. Bas;, Pay 112D. Otho, Pay .00 .00 SBGS62 15 20A. Basic Pay 01 208 . Locnlity Adj . I05,123.00 14. Name and Location of Position 's Organization 18. Grade or Level 119.Stepo, Rate 20.Total Salary/Awam 121.Pay Ba,;, 0340 134,789 .00 I20C. Adj. Bas;, Pay 29,666.00 PA 120D.Otho, Pay 134,789.00 .00 22. Name and Locati on of Position's Organization SMALL BUSI ESS ADMINISTRA TIO ' OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR SB 312100000000000000 pp 07 2018 EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veteran s Pr efer ence ~ - t - No"' l- 10-Poinl/ Oi>,bHHy 4 - IO-Poln 1/ Co mr l'1uahk- 2 - 5--Poinl lcolLI 24. Tenure 5 - 10-P oinllOlht'r ~ 6 - 10-Poin l/Co mpms;i b k>/J0•/• 2 - Concllllom d J - lndl'fin ilc- 125. Agency Use 26. Veteran s Preference for RlF I 7 28. Annuitant Indicator ~ BAS IC 30. Retirement Plan ~FERS 0-N on, I - Pc-muuu•nf NOT APPLICABLE 31. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule (FRAE) 05 / 15/ 17 F I vEslX7 NO 29. Pav Ra te Determinant 0 ' OT APPLI C ABLE I· 33. Part-Time Hour s Per I Biweekly Pay Period IFU LL TIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied ~ I- 35. FLSA Ca tegory Compt lilheSt'n·k c- 2 - El.1.>t •pl('d S.:n K"l' ~ J - SES ~ncral 4 - SES Carl"l'r Rc-~n"d 38. Duty Station Code 11-0010-001 40. Agency Data -- - 37. Bargaining Unit Statu s 8888 39. Duty Stat ion (City - Coun ty - State or Overseas Location) WASHINGTON DIST OF COL UMBIA I 41. - - 36. Appropriation Code E- Enmrt N-N onl'.u>mpl I j 42. 43. DC 144_. - - ~&~~'r!fuTO THE U . S . SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION . ANNUAL LEAVE CATEGORY 4HRS. APPOINTMENT AFFIDAV IT EXECUTED 04/08/2018 CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: PREVIOUSLY COVERED. APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS-RAE OR FERS-FRAE . HEALTH BENEFI TS COVERAGE CONTINUES. 46. Employing Department or Agency 50. Signature /Authentication an d Tit le of Approvi ng Official SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 148.Personnel Office ID 47, Agency Code SB 31 -P.irl 50 3 16 1826 \ PVERSIGHT ELECTRONICALLY SIG ED BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ 49. Approva l Date CHIEF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER 04/08/ 18 2 - OPF Copy - Lo ng-Te rm Record - DO NOT DESTROY Editi ons Prior to 7/9 1 Are Not Usabl e After 6/30/93 NSN7540-01-333-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000008 C hr istopher S. Gray PROFESS IONAL WORK EX PERI ENCE The White House, Washingto n, DC Senior Associate Director of J11 July 2017 Present tergovernnrental Affairs Work to develop strong relation ship between the federal gov ernment and state partners • Manageand ensure coordinatio n between the state and federal government on administrat ion including Tax Reform, Infrastr priorities ucture, Workforce, and Trade. • Primary point of contact for the nation's Governors, Lt. Governors, Attorneys General Economic Development Directo , Treasurers , rs, Agricultural Secretaries/Di rectors & Senior Staff • Coordinated and led the strategic outreach on Tax Ref orm with over 300 statewide behalf of the Trump Adminis elected officials on tration securing over 60 stateme nts of support and op-eds The Export Import Banlc of the United States, Washington, DC Se11iorAdvisorfor Gover11111e May 2017 - July 2017 11t Affalairs • Liaison to the White Hou se Offices of Intergovernmenta l Affairs & Congressional Aff • Reviewed agency propos airs als and determine potential imp act on the organization • Advocated and educated congressional offices on EXIM products, services, and progra • Strengthened relationship ms s with national & state elected offi cials • Facilitated enterprise wid e collaboration between the Adm inistration and Federal Agencie • Managed relationships wit s h external stakeholders and non -governmental partners PSECU, Harrisburg. PA Governme11Rel t atio11sManager June 2014- May 2017 Supported corporate prioritie s through direct Federal & Sta te advocacy Developed and oversaw corpor ate government & industry rela tions strategies for $4.5 billion 0 Advocated through press rele credit union ases , position papers , testimo nies , and legislative proposals • Developed and maintained productive and positiv e business relationships with state and national levels to ben external stakeholders at the efit the over 400,000 credit uni • Managed all major markets chamber of business relation on members and 700 employees • Analyzed proposed legislative actions and detennine potships including major sponsorships opportunities • Oversaw Marketing Department's Business Continuity ential impact on the organization & industry Plan (BCP) and Crisis Commu Served as corporate spokesper nication Plan son and media contact for nati onal & stat e publications Pennsylvania Governor's Off ice of Policy and Planning , Har risburg, PA Special Assista11tto the Directo December 2011 - June 2014 r of Policy a11dP/a11ni11g • Managed contracted federal relations professionals and the Governor ' s involvement on nati o Worked directly with the Pen onal issues nsylvania Congressional Del ega tion and their staff • Represented Pennsylvania to the National Governors Ass ociation . Including the Energy Committee , Natu ral Resources & Environment Committee and Workforce Dev elopment Committee • Managed the Governor's Advisory Council on Privatiz ation & Innovation - Saving • Developed comprehensive $800+ million policy updates to Oil & Gas laws resulting in Act 13 of 201 • Established the Commonwe 2 alth ' s first Pipeline Placement Report & State Energy Plan • Served on the Governor ' s Innovation Steering Commit tee- Realizing over $800 mil lion in cost savings Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Har risburg. PA E:,ecutivePolicy Liaison January 2011- December 201 1 • Managed the Governor ' s Marcellus Shale Advisory Com mission working directly wit & Governor ' s Energy Executive h the Lt. Governor on the development of all com mission activ ities & recomm • Advised the Secretary on endations policy issues related to the Oil and Gas and Brownfield Red • Crafted comprehensive pol evelopment icy with input from industry, environmental, and conservanc • Developed policy as liaison y stakeholders to the Delaware River Basin Commission and Citizens Adv isory Council • • • • N pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000009 Christopher S. Gray The Corbett Cawley Inaugural Volunteer Coordinator Committee. Harrisburg, PA November 20l 0 - January 201 1 Responsible for recruiting and coordinating 300 volunteers and staff members for five Inaugu Oversaw and managed staff and ral events logistics to complete vital task s relating to the Inaugural Bal Ceremony, Family Event, Lt. l, Governor's Governor's Ceremony, and the Inaugural Mass Tom Corbett for Governor. Ha rrisburg PA Grassroots Coordinator June 20 IO- November 20 I0 • Responsiblefor workingwit h CountyChairs, CoW1tyCoordina tors,RepublicanState Party and • Organized and staffed all Field Staff public appearances throughout Pennsylvania United States House of Repres entatives. Washington D.C. Congressional Intern - Office May 2009 - July 2009 of Congressman Todd R. Pla tts I Nineteenth District Pe1 • Researched legislation and 1ns ylvania constituent cases to draft respon ses to constituent questions/con • Performed inquires and atte cerns nded committee hearings on beh alf of the Congressman LEADERSHIP EXPERIEN CE • • Leadership Harrisburg Area Class of 2016, Community Leadership Series Harrisburg Regional Chamber PAC Board of Directors September 20 I 5 - May 2016 September 2016 - May 2017 The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry Government Affairs Commit tee 4 1h Congressional District Inte rnship Association E:,ecmive Board of Directo rs July 2014 - May 2017 July 2014 - Present The Central Pennsylvania Foo d Bank Board of Directors and Adv ocacy & Public Policy Com mittee The Pennsylvania Association P11blicAffairs Committee for Government Relations The Greater Philadelphia Cham State Legislative Committee ber of Commerce September 201S - May 20 I 7 August 201S - May 2017 January 2016 - May 2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • • • • • Boy Scouts of America - Eag le Scout Award 12006 Shippensburg University of Pen nsylvania - Dean's List ' 2007-2 010 Shippensburg University Counc il of Trustees -Trustee 120082010 Shippensburg University Studen t Association - Student Senate President 2009-20 I 0 The Pennsylvania Society - Me mber , 2015-Present EDUCATION Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg , PA Bachelor of Arts i11Political Science May 2010 N pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000010 StandardForm SO Rev. 7191 1FICATION OF PERSONNELACTIC U.S. Office of Penonnel Management FPM Suou.296-33,subeh. • t. Name (Last, Finl, Middle) 2. Social Security Number KOPPERUDANNA , ELIZABETH SECOND ACTION S-8. Nature of Action 893 S-0. Legal Authority Q7M REG 531.404 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 8. Pay Plan 6-A.Code 6-B . Nature or Action 6-C.Code 6-D. Legal Authority 6--E.Code 6-F. Legal Authority REGWRI S-C. Code 12A. Basic Pay 15. TO: Position Title and Number SENIOR ADVISOR FOR OCPL SBGS0630 SBGS63 r· 19.0cc. Codt 4. Effective Date 12/09/18 FIRST ACTION 5-A.Code 3. Date of Birth Gradeor l,tvcll". Sltp or 01 112B.IAcallt)Ad). ' 21,342.00 Rot olll. TotalSalar)' 96,970.00 I tl C. Ad).BasicPay 75,628 .00 96,970.00 14. Name and Location or Position's Organization I 13.Pay Buis PA I"• GS lI lD. Other Pay .00 16. PayPiao 0cc. Codt 18. GradeorLIHbiUly ,-10- PehU,ComptDU.blt I 24.Tenure S- 18- P•lat.Or.hr r ti- l t- Point.Comprn,ablt/30% I 27.F EGLI c ol BA SIC 30. R etlrcm•n t Plan --, I 31. Serv ice Comp . DAie (Leave) I011os,18 K F l FE RS (FRA E) POSITI ON DATA 35 . -- 34. Position Occup ied ~ 3 I 1 -c.'.mpttl tfnScnitt j 2 -K, J-SESGeDff'U O ·1 a-:--... 2-Con dUlon• I I - t'enn u ent J- lnddin lle 28. Annui tant Indicator NOT APPLICAB 9 I I 11-0010-001 41. I I Appropr iation Code 143 . ~~~~E TO THE SMALLBUSINESS ADMINISTRATI ON v Es [xl NO 0 IN OT APPLICABLE 33. Part-Time Hou rs Per I FULL TI M E _L6. I n LE 1::- •:snn pt N - :"(on rHm pt 142. I 26. Vete rans Pre ference for RIF 29. Pay R ate Determinant -·---39. Duty Station (City - County - Stat e ------or Overseas Location) W ASHI NG TO N DIS T O F C OL UM BIA D C 38. Dut y St ation Code 40. Agency Data Otbcr Pay .00 N l2S. Agency Use 32. Work Schedule F FLS A Ca tegory . I E 4-Sl-:S C■rttr Hn en ed crpCfdStt\ ·k c 20D. lS0,000.00 SB 317250000000000000 pp 01 2018 23. Vt:ter an s Pref erence 1 -SQnt PA 22. Name and Location of Position's Organization EMPLOYEE DAT A 1 - 5- Peiral l 121.Pay Bu i, IS0,000.00 20C. Adj. Ba, ic Pay .00 SMALL B U SI NESS ADMINISTRATIO OFC /E NTREPRE N EURIAL DE V OFC /W OMEN 'S BUS OWNERSHIP - .7 l 208 . Lo Launched 3 businesses from the ground up to multimillion-dollaroperations with strong brand footprint and robust referral network. :> Invited to teach business strategy at New York University; created the continuingeducation business school's course in competitiveintelligence. ~ Earned several awards for entrepreneurship,innovation,and marketing excellence. :> In-demand public speaker and author of book on entrepreneurship. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CEO & FOUNDER/ MANAGINGDIRECTOR I 2010 to Present Ladles Launch Club & Ladies Who Launch I New Canaan,CT Organization connecting women who have a shared goal of being successful entrepreneurs Built a thriving business as a go-to providerfor valuable resources,tools, inspiration,and connectionsfor women who want to expand or start a business. To date, have worked directly with 350 clients and supported 1,000+ through the Ladies Launch Club on-line and in-person model. Client roster includes women from various professionsincluding online marketing,luxury, food and beverage, home improvement,and healthcare.Ladies Launch Club was formed as a separate entity in 2015, following a 5-year run as Managing Director of Ladies Who Launch franchise. @ Entrepreneurial Webinar Series & Mastermind Workshops - Developedwebinar series and workshops to address various business strategy, business development,and marketing challenges. Instructed participantson how to create a business plan, secure funding, manage P&L, gain publicity,write a book to fuel business growth, brand their business,and make a compellingimpressionon prospects.Sourced strategic partnershipsthat aligned with entrepreneurialgoals to extend offeringsand improvethe Ladies Launch Club brand. 0 Business Incubators- Createdforum for entrepreneursto explore ideas for business models and products, determinefeasibility, and craft action plans to accelerate market release. Guided 30 women through process. 0 Thought Leadership & Motivational Speaking - Authored and facilitated signature presentationson entrepreneurshipand public relations, as well as motivationalspeechesdelivered to dozens of audiences including the Chamber of Commerce,Rotary Club, New York Public Library, professionalassociations,and non-profits. Regularlyappearedon local TV and radio stations. @ Networking Events - Conceptualizedand facilitated dozens of networking events that included several celebrity keynotes.Tripled number of events in just one year by creatingstrategic partnershipswith complementary businesses. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR12010 to 2017 New York University I New York, NY Developedand facilitated business strategy course focused on competitiveintelligence,and interfacedwith diverse population of ~30 internationaland local students per semester. 0 Curriculum Development - Created NYU School of ContinuingEducation'scurriculum for the business program dedicatedto analyzingcorporate business models through case studies. 0 Student Feedback - Consistentlyfilled classes to capacity; averaged4.5 course feedback scores on a scale of s. SBA-19-0057-A-000019 ------ ----- ---- - -------------- --;;:--------------, Kathy Mcshane I FOUNDER & PRESIDENT11987 to 2010 Kendrew Group, ltd. I New Canaan. CT Multimillion-dollar, award-winningmarketing services organization Foundedintegratedmarketingfirm servicingtop-tier media,financial services,and non-profitorganizations. Held full accountabilityfor P&L, operations,staffing, and businessdevelopment.Staff: 63 employeesand contractors. 0 Business Development- Grew Kendrew from the ground up to a $5M business.Secured businessfrom JP Morgan Chase, AT&T, MasterCardInternational,Visa USA, First Bank Systems,Viva.com, Advanti.com, Boehringerlngelheim, Citicorp, HBO, MCI, PRIMESTARPartners,LLP, Centerbank,Showtimeand PNC Bank, Leukemia& LymphomaSociety, and American Red Cross. 0 Marketing - Created integratedmarketingcampaignsfor cable providers.Dramaticallyimprovedmarket share for highly acclaimedHBO shows The Sopranos and Entourage. For natural leg vein health productVenastat, achievedrecord-breakingsales in Walmart. 0 Business Model Innovation - Launchedone of the first job-sharing programsavailableto entire staff during the nascent stages of the job share movement. 0 Awards - Earned the Award of Honorfrom the NationalBusinessand DisabilityCouncil, presentedby Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. Received4 Gold Mark Awards from the Cable & TelecommunicationsAssociationfor Marketing, OutstandingWoman of the Year Award from the ConnecticutChapter of the NationalAssociationof Women BusinessOwners, and the CBS News Radio Small BusinessAward. VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER , FINAN CIAL SERVICES DIVISION 11984 to 1987 MasterCard/ MRCA I Purchase,NY Partneredwith sales team to develop strategiesto implementDiners Club Cards to all federal governmentalagencies. 0 BusinessTurnaround - Within first 6 months,turned around businessoperatingin the red to a $6M profit, realizingthe first year of profitability_in division's. 3~yearhistory. BOARD LEADERSHIP & COMMUNITY Founding Board Member, Chair of Marketing Committee, and Member, Personnel & Compensation Committee Bankwell (formerly Bank of New Canaan) I 2002 to 2009 Played key role in launchof communitybank, strategic planning,capital raising, CEO selection,and marketingto consumersand businesses. Bank has since evolved from one to 8 branches. Board Member, Norwalk Hospital Foundation 12005 to 2010 Co-Founder & Co-Chair, Norwalk Hospitals Circle of Care Foundation I 2006 to 2010 SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Urban Leagueof SoutheasternConnecticut I LeukemiaLymphomaRed CampaignLeading Ladiesof New Canaan I Rotary Club of New Canaan I Rotary Club of FairfieldI Chamberof Commerce-NorwalkI ConnecticutChapterof NAWBO I ConnecticutRepublicanConventionI Fairfield EntrepreneursWomen's Network I MadisonChamber of Commerce I DanburyChamber of CommerceI Channel88 I Channel 8 WTNH I Channel 12 ConnecticutI American Associationof UniversityWomen (AAUW)of New Canaan I American BankersAssociationI New York Women with DisabilityConferenceI New York Public library PUBLICATIONS The Survivor's Guide for Female Entrepreneurs, 2015 EDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS University~f Pe~nsylvania, ~ertification, Positive PsychologyI Columbia Univ9n.ity , ExecutiveManagementProgram Boston University, BBA, Business, Management, and MarketingI CertifiedSpeaking ProfessionalDesignation(CSP) SBA-19-0057-A-000020 Standard Form SO Rev. 7/91 NOTIFICATI ON OF PERS ONNEL ACTI ON U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp 296-33 Subn ed 38. Duty Station Code I I FULL TIME 36. App ropria tion Code 8888 DENVER DENVER 141. r 2. co 144. r 3. - ~lf~~Jr!lE TO THE SMALL BU SINESS ADMINISTRATION AWM- 1019 DTD ll /22/ 17 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT E XECUTED 01 / 08/ 18 CREDITAB LE MILITARY S ERVI CE : 00 YRS . 00 MOS. FROZEN SERVIC E: 00 YRS. 00 MOS . PRE VIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAG E: NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE I S AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS - RAE APPOIN T ME NT I S INDEFINITE. 46. Employing Depa rtm ent or Agency SB3 1 - 148. Per sonnel Oflice ID 1826 - OR - - - - FERS-FRAE. SO.Signa tur e/Auth enti cati on a nd Title of Appro ving Officia l SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 47 . Agency Code 37. Ba r gainin g Unit Statu s E-Eumpt N-No nnl' mpl 39. Duty Sta tion (Ci ty - Coun ty - St ate or Overseas Loca tion) 08-0600-03 I 40. Agency Data I OT APPLI CABL E 33. Par r T ime Hou rs Per Biweekly Pay Period POSITION DAT A ~ 1- NO 29. Pay Rat e Dete rmin a nt 1 49. Approv al Date ELECTRONICALLY SIG 'ED BY: ELIAS HER ANDEZ CHIEF HUMA ' CAPITAL OFFICER 11/27/17 S Part SO 316 p t:RSIGHT 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Term Record - DO OT DESTROY Editions Prior to 7/91 Art Nol Usable Afte.r600/93 NSN7541HJl- 33H238 SBA-19-0057-A-000021 Daniel P. Nordberg @ Jan 2013 • ptesenl • Work Experience Colorado House of Representatives (Denver, CO) State Representarive , House Distric t 14 Three-time elected representative for 75,000 constituents in the Colorado General Assembly. Elected by a greater than 70% margin each election. Ranking Member on House Business, Labor , Workforce, and Economic Development Committee . In this role. I serve to advance, defend, and organize caucus positions on all issues before the committee. This entails working extensively with business advocacy organizat ions. chambers of commerce. financial service institutions. and const ituent activists. Fonner Chairman of the Legislative Audit comm ittee. Nominated by my colleagues and elected with unanimous bipartisan support. The committee serves as an oversight enmy and ls statutorily charged with auditing stale agencies, handling whistle blower complaints, and issuing legislative recommendations to improve transparency and government processes. In this capacity, I presided over committee hearings , approved Office of the State Auditor purchase orders and contracts. as well as assigned sponsors to legislation originated by the committee . Sponsored several bills into law, including efforts to stem human trafficking. protect aid for military families in need, improve government transparency, and reduce regulatory burdens on small business . Notable Legislation HB 15-1078/Report Missing Youth in State's Custody: This bill addresses a disturbing trend in human traflicking by ensuring that if a child in foster care goes missing, he or she is immediately reported to law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Because children in foster care are often preyed upon by human traffickers and whisked away into exploitation , it is vital they are reported missing at a moment's notice to help save them from their captors. HB 13-1024IProtecting Mttitary Family Relief Fund: This bill establishe s a deduction from taxable income for military families receivi ng assistance from the Colorado Military Family Relief Fund. In doing so. we ensure d1at aid received by military families in need remains tax free. HB 14- 1003/Non-Residem Disaster Relief Worker Tax Exemption : This bill exempts non-res idents from the state income tax if they perform emergency-related work on critical infrastructure that has been affected by a declared state disaster emergency. The measure also provides an exempt ion to non-res ident emergency service worke rs ~ they provide emergency service work related to the declared disaster emergenc y. By passing H8 14-1003, we eliminate red tape and disincentives for non-resident workers and businesses that come to Colorado to save lives and rebuild infrastructure in our greatest time of need. SB 13-30/Regulatory Accountability : This bill requires legislators to be notified when agencies prom ulgate regulations as a result of their legis lation . By increasing accountability for legislators . we establish an additional safeguard for Colorado business ovmers against potentially harmful mistakes in the legislative process . Jun 2015 - pres en I • Garden of the Gods Club and Resort (Colorado Springs, CO) Business Development Specialist Responsible for fostering business development opportunities as well as implementing strategic sales and marketing initiatives. Assigned with the collection , analysis , and management of mulliple data sources for the development of a sales database. • Enhan ced market share opportunities and developed new clientele from all over the country. • Experience working and establishing relationships with an assortmen t of nonprofit and corpo rate entities. Tasked with drafting membership correspondence, editing club newsletters , and marketi ng club memberships in the community. Oct 2008 - Dec 2012 • The Office of U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (Colorado Springs, CO) District Director Entrusted With managing Congressman Lamt:lorn's operations in Colorado , including two office locations. Direct supervisor for seven full-time employees. Respons ible for interviewing and training new hires, assigning work product, evaluating performance , mediating internal disputes , and compliance with federa l ethics standards. Developed and maintained strong work ing relationships with congressio nal members and their staff, federal agencies, state pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000022 and local government officials, businesse s, nonprofits. and constituen t groups rega rding legislative matters. Served as liaison to the community to help facilitate support and assistance from federal agencies. Routinel y attended statewide events , organizational meetings, and social function s to speak on behalf of the congressm an. Proposed. originated, and implemented legislative strategy, poficy, and outreach programs. Maintained daily contact with Washingto n, D.C. office to brief the congressman, chief of staff, and legisla tive aides on issues or importance in the district. Jan 2007 - Oct 2008 • The Office of U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (Washington, D.C.) Legislative Assisfant Analyzed. monitored , researched. and developed legislation and policy for healthcare, homeland security, budget , and small business issu es. Represented the congressm an in meetings having to do with the aforement ioned issue s. Maintained frequent communication with congressi onal liaisons, committee staff , and constituent organizations to keep the congressman apprise d of issues before his comm ittees . wrote floor speech es, legislative summaries, and talking points for the congressman's speaking engag ements. Drafted official correspondence for federal, stare, and local age ncies as well as constituent inquiries. • Perfmm ed system administration duties for U1eoffice and assis ted with the maintenance of office technology, Managed and supervised Washington , D.C. internshi p program. Mar 2006 - 11cc 2006 • Lamborn for Congress (Colorado Springs, CO) Political Director • Conducted and analyzed opposition research for both primary and general elections. Assisted with planning and fundraising for events with Vice Pres ident Dick Cheney, Colorado Governor Bill owens , and House Majority Whip Roy Blunt. 8 Aug 2001 - Dec; 2005 • Developed position statements and talking points for candidate Doug Lamborn. Obtained and managed all data used for fundraislng. phone calling, and precinct walk ing. Developed and implemented district-wide absentee voter mail prog ram. Managed vo lunteers and organized grassroots campaign operations including phone banks and door-to-doo r efforts. Education Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science Second MaJor in Liberal Arts, Concentration in Social Sciences Minor in History Member of Intra-University Academic Council 2002-2005 President Technology Fee Chair (2004-2005) Aosiste d in the planning and creation or an exploring maiors fair for undeclared studen ts. 111the administration of three major computer labs located on campus. Assisted Member of Pi Sigma Alpha-Pol itical Science Honor Society 2004-2005 Membe r of Associat ed Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU) 2002-2003 Student Senator • Member of Media Relations Commi ttee 0 Ju11 2005 - Aug 2005 • Additional Work Experience National Republican Congressional Committee (Washington, D.C.) lnfernship Assem bled daily press packets to ensure the staff was up to date on recent political events . Contacted over one hundred televis ion stations in order to form relationships with media outlets and reponers. Researched federal legis lation to assist staff wiU1press releases and Informational memorandums. Monitored campaign finance repons and data. SBA-19-0057-A-000023 • The Office of State Repre sentative Mark Larson (Denver, CO) Internship Responsible for handling ancl responding to constituent inquiries. Formula1ed voting recommendat ions based on research and conta ct with constituents. Conducted extensive research and analys is on various pieces of legislation . Worked closely with legal counsel to assist the representative in drafting and advanc ing • his policy agenda. The Office of U.S. Representative Bob Beauprez (Wheat Ridge, CO) Intemship fl • Assisted staff with constituent corresponde nce using mail , email . and telephone interfa ces. Planned event for die congressman , in coordin ation with Project Take Pride in America , which establi shed an educational horticulture program at a local elementary school. Tabulated and organized data collected from constituent surveys. Selected Honors and Awards 2017 Kempe Foundation "Champion for Kids" Award. Recognized for legislative efforts to improve the coordination of child welfare services between the Colorado Department of Human services and the military. 2017 Colorado Civil Justice League "Common Sense in the Courtroom" Award . Presented for efforts to promote tort reform and protect small businesses from frivolou s lawsuits. 2017 Department of Defense Certificate of Apprec iation . Awarded by the Office of Military Community and Family Policy for leadership on public policy changes which positively impact the quality of life for service members and their families residing in Colorado. 2016 Jewish Colorado "Legislative Appreciation • Award. Honored for demonstrating leader ship on issues of importance to the Jewish community . 2015 Independent Bankers of Colorado "Legis lator of the Year" Award. Recognizeroval Date C HIE F H UMA CAPITAL OFFI CE R 10/24/ 18 -Par t S0-316 2 - OPF Copy- Long-Term Record - DO pVERSIGHT OT DE ST RO Y Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable Af1er 6/30/93 NSN 7540--0J-33H238 SBA-19-0057-A-000032 Todd Edward Pauley, Esq. ProfessionalExperience Maven Strategies LLC.- President/CEO February 2018 - Present • Serve clients with the highest integrity and effectiveness through federal and state governmental relations and legal counsel • Provide public affairs, public policy, fundraising support to political action committe es (PACs),political campaigns, higher education , non-profits , faith-based groups, with the aim to always do the right thing, the right way Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education - Vice Chancellor for Governm ental Relations January 2017 - February 2018 • Reporting to the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations is responsible for the development and management of strategies to inform and influence public policy at the county , state, and federal levels on issues of interest to the Regents and the Chancellor for the State Regents of Higher Education in Oklahoma • Monitor legislation and public policy issues, and advises the Regents and the Chancel lor Mediates and advocates for the Oklahoma system of higher education's interests and builds relations with other organizations and entities whose interests are similar or whose functions affect the system. • • As the chief government relations officer report on important issues and make presentations to the federal and state executive branch , legislature, relevant agencies community groups and others Families for James Lankford Oklahoma U.S. Senate Campaign - Finance/ Political Director May 2013 - January 2017 • • • • • Work with constituency groups to organize their involvement with the campaign Develop and execute a voter contact and strategic partnerships plan including community forums and other voter contact opportunities in coordination with the campaign manager, field director and other campaign staff Develop and execute the campaign fundraising plan and manage the finance team, staff, and intern s, and work with the candidate, campaign manager and other campaig n staff to ensure that finance goals are met Staff the candidate during events and meetings Work with the campaign manager and communications director to write and develop campaign hard copy and electronic literature , and create other copy as needed including press releases and online content C pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000033 Congressman James Lankford (OK-5) - Senior Advisor/ December 2011- December 2014 Business & Community Liaison • Assist the Member in the development of public policy goals and represent the Member's policy agenda to constituents and other interested parties • Provide a direct link between the Member and citizens, business and industry, community groups, organizations, and Tribal Nations in Oklahoma Develop new relationships for the Member with referral sources in the commun ity while managing existing ones • • Plan and execute strategies to attract new businesses and encourage expansion and retention of existing busin.ess to promote a stronger economic base • Work with local officials and opinion leaders to coordinate and ensure support Member goals and activities within the District Sagac Public Affairs L.L.C. - Partner/Legal Counsel September 2008 - December 2011 • • • • • • • Strategic planning and operational management Political Action Committee communications and membership development Political management, consulting, and fundraising Donor and corporate development, analysis and research Direct mail, phone services and collateral material development Media relations and earned media Partial Active Client List Included: Governor Mary Fallin, U.S. Senator James lnhofe (ROkla.}, Congressman James Lankford (OK-5}, NiSource, National Association of Business PACs, Humana , eHealth, Home Depot , Merck & Co., National Restaurant Associat ion, Vision Council, Honor Flights and the National Health Care Compact Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-5) - Field Representative January 2007 - August 2008 • • Provide legal and policy advice to the Member, Chief of Staff, and District Director Act as a representative for the Member within the district, building and establish ing relationships with community leaders, decision makers and other key constitue nts to maintain an understanding of th e needs and concerns of communities within the district • • • Act as a liaison and be a resource to federal , district, and local agencies, as well as, community leaders and other constituents throughout the district in the pursuit of economic development and in the interest of small busine ss in the district. Work closely with caseworkers to ensure timely identification and resolution of constituent concerns Work with the Press Secretary to notify appropriate media when the Member will be in their area and work to ensure appropriate media opportunities C pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000034 Sagac Public Affairs L.L.C- Project Director/ August 2006 - January 2007 • Major Donor Programs • Serve as a Senior Finance Advisor to candidates and political action commit tees Initiate and implement fundraising and communication activities • Identify , cultivate and solicit major gift prospects Scott Pruitt for Lt. Governor Campaign - Faith, Family and Commu nity Outreach Director May 2006 - August 2006 • • Lead, organize, and mobilize Faith-based and Pro-Family opinion leaders and grassroots constituencies in support of the Scott Pruitt for Lt. Governor in Oklaho ma Managed and supported finance and communications activities Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma - Public Affairs Consul tant February 2005 - February 2007 / Anthony Jordan {405) 942-3800 • • Establish and promote the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention for the State of Oklahoma. Alert Oklahoma Southern Baptists to the cultural impacts of moral and ethical issues at all levels of government affecting families, churches, and communities and provide means of action concerning these issues. Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs - Internship January 2006 - June 2006 • Work closely with policy staff to help formulate and promote ideas regardin g education, taxation and spending, lawsuit reform , and more • Actively solicited financial support and supported fund -raising events Assist with research, data collection, press releases, and newsletters • Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma -Associate Development Specialist July 2001- August 2003 • • • Work with Executive Director /T reasurer, Team Specialist, volunteers and others to secure immediate and long term funding for Falls Creek Baptist Confere nce Center Assist in the planning and implementation of geographic/regional capital campaigns designed to secure significant support for Falls Creek. Work with the Director of Public Relations in marketing/promotion of Falls Creek Belmont University - Associate Director, Annual Fund July 2000 - July 2001 • Identify , cultivate, and personally solicit gifts and sponsorships from alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations for the support of Belmont University • Direct phone, mail, and volunteer efforts to support the Annual Fund pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000035 Community Involvement Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth - Commissioner, January 2013 - Present Commissioners meet to consider proposals, approve budgets, hear staff reports, make appointments to councils and committees, and submit recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, Supreme Court, and agencies responsible for developing or improving services to the children and youth of the State of Oklahoma. Piedmont Education Foundation - Member of the Board, November 2016 Present Provide leadership, public relations, fundraising and other support to the Piedmon t Education Foundation in furtherance of the Foundation 's mission to promote academ ic excellence, champion innovation, and provide sustained financial support USS Oklahoma City Park Project- Member of the Board, December 2017 Present Provide leadership, public relations, fundraising and other support to the USSOklahom a City Park project in furtherance of the project's mission to create a tribute to Oklahoma's naval history featuring the USSOklahoma City submarine. Thunderbird Chapel at Camp Gruber Executive Committee - Chairman, January 2012 - December 2013 Provide leadership and support to the mission of making available the means and resources for the construction of a chapel at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma with the goal of fostering spiritual fulfillment within all Oklahoma National Guard members, other military service members and veterans , their families and the citizens of Oklahom a Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy - School Board Member, July 2011 - July 2012 Provide leadership and direction to the Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy - a public charter school authorized by Choctaw-Nicoma Park School District - and K12 Putnam City Public Schools Foundation - Member of the Board of Trustees , July 2009 - July 2011 Provide leadership, public relations, fundraising and other support to the Putnam City Schools Foundation in furtherance of the Foundation's mission to enhance and enrich educational opportunities in Putnam City schools. World Vision - Volunteer Child Ambassador, March 2005 - December 2008 Support the mission and ministry of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organiza tion dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma - Board Member/Officer, March 2006 - March 2007 Support the mission of the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma, a non-pro fit organization dedicated to creating safe, attractive and healthy neighborhoods throughout Central Oklahoma by working with neighborhoods and government officials to have a community in which we are all proud to live and work C pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000036 Award, Memberships, Training and Personal Development • • • • • Leadership Oklahoma City Signature Program Class 32 Member Oklahoma Bar Association The Inst itute for Charitable Giving Resource Institute for Estate and Gift Planning Robert E. Mulloy Award of Excellence - Belmont University Education Juris Doctor: 2003 - 2006 Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahom a City, OK President of Christian Legal Society Lt. Governor for the 10th Circuit American Bar Association/ Law Student Division American Bar Association Chapter Representative to the Student Bar Association Member of the Oklahoma Bar Association Law Student Division Dean's List/ Merit Scholar Spring 2005, 2006 Bachelor of Business Administration: 1995 - 1998 Belmont University, Nashville , TN President of Mu sic Business Advisory Board Committee Chair for Vince Gill Celebrity Event Director of Towering Traditions - New Student Orientation President of Sophomore and Junior Class Executive Leadership Program *References available on request C pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000037 S tandard Form 50 Rev. 7/9 1 .S. Offi ce of Personn el Mana gt menl FPM S up p. 296--JJS bch 4 ' u NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION ' I. Name (Last, fir st, Middle) P ENSO EA ,S HAW 2. Social Security Number FIRST ACTION 170 6--A. Code 6--B. Natur e of Action 6--C Code 6--0 . Legal Authorit y EXCAPPT 5--C. Code S-0 . Legal Authority Y7M SCHC S--E. Code 213 3332 5-F. Legal Authority 12A. Ba,ic Pay --- 6--E. Code 7. FROM : Position Title and Number - 4. Effective Date 09/30/ 18 - 6--f . Legal Authority 15. TO: Position Titl e and Numbe r ASSIST ADMIN NAT IVE AMERI CAN AFFAIRS SC II00601 SC H006 r· 8. Pay Plan 19.O« . Cod, I SECOND ACTION 5-8. Nature orActi on 5--A. Code 3. Date of Birth D Grade or t,,·•t I. 1128. Locality Adj. .oo Stt p or Ratt 2. TotalSolary I12C. Adj. BasirPay 113.Pay Basis 16. Pay Plan 1 17. O- 10- Poin t/Othcr 6- lct-Po int/Comrm,•blt' / J0•/4 rco7BASIC 1 - Ce mjM-llthc-S.-1" ~ PA SMALL BUSINESS ADM INISTRAT ION REG ION V - C HICAGO CHICAGO REGIO AL OFF ICE REGIONAL ADMI ' ISTRA TOR EMPLOYEE DATA ri7 125,065.00 I 22. Na me and Loca tion of Position's Organization SMAL L BUSINESS ADM INISTRAT ION REGIO I V - CHICA GO COL MB US DISTRI CT EXECU TIV E DIR ECT ION l - 10-Poml/Diubllih 4 - lct-Polnt/Comrm:a11~ 01 208. Locality Adj. 105, 123.00 V 18. Grade or Lloying Department or Agenc y SBJI - 148. Personne l Office ID 1826 - FERS-FRAE. 50. Signat ur e/Au thentic ation a nd Title of App rovi ni: Officia l S:vtALLBUSINESS ADMINlSTRATION 47. Ageney Co de OR 49. Appr oval Date ELECTRONICALLY SIG ED BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ CHIEFH UMA CAPITAL OFFICER 11/27/17 5 Part 50 3 16 pVERSIGHT 2 - OPF Co py- Long-T erm Record - DO ' OT DESTROY Edition s Pr ior to 7/91 Art Not Usabl e An er 6/J0/93 NSN754P 296 33 Subch 4 NOTIFI CATI ON OF PERSONNEL ACTION - I. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number , 3. Date of Birth I ST RIBLI NG, GRAYSON W FIRST ACT IO 5- A. Code SECOND ACT ION S- B. Noture of Action 170 6- A. Code 6- B. Nature of Action 6-C. Code 6- 0. Legal Authority 4. Effective Date l0 /28/18 EXCAPPT 5-C. Code Y7M 5-D. Legal Auth ority SC H C 2 13 3332 5-E. Code 5- F. Legal Author ity - - - 7. FROM: Position Tille and Number - 6-E. Code 6- F. Legal Aulhor ity 15. TO: Posilion Title and Number ASS IST A . 'T TO T H E CH IEF OF STAF F SBGSl973 SBGSIO I 8. Pay Plan 19. O«. Cod< 110. Gradeor L 296-33 Subch , I . Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Nu mber 13. Dat e of Birth FIRST ACTION 570 08/ 19118 SECOND ACTIO 5-B. 5- A. Co de 4. Effect ive Date I BROW N, GEORGE E ature of Action 6-A. Cod e 6-B. Naru r e of Action 6-C. Co de 6-D. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Lega l Auth ority CON V TO EXC APPT 5-C. Cod e 5- D. Legal Auth or ity Y7M SC H C 213 3332 5-£. Co de 5-F. Lega l Authority 7. FROM: Position Titl e and Number r· I Grade or Levtl Step or Rater 1128. Locality Adj. 92,349.00 - - DEPUTY ASS ISTANT ADM! IST RATOR SBGS0069 GS69 10 14 12A. Basic-Pa y - - 15. TO : Position Title an d Numb er DEP UTY AA FOR CLA SBGS0 l89 SBGS89 8. Pay Plan 9. 0cc. Code - I. 02 . Total Salary I 12C. Adj. Dasi< Pay 26,061.00 16. Pay Plan 1 17. 0cc. Code 113. Pay Basis 118,410.00 PA GS 118,410.00 15 20A. Basic Pay 1120. Other Pay .00 01 208 . Loc-ality Adj. 105,123.00 t.i . Name and Locatio n of Position' s Organization I 18. Grade or Levd 119.Step or Rate 20. Total Salary/Award 0301 I 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 29,666.00 21. Pay Basis 134,789.00 PA 120D.Oll1tr Pay 134,789.00 .00 22. Name and Locatio n of Posit ion's Organization SMALL BUSINESS ADMI ISTRAT IO N OFCOFCO GR & LEGIS AFFA IRS SB 3 I2300000000000000 EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Pr efere nce ~ - I -No n, ? - ~ Poinl J-I G-Po;. ,,01,. bm,v l~ Poin 1/Co111pm:.. blc ,1 - FcolLI N PPl72018 24. Ten ur e S - I O-Po inl/01h u 6 - IO-PoU11 /Com 1u•tu• hk /J lW• n 125. Agency Use O- NontI - Pcrm 111 nC"nl ? - C• ndlt lon• I J- lndrfi.nile 28. Annuitant In dicator ~ BASIC 30. Retir ement Plan 3 I. Ser vice Co mp. Date ( Lea ve) FERS AND FICA 08126/09 I 26. Veterans Preference for Rlf n vtsfxl I NO 29. Pay Rat e Determinant NOT APPLICABLE 0 32. Work Schedul e ~FULL I TIM E POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA C ategor y ~ 1- Compt-lilh·e S.-n itt ? - E1,•, 111 1:dSen kt' ~ J - SES Cfflt-.,. 1 " - SES C•rct'r Rcsentd 36. Appr opr ia tion Code 8888 N- Nont-lt'IIIJlf 39. Duty Station (City - Co unty - State or Oversea s Loca tion) 11-00 10-001 WASH! 1 41. 37. Bargain ing Unit Sta tu s .E- Ei:cmpl 38. Duty Statio n Co de ~O. Agency Data GTON DIST OF COL UMBIA DC I 1 42. ~3. 144. - - 4 f-p\seJffiMENT IS I NDEFINIT E. ~6. Empl oying Depa rtm ent or Agency 50. Sig na tur e/Authentication SMALL BUSINESS ADMI NISTRA TIO .i7. Age ncy Co d e SB3 I 148. Peno nncl Office ID 1826 I ' OT APPL ICA BLE 33. Part-Tim e Hour s Per Biwee kly Pay Period - - and T itle of Approving Official ELECTRONI CA LLY SIGNE D BY: ELIAS HER NANDEZ 149. Approva l Date CHI EF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFI CER 08/20118 5- P• rt 50-316 pVERSIGHT 2 - OPF Co py- Long-Term Record - DO NOT DEST ROY Editions Prior 10 7/9 1 Are No1 Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 754o--OI- JJH238 SBA-19-0057-A-000050 Sta ndard Form 50 Rev. 7J91 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION . U.S. Offi ce of Pe rsonn el Man ageme nt FPM Supp 296-33 Sub-Pou,oJO;,.,bilin ,_.- 10- Polnl/Compm:.bk: 030 1 12 01 17,948.00 8 1,548.00 I 20C. Adj. Basic Pay ~ FERS (FRAE ) 3 I 0-N o1- Ptrmanmt nU ?-C...dldonal J- lndffln lle se 28. Annui1ant Indi cato r ~ 02/06/ 17 34. Position Occupie d r-;--i 35. FLSA Ca tegory ? - E.i.« p1t·d St n k'" ,_._SES Cutt r Rt'St'ntjl ~ 38. Duty Station Code YES rxl Folate ' OT APPLICABLE NOT APPLI CABLE 33. Part-Tim e Hour s Per Biweekly Pay Peri od I FULLT IME 36. Appr opriation Code 37. Bargain ing Unit Statu s [ - Enmp1 8888 N- Nont~t n•l'I' WASH! GTO ' DIST OF COLUMBIA 141. 1 42. 1 43. DC 1 44. - - - - - MENT IS INDEFINITE. 46. Emplo ying Department or Agency 148. Perso nnel Office ID 1826 5- Part 50- 316 pVERSIGHT - - 50. Signature/A uth entication and Tit le of Approving Officia l SMALL BUSINESS ADM INIST RAT ION 47. Agency Code NO Determin a nt 39. Duty Station (City - County - State or Oversea s Locatio n) 11-0010-001 SBJ l .00 26. Vetera ns Prefer, nce for RIF n POSITION DATA J - SES Ge:Mral 120D. Other Pay 8 1,548.00 31. Service Comp . Dote (Leave) 32. Work Schedul e • -C • m pclllhe:&nltt PA pp 15 2018 24. Tenur e 5- 1&- P• lnl/OtMr 6- ICrP • lnllCompm~bk-JJ-0 % INEL IGIBLE-EXCLUDE D BY LAW OR R EG f~elffi - 18. Grode or Level 119.Step or Rate 20. Total Salary/Award 121. Pay Basis 208, Locality Adj. S B 312100000000000000 30. Retirement Plan 4 - SMALL BUSINESS ADM INISTRAT ION OFF ICE OF T HE ADM INISTRATOR 27. FEG LI 40. Agency Data - 22. Name a nd Location of Position ' s Organization EMPLOYEE DATA 2 - !--Poln 1 I " · Oct.C ode GS 63,600.00 SMALL BUSI ' ESS ADM INISTRA TIO N OFC OF CA PITAL ACCE SS IMMEDIATE OFF ICE 23. Vet era ns Pre feren ce t - Non, 16. Pay Plan 20A. Basic Pay .00 14. Na me and Location of Position' s Organization ~ - SP ECIAL ADVISOR SBGS6910 SBGS I0 I'°·Gr•d• or l..evtl ll 8. Pay Pl•n 19. Oct. Code - - 15. TO: Position Title and Num ber SPE C IAL ADVISOR SBGS0632 GS6326 ~ 07/22/ 18 CONV TO EXC APPT 5- C. Code ~ I SECOND ACT IO N ELECT RO NICALLY SIGNED BY: ELIAS 1-IERNA"IDEZ 1 49. App r oval Dat e CHI EF HUMAN CAPITAL OFF ICE R 07/22/ 18 2 - OPF Co py- Long-Term Record - DO OT DEST ROY Edili ons Pri or 10 7/9 1 Are Noc Usab lt Afttr 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-JJ:Hi 238 SBA-19-0057-A-000051 Standard for m 50 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Su11p 296-33 Subch -' NOTIFICATIO N OF PERSONNEL ACTIO N I. Name (Las t, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number 13. Date of Birth I CO FFIELD , A t DREW JAMES FIRST ACTION 10/14/18 SECOND ACTION 5-8. Na ture of Action 5-A. Code 4. Effective Date 6-A.Codc 6-8. Narur e of Action 6-C.Codc 6- D. Legal Aut hor ity 6-E. Code 6-1'. Legal Auth ority CONV TO EXC A PP T 570 5-C. Code Y7M 5-D. Lega l Author ity SC H C 133332 - 5-E. Code 5-1'. Legal Au thor ity 7. FROM: Po s ition Title and Nu mb er SPEC lAL A DVI SOR S BGS06l5 S BGS I S 8. Pay Ph,n 19" O« . Code 12A. Basic Pay 110. Grade or Levtt I. Step or Ra1ell2. To1al Salary II 02 70,3 04.00 I 12C. Adj. Basie Pay 70,304.00 I 13. Pay Basis PA 11lD . O lher Pay .00 14. Name and Locatio n of Position 's Orga ni zation GS 0301 20A. Basii: Pay l - 10-Poinl/D i,abn;.,. 4 - 10- Po inl /C omrm :. bk- 63,600.00 17,9 48.0 0 ~~ J iAOl 0-Non, I - Pcrmanc-nl 28. Annuitant 197 INELIG IB LE-EXCLU DED BY LAW OR REG 30. Ret irem en t Plan 2 - C• ndlllenal J- lndennlr c- ncyUse Indi cato r (FRAE) 02/06 / 17 ' OT APPLICABLE r-;--i 34. Position Occu pied 35. l'LSA Ca tegory J- SES Cfflnal E°l ,-S ES Can.'t'r Rt K ncd 38. Duty Sta tion Code I 1-0010 -0 0 1 40. Agency Data j PA 1200. 0 1her Pay 81,5 48 .00 .00 26. Vete r a ns Pr eferen ce for Rl F n YE sfxl ro7a te NO I 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period FU L LTIME POSITION DATA C• mpc.ll1hc M "' ~ 2 - E)C't'plC'il&-n kt- 20C. Adj. Bnsie Pay Delerm inan t NOT APPLI CA BLE 3 1. Service Co mp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedu le 1271- I 121· Pay Basis pp 21 2018 24. Tenure 5- 10-Poil'II/Oehtr 6- 10-Polnl /Comptn,•bk- JJO•f. 27. HGL I ~ FERS 18. Grade or Levtl 119.Stepor Rate 20.Tot•I Salary/Award 12 01 8 1,548 .00 20B. Locality Adj. SB 317200000000000000 23. Veterans Prefe rence I - None 2 - ~ Pttinl 16. Pay Plan 1 17. O«. Code 22. ame and Location of Position's Organization SMALL BUS I NESS ADMINISTRATION OFC /ENT REPR E EUR IAL DEV EMPLOYEE DATA ~ - IS. TO: Position T itle and Number SPEC IA L ADV ISO R, OED S BGS009 1 SBGS9 1 112B~LoealityAdj. b ,473.00 54 ,83 1.00 - 36. Appro priat ion Code 37 . Bargaining Unit Statu s E-Ei.e mpl 8888 N-No nntmpl 39. Duty Station (City - Coun ty - State or Oversea s Location) WASH I GT ON DIST OF C OL UMB IA D C 41. 1 42. - 143. ]44· - "H~f~ - BENEFITS COVERAGE CONTINUES . APPOINTMENT I S INDEFINITE. POSITION IS AT THE FULL PERFORMANCELEVEL OR BAND. 46. Employing De11artment or Agency SMALL SO.Signat ure/Aut hentication and Title of App roving Official E L ECT RO N ICAL LY S IGNE D BY: ELIAS H ERNAN DEZ B US INESS A DMI N ISTRAT ION 47. AgO-Poln olrn .. bilh , IO-Poln1/Cc11npen:._bk- ~- 2 - 5-Poin t ro7 •-N -• 125.Agency 24. Ten ur e S - 10-P • ln &/ Oth u 6 - IO-Poin1/Co mpen wib)d.)0•/4 I - Ptnnantn l 27. FEC LI r;;i pp 13 2018 2 - Cendll ~ n•I l- lndt finite 28. Annuitant Indicator ~ BASIC- STA NDARD-2X FAM ILY 30. Retirement Plan I 06/ 12/1 7 F OT APPLI CABL E 34, Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 2 - fa tt ptc-d&-n in ~ J - SES Ctti c-nal 4 - SES Ca rttr R~ n ed 38. Duiy Station Code NO 0 INOT APP LICABLE I I FU LL TIME 36. Appr opr iat ion Code 37. Bar ga ining Unit Sta tus E - Enmp 1 8888 N - Nont umpt 39. Duty Station (City - County- State or Overseas Location) 11-0010-00 1 40. Agency Data v Es fxl 33. Par t-T ime Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period POSITION DATA ~ I - C. mpt"lid , , Sc-r•,·ltt 26.Veterans Preference for RIF C7 29. Pav Rate Determinant 3 1. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule ~ FE RS (FRAE ) I se WAS HI NGTO 141. 142. DI ST OF COL UM BIA DC 1 43. 144. - - 4 A:~ elfilfrMENT I S INDEFI NITE . CREDITABLE MI LI TARY SERVI CE : 00 YRS . 00 MOS. PREVIO US RETIREMENT COVERAGE: PREVIOUSLY COVERED EMPLOYEE SUBJ ECT TO POST-EMPL OYMENT RESTRICTIONS UNDER 18 u . s . c . 207 (C ) . EMPLOYEE I S AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS - RAE OR FERS - FRAE . VETERAN PREFERENCE IS NOT APPLI CABLE TO THE SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVI CE . TENURE AS USED FOR 5 USC 3502 IS NOT APPLIC ABLE TO THE SENI OR EXECUTIVE SERVICE . 46. Employing Depar tment or Agency 50. Signature/Authentication ond Title of Approving Official EL ECTRON ICA LLY SIGN ED BY: ELI AS H ER NANDEZ SMALL BUSIN ESS ADM IN ISTRATIO N 47. Agency Code SB31 I~8. Personni:empt ~6. Employing Departmenl or Agency SB3 1 36. Appropriation Code E- £tempt 39. Duly Station (Cily - County - State or Overseas Location) 11-0010-001 40. AgencyData INOT AP PL ICABLE 33. Part-Tim e Hours Per POS IT ION DATA J.t Pos ition Occupied NO 29. Pay Rate Determinant 3 1. ServiceComp. Dale (Leave) 32. Work Schedule FERS (FRAE ) ~ I - Con11~t iflu 120D.OtherPay .00 pp 18 2018 24. Tenur e 5 - IO-Poh 11/01htr 6 - 10- Pulnt / Co mpm~•b lc-/JO•I• JO. Retirement Plan M 18. Gradeor Lev el 119.Slepor Roie SMA LL BUSI ESS ADM INIST RATI ON OFC OF CONGR & LEG IS AFFAIRS EM PLOYEE DATA 1-1\0ftf' 2 -~ Poinl 16.PayPlan 117.0cc . Code GS 0301 22. Name and Location of Position ' s Org a nizatio n SMALL BUSI ESS ADM INISTRATI ON OF C/ ENTREPRENE URIAL DEV ~ 27. FEGLI 09/02/ 18 SECON D ACT ION 5-A.Code 570 7. FROM:Position Title and Number 8. 4. EffectiveDate I LAMBE RT, RYAN ANTHONY I ~8. Personnel Office ID 1826 - I ~9. Approval Date and Title or Approving Offic ial ELECT RONICAL LY SIG ED BY: ELIAS HERNAN DEZ CHI EF HUMA CAP ITAL OFF ICER 08/29/ 18 5 Part 50 J l 6 pVE 2 - OPF Copy- Long-Ter m Record - DO OT DESTROY SIGHT Editions Prior 10 7/91 Are Nol Usablt After 6/30/93 NSN75-lo--01-333 --6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000057 Stand ard Form 50 Rev. 7191 NOTIFICATIONOF PERSONNELACTION U.S.Offi ce of Person nel Man ag, m, nt FPM Su1l P 2%-3.l Subch 4 .. I. Name (Las1, fi rst, Middle) 2. Social Secur ily Number 3. Dale of Bir1h 4. Effective Date M TZ , MART l~A A 09 /05/ 17 FIRST ACTION 5-A . Code SECOND ACTION 5- B. Natu r e of At tion 6- A. Code 6-B. a lu re of Ac tion EX C APPT 170 5- C.C ode Y7M 5-D . Legal Aut hori ly SC H C 213 3332 6-C. Code 6-D . Legal Auth orily 5-E . Code 5-F . Legal Aulhorily 6- E. Code 6-F . Legal Au1hori1y - 7. FROM: Position Till e and Number 12A, Basic Pa y 15. TO : Position Till e and Number SPE C IAL ADV ISO R SBGS0621 SB0621 III.Slep or Ratel12.Total Salary 8. Pay Plan 19. O« , Code - 110,Grade or Level 16. Pay Plan GS I 1128.LocalityAdj. 113. Pay Basis 12C. Adj. Bask Pay .00 112D. Other Pay .00 I "·O«. Code 0301 20A . Basic Pay 18. Grade or Level 119.Step or Rate 20. Total Salary/Award 121. Pay Basis 13 01 94 ,796 .00 PA 208. Locality Adj. 74 ,584.00 14. Name a nd Loca tion of Positio n 's Or gan iza tion I 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 20,212.00 1200. Other Pay 94 ,796.00 .00 22. Nam e a nd Location of Posit-ion 's Orga nizati on SMALL BUSINESS ADMI ISTRATIO ' ADA/GC & BO SB 318200000000000000 PP18201 EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Vetc ran s Pr eference ~ I -No n, J- 16-Poml/Ob•hiHh· -' - 10-Po inlJCumpm ~ hlc- 2- ~ Polnl 2~. Tenure 5-10-Polnt/ O 1hu 6- IO-Poin 1/Co mpmsa bk-/J0•;. ~O-No 27. FEGLI rcol n, I - Pl'r lnMC'AI ?- Cond ltiona l J - lnd d lnl tC' . 28. An nu itant Indi cato r 9I BASI C 30. Relirement rl an 7 125. Agency Use 26. Veter ans Prefer ence for RIF I 7 NOT APP LI CABLE 31. Service Comp. Dale (Leave) 32. Work Schedule ~ FER S (FRAE ) 09/05/17 F I FU LL TIME PO SITION DAT A 34. Position Occu pied 35. FLSA Ca1egory ~ I -C•irnpcllrheSt"'ttt ?- ~ J-SESGawnd [ u wp tl'd ~ n K't• 4-SESCarttr RC'M' ..,.C'd 38. Duly Stati on Code 11-0010-001 40. Agency Dala 36. Appr opriati on Code E-Cu mpt N-No nu C'mJII 1 42. 1 41. I 33. Parr-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period I 37. Bargaining Unit Slatus 143. 144. - 46. Employing Departm enl or Agency SMALL BUS INESSADMI ISTRAT IO N - 0 8888 4 A:i!\5~~ MENT AFF ID AVIT EXECU T ED 09/ 0 5/2017 CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS . FROZEN SERVICE: 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE : NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER F ERS, FERS-RAE APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. WELCOME TO THE SMALL BUSNESS ADMINISTRATION POSIT I ON IS AT T HE FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL OR BAND. SB3 1 vE slX7 29. Pay Ra1e De1erminant 0 ' OT APPLI C ABL E 39. Duly Station (City - Counly - S1a1e or Overseas Location) WAS HI NGTO N DIST OF C OL UMBIA DC - 47. Agency Code I 148. Personnel Office JD 1826 - - OR FERS - FRAE. 50. Signatur e/Auth enticati on and Ti lle of Appr oving Official E LE C TRON ICAL LY S IGNE D BY: EL IAS H E RNANDEZ 1 49. Appr oval Date C HIEF H UMA 1 CAPITAL OFFI C ER 08/29/17 - 5 Pnrc 50 3 16 2 - OPF C opy - Lon g- Te rm Record - DO NOT DESTROY pVERSIGHT Editions Prior 10 7/91 Are Nol Usa ble Afte.r6/3-0/93 'SN 75-lo--OI -J J J-6 238 SBA-19-0057-A-000058 Standard Form 50 Rev.7/9 1 U.S. Office NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION orPersonne l Management FPMSu1>p2%-33, Sub

, · ,. - 10--Polnt/Comrm:.ble ?- 5-P oinl PP082018 24. Te nure ~- llrPolnt/0 1hcr 6 - IO--Poin1/Comr('ns•bklJ-0'/4 ~0-None I - Pcrrmtn(•nt 27. FEGLI r-col BAS IC ? - Condlrlonal J- lndennlte ncyUse 28. Annuita nt Indicator ~ 30. Retireme nt Plan Fo7ale ' OT APP LI CABL E 3I. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule ~ FERS (FRA E) 0S/0 1/ 17 ~FU 26. Veterans Preference for RJF nYES_0 33. Part-T ime Hou rs Per I Biweekl y Pay Period LLTIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Caregory ~ I - Con1petilhe Sr,-.ttt Z- E.i.ttplNI St,,-. k'f' ~ J- SES c"'~ra l ~- SES CarH I"R~neJ 38. Duty Station Code 36. Approprialion Code 8888 39. Duty Srarion(Ciry - County - State or Overseas Location) WASHI NGTON DIST OF COLU MBI A DC 11-0010-001 14~ --- 143. 1~2- 144. - 45. Remarks 46. Employing Departme nt or Agency SMALL BUSINESS ADM I ISTRATION 47. Ageney Code 146. Personnel Office ID 1826 5- Part 50-3 p 37. Bargaining Uni I Status £-£nmp 1 N-No n~H mpl 40. AgencyDara SBJ I NO Determinant NOT APP LI CABLE 50. Signalure/Aulhentication and Title of A1>1iro ving Official ELECT RO ICA LLY SIGNED BY: ELIAS HERNANDE Z 1 49, Approval Date 04/ 15/ 18 CHI EF HUMA CAPITAL OFFI C ER 16 2 - OPF Co py - Long-Te rm Record - DO NOT DESTROY cRSIGHT Editions Prior lo 7/9 1 Are '01 Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-0 1- 333-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000059 Srandard Form 50 Rev, 7/91 NOTIF ICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION U.S. Office or Personnel Managtmenl FPM Su11p29&-33 SubN I S AT 47. Age ncy Co de I JJ. Parr-Time Hour s Per FULL T IME 36 . Appropriation NO 29. Pay Rate Determinant 39. Duly Station (City - Count y - Stat e or Ove rse a s Loca tion ) 11-00 10-00 1 40. Agency Data 32. W ork Schedu le l'l JS. FL SA Ca tegory r--;---i 4 0-N on« 1- Pt'nnanml 28. Annuita nt Indicator 30. Retire ment Pla n M I 1 49. Approval Da te ELECTRON ICA LLY SIGNE D BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ CH IEF H MAN CAP ITAL OFF ICE R 02/04/ 18 5- Part SO 3 16 PVJ::RSIGHT 2 - OPF Co py - Long-Ter m Record - DO NOT DESTROY Editions Prior 10 7/91Are Nor Usable Afrer 6/30/93 NSN 7S4o--Ol - 333-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000060 S1andard Form 50 Rev.7~ 1 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION U.S. Officeor Personnel Mana grm t nt FPM S u 1lp 296-3J S u bc h 4 I. Name (Last, First, Middle) VALLA "TE , MICHAEL 13. Date of Birth 4. Effecti\'e Date I I - FIRST ACTION 5-A. Code 2. Social Secur ity umber A 04/ 17/ 17 SECOND ACT IO N 5-B . Natu r e of Action 6- A. Code 6-B. 5-0 . Legal Aut hority SC H C 213 3332 6-C. Cod e 6- 0. Legal Author ity 5-F. Legal Authority 6- E. Code 6-F. Legal Aul hor ity ature of Aclio n EXC APPT 170 5-C. Code Y7M - - 5-E. Code 7. FROM : Position Title and Number - 15. TO: Position Title and Number REGIONA L ADM I ISTRA TOR , REGION IX SBGSOl 90 SBGS90 8. Pay Plan 19. O« . Code 110. Grade or Level I. Slepor Ratel 12. Total Salary 12A, Basic Pay 1128. LocalityAdj, 113. Pay Basis 16. Pay Plan 1 17. O« . Code GS I12C. Adj, Basic Pay 11ZD.Other Pay .00 0301 20A. Basic Pay .00 208. Locality Adj. 103,672.00 14. Name and Location of Position 's Organ izat ion 18.Grade or Level 119.Scepor Rale 20. TolalSalary/Award 121. Pay Ba, i, 15 01 134,411.00 PA I20C. Adj. Basic Pay 30,739.00 120D.Other Pay 134,411.00 .00 22. Nam e a nd Locati on of Position 's Organization SMALL BUSINESS ADM IN ISTRAT ION REGION rx- LOS ANGELES LOSA GELES REGIONAL OFFI C E REGIONAL ADM I NlSTRA TOR SB 310901010000000000 EMPLOYEE DATA 23. V ctera ns Pr eference ~ 1- Non, J- 10- Poinl/D in bilitf ,_- U) - Poin t/Compmu. ble ? - ~ Point tfolLI 24 . Tenur e S- 10-Poinl/Otht:r 6- I O-Po~l/Co mpm1a blffl0 o/. ~o-None I - Permamrn1 ? - C.n dlll-..al l - lnd tfinlce 28. Ann uita nt Indica tor BASIC ~ 30. Retirement Plan ~ FERS pp 08 201 7 l2s. Agency Use 26. Veter a ns Pr eferen ce for RIF I n I NOT APPLICABLE 04/ 17/ 17 F 33. Part-Ti me Hours Per Biweekly I I F ULL TIME POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 1271-C 35. FLSA Category empetil heSc- r .-itt ?- El.tt pld Sen K't' !El l - S ES Cffltn l ,_ - SES Can'C'r R-.- n t d 38. Duty Station Code 06-1430-03 7 40. Agency Data NO I 'OT AP P L ICABLE 0 3 I. Ser\'ice Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule (FRAE ) YEsfxl 29. Pay Rate Determinant 36. Appropria tion Code Pay Peri od 37. Bargainin g Unit Status E - [ n mpt N - Nont J.l'mpt 8888 39. Duty Statio n (City - County - Stat e or O,·erseas Location) GLE!\DALE LOS ANGELE S CA 1 41. "w~~oTOo THE 143. 1~ 2, - 144. - - - - - S MALL BUSINES S ADMINISTRATION APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT E XECUTED 04/17/2017 CREDITABLE MILITARY SE RVICE : 00 YR S. 00 MOS . FROZ E N SERVICE : 00 YRS . 00 MOS . PRE V IOUS RETIREM ENT COVERAGE : NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS - RAE OR FERS - FRAE . APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE . . 46. Employing Departm ent or Agency 50. Signatur e/Authentication and Title of Appro ving Official ELE C TRON IC ALLY S IGNE D BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ SMALL BUS IN ESS ADM I N ISTRATION 47. Agency Code SB31 148.Personnel Office ID 1826 1 49. Approval Date C HI EF HUMA 1 CAP ITAL OFFI C E R 04/20/1 7 - S Pm1 50- 316 2 - OPF Copy- pVERSIGHT Long -Term Record - DO OT DESTROY Editions Prior ro 119I Are Not Usablt Afttr 6/30/93 NSN7540--01 - Jl J-6238 SBA-19-0057-A-000061 Sta nd n,·d For m SO Rev.W I U.S.Office of Pr.rsonnt.lManagement NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION .- FPM Su11p'96-33 Subch 4 ' I. Na me (Lasl, First, Middle) BARNETT , ZACHARY 2. Social Secur ity Number ~- Effective Date h I FIR ST AC flO N 04 /30 / 18 SECOND ACTIO N S-8. Nature of Action 5- A.Co de -- J 6-A. Code 6-B. Nat ure of Ac1ion 6--C. Code 6- D. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Legal Author ity EXCAPPT 170 5- C.C ode 5-D. Legal Auth ority Y7M SC H C 213 3332 5-E. Code 5- F. Legal Author ity - - - - 7. FROM: Position Titl e and Numb er IS. TO: Position Title and Number SPEC IAL ASS ISTANT GS0633 1 GS6331 8. Pay Plan 19. O«. Code 110. Grode or Level t, Ste11or Ratel 12.Total Salary I 12A. Basic:Pa y 128. l..ocaHcy Adj. I 12c. 113. Pay Basis I Adj. Dasi< Pay 120. .00 Ochtr Pay .00 I 16. Pay Plan 1 17. O«. Code GS 030 1 18. Grlldeor Lied ~ I - C•n 1pc-1i1h~ Seo kT ? - E.u't'plC'd St o in- 35. FLSA Category ~ l - SES Gfflual ..I- SES Can't" r R~M-nc-d 38. Duty Statio n Code 11-00 10-00 I 40.Agency Data 36. Appr opriat ion Code E-Eumr1 N - Non<'~tmr t 12S. Agency Use 26. V e.teran s Pref err.nee for RI F I 7 I vEs iX7 NO 29. Pay Rate Dete rminant 'OT APPLICABLE 0 I 33. Part-Time Hour s Per Biweekly Pay Period I 37. Bargaining Unit Status 8888 39. Duty Station (C ity - County - Seate or Overseas Location) WASHINGTO ' DIST OF COLUMB IA DC 141. 1 43. ]~ 2. , 4~. 4 A~~fl!T MENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 04 / 30/2018 CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE: 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETI REMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED APPOINTMENT IS INDEFIN IT E. EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS-RAE OR FERS-FRAE. WELCOMETO SBA 46. Employing Departm ent or Agency 50. Signa ture /Authentication and T itle o f A pproving Official SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRAT ION 47. Agency Code SB31 148. Porso onel Office ID 1826 1 49. Approva l Date ELECTRON I CALLY SIG 'ED BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ CHI EFH UMA CAPITAL OFFICER 04/24/18 - 5- Pa rt SO 316 2 - OPF Copy- pVERSIGHT Lo ng-Term Record - DO NOT DESTROY Editions Prior 10 7/9 1 Art Nol Usable Afler 6/30/93 NSN75-lo--01 - 333-f :-x,c·::1d ,md 1:it, Jnb·2016 - P1.:J·1m: .;m:.i1'R progrnm~foc::scc or. ;ra1krs ;\n:azo,~ Pr::nt A:r cai:io !'.' lar.e:s:md fu1e .1nu· '.\J:\1· ;.ge .-\.ma:wn\ ~da • • • ttou.sh;o wit!: t:-icl. :1i::.:,lS,;; ccsI'os1.i.'.51::.-ici:: Write. c't>velor,md "'''" ,~-e c.pp rrJY;,.L for , m·w s rcle ascs , 011:diaadvi~ories. fact sne-~t~ ·rnnspr,'t.1tlon b,:sbc.~~ an.tc, l a cooprchens.h-e nol ,'J)_,vin:10va:inr., :11,d,~.insp digi,F.'.am.!•oc:a.1me<:la ~rra ,,n~.unr. regy t<•,-ca.cho.udr1n: ces oi.:tside De, d opcc!.i.nd e,u:cutcd intcrru.l of polir:c: r.rd exrerm,; com m ,mimtion s eiforr~ on all cm:ior com Created ~.z:u~ic m e,su~n~ mi ttee: :cghl,drn: documc:n :s 1,nd oppo.,uilti c, for Ch:n,·m:.n,Committee :\km ber~. st~ff. :111dgene mi p,1 bEc Coun tcrPoint Strategics, Inc. CwmJ/tant • • Washington, D .C. 1U1~• Jamwr;2009 -Apt! ]111!11(1{)'200S - jt1Jlll:l t)' ](J(Jy !:x;rvedtis:Conltnit:-t!'°'~~ r,;~ti•)t111lspn r~c. :;n~ - '"n(;: interniui,1n:tl l1--.::,leatu. 1 l ·un 1,no rc.<;i )u r ,:,.::: i331-c~ De :,:.oped :i.ndin•plt:mei: t.:d c:tfo m:;.em; hr Ch'1i1man, Cocn..-n • .ma:i:,~mC:'1l ~t::"J.ttgi{:S ro itlearic)·:cgfalativc vuJn,·mbilit ie,, :md :-niti~t(: future risk ind ;m,:•m:: :- nbcn , rnd Com.·nh-c:em,;. ud:n~ media mb~r pr.:s, secrerr.ri..-~ :vi~nq;.,-J C.h,tim,~n':· rep ut,ir ion .1nt: ~cla.rion~hips wit:110 ? tic-rb,i-•nes5 and inddiiir~ MS . NBC, C\::..~ J'!/..,Ne•::.,_ thm : u~h " -:oh ABC . . C:BS .,si, c J;1th:::md , .11td~70rs l t~:idirinn~• ;,:-:m:;.:)'thac incl . ~u:1 .t'. c,..;:.!ia:ind blo~i;,:c nmn uded enc use: of co:iliti<>n,,th;n ::ich l p,ar:y l{e.~pnnsible r<)cms,si-:1~.:dc;· cl 20l•6 lr 5.:n:-~c,·doped :Ulu impk1num·li ~ srr:i.e_c,:ic:ll'.y ~re.~.,i\·c pre.~n•tirr. .n's 1ccv:npl:sr.mer.r~ •en,s via di,,i;:;, : media r:ither :kn '.xpa::crmom:y t:ilk.ingp.)mts, pre.r,~r.•:rn~c~, speccl1es, cdiiocb [-<,:in.d.···.1 t'W->ldt<:rh RepubJican Co1ue rence, U.S. House ofRepresc mative8 The Honorable Deborah Pryce (R-OH) " !Jsi;t111:t Pn1.;Sc~r?tar, l)rnfted and cdircxl pre:~~rdcr ..~cs. a,l, •so.cit~, ,pcc:he:,. mlm:!:::.~ ~n,>r~2n:zl.!d~,1::: d,,si!!llc:dw,e,dy ilrietlng m'1tcrials for Ji~tril> u~\,:lm :ih H0.1s..:,Re?rolican roembcc; ot Co,1l!rcs, - · --~- nrr7-~---- - --pVERSIG-HT- SBA-19-0057-A-000069 Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House ofRep tesentatives The Honorable Connie Morella StaJ//!ssistaJJt (R-MD) Washington, D.C. Octl)ber 2002 - Jt11mnry 200J 1 Education r;niversir1ofJ!linoi s • B2chelorof Science, 2fJ02• M.1jor:Fiu.·mc e Iohns Hopkins Univei:sity • :Ma.std"s of A.1:1,, , 2011 • iYfajo::Co mmunications • Conccctration: Media and Public Relations Activities PR Ne~-;; - 15-tn-U:'atch Ur:d,·r30.for WOR Cnivetsity of1Jlinois Leadership De:velopmenr Progrwmmentor Republic= Comrrnu1icato:-s ,'\s~o.:iatio11. President (2007, 2008); Vici: Presideut (2006); Profess ional Development (20051 Senate Press Sccrcmry.i\s~ocianon (2U09• 'Present) Rr:ruhlican Cunvcntion Vol u!l lCcr - &1,ionalPrim 1300/u r(2008); JJJrr,gnt1&corl (200-1) N,u:io1d Republican Conwcs~ion:;l Cummi tree -Tdcv1s io□ /R:lrlio/Print Booker for the Ch:1irm:m (2'.l08) Di gital Media Sid.Us Photography • Photnshop AMLfilCA'\J -pVERS1GH:f- -- ----·-- ------ SBA-19-0057-A-000070 S tandard Form SO Rev. 7191 U.S. Offi tt of Perso nnel M anage.mtnt NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION FPMSupp 296-33 Suhropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unit Siatu s t-t:nmp t N-Nonc-n mpl 8888 39. Duty Station (City- County- Sta te or Overseas Location) WASHIN G TO N DIST OF COLU MBIA DC 1 41. 1 42. r ~~00 144. 3. - - - - TO THE SMALL BUS IN ESS ADMINISTRATION APP OINT MENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 07 / 23 / 20 18 CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVICE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS . PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE : NEVER COVERED APPOINTMENT IS I NDEFINITE. 46. Employing Deparlm ent or Agency 50. Signature /Authentication and Title of Approving Official SMA LL BUS I ' ESS ADM I ISTRA TIO N 47. Age ncy C ode S B31 5 p 148. Person nel Office ID 1826 E L ECT RO N IC ALLY S IGNE D BY : E LIA S HER NAN DE Z 1 49. Appr oval Date C HI E F H MA C AP ITAL OFFI C ER 0 7/ 17/18 Part 50- 316 2 - OPF C opy - Lon g-Te rm R ecor d - DO NOT D ESTROY t:RSIGHT Editio ns Prior 10 7/9 1 Are '01 Usable After 6/J-0193 NSN 7540-0 1 -333➔238 SBA-19-0057-A-000071 W.TANNERBLACK PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Legislative Assistant: Office of Representative Robert Pitteng er July 2017-Present • Serve as the financial services policy adviser to Congressman Pittenger , a senior member on the Financial Services Comm ittee • Execute Congressman Pittenger's legislative strategy, includi ng bill introductions, bearing questions, letters to regulat ors , and markup offerings, in order to advance his objectives in fmancial services policy: growing consumer access to credit , provid ing community financial institutions regulatory relief , and tailorin g prudential regulation to a risk-based approach • Meet with a variety of representatives from coiporations, trade associations, advocacy firms, interest groups, and government agencies to solicit feedback on Congressman Pittenger's initiatives and learn about external stakeholder priorities • Represent Congressman Pittenger as his liaison to the House Financial Services Committee, advocating for the advanc ement of his policy priorities and staffing him at the appropriate Comm ittee hearings , meetings, markups , and strategy sessions • Monitor the House floor in order to advise Congressman Pittenger on relevant legislative developments and make vote recommendations related to fmancial services, taxes, housin g, appropriations, budget, small business, and social securit y legislation Committee on Judiciary Clerk: Subcommittee on lmmig ration and Border Security January 20 J6- July 2017 • Helped manage the subcommittee's coalition outreach to 23 Congressional Member offices for the EB-5 Investor Visa program • Responsible for aiding subcommittee oversight hearings and legislative mark-ups, including coordination across Congre ssional offices, coordinating logistics, interviewing witne sses and content management • Worked cooperatively with subcommittee counsels and committee public liaison to concisely articulate the Chairm an's immigration policy positions to over 10,000 constituent inquirie s • Skilled at managing projects that engage the subcommittee with other Congressional offices to find creative, short and longterm solutions • Responsible for training and supervising the subcommittee 's law clerk interns Special Assistant to the Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHe nry: Office of the House Majority Whip July 2014- December 2015 • Provided administrative, legislative, and logistical suppor t to Congressman McHenry in his capacity as the Chief Deputy Whip and Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Committee and his Chief of Staff • Developed and implemented a comprehensive MS Excelbased tool to track Congressional Members ' priorities and concerns that allowed for targeted outreach on a Member or staff level in support of the passage of multiple Congressional Acts • Worked with Majority Whip Steve Scalise's Floor Team in obtaining Member feedback on voting and legislation • Identified chronic logistical practices that impeded the office's efficiency and proactively instituted daily communicatio ns policies that reduced logistical issues by 33% • Briefed the Chief Deputy Whip before meeting s regardi ng legislation , updates on attendees , and topics of discuss ion • Facilitated correspondence between the Chief Deputy Whip, other members of Congress, industry leaders , and staff Committee on Foreign Affairs Intern: House of Repres entatives June 2014-July 2014 • Conducted research and wrote briefings on an array of policy issues • Drafted questions and talking points for full committee hearings • Contributed to daily management of the Committee's admini strative tasks EDUCATION Elon University, Elon , NC May 2014 Bachelor of Arts: Political Science GPA: 3.46 Minor: International Studies Honors and Honor Societies: Dean's List, President's List, Sigma Iota Rho, Pi Gamma Mu, and Pi Sigma Alpha Study Abroad: France, Germany, and the Czech Republic January 2012 Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, NC August 2010-May 2011 Honors: Academic scholarship and Dean's List ACTIVITIES Wilson Center, Foreign Policy Fellowship Program April 2017-June 2017 • Developed analyti cal approaches and fresh perspectives on key foreign policy issues • Debated and discuss key issues with some of the nation' s leading foreign policy thinkers and practitioners Partnership for Secure America, Congress ional Fellow s Program June 2016-September 2016 • Coauthored a bipartisan national security op-cd on the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) • Participated in interactive seminars designed to enhance negotiation and communication skills SKILLS Extensive experience with Microsoft Excel and PowerP oint , competent in SPSS, and WinCati operating system s pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000072 Standard F'ormSO ......... Rev.7/91 U.S.Officeof PenonnelManagem•nt FPMSupp.296-33, SubP• 296-33' Su bch 4 I. Na me (LaSI, Fir st, Middle ) 2. Social ecurily BULG ER, STEVE ' J FIRST ACTION 5- A. Code , 3. Date of Birth 6-A. Co de 6- B. 1ature of Ac1ion 6--(:. Code 6-D. Legal Authorily 6-E. Code 6-1'. Lega l Authori1y EXCAPPT 5-C. Code Y7M 5-D. Lt2a l Authorily 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Aut horily 4. Effective Date I -· SECOND ACTION 5-B. Nature of Action 170 'umber 01/08/ 18 SCH C 213 3332 7. FROM: Pos ition Tit le and Number 15.TO: Position Tit le and Number REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, REGION II SBGS0640 SBG040 8. P•y Plan 19. Oct . Code 12A. Basic Pay 110.Grade or Le,·et I. Step or Raiell2. Total Salary 1128. Locality Adj. I 16. Pay Plan 113. Pay Basis 17. Oct . Code GS I I 2C. Adj. Basic Pay .00 15 20A. Basir Pay 112D.01her Pay .00 01 208. LocalityAdj. 105,123.00 14. Name and Location of Posi tion's Organization I 18.Grade or Level t9.Sttp or Rare 20. Total Salary/Award 0301 33,776.00 121 ·Pay Basis 138,899.00 I 20C. Adj. Basic Pay PA 120D. 01her Pay 138,899.00 .00 22. Name and Loca tion of Posi t'ion's Organization SMALL BUSINESS ADM I ISTRATION REGION II-NEW YORK NEW YORK REGIONAL OFFICE REG IONAL ADMIN ISTRATOR SB 31020 IO10000000000 EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference ~ I -Non, Z - S- Painl l -l O-Poln1/lfo•Mlih IO-Puin1/Com11m:able ~- tfolIL ~ n •-N • • 24. Tenure - 10-Poinc/Othu 6- 10-Poinl /Co mpcrnitbk/ J0•t. 1- Prm1anm1 ? - C• ndl llanal J- lndrnnlh~ 28. Annuitant Indicato r BASIC 30. Retireme nt Plan M pp 01 2018 31. Serv ice Co mp. Date (Leave) FERS ( FRA E) 01/08/ 18 197 26. Vt1era ns Preference for Rll' nY Es fxl ro7•te 'OT APPLICABLE 32. Work Schedu le ~ ncyUse NOT APPLICABLE 33. Parr-Tim e Hours Ptr I Biweekly Pa y Period FULL TIME POSITION DAT A 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA C ate go ry ~ I - Compe1ith·c &-nic e ? - £.1,n-ptf'd S«n itt J - SES Gcnen l ~ - SESCarttr Rrsrn t'd 38. Duty S tation Code Code 37. Bargaining Unit Statu s [ -E ump l N-Nonnr mpt 8888 39. Duty Station (C i1y- Co unly - Sta te or Overseas Location ) 36-4 170-061 40. Agency Data 07 36. Appropriation NO Determinant INEWYORK I 41. EWYORK I L42. 43. - y j44· - ~~mfu TO THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AWM - 1019 DTD 11/22/1 7 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 01 / 08/18 FROZEN SERVICE: 00 YRS. 00 MOS. CREDITABLE MILITARY SERVI CE: 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS-RAE OR FERS - FRAE. APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE . .a6. Employing Department or Agency 50. Signature /Authentication SMALL BUSI 'ESS ADMINISTRATION 47. Agency Co de SB 31 148. Personn el Office ID 1826 1 49. Approva l Date a nd Title of Approving Official ELECTRONICALLY SIG ED BY: ELIAS HER ANDEZ CHIEF H MA CAPITAL OFFICER 11/27/ 17 5- Part 50-316 pVERSIGHT 2 - OPF Copy - Long-Te rm Record - DO NOT DESTROY Editions Prior 10 7/9 1 Art No 1 Usable Afier 6/30/93 NSN 754(H)l- 333-6 2J8 SBA-19-0057-A-000078 Steve Bulger SUMMARY Accompli shed Business & Government Affairs Professi onal, including Fortune 500, small business, and local, stat e & federal government expertise . Skilled in strategic & tactical planning/executio n ; government relation s, sales & market ing planning/e xecut ion; team leadership, communicat ions & public relations; and new business development . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENC E I. Revolution Strat egies New York: Founder; 2017 - Present. Busines s and government consulting firm specializing in small business advocacy with all levels of government . Oth er areas of focus include economic and business development planning, and commu nications and public relations strat egies. II. US House of Representatives: District Director for Congressman Chris Gibson; 2011 - 2017. Oversaw all Congressional district operations across 15 counties in Eastern New York the past six years. Managed 8 district off ices with average of 13 staff. Responsibilities included managin g all federal, state, & local governmental relationships w ith in the district; all private sector & non-prof it district relat ionships, including an econom ic and small business development focus and support ; develop ing/execut ing all strateg ic and tactical plans/ope rations/events involving Congressman Gibson's governm ental and po litical district activities. Ill. Stryker Orthopaedics: Sales Ma nager, Eastern NV/Western New England Region; 2001 - 2010 . Accomplished sales professional with consistent above quota results in highly com petitive orthopedic medical device sector. As Manage r, led team sales in $14 million 26 hospital Albany/Western Mass./Southern Vermont territories . Products included hip and knee reconstr uct io n and trauma impl ants and instruments. Primary customers were hospitals and orthopedic surgeon s. Managed seven sales reps, two technical reps, and operations staff. IV. Digital Marketing Technologies: FoundingPartner; 1998- 2000. Start-up digita l media comp any specializing in CD-ROM/Internet marketing techniques. Oversaw all operatio ns and strategy . Clients included international personal products company and financ ial instit ution . V. Synthes USA: SalesConsultant, Eastern NY/VT /Weste rn MA; 1991-19 97 . Responsible for sales of orthopedic trauma medical devices, including implants and equipment, with market leader to hospitals in New York, Massach usetts, and Vermont. Worked closely in over 2,000 O.R. cases with surgeons, nurses, and othe r medical professionals. Achieved numerous sales awards and recognition . VI. Johnson & Johnson M edical: Senior Sales Consultant, Portland, ME & Albany, NY; 1988 - 1991 . Managed a $4 million territory in upstate New York, New Hampshire, Mai ne, and Massachusetts. Responsible for sales of various medical/surgical products to hospita ls and distributors. Successfully developed and implemented sales/marketing programs and educational t raining programs & seminars. pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000079 ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTEXPERIENCE I. Clifton Park Planning Board: Chairman; 2003 - 2010. Chairman of one of the most active and proficient Planning Boards in Upstate NY with focus on growing the small business and commerc ial base in the t own. Oversaw hundreds of project reviews for residential and commercial developm ent projects . II. Clifton Park Director of Retail Revitalization; 2001- 2003. Appointed to spearhea d rejuvenation of 1-87 Exit 9 commercial/retail development . Initiated successful strategy to attract anchor tenants to Clifton Park Center, which helped form the basis of strong business growth in the town's commercial center. EDUCATION Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania BA, Government & Law, 1981 Rockefeller Institute of Public Policy, Albany, New York Public Administration Master's Program, 1990-1991 PERSONAL INFORMATION C '\J pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000080 Standard Form 50 Re,•.7191 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONN EL ACTION U.S. Office or Personnt.l Mana1:e. me.n1 FPMSu 11p 2%-JJ , Subnd !El _, - SES CarN"r Rc-wnc-d 38. Oury Statio n Code 42 -4086 -09 l FULL T IME 36. Appro pri at ion Code 37. Bargaining Unit Stat us E- EHm pt N-1'onneomp1 8888 39. Oury S1ation (Ciry - Co unty - Slat e or Overseas Location ) KING OF PR USS IA MONTGOMERY PA I~ .. 40. Agency Dara INOT APPLICABLE 33. Parr-Time Hour s Per Biweekly Pay Peri od POSITION DATA ~ 1-Co mpt>lllhc-&n~ NO 29. Pay Rate Determinan t 3 1. Service Comp. Date (Leave) 32. Work Schedule (F RA E) 26. Ve1erans Pref ere nce for RIF nYES0 28. Annui tan t l.ndi cator LI BAS IC ~ FERS pp 04 2018 DATA I ~2. 143. J4 4. - .- ~i,\y:~eflfuTO THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION APPOINTMENT AFFI DAVIT EXECUTED 02/20/2018 CREDITABLE MI LI TARY SERVI CE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS. FROZEN SERVICE : 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: NEVER COVERED EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS, FERS - RAE OR FERS-FRAE. APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. 46. Employing Departm enl or Agency 50. Signatur e/A uth enti ca tion a nd T itl e of Approvin g O fficial SMALL BUSINESS A DMINISTRATION 47 . Agency Code SB3 1 I ~8. Personnel Office ID 1826 ELECT RONI CALLY SI GNED BY: ELIAS H ERNAN DEZ 1 49. Approva l Date C HI EF H UMA ' C APITAL OFFI CER 02/ 16/ 18 S--Part .S0-316 2 - OPF C op y- Lo ng-Ter m Record - DO 'OT DEST ROY pVt:RSIGHT Edi1ions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usabl, After6/30 /93 NSN7540-01-JJH238 SBA-19-0057-A-000081 MICHELLE CHRISTIAN Attorney at Law PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Attomey-Law Office of Michelle Christian, Newtown, Pennsylvania 2016 - Present • Maintain divorce and family law practice in Pennsylvan ia • Manage all aspects of business including marketing , client relations , case assessment and strategic planning • Represent clients in divorce , custody , support and abuse • Review and assess all assets and liabilities of client to develop strategy for use in settlement and/or trial Shareholder Attorney-Stark & Stark, P.C., Yardley, Pennsylvania 2013 - 2016 • Represented indiv iduals in family law and domestic relations matters • Litigated divorce, custody , support and abuse cases in Pennsylvania • Engaged in speaking and representation on 2 nd Amen dment laws • Provided expungement assistance for the low-income community of Philadelphia Attorney-Law Office of Michelle Christian, Newtown, Pennsylvania 2009 - 2013 • Maintained a divorce and family law practice in Penns ylvania • Partnered with other law firms and attorneys in family law cases • Represented clients in divorce , custody, support and abuse • Performed pro bona legal service in Protection from Abuse and other family law cases Attorney - Law Offices of Zlock & Snyder, P.C., Langhorne, Pennsylvania 2008 - 2009 • Represented clients in family, criminal, civil and orpha ns court matters • Litigated contract disputes in District Justice Court • Consulted with outside media to institute marketing strategies and advertising for the firm Staff Attorney- Women Against Abuse Legal Center, Philad elphia, Pennsylvania 2005• • • 2007 Litigated family law cases for victims of domestic violen ce Served as a liaison to the City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services for the needs of clients Conducted and taught law seminars for community, collea gues and Philadelphia Police Department M f IC '\J -f)V-E.aslG-------HI- SBA-19-0057-A-000082 Staff Attorney - Philadelphia Legal Assistance, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 2003- 2005 • Provided legal representation to diverse and low income clients in family law matters • Researched and wrote petitions , motions , briefs and other legal correspondences • Assisted with advocacy for welfare , Head Start, Medicaid and other government programs Document Review Legal Assistant and Attorney 1999- 2003 Assisted in preparation of litigation and analyzed complex legal documents w ith various law finm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Newark , New Jersey ; and Washington, D .C. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP BUSINESS & PROFESSIO NAL ASSOCIATION Board Member , 2015 - Present HISPANIC BAR ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA Board Member , 2016 - Present PENNSYLVANIA BAR ASSOCIATION Member , 2008 - Present Community and Public Relations Committee , Vice Chair, 2014 - Present Zone 9 Co-Chair - Young Lawyers Division , 2008 - 2009 , 2013 - 2014 Representative , County of Conference Bar Leade rs, 20 I 0 Treasurer - Young Lawyers Division, 2009-20 l 0 BUCKS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Member , 2013 - Present CIVIC AND COMMUNITY AFFILIATIONS 2No AMENDMENT MEMBERSHIPS • • • • Gun Owners of America Firearm Owners Against Crime Pennsylvanians for Self-Protection Langhorne Rod & Gun Club - Membership Committee , 2015 -Presen t NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATI ON Vice Chair - 2017 - Present Secretary , 2016 - 2017 Board Member , 2015 - Present AW RlvAt\ -f)VERSI-GH--T- SBA-19-0057-A-000083 POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, BUC KS COUNTY COORDINATOR 2016 • Oversaw PA-08 Delegate races, winning 2 of 3 seats • Coordinated all volu nteer activities • Worked with County and State Party on GOT V activities • Worked on campaign events NEW CENTURY LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE, PAC PRESIDENT 2014 - Present • Advance the objective of assisting women, minorities and other underrepresented candidates in the Republican party • Raised over $30,000.00 CANDIDATEFORBUCKSCOUNTYPROTHON OTARY 2013 • Endorsed Republican candidate for Bucks County Row Office • Circulated petitions and coordinated teams of volunteers • Raised over $30,000 .00 for primary election • Endorsed by 2008 GOP Presidential Nominee , Senator John McCain NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP REPUBLICA N COMMITTEE Committeewoman, 2000-2002 , 2013 - Present BUSH/CHENEY 2004 Volunteer attorney for Election Da y legal opera tions REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEMBERSHIPS • National Federation of Republican Women • Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Wom en • Bucks County Council of Republican Wom en EDUCATION SETON HALL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, Newark, New Jersey J.D., May l 999 Memberships and Activities: Gressman Moot Cour t; Mock Trial ; Phi Alpha Delta; Women's Forum; NJ Mentor Program ; and Volu nteer Income Tax Assistance Program ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY, Staten Island, New York B.S., Criminal Justice , May 1995 UNION COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEG E, Cranford, New Jersey A.A., Criminal Justice, May 1993 AMEf~ICAN -pVEAStGH SBA-19-0057-A-000084 Standard Form SO Rtv. 7191 . U.S. Offi ct NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION orPrrsonnel Management •·PM S1111p• 296-JJ' S ub· 4 - 10- Point/Cornrm~ablc IO N VI 18. Grade or Le,·el 119.Stepor Rate 20.TotolSalary/Award Ill. Pay Basis 15 01 121,280.00 PA 105, 123.00 EMPLOYEE DATA , _,... , ?- ~Point 0340 20A. Basic Pay .00 I~. Name and Location of Position's Orga nizatio n - 16. Pay Plan 1 17. O« . Code GS I 12A. Bnsir Pay M 11/1 1/ 18 SECO DACTION 5-C. Code Y7M ~ 4. Effective Date 3. Date of Birth 36. Appr opriation Code Pay Period 37. Bargaining Unit Sta tus E-Eu-mpt 8888 N - NonH em111 39. Duty Statio n (City - County- State or Oversea s Locatio n) NEWORLEA 141. s 1 42. ORLEA s LA 144. 143._ - - ~~00 - - - - TO THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATI ON APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED 11 / 12 / 2 0 18 CREDITABLE MI LITARY SERVI CE: 00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUS RETIREMENT COVERAGE: PREVIOUSLY COVERED APPOINTMENT IS INDEFINITE. EMPLOYEE IS AUTOMATICALLY COVERED UNDER FERS , FERS-RAE OR FERS-FRAE . FROZEN SERVI CE: 00 YRS . 00 MOS. ~6. Employing Departm ent or Agency SO.Signature /Auth entica tion and Title of Approvin g Official SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 47. Age ncy Code SB31 148. Personntl Office ID 1826 149.Appr oval Date ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY: ELIAS HERNANDEZ CHIEF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER 11/11/18 - Part 50-316 S pVERSIGHT 2 - OPF Co py- Long- Te rm R ecor d - DO OT DE ST ROY Editions Prior 10 7/9 1 Art Nol Usable Afler 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333➔238 SBA-19-0057-A-000088 Justin J. Crossie Education • • • • • Sout heastern Louisiana University , Bachelor of General Studies degree with a concentrat ion in po litic al science and a minor in h istory - 2007 U.S . Anny War College, National Security Sem inar - 2006 The Leadership rnstitute's Grassroots Activist School, Campa ign Leade rship Schoo l -2004 U.S .M.C. Heavy equ ipment mechan ic school. Camp Lejeune, No rth Carolina 1993-94 Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville Georgia - 1990 Work experience 2008 to Present Congressman Steve Scalise, Regional Director Liaison to government, community and constituent groups in Louisiana ·s First • Congressional District . Coordinate outreach and grassroots etforts for regional area; staff th e Congressman while in district and repre sent the Congressman in his absence by attending civic and community meetings. • Trac k all legislative and non -legislative issues and provide memorandum to congressman and chief of staff on all developments. opinions, concerns of government and community leaders from the fir st congressional district. Handle constituent casework issue s for different federal agencies . • Represented the Congress man al various function s and traveled to field offices to meet with const ituents • • 2002 - 2008 U.S. Senator David Vitter, Florida and River Parishes Representative • Liaison to government, community and constituent groups in ass igned geographical area. Coordinate outreach and grassroots effons for assigned regional area: Staff the Senator in state and represent the senator in his absence by attending civic and community meetings in geographic area. • Track of all legislative and non-legislative issues and provide memorandum to State Director on all developments, opinions, concerns of govemmcnt and community leader s from the Florida and River Parishes area. Handle constit uent casewo rk is sue s for different federal agencies . Assisted constituents by helping to resol ve problems with federa l and state agencies (Active Duty Military, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Justice , Federal Commun ications Commission and the Federal • AMERICAN pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000089 Trade Commission). Represented the Congressman at various functions in Washington, Tang ipahoa. and St. Tammany Parishes and traveled to field offices to meet with constituent s Vitter for U.S. Senate 2004 • Tangipahoa Parish Chairman: Designed and implemented ..Get Out The Vote"' program for Tangipahoa parish ; organ ized key volunteers in parish for effective Election Day turnout for seleckd candidates. U.S. Congress man David Vitter, Staff Assistant 2002 - 2004 • Lia ison to government , community and constituent groups in assig ned geographical area. Coordinate outreach and grassroots cffo11s for assigned regional area; • Staff the Cong ressman in the district and attended civic and coinmuni ty meetings in the district. • Track legis lative and non-legislative issues and provide memorandum to District Director on all developments, opinions, concerns of government and community leaders from LA-01. • Handle constituent casework issues for different federal agencies. Assisted constituents by helping to resolve problems with federal and state agencies Active Duty Military. Department of Housing and Urban Development , Department of Justice, federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Com mission. • Represented the Congressman at various functions in Washington . Tangipahoa, and St. Tammany Parishes and traveled to field offices to meet with constituents Louisiana Machinery statewide attachment manager and mechanic 1999 - 2002 • Monitored and maintained ten million dollars in attachment inventory across Louisiana at six Louisiana Machinery Caterp illar locations. • Prioritized attachm ent needs for the Louisiana Rents stores rental fleet, trans ferred depreciated and ordered attachments as required . • Louisiana Machinery. rental fleet mechanic responsible for inspection s of returned rental equipment, inventorying and billing of rental damage.Repaired and preformed preventive maintenance on rental fleet inventory. Cooper Energy Services 1997 - 1999 • Oil field service mechanic preformed routine maintenance. inspection s, and overhaul s of engines and compressors used in the production of natural gas and oil in the Gulf of Mexico. • Member of a nuclear power outage maintenance team, conducting preventive maintenance of onsit e emergency po"ver generators per Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines. AMEf"CAN pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000090 United States Marine Corps • • 1993 - 1997 Corporal. E-4. recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot. San Diego. J lea\")' equipment mechanic school. Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. 211i.l Fleet Service Support Group, Engineer Battalion. 3rd Fleet Service Support Group, 9 th Enginee r Battalion Okinawa. Japan. Honorably discharged . J\Mf::HICA'\J pVERSIGHT SBA-19-0057-A-000091