Refurn of OrganizatÍou Exempt From Income Tax s 3O1(c), 927, ct 4S4t(àX1) of t:re Iüìenìül Revenue Oorle [êxc¿pt prfvõte þ' Þ socfåt åbs¡rt nurnberç on thls farm as I 0 äfld its ¡nstrücnrns ís at 12-31 Éùì( t! EnìFlôye? ldentlf¡Ëetich nuúrhçr ILLTNOIS 41-?057028ì e9 ¡¿ È,ã n ¡9O S TASALLE or Õf co{-{ntry. 1¡F c.lrIcAGÖ. G 6r€sç.ècêiÈts H(a) ts thls ]OHN ÏILLMAN 190 g I-ASALLE åTRËãT NO 15$O I ,"'' nM sor(cx¡) ffi lJ Tax-*emÐì. stãtus: sor¡c¡( )¡({ins¿rtno.} t} Hfhl ' ' +s+zq"¡1r¡* fJ KFoxnof orgarrízaton; I {û 1ô & > ñ rr*t fl corporatnn Ü oglerl* aso.i"tion Ilver M¡¡o l] v*t f].to Are all subordlnates rncruded? li(c) "S¡o," ûttaú ô list. (see lnstfi.r¿tions) Group exempt¡on n$mber> L Veãf of forrnaüÕn: 2002 Brlêfly describe thô õr'oaftlzðtlon^s mis6lon or .nost ãigñtfiËant activitfesi THË TNSTTÏUÍã IS A FRçË MÀR,KET ÕRTÉNTËD THINK TAÑK ÞEDICATED TO GATHERTT'¡G, OI$SF¡4II'¡A1f,'{G, ÀîIO €ÞI'TATTNû COhIÍTITT-IFNTS ON , A¡üE FËDERAL PUFLIC FûI,ICY IGSUFS FACINÍ: ÍL:.INOTS. 1tt $ ffl 6 0r6uF rettJrn for firbordtnates? If szz Wlvw.¡LLINOISPOIICY"úRG * 8,556,474 2 check thls liox þ il ¡f the orgðÍirÃtion dlssanunued its opêratiÕn8 or diåposed of more than 3 Nvmb€r oF vot¡ng me¡nbers of the governíng body (part VI, llne Ia) . 4 Number of iÀdependeil vcting merùerx of the çovøm¡ng hady (part VI, l¡ne lb) 5 Total nurÍb€r of individuâls employed tn ealendar year ZûI7 (Fõrt V, line 2ë) . , 6 Tota I nun¡be¡ of yo¡unteers {estlmate tl necessar}) 7a Totãl unrelated busil.}ess revenue ftorn Fart VIil, . of ths r.èt 7 . coiumn {C), linê I b t$et un.Êlated bustness taxãbl€. t¡recme from Form 2596. 990-I. ltfle 34 ILIIñIOIs 5 0 õ t Z, 7¡r . 7b Cüfferìt Year ð Contributions and grants {Ëart Vfft ltne * Program service Íevenue (Fart VIII. liFe th) ?g) . 16¿,170 " 10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A]* llnes 3,4. snd 7d ] l1 Other revenuÊ (Pð!t VIII, column (A). l¡nes 5" 6d. ec, 9c, 10ç arld 11å) l2 TÕtal reve'r$e-âdd lînes I through ån (must equa' part VII?, column (A), linå f?) 13 Grents and sirnllår amounts paid (Part IX, oofurnr: (A), lines 1-3 ) . 14 Benefits põtd to Õr for mernbers (Pårt:X, column (Ai. ftne ¿l) . salari€s, other cor¡tpeñsatiôn, employ€e bÊr:efíts {part IX, column (Á}, tines 16È ProfesslÐÌal tundralshg fees (P€rt IX, column (A), itne l1e) . . 13*1l (nì(st 1B To{.af expens€s. Adrt lines 19 Revenue less exÞensÊs, Subtrìact li$e 18 from tlnÊ 12 2Ð T$tal assets tFårt X, linê ?1 22 lõ) , https :l/eup, ep s. irs. 5-to} govhneflrrclprd./sdi/proxy/prirrtStrb . 0 c €,,9å3,û67 t46,389 20 0 c -37S,197 Ëegillnlnq cf Curreilt Ye¿] . Net as ets or fund bðlðnces. SlrbtËct lltìe 21 kÕm lífie 1,11.3,12i . equal Fõft lX, cofumn (A), l¡ne A5} Tûtål liabilllies (Part X, line 26) 2,795 6,5$e-å7C ! 15 l¡ Tat¡l ft¡ndr¿isìng exæns* (Fårt I& æl¡rmn {S}. line ¿5} ÞSÐ3,s1o 17 Other exp€nses (Pãrt lX, co¡umr¡ (A), lines 11ã-11d, t1f-?4Ê) -45 346 -132,548 Er¡d df Yåãr 410,60 1 5,Õ00 1,76'0 94r.,3ð9 904,841 x2!3f20t8 Page ? Under peñàlties of perlury. { declare thåt I håve exðmlnËd ÊIì¡E retum, tûdudingiãccompaflylng scheúJles and Etatements. ând to the besl of my knowledge a¡d Ireltefì tt is true. correct, and cornplete. Dedãrätior¡ of preparer (other than off cer! ls baseij on ell lnformãtlon of wfifcfì preçarer has, anv knowledse" \ Sign Here of44 I , 3018-11-19 Þðte /síunature of offcer or f¡rinvïyw Paid Fr*parer Us* Õnly Kti.tsÊ*:-gY Fifm's prepðrårþ $çfiãì.*r* K'TâåË&Lff ã FKTT¿STHË ft nÌå * $Rftãsclts Brepår€t"s nãme ) w¡Lr,ow cpe cRouP LTD Firnìk Ëddrêss Þ 1õ?2 w coLoN¡ÁL PÂRKWAY lñlvËRNËss, rL ü¡18 !$tå-t1-t.ä ct* f3 it #-g¡M FÍrm's EIt{ SUXTE î.ü1 > https :/lerrp. eps. 47-217s213 Pbona no. (ð47) ¡+53-t9s0 60067 ülv"s u l'{ay the lRs discu$s thls rÈtur-¡r s¿ith the preparer shown abü.e? (see aÍ5"tr$etions} sõe pût33?676 sÊpâr¡¡lâ Cat" ffa" Itt*äY No rornr 99O Ïä1313ü18 Page 3 of 44 I Forr¡ 990 (2017) Page lþart IUË Statement of P rogra m Service 1 Check if Schedule O contains a resDonse or note to ãnv line in this Part Br¡efly descr¡be the organization's mission 2 Accompl ishments III THE INSTITUTE IS A FREE MARKET ORIENTED THINK TANK DEDICATED TO GATHERING, DISSEMINATING, AND EDUCATING ILLINOIS CONSTITUENTS ON LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL PU BLIC POLICY ISSUES FACING ILLINOIS. 2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ? If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule [.]l v"" M ¡¡o O. Did the organ¡zat¡on cease conduct¡ng, or make signif¡cant changes in how ¡t conducts, any program services? [-] It "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule v"" Miro O. 4 Describe the organization's program service accomplishments for each of ¡ts three largest program services, as measured by expenses. Section 501(c)(3) and 501(cX4) organizat¡ons are required to report the amount of giants anà allocations to others, the toúl and revenue, if any, for each program service reported. "ip"nr"., 4a (Code: j,655,269 inctudtng grants of g ) (Expenses g 2,AL3,346 ) (Revenue $ 0) ILLINOIS POLICY INSTITUTE CONDUCTS RESEARCH ON A VARIETY OF ISSUES, INCLUDING FISCAL MATTERS, EDUCATION POLICY, AND GOVERNMENT REFORM. THE INSTITUTE SHARES ITS FINDINGS WITH RELEVANT AUDTENCES vIA poLlcy pApERS, MEDIA AppEARANcEs, SPEAKTNG e¡¡c¡èeNe¡lts, AND orHER puBLIc FORUMS. ALL OF THE INSTIIUTE'S RESEARCH IS DESIGNED TO BETTER EDUCATE AND BENEFIT ILLINOIS RESIDENTS, TAXPAYERS, MEDIA, AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ON THE POLICTES CONFRONTING ILL¡NOIS. 4b (Code: ) (Expenses 3g,4\g $ ¡ncludlng grants of g ) (Revenue $ lncludlng grants of $ ) (Revenue 0) EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS ON THE PUBLIC POLICIES OF ILLINOIS. 4c (code: 4d Other program services (Describe in Schedule O.) (Expenses $ 4e Total ram service ) (Expenses g ¡ncluding grants ot g ses þ ) (Revenue $ g 7 990 https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSu b t2l3l20t8 Page 4 of 44 Form 990 (2017) IV Pa Sch es Yes If'Yes,' 1 Is the organization descr¡bed in section 501(cX3) ot 4947(a)(l) (other than a pr¡vate toundat¡on)? scne¿uË 2 Is the organization required to complete Schedute B, Schedute of Contr¡butors (see instructions)? Ð . Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political çampaign activ¡ties on behalf oF or in opposition to candidates for public office? If "Yes," complete Schedute C, Part I W 3 4 nffi Sect¡on 501(c)(3) organizations, Did the organization engage in lobby¡ngjlctivities, or have a section 501(h) election in etfect during the tax year? If 5 6 7 8 complete "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II W 1 2 Yes NO 3 4 Yes Is the organizat¡on a section 501(c)(4),501(cX5), or 501(c)(6) organization that receives membership dues, assessments, or similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," complete Schedute C, Part IilW Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? 5 If "Yes," comptete Schedule D, Paft Lffi , Dìd the organizat¡on receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, 6 theenv¡ronment,h¡storiclandareas,orh¡storicstructures?If"Yes,"compteteScheduleD,PaftIIffi. 7 No I No 9 No 10 No Did the organizat¡on maintain collections qf works of art, histor¡cal treasures, or other s¡milar assets? "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Iil ffi Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21 for escrow or custodial account liability; serve as a custodian tor amounts not listed in Part X; or provide credit_.counsellng, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services?ff "Yes," comptete Schedute D, Paft IVW ff 9 No Yes 10 Did the organízation, directly or through a related organ¡zation, hold assets in temporarily restricted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? ¡f "Yes," complete Schedule D, Paft Vffi 11 It the organization's answer to any of the following questions is "Yes," then complete Schedule D, Parts VI, VII, VIII, No No or X as applicable. a Did the organizat¡on report an amount, bu¡ldings/ and equ¡pment in Part X, line 10? "Yes," complete Schedute D, Part VI ffi , 1la If b Did the organizat¡on report an amount for ¡nvestments-other securities in Part X, line 12 that is 5olo or more of its total 11b assets reported in Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedute D, PartVilW c Did the organization report an amount for investments-program related ¡n Part total assets reported ¡n Part X, linê 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VIil &,,:l" d Did the organ¡zation report an amount for other assets ln in Part X, line 16? ff "Yes," complete Schedule D, Paft IX Pa_rt rd. X, line 15 that ¡s 5olo t: ,n.., ,l uo: or more of its 11d e Didtheorgan¡zationreportanamounttorotherliabilities¡nPartX, f Did the organization's separate or consolidated f¡nancial statements for the tax year include a footnote that addresses the organizat¡on's liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Paft Xffi 11f ff'Yes,' Did the organization obtain separate, independent_audited financial statements for the tax year? complete Schedule D, PaÌts XI and XII ffi , t2d Was the organization included in consolidated, independent audited financial statements For the tax year? If "Yes," and ¡fthe organ¡zat¡on answered "No" to line 12a, then completing Schedule D, Pafts XI and XII is optional L2b 12a b 13 Is the organization a school described ¡n section 170(bX1)(AXii)? l4a Did the organization maintain an oFFice, employees, or agents outside of the United States? ff "Yes," complete Schedule E b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service activities outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? If"Yes," complete Schedule F, Pafts I and IV No No 1lc or more of its total assets reported line25?ff"Yes,"completeScheduteD,PaftXW Yes Yes 11e No Yes No Yes 13 No 14a No t4b No 15 Did the organ¡zation report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for any foreign organizalion? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV 15 No 16 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other ass¡stance to or for foreign individuals? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts ilI and IV 16 No t7 Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on Part IX, column (A), lines 6 and I7e? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I (see instructions) t7 No 18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total ot fundraising event gross ¡ncome and contributions on Part VIII, lines 1c and Ba? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part II 18 No 19 Did the organizat¡on report more than $15,000 of gross income from gaming activit¡es on Part complete Schedule G, Paft III 19 No VIII, l¡ne ga? ff "Yes," Form https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS ub 990 (2017 1213t2018 Page 5 Form 990 (2ù17) Part Page ist of ( ired Yes 2Oa Did the organization operate one or more hospital Facilities? b If "yes," complete schedule H . 20a If "Yes" to line 20a, did the organization attach a copy of its audited financial statements to this return? Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domest¡c organization or domestic government on Part IX, column (A), line t? ff,'yes,,'complete Schedule I, parts I and II . . W 22 Did the organizat¡on report more than $5,000 ofgrants or other assistance to or tor domestic individuals on part IX, column (A), line 2? ff "Yes," comptete schedute l, parts l and ln , . . ffi Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? If,yes,, completeSchedule) . K If Yes 2L 22 No Yes 23 H "No," go to l¡ne 2Sa , 24b G Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time dur¡ng the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? 24c d Did the organizat¡on act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstand¡ng at any time dur¡ng the year? 24d 25a Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 50t(c)(29) organ¡zat¡ons, Did the organizatlon engage in an excess benetit transaction with a disqualified person during the year? complete Schedule L, Part I ü If "yes," b Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person ¡n a prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms ggï or géo-Ez? g If "Yes," complete Schedute L, Part I 26 Did the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6, or 22 for receivables from or payables to any current or lormer otticers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or disqualified persons? If "Yes," complete Schedute L, Part II Ë$ 27 Did the organizat¡on provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection comm¡ttee member, or to a 35o/o controlled entity or family member of any of these persons? ff "Yes,' complete Schedule L, paft ilI . . 2A Was the organization a party to a business transact¡on with one of the following parties (see Schedule L, part IV instruct¡ons for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions): a A current or former ofticer, director, trustee, or key employee? Paft IV . b A family member of a current or former officer, d¡rector, trustee, or key employee? If ,,yes,', complete Schedute IV. If 'lþs," ü I ffi complete Schedute L, An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, d¡rector, trustee, or direct or indirect ownet? If "yes,', complete Schedute L, paft IV W 29 Did the organizat¡on receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? Did the organization receive contributions of art, h¡stor¡cal treasures, or other s¡milar assets, or qualified conservation contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedute M . {ff 31 Did the organizat¡on liquidate, term¡nate, or dissolve and cease operations? 32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25olo of its net assets? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part II 33 Did the organization own 100o/o ofan entity disregarded as separate trom the organization under Regulations sections 307.770f-2 and 301.7701-3? If "Yes," comptete Schedule R, part I ffil Was the organizat¡on related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? Part V, line 1 ff If'Yes,' complete If Schedute M. W "Yes," complete Schedule N, part "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part II, ill, 36 or IV. and H 38 2sb No 26 Yes 27 No 28a No 28b No 28c No 29 Yes 30 No 31 No 32 No 33 No 34 Yes 35a Yes If'Yes'to line 35a, did the organization receive any payment from or engage in any transaction with a controlled entily 35b within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If 'Yes,'comptete Schedute R, paftV, line 2 , ffi Section 501(c)(3) organízat¡ons. D¡d the organ¡zation make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, tine 2 ffi Did the organ¡zation conduct more than 5olo of its activities through an entity that is not a related organization and that is treated as a partnership for federal ¡ncome tax purposes? ff ,yes,, complete Schedute R, part VI ffi organiz¿tion? 37 No I 35a Did the organization have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 51Z(bX13)? b 25a paft 30 34 No 24a b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary per¡od exception? . c No No 24a Did the organizat¡on have a tax-exempt bond issue w¡th an outstanding principal amount of more than g100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 3L,2OO2? If "Yes," answer t¡nes 24b through 24d and complete Schedule 4 ,ôh 2l 23 of44 Did the organization complete Schedule O and provide explanations in Schedule O for Part VI, lines 11b and 19? Note. AII Form 990 f¡lers are required to complete Schedule O. Yes 36 No 37 No 38 Yes Form 99O (2017) https ://eup.eps. t2l3l20t8 Page 6 of 44 påge Form 990 (2017) pðrt V nse or note to a Check if Schedule O conta¡ns a b c 2a Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- ¡f not appl¡cable Enter the number of Forms W-2G ¡ncluded in line la.Enter-0- ¡t not applicable D¡d the organizat¡on comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments (qambling) winnings to pr¡ze winners? 1a 32 1b 0 1c , 4a Yes Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return b No to vendors and reportable gaming 2a b If at least 3a j line ¡n th¡s Part V Yes 1a s Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compl¡ance one ¡s reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required tederal employment tax returns? Note.If the sum of l¡nes 1a and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file (see instructions) Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? , 2b 3a Yes "Yes," has it filed a Form 990-T for this year?lf "No" to l¡ne 3b, provide an explanation in Schedule O , At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a slgnature or other authority over, financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, secur¡ties account, or other financial account)? . , 3b Yes IF a 4a No 5a No 5b No b If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country: See instructions for filing requirements for FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) 5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time dur¡ng the tax year? . . b Did any taxable party notity the organization that it was or ¡s a party to a proh¡bited tax shelter transaction? c If "Yes," to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T? . . 5c 6a Does the organ¡zation have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the organization sol¡cit any contr¡butions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions? . b If "Yes," did the organization include a Organ¡zat¡ons No with every solicitation an express statement that such contr¡butions or gifts were not tax deductible? 7 6a 6b that may receive deductible contr¡butions under sect¡on 17O(c). Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contributiôn and partly for goods and provided to the payor? b IF "Yes," did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services prov¡ded? c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to tile Form 8282? d If "Yes," ¡ndicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year e Did the organization receive any tunds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? f g Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or ¡ndirectly, on a personal benefit contract? 7a No 7b 7c No 7d 7e required? 7g . h If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organizat¡on t¡le a Form 1098-C? 7h 8 Sponsor¡ng organizations maintaining donor advised funds, Did a donor advised fund maintained by the sponsoring organization have excess business holdings at any time during the year? 9a Did the sponsoring organization make any taxable distributions under section b 1O a b 11 a b 4966? 13 . Did the sponsor¡ng organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 8 9a 9b Sect¡on 501(c)(7) organ¡zations, Enter: Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part 1Oa 12 VIII, line 12, for public use of club fac¡l¡ties 10b Sect¡on 501(c)(12) organ¡zations. Enter: Gross income from members or shareholders 1la Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or pa¡d to other sources against amounts due or received from them.) 11b 12a Sect¡on 4947(dXI) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing b 7Í If the organization received a contribution of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041? If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year L2a L2b Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprof¡t health insurance issuers. a Is the organization licensed to issue qualified health plans in more than one state?Note, See the instructions for additional information the organization must report on Schedule O, b Enter the amount of reserves the organization is requ¡red to maintain by the states in which the organization is licensed to ¡ssue qualif¡ed health plans , https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS u b 13a 13b tzl3l20t8 PageT of44 ç r¿a b I Enter the amount of reserves on hand 13c oìd the organization recelve any payments for indoor tanning services dur¡ng the tax year? . If "Yes," has it flled a Fotm 720 to report these payments?If "No," provide an explanat¡on In Schedute 14a O No . 990 https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/m eflrrd prd/sdi/proxy/printSub 7',) 12/3/2018 Page 8 Form 990 (2017) Pært VX Page 6 Governance, Management, and DisclosureFor each "Yes" response to l¡nes 2 through 7b below, and for a "No" response tb lines 8a, 8b, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule O Check if Schedule O contains a response or note to any line in this Part Sect¡on A. Govern¡ See ¡nstruct¡ons VI M ment and Yes 1a of44 Enter the number of voting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year 1a 8 1b 7 No If there are material differences in voting rights among members of the governing body, or ¡f the governing body delegated broad authority to an executive committee or similar committee, explain in Schedule O. b Enter the number of voting members included in line 14, above, who are independent 2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a fam¡ly relationship or a business relationship w¡th any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? . 3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customar¡ly pertormed by or under the direct su of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? , 4 Did the organ¡zat¡on make any s¡gnificant changes to its governing documents since the prior Form 990 was filed? 5 Did the organizat¡on become aware during the year of a significant diversion of the organization's 6 Did the organization have members or stockholders? assets? . 7a Did the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint one or more members oF the govern¡ng body? b Are any governance decisions of the organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) members, stockholders, or persons other than the govern¡ng body? I 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 NO 7a No 7b No Did the organizat¡on contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the year by the following: a The governing body? 8a Yes b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? 8b Yes 9 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the organlzatlon's mailing address? If'Yes,' prov¡de the names and addresses ¡n Schedule O Section B. Policies B 9 NO Code. Yes 1Oa Did the organization have local chapters, branches, or afliliates? b 11a b 12a 1Oa If "Yes," did the organization have wr¡tten policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters, affiliates, No and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organ¡zation's exempt purposes? 10b Has the organization provided a complete copy of th¡s Form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing the form? 11a Yes l2a Yes 12b Yes 12c Yes Describe in Schedule O the process, if any, used by the organization to review this Form 990. Did the organizat¡on have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No," go to l¡ne 13 . . b Were officers, directors, or trustees, and key employees required to djscìose annually interests that could g¡ve rise to contl¡cts? c Did the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? Schedule O how th¡s was done , , If "Yes," describe in 13 Did the organization have a written whistleblower policy? t4 Did the organization have a wr¡tten document retention and destruction 15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a rev¡ew and approval by independent persons¡ comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the del¡beration and decision? policy? . 13 Yes t4 Yes a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official 15a Yes b Other oFficers or key employees of the organization 15b Yes Il "Yes" to line 15a or 15b, describe the process in Schedule O (see instruct¡ons). 16a Did the organization invest in, contr¡bute assels to, or partic¡pate ¡n a joint venture or s¡milar arrangement with taxable entity during the year? b No If "Yes," d¡d the organization follow a written policy a 16a No or procedure requir¡ng the organization to evaluate its partic¡pation in joint venture arranqements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to saleguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? 16b Section C. Disclosure L7 List the States with which a copy of th¡s Form 990 is required to be filedlÞ 18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (501(c)(3)s only) available for public inspection. Indicate how you made these available. Check all that apply. IL 19 20 [f own website M Another's website M Upon request lJ Otn", (explain in Schedule o) Descr¡be in Schedule O whether (and if so, how) the organization made its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public during the tax year. State the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organization's books and records: 1500 CHTCAGO, rL 60603 (3r2) 346-5700 ÞLOUTS STONE 190 S LASALLE STREET Form https ://eup.eps. irs, gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS u b 990 (2017) t2l3t20t8 Fage Forrn 990 I cf44 (20!7) $¡ar* or note tn Nirìe in tlìis Psrt A. la m vII arrd cemplete thls tñbte for all F€rsons required to bÊ llsted. Repert {omperlsatfon for the calendar year endtng year. $¿Éh or yl¡ithln the organtzðtiont tax e Ltst åll o l?âtlon's ftlrrent omcers, d¡rcctôrs. trusteec (whethêr ind¡vidua¡s or õrgönhåtfons), regardless öf õrnoünt compensat 0- tn coluinñs (tt (E), ãnd tF} tf no {ompensa$on $,as pêtd. t Llst aTl of thê olgantzåt¡onh crtrrent key employeæ, If õny. See instructlons for deñfl¡tirfi of 'key erfiployee." ü t{o{tb t highest Ëörnpensáted êmployees (dher thån ån trustee or key emptoyee) who hle au an g10o,ûûo ?rorn tfiÀ {3ôx S df FÕnn lv-z ând/o. Bðx 7 of Fotm ì089ol organ¡zatlol-¡ and any Ëfãted trqantzãçons. ãtl aff reportab ani * List atl o[ thë organl¡€tl€rìk fornrer d¡Ëeclors ó t-lst of hrgh€st compensted employee18 who recetvÉd more than r3änÌzat¡or¡s. $¡gqooo or tfuEteçs thät received, in the cåpãËjty aç a fofmår dfrector ðr trustee of thÕ drgânizat¡on. morethan $1o,tot cfreportåble cor*pensatîonfiuffi the orgôñtzåïon ãnd årìy rélÉted argän¡aåtions. List pårsor}s fn the following order: ind¡vidual trustees oF dtrectors; ¡nstitutional trustæs; officers; kêy emplcyees; hlghest compensätêd emplayees; and fornrer such pen*ons. ffi c¡".t the ntt rcläted cuß'eftt (c) Posîtìon (do not check mofe thãn o1ìe box. uÍle¡s lersoîl ¡s bot$ an offìeer ãnd â dirê€torltrustæ) *s, @ gge a {É F (1) lûfìN T}L$lÃf!¡ r*- (} Ìd d Ê 7 dt) 6 Iz,SA X { 3å.t,500 3&,õ9û c I o c { o 30.0û 1r0 X DIRÉCTOR 1.00 ,1 [rrRËcToß (4) RIC¡rARD T WEI5å 1.s0 { X oÌREütoñ. (s) MARI{ l'îILlEfi. { e DTRECTÛR (6j ED BACHRACI{ r,00 0 0 DIR ECTOR A¡ID VICE €Í{ATRMAA} (7) cRAr6 MAflSKË {S) ART MÀRùUUS 1.ûU x c X g c t 1.O0 G D¡RÉCIOR AND TR ËASUREft. 25.0ù X 135,*i/B TS,)90 X 14å,ós{ "J2.561 x, 207,L?V l4 171,245 t0,626 5Ì¡"5ÐO &.39S x3.o0 ll0) RYÂr,t GRE€N VTCË FAESIDENff -MAÃKETTh'C- (11) MATTHTW PA$ROËKr 5ËT.IIOR VICE PRESIÛENT (r3) DrAr¡A RlcKERr !'ICF Pft.ES¡ ( OEF{?-cOMl"lUNIðATI 13) EMILY I CCATLJâ'ÍER :7,tû 33.0O v.ûa 33.0C 13.0c [8.0u õ.úL X VT{:f P]REgI OENT-EXTË R¡.IAI. RË 0 1 33.00 (14) JANFÍ ßIORDÂN MA]Of{ GI5T5 OFËICEIT htfps :/lerrp-eps.irs. govhneflrrclprüsdi/.proxy/printSul: X 6"12S Fage (A) Naßre ãnd TitlÊ trì Àr¡êtã9e haøm per wêek {ltst åüy hilLÈ for relôtðd &fËiå,ll¡ãtierls below dçt:€d llne) (Þl (s] SepÕrtãble R:*pûrfåbla rtmpêñsatkrñ furñ the orgânl¡âtion {l{r- elrogs- €ÐïT¡FTISå$fil,r ;* gt pg ffs ä ü tb Þ a t p ë 5 ç x E J Þ * ñ ù & iü ù ñË d $ ï Q frorn rctated ürgânlããgçns {w^ 311ô$9- ¡{r$ö} Mrsci cf44 (r] (c) Posltlon (do not check mo*e than coe trox, unless perron ls both an oflìcer änd ä dlfEctDrArustêê) x¡ll 1CI €rüirsãt€d " ån¡cunt füther e*#ìpêffiåtlün fToñ thÊ orgãnl!öt¡oñ arld rslåted srgãnÌããtlôr¡s a dt s q J * ,ñ rÞ & i$ a :\..qtu 4ü.0c trs) tssHüÁ T&Ëvtdo !1.ûü X VTCT FR€5¡ÞËNT-sTRATËGY 19- t)0 (16) c*rß¡sropHER xnu6 40.o0 x GEI*L MANÀGER E ñ'BUSHEN ( I 7) Kñ.¡S'ITHA ff,AËt¡tu55Er,J r4¿,488 14.588 a 162"93å 26,6?? ã18,ôsJ 2r.613. 12.O0 X reôþ,IËR PRËsIOENÏ c 1å"t0 lrtfps :/Ierrp"e¡rs. ir*. govluretlrrdpr:dlsdi/proxylprintSub Ï?1313ü18 Fêrnn gSe (2O!7) A. (c) Position (do not check more than one box, uctes* person is t¡oth an ûfficer åñd a directQr/frusteê) X Õ q d' E & I rÞ 2ì,{t€ ttì Sub-Tùtal . ! X A (FO 151"21t 1E,{l¡) * * . öT.!tàl ffonì cofit¡nÍåt¡otì s¡tê€ts tc parl \t¡I¿ sê(flon /t , þ { Ê¡4.564 ? TÖtål number of l.rdivid uäls (inctuding but ôot limîted tÕ thÕse llsted above) whõ recelved more th¿n $1û0,000 sf reportahle eompensðtion from the orgänization Þ û 3 Ðld the orËâni"åtìon li5l any fomre r offcer, dlrectör sr tr$stee, key employëe" or htghêst (ôrïpçnsåted employee on linê 1a? ff "Yes,'conrplete Sìiledule ] fùr such individual . , 4 For?lny lndlvidoal listed on linë 1å. ¡s the ftJm ofreportable conìpensåtlon änd othçr comperl$åt¡ön from ths organi¿ättorl ãûd ¡.lðtRd oroånizattons ûrêåÈêr thån S.t sO,OtÌÊ? ff "fes. * contplete sc'Iëdurs J far &udt individual 5 D¡d afty pôr$)n ¡isted on tine la recelve or a¿crï¿ comF€nsãt¡on freß ¿ny unrêtâted organ¡zðtion or individüãl servlËes rend€r-ed to the organ¡zåtlon?¡f "y€s, " úernp ¡Êtu Schad$le fo,r-sl]ch . VëË ] 1 persôn 3 4 Yes for 5 Complete th¡s tåble for your five hìghest eómpeficaEed indepeodent côntractors that reee¡ved more than $f00.üo$ oF üfûm the for the ølendar with or withiR fhe tax (B) Description of s*rvices FACEqOOK I iIACKER WAY MËNLÖ ¡¡,âË.K, CÁ 94035 MARKFNNG 5S4 ELIç1 STRFFT tL 601:7 MOR ÁN MEÅ,EСTH &ASSOCIATÉS {'lARl{El-lNG 1to,ó63 22740 lflÞl¡,t CRÊ€R DR STË r00 2 Tofsl riuFnbe. of contraclor-s (¡nclljdÌng but not >l to those recelvðd morê ìhðn $1O0,0o0 Forrn 99û (2017) https :l/eup.eps. irs.E{ov/me fÂxdprdlsd"i/proxylprintSul: Fage 12 of44 Form 990 (Uû!7) êåa$t VIff eage tf or notÈ to llnë lÞ tlìls Part vtlt . (e) tâ) Totät revenilÉ Refå:€d rr *xempt fun{tiôn levên$6 Ëèderäted campaigns . * {3 (þ f Alt other ðofltri¡utions, gifrsr gränts¡ and simitar amounts no't indüdÈd ñ ù ê {s & ñ Þ t¡ * * 19¿591 > ü¡t73.t61 51510C RÁСe NETWÐRK ã94.35? ?94.55t b d e æ" f{onca¡h contrlbutlolìs ìncluded 2å rS cÊ e,tü6,?ÐB Büslness c F ¡f ln ltnes 1€-1f:$ lì Tûtsl,Addflnes 1å-lf . eá *' 1.566"853 Lþ abova $ 51U-5r4 1c 1d ðovemmBnt grånts (crntribut¡oß) *t tevenue ) Révånue èxcruded fr'offi l*x ur¡der s€ctions 1b e ,t* {c} Unrelät€d tlusiness 1å b MembðThfp dues . c Fundröis¡ng events . d Related urg¿niz¿tiolìs s I StatEment 0f R6YÊrì[tê f AlÍ othêr proçrõm service revË{rue , 294.557 ç¡Trtðl.Jtdd liftès 2å-åf 3 fnvestr'lmt lnceÍre (fne{udlng dtvidends, fnterëst, and other slmilar amturìts) . Þ 4 Trìco¡t:Ê frunì il]veslment of tsx-Ëxerñpt bond pro,ceeds SRoyattlÊs , . {l} enaf {Ë 1l L7 '> {ll} Petxrnaf tã tr0ss rents b [.ssi råntål spênsg c Ëüntel ¡n{ûrïç'ar ¡tøasl d Netreñtsl lncome or(hss), ù. (tl) oiher {i} $*sr¡.îtt€s Srûss å$öt f¡t frq,r* sal*s qf ãssets cther 7õ 85,5.14 thð* invërltèry b Í-ess: mnt cr ¡rther h¡sis arìd sale* *xpenses c 6ain or {la¡ei d Í'let gâ¡n or (loss) 94,12È -1.ô-''?B à " *r$.5?8 -rû,5/8 Bð Gross incorìe frþfn fundrãlslng evenls (not lncludlng $ of co$trÏbutions æport€d sn liñe 1c). 5e€ Få¡t ¡Y. llne 18 . ¿ b Less: d¡nect sxpenses . . lì . e Net incûrne or (loss) from fr¡nd?isÈsing èvênts Þ 9ã Gross income ftom gaming ãctivities. Sê€ Pärt lV, llne 19 , . à b Less; dirôct expensês b ß Net incor$e or (loss) fröm gðming Bctivities Þ salÊs of lnventory, læs returns änd allcwances . h Lesg: cûst of gacds said c Net incörne o¡ (lffis) f;cm sales of invenlo{y . * htçs :lleup.eps.irs. gor,'áneflrdpr ctlsdi/proxylprintSub t?13/2t18 Page 13 of 44 Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code 1fa¡\4¡96glLq¡¡9ug 2,795 2,795 b c revenue . eTotal, Add lines 11a-1ld d All 12 Total revenue. See Instructions, Þ . þ 2,795 8,560,352 10,578 294,557 t2 Form https ://eup. eps. ub 12/3/2018 Page 14 of 44 Form 990 (2017) Fant IX Page 1O Statement of Functional Expenses Section 501(c)(3) and 501(cX4) organizations must complete all columns. All other organizations must complete column (A). or note to Check if Schedule O contains a (A) 7b, 8b, 9b, and 1Ob of Pa¡t VIIL Total expenses 1 Grants and other assistance to domestic organizations and domestic governments, See Part IV, line 21 2 Grants and other ass¡stance to domestic individuals. See il line in this Part IX Do not ¡nclude amounts reported on lines 6b, (B) (c) Program seru¡ce Management and oeneral exoenses exDenses 2,873,346 2,873,346 1,203 6,040 (D) Fundrais¡ngexpenses Pa IV, line 22 3 Grants and other assistance to foreign organizations, foreign governments, and foreign individuals. See Part IV, l¡ne 15 and 16. 4 Benefits paid to or for members 5 Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 6 Compensalion not included above, to disqualified persons defined under sect¡on 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 8 Other salaries and wages 9 Other employee benefits Pens¡on plan accruals and contr¡butions (include section 401 (k) and a03(b) employer contribut¡ons) 1O Payroll taxes 11 . Fees for services (non-employees): a Management . , b Legal 3 c Accounting t7,329 22,525 2,638 71,329 d Lobbying e Professional lundraising services, See Part IV, line 17 f Investment management g Other fees . (If line 119 amount exceeds 10o/o oF line 25, column (A) amount, list line 119 expenses on Schedule O) 12 Advertising and promotion 13 Olfice expenses . . 14 Informat¡on technology 409,8 14 252,22A 79,893 77,693 180,65 108,977 62,328 9,346 1 15 Royalties 16 17 18 Occupancy 294t694 250,L72 16,285 28,237 Travel 725,392 108,76 I 5,561 11,070 19 Conferences, convent¡ons, and 20 21 Interest 22 Depreciation, depletion, and Payments ol travel or entertainment expenses for any tederal, state, or local public officials meetings . 29,209 . 25,989 Payments to atfiliates amortization . 23 Insurance . . 24 Other expenses. Itemize 4r,347 4t,347 17,839 r7,839 expenses not covered above (List miscellaneous expenses in line 24e. If line 24e amount exceeds 10o/o of line 25, column (A) amount, l¡st line 24e expenses on Schedule O.) a WAGES AND SALARIES.PAID 2t935,925 2,59L,6t3 b MARKETING 7tO32,724 883,066 c EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-PAID 266,O37 223,O75 21,159 d PAYROLL TAXES-PAID THRO 207,772 774,602 8,413 e All other 301,6 18 25 Total functional expenses. Add lines 1 through 24e 26 lo¡nt costs. Complete this line only if the organization 8,692,900 22L,429 L22,BB3 149,658 2 1,803 t4,757 252,4O9 5,150 43,659 7,694,678 4r4,712 583,5 10 reported in column (B) jo¡nt costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation. Check here > L-] ¡r following SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Form https //eup. eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS : u b 990 (2017) t2l3l20t8 rorm sso lzolz¡ Check if .Schedufe 0r Rote tû C) comtå¡ns å line In tftis Part 3 cash-n0n-interest-t earing . . gavings and ternpcrary cãsh investmeots " Pledges and grånts r€cê¡vabfe" nel 4 Accouilts receivab¡e, ã Lo¿ns and other receivablÊ$ from cr¡mentand Former offìcem. dirê{tors, L 2 6 IX . (At (ts) Aegiftnìng of yeÐf End o{ yeet I 2 " ñet 4 . trustÊès" key €rnployees. and hl$hest coFnpensatêd ernptcyees. üomplete fåft tI of Schedute L Loãns and other reeeivables fr6rn attler dtsquallfied persons (as deflned under and 5 or(cxe) 6 Complete Pãffi -T Notes and l6åfts receivable, ã Inventories for sãlè 6t s 10* h use n€t . 7 t . ehargæ PrËp¿¡d expenses and delened g . Lãnd, bu¡ldlngs, ðnd equlpnrenÉ: aost ör other bäsis, Conìplete Part VI of Schedule E Less: acü.tftiulatêd depre(fatl6r' 19"7'y3 Iilvestments-pub¡lcly traded 6ecufiues Inyestments*other secürÊ¡es" See 8ãrt :\(. llne InvestmËnts-program-related, Intangibfe åssets :1 . tl . 15 . Total aesets,Add lines I thfough 15{mustequal tine L7 Acólunts pãyãble and acr¡ued expeäsês ¿a Grsnts payabte 34} ,22,ffil 14 21,6S0 15 l6 . t9 Deferr€d revefl{¡e 1S T¿x-exernpt bond iiabalîttes ?1 lsc¡Ew o. custodial account liablltty" CsmpleÊe paû IV of S€hedule D Loans and other p*yabtas tc (urrent ånd fÕrnrer offieerc, dlrectgrs., key enrpfoyees, hlghest cünÌpërlrãted ernÞtôyee$. snd disquâlifted 7ç 2Í. $rërsôns. Cômplete Part ll ùf Sehedule L 22 . 23 24 SecurÊd moFtgägès õnd not€.s püysb¡ê to orìrelated thlrd Fõrt¡e$ Ußsecured üotes ând loans payabte to unrelðted thtrd pa{fies 25 O(fler llöt ilit¡es t¡ncludlng fedârat income tär. pðyables to r¿fåtÊd tålird pärües. and other l¡åtr¡l¡ties ¡'ìot iûcluded orÌ ¡Ìnes 17,24). ComptÊte pårt X of Schedute D å,00( 26 Total lial¡ilities,Add iines 17 thrilugh 2s 5,000 26 27 27 orgàn¡¿åtions thðt fotlor r SFAS X17 (ASß SSs). (aìe.k lrere corrp¡et€ liûes 27 througfu 2S, ¿nd l¡tles 33 ånd 34. 1,760 2& 24 þ M 1,750 and Uñreslrlctêd n€t a3sets 3Så.Ëü.1 ta Tempofârlly rèsu*icted rrct êssets 547,I8€ ?o Pèrmenent[y restrlcted net ãssets 29 3t OrqÈn¡zùtio¡rs (lrat do not follow SFAS 1I7 (ASt S58), check lrcrc *. Ü and complète llnËs 30 tlìrough 34. Capîtal stÐck or trurt princlpëf, ür Éulr'ênt frJììds 30 31 Pa¡d-in or cåpitäl surpl(¡s, or land, bullding of eq(¡lpmenl fund 31. 32 Retäined eêmingâ, endorüment, a cumulated lflcorne, or other flrnds 33 34 Total net assçls or flnd balances 9¿ 1.3$9 32 33 Total liabilities end nèt ðssetslfund balances 34$,3e9 34 t¡" tû3,902 gto,öt}'t 17 20 22 30.761 L2 See Pårt IV, linË :.1 . Other ôssets. $ee Pårt Iv, ltñe lüc ¡1 2t$.0e6 808.841 8'1U.6û1 Form 99O htfps ://errp.eps. irs. -eo'", åne flrrdprd.isdi/proxylplintslrb Í2ßl2?t8 Page 16 of 44 Form 990 (2017) Part Xï Check if Schedule O contains a se or note to an n l¡ne in thls Part XI 1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 3 Revenue less expenses. Subtract line 2 from line 1 4 Net asse[s or fund balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (A)) 5 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments . . 6 Donated serv¡ces and use of fac¡lities 7 Investment expenses . , I Prior period adjustments . 9 Other changes in net assets or tund balances (explain in Schedule O) 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine lines 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, line 33, column (B)) lart XfI Statements Report¡ng Check if Schedule O conta¡ns a or note to 1 8,560,352 2 8,692,900 3 -132,548 4 94t,389 5 6 7 I 9 0 10 808,841 m line in this Part XII a Yes -1 2a L2 eage Reconc¡ll¡at¡on of Net Assets _ No -- MODTFIED Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: Ü Casn [J Accrual Moth". cÃS¡r If the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or checked "Other," explain in Schedule O. Were the organization's financial statements comp¡led or reviewed by an independent accountant? It'Yes¡'check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were comp¡led or reviewed on 2a No a separate basis, consolidated basis, or both: il b Separate basis Ü Consolidated basis il eoth consolidated and separate basis Were the organization's financial statements audited by an ¡ndependent accountant? 2b Yes If'Yes,' check a box below to ¡ndicate whether the financial statements for the year were audited on a separate basis, consolidated basis, or bothi ü Separate basis H Consolidated basis M soth consolidated and separate basis c If "Yes," to line 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review, or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? If the organization changed either its oversight process or select¡on process during the tax year, explain in Schedule 3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133? 2c No 3a No O b If "Yes," did the organization undergo the required audit or aud¡ts? If the organization did not undergo the requlred audit or audits, explain why in Schedule O and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits. 3b Form 99O https://eup.eps. ntSub t2l3l20t8 Page l8 ORIGIIìlltt ÐÂTÁ - Frcdr¡ctio¡r ûLt Public Charity $tah¡s and Public $upport coruplete ¡f tl¡e organ¡zãtloÌ Þ ltrfornration 4547(ð Þ àbout sched ^ttu as a sertiori S$1({](S) orgarrlzatiorr or a Rêctlon rust. .Ez. Ènd its ¡nstrucfio¡rs ls t}Í¡êrT c$ $;ubli. a: Õne t] A churdr, corìventl6n of churcher. or åssôciation efchr¡rches descrthed ,n r. LJ A sdrool described tn äsct¡on 3 u n A hospltat or a Êoop€rätlve hwpltal åeru¡ce organlzåtlofi descdbed 1 4 (complete pãrt tr 7 org Ë! sectio ffi A commurrity trust described hë ffi An ôgrlc{rlrurål non-lönd gratìt ot I Iür s€Et¡Õn L7û{lr)(1J(AXfii). 17o(bxåXAltiíif . Enter the hospitat's operated for the besefit of a college or univers fy owned or operatèd by â governmental urilt destrlbed 6 s ]ft](Á](¡]. 17û(bx1xA)(1¡). (Àttõ€h .$6{lêdufe r {Fðfrì 99ü ûr 99ü-EZ)-) A ffiedl€al research *rganlzâUon sper8ted ¡n conjunct¡ün ürith ã hö.splt8t descrlbed ¡n sBct¡on q $ (bX 5 sectlon 17O(t A federã , state, ör locãl II.) ¡r s€ct¡so 17o grernrnenl oÍ governmôntõl uri{described tÍ 6ect¡ùu rro(b)(rJ(e){v}. An recê,ves a substÊnt¡al pô.t of itç support CÕrnpletê paû tn reÊtiorì t¡.) Fon a govemnrental unlt or &um the geaeral publlc described in t7ù{bxtl(Axv¡). (çodr.+plÊÀÊ Fðrt u.} rToib}(rx^¡(lx} operatéd tn snlunctfon ions. Ëntêr thÞ ñãl e, dty. ênd statè of the wtth å [ånd-grånt college or untversity or ä co¡legÊ ðn unìverstcy: lo frtm äctiviì:es relãted to 11 ffi 1?m à h ft éxempt funcllûns*srrhieca to cÊttð¡n er(c€Þti€nc, äñd (z) no mcre than 33v39å bf üs suppott korn ç¡-"b ltlvestmeflt ir¡€ome ãnd unrelated business taxable incsme (tess secEæ 51I tõx) fro¡"r tJtrsìnesses ãcqulred by the crganÍzatian ¿fter ,¡une 30. 1975. Seie çect¡on 5Oç(ðX2), (Comptete part ìtI.) An ç¡Ba-n¡zätlon organteed and operùted exclusívely to t€st fór prbÌir ââtêty. gëÉ e.ect¡cn ûut ttìe pu¡poses of one or S0g(al(3). rl Part the IVI õfid 8. TVPe II. Á supportins arçanlzatlon superìdsed or eontrûllcd ¡n conne{:lôn wath lt$ süppotted orgentzåtion(s}, by having cooÈrol månag€rnerit of the supportlng orgðnlzdtlón vested ln the sðme persÐns that mntrol or rnanage the supported ôrgantzãtion(s)" ccüplete Fert IV. SectÍons A and m d L! f s Check the box 12g. TVp€ I".A su.pFårtlfig ûrgãnl¿atlÕn opeËfed, tup€rvlsed/ or co¡rtrolld by its suppo,rtëd arganl¿ation{s}" ryp¡cally by gtving the âupportÊd n(s) ul¿rly appcint or elect a RìåtroritJr üft'å¡Ê dírectors. or trustèes of the suppùrting ôrganlzatøn. Yor¡ ¡¡yst c Õ st$(ax4l" An mo rn r * C. in s) organîzatlo$ (olllp fting You filüst ¡n cðnñectlon w¡th, ãnd fun€tfûnãlly lntë{rîätêd pr¡th, its IVr gections A, D, õftd E. w,th ¿ s) rhar rì and ch lnt orgänl¿ã non-fu or- you ¡tÌust bûx if the , orType IIf Efiter the nurnbff of $upported organi¿âUcfis ä e rot *ua ¡t is ã -tvFe 1" t TyFe il, Type *s nût (see Iu tun{rtônalty eg the (¡i) ÉIri (¡y¡ I5 thë orgõniz€tion listed 1!'¿ l- yûur gÕ,verniûg documenl? 10 above (see inst'.uctio$s)) Yss !*o lst4l Foiln gtx) û¡ 990-€2, ÂÈt s€e Ilrstrrlct¡ons for https:/Jerry-eps. irs. govhueiTn [: Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ez) 2017 https ://eu p.ep s. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printSub 12/3120t8 Page Schedule A (Form 990 ot 990-EZ) 2017 Part IV 2l of 44 iase + Supporting Organ¡zat¡on (Complete only if you checked a box on line 12 of Part I. If you checked 12a of Part I, complete Sections A and B. If you checked 12b of Part I, complete Sections A and C. If you checked 12c of Part I, complete Sections A, D, and E. If you checked 12d of Part I, complete Sectlons A and D, and comolete Part V.) izations Yes 1 If "No,"describe¡nPartVlhowthesupportedorganizat¡onsaredes¡gnated describe the designat¡on 2 Ifdes¡gnatedbyclassorpurposel If h¡storic and continuing relat¡onsh¡p, expla¡n I that does not have an IRS determination oF status under section 509 (aX1) or (2)? If'Yes,' expla¡n in Paft vI how the organizat¡on determined that the supported organ¡zat¡on was described D¡d the organizat¡on have any supported organization ¡n sect¡on 509(a)(1) or (2) 3a 2 Did the organization have a supported organization described in section 501(cX4), (5), or (6)? below If "Yes," answer (b) and (c) 3a b Did the organ¡zation confirm that each supporled organization qualified under section 50f(cX4), (5), or (6) and satisf¡ed the public support tests under section 509(aX2)? If'Yes,'describe in Part VI when and how the organ¡zation made the determ¡nat¡on c Did the organization ensure that all support to such organizations was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B) purposes? If'Yes,' expla¡n in Pdrt VI what controls the organ¡zation put ¡n place to ensure such use, 4a b c 5a Was any supported organization not organized in the United States ("foreign supported organization")? checked 12a or 12b in Part I, answer (b) and (c) below ff c 4c II only, Was any added or subst¡tuted supported organization part of a class already designated in the organization's organizing document? Subst¡tut¡ons only, Was the substitution the result of an event beyond the organization's control? 5a Type I or Type 7 Did the organization provide a grant, loan, compensat¡on, or other similar payment to a substantial contributor (defined in section 4958(c)(3XC)), a family member of a substantial contributor, or a 35o/o controlled ent¡ty with regard to a substantial contributor? If "Yes," complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 8 D¡d the organization make a loan to a disqualified person (as def¡ned in section 4958) not described in line 7? complete Part I of Schedule ff sb 5c 6 7 "Yes," L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) I tax year by one or more disqualified persons as defined in section 4946 (other than foundation managers and organizations described in section 509(aX1) or (2))? If"Yes, Was the organization controlled directly or indirectly at any time during the prov¡de deta¡l ¡n Part VI. 9a b Did one or more disqualified persons (as defined in line 9a) hold a controlling interest in any entity in which the supporting organization had an ¡nterest? If "Yes," provide deta¡l in Part VL c Did a disqualified person (as defined in line 9a) have an ownership interest in, or derive any personal benefit from, assets which the supporting organization also had an interest? If "Yes," prov¡de deta¡l in Part VI. b 4b D¡d the organization add, substitute, or remove any supported organizations dur¡ng the tax year? ff "Yes," answer (b) and (c) below (if applicable) Also, provide deta¡l ¡n Part Vf, including (i) the names and EIN numbers of the suppofted Did the organ¡zation provide support (whether in the form of grants or the provision of services or facilities) to anyone than (i) its supported organizations, (ii) individuals that are part of the charitable class benefited by one or more of ¡ts supported organizations, or (ii¡) other supporting organizat¡ons that also support or benefit one or more of the filing organization's supported organizations? If "Yes," provide deta¡l in Pa,t VI. 1Oa 3c 4a Did the organization have ultimate control and discretion in deciding whether to make grants to the foreign supported organ¡zation? If "Yes," describe ¡n Part vI how the organizat¡on had such control and discretion desp¡te being controlled or supervised by or ¡n connection w¡th its supported organ¡zations Did the organization support any foreign supported organization that does not have an IRS determ¡nation under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) ot (2)? ff "Yes," explain ¡n Part VI what controls the organ¡zat¡on used to ensure that all support to the foreign supported organizat¡on was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B) purposes 6 9a 3b "Yes" and ¡f you organizat¡ons added, subst¡tuted, or removed; (¡¡) the reasons for each such act¡on; (l¡i) the authority under the organ¡zat¡on's organ¡z¡ng document author¡z¡ng such act¡on; and (iv) how the act¡on was accomplished (such as by amendment to the organ¡zing document) b No Are all of the organization's supported organizations listed by name in the organization's governing documents? Was the organization subject to the excess business holdings rules of section 4943 because of section 4943(f) (regarding certain Type II supporting organizations, and all Type III non-tunct¡onally ¡ntegrated supporting organizations)? If "Yes," answer line 10b below 9b 9c 1Oa Did the organization have any excess business holdings in the tax yeat? (Use Schedule Ct Form 4720, to determine the organization had excess business holdinjs) 10b A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2O17 https ://e up eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printS ub : 121312018 Page 22 of 44 Schedule A (Èorm 990 or 99O-EZ) 2077 Part lll Page 1 a Has the organization accepted a gift or contribution from any of the follow¡ng persons? A person who directly or ind¡rectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (b) and (c) below, the governing body of a supported organization? b c A family member of a person described in (a) above? 1 5 Organizations A 35olo controlled entity of a person descr¡bed in (a) or (b) above? Section Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1la 11b If "Yes" to a, b, or c, provide detail ¡n part VI 11c n¡zat¡ons 1 Did the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organ¡zations have the power to regularly appoint or elect at least a major¡ty of the organization's directors or trustees at all times during the tax year? tf "Nõ,' describe ¡n part VI how the suppoÌted organization(s) effectively operated, supervised, or controtled the organizat¡on's activ¡t¡es If the organization had more than one supported organizat¡on, descr¡be how the powers to appo¡nt and/or remove d¡rectors or trustees were allocated among the supported organ¡zations and what conditions or restrict¡ons, ¡f any, applied to such powers during the tax year 2 Did the organization operate for the benefit ot any supported organization other than the supported organization(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the supporting organizat¡on? If "Yes," explain in Pa¡t vI how prov¡d¡ng such benefit carried out the purposes of the supported organization(s) that operated, supervised or controlled the support¡ng organ¡zat¡on 1 Sect¡on C u izations Were a majority of the organization's d¡rectors or trustees during the tax year also a majority of the directors or trustees of each of the organ¡zation's supported organization(s)? If "No,'describe ¡n Part vI how control or management of the supporting organ¡zation was vested ¡n the same persons that controlled or managed the supported organizat¡on(s) 1 2 1 Su 1 Did the organization provide to each of its supported organizations, by the last day oF the fifth month of the organization ,s tax year, (i) a written notice describing the type and amount of support provided during the prior tax year, (ii) a copy of Form 990 that was most recently filed as of the date of notification, and (iii) copies of the organization's governing documents in effect on the date of not¡fication, to the extent not previously provided? 2 Were any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees either (i) appointed or elected by the supported organization (s) or (ii) serving on the governing body of a supported organization? If "No," expta¡n in Patt VI how the organizat¡on mainta¡ned a close and cont¡nuous working relationsh¡p wìth the supported organizat¡on(s) 3 By reason of the relationship described in (2), did the organization's supported organizations have a significant vo¡ce in the organization's investment policies and ¡n directing the use of the organization's ¡ncome or assets at all times during the tax Year? If "Yes," describe in Part VI the role the organization's supported organ¡zat¡ons played ¡n this regard 1 2 Section E. TvDe 1 III Fun Check the box next to the method that the organization used to satisfy the Integral Part Test during the year (see The organization satisfied the Activ¡ties Test. Complete l¡ne 2 below. a [:j b n c n 2 The organ¡zation is the parent ol each of its supported organizations. Complete The organization supported a governmental ent¡ty. Describe in Part Activit¡es Test. Answer a b VI ¡nstructions): line 3 below. how you supported a government entity (see instructions) (a) and (b) below. Yes No Did substant¡ally all of the organizatiorl's activiLies during the tax year directly further the exempt purposes of the supported organ¡zation(s) to which the organ¡zation was responsive? If "Yes," then ¡n Paft VI identify those supported organizat¡ons and explain how these act¡v¡t¡es directly furthered the¡r exempt purpose, how the organ¡zation was respons¡ve to those supported organ¡zations, and how the organizat¡on determined that these activit¡es constituted substantially all of its activities Did the activities described in (a) const¡lute activities that, but for the organizat¡on's involvement, one or more of the organization's supported organizat¡on(s) would have been engaged in? If "Yes," explain in Paft VI the reasons for the organ¡zationb pos¡t¡on that ¡ts supported organizat¡on(s) would have engaged ¡n these activ¡ties but for the organizat¡on's involvement Parent ot Supported Organizat¡ons. Answer 3 3 allv-Inteorated SuDDort¡no Oroanizat¡ons 2a 2b (a) and (b) below. a Did the organ¡zaEion have the power to regularly appoint or elect a majority of the officers, directors, or trustees of each of the supported organizations? Provide details in Part VI. b Did the organization exerc¡se a substantial degree of direction over the polic¡es, programs and activities of each of its supported organ¡zations? If "Yes,' describe in Part VI. the role played by the organization in this regard 3a 3b Schedule A (Form 99O or 99O-EZ) 2OL7 https ://eup.eps. i/proxy/printS ub 121312018 Page 23 of 44 Schedule A (Form 990 ot 990-Ez) 2017 Fart V 1ü Type III eãse Non-Functionally Integrated 5O9(a)(3) Supporting Organizations Check here ¡f the organ¡zation satisfied the Integral Part Test as a qualify¡ng trust on Nov. 20, 1970 (explain in Part VI). See (A) Prior Year Section A - Adjusted Net Income 1 2 3 4 5 6 Net short-term 1 Recover¡es of prior-year distributions Other gross income (see instructions) 3 Add l¡nes 1 through 3 4 Depreciation and depletion 5 Portion of operating expenses pa¡d or incurred for production or collection of gross 6 2 income or for management, conservation, or ma¡ntenance of property held for production of income (see instructions) Aggregate fair market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see instructions for short or assets held for of tax 7 I (A) Prior Year 1 a Average monthly value of secur¡ties b Average monthly cash balances 1b c Fair market value of other non-exempt-use assets d Total (add lines la, lb, 1c and 1c) 1d D¡scount claimed for blockage or other factors (explain in detail in Palt VI): 2 3 4 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to non-exempt use assets 5 6 7 8 Net value of non-exempt-use assets (subtract line 4 from line 3) Subtract line 2 from line ld 2 3 Cash deemed held for exempt use. Enter l-l/2o/o of line 3 (for greater amount, see 4 5 Multiply line 5 by .035 6 Recoveries of prior-year distributions 7 M¡n¡mum Asset Amount (add line 7 to line 6) 8 Sect¡on C - Distributable Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 (B) Current Year (optional) 1a e (B) Current Year (optional) atn 7 Other expenses (see 8 Adjusted Net Income (subtract l¡nes 5, 6 and 7 from line 4) Sect¡on B - Minimum Asset Amount 1 o ' net ¡ncome for Enter 85o/o of line Section Currenl Year line Column I 2 1 Minimum asset amount for prior year (from Section B, line 8, Column A) 3 Enter greater of line 2 or line 3 4 Income tax imposed in prior year 5 D¡str¡butable Amount, Subtract line 5 from line 4, unless subject to emergency 6 temporary reduction (see instructions) year is the organization's first as a non-functionally-integrated Type III supporting organization (see Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2017 https://eup.eps. r2l3l20t8 Page24 of 44 Schedule A F*vt (ròrm gg} ot ggO-EZ) Non-Fu 2OL7 Page - Distributions 1 2 3 4 Amounts Current Yeaf to izations to exem rposes Amounts paid to perform act¡vity that directly furthers exempt purposes of supported organizations, in excess of income from Administrative id to accom to Amounts re of su izations assets lified set-aside amounts 6 IRS approval in Part Other distributions 7 ns Add lines h6. 1 I Distributions to attentive supported organizations to which the organization is responsive (provide details In Part VI). See ¡nstructions 9 Distributable amount for 10 Lin amount divided line 6 7 Line 9 amount Sect¡on E - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) 1 7 llv (¡) Excess D¡str¡but¡ons (ií) Underdistributions Pte-2OL7 (i¡¡) D¡str¡butable for 7 D¡stributable amount for 20.17 from Section C, line 6 2 Underdistribut¡ons, if any, For years ptiot to 2017 (reasonable cause required-- explain in Part VI). See instructions, 3 if Excess distributions To 2Ol7l a b From c From d From 2015. e From 2016. f Total of lines 3a th he ed to underd¡str¡butions h i oF nor to 2017 distributable amount Carryover from 20L2 not applied (see Rema¡nder. Subtract lines 3h and 3i from 3t 4 D¡stributions fot 2017 from Section D, line 7: to underd¡stributions of b Applied to 2017 distributable amount c Remainder. Subtract lines 4a and 46 frcm 4. 5 Remaining underdistributions for years prior to 2077, il any, Subtract lines 39 and 4a from line 2. If the amount is greater than zero, explain in Part VI 6 7 See instructions, Remaining underdistributions for 2017. Subtract lines 3h and 4b trom line 1. If the amount is greater than in in Part VI. See instructions. Excess distributions carryover 3j and 4c. to 2018. Add lines 8 Breakdown of line 7: a Excess trom 2013. b Excess frcm 2014, c Excess from 2015. d Excess from 2016, e Excess frcm 2OL7 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ez) (2017) https ://eup.ep s. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS ub 12/3/2018 P*rge 25 of 44 t grü€dule A {fsrm 9sû or 990-Ez} 3017 Färf ¡b llnes l. ¿.3b, 3c,4b" 4r" Þ,6}9a" sb,9q 11a, 1rb. snû 5¡c; Fant na, EêetÎQn D, llr{sã 2 and 3¡ Fslf lV, 8eßtlon Ë, Fnæ lE 3ã* äb. SËfrütrT Ð, lanes,$,6, and g; ãnd trffi V" *êc$on E" tlnes z, S, åñd 6. Fffi lñtuú*l^nÈ1 trV, ã*rrtd5ù,; I and ?; FÉrt $¡" 6çrËon Ë llíè 1; PrÉ V. &dlsn & Ifile 1ê; 3ËrtV p*rt $ür âny *ddlgonal lrrfsrinåeü" {SËÊ ãecttan B, Ilnes ftrtt¡, #&ffir#rkeff* F!4t* An{ çtlh¡¡mrturut* R*fercnce 6r llBs t; þüt *X@ßåffüdï Ðt htþs Jlcupeps, ir s. gov/mef,lrxdprd/xdi/praxylprintSub ätlt7 Itr3läû18 Fage ?7 t("l r*OT PROçESS I eRIGll{At DATA - trroduction 9ampaign and Lr ÐLN: Çì g For Õrganieations Fxêmpt From tncome Tâx Under sËEt¡ön 501{Ë} and sçction 527 Þ€ønrplete ¡f tñ€ orq;fi¡zation ls dcscrlbetl lrelow. >Attacrt tn Fûøú 99e ür FaHn 99O-EZ. Xnfornratîo¡r at¡out SehedltÍe C {fornì 99(} or 99O-EZ} dnd ¡tå ¡oÊtríctions is at o¡t Ðr instructions , then ¡Ltlñ*CUs ¿11"2ð57028 P*r{ I 2 or provÍdå å dåscript¡ôn õf tfle orgõnìzation's dlrË¿tend lñdißct po¡ilfcal c¡mpâigr: act¡vlt¡es ¡n ÊöÉ fV (see instriJetions. for def¡nftio$ ûf 'p0{iüc¿l öårnpa¡gn ãctivitìes") Polln6t eÐpälon aetlvlty expenditures (see t$struct¡ms} ."-..........,.,., > 3 the 1 :ntËrìhç ëflìount of any excise tax incurred ty Êhe ot-gänf¿atfon und€r F€ctio& 4955 .,-...."..-".¡> 2 Enterttle amount of any exctse tsx lncurrèd by organÍzÁtlún manage.s under sectlofi 4955 .","...-.-."-"".."....." * S tf tlrc ärgnnÞåtiol¡ ineotled a sectìÕn 4955 tðx, did tt file FoËn 47¿o for this yeãr? 44 WåSA 6ôrrecfion ûTsde? l, $ $ lJ v*" [J v.t If *YeË," (hcr¡bË ¡n Pãrt tV. ffiuo il l'¡* ves il uo FÌ*tt î"*. L 3 Entel the ¿mðunt d¡rËct¡y expended by the flllng orgaÍlzatlon ¡ür ãeclion 527 €xempt fun(t¡or* activft¡es ..... Fnter the årnount of the filing oryBnlz*t¡ol}'s ft¡nds cantrlbuted tr othõr Õrgðaizðt{ons lor secfion 5¡7 êxÊmpt ñ¡nctlon äcüvitles ".....^............ -..... Totàl exempt functio¡ expendltures. Add lines t f,nd g. *rter herc ¿¡d on Forr* 112û-POt $ne 17b..".,.,""., 4 Dld lhe frling organizatlon RlË Forrn 5 Ent€r thå nåmes, ãddre$ses and employer ldentfficåtion nímber (FIN) frf åll së€tlon 5ê7 fi"¡¡llticål ôr$ônizÃtiôns to wñlclì the fittng orgånizãtion msdê payments. Fot e¿ch orEanizstlon l¡stÊd. enter the ãftìount paid frorn :h* filfnç ofgtär¡¡zåtlen's funds. Also enËer the amount of palitJcðt contrlbutions recê¡ved lhat ysërë proËflptly and dfr€{tly detlvered to a sêpãrate pûlttJcal ûrganlzatlón. such ås I sepôrate segregatêd fund sr ä Soliticål ã.tion comnì¡tt€Ê (ÊAô)" nf additÍonal space ts üeeded, prcvide lnfrftnaüoft in Part IV. ?. Co'ntplete if tlre orgauìzarriørr is exe*rpt urrder sectiotr 50I(c), except sectiou 5O1(cXS). þ $ Þ$ þ $ 11ZÕ-pol for th¡s y€år? (b) ËJ (c) .Address EIN 1 2 3 5 6 gê€ F0rrÍ 990 ôt ggt-ËL https :/leup.eps.ils. govlmefnel¡:rcllsdi/proxy/piütsub C¡t" N0. 5O0A4s scíedule C (ForÂì 990 or 990-F2Ì 2017 of44 Page 28 of 44 Schedule C (Form 99O or 990-EZ) 2Ot7 Pärt II*A Paqe'2 Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 (election under sect¡on 5O1lh)). A Check > fJ B Check r Lf ¡r *re ri ¡f the filing organization belongs to an affilialed group (and list in Part IV each affil¡ated group member's name, address, EIN, expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures). nization checked box A and "limited control" Limits on Lobby¡ng Expenditures (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred,) la b (a) Filing (b) Affiliated organization's totals group totals Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opin¡on (grass roots lobbying) ...... Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) ,..,.,.. c c la and 1b) c Total lobbying expenditures (add lines d Other exempt purpose expenditures 4,692,90A e f Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 1c and 1d) 8,692,90( c Lobby¡ng nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table ¡n both columns, If the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) 544,64r amount is: of the amount on line le. over $500,000 over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 over $17,000,000 l$100,000 l$175,000 plus 15olo of the excess over $500,000. plus 10o/o of the excess over $1,000,000. plus 5olo of the excess over $1,500,000 l$225,000 1,000,000. l$ s Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 250lo of line 1f) h Subtract line 19 from line 1a. If zero or less, enter -0I Subtract line 1f from line 1c, If zero or less, enter -0-, j If there is an amount other than zero on e¡ther t46,761 ( ( line th or line li, did the organization file Form 4720 rcpofting [f v"" f-.1 no section 4911 tax for this year? ............. 4-Year Averaging Period Under section 5O1(h) (Some organ¡zat¡ons that made a sect¡on 5O1(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the separate instructions for lines 2a through 2f.) ditures Du Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 2a (a) 2074 nontaxable amount b Lobbying ceiling amount 1500/o of line 2a column c Total d Gra e Grassroots ceiling amount mn f Grassroots r Avera 342,801 (b) 201s 395,895 Period (d) 2or7 (c) 2016 498,153 (e) Total 584,645 2,732,247 res 85,700 98,974 146,16r L24,538 683,060 ¡tures Schedule https ://eup.eps. i rs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printS ub C 990 or 99O-EZ) 2017 121312018 Page 39 .{chédule gll0 or ü 3 tè Fôr eâc!, "Yes* rmpoRse on /¡nes Jã thro.tgh 1l å€.low. Wvide in Paft Iv ã detållÊd descriFt¡ðr¡ ðf f¿¡e iøbbying äetivW Yes ¡tÐ I tÕ lñfluên.rÈ publ¡d üplnfôn on ä ¡¡sa of: a b Volunteets? c l.fediê 3dvÊftlsemeots?,.^."-"--." á rr the publtcT Fsbllcåtiofis, or Fublfshed or þrôâdcäst stêÈements? . Grânts tû otf¡èr organlzat¡ons for lobbylnç purposes? o¡rect contäeÊ rll¡ür {eglslators, their staffs. goyemment cffiicials, or a leçlslå$vË body? ..,...,..."...,........ Rsllles, dÊrnÕnstrattons, sênìlnãr3i çonvenHoñs, speechæ. lectures, or sny slmllar Rleans? ...-....,........, e f ß h Pefd $åff or månõgffäeñt (¡nclude €ompen$ôtiçn ln expenses reported on lfnes trc tt]rot¡çh 1t]? ........ Mðif¡âgs tÕ members, lègislators, i ÖtlÉr actlvftiës? t Tstãt. Add lir¡Bs lc thr.or.¡gh Ll ,..,...--......,... Dld me ðctlviì¡€s tn ffne 1 cavse the organi¿ãtiorT tü be not descdbed ¡n setfiûo 501töXgF ..... tf "Yes." enter tfte aßlounl uÍ'åny täx tûüurred undôr sectÌon ,49I2 .......^,,..., Xf 'Yês"' eflter the arnollnt of Rny tåx ¡ûftÉ'red by Õrgåntzatlûn rnðnagers undea sectlon 4S1l ..".",,..,.".,,,... If the f¡ltfis ofgenl¿åton ln$.rffËd å s€{tl{x} 491? tax, did ¡t filè Form 4720 fÕr this 2ã b € d or Yes I 2 Wêre subsbËtlõlly ãlÍ €90% or roore) du€6 recelved ñûndêductiblÊ by mernbers? . öid ttlè orgðnf¿ãtfofr mäke only in-m*rjse lúbylng expendttures of g2.OO0 or kss? 3 Oid *rê srgånfxätlo{r àSrêe to [¡¡erf €fty Õver lobhy¡ng ãnd pö¡iflcal expenditures fmm Ê¡tlrcr (ã) ÉOTtl põrt IfI-Ar lìt)es I âîú I 2 3 the prlor 2, arß nnswered *ñl$" OR or (h) pöft f:I-A, lîne 3, is I Seatlon 16U(*) nondedufr¡bla lobbytno afid polit¡cal exp€ndfçures (dö ûo¡ ¡ncludÊ 2 expenses for whlch the Ëect¡on 537{f} tax wäs f}ðid). ðïn¡rnts of politic¿l 1ã ¡t b ô 3 4 Totåt ......-,."".." A0grwätê åffsunt rðport€d lt: aection 6033tsX1XA) noti(es ûf nondeductlble seçt¡on 162(ê) dues . ¡f notlcÊs were seEt and the åmöünt on line 2e exceds the amsunt on line 3, whôt f)Ql.tlon of trhe exesss dors the organlzãt¡ôn ègrce to cârryover lo the ¡easonable estlñìåte of nondeduetible lobbying ônrÌ FÕlltl€al experìd¡ture next 5 yeâff TåxatÍ€ ãmsunt sf 3 4 and pslttlcÃl expënditures (see ins$uctions) .,.... ". "--.."-. ". Pr&vidë ttæ dÊ.s{tlFt¡Õn5 r€qutled for Pan l-4" ltne I¡nÉ 1. l; Part f-8, ltûe 5 4; t¡årt l-C, tine 5; pârt II-A (afffltãted group llst); Fart II-4, flnes r ir:xp,iln.iliûrì Õr litfp s :/lerrl¡.eps. irs. govåne frrclprcttsdi/proxy/plirrtSub aRd 2 (see of44 Fage 31 rritrt - 0(} SCHËûULË ilOî T} ü!t8 Supplemental Financial Statements {Fonrt 990} gep*tnent of tte Tre-asry lllil{: 934$3i ORIGlNllt ttAT - Froduction PROCESS of44 ä¡s,- ?{}1 T Þ crfflplete if thÊ crgõnlzõtiun snswþred "Ye*r"' on Fonrì g9O, part Iv, ¡¡nÊ G,7, g¡ 9, 1{¡. 11a, 11b, Il(? 1"1d, 11e. Itfi l2ar or l2b, l ABaclr Èo FOún SçO, IÌform*lion Èbo&t ãc¡redirle D (ForflÌ t9ù) and its instfl¡Ël¡on5 ¡s àt !Íl[ÍnjÊ¡.gQø¿gü&¡ggå ffig*e* ï** Trubfi<: 41"?s5?028 ûr tlccro$nts, {}ti å üõn0r I I 3 4 änd oth€r ðcröilrts Tot¿l nurìbêr at end 0t yeÊr to (duri*g year) Aggr€g.Ete value of contrib$tions Aggregõte valuÊ of grants from {durtfig yËar} Aggregðte v8lue at end of year 5 ûîd the organlzatlon infor{n all donors and doncr advisors in wrlt¡'lç that lhe ãssets lreld fn donor ãdvlsêd fundg ä¡c #te orgaol?atlon's propeüy, subJecì to tñe o¡gõnizaticn's exclusivs legal .ontrol? 6 the orgåniz*t'orì lnforil åll gråntees, dono,rs, *nd donsrãdvlsorì$ in wïit¡ßg that grånt funds ean bê used only for charitable p{Jrposes ðnd not fô¡'the bðtteFt of tt¡Ë donor or donor advlsor. or fÐr ãny other purpose conferrTno tmpermlssibfë prjvate tlenrñit? nï v"' il no tf xo E)ld Faft I line Pürpose(s) of csnseruãUon eð'rerïe&tÊ hetd hy the orgãnizätis,n (che{k ãll thåt âpply}. ffi ffi [I 2 pr"r"*.tìon of Íand für püÞlic use {e.g., rêcreåtron ar ptot*uon of nÈtural education} il trâh¡tat Pfêservatíon ll ofan htslõrïrãlly irûportant lsnd ãtgå Preservation o¡ a cårttfied ¡rtstoüc stt'l.¡cËure Preservation ofopen space ConÌplete llnês 2a fhrûúgh 2d lfthe orgä¡ìizãi¡ofl held a qualifred conseralatlorì sonfrlbutfûn ln the form of easerïÊnt ôn the last dûy otthe tõx ye*r. å b Total ðcreåge restjlcted by conservôtion Éesernef¡ts c. Number ofconservåtlon eâse*nents {rn a certìflêd hlstsricst:ucfure i¡rcluded d Number of conservätlon ßase&ents Includëd in (c) årçutred åiter B1:?0Ê. änd not oft ä histûric structure listed ín the Nõtionat ft.eçlEter " Totå[ numl¡er of consarvåtlofi €åsemênts 2a . !b ån {ä} 2c . 2d, 3 Number of conservatitn eãüëãìenls modlfied, t¡ansferred, rele¿sed, Éxtîngulshèd, or temtinated by the organizôüorl dl:rln$ the tax year Þ 4 Number of stateß where prÕperty $uhJe{t to csûsÊrvåtíofi eåseïftent ls to{ðtÊd 5 Þoes the organl?âtioü hðve a wrÌttefi policy regardlng the pertodfc ffisnftaftnñ. fPlspectlon, handltng of vlâ{åtionE, ãnd enforæmerit of the coñe.ervâtion eãsÊmefifs it hdds? s $taff anrl voluntË€r hoiJrs devoted tô {noniforlng, fûspect¡ñg, hândltßg ofv¡olåttons, End eBfðrclng conse{vatlon èasefnent$ durlng thë yeär } ü y¡e [f no þ Ams$nt ot expenses hc¡rred 7 þ$ ír¡ $tèßitorlng. ín$pÈctlng, handliÊg ol v¡olat¡ons, and enforelng mnsewatlon ëåsefllënts durtnç tile ye€r I Does eåch con$ervetlon eas€ment reported on line 2(d) åhove såtisfy Îfte requtrements of s€ctioñ 170(hX4XSXt) and s¿ctlor r7a(hX4XBX3t)? . - I Fãñ XIII, desçribe how the ürgðnizåf¡on fEports csllserrrät¡on easem€nts in ¡ls revenue and expense ststement, €od balance sheet. and il]clude, it sppllcâhte" the texl sf tþe fool¡rote tÐ the ûruanlzatlon's finðnclal stâtements that descrihes the ûrgônirat¡on's accountin$ for conservation easemëìt'" F,art ÃIl Organizatiolrs Mairrlainilrg Cullections of Art, * ye* fJ Xo Xn 1â 5 R Conrplete if tlre organization answerecl "Yes" otì Fórm çç0, Fart IV, line 8. lf the orqaniz¿tion elected, as pcrmittÈd under SFA9 å15 (ASC 958). oot ¡o ,:epoû ìn its revenue statement and balance sheet works of årt. hlstoricãt freðsure5, çr othef slmllär 3åse } tleld for publlc extllbltion, educ}}tion, or reseãrch in furlhêr¿nre sf publlc s€rviúË, prov¡dè" in Pårt x¡fI" ttle text of:he loÒtnÕtê to ÌtË finâflcîal 5tôtemèntr thåt descrlber theãè llêrns. lf the organlzðtio$ elected, Ðs permi&ed under SFAS f16 (ASg tss), to rÉpoû in its revenue FtõtËment and balance s[eeT works of srt, historlcal treåsur-ês, or ô¡herslmllar âssets held for public exhatlition, educâtlûr1. or resea¡'ch fÒllowing srno .¡nts relâting lö thèse í(eÌÍ$; (i) Revenue lncluded on lîorm 998. Pa¡t VUI, lfnË 1 1n fuftherance of pubfic serylce, ptovide thÈ . > 2 å b For S þ9 (l¡)Acsets itrcluded ìn Fürm 990, påtìt X !f ihe flgallizat¡on received or hetd work* of ãrt. h¡storlcal tre¿sures, ðr other similâr Êssets for trinanc¡ðl gâln, provide the folbwln! aßìo$m3 feqülred ta tle repÕrted undér R.everìue ¡rìcluded o$ Fanì1 9gO, Pårt A$sotg ÌncludÊd Ì* Fomr 99c. pårt Acl VIII, llne SFAS I16 (Agc 958) relôting to thèËe ltems: ;$ I X. see Þ$ for ËGr¡rr hffps:/lerrp-eps. irs. govånefTnclprcllseli/proxy/printSub 9gü. c-åt. N6. 52283D ü 99o) 2017 1213/3û18 Page 32 of 44 (Form 990) 2017 Schedu Page 2 Ffltt IïT 3', Us¡ng the organ¡zation's acquisition, accession, and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collection Oroanizations Ma ¡nta¡n¡ng Collections of Art, storical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (continued) items (check all that apply): a il b c Publ¡c d exhibition n Loan or exchange programs e il Ü scholarly research A Preservation for future generations orher 4 Provide a descript¡on of the organization's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose in Part XIII. 5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, h¡storical treasures or other similar assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collect¡on? Þart ïV il ves t-l no Escrow and Custod¡al Arrangements. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, l¡ne 9, or reported an amount on Form gg0, Part X. line 21. la Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other ¡ntermediary for contr¡butions or other assets not included on Form 990, Part X? . il v.r [] b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIII and complete the following table c Beginning balance 1c d Additions durtng the year 1d e Distributions during the year 1e f Ending balance 1f 2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, for escrow or custod¡al account liability? b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIII, Check here if the explanation has been provided in Part XIII r.¡o Amount . . . pðrtV Endowment Funds. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 10. (a)Current year 1a Beginning of year b balance Contributions . (b)Pr¡or year (c)Two years back (d)Three years back (e)Four back , . c Net investment earn¡ngs, gains, and losses d Grants or scholarships . e Other expenditures for facilit¡es and programs . . r Admin¡strative expenses . s End of year 2 ¿ b c 3a balance Provide the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (line 19, column (a)) held as Board designated or quasi-endowment Þ Permanent endowment Þ Temporar¡ly restricted endowment (i) unrelated organ¡zations (ii) related organizations . Yes P&Ët VI No 3a(¡) 3a(i¡) , . If "Yes" on 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? Describe in Part XIII the intended uses of the organizat¡on's endowment tunds. 4 3b Land, Buildings, and Equipment. if the o Description of property b Þ The percentages on lines 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 1000/o, Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and adm¡nistered for the organization by: b 1a . . anization answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV line 11a. See Form 990 Part (a) Cost or other basis (¡nvestment) (b) cost or other bas¡s (other) (c) Accumulated depreciation line (d) 1 Book value Land Buildings c Leasehold improvements d Equipment e Other . , Total, Add lines la through Le{Cofumn must Form 990, Paft X, 72,284 47,523 10,400 10,400 Þ 30,761 0 30,767 Schedule D (Form 99O') 2OL7 https://eup.eps. ub 12/3/20t8 Fage 33 Scfìedule pðFt 0 (Form 990) 2t17 PaEÊ'3 VäT fnvestrnqnts-üther Secr¡ritieç. Þexcrtptiin of44 Complete if the organlzation answered "Yes'o$ Form 99G, Part IV, line 11b. secuîly oa cðtegtry (inch¡dlng nañrë of s€.ur¡ty) {b} Bþôk (c) Method 0f vêluaÈlon: Ccst or ënd'ðt-year m8rket vafue vålue (1) Financ¡âf derivãtives (?) Ctüseltr-hêld Êquity lnlârests (3)other (A) (F) (ç) {0} {E} (F) (H) Tolä1" ffdlrrìÌ/ (b) must ep¡tlat tþ{flì 99ç, turt x, @L (BJ l¡nè 12.1 *¡ert Vååã llìvestmeRts-?rogranr C*mplet* tf fire answe¡ed'Yes' on Fo*m (;r) Deicflp$Ðn of tNÌve.tment Fart lV tine 11c. $ee Fo¡m 990, Part X, line 13 l¡fêthÕd of vå¡tîstlón {1} (21 {4} {5} t7l {s} ($) Tôtsl, {co mn must a{uãl tunn 994 Adft A edf,l$J Irhe ¡3.) htfps :/leup.eps. irs- govlmef/rdpr d/*di/pr oxy/printStrtr tzl3lä01ü Page 34 answered'Yes' ALLIÀNCË t7 F'RANKLÍN CENTER, (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) 10tã1, Paû ccl line ts eomplete if the Seê Fôrnr (ð) Ëes{riptfôn ol llability L. {b} hpk vôfue (21 (31 (4) (7> Tôtå1" mÉrs{ Famt Ært X, ã1"(B) ilf,ê 25.) ä. Lið&ittty for uncetEãin tax pûsitiü.l 1r1 Pãrt XItrI, grwide (ha text of the footnote to fhe orgäntuåtfon'* flnar¡frel xtâùåment$ thãt rðport* the orgsnizãtlon's li¿btl¡ty fðr ilnce(tair tax @sittons ünder F¡.N 4S (ASC 740). Check t:ere ¡f &e texT. of tfiË fðotnote h¿s bÊen provided in Part XrU m $chedule $ (T:orm qgo) 2017 lrttps://errp. eps.irs. govlmeffrrilpret/sdi/¡:r'oxylpriutSrrb of44 Page 35 Schedule D (Form 99O) 2Ol7 P*rt XT of44 Pagd4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements W¡th Revenue per Return answered 'Yes'on Form 990 Part IV line 12a L Total revenue, gã¡ns, and other support per audited financial statements 2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part investments a Net unrealized gains (losses) on b Donated services and use of tacilities grants c Recoveries of prior year d Other (Describe in Part XIIL) e Add lines 2a through 2d Subtract line 2e from llne 3 2b 2c 2d 2e 3 1 Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a b Other (Describe in Part XIU,) 4b c 5 Total revenue. Add llnes 3 and 4c. Pãrt XTf Add lines 4a and 4b 4c must Form Part nization on Form statements . , Total expenses and losses per audited financial 2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25: 5 0 8,560,352 Part IV line 12a, 1 a Donated services and use of facilities 2a b Prior year adjustments 2b c Other losses d Other (Descr¡be in Part XIu.) e Add lines 2a through 2d , 8,692,90O 2c , Subtract line 2e from line 2d 2e 1 3 0 8,692,900 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1r a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, llne 7b 4a b Other (Describe in Part XUI.) 4b c 5 l¡ne 12 Reconciliation of Expenses per Aud¡ted Financial Statements w¡th Expenses per Return. 1 4 0 8,560,352 VIII, line 12, but not on line 1: a 3 8,560,3s2 2a . . Amounts included on Form 990, Part 4 , 1 VIII, line 12: Add lines 4a and 4b Total Add lines 3 and 4c. 4c s must Form Part RcILrnr RofùrùYrcù PART X, LINE 2 line 18 5 0 8,692,900 Exp¡öilðl.i00 ORGANIZATION BELIEVES IT HAS APPROPRIATE SUPPORT FOR ANY TAX POSITIONS TAKEN, AND AS DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS THAT ARE MATERIAL TO THE FINANCIAL ATEMENTS. THE FEDERAL AND ILLINOIS EXEMPT ORGANIZATION TAX RETURNS ARE SUBJECT TO NATION BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE AND STATE AUTHORITIES, GENERALLY FOR THREE AFTER THEY WERE FILED. Schedufe D (Form 99O) 2Ol7 https ://eup.eps. t2l3l20r8 ORIGfNAI- ûAT/l " Producticn 0',16 ß¡Õ. 1545-û047 Transacfions with lnteregted Persons $ Gonrpleta lf the ôrgðlìlzàUon answe¡ed "yã**' ûn Ëofl¡t 990, pãrt Iv. llÍ€s 25è/ 2slr, ?ö, 2ñ 18ð.28hr r..zoc, orÉornt 9q0-E& PartV¡ lirre 38a or4eb* Þ Attadr ìo Forilt or FûFnt 990-EZ, þlnlormat¡on al¡ont schedule L (FortÌ'90 99O or $qû-EZ) àtrd it3 irìstructlons is Ðt üpìeîr tù $rcMic Oepa¡fteñlûf üET?ssfy SÈrriçs th€ ILLI¡IOIS FOÈICY ì Trqllsactions Ëxcess (séction sûr(cx3), section 501{:}(a), and 5o1(c}(29) oFgëri¡zðtiÞfls onÏyi, Brlgwer€d "Yes"on Foøn line 25a or ôr persûn (h) Rdaficflrhlp hêt$reen disqualifled person and i- ¿tob" C0ffected? ötgan¡zstiön 2 s Enter tfìe ãmount of tãx ¡ncutred by organizãtloû mar¡rgem or dasqÍaf¡fied persons duriflg tfË .1958. . 'r"¡tri¡u.1"¿ Enter tñe åmount ot tax" tf any, *i hnä:,"u¡uï*. ty Ut* o.grhi.rii"n', Lo¿¡rs to campletè ia and/or Froan þ$ Þ$ I¡ìterestsd persors. thë orSäniÊðtiôÉ ånsw€rêd uYes" on Förm 990-Ë2, Fðrt V. llne 38ä. Õr Foffri gto" Pã.t IV, l¡ne 26; or ft the orgånÌäåtiûn or 22 (b) wlth due 6rlount Frrïr Tb Yes No L,7A X Yes Yes t,v:;i Nö NÛ t, Totaf Ill lfne 27 (a) Narne of inl€re.sted person Âct (lr) Relôtionship b€rtwe€n ßñtereçkd person and Ëhe üf,çðnizåtiün c€ê (c) Amo(rftt of åssistðnce Fûrm 99o ðr gE0"Cz, https:lleup.eps.irs. gov/mef&rclprdlsclilproxylprintSul: {e) Cðt. Nô,5Õ0564 *chedule L Purpase oa äss¡stånte {Ëornì 99o rr ssa-E¿) zsLT Page 38 'Þage Schedule L (Form 990 ot 990-EZ) 2OL7 pat"t ,, fV Bus¡ness Transact¡ons Involving Interested Persons. ete if (b) Relat¡onship (c) Amount of (a) Name of ¡nterested person between interested person and the organizat¡on 28b or 2Bc (d) Descr¡ption of transaction (e) Sharing of tra nsact¡on nization's revenues? Yes Färt 2 of44 V No Supplemental Information Return Reference Ëxplanation Schedule L (Form 99O or 99O-ÈZ) 2Ol7 https ://eu p.eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub t2l3l20t8 Fage 40 ÐMBNs" 1545-0!47 Nancash Õontributions )*CofitFlëte lf the orgarrfzatio¡rs ançwçred "Vss"'o¡r Fornt 9go, part Dëpåtbffirtof alæTrwr,l ß*åEt Iv, lfuie* 29 rr 30. þ Attadl tc fornì 99O, ÞInformãmofi ðbôut s€¡ìed*le ;* (F6rm $çDl ðnd it# instrudt¡cns ¡s at {lÞen îxl Þr*l¡lic X (õ) (d) Check if spplicãble I 2 3 4 5 õ 7 a I 10 11 of Mëthod ÕF detemtnlng noncash ctntribütlofi åTriÕunts Art-Workå of årt . Art-HlÉtoricêl treasu¡es Art-Fractaofiäl ¡ntercÊts Sooks and publ¡cåtlorTs Çtothîng and househsld goods C¿rs and other vehldeß aoãts and planes . " Intellectual F EpertY 5e&:r'/ties-Publiçty tråded . gëcsrlue$-Closely held stock 75,263 3 MARKET V,ALUE , Sec$rftleß-Pãttfiñshlp, LLC. or tr{lst lnterests. . lX 1A Qr,ral¡fled coRservatían 14 structures qudifiêd conservållün Seeuritiës-¡t*lscellafiËÊus . , contributioñ-FlKtorî{ cãîtributiûn-OtÌer , t5 Rea; estðte--RÊsldertiðl " :.6 Ræf estatÊ*C0üñerc¡ãl . 17 Reêl *stêtË*üther . . 1ã Collêctibtes . . 19 Food invefltðry , . 2t Orug$ ând mêdtcal suÞplle* 21 T*xldômry . , 12 t{tsto¡1cål ärtifact; . 23 SËientif¡c spèclïfie¿$ . . U¿l Archeologicål ârt¡fðcH . " 25 0ther> { soctAl . X 1 MAR.KCT VALUE : MARKËT VALUÊ 1 ?'TARKËÏ VALUË f4Ëor l 26 Õthêr' { FIAR íETING RE¿ËPTION } x ì 2ç of For*rs 8283 fêæÍvêd by the organtzatton durîog thê tax yeãr fûr eûnlnbutlons for whtch the ôrgãnízðÈ¡ó$ cornpleled Foffn 8283. Part lV, Donee Aeknowledgernent ¡,lufrTbêr 29 Yes 3Ba Durlrig thè yeâr, did the ürganfzslfsn receive by contribut¡on Ðny prope*ty.rxported îr Part t, lines 1 fh.öri$h 28" thãt ît must hold fûr at lâåst three yeãrs from the dåte of the inlt¡a¡ cofltr¡bfft¡oÈ, and whish ìs not required to be ils€d for exempt purposes for the ent¡re hi.ldlñg period? . . b ,f *Yrs." d€çcrabe the arrangëment ¡n Fðrt Does the orgãnization hav* â g¡ft accâptance pôli{y thä¡ requireålhe revlevr ofårìy nonstandard contr¡butiors? j1.à Does thê orgãnlrãtlon htrë or use third paTtles or relatcd or0ðnt¿aliÐns to soflcÍt prôcess¡ sr sell nonc¿sh centr¡but¡orìs7 . . b If "Yes,'descr¡he ¡n Part II. 33 l1 theorganlzation did not reportan arnount in c*lumn Ft 3eâ N0 3.t NÔ ll. 31 descdir€ in Pðrt Ne (c) fora type rf pto¡)erty forwhlçh S2à Yes colurnn (a) is checked. Il. Paperworh RÊdq€î¡on Âßt ilotice. seê tlE lrrstrudJons for Fofnt g9O- lrftps ://errp"eps. irs. gov/rnefirdprd/srli/¡:roxy/prirrtSub CãË. t'¡o- 912271 Schêdrrle ¡l (Fornì 99oÌ (2û17) of44 Page Schedulê M fFôrm 99Oì f2o1tì Part IT Page 2 . Supplemental Information. Provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b, 32b, and 33, and whether the organization is reporting in Part I, column (b), the number of contributions,'the number of items received, or a combination of both. Also complete this rt for add itional information Return Reference PART 4l of 44 + LINE 328: Expla nation SCHWAB IS USED TO SELL PUBLICLY THAT IS DONATED Schedule M (Form 99O) (2O17) https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printS ub t2/3t20t8 ÞLl*: 9349331 $upplenrëntal lnformation tû Form 09ß on $gg-ËZ Of4S N0. 1545-0ü47 C-omplete to provlde lnf$fntõtaolr for respolrses tÕ speclflc que.stlolls o¡r Fomr 9gO or sso-ËZ or to provide arìy åddit¡otì¿l infonnxtîan. Þ^tt¿chtr For'll Sto or S90-EZ, ÞInformatio¡r ã¡¡out Schedul€ 0 (Foflil SoO or 990-EZ) and its hìslro€t¡ons is ¿t Nane ¡LUNOIS ?ût-lCY PRIOR TOSUBMISSIOI¡ TO TFIE lRS, FQRM Css lS PROVIDED TC THË FRINCIPAL oFFICERANt GOVERNING BODY ÐF THE ORêANfZATICIN ËOR REVIËI,\I T¡IE CGNËLICT OF INTEREST POt ICY ONCE A YEAR WfTH fHE EOARÐ OF OIR€CTORS & EMPLOYEËSAND NEillRES OFANY IþTATFRIAL CF{ANGES. TÈIE ORGANIZATION REVIEWS TOMPENSATIOhI OF CEO fS ûET€RMINED BYAN EXAMINATION OF COMÉARA8LË ÛATA FOR OTHER CEO'S IN THË INDUSTRYCOUNTRYWTDEAND INTI"{Ê CH'CAGOLAND AREA THE ÍNFORMATIçN FROM THAT RËSËARCH IS SHAREÛ WITH THE BOARÐ OF OIRECTORS TIÌ/HO THEN APFROVE COMPENSATION FOR THË CEO. NOTE THAT AN INÐËPENÐE¡'¡T CÕNSULTANT }S NÕT UTIUZED IhI THÊ PROCESS. FOR OTI-IER üFË{Ö:RS AI$D KEY ËMPIÕYEËS TþIË COMPENSAîION PRÐCESS IS T}IE SAMË WITH THE CËO I-IÂVÍNG ËULL DISCRTTION Â3 DËLËGATEÐ BY THE 8OÂR.D OFDIRETTÛRS. ALt GÐVËRNING DOÕI,ÎMËNTS" FOLICIËS. AÑÐ AUõITËD F]NANCIAL STATEMEI.ITS WIL BE AVAILÅBLË UPON REQIJEST, JOHN T}LI,MÂN ÛEVOTES AFPROX}MATELY 1 HOUR PER WEEK TO,Á, RËLATED ORGANIZATION, LIBER'Y JUSTICE CE'.TTER. APPRÔXIMATËLY 28 HOURS FER WËEK TÕ A RELATËI] ORCANIZATIÕN. G$VËRNMËñÍT ACCOUNTÂBILITY ALLIANÖE, AÌ"lD AFFRÕXIMATÉLY I HO{JR PER WËEK To A RELATEü ÕRËANIZATTOI\¡. FnANKL{N CEi¡TER FOR GOVERNMEhIIAND PUBI.IG fNTEGR}TY KRISTINA RASMUSSEN DEVÕTES ÂPPROXIMATELY ?S I"IOURS FER WEEK TO A RELATEÐ ORGAÑ¡ZAÏON. GÕVERNMENT ACCOUNTA8ILITY ALI.IANGE" THAÐilEUS ÚAEROWåKI NËVOTEs APFROXIMATELY 15llcuRs PER WEËKToA REI,ATED 0RGANIZATION, GSV€RNMËI{TACCOUNTABILITYALI-IA¡{üERYAN GREEN ÛFVÕTEs APPRÛXIMATELY 23 HOURS PER WEEK TO A fiEI.ATED OEGANIZATION, GOVERNMENT ACCOIJNTABILfTY ALIIÂNC;, &{ATTHEW BAPROCKI DEVOTES APPROXIMATELYSs HOURS FFR WEEK TO A REI"ATED ORGANIZATIO¡T" GOVËRJTMENT ACCOUNTABITITY ALLÍÀNCE ÐIANA RICKERÍ üËÚOTËS APFREX¡MATELY 5 }{OURS PËR WËEK TO ARETATEÕ ORGANTZAT¡ON, GOVERT'¡MËNT ACCOUNTABILITYALTLqNçË, ANÞ APPHOX{MATELY 23 HOURS PFR WEEK TO A REIATES ôRGÀNIZATION, LIBERTY JUSTICF CENTER" EMILY MECALL$TER DEVOTES ÂFPOX'MATELY 32 l'lOURs PER WEEI( 10 A RELPITEä ORGANTZAT{O¡ï. GOV€RNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY ALLfANCE JÕHN ËERGQUIST T]EVOTES AFPRÕXIMATELY 2 HOURS FER WËËK'FÛ A REIATEÐ ORËANIZATION. TIBERTY JI-'STIöË CEilTER" AND AFPRÕXIMAïELY 17 HCI,URS pÉR WFEK To A RSLA ED CIRÕ NIZATTôN, GOVERNMENT ACCOIJNãABILITY AI.LIANCE PAT ÍIUGHES ÛEVOTES APPROXIMATEI-Y f 4 F{OURS PER WEEK TO A RËI."ATED ORGANIZAT{ON, LIËERry JUSTICE CËNTËR, AND APPROXIMATELY 9 HOUR"$ PËR WEEK TOA RELATËD ÕRGANIUATION, GO\IËRNMENT ACCOUMTABILITY ALLIAÑCË. .IAMES LO¡IG üËVOTËS APPRÕXIMATELY 2O HTUAS FER WEEK Tç A ËELATED ORGANIZÂTION, GOVERNMEN-T ÃCCOUNTABILÎTY ALLIANCE" .¡ANËT RIORDAN ôEVOTES APPROXIMATETY 4A }'OURS PER WFEK TO A RETATED ORGANIZATION, êOVËRNMENT ACCOIJNTABTL TY AL}jANCE. JOSHTJATRËVIb¡Õ DEVOTES APËRÛXIMATËLY 19 HOURS PER WEEKTOA RELATED TRGAÑIZATION, COVERNMENT ACCOI"'NTÂBIL¡TY ALL IANCE rHE OR{ÌANÍZAT{ON USËS TI-IE MODItrIËD CAsI.Ì BASIS OF ACCOUNTING. CËRTAIN REVENUÊS ARE RECÖGNIZËS WHE¡': RFCEIVFÛ RAT}áER THAN WHËN EÂRNED AND CERTA'N EXPENSES ARE RECOGNIZED WHE¡\ü PAIÐ RATHER îFIAÑ WHEN THE çBLIGATION IS INCURRSD. MODIFICATIONS TO IHE CASH SÂSIS OF ACEOUNTING INCLTJDE RËCÛRÐING DEPRËCIÀÍION ON PROPËRTY AI.åD EOUIPMENT ANÛ ÀCCRUING ËTR PAYRTLL TAXES, fF ÀPPLICABLË- TIiERE HAS SFEN NO CHANGE [N THE PR0CESS SINCE THE PRIOR YEAR. COMMÕN SËNSE W':H PAUL JACOB GRËAT COMMUNICATÛRS BOOT CAMP GIVE ME A CHOICE WAUKEGAN Cåt. No. søe :.#e u¡i.ep s. irs. gor,'Áneflrrdprdlsdilprnxy, lprint Srrtr I ofL6 Fage '* z ft*T PRÛCTSS tÄl - Fredüc[¡on ORf€:NAL ÐLN: 93493319Ot2258 OMÊ t{o- 1545-Of}4 Grants and Other Assistance te Org*nizations, Governments aÌÌd lndivñduals in the Uxited States {Ferri 99t}} CçmFfete if lhe crqaniz*tt-cn srswaFed Ѐparùïênt of tùe Þ tr*rorma¡isn abaut sehed¿t",,rf"ffiËì 'Yff,' Ðn Forn* SSo, p*rt IVo {ine 2&1.-f yt o. 22 tú P$iblir åns$]e(tien 4Ì81€n T,*ilf,3är**o.,*', IlITNOTS POLICY INSTUTUTE 4,1-2å57Ð?8 en Grants atrd Assistar¡ce f Dç€s the orgenizatlon mâintð¡î records tc srrbstanl¡ãte tf)e arnount of the gf,nts or assistar}{e, tt]€ gr¿nteÉs' eliglbirity for tñe grårlts of Ðsslsta'tce. årìd th€ selertion crileria used to awarrl tfre grants qr assistan€e?. . Describe tn Part IV the org¿n¡za8cn'l procedures for mo{ìitoriÐg tÞe use of Erant fur¡ds ír¡ the united ç!¿îes. Farl Ívt Gra$ts aÐd Qther Àssistanre to ?omest¡c Arga¡ìiz¿tisîs ¿rld Ðonrestk Goìrernrnents- ffi 2 (ü) Í,¡¿me and address of orqåÐÍzêtiûn or gpvemt',€ßt (1} TIBERTY ìUSTTC= {bl eif'{ {c} IRC x*rti#t {.f appll{ãhle} { Attad¡ to Fcrrþ sx¡o. l* Ielorrnat¡Ðft aba¿Jl Sdledüle f {F8Ìn ànd its irislnr€t'lons is at Ðeparùner{of úe Tremr¡ !q!m¡dRMSRtrz 16 Dt ORICINAL DÂTÄ - P¡oductieq PR:OCESS cf No- 1545-{}û4? 3û1 ? * e& tlubl¡* orgarÌizËtirn II.LI}ÞTS POUCY ¡ FåST¡T{.ITE 41-2Þ.570?A I Ír"ìrt T.€s !ã n tl tl 3 ilf :] ? 3 F¡rst-clèss rr ü clraì-ler Èravei t, u Ttavêl for €ompanio,'rs rêx ¡dernn¡fi(åtion ãnd Oross-t*p payrn€rrts Discret¡onsry spÊrld¡ñg å{count ffi t, Health or social club dues qr ir}atiãt¡Gr fe€s FeËÕ¡rã¡ servicËs te,g., xr¿d, Ar¿uffeur, chef) any of tFË btxes i$ Iirìe 1ã are checked, dld the orgõÊiaätion folbw a sdtfeR Folky reg?rding pa!¡ment s? reirnbußernent or provision of ail of the expenses described abovê? {f *¡ûo," cornpfete pãf IFI åo explain " D¡d the organizat¡on require sr¡bstantiatioD priof to rsinìbÉJrsiÐg orallçr4¡ng exgerrses i;rcrrred ?y all dlrectors, trìrstêês, officers, hcludìng ttìe cEo/Exeffrwve Director. regardlngthe trterr$ rhecked in lanÊ 1â? - Indiçõle which, if an¿ of tþe fo¡loÌ¡{irìg ttre filing orgaälzãt¡çn {ræd to e*blish the compensåtion of the ôrganizÂtjon's CE0/Exeürtiìre 9irècâor. Check,all thåÈappty. Ða r¡ot cheÊk afiy boxes fcr mêfhods used by a related organtzation ts estab*ísh cornpecsagon 6f the CEü/Exeürtive Ðireclor, but explain iÐ P¿ft Cgr, npensati v""r on conìmittÉ€ ¿-å w w Iñd€pendent compensãtion cûnsultaftt ffi ?orffi 99O of other o¡"gãwi¿ät¡ons üJriRg the Fear" d¡d any p€rsõ,n listed sn Form 99O, {el¿ted organizêtis&; ã b c 'elevart uoüsiÊg ¿lhrâance or Fes¡derlce for personal use Payrnerlts for busiR€s use of persana* aes¡dèr¡ae IÉ ü ¿¡ llo chèck thÉ appropiate box{es} if lhe organizatÍan provid€d ãfty of thÉ following ìó or fo. a F€rssn l¡sted ûr} Forrn 99O, Part VII, Sectjon A, line 14. Complete Part IIT tç prì9víde any ¡ofûrr.:êtion regarding these ¡tems. Þrt th 2 $f- wriÈrgl emp(õymÊnt cùnÙ-ôd Compensat¡on $Jn¡ey sr sfudy Appro,râl by thÊ board or compematircf} cemr',ittee VIã. Sectta4 A, l¡ne la, lv-lth rÊsped to fu f¡llßg orgaô¡zaüoß or ã Rece¡ve a s€veranse payment or change-ûf-coetra¡ payrenl? . Participate ¡n. or rece¡ve payrfient fram, a supplernental nonq$alifiÊd .e¿irêrnent plaB? " PaÊicipate in. or receive payment frorn, an equity-bãsËd cornpe!1satio¡ anãngemerÊ? . lf \es" to any cf llnes 4ð-c, lisl thô persons and provide lhe appliÊable amounb for each itern in Part 44 ¡{õ 4b ¡lr 4C t*o The oFgãnizätion?, 5a 0to Any retated otganízãtio¡ì? . If "Yes." on line 5¿ or 5b, describê in Pãrt KL sh lvo lll. On:y 5O1{c}(3}, 5Or(cX4), änd 501(c}(29) orgari!ÞatÍo'ls must coffiplete lilres 5-p. FoF persons l¡stÊd on For¡n 990, Fårt Vü. Sect¡on A. l¡ne la, d¡d the o¡ganization pay c{ accr{,¡Ê at}y corßpens¿¡¡on continçent on the ¡evenues of: a :; For peßons listed on Form 990. Parl ìflt" Section A" line 1a. did {õmperlsÊtisrì conting€flt o¡ï lle net earnlr¡gs at: è Ttle ÐrganizêBoR? . b Any relãied ûrganization? If 'Yes"" on t¡fle 5a or 6b, htþs :/,reup^ eps"irs, *le organÍzatidfl pry or acErue aRy 6a . . 6b ¡lt dÈscvlbe in Part û1. govÂueflrrdprdls diiproxy/printSub r2l3l?ü18 Page 6 7 For persons listed on Form 990, Palt VII, Section A, line 1a, d¡d the organization prov¡de any nonfixed payments not described in l¡nes 5 and 6? If "Yes," describe in Part IU . 8 Were any amounts reported on Form 990, Part VII, paid or accured pursuant to a contract that was subject to the in¡tial contract exception described in Regulations section 53.4958-a(aX3)? If "Yes," describe in Part III . 9 If "Yes" on line 8, d¡d lhe organ¡zation also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure described in Regulations section s3.4958-6(c)? . For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the https ://eup.eps. 7 No 8 NO of 16 9 Cat. No. 50053T Schedule J (Form 99O) 2OL7 t2l3/20t8 Page 7 Schedule J (Form 990) 2017 Part II Page Off¡cers, D¡rectors, Trustees, Key Empl and of 16 2 est Use duplicate copies if additional space is needed. For each individual whose compensation must be reported on Schedule J, report compensation from the organ¡zat¡on on row (i) and from related organizations, described in the iastructions, on row (ii). Do not list a individuals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VIL l\tote, The sum of columns line icable column (A) Name and Title (B) Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1099-MISC (C) Retirement (D) Nontaxable (E) Total or (F) compensat¡on and other deferred compensat¡on benefits columns Compensation in column (B) (¡) Base (¡¡) compensation Bonus & incentive compensat¡on (iii) Other reportable compensation (B)(¡)-(D) reported as deferred on prior Form 990 See Additional Data Table Schedule J (Form 99O) 2Ol7 https //eup. : ep s. irs. gov/mef/ndprd/sdi/proxy/printSub t2l3l2018 Page 8 Schedule part I IIT (Form 990) 2017 Page of 16 3 Supplemental fnformat¡on or uired for Part R€gurn ReÉ€rence lines Part 1 IL Also this for additional information. Explanatîore Schedule J (Form 99O) 2017 https ://eup.eps. t2/312018 Page 9 of 16 Additional Data Software ID: Software Version: EIN: 41-2057028 Name: ILLINOIS POLICY INSTITUTE and (B) Breakdown of w-2 andlot 1099-MISC comDensation (i) Base Compensation (i¡) (i¡¡) (A) Name and Title Bonus & incentive comoensation 1]OHN ÏILLMAN ( 100,000 0 t35,478 0 0 0 0 c t42,656 U 0 4,2t9 0 0 0 202,727 0 0 0 0 0 77L,245 0 0 7,005 3.62L 0 0 0 0 0 150,500 0 0 0 U 0 L42,4aA 0 0 0 0 0 L62,923 0 0 0 218,899 ( ( ( ( ) 4MATTHEW PAPROCKI SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ( ( ) 5DIANA RICKERT VICE PRESIDENTCOMMUNICATI 6EMILY [lCCALLISTÊR VICE PRESIDENT RE ( ( ) ( ( ) TJOSHUA TREVINO VICE PRESIDENTSTRATEGY ACHRISTOPHER KRUG GENL MANAGER & PUBLISH ER ( ( ) ( ( ) 9KRISTINA RASMUSSEN 0 c 0 0 15,500 23,19C 423.t90 0 c c 0 0 L2,9t7 L5,873 764,268 0 0 0 165,22t 0 0 0 76,712 231,339 0 0 0 0 1,871 0 0 0 8,599 159,099 0 0 0 0 4,034 74,654 L67,776 0 0 0 n 0 ( 0 72,500 74,t22 189,545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.8t2 13,801 240,5t2 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 151,216 0 0 4,450 18,589 r74.255 U FORMER PRESIDENT ( ) 1O]OHN BERGQUIST FORN4ER VICE PRESiDENIADMIN & CFO http s ://eup. ep s. irs. Other reportable compensation ¡n column (B) reported as deferred on prior Form 990 compensation 0 ( (F) Compensation (E) Total of columns (B)(i)-(D) 0 ( ) IvIARKETIN G benefits 0 ( 3RYAN GREEN VICE PRESIDENT. (D) Nontaxable other deferred 284,500 DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN 2THADDEUS DABROWSKI VICE PRESIDENT.POLICY hest (C) Ret¡rement and gov/mef/ndprd/sd i/proxy/printSub 0 12,500 18,346 18 l2l3/20r8 10of16 Page pâ*crss €*åpt"lIc STIIEÐULË R {Fcrm $S$} *Lr*: oME No. 1545-Sq47 Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships $ CofRPIete 1ü1r if 1ñå ürg¿rÌzation a¡sr¡rere