TOWN OF FRISCO COLORADO 2019 - 2020 TOWN OF FRISCO STRATEGIC PLAN COLORADO Table of Contents VISION ............................................................................................................ 3 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ............................................................................. 4 FRISCO TOWN COUNCIL ............................................................................ 5 INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................................. 6 THRIVING ECONOMY .................................................................................. 8 SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT ............................................................... 10 VIBRANT RECREATION ............................................................................ 13 QUALITY CORE SERVICES ...................................................................... 16 Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 2 Community Pride - CWIVCNOI mega _llain Street L-sioire'uj- Children Healthy Corina-ity @?i?ty ml: Cmectiuity "3i? 3133.31 Communication 'Ceol Plaee' A7T87Cirl?ife' mun?hue CommunIty Values Rfu?dahoutts Arts/Culture_ ?mail-W l e_d_thy Elg'll?r Residents EMain Arts/Celtlre sum-Em? sidents Wm? mlahe Hill Completed tuna?II Mints Arts/Culture tee-me- .leugllter 'Coel Harem". VilIrant mun-Ia:- a?n mm VilI__Iancy AlIounds Multi- Modal Hain Str_e__iit Vibrant Circular-hunt Fame; Mildew a, Community Values meat-amen _Coler Businesses- Plaeelr'ugm, HtCommuIIity Pride Parking_ Vibraney Almonds Vibraney Abounds" mm, ?Transfertationm more? ""EIiICeI'Ineetivityw taut-mu nn k? ?Meme- ViliFaTIt" MUM-II II White lleII Businesses Ceel Place Vihrancy Allolnds Late Hill Completed Community Color ?Community mm um [mi-II; amalgam Residents pan?E m? taught e'I Connectivity Famili'? es? Community Pride Irma-q Colerm Main Street Families 4 Seasons Ilea_l_thy 9000905319? lIoInIlaheIts Mum-grow Vihrant tu- ?Imminent?? Laughter. Families gunmen?mm LahelleCmeleted Hil?ger; R?sidentL Businesses Children Vibrancy Abounds MICE. - lake Hill CoIIy _etel cmor? laialee Imu- Iltlt? lleill ruin-m um H. hh l- ?lneetmty . Pride Plane; Ileundz?reuts: Resrdents Season's" Vilyant ?V?twg??l?l max-mu Lib hraney A?olln wnb?ull Families Iseasejs ?til/?331: La? ?mas Community Values Multi-Medgl Vilmcy About: EEMWE Thriving Inclusive Economy Community Vibrant Sustainable Recreatlon Environment Quality Core Services Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 4 Frisco Town Council Mayor Gary Wilkinson Mayor Pro-tem Jessica Burley Dan Fallon Hunter Mortensen Rick Ihnken Deborah Shaner Melissa Sherburne Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 5 INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY Description: An inclusive community includes families of all backgrounds and income levels, where diverse interests and ideas are welcomed; a community striving to ensure there are a variety of housing options, childcare, and educational opportunities for its residents; a community where vibrancy abounds and its leaders consider the impact of their decisions from social equity, environmental, and economic perspectives. Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Town Council High Priority Goal: Implement Housing Solutions Adopt 5-Year “2019-2025 Frisco Strategic Housing Plan (FSHP)” o Utilize Housing Task Force Final Report and Recommendations o Identify 1, 3, 5- year Implementation Plan, with funding sources CDD Implement Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) partnership to develop housing project o Adopt Town of Frisco (TOF)/CDOT Memorandum of Understanding o Design and cost analysis phase o Adopt development agreement identifying funding/development partners o Entitlement and construction phase Pre-planning for next project Assign critical milestones to next project identified in FSHP Aug, 2019 July, 2019 Sept-Jan,2020 Feb, 2020 2020-2021 Oct, 2019 Goal: Strengthen Affordable Housing Deed Restrictions Covenants Present options to Town Council considering alternatives and impacts Adopt optional program for residents in deed restricted housing Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 TM June, 2019 Sept, 2019 Page 6 Strategic Priority: Inclusive Community Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Conduct Community Survey Conduct statistically valid community survey to gather community input Provide findings and recommendations to Town Council TM Nov, 2019 Feb, 2020 Goal: Improve Community Engagement Implement Town Council recap “Catch up on Council” newsletter biweekly Establish a Citizen Academy Increase social media subscribers by 15% Comm Comm/ TM Complete Jan, 2020 April, 2020 Goal: Adopt Unified Development Code Amendments Amend Historic Overlay o Inventory complete - Aug, 2019; Town Council Draft - Nov, 2019; Planning Commission - Jan, 2020; Town Council - March, 2020 Amend Central Core District land uses Amend parking regulations for TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) best practices Amend workforce housing regulations (incentives and code) Amend sustainability regulations o Implementation of the SolSmart zoning analysis, Climate Action Plan, and other code topics CDD March, 2020 March, 2020 March, 2020 March, 2020 March, 2020 Goal: Complete Granite Street Redesign Plan Obtain visionary direction from Town Council Issue Request for Proposals for design consultants Host public outreach meetings, gather Town Council and community input, present conceptual designs for construction options in 2020 Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 CDD/ PW June, 2019 Dec, 2019 / Jan, 2020 Page 7 THRIVING ECONOMY Description: The Town of Frisco strives to create a thriving and sustainable economy for our community by encouraging a variety of businesses, improving Summit Boulevard showcasing our exceptional mountain community, beautiful Dillon Reservoir, outstanding recreation, and drawing locals and visitors to Frisco’s iconic and bustling Main Street where dining, shopping, exploring history, and meeting friends is where our community comes together. Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Adopt and Implement Community Plan Adopt Community Plan Prioritize critical milestone achievements to ensure implementation Integrate action steps into Strategic Plan goals, 2020 Budget CDD Aug, 2019 Summer, 2019 Summer, 2019 CDD Fall, 2019 Winter, 19/20 Goal: Develop Main Street Master Plan Confirm Town Council goals and project scope Select consultant Host community meetings Adoption of final plan by Town Council March, 2020 Goal: Implement Short-term Rental Regulations Finance Evaluate compliance Evaluate regulations / PD Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 July 2019 Jan, 2020 Page 8 Strategic Priority: Thriving Economy Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Complete Landscape Design for CDOT Gap Project Consultant selected, design team in place Present conceptual designs & cost options to Town Council Identify funding options and present final design to Town Council Establish critical milestones for implementation coincide with Gap Project Public Works Complete June, 2019 Aug, 2019 Fall, 2019 Comm Aug, 2019 Jan-Feb, 2020 Summer, 2020 CDD PD/ Comm Complete July, 2019 Summer, 2019 “ “ “ “ Oct, 2019 Goal: Evaluate Visitor Economic and Community Impact Propose budget for visitor economic and community impact study for 2020 Identify outcome expectations, select consultant, launch study Present preliminary findings Goal: Evaluate Public Parking Needs and Enforcement Efficacy Conduct inventory on Main Street and surrounding streets Outreach to businesses and employees Identify areas for possible improvements (red/yellow curbs, signage) Identify possible employee parking options Obtain business’ feedback of increased enforcement Present findings to Town Council Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 9 SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Description: The Town of Frisco will take action to collaboratively protect and sustain our treasured environment, by ensuring new development achieves a balance between the natural and built environment and implementing initiatives to address climate change. In furtherance of a holistic approach, the Frisco Town Council supports a sustainable human ecosystem comprised of our inspiring natural environment, our history and culture, the integration of arts, promoting a thriving economy, and engaging our community. Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Town Council High Priority Goal: Adopt & Implement Climate Action Plan Adopt the Summit Climate Action Plan Adopt a 100% Renewable Electricity Goal Complete energy audit of all Town facilities Include Climate Action implementation actions/goals in 2020 budget Identify and implement key ‘milestones to achieve measurable results Adopt Summit Sustainable Building Code All Depts Complete Complete July, 2019 Oct, 2019 Fall, 2019 Dec, 2019 CDD Complete Goal: Obtain SolSmart Silver Designation Identify barriers and opportunities to solar installations in Unified Development Code, processes and fees Streamline solar permit process and fees Promote new SolSmart process Identify and propose policies/code amendments needed for implementation Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 July, 2019 Sept, 2019 March, 2020 Page 10 Strategic Priority: Sustainable Environment Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Reduce Waste Present consideration of Bag Ban to Town Council o Present options, business impacts, and resolution for consideration o Promote Town Council decision to educate the public and businesses TM/ Comm Com Adopt Zero Waste Event Requirements o Present options to Town Council, cost and event impacts o Adoption of resolution by Town Council for implementation at 2020 events Promote Reusable Water Bottle Use o Distribute 2,500 reusable water bottles with pledges o Install three new water stations throughout town o Create video promos, outreach campaign for bottle reduction July, 2019 Aug, 2019 Oct, 2019 GreenT/ Summer, 2019 Comm Comm Identify other opportunities to reduce waste and develop a plan of action Dec, 2019 Finalize Town Hall dumpster enclosure to reduce waste and wildlife incursion Apr, 2020 Increase trash pick-up by adding two mini clean-up days to event schedule targeting business participation Summer, Fall Increase use of electronic sales tax filing, water payment system by 10% Finance Dec, 2020 Finance Finance Comm PW June, 2019 June, 2019 Summer, 2019 June, 2021 Goal: Implement Water Efficiency Plan: (1) Water Conservation Adoption by Town Council of new water rates with baseline/ usage rate changes Authorization by Town Council for new conservation program incentives Implement and promote participation in water conservation Evaluate usage and effectiveness (reduction in water usage) Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 11 Strategic Priority: Sustainable Environment Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Implement Water Efficiency Plan: (2) Improve Water Infrastructure Authorization of new water rates by Town Council to fund infrastructure improvements Establish five-year prioritized capital investment and investment program Include in 2020 CIP and fiscal operating budget Construct priority projects to improve water infrastructure Finance /PW June, 2019 Sept, 2019 Oct, 2019 Summer, 2019 Goal: Develop Frisco Historic Park and Museum Long-Range Plan Review current and future uses of park and recommendations o Evaluate options for additional park amenities o Consider uses for 1st and Main building o Prepare and present options for Town Council consideration & funding CDD/ Rec Aug, 2019 Nov, 2019 Goal: Establish a Plan for the Excelsior and Lund Houses Identify all options for relocation of Excelsior and Lund Houses Prepare a robust option list for Town Council consideration Present options to Town Council Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 CDD/ Rec Summer, 2019 Sept, 2019 Page 12 VIBRANT RECREATION Description: The Town of Frisco recognizes the importance of its recreational opportunities as essential to the Town’s vibrancy, providing unique opportunities for visitors and locals to explore, play, experience, and share with the broader community; the Town of Frisco’s Peninsula Recreation Area/Adventure Park, Waterfront Marina, along with hiking, biking, Nordic skiing, and snow tubing are central to the community’s economic vitality and therefore a high priority for the Town Council to maintain, sustain, and protect for future generations. Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Improve Waterfront Marina Issue revenue bonds to fund improvements Complete Big Dig project – currently underway Complete Phase 1 construction – currently underway Complete Wetlands Mitigation project Install new docks and fuel dock Prioritize future projects and funding Measure cost/benefit Finance Rec and PW Complete June, 2019 June, 2019 Sept, 2019 Aug, 2019 Aug, 2019 Annually Goal: Evaluate Current / Future Uses of Peninsula Recreation Area Conduct full-site evaluation utilities and as-builts Identify and describe all current uses; and capacity Select consultant team: park planning, conceptuals, cost estimates Evaluate opportunities for new revenue streams Consider potential future uses (programming and buildings) Propose recommendations for priority based budgeting Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Rec and PW Summer/Fall Summer/Fall Summer/Fall Summer/Fall Page 13 Strategic Priority: Vibrant Recreation Actions/Goals Dept. Present to Town Council for short and long-term prioritization and budgeting Milestones Jan, 2020 Goal: Conduct Parks Master Planning Complete conceptual design for four community parks Present findings to Town Council Prioritize and fund project in 2020 Budget Construct park improvements aligned with Town Council priorities CDD/ Rec June, 2019 June, 2019 Oct, 2019 Summer, 2020 Rec/ PW June, 2019 Goal: Implement Trails Master Plan Anticipated USFS approval for 4.4 mi Nordic trail, 10.25 mi multi-use trail, 5.9 mi perimeter trail Construct trail improvements Funding and prioritization for next steps and phases Summer, 2019 July, 2019 Goal: Construct 2nd and Belford Connector Trail Complete connector path to expand trails and increase ped/bike safety PW Aug, 2019 PW July, 2019 Oct, 2019 Goal: Construct Wal-Mart Pedestrian Path Survey/procure easement if needed Design and construct Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Page 14 Strategic Priority: Vibrant Recreation Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Evaluation Potential Fieldhouse Feasibility Present draft feasibility to Mayors, Managers, Commissioners Present study and cost analysis to Town Council Implement Town Council direction for next steps Rec Complete June, 2019 2019 – 2020 Goal: Increase Awareness of Frisco’s Amenities Complete full redesign and relaunch of Increase time spent on website, decrease bounce rate and increase page views Identify alternative methods to promote full range of Frisco’s recreational opportunities Establish participations goals with Recreation Department Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Comm Nov, 2019 Nov, 2020 Nov, 2019 Page 15 QUALITY CORE SERVICES Description: Providing quality core services are the heart of the Town of Frisco. The Town Council places a high priority on a balanced and fiscally sustainable budget considering long and short-term economic indicators to prudently maintain our critical infrastructure, sustain general services, support and improve our recreation and visitor economy, communicate effectively to actively engage residents, attract and retain high-performing personnel to deliver exceptional service to the public, provide essential public safety services, maintain the Town’s public resources, and protect and preserve the Town’s historic community. Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Finance Fall, 2019 Through Spring 2020 Town Council High Priority Goal: Identify New Revenue Streams Analyze a variety of options to produce new on-going revenue stream(s) (e.g. Summer tubing, ice rink, additional recreational rentals/uses) Conduct a thorough cost-of-service study to collect appropriate fees for the provision of services Present options and recommendations to Town Council for consideration Feb, 2020 Town Council High Priority Goal: Strengthen Infrastructure Resiliency Complete full scope life cycle assessment of all Town infrastructure to develop 5 to 10-year Asset Management and Replacement Plan Present to Town Council for adoption of funding plan Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Public Works 2019-2020 Mid-2020 Page 16 Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Develop Five-Year Financial Forecasting Model Create five-year financial forecasting model for long-range financial planning Include with annual budgeting process each year TM / Finance Oct, 2019 Goal: Strengthen Public Engagement with Town Council Launch “Catch-Up with Council” after-action Council newsflash Hire professional team to improve audio-visual technology in Chambers Upgrade Council Chambers to accommodate new AV Increase opportunities for public engagement with Town Council by promoting Council discussions on social media and elsewhere TM / Clerk Complete June, 2019 July, 2019 Summer, 2019 Goal: Improve Accessibility of Town Code for Residents Re-Codification of Town Code Implement cloud-based hosting of Town Code Promote and measure usage of new searchable online features Comm / April, 2020 Clerk Goal: Improve Housing Administration Evaluate administration of housing programs Obtain Town Council approval to consolidate administration into one department (CDD) to align priorities, foster coordination among departments and neighboring agencies, reduce inefficiencies, enhance administration of program and expand probability of increasing supply of affordable and workforce housing projects Evaluate cost/benefit to outsource routine maintenance of employee housing Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 TM Complete Aug, 2019 Summer, 2019 Page 17 Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Retain Fully Staffed Police Department Propose new salary schedule to address retention Identify alternative recruitment streams Promote Frisco PD through recruiting video and new outreach Identify housing opportunities PD July, 2019 PD Summer, 2019 Sept, 2019 On-going Goal: Improve Police Department Core Services Evaluate parking and code enforcement prioritizing key areas of concern Design and propose remodel of Squad Room Promote Frisco PD’s outstanding service Goal: Increase Police Officer Training Create robust training program to include: CIT training, active shooter, negative Bias training, Krav maga, and as-needed Recognize training achievements In-process As completed Goal: Evaluate and Improve Town Employee Safety Identify all target hardening locations Propose solutions Conduct employee all-hands training exercise Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 In-process Summer, 2019 Page 18 Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Preserve Finance Department Core Services Produce balanced budget annually implementing Town Council priorities Increase usage of paperless billing and reporting to increase department efficiencies (sustainability goal) Implement appropriate procedures to ensure all Municipal Bond reporting requirements are completed timely and in compliance with regulations Provide quarterly revenue/expense comparisons to monitor net cash flow Produce meaningful “Community Scorecard” to inform residents of Town’s actions and activities; for 2020 align with Council strategic priorities Analyze employee relations, training, recruitment and retention efforts to identify areas for improvement Finance Annually Dec, 2019 On-going Quarterly Annually Fall, 2019 Goal: Enhance Public Works Core Services Complete site work at Public works shop Revamp street design criteria and ROW permits Develop 5-year vehicle/equipment replacement schedule Complete drainage improvements on Creekside Drive and Emily Lane o Construct drainage improvements at this intersection to solve storm water drainage and ponding issues and improve storm water quality Construct second phase of Teller Alley (3rd Ave. – 5th Ave.) Operate Water Treatment Plant Intake structure more efficiently year-round o Rehab intake structure and install stream measurement Improve damage around Water Treatment Plant Evaluate snow removal operations to identify areas of improvement, including addressing staffing concerns for on-call periods Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 PW July, 2019 Complete Dec, 2019 Sept, 2019 Sept, 2019 On-going Nov, 2019 Summer, 2019 Page 19 Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Attract and Retain High-Performing Employees Align employee recognition awards with Town Council strategic priorities Promote Frisco as the Best Place to Work – videos, marketing Identify retention concerns and solutions to address Provide new training opportunities for employees throughout the year Implement online benefits portal to expand employee’s understanding of benefits (measured by employee surveys) Increase employee awareness and engagement opportunities Develop meaningful succession planning program (tiered performance based position advancement opportunities) Conduct employee surveys to measure progress in meeting goals Provide Total Compensation Report with job offer to all year round full time and year round 10 month new hires Increase MyFit program participation by 10% from 2018 numbers HR Fall, 2019 Dec, 2019 Dec, 2019 On-going Jan, 2020 April 2020 Dec, 2020 Bi-Annually March, 2020 Dec, 2019 Goal: Evaluate Recreation Department Core Services Provide exceptional customer service for wide range of recreational programs as evaluated through user-surveys; identify areas to improve efficiencies and services Evaluate recruitment and retention methods for seasonal employees; determine cost/benefit of strategies; implement ideas to improve net results Evaluate Marina operations following completion of new improvements to gauge cost/benefit and track revenues aligned with Bond estimates Compare service charges to cost of service provided to ensure appropriate service charges are implemented (with Cost Analysis Study) Identify areas for service expansion and program improvements Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Rec On-going; Summer survey Summer, 2019 2020 – 2021 Page 20 Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services Actions/Goals Dept. Milestones Goal: Enhance Community Development Department Core Services Continue to provide courteous services to applicants; conduct customer service survey to obtain feedback; Evaluate permitting process times; identify improvements to increase efficiency and reduce processing times when feasible (tracking of permitting times this summer) Implement new building permit software to increase permitting efficiencies Complete digital archiving of large volume of historic paper files to improve community accessibility to historical plans and records and reduce response times retrieving documents (1 box scanned per week) Adopt 2018 ICC Construction Codes CDD Survey: Fall, 2019 Fall, 2019 Fall, 2020 April, 2020 Dec, 2019 Goal: Boost Communications Department Align full scope of Communication’s Department activities (events, marketing, communications, website / outreach, promotions, public information sharing) to Town Council priorities Identify areas of responsibility for consolidation and streamlining Propose organizational staffing solutions to address consolidation, manage events, retain high-performing employees Evaluate return-on-investment of signature events – combined with Visitor Economic and Community Impact Study (Goal: Thriving Economy) Town of Frisco Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Comm In-progress Summer, 2019 July, 2019 Winter, 2020 Page 21