State of West Virginia INAUGURAL COMMITTEE Statement of Organization CommitteeName: Jim Justice Inaugural Committee CommitteeChairperson: Cathy and Jill Justice MailingAddress: Post Office Box 40027, Charleston, West Virginia 25364 DaytimePhoneNumber: 304.345.2000 Attn: Nick Casey Email Address; inaugural@j usticeforwv. com CommitteeTreasurer: Nick Casey MailingAddress: Post Office Box 40027, Charleston, West Virqinia 25364 Email AddreSSI gncasey?lgcr . com The people listed on this form have agreed to serve as chairperson and treasurer of this committee. The treasurer acknowledges that he or she is personally responsible for ?ling the statutorily required campaign ?nance reports until a Change of Treasurer notice (Form F-5) is submitted to the Of?ce of the Secretary of State, or until the committee ?les a Notice of Dissolution (Form F-6). ate I I 1.1 7/ tSignature Date Published by: The Office of the Secretary of State - Bldg. 1,Suite157-K - 1900KanawhaBlvd.E ?9 Hy 9350349102 Charleston, WV 25305 1-866-767-8683 4? -s, elections@wvsos.oom i