Jall?lehn?mJn 'Eacn?iea.Sbbniao.?5omuabr It December 26, 19?? De ET Delawarean: Since the Congress has again taken up the question of federal funding for abortions, I thought you would be interested in a summary of these recent actions. As you probably already know, the Senate and the House of Representatives finally agreed on language dealing with the problem of aedicaid-covered abortions December 15. The 1977 fiscal year appropriations bill prohibited the use of federal funds to pay for abortions, the life of the nether is in danger." This is the position which I have consistently supported- During consideration of the 1978 fiscal year appropriation bill for the Department of Health, Education and lelfare, the House again passed this same language. The Senate, however, passed a broader definition of the circumstances under which medicaid funds could be used to pay for an abortion. 1 did not support this version. The language that the Senate and House finally agreed to (after five months of debate] will protect both the woman and her unborn child. The agreeaent prohibits the use of any funds in the bill to pay for abortions unless continued pregnancy would endanger the mother's life, or in the opinion of two doctors, cause "severe and long lasting physical health damage." The bill, however, also provides funding for "medical procedures" to victims of rape and incest if the offences haVe been reported to police or to a public health agency. January 23 is the date of the 1978 "March for Life". Again, arrangements have been nade for you to meet with your Congressional representatives siniliar to last year. The ?eeting will be held in room 1313 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building at 3:00 Looking forward to having the opportunity of meeting with you on the 23rd of January. . Sincerel 57/