Oct-lD-E?lz 09:31:. Free- JOSEPH s. more, Ja. Deanne: ?aunts! Starts :5th WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0302 April 1, 1994 Mr . Michael Gregg P.D. Box 301?0 Wilmington, DE 19305 Dear Dir. Gregg: PM MINUS Tha?E you for your-postcard on health care reform and abortion services. You say in your postcard that most Americans don't want to pay for abortion services and ask, "Please don't force no to pay for abortions against my conscience with you. (1.154(2; of 53 I agree At this time, with a number of health care reform proposals on the table and a long debate ahead, there is no way to know the form that the final legislation will take, or what amendments may be offered. However, I will continue to abide by the same principle that has guided no throughout my 21 years in the Senate: those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for then. As you may know, I have consistently -- on no fewer than 50 occasions voted against federal funding of abortions. The present debate over health care reform raises for the first time the question of whether the tederal government should decide for everyone that they must buy insurance that includes abortion services, or whether individuals should have not to. Just as the federal government should not be business of telling people that they can no longer use their own money to purchase such services, the government should not tell those with strong convictions against abortion, such as you and I, that We must pay for then. the option in the Again, thank you for writing. It is important to me to know your views as the debate on health care reform legislation proceeds. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. United States Senator