4’ •1’’ 4’ - — I - 0 Thrmc Mediation was conthwted on Januafyl9, 2(fli the foltowrng grwiaI telm% wr egeed upon by Uw parties tu tesNve the dtputes ksted wIow. The porhs inutiwily iccepUihk ietta anc further agree to dMft Iiriaht aiui ft1ement are2m(!nt that is nt wfth the terms bek,w. The gerierat tQrms of the reki’p and c ttcment ar outlirwd bebw s)’rota75cUkfnent Amoart $3,,oOo,OO, broken down as follows: lcinge Renur*s AppMachw, USC $1,880,000 - Red Oak Wtr1ransfer NE, U C I- -New Dorninon ContrUction Inc. Trfoc Lflvronrnentcl iP(t1nQlC)fl’t SKAP Industrte, inc. Eninared Syntfetft Products, iic. M)rthat L4oIdtØru.s flL. ‘Mu1-Chen, Group, LL ‘Si “ntaLLLC I diPIndwtrs, Inc. Soimax 2) fliod RIeae of ALL CJaim5 Agint Dfendant: Ary and all dims for Itabl;ty, acbons, cws of wtfcin, rnd d1maP4 arising out of or wated to pact, curmrLt and/or future dams far past, (Ufltt, iind/or future avts riatd to L)fndnt’ opon, product%, rvics, iind/cr any arid aI rclatcd rndLJd1n :4 rac Qf future dain related to etendnt’ operattori and covliICnc’ or ri& it of futu r cçw itiaIv (“1tctac 1atn). I U The’ tt’mnt and retase tnciudts ondir,3tjop provrthd by (>‘ftitsfr P ntfls futui c1wis, iruv [b di, and (usI wton r&td to future opratonc t the Yaer st and riarby itcs. Parnttffs enter ;nto th’ wttfr’n*r’t r’d rekaie in r ntn bf nd wh fufl knoWh1dg thCit Rnt ttds to Lontnue Qr pad ntur& gs Dpraton at t Yager iW and othtr nearby Itsn the future. I ;ri1 stt rrcmit did (3.J 3) B’tuaci cDve9nt Nn ‘o bredc% CQV”flint Ni1 • 4i P1r . .r for inv o tc Si .11Jr a niutuj1 WkJ.P. ?tw fled 4. I, Lrderrnty for wh 2( ovmy of attui’’y f’’; No emont t. Nc’i Lp4rdIZrIt cif Piftrt -. • to purcIta Voy[.’ n Piat tcey anlt.. t - - - Seoondnry PayerL -! 7) D1smss of AflAcUons, indudmg but not ftmted to • Haney et L v nge Resources Appalachia, LIC, et al. (Washington County Court of Common 9leas; IncludIng any and alt rIated appeal — s • Voyes natter (Commonwealth Court) $) Cer cUor from Plaint1tfs and P itf-W Counsel of conipltance related to return or destruction of discovery 9) Settlement to be conf{den•tal at th option of each defend art, (i)a 4PS r q i /ç M2’