OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACTION MEMO 5717" '9 Fm 1 2019 FOR: ACTING SECRETARY OF DEF FROM: Kenneth? Rapuann, Awstunt Secretaryumercnse, mcland Defense Global NV 1 "0'9 Sccumy suamcr, Actmg Secretary et'Defense Apprmal or Bonk-r Secunry Suppon tu Depunrnent er lInmclund Security PURPOSE: memo will document yUur decisions tu Department et'numcland Seeunly (DHS) rcque lo: I) an support utCustoms and Border Pruteetren's Operuuen Quardnm Support (065): 2) mlluary pursunnel lo operate muhrle sunmllancc camera (Msr) and a) COORDINATION: cuerdrnated [his ruernu wuh 00c and mum: Appruung Ihe rccummendauuns below and s|gmng the response rnerrur (TAB A) respond to DHS's requests lo enhance border security. document vnur dccimma and arrest the Jeuu source the DISCUSSION: - On May n, 2019, you verbally approved DHS requests |0 backfill requtremenls to suprrun 065. I0 imvide militia imonnel (0 staff nine additional MSC vchiclcs. and 0 - Apnl 7r 201x, DOD has sourced supper] fur 005 vulh Guard personnel. many and who were uruered by the Govcmurs conccmud pcrfotm duty ?502m. 0 Due lo a In volunteer National Guard has been unable to snurcc all ldcmifiod by CBP for the rcmamdcr of fiscal ycar(FY) 2019 - U.S. Nonhcm Command (LSNORTHCOM) assessed the shonfall ldcnuficd by me National Guard Bureau (NGB) and that 900 mililag personnel and mmximatelv 14 to conduct aerial detection and monitoring would be necessarvm fiJIfill these validaled CBP (TAB B) OFFICIAL USE ONLY l' OFFICIAL l' OVLY MSCs On January 11, 2010. )ou {he cmploymcm (111101) upcmlu 14f: across '1 Border Scams 111 the 4 {fed 1w DU 1) 011 May 3 701') DHS rmuc cd to Increase the number vcmulex . gar unnel 1mm 146 In 1) Support W111 bu pnmded on a nonmmbumblz ha 5 Ihc mum legally 111C1ud|ng puwuunl lu 15 01' [1111; Fade. Am] Scchon 1059 011111: \anona] Defense Am for [1".le Year 201611' 1 114-92) the canl [111: wppun proudcd by unwary pcrsonnc] 15 hc mcmunuli/aliun ot'vour May 1 1 71119 dccusmn by mung below .1150 serves to wawc to the Dursuunl to swim 2771cm1'T111c 10. us. Code 1s whcihcr or 'hc addmunal can be smn'cd \th pcrsonncI ulrcady deployed 111 support of 11m minmn. [fuddunmal 1761343111121 :11: w111subm|la ICIAL 7 1 10(15) him [he hum 5| (0 mun: In 0110 nuhmn mmc] AM unuafij [u I11 |lhc( \thI |hmuulg i" 101') and (he an the rcspun. mumnmudum TAB me 7 7 "1th MAY 1 7 mg - 2 (y 5:1) anm B5 \r mun} and 1 'wl |hc \ucr <UNCLASSIFIEDNFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON. D.C. 20301-1000 s/aolt?t MEMORANDUM FOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SUBJECT: Department of Defense Support to the Department of Homeland Security to Enhance Security at the US. Southern Border Thank you for your recent memorandums requesting Department of Defense (DOD) support to enhance security at the US. Southern Border. The Acting Secretary ofDefensc has reviewed your requests and has approved the following support: 0' The use of additional ground support and aviation resources to support Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Operation Guardian Support (OGS) requirements. Title 10 personnel are barred from undertaking civilian law enforcement functions. consistent with the Posse Comitatus Act and section 275 oftitle 10. US. Code. All previously stated restrictions governing the employment ofDoD personnel in support OGS remain. a An increase in the number of personnel previously approved to operate mobile surveillance camera vehicles from l46 to All other caveats of the position description included in the previous RFA. approved January 1 l. 2019. remain in effect. This support will be provided on a non-reimbursable basis to the greatest extent legally penniSsible. through September 30. 2019. Hallock N. i CAPT. USN Executive Secretary OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACTION MEMO IAN 1 is Hmong FUR: ACTING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE l: Kennelh P. Rapuano. Assisianl of Defensc, Homeland Defense Si Global Security SUBJECT: DOD Suppcn in u, Cusloms and Border Border Securiiy Mission PU RPOSE: BLUF: - J. This raqnssi forassislanc: is in addilion ro Ihe support previ us!) approvarl by d1eanecrelaryMauis for caps Operalian Guardian Suppon (005) and USPS Opemlion Secure Line rasponss lo Ihi: caravans. DISCUSSION: On April 4i 2018, [be President dimmed Sccrelary of l0 Suppon the Department of Homeland Sccunly in securing the suuihcm burden and in lake omer necessan actions to slop [he now ofdeadly drugs and Ollie! commband' gang members and other criminals, and illcgal aliens into |his country (TAB B) - On December 27. 2013, DHS roquesred additional Dot) snppon CBP (TAB C) -- DHS is requcsling devloymenl u,A .r Kin-l . 'ien ,ivr,. personnel manning these surveillance Ml} enhance siruarional awareness. and cnab]: Border Palm] agenis Io rtspond more lo polcmial illicil uamc - DHS is also rcqursking the overcxisling pedesu-ran border barriers ar locations designaied by CBP in California and Arizona. Enlplacemenl ofaddiliona] conceninn wire will sirangmen existing barriers. making them more difficult In scalcs thereby providing an opponuniry for cnforccmenl personnel |0 mounl mars cfl'cclive response - - If approved, these requirements will beaddreesed as quicklyasavailable forcesand assets - Your approval of the additional support requested by DHS is consistent with, and in compliance with, direction in the President?s April 4, 2018, memorandum. Support will beprovidedon a_to thegreatestextent legally possible, includingpursuanttoChapter lSoftitle 10, U. S. Code, andSection 10590fthe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (P. L. 1 14-92). To the eatent will re?ne this estimate based on the Operational assumptions ?nalized by me Joint Staff, and the Services. 0 is reviewing accounts to fund this mission with minimal disruption to DOD and to minimize congressional concerns. Decisions regarding arming military personnel for self-defense purposes, and related rules for the use of force, will be informed by mission requirements. - Defense Support of Law Enforcement Agencies, regarding participation by BOB forces to support ofcivilian law enforcement activities. 0 CBPhasalsorequested-the using a mix of rotary-wing, fixed-Wing, and unmanned aviation platforms (TAB D). UNCLASSIFIEDIFOUO - The National Guard Bureau (NGB) anticipates additional aviation assets will be available after January 2019, upon completion of scheduled aviation maintenance cycles. - The Chief, NGB, will RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 and, (3) authon'ze the Executive Secretary to si letter at TAB A. Approve: isapprove: Other: A 1 COORDINATION: TAB Attachments: As stated OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE IUD DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-1000 l/lemc?t MEMORANDUM FOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SUBJECT: Request for Department of Defense Support of US. Customs and Border Protection's Border Security Mission Thank you for your December 27. 2018 letter requesting additional Department of Defense assistance in support of the US. Customs and Border Protection?s (C BP) border security mission. I am responding on behalf of Acting Secretary Shanahan. The Acting Secretary has reviewed and approved your request for mobile surveillance camera operators and engineering support to emplace additional concertina wire at locations where the Department of Homeland Security provides access to 001) personnel and for which the Department of Homeland Security has addressed any environmental compliance requirements. 1300 will work with to establish priority locations for sourcing of DOD personnel and equipment. The concertina wire will be of no value to following its emplacement, and so will be le? in place. will be responsible for the ?nal disposition of all concertina wire emplaced by This support is approved on a non-reimbursable basis; to the greatest extent legally possible. through September 30. 2019. The Acting Secretary continues to support your request for aviation assets and hours under the current Operation Guardian Support guidelines. Neither DOD personnel nor National Guard personnel will conduct law enforcement activities. be assigned responsibilities that require direct contact with migrants. or be assigned missions that require them to be armed. Decisions regarding the arming military personnel for self-defense purposes. and related rules for the use of force. will be informed by mission requirements. The Acting Secretary appreciates the opportunity to support the Department of Homeland Security?s mission of securing and managing the Nation's southern border. Hallock N. Mohl r. CAPT. USN Executive Secretary