1&2? EYE STIEI MW. sutt 1130 min 3 pm} W, DIS. some mamas? muses-33m CUM MI ?.3319 June at, It"? By Hand Humble Jen-old Handler1 Chairman House Committee on the Judiciary Wantinglon. DC mils-62115 Re: Hope Hicks Dear Chairmen Nether. This responds to the subpoena from the House Committee on the Judiciary issued on May 2019. to ourelient, Hope Hicks. As you know, as part ofhereoopention with the Committee. Ms. Hicks provided documents to the Committee on March 22. 20]? 00301 Three documents were withheid at that time pending ftu'ther instructions from the White House regarding executive privilege. For the purpose ofour discussion ofthe issues, we have divided the documents into two categories: 1. Documents that Ms. Hlelts hid in her possession. monolofdteWhite nottohediselosedtotmyoneelse urili'totnthe authorisation of?teWhite Houselhave also been during Ms. Hielts?s tenure at the White Howie are potentially protected by White Home ofexeeulive privilege. Wi?trespeettotheh'ansitim deem?: in Ms. Hieks's I have been advised by the Presidential Transition Tenn not bemau?mizedtodiselose Ms. Hieks?s documents ?'om ?tetrtu'lsition petiodand from the theCutrunittee. TROUT CACHERIS 8. SOLOMON ruc Honorable Jerrold Hadler June 4. 1019 Pach With respect to the documents that his. Hicks had in her possession. we are enclosing a disc containing responsive documents horn the campaign period. marlted HCHt'ltile 0033. We have redacted from these documents personal identifying information such as private email addresses and phone numbers. This disc does not include any documents that we already provided to the Committee on March 22. 20W. 1. Documents provided to Ms. Hicks's counsel. The White House. the FIT. and the Trump campaign all provided doctnnents to us. as Ms. Hicks?s eomsel. in advance of her interviews with Congressional committees and the Of?ce of Special Counsel. We received those documents with the understanding that they were provided to us for the limited purpose of prepruing lvls. Hiclts for those interviews. and we were not authorized to use them for any other purpose or to disclose them without the permission of the party providing Ihedoctanents to us. In that sense. wedo not regard thesedocutnentsas within Ms. Hicks?s control. The decision whether to pduce these documents is not hers to make; it is the professional obligation other counsel that they not be produced without authorization from the party providing the doors-treats to counsel. With respect to the documents provided by the White House. the White House has not authorized counsel to produce these documents. and in addition the White House has advised that then documents are potentially protected by White House con?dentiality interests or sutrject to a claim of executive privilege. With respect to the documents provided by the PTT. the FIT has also declined to authorize counsel to produce these documents. and in addition the PTT has advised that these documents are potentially subject to executive privilege. We are therefore not producing documents provided to counsel for the ptu'pose of assisting in the preparation of Ms. Hicks for her interviews. As you ltnow, the accommodation process involving discussions between the White House and Congress is the normal way these sensitive issues are resolved. Given the institutional intmests at stake. it would not be appropriate for Ms. Hicks unilaterally to talte action that infringes on that process or odreewise deviates from longstanding practice for how those matters are normally resolved. Accordingly. in deference to the accommodation process. she respectfully declines to provide doeurnenls from the period covered by the transition and her tenure in the White House. With respect to the documents counsel received from the campaign to assist in preparing his Hicks for interviews, we have not been authorised by the campaign to provide those to the Committee and. based on our professional obligations as counsel. will not be producing them. Based on an initial search of documents we have received from the Trump campaign. we have identi?ed four documents. each containing a chain of emails. that respond to subpoena request We have been advised that these [our documents were previously produced by the Tnu-np campaign to the House Select Committee on Intelligence as well as to other Congressional committees. To assist in your location of the documents that Congress already has. we are authorized to identify on the attachment to this letter. but not to produce. the emails shown on these four documents. TROUT CACHERIS t3: SOLOMON an: Honorable Jerrold Nadler June 4, 2019 Page 3 Lastly. we are mindful that the Committee has requested a log of any documents withheld. As noted, most of the documents being withheld are not being withheld based on the content or character of the individual documents. Instead, they are being withheld because of the claim by the White House and the FTP that the documents are not Ivis. Hicks?s documents to produce and on the basis ot?counsel's professional obligation not to produce any documents that were provided to counsel for the sole purpose of assisting Ms. Hicks in preparing for her interviews. Under the circumstances. it would not be appropriate. nor would it serve any purpose. to log each individual document being withheld. In addition. the White House and transition period documents are being withheld on instructions from the White House in view of the fact that they may be subject to White House con?dentiality interests or executive privilege. We have been advised that it is the longstanding practice within the White House and the Department of Justice not to provide a privilege leg when asserting executive privilege. Ms. Hicks and her counsel do not believe it is appropriate for her unilaterally to deviate from this longstanding practice or otherwise to take action that impacts the normal accommodation process for resolving issues of executive privilege. For all of these reasons, absent further direction from the White House or the FTT, we do not believe it is appropriate for us to provide the requested log at this time. Robert F.1Trout RP'Timt Enclosures ee: Honorable Doug Collins, Ranking Member. House Committee on the Judiciary Attachment to Jim: 2019 Letter to the Honorohlc Jcrrold Nodlcr Date" Time From To {181131201 5 Asolnron Hopc Hicks 9:56 AM EST Conway Hope Hicks 9:23 AM EST season 16 Hicks was AM EST CC: Steve Bannoo I Imam Saucy Hop-c Hicks 5:2? AM EST I Imnolo Hope Hicks Jorcd Kusltricr Iti?? hM EST I lM??i? Dimitri Simcs Jared ?1:23 AM EST Jared Dimitri Simcs 10:39 AM EST llf?9f20l? Jared Hope Hicks :05 AM EST