,-ongrrss of thr I 8/d632 I 04dsl .htm. 6 Department of Justice, "Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry," press release, April 6, 2018, huns://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorncv-ucncral-announces-zcro-tolerancc-policv-cri mina 1i llc!!al-entrv. 7 Department of Justice, " Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks Discussing the Immigration Enforcement Actions of the Trump Administration," May 7 , 2018, https://www.jusiicc.gov/o pa/spccch/attorncv-!!cncral-sessionsdclivcrs-remark!}:Qb.£ussinu-immiuration-cnfbrcemcnt-actions. 8 Washington Post," 'Gut-wrenching' recording captures sounds of crying children separated from parents at the border, Eli Rosenberg, June 19, 2018, https://www.washingtonpost.com.1 news/post-nation/wp/2018/06/ 18/a-sccretrecord ing-capl urcs-the-squnds-o f-crv in g-ch iIdren-scparatc~:Jl19.m.bs- la \vsu it-savs/. 1 CNN, "Kelly: DHS is considering separating undocumented children from their parents at the border," Daniella Diaz, March 7, 2017, https:/!www.cnn.com/20 17/03/06/politics/ john-kcl lv-scparating-childrcn-from-parentsimmigration-bordcr/ indcx.htm 1. 11 Department of Health & Human Services Office oflnspector General, "Separated Children Placed in Office of Refugee Resettlement Care," January 2019, https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oci!rcports/m:i-BL- 18-005 l I .pdf. 12 American Psychological Association, "Statement of APA President Regarding Executive Order Rescinding Immigrant Family Separation Policy," June 20, 2018, https://www.apa.org/ncws/prcss/releases/2018/06/ familvscparat ion-pol icv. 13 NPR, "Transcript: White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly's Interview With NPR," May 11, 2018, htlps:/'www.npr.on.!12018/0511 Ii6 I 0 I 16389/transcript-whitc-housc-chict'..of·staff- john-kcllys-intcrvicw-with-npr. ° 2 take in the "nearly 3,000 children [that] were forcibly separate from their parents," 14 and the "12,500 migrant minors currently in the custody of the U.S. government." 15 This policy, in conjunction with the Trump Administration's other callous immigration strategies, have driven thousands of children in to the care of migrant shelters like yours. Six migrant children have died while in, or soon after being released from, federal custody in the last year - something that has not happened since 2010. 16 "The number of children in federal custody increased by more than 97% in 2018" 17 while the Trump Administration policies were being implemented, and "the average length of stay for an unaccompanied migrant child in U.S. custody skyrocketed," 18 allowing your company to rake in millions of dollars in taxpayer funds. 19 CHSi, "the only private company operating shelters,"20 especially benefitted from these new policies. It currently runs four shelters for unaccompanied migrant children with plans to open two more, has received $222 million to operate the Homestead facility, and could receive an additional ''$341 million in payments between now and November."21 In fact, as of April 11, 2019, one in six of the 12,500 minors in U.S. custody were located in the Homestead camp. And last month, the Department of Health and Human Services announced, "plans to expand bed capacity at the [CHSi facility in Homestead] from 2,350 to 3,200 beginning in mid-April of2019 based on need resulting from a current increase in UAC referrals from DHS."22 In other words, your company has and will continue to significantly profit from the policies General Kelly helped put in place. It is disheartening that General Kelly, with his decades of public service, used his position to implement such cruel policies and then left the government to profit from them, and we are disappointed that General Kelly has ignored requests that he resign from the Caliburn Board ofDirectors.23 14 New York Times, "Family Separation May Have Hit Thousands More Migrant Children Than Reported," Miriam Jordan, January 17, 2019, https://www.nvtimes.com/20I WOI / 17/us/familv-scparation-trump-administrationm igranls.html. 15 Forbes, "One In Six Migrant Children In The U.S. Are Staying At A Shelter Operated By A Private Equity Tycoon," Deniz Cam, April 10, 2019, https://www.forbcs.com/sitcs/dcnizcam/2019/04/ 1O/onc-in-six-migrantchi ldrcn-i 11-thc-us-arc-stn vi nu-at-a-she ltcr-operatcd-hv-a-privatc-cqu i1v-tycoon/t/6d lb 7 595687c . 16 NBC News, "Previously unreported sixth migrant child died in U.S. custody last year," Alex Johnson and Associated Press, May 22, 2019, https:/,\-vww.nhcncws.com/ncws/us-ncws/prcviouslv-unrcporte. 4 WW amila Jax ap States Swami- Member of Congress