CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 05/01/2019 I622 Input, Dt'purlmenl OCA: 18005410 THE INFORMATION anew IS CONFIDENTIAL . FOR us: BY AUTHORIZED ONLV Case Stan-5: Cw Mug Slam: CLEARED BY WARRANT Occurred: limo/20m 011':an INFURMA TIUN Investigator: SHARE ANDREW Date/Time: Suwrvison HENNESSX (/1036) Supervisor Review Dale/Time: 04/09/20" 14 58 261 TueMltl' Contact: Reference: Delt'tlitt' Follow Up face dovtn on the table Let Chen entered the room and began massagtng Palmer At approxtmately 1103hrs Palmer over and en began dnually mantpulatmg pents and went on for several mtnutes Afier a few mtnutes_ Chen wtped the male 1n the area ofhts genttals vt a towel At approxtmately Palmer lefi Surtetllanee on scene At approxtmately 1040hrs_ a male entered the through the front door At approxlmately 13hrs, the satne whtte male exlted the front door and traveled to vehtcle, a 20121 Silver rord Mustang conventble bearmg_thts vtas observed by Deteottve Mattmo <<401: Palm Beach Gardens Sergeant Boschen and luptter Pultce Officer (i Dampter #337 followed the male hovtever were unable to perform a traffic stop on as the vehtole travelled to restdence of-- ts a gated community It should be noted, Palmer was the sole and ofthe vehicle, Palmer's Flortda drtter's ltcense photo matched the male subject observed on vtdeo the target bustness January 201b, 2019, 1059hrs - 13hrs Room Survetllance Del #402 Room Camera t1 JPPD Cam 2 Defendant Robert Kraft 06/05/41t dark long sleeved blue baseball cap, blue shorts- (passenger) At approximately 1059 hrs, Kraft entered the bustness where he patd oash at the front desk to an Astan female, previously tdenttf'ted as Let Wang (captured on JPPD Cant 5] Wang escorted Kraft to a room tdenttf'ted as JPPD Cam 2 There, the two hugge eat ot er and Kraft dtsrobed and latd face up on the table and Wang hugged agatn At appruxtmalely 1 mm Wang began touohmg and rubbmg Krafi's pents and and then appeared to perform oral sex on went on for several mtnutes After a few mtnutes, Wang wtped Kraft the area ofhts genttals a whtte towel, helped get dressed and hugged agatn Kraft gave Wang a $100 th1 plus at least one other Kraft left at appruxtmalely 13hrs Surtetllanee on scene At approxtmately 1059hrs_ a male entered the through the front door At approxtmately 13hrs the same whtte male extted the front door and traveled to a vehtcle tn the lot, a 2015 blue Bentley-- was observed by Detecttve Cook #404 Kraft had prevluusly entered the bustness on January 19th 2019 and was posmvely by Massachusetts drtver's lleense January 201b, 2019, - l453hrs Room SurVEIllanCe Del #402 Room Camera '1 JPPD Cam 4 Defendant James Poner 04/22/551; dark Jacket bull dog logo whtte blue shons,_ At approximately 1305hrs, Ponerentered the bustness approached the front desk, and pad l_et Wang who was behlnd the counter for Services a credtddebtt card, was captured on JPPD Cam 5 Porter Stgnalure Supervtsot Stgnatute Page 120