AFFIDAVIT AND APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT AUTHORIZING THE MONITORING AND RECORDING OF VISUAL, CONDUCT . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA I . THE STATE OF FLORIDA- COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, Honorable Judoe.? HOWard Circuit Court JUng in and for Palm Beach .- I I pOrSOnaIIy appeared this day . . . IDetOctIivIIe Andrew Sharp, PoIicO Department bIOinIgI by ?rst dUIy and says that he and haO good reason to believe that .. II - a certain IpIrerInIiSOs IoIcatOdI BOOCIT CoUnty! Florida described as Ito wit:II II I ITITOI busmess locatOd at: II I I I 10I3I C2 Florida, IJUpiterI SquOre I TO rOaCh the prernlses: Begin at the intersection of Indiantown Road and Militaryr Trail. Travel east On Indiantown Road I pasSed the intersection of Ilndiantown Road and U. S. Highway1. Continue east on IlndiantOWn Road .. .. and the plIIazIIa' IS the ?rst entrance on the left of East IndiantOwnI Road. I buSlneIssI IS readily by: I . The Is located on the West Side of the plazIa Ond IfaceS InOrth. The entericrf building is painted tan in color. The is green in COior barrel tile. Suite C2 is a Isingle story unit. A Sign I I: . II - located In the front window of the buIsineSS identi?es the business and displays the Words ?Orchids of ASia Day Spa There are also neon Signs in the Window with the words and ?open?. .. . Two marked handicapped parking Spaces are dirOCtly in _front of the business. When facing the" '5 1 business, the front door is Situated to the right of: large multi- paned window. The front door is: -: 3I painted dOrkI In Color and IS of apparent IrInIeItaI Constructlon with large pane door Is hinged On the right and Opens to . I This IS a Complete Of the desired to be SeardTed aIOng with the Cudilage thI'erOOITc and - to diligently SeOrOh Said Ilo'catiOn and any Ond all persons who are reaISonably believed to be .I - invoIVOIdI' In the Crimes being the premises manned by or IundOIrI IthO ICIohItrOl of; . . Page'IoH?I FAA immane-- And there is now being kept on the above described (premises) certain; Evidence of, Prostitution in addition to fruits of, and Instrumentailtles of vloietlon of the Iaw(s) associated with Deriving Support from the Proceeds of Prostitution, specifically the Non-audio, video recordings 01 Individuals engaged in acts related to these violations. which is being kept and used in violation of the laws 01 the State of Florida, to wit: Deriving Support from the Proceeds of Prostitution as enumerated under Florida State Statute 796. which is in violation of the laws oi the State of Florida, as enumerated In Chapteris) 796 of the Florida State Statutes. That the facts establishing the grounds for this application and the probable cause for believing that such facts exist are as follows: In late Octoberof 2018. Initiated a prostitution investigation based on Information received from Detectives with the Martin County Sheriffs Office. Detectives from the Martin County Sheriff's Office advised they were working several cases of prostitution and human trafficking atAsian Massage Panors In theircounty. During the oourse at their Investigation, lniorrnation was gained that there we a sirnllar business In the Town of Jupiter. The business in question was identified as Orchidsof Asia Day Spa. located at 103 S. U.S. Highway 1, Suite C2 In the Jupiter square Plaza. Based on the Information obtained, I began researching the business. The State of Florida Division of Corporations Records show the business registered as Orchids of Asia Day Spa Inc. and was filed and became active on February 15*. 2012. The registered agent name is listed as Hua Zhang with an address of the business, 103 5. Us Highway '1 #02. Jupiter. FL. 3347i A query of the Department of Highway Sat and Motor Vehicles Driverand Vehicle Information Database identified Zhan wit a date Hua Ma's rm address or A Googie search using the name of the business. Orchids of Asia Day Spa, revealed several reviews of the business on various search engines. Those reviews indicated the business was a 'rub and tug"; "rub and tug" is slang term which identifies a business as providing sexual services. specifically manually manipulating the male genitals until the point of climax. The website Rubmapscom Is a iorurn based website which allows customers, seemingly all male. to discuss their individual experiences at fllicit massage parlors. Under the name Orchids of Asia Day Spa. several postings were located from February 2015 to March of 2015. The reviews for Orchids of Asia Day Spa provide the name. address. phone numbers and directions to the location. The postings detailed visits involving Asian females providing sexual acts. as well as massage/body rubs in exchange for payment, The majority of the posts advised the female employee would provide the male clientwith a "hand Job"; "hand job" is a slang term fora sexual act involving the manual manipulation of the male genitals. Listed below are screen shots from rubmapsoom and various other forums describing the Illicit nature of Orchids of Asia Day Spa: PageZoHi {?lm alum own Khan-Hm slow-wk IIMMIMHI- QMuu nun-rm baa-num- Btu-Human DMWJ ?m*mm gunman-as [ad-my? . . ?mm WW nun-mam? 43? I .. nwmumwmw u: . non". Mm?km mrmma-walwwmur wmnmuruab ?Mull now-wanna Mama Hm Honing-name}: mun-urn! . .- -..: .. -v-v WW an pun?aw MW - . ?mow: JWW- ?a mm mm Myron-law ml?: wawkumm?n I . .. Iulu?wwd? ankIuIrwa?-g?wlmdamu! tr: nmmuamnwummfa ??rm umwm?.m '.'mc'It'- ?1 dwml?mhuu . -- . - - - - -- - A - awn-w Haul-lub?w-m Bwnmumt?m*wm6mmnm?mym . ?M?mwmwIbutmqmum I I II Amangw?wm: [3mm warm ram {ho-WM] *3 ll -. I Hmong-mum luhmoHianaa-u-?hpwau menu; Mw?. memiw muwnamumur 31-125mm nmm3wmlmu'wm-unw. mmn?am?umhnm I MoguIMrudun MWy'lim??lmnmuthunnpuma-am Reviews of Orchids of Asia Day Spa posted to h? usasex? uide Massgge-Pamr-Rem?g 0n OctobeIr 1'8th Ia?ndI ()IcItIobeIr 20182 nuforum/sho' hIrIeI-ad. t: (- 9 0 0 i bm?memuw?pEWm-mmu-n- h-Inn' -- - 1?31 m'w ennui-ihmiim'iiapm {hitting-?Ln manna-am W: Eli'w?u luv?Ir :wm mm? Iii-w." 6km m-Ilia-Mur? Lamp-e. ?rms? Turin-M4 .n M: 1 . :Ww?hnl .i hum-V h??b -- mm: - Simmer. 'muWM?liMIl-?mhuwwrw lipmm?aoms?lm W'm' two-?mum ?William? MWIMWHOW uh ?Mirth: Macaw-ramswn ?liar-mun. amen-murmure- may mi?mih.muh ?W?umu meu-?sru uu??mIW?-mnu? . mmrruu?munMuu?qd-?hnu _m MI muqrugMuumem-?mm mam??Hummur run-.6 _?air; Mung-n .di-Irm?d' i-Roviows of of Asl? Day Spa pooled to rubmaps lublter-fk 9451 March 2013 . on Tuesday, November 2018, I began a surveillance opera?on of the busrnoss I. conducted a visual: inspeo?on ofth'e- exterior of the business-I and observed a heon sign with the Words "Massages" _?Opon? and F?Faolals?? Listed next _?to ?the neon Sign in whrle vinyl lettering were the words ?Massage Therapy', Shower? ?Body Treatments and ?Faclal Treatments" Oh the front door or _the? buslnoss. In whit? lettering, Eth'e operating times of the busmess were displayed Stated the business Is opon 7 days a . Pago4of11 . week from 09:30am to 9:30pm. After being at the business for over 7hrsI i only observed male clients enter and exit the business. despite the listing advertising "Facials" and other sen/ices for female clients. From . Tuesday, November 2018 to Wednesday, November 14". 201B, covert video surveillance from the omslde oi the business was conducted 24hrs a day. Each day, the business opened 93m and did not close until approximately 10:30 or 11:30pm. Ead1 client who entered the business was male and would stay of an average of 30-45 minutes The Surveillance log for those days is as follows: Surveillance began on Tuesday, November 2018 at 1500hrs to 2157hrs, During the surveillance period, approximately 7 males visited the business. All of the males stayed fora period of 30 to so minutes. On Wednesday. November 2018, I conducted surveillance ol the business from to 2300hre. During the surveillance, approximately sixteen (16) males visited the business. All of the males stayed fora period of 30 to 60 minutes. On Thursday. Novemberfl". 2018, I conducted surveillance atlhe business from 0900hrs to zaoohrs. During the surveillance period, approximately eighteen (18) males visited the business, including a golf cart party of eight (8) males. All ofthe males stayed fora period of 30 to 60 minutes. On Friday, November 2018, I conducted surveillance at the business from to 2230hrs. During the surveillance period, approximately eighteen (18) males visited the business and stayed for a period of 30 to 60 minutes. On Saturday, November 2018, I conducted surveillance at the business from 0900hrs to zwohrs. During the surveillenw period, approximately twenty (20) males visked the business and stayed fora period of 30 to 60 minutes. On Sunday, November 1 2016, I conducted surveillance atthe business from 0900hrs to 2200hrs During the sunreillenoe period, appmximetely thirteen (13) males visited the business and stayed for a period 0130 to 60 minutes. On Monday, November 201 B, I conducted surveillance althe business from to 2300hrs, During the surveillance period. approximately twelve (12) males visited the business and stayed for a period 0730 to 60 minutes, Aflerobteining this information. I made contact with Florida Dapartmentot Health investigator Karen Herzog, I requested Herzog conduct a routine inspection on the business. On Wednesday, November 2018, Hempg conducted her inspection. inside the business, Herzog advised there were three fem mployees present. Herzog took photographs of the employees Florida and Licenses, The females were identified as the following: Lei Wan Hua Cao and Shen Mingbl_ Investigator Herng took photograp nslde of the business and advised it appeared as though the lemale employees were living there as there were two rooms beds. Including sheets and pillows. Next to the beds she located dressers which housed several personal items Including medicines and clothing [or me females. Inside the kitchen of the business, Hemog located a relrigeratorfilled with food and condiments, consistent with Individuals living inside. While Hemg was inside of the business conducting her inspection, Detective Cook #404, Detective Jordan #405 and were outside at the business to the front and rear In unmarked vehicles. At the oonciusion of the inspection, Detective Jordan #405 advised an Asian female Immediately exited the rear oi the business and through away a small plastic bag into the tlash dumpster located directly behind the business. mesom A?t?epproxlmately 2300hre en the Detective Jorden'end conducted a trash pull on the business.. Located inside off'the' dumpster to the bueihe'se, I observed several white. garbage bags. Based on my 'traihing and experience, it is known types: of Asian?iliicii.maeeagebuelness discard their trash inside smell plaetle groceryetylebege Next to several getbag'e leceted small Willie-grocer? style plastic bag. lnsidelof the white bag, I located Jim-other smell ,grey gr?ooeryetyle bags. inside of the ?rst ;greyfgrocery style bag,"l located several pieces of white paper Which had bee?'?pped. I placed the pieces a spreadsheet with seiierai 'COILimrie. The columns weregiitied'Namei Seniice,jAdd Time. Amount. in,0ut,y Ca'sh, Bard, Card tip and other..Under=the names column-was the name Luluztulu Was listed. on mbmap'smm of the p?roviderie.nemeelfojrthe illicit massage. Also 'lacated inside- ofthe- Bag werevseverei plasticnapki?S which were we and appeared lobe severed in seminal ?uid. The heme-were sepgred and taken Depar?fnfenh -.QT.1 ThurSdey, quember 1533?2018,?! requested Crime Scene lnveetigeter-Mcciehdon oondueta pgesumptiveJte-et of the napkins "reoevered forthe presence of siernlnal McClendon stated the hapkineteeied positive. Oniulendey, Nevemberi Sill, Rhodes #343 and] cemented seeond trash pull on thebueiness, il located two email ,greceiy style plastic: bags inside the-dampeterto "the re'at?iefzihe The. ?rst, a email ?can grocery? etyl.e-_ plastic hag centained several credit card receipteMiih the flame of the printed oniihe? top. Within the bag were several wefpe?perinapkins which appeared to be covered in seminal 'Seeon'd'lbag, in celor contained several other wet paper nap kinslelohgjwith.?ripped pieces (if white: paper. Handw?tfeh' b?h?ih?ef pepel"weei'ihe rel?lewlng: Luiul Deei'end Intparehtheele the numbers- 0.82.6. last feurgigitsof a credit card ember, The-items Were Seemed, and taken hackle the..JUpiter Felipe Department Of; Ideedeyl Ne?emher 2018* ivrequested Crime Scene: Investigator MeCi'endon eo?duct' a p?feeuinptwe test: of the napkins. for the ?uid._ inves?gater MeClendon Stated the napkins tested poelfivel On . ulsdeil. January 2019, surveilieneelwae conducted at the bueiness't'o mentor Customer volume 's'and traffic. L93 '1'0Ci?hreServeillen'cebegan - 112mg black .Eore Escape with 'a New Yerk tag pulleimo the parking Jet. endpafks n?arrthe. bue'ir'tess. Willi] wearinge'biack windbreaks; reg teen shorts and tart viSur?en?te re the business- (Subjett .A-ie 'I?SDh're ifSubje?EA?" e?t?sithe business and Was feIIOWed by Oi??cer Kitchehe #331 and a. traf?eetop Was initiatEd for-.a vicilation of at'raf?c e?n'ducted -a roadside; Iihfervielw with Subject Ascerjtee'rning hie activity inside the. Waeet?ivieedofthe He stated a friend had referred hlmto Subjecti?i adv?iad bee-11.1.0; the-.hysginese several times premusm Subject A etatecl When he entered the business, he" :was ifey?f?ebby wherein e-zweiteaifdt- eh He adyieed he was. greeted by- a-nef?ien F?r?al?ghe identi?ed as ?fever; asked tor-a helfheur massage and to a massage team were. heidierebed .e?d laid face 'gowh'jmt 5e massage table- .irtside the Rich. .SUbject A .aij?ijsee'he received {a 'maee?agejand when he turned .pver: "Ava? manually stimulatedhis No eon'dOm-was usedg'Subject A.;editjieed at Pege'?'of '11 r- . . '1 cleaned him off using a hot towel and he was proVIded With napkins. I showed subject A a photograph of Lei Wang who he identified as ?LuLu?. Subject A advised ?LuLu? was Individual he paid for the massage. I also showed subject A a "photograph of Hua Cao, a known employee of the . spa, who he identIf' ed as ?Ava". Subject A advised he gave ?Ava? $70. 00 for the services performed. 1; . 1300 f?Subject arrives aI the business driving a white HyIIndaI Genesis I . 1330hrs f?Subject exits the business and was followed by Sfficer Kitchens #381 and a traffio stop was ihitiated for unlawfui speed,_ I conducted a roadside interview with Subject concerning his inside the business, and was advised of the following: He stated a friend. had referred him to the business and he had - - frequented the business several times before. Subject stated when he entered the business he was in a _fo?yerflobby where he waited for an employee. He advised he was greeted by an Asian . . Female and he asked fer a half hour massage. Subject advised he paid $59. 00 fer the masSage and was escorted to a massage rdom. Subject stated once inside the room he diSrobed and laid I '9 - face "down on a massage table; Subject advised he received a massage and when he turned OVer _?the female manually stimulated his penis to Climax. No oer-Idem was need. Subject advised at the . conclusmn, the female cleaned him off. usmg a hot toWeI end he was provided With napkins With i 3jwl1ich he ?nished cleamng hImself off. Subject stated he gave the female $20 00 cash for the . f1 semcesprowded . .. '11 I 13-1445hrs "Subject arnves at the busmess drivmg a white Mercedes Benz SUV '9 I Z1500hrs arnved at the busrness drivmg a four door black Honda - 1545hrs ?Subject exits business and was foliowed by Ofl' oer Palladino #362 and a traf?e stop - . Was Initiated for violation of a traffic control device. I obnducted a roadside Interview with Subject concerning his activity inside the business, and was advised of the following: He stated he had just "rimoved to the area and saw the busineSs and had been there one time preVIOusly. Subject stated :1 When he entered the bUsiness he Was greeted by an Asian female Subject 0 stated he asked for an . hour long massage and paid $80. 00' in cash and the female gave him $1.00 back from the register. Subject advised he was escorted to. a massage 115th Where he entered and disrobed. Subjeot - advised he lied down on the massage table face down. and a different female, he identi?ed as ?Ava? - gave him. the massage and when he turned over on his back, the female mannaily' stimulated his .. :penis to climax. No condom was used. SLijeet advised at the the female provided - - him With a hot toWel aiong with napkins to olean' off With. I showed subject -a photograph _of Hua Cao and he adVISed he believed she was ?Ava?- I also showed him a photograph of Lei. Wang and 3' The adVIsed he belIeved her to be the female he paid at the front of the business . . . . - - Subject D: exIted the busmess ahd was followed by Offcer Kitchens #381 where _a traf?c. "stop was initiated for runnIng a red light. I conduoted a roadside interview. with subject D. who - .- adVIsed the followmg When _?he entered the business he Was in a foyerllobby where. he Waited for] . ah employee He advised When he entered the plaza-1,: he parked next to a _white Mercedes With-.31.. ff maroon roof. Subject advised an Asian female exited the Vehicle and entered the business along . with him Inside the bUSimi-?Ssi Subject _Stated the same female asked if he' wanted 1_ hOur and .. I i 3h? he did and Stated he paid $79 via credit card Subject stated he had visited the business Pagei?ofII room. Once inside the room he disrobed and laid face down on a massage table. Subject advised a different female from the initial female gave him a massage and when he turned over the female manually stimulated his penis to climax. No condom was used. Subject advised at the conclusion, the female provided him with a hot towel to clean off with. I showed Subject a photograph of Lei Wang and he identified her as the female driving the white Mercedes and stated she was the same female he paid today and on his previous visit. During the surveillance opemtion. Lei Wan ting the business and enten'ng a white Meroeda Benz convertible with a maroon too bearing The vehicle left the plaza and was survellied as it traveled North on US. Highway 1 to a known plaza in Martin County where another illicit Asian Massage Parlor is located Wang exited her vehicle and made contact with an unidentified white male. Elased on the above described lnlormalion. there is probable cause to believe Lei Wang did reasonably believe or know another person was engaged in prostitution and Lei Wang did live or derive support or maintenance in whole or In part from what was believed to be the eamings or proceeds of such person's prostitution. contrary to Florida Statute 196.05") and (Zxa). Based on the surveillance, a review of subpoenaed documents. other investigative methods and your aifiants experience in investigating similar Illicit spa/massage parlor businesses, your afflant believes the Orchids of Asia Day Spa, iaceled at 103 S. US. Highway 1 Unit #02, Jupiter. is operated using a standard Asian Massage Parlor model. :The overwhelmingly (if not exclusively) male customer ciienlele enter the businesstora ilet fee which goes directly to the business. The male customers then negotiate a tee or price with the female providing the service (sexual act). The money brought into the business through cash and credit/debit card transactions is then deposited into a business account in the name of Orchids ofAsia. This investigation has taken place over a significant period of time. Surveillance along with other investigative means has shown that this pattern of criminal conduct is ongoing and not isolated to a specific employee. day of the week. Further. your aiilant has specialized training and experience in the investigation of prostitution organizations. The totality of circumelances regarding the statements of customers. the volume of male customers. short term traffic and information gathered on the business though various investigative techniques as well as an analysis of banking and ilnanelal records, lead your amant to believe that a prostitution organization is being run out of the Orchids of Asia Day Spa business. 103 S. vs Highway 1, #02, Jupiter. County of Palm Beach. State of Florida. The following investigative methods. which are commonly utilized during the investigation of various criminal cases have either been tried and not succeeded in achieving the goals of the investigation. are too dangerous. or may jeopardize the investigation ii employed or are not applicable in this particular investigation Many times in investigations involving message parlors law enforcement agencies will employ the use undercover officers or confidential informants. These undercover officers or Inlorrnanis will enter the business (while being monitored and many times recorded) and attempt to negotiate for a sex act In exchange for an amount of US Currency. This Investigative technique is problematic for several reasons. otten times the women oedorming the (sexual) act are instructed not to speak or negotiate specifically for a sex act. Secondly. if the woman performing the massage is willing to discuss a specific sex act it may not occur untri the customer is in a state of almost complete undress, This is a substantial safety ooncem for any officers working undercover or lniormants being utilized. Finally. due to the stated Pareitmt concerns aboye. often times the undercover of?cer or informant will hayeto allow?the woman performing the massage to touch his genitals in order to "consumrriate? the. act In order for ai'crime to occur. .Again' . thisiis tremendously problematic as itrequires the undercover officer or inforrhant to he himself Commit a crime to further-the investigation. A crime: none the less that is at the crux of the investigation. This is a concern ethically for both the. particwar of?cer involved as well as: his iawifenfomement agency of - . ,Iinteryiewing current or past employees ofa business oriorganization isIa tactic often used to further - . an investigation. During .you'r?afiiant?s?fexperience in'investigating AsI-anrtaiin Massage Lp?arlors? he has . discovered .thatjmany of thefwo?men working there can be in the united States illegally or in a temporary .. in prostitution at theSe massage parlorsispasasa. means to support - themselvesand'theirfamilies. Thus, these gins are usuaIilyInotIinterestedIin speaking with Crocoperatlng I I I with law' enforcement for they fear status issues and/or a toes of income, Additionally, women working at - -. Asian massage parlors may also engage in prostitution as antenna-to rep-aye debt for transportation to the UnitedIStates or to protect themselves andior their families from abuse. Thus, they are yery reluctant. to speak with. law enforcement out offear and often times will be untruthfuiI?if'lntervieWed. Therefore intendewingjw?omen whe?a'reor have Worked at. the business and IIethaining truthful Statements from'IIthem is an exceedingly dif?CUIt taste-in addition, Should the Women not wish tocooperate,? the investigation could be expoSed and the of the massage parlorjmay bedoritfegawarefof our investigation, I . I Youraffiantbelleues aI "sneak'and? peek" Warrantisneededto identify-anqarrest subjects initialized-I - in prostitutionasit relates to the-Deriving, of Funds fromIthe proceeds of Prostitution occurring at and due - to the Orchids ofiA'sia'Day spa located .at?103 8.. Highway '1 scanner, FloridaIWh'lie probable causeexists to believe prostitutionisoccurring Inside thebusiness at :1 03 8.. U.S.. Highway 1 #02; your. . .- aIf?aIn't and anyfeliow officers are unable to d'lreciiyobserve 'act ofprostitutiom which providesjthe - necessa ry?elern'entto the Charge of deriving funds from the proceeds of prostitution without the assistance . of cottert yisual,.norieaudio surveillance'HAdditionalily; the focus'of this investigation is prostitution-wt. I- . more important)?. mannered in dsnri?siundsi'?niihs processes the Owens) 1 7 'andior manafgens) of thebusiness and possibly any of the women working-at the'business; Your af?ant- -- believes that a "sneak'and peek?? warrant isIthe best'and can conclusively say . prostitution Isbccii'rn'ng'rgi'nside' the statements of customers . -3 businessiSj-sgppor'tiye-Ito this argument, it is not enough, in and. of hash?, Ito establish the predicate crime I .of prostitution, which; is'reQUired to charge d'erjivingfunds from the proceeds of prostitution;Additionally; .I whil'e'the previous 'cUstome'r statementsi'and euryeliiance do lend support to? the belief that probable cause - exists is sappose that prostitution is scanning inside. as licensee. for a furtherancsef; .- an investigation regarding thefderitling funds from the proseeos of our case. Thereforegvideofsurueiliahce' is' the enlyio?ption to Obtain de?nite eyidenceiof prostitution occurring inside Further. causing the-issuahce'ofthis shear aha snails have. storage? Sconsidered the 1990 :1 0th 'CirCtiit Court. of Appeals d'e'cislon'ULS. Mesa-Rincom 911 .Cir'. - regarding thtfiira? goes one .ruseaene (wiretaps, in the court specifically- addressed: silent; video-only. surveillance. .in. the; gcontextof electronic I intersectionofuisiial image's; Which is not? courts have ?devised some - i safeguards menace-to. those requiem new?: batteries not. necess??irradopted_ih039_Titie in}. . . requirements that demons? tha'n'irnpiement constitutionai'requirements. United States BiasuCcii, . .. . . Pagean- 3 . I. 788 F.2d at 510; UnIted States Torres 751 F.2d at 884-85, US Falls 84 F. _3d. 874 {8th Cir.1992}. Based on the information provided above. your aif ant behaves . j.j that all guidelines have been met through this Investigation. See also USY: 3311392097; U. 8. Diet . LEXIS 81188 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -- . Upon issuance of the ?sneak and peak" Wanant, covert surveillance cameras Will only be placed in .5 locations more prostrtution Is believed to be escorting In addition the front lobby of the business Will also 7 3 be under Surveillance as this Is Where the' exchange money Is believed to be occurring ?There Will be; he cameras installed in areas expected to be non-criminal in nature Le, kitchen. bathroom personal Additrcnelly. the view of the video monitor will be situated In the I'monltoring room soon that the i'i view Is not obserVabIe bI'vI persons other than those persons monrtorrng the view in the properperfonnancie - g1 i I 'cf the monitors of?cial duty The visual non-audrc surveillance Will be monitored Idoring ?peek hour's'f oftheI--' . . .. business, previotISin determrned during other surveillance Your ahiant' Detective Andrew Sharp, is a sWom Poltse Oflicerfor the Juprter Police Department Jupiter Palm Beach County Ionda stone Febroary 2007. Your a?r ant received an Associate of Arts Degree State College. Police Academy With 700 hours resent Certi?cate. and has oompleted in exdesis of three Z- . hundred (300) hours" of contrnurng enforcement training; Including but not limited Speed Measurement Narcotics 8 Dangerous Drug Identi?ca?on,- Interviews Interrogations New' - jICIirninal Investigators Seminar, The Reid Technique Investrgatrve Intervrewrng 8; Advanced interrogation -. to Investrgatrons mICrIiminal Investigations Body Language .8 Deception Presonptlon Drug Crimes; Street Gangs Overvrew 'to' Clandestrne"f'fI Laboratory Investigations Advanced Undercover Techniques and Stirvival, Command and- Controi=-* i' Overview, Introduction to H'ghWay and Rural DNQ: Investigations,- The Art of Surveillance The Undercover; I. I. .30f?cer, Interviews and Interrogations In High Risk Environments .. . I . During the time your aft? ant has been a Police Df?cer he has been as a Road Patrol Ofi'cer I Training Of?cer and a member of the Strategic Response Team. From February 2007 Your att' ant. '?'responded' to and conducted preliminary investigations On a variety of calls for service and" Wes primarily 3- - 3"asSigned to our town Is high crime areas. Sines July 2018, your aft ant has been asISIgned to the dopite?r. Department?s Investigations as. a Detective From the commencement or. theI- *?jassignmentsto present your a?rant has personally participated Inthe Investigationsofperson crimes, sexual - . If crimes, robbery, and borglary In which soon investigations has resulted In arrests or exceptional clearances 7 . '-Your eff ant has been involved with the executron of numerous search warrants - . .. . . - 'j Your aft" ant is empowered by S. 9.43 to: soI'nduct Investigations and make arrests for vroIatIcns of - Chapter 788 related to Prostrtutron Your ethant Is a duly sWorn law enforcement of?cer. Within the meanlngi :"fscarrte'd on in an organized manner and In a'Iid' to" Which Investigatron this applicatron Is made.I'I Your a?iant to so enter the desonbed location forI the purpose of seventy Page 319 am - - Ijlparticular the offenses dealrng In narcotics and dangerous as Well as prostrtutron money Iaundenngf; .-I . I: and organized crime; Your 'IaIffiIan't Is currently forthI'e Investigation detailed herein, :3 being I II - Electronic vrdeo surveillance 'of the intertOrI. location of the location to identify participants in the criminal] If "enterprise commonly referred to as a 'I'sneak and peek". There shall be no capabilrty on any.r of the Installed '-equipment' to allow audio monitoring or recording The entry/I may be'I'. made Within ten days. of issuance of -I: maintenance on, electronic video surveillance on the said- premises herein before speci?ed. Once monitoring of the subject premises begins, your af?ant Will Continue monitoring for no more th an ?Ve?day's withoutfurther order of this court._ The warrant shall be terminated or renewed based. upon the evidence gleaned from the- - . surveillance. Due to the and the covert nature of the crimlnal enterprise, no other, less . . intrusive lnveetlgatory means employed thus far have been successful, nor are that likely tops in the future. - Upon tennlna?On of this order YourAf?ant shall forthwith make return of his doings within ten'days from the" date thereof. Upon termination of the conditions'justifying the need for oo've'rtness, notice'of the surreptitious search will be ?glven'_wtthin seven days to the responsible person(s) of the-location to'lb'e searched. . '3 phase on vouRiAsanvrs; knovrledge, training and experience, {her?elsewhere causeto believe that: . thebusiness Ideated at 103 S, U.S.._Highway 1, Unit #02, Jupiter, Palm?Beach?Courrty, _$tate of Florida, i . I is being utilized to operate approstitution organization andlor derive support from the proceeds of prostitution. BASED ON all the foregoing inferrnatio'n, your?Af?ant also has probable camera believethat a violation of the levvs otth'e State of Florida, to-wit: Chapter 796, Florida State Statutes, eXists In the premises add res's'ed 103 s. Us. Highway 1, Unit #cz, Jupiter, Palm Beach county, State?of Florida]: . WHEREOF, af?ant?rnakes this affidavit and prays the issuance of a Search warrant in dueform of. law for fth?e surreptitious installation of video monitoring equipment within the above described (premisesytor the - .- -- said property, heretofore described; and for themo'nitoring and recording of visual non-audio conduct and - safe keeping of the property, {subject'to theorde'r of this Honorable Court or such other Court having Jurisdiction?over the offense, iby'the duly constitutedlof?cers of the lavv. 2 'VitL, hi0} - 1 -. Detect eAndrew Sharp'iM?lZlHOt . 3"01' 931.6 Fifteenth; - I I . - inandpfor?alnq-Beaeh County. 1