Page I of4tr -Do öf forndation=) ï¡ DepartwtoÉìle Treaaxy lnktßd Rflern eSsvire > Tax I under s€ct¡oû sor{c}' s2.r, o¡'f 947(âx1) of tr¡e r'te.ìar Revenr¡e code (except prrvats Do nÕt enter soc¡âl secÙríty nurnbex on th¡s form ðs i Informaf¡on âbÐut Forfn 99O and lts lnstÌuclions ls ¿t -20L7 l2:31-2O17 o Enrployet idèntificatìon ¡¡umbe¡ ÉVERGREEN FREEDOùf FOIJN DÀTION 94-3136961 tr B E PO ll AppliGt;on Tdegho0e nurîÞer ûOX s5? ôLYllprA,wA .1 ó1 98507 G GroEs SÍEVE NEIGHBORS PO BOX 55? f Täx-eremDt' statG: ñ tr¿t s0r(c)(3) LJ 501(c) ( ) { (insert no.) fl qsnz{"xr) Hlbì ' ' o, ËJ szz J H(c) Ktùrm õf organîzàton: ffi corporaton re{eipG f 4.635,451 H(a) Is óls ¡ group return for E ¡r*t fl A"ro.i"tion fl ott*.> subordinates? IJyu* ülNo Are all subord¡nates ]J included? Yes L-f'lo If'No," attach a ltst. {see lnstn¡ction3} eroup exeïptiÕn numb€r L Year of forma6on: 1991 l{ > stãte ol lágål domi{il€: B.lA I 8fiefly descÎlbê the rBisglon or most signlficant acñvltiës: FREE 2 check thle box I Ü ¡f ìhe organizatíon disconthued its operations or dlsposed of more than 259b of lts net 3 Nümber Òf votfng members of thÊ goveming body (part. vi. llne 1a) , 5 Totål nurnber of ¡ndiv¡du€ls employed in cdenaai year eO17 (pårt V, lfne 6 Totãt number of volunteex {estirnate If necesåary) .. 7à Totål unrelated blr¡slfless r€yenu€ ftom part VII:, column (g), lioe ö Net unrèlõted btrstncss tâxåhle ¡ncÐmÊ frrr¡ 12 ?a) i 11 , 5 , 7d Totàl fundraiËing ëxpånsps (pèrt tx, column {DJ, line 1,279,9OA r,775,OOO 1û,695 55,833 o 2,I49,373 84,LzX Other êxpenses (PartIX, column (A), lines 1la-11d. 11f-?4ê) . 18 Total €xperìseE. Add l¡nes 13-12 (mil3t €qual part IX, column (A), line ?S) RÈyenue lésË sf.¡btrãct Iinê 1B from l¡rie 12 b 2'437,s69 4,173,943 B"O¡ilnlno of Currenf y€õt 20 Iotal assets (P¿rt x, l¡ne 16) . 21 Toìal li¿bilîues (partx, ltne 26) 22 . Net assets or fuad balances. SrJbtrâct llne 21 from line https :/leup.eps.irs. 133.953 t5) }413,6s5 U l'g Cr¡rr€nt Yeat Grants and simllar amounls pãtd (part 14 15 b {) 71, Pr¡or Ye€r t& cotumn (A), iines 1-3 ) Benefits paid to or for rnembers (Fart ry, cofumn {A), line 4) . Salarles, oth€rcornpen6ation, emproyee benefits (part IX, co{umn (A), rines s-10) 16ð ProfÉËslonal lundraising fees (paft IX, cÕlumn (A), I¡ne tte) . 94 6 " a contributîons and granìs (paÌt VIu, lìne th) I Progft¡m s€ruice revÊoue (part VIII, llne 29) . 1t¡ Investment încome {part VIII, colÌ¡mn (A), línes 3,4, arrd 7d ) . 11 Other reyenue {part VffI, column {Â), llnès t 6d, g{., gc, 7Oc, €nd 1 1e) 12 Total revenue-add lînes I through 11 (must Êqual palt VIft, cÕlumn (A), line 12) 13 rr 3 4 Numt¡er ûf hdepêndent vctTng members of the goveming body (part VI, l¡îÊ lb) 1,82,5,491 ?73,361 20 , gov/ureflrrdprüsdi/pro¡ry/printstù' fird of Year 1,470.627 377,478 L,5t2,536 t211812018 ?age2 o14T Under ha! \r**r** 5ig* f toia¿5-t5 sionàtûE of otrÈer Datê Here g Faid Pr*parer Use 0nly tffiè Pnnt, ryp€ prsFårsfs nãTlls GAIL 1iI BÁUD€IqüI5T€L TPA Fìfm's Pfspãfêf3 ggnåturê Oðtç {;AIL. W SAUOET{ÐISTÊI CFA 2014-l 1-r4 nàme .> AN@VE ACCOlJlfilNG tlrc Ë Firrnh El!! rirm's address lÞ11? l-lARRlSo{l AvE cFNTRAt_rA, ctr""* if F00r.?572r '47-263æ50 Phone no. (360) 736-C828 WA 98s311322 May the IRS dlsc¡Jss thls relurn w¡th thê pr€pãrer shpwn above? (see Elves ËNo Îflstrucüsns) , For papefworl( Reduction Act l{ot¡ce, Fee the sepðfåtÊ lnstruct¡ons. htþS ://eup" eps-irs. gov/meflndþrdlsdi/pnDxylpdntsub cat. No. l128zy Form 99O (2o17) rzt1812018 Page 3 (2017) l-orm Part r Check if Schedule O coñtains 1 ' a resÞonse or note to anv line in this Part Briefly describe lhe organization's mission: TO ADVANCE 2 Page Statement of Program Servica. LÏBERTY. FREE 2 III , AND LIMITFI) ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNM ENT Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the prior Form 990 o( 990-EZ? . . If "Yes," describe these new serv¡ces on Schedule 3 of4l üy.. M ro O, Did the organization cease conducting, or make signif¡cant changes ¡n how it conducts, any program services? , . If "Yes," describe these changes "n ,.i"0r,. nyes Ml ruo O; 4 Describe-the- organization's program service accomplishments tor each of its three largest program services, as measured by expenses. section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations are required to report the amount of giants anã allocations tã others, the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for each program service reported, 4a (Code: 2,686,405 ¡ncluding qrants of $ ) (Expenses g 1,775,000 ) ) (Revenue g ECONOMIC AND UNION REFORM POLICY: ENGAGED CITIZENS TO PROTECT THE FREE MARKET, INDIVIDUAL LTBERTY BY PROMOTING LIMITED, TRANSPARENT, AND AccouNTABLE GOVERNMENT, WITH AN EIYPHASIS oN INFORMING PUBLIC EMPLOYEE utl¡ot! ¡leNerns oF THEIR RIGHTS. pUBLISHED 37 op ENDS IN THE LocAL MEDIA AND NATIONAL OUTLETS INCLUDING THE WALL STREET JOURNAL T TO WORK, MININ4UM WAGE, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING TRANSPARENCY, oPTING oUT oF UNIoNs, ETc. STAFF MEDIA 1112 TIME5 oNLINE, 22 TV AeeEARANCES, AND 14 TIME5 oN RADIO. PRODUCED 35 STUDIES AND RESEARCH REPORTS ON TOPICS ICK LEAVE, UNION POLITICAL SPENDING, MINIMUM WAGE, LABOR STANDARDS, UNION LOBBYING, CLASS SIZE, AND EDUCATION S AND COMMI,jNITY SERVICES: DRAFTED AND EXEcUTED PLANS TO PERSUASIVELY COMMUNICATE THE FREEDON4 FOUNDATION'S MISSION OF ADVANCING TNDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, FREE ENTERPRISE, AND LIMITED AccouNTABLE GoVERNMENT. PUBLISHED 12 MoNTHLv "LrvING LTBERTv'JouRNALs (5,900 suBSÇRrBEns¡, cnooucró AND ArRED CABLE TV ADS rN WASHINGTON AND oREGoN EDUCATING UNIoN MEMBERS ABouTTHEIR nlcHrs. slLlgornDs, pósrcARDs, RADIo, AND BUS ADs. pRovtDED spEAKERs ON APPEARANCES SUCH SPENDING ro ;. il " 30 AINTAINED WEBSITE MYFREEDOMFOUNDATTON.COT4 WrTH WEEKLY VIDEO UPDATE CALLED 'THE FREEDOM K AND GOOGLE ADS TO EXPAND REACH VIA SOCIAL MEDIA 4b (code: ) (Expenses g 287,O4O including qrants ol g ) (Revenue g CITIZEN ACTION NETWORK: CONNECTED, EQUIPPED, AND EMPOWERED CITIZENS To cAMPAIGN FoR THEIR RIGHTs AND FULFILL THEIR DUTIES As PEoPLE IN A FREE SOCIETY. 4c (Code: ) (Expenses 712,880 $ including qrants of g ) (Revenue $ LEGAL: PROVIDE LEGAL ASSISTANCE TO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES WHO WERE BEING DENIED THEIR RIGHTS To oPT oUT oF PAY¡NG FoR PoLITICAL PURPosEs. FILED PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS TO OBTAIN LISTS OF HOME HEALTH CARE AND CHILD CARE PROVIDERS IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON IN ORDERTO INFORNI THESE INDIVIDUALS OF THEIR RIGHT UNDER HARRIS VS. QUINN. FOUGHT UNION IN COURT TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC RECORDS ACT AND PROVIDE PUBLIC ACCESS TO LISTS OF UNION MEMBERS. NOTIFIED 46,000 EHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF THEIR RIGHTS VIA EMAIL, PHONE CALLS, POST CARDS, AND DOOR-TO-DOOR CONTACT. (Code: 737,826 ¡nclud¡ng grants of g ) (Expenses g ) (Revenue g INVESTOR RELATIONS: ESTABLISHED To INFoRM AND ENGAGE poLlcy MAKER5, coMMUNrry LEADERs AND coNcERNED cITIzENs, ENcouRAGE THEM,To PROVIDE POSITIVE AND ACTIVE INFLUENCE OVER PUBLIC POLICY DECISION-MAKING AND TO PROMOTE THE FOUNDATION'S MISSION TO AN INCREASING AUDIENCE, 4d Other program services (Describe in Schedule O.) (Expenses Total $ 737,826 servtce Ð- including grants ol g ) (Revenue g 151 990 https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/m eflrrdpr.d/sd i /proxy/pri nrSub ot7) :12118t2018 Page 4 of Form 990 (2017) rt IV - Page 3 of Ch Schedules Yes I Is the organiz-?tiön described in section 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(l) (other than a private foundation)? If'Yes," ccimplete 2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedute of Contributors (see instructions)? "ffi . Did the organ¡zation engage ¡n direct or indirect pol¡tica.l.campaign activ¡ties on behalf ol or in opposition to candidates for public olfice? If "Yes," complete Schedute C, Part ItJ) . ScheduÞ 3 4 Affi 7 I 9 Did the organization engage in lobbying activities, or have a section 501(h) elect¡on in effecl dur¡ng the tax year? "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II ,V) . Is the organization a section 501(c)(a), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organization that rece¡ves membership dues, assessments, or similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," comptete Schedule C, Part IilÐ Did the organizat¡on maintain any donor advised funds or any s¡milar funds or accounts for which donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I ffi Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, the environment, histor¡c land areas, or historic structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part II ffi . . D¡d the organization maintain collectionq of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? If "Yes," complete Schedute D, Paft IIIffi . Part IVW 11 Il Did the organizat¡on report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Part X, line 10? "Yes," complete Schedule q Part VI b D¡d the organ¡zation report an amount for investments-other secur¡ties in Part X, line 12 that is assets repofted in Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Vn If ç¡ Ð. 5o/o No 6 7 No a No 9 No 10 No Yes 11b No Did the organization report an amount for investments-program related in Part X, line 13 that is 59o or more of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16? ff "Yes," complete Schedute D, Part VIIIffi 11c No Did the organization report an amount for other assets in Part X, line 15 that is 5olo or more of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IXffi , 11d D¡d the organ¡zation obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? "Yes," complete Schedute D, Parts XI and XII . If ffi 13 Was the organization included in consol¡dated, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If "Yes," and if the organ¡zat¡on answered "No" to line 12a, then complet¡ng Schedute Dl Parts XI and XII is optionat Is the organization a school described in sect¡on 170(b)(1)(A)(¡i)? ff "Yes," complete Schedute E I4a Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the United States? Yes 11e No 1lf No l2a No 12b No 13 No I4a No 14b No 15 No 16 No D¡d the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than g10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service act¡vities outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV Did the organization report on Part lX, column (A), l¡ne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for any foreign organizalion? If "Yesl" complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV . 16 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other assistance to or for foreign individuals? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts III and IV . t7 Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on part IX, grl column (A), lines 6 and l7e? If "Yes," complete Schedute G, Þart I (see instructions) 18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of tundraising event gross income and contrjbu[ions on part V]II, lines 1c and 8a? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part IL . . ffi) Did the organization report more than $15,000 of gross intome lrom gaming activities on part VIII, line 9a? If "Yes,': Schedule G, Part IÌI 19 No or more of its total Did the organization's separate or consolidated financial statements for the lax year include a footnote that addresses the organization's liabilily for uncerta¡n tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? If "Yes," complete Schedute D, part Xtlå 15 Yes 5 lla e DidtheorganizationreportanamountlorotherliabilitiesinPartX, line25?ff"Yes,"completeScheduleD,eartXW b 4 the organization's answer to any of the following questions is "Yes," then complete Schedule D. Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX or X as applicable. a b No 3 liabilily; serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X; or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation Did the organization, d¡rectly or through a related organizat¡on, hold assets in temporarily restricted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? ¡f "Yes," complete Schedute D, Paft Vffi l2a Yes D¡d the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21 for escrow or custodial account 10 d 2 Section 501(c)(3) organizations, services?ff "Yes," complete Schedute D, c No Yes 1 . If 5 4l ü L7 Yes 1a 19 No Yes Form 990 (201 https :// eflrrdprd/sd i/proxy/piintSub r211812018 Page 5 (2017) Fôrm Part IV Páqe st of Yes 20d No No ?nh 2L Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assisrance to any domest¡c organ¡zation or domestic government on Part IX, column (A), line L? If "yes,', complete Schedute I, parts I and II . 2L No 22 Did the organization reporl more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic individuals on part IX, column (A), line 2? If "Yes," complete Schedule I, parts I and nL 22 No 23 Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the organization,s current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highesl compensated employeesã If "yes,, 23 No 24a No 24a . . Did the organization have a lax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than g100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 3f, 2OO2? If;Yes," answer lines 24b through i¿d a'n¿ complete Schedule K If"No,"go to l¡ne 2Sa . . b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? . c Did the organiza[ion ma¡ntain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time dur¡ng the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? 24c d Did the organization act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 24d 25a Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)( ), and 5O1(c)(29) organizations, Did th.e organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person during the year? complete Schedule L, Part I . 24b , If "yes," b Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person in a pr¡or year, and that the transac[ion has not been reported on any ot the organization's prior Forms c)go or ggO-EZ? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part L 26 Did the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6, or 22 lor receivables from or payables to any current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or disqualified persãns? If 27 28 a b c 29 "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IL Did the oréanization provide a grant or other ass¡stance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contr¡butor or employee thereof, a grant select¡on committee member, or to a 35o/o controlled entity or family member of any of these persons? If "Yes," complete Schedute L, part III . . Was the organizat¡on a party to a business transact¡on with one of the following parties (see Schedule L, part lV inbtructions for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions): A currenf or tormer officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "yes,,' complete Schedule L, Paft IV . A family member of a current or former officer:, director, trustee, or key employee? IV. If 25a No 25b No 26 No 27 No 28a No 28b No 28c No 29 No 30 No 31 No "Yes," complete Schedute L, part An entity of which a current or former ofFicer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, d¡rector, trustee, or d¡rect or indirect owner? If "yes,,, complete Schedule L, part IV . Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-äash contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedute M . 30 Did the organization receive contribut¡ons of art, hislorical treasures, or othèr similar assets, or qualified .onr"ruåtion contr¡butions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 31 Did the organization l¡quidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? 32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 2so/o of ils net assets? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part II 32 No 33 Did the organization own 100o/o of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulat¡ons sections 307.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, part I 33 No 34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity?.If "Yes," complete Schedute R, part Part V, l¡ne L 34 No 35a No 35a ¡¡¿ b 36 37 38 ' Schedules 2oa' Did the organization operate one or more hospital fac¡lities? If ,,yes,', compldte Schedute H , b If "Yes" to line 20a, did the organization attach a copy of its audited fjnancial statements to th¡! return? completeSchedulel 4 of4l If "Yes," complete Schedule Nt part II, III, I or IV, and the organization have a controlled entity wìthin the meaning ot section 512(b)(13)? If'Yes' to line 35a, did the organization receive any payment rrom or engage in any transaction with a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "yes," complete Schedule R, part V, t¡ne 2 Sect¡on 501(c)(3) organizations' Dld the organiz.ation make any trançfers to an exempt non-charitable related oiganizat¡on? If "Yes," complete Schedute R, Part V,:tine.2. . Did the organization conduct móre than lolo of its activities through an entity that is not a related organization and that is treated as a partnersh¡p for federal income tax purposes? If "yes," complete schedule R, part vI Did the organization complete Schedule o and provide explanations in Schedule O for partVI, lines 11b and 19? Note, All Form 990 filers are required to complete Schedule O. 35b 36 No 37 No 38 Yes Form 99O (2017) https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/m eflrrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 1211812018 Page 6 Form 990 (2017) Pãrt V. 5 StatemFnts Regarding Other IRS Filings and Gheck if Schedule O contains a n'se or riote to Compliance a il line in this Yes 1a b c 2a Enter the numbdr reported in Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- if not applicable 1a 4 Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line la.Enter -0- 1b 0 ii not applicable Did the organization comply with backup withhold¡ng rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gam¡ng (gamblinq) winnings to prize winners? , 1c Yes 2b Yes No Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return 2a b It at least 3a of4l one is reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns? Note'If the sum of lines 1a and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file (see instructions) Did lhe organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more dur¡ng the year? . 3a b If"Yes,"has¡tfiledaForm990-Tforthisyear?If"No"toline3b,provideanexplanationinScheduleO, No 3b 4a Al any time during the calendar year, did the organ¡zat¡on have an interest in, or a signature or other authority over, financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? , . a 4a No 5a No 5b No 6a No b If "Yes," enter the name of lhe foreign country: See instructions for filing requirements for FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), 5a Was the organizalion a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any t¡me during the tax year? . , b Did any taxable party notify the organ¡zation that it was or ¡s a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? c 6a If "Yes," to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T? Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than 9100,000, and did the organ¡zation solicit any conLributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions? . . b If "Yes," did the organization include not tax deductible? 7 a with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a conlribution and partly for goods and provided to the payor? b If "Yes," did the organization notify the donor c 6b Organ¡zat¡ons that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c). 7à of the value of the goods or services provided? , 7b Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to file Form 8282? , . d If "Yes," indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year 7c 7d e Did the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal beneFit contract? f' Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly br indirectly, on a personal benefit cor¡tract? g If the organ¡zation received a contribution ol qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8Bg9 required? . , h If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organizalion file a Form 7e 1 8 7r as 098-C? 7h Sponsoring organ¡zatíons maintaining donor advised funds. Did a donor advised fund maintained by the sponsoring organization have excess business holdings at any time during the year? 9a b 79 a Did the sponsoring organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? 9a Did the sponsoring organization make a distribut¡on to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 9b Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 1Z b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club iacilities 11 Sect¡on 5O1(c)(12) organ¡zat¡ons. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders . , 10 b Gross ¡ncome from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them,) 1Oa 10b 11a 11b 12a section a9a7@)(I) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year 1041? l2a a Is the organizat¡on licensed to ¡ssue qualified health plans in more than one state?Note. See the instructions for additional information the organization must report on Schedule O. b' 13a Enter the amount of re5erves the orgahization is required to maintain by the states in which the licensed to.issue'quAlified health plans 12b 13 Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers. https://eup.eps. irs. gov/m eflrrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 13b 12/1812ù18 PageT ¿, - E+ter the amount of reserves on hand , . - of4l r3ô f4a Did the organization r'eceive any payments for indoôrtannlng sqrvices during the tax year? . b If "Yes," has it filed a Form 720 to report th ese payments?If uNo," provide an expla;aüon ìn Schedùle 14a O No r4b q90 https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub l2/1812018 Page 8 Eorm 990 (2017) Part VI Pagq Governance, ManagemenÇ and Diqclosurefqr each "Yes" response to 8a,.8b, or 70b be low, d escr i bg the ci rcu nlsta nces; processes, or ëhangeS Check if Schedule O conta¡ns a Section A. Governin below, and for a "No" response to 6 l¡nes instrúctiõns nse or note to any line in [his Paft VI M ement Yes la of4l Enter [he number of voting members of the govern¡ng body at the end of the tax year 1a 11 1b 11 No If there are material differences in voting rights among members of the governing body, or if the govern¡ng body delegated broad authority to an executive committee or similar committee, explain in Schedule O. b Enter lhe number of voting members included in line 1a, above, who are independent 2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? . 3 Did the organization delegate control over management dut¡es cusLomarily performed by or under the direct supervisi of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? . 4 . Did the organization make any signif¡cant changes o, 6 Did the organization have members ,n" oinu"lru,;" ,"". ", " ,,n",r,.u", or stockholders? . , *" alu"rr¡on'or ornun,.ui,onl ".r",i, 7a Did the organizat¡on have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint one or more members of the governing body? b Are any governance decisions of the organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) members, stockholders, or persons other than the governing body? 8 a 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7a No 7b No Did the organization contemporaneously document the meet¡ngs held or written act¡ons undertaken during the year by the following: The governing body? b Each committee with author¡ty to act on behalf of the governing body? 9 No to its governing documents since the prior Form 990 was filed? ;".;" ;**" *r,* ,; 5 2 Is there any off¡cer, d¡rector, trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the organizat¡on's mailing address? If "Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule O . about not 8a Yes 8b Yes 9 No ue Code. Yes 10a Did the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? b 1la . , 1Oa c No If "Yes," did the organization have written policies and procedures govern¡ng the activities of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organization's exempt purposes? 10b Has the organization provided a complete copy of this Form 990 to all members form? 11a Yes l2a Yes 12b Yes oF its govern¡ng body before filing the b Describe in Schedule O the process, if any, used by the organization to feview this Form 990. l2a Did the organization h.aye a Written conflict of interest policy? If "No," g'o to line 13 . . 'b No Were officers, directors, or trustees, and key employees required lo disclose annually interests that could g¡ve rise to conflicts? Did the organizat¡on reqularly and consistently monilor and enlorce compliance with the policy? Schedule O how this was done . . policy? . If "Yes," describe in . : 13 Did the organization have a written whistleblower L4 Did the organization have a written document relention and destruction policy? 15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by ¡ndependent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision? 12c Yes 13 Yes L4 Yes a The organizatron's CEO, Execut¡ve Director, or top management official 15a Yes b Other officers or key employees of the organization 15b Yes If "Yes" to line 15a or 15b, descr¡be the process in Schedule O (see instructions), 16a Did the organization invest ¡n, contribute assets to, or part¡cipate in a jo¡nt venture or similar arrangement with a taxable entity during the year? . b If "Yes," did the organization follow 16a No a written policy or procedure requir¡ng the organizätion to evaluate its participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? .' 16b n C. Disclosure 17 List the States with which a copy of this Form gg0 is requ¡red to be filedÞ 18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and gg0-T (501(c)(3)s only) available for public inspection. Indicate how you made these available. Check all that apply, 19 Describe in Schedule O whelher (and ifso, how) the organization made its governing documents, confl¡ct of interest policy, and financial statements available tb the public during the iax year. State the name, address, and lelephone number ol the person who possesses the organization's books and records: rcERRIT SHILMAN 2403 PACIFIC AVE SE ' OLYMPIA, WA 98501 956-3482 Ü 20 own website M Another's website M upon request ! oth". (explain in schedule o) Form https:i/eup.eps. ef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 12118t2018 Page 9 Fonn 990 (2017) at ar¡d Check if Scï¡edule ö of4l . Føge7 ä lìne Sectiotr 1a Complete this t¿ble for all persons regulred to be l¡st€d. Report compensatîon for the calendar year ênding w¡th ot withln the organlzation.s tax Yeãr, r ÜsL all of the orgãnizatìoß3 currelrl off¡cers, dir€ctols, truslèes ( whêthef hdlvlduals or olganizatiöns), règardless of amount , of compensatron' €ntêr -û- Ín corumns (D), (E), ano ir no *nrpenr'"tion *;" p;;;. 1r1 t ust all oi the organization's (rlrrellt key employees, ¡f any. see lnsrructlons for definiflôn oi "key employee," . tionk five cürrêtìt.h¡ghest compensaled employees (oth€r tiôn an officer, director, trustee or key emp¡oyee) who blË compens8tion (3ox s of roálr w-¿ and/or eox 't o:f ro¡m rìss-ursc¡ of more than $1o0.0ûB from the orga related orgänizâl¡Ðûs, List all of the organizøtlon'b fornrer o{cers, key employees, or hfghest cornpensât€d employees who recefyed morë than g1oo,o00 of 'reportable rrr'pensaü.orì from the organrzauon aáu eny råutuu o.9aîiãtlons,-- -- t ust all of lhÉ organizaÈ¡on'¡ fo¡¡ner d¡rettor.s ûr tlustees lhat recelvèd, in thè capa.îty as ã fornêr dfrector or truslee of the organization, more th¿n $1o,ooo of reportable compeãsation from ñe organizatton ani any reì"t*¿ éiôã"¡ätìånr,' l-¡st pêrsons tn the followlng o¡der: tndividuat trustees or directors; lnsHtuïoãal trus.tees; officers; key employees; hlghest rompeñsated employeeÊ; and foüner such personsnÕf cLtff€nt (A) Name ànd Tltle (c) Positlon {do not check rnore than one b'ox" unlass person is both an afñcer and a dir€€tor/trustee) (1) sfEVE NEt6HSORS x CHAIR X 0 o 0 x 0 c o (2) ßrcHÁRD RÛKES V1CE CHAIR x SKRETARY û o (4}TT¡¿ MCIi{AI{ÕN x X û 0 c 0 (s) ToM s l4ccABE X cEo 0 Fomì h ttps ://eup eps.irs. govhuefl.ndprclls dilproxy/printSul> " l2lI8/2018 Page Farm_ego (2017) (Al Natrie ard . tB) ]]üe Àveragi€ fiours per ls both år¡ of6cer and a d¡rectorltrustee) vr.åèk {l¡ãt åny hours for related Õrgånízât¡sn6 below dstled lineJ ø: rã ää p fiä Ff e¡ û ID iã Á g3 V -1 @ Ë & G . Totàl from cotìlinuat¡on she€ts to pðrt VlI. Sectior¡ d Total llDeË lb and i& ß ft c x rb ê lb sr¡b-Total . (c) Poiltiox (do not'check more than on€ bo¿ u*less person , # q:Ë r iõ' *' PT ä .3# ''{f} ' {r} tD) R*Fûrtãbl* comprnsatlon from Îåe rornpeasat¡on *om r¿lated Ë$tirñât€d åmount of olhef, â0mp€rïrã$on organlzät¡on (W211Õ99-ItrSC) 0rlðn¡zatlons (l/Y¿11099-li,tßci from th€ orçãrizãlion al}d Reportable rÈ[sted orgãßi?åtians & än ï3 lb s * {¡ ) '* 2 Totel number 3 Did the organlzatlon llst any lorn¡er Dfficer, dlrector or trustee, *rey employee, or hlghest compensated employee on lin" La? 7f "Yes," complete Sdtedule I far such individual 4 for ¿ny lndtvJdual list€d on line 14, ls the sum of reportable oompensatlon and other compencation from the organîzatlon ðnd rélaÌsd organizãtions greater tflåo $150,000? ¡f "feÐ" complete Schedule I fo¡ xrch oF lndlyiduals (lncludlng but not {imlted to those llsGd above} who recetvedmo¡-e than of reportable compensatlon from tfir orqantzåtlon > $1OO,O00 Yst individual 5 I . Dld ¿Dy p€rson l¡sted on line 1a recelve ot accruÉ compensät¡on from any unrelated orgäni¿ätion or lndividual for sèrvices rendered to the organ¡¿atiøn?[f "Yæ"" cþmplete Schedule ] fÐr such person . . Itlo 3 No 4 No 5 No Compl€te thls table for your ñve highest compènsated tndependÈnt contråüors that recelvêd more than gto0.fì00 of camp€nsätion from the orgãnÎzatlon. ReÞort compenratlon for the calendã/' yeÅr end*ng wlth or withln the organzaHon's ta¡ year. Name ¿nd Z l0 of4tr I tDlat numberof úÐm adð¡aç (BJ Description ol seruicæ contractorg (fnclJdtng but not i¡mlted to those li,6ted above) who recÞtved more than * on S1OO,OO0 foffn 99o https ://eup. epr"ils, gov/me?rr dprrVsdilproxy/pdntStil) 12/18120ï8 Forfil (20.t 7) ParT ïfl.Iï.o. Statenrent of Revenue ôr 1c Gùvêrnment 9rànts {contributions) f Äll cÈher contn'but¡ôns, gîfrs, gräfits, ãnd eìmÍlar amõunts not induded abwe 1s 1f Noncãsh contr¡butirns incfuded in linÊs La-lf:$ h Total.Add lines , åd ê f, VIIÍ 1à t2g b Membershlpdues . $? c Fu¡dr¿ising €vents . tË< d Rêlated organlzâtlons Éfi tlne fu thl3 Pårt la-1f . 2"7A7,s94 17,909 , 4t¡ Ë ,g 2a d r) l, c È d a !u 6ç f ô & 900099 Gft,4NTs L.77S,ON All other program serv¡c€ reveilue, 1,775,000 * 9Total.Add lines za-Zf . S lnvêEìtnãnt Inccme (lncluding diefdefids, lnt€r€$t, ãfid s¡mllaramounts) . , 4 ¡ncome from lnv€stme$f of þx-exempt bond ot¡èr Þ 16,034 16.034 proceeds :) SRoyalties. . b " 6a Gross rents b Lëss: tentðl sxpeñses c Rènbf incorfieðr tb$) d Net reDtål income or (bss) > (ií) other {i) SecufitÍeg 8ð GrDss Íncome from fundrslslng events (not lncludhg $ of contributions reported on ìÍne lc). tee Psrt fV, line 18 Ir Less: direct Ðrpenses . d t) c Net income or (loss) from fundmisr-no eveîts , Þ 9a Gross lncornë from gåming äd¡vlïes. Sâê P¿rrt IV, line 19 a b Less: d¡rect expenses { 35,405 b Net In€oile or (loss) from gam1ng aEüvtfies . Þ sales of inventory, less relums and sllowances b Lèss: æst of goodE mld " . . . . ' ) gov/meflndprd./sdilproxylprtltSub' c Net fñcöme o'r (loss) frofi sales öf ¡nventory htlp s : //eup-eps. irs. 12/1812018 Page 12 of 41 Miscellaneous Revenu.e Business Code llaNlscrlururous b saLes - TAX FREE .? + 1,0s3 .',,21'9qs' 375 375 c revenue , . eTotal. Add lines 11a-11d d All other 12 Total revenue, See Instructions, 27,428 4,635,467 7,79t,O34 56,833 Form 990 (2017) https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/m eflrrd prd/sdi/proxy/pri ntSub 12118t2018 Page l3 of41 Fòrm 990 (2017) Fart.IX Page Statem ent .Section'501 ( c)(3) and s01(cj or note to a Do not ¡nclude amöunts repofted on tines 6b, 7b, Ab, 9b, and 1Ob of part VIIL line in this Part IX (B) (A) Total expenses Program service exDenses Grants and other assistance to domest¡c organizations and domestic governments. See part IV, line 2f 2 - all columns, All other organizãtions m ust complete column (A), Check if Schedule O contains I 10 (c)' ' Management and qeneral exDenses (D) Fun d ra ¡s¡ nq expenses Grants and other assistance to domestic individuals, See IV, l¡ne 22 3 crants and other assistance to foreign organizations, foreign governments, and foreign individuals, See part IV, line 15 and 16. 4 Benef¡ts paid to or for members 5 Compensation ol current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 6 Compensation not ¡ncluded a bove, to disqualified persons defined under section 4es8(f)( 1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 8 Other salaries and wages 227,569 7,993,92O 100,130 20,480 106,959 14,458 719,645 59,8 17 1,8 Pension plan accruals and contributions (include section 401 (k) and 403(b) employer contributions) 9 Other employee benef¡ts 10 11 Payroll taxes . , , 189,648 170,683 77,379 7,586 272,97t I97,674 12t77A 8,519 Fees for services (non-employees): a Management . , b Legal I,747,564 c Accounting 7,147,564 17,2OO L7,200 d Lobbying e Professional fundraising services, See paft IV, line 17 Investment management fees , 133,953 133,953 f g Other (If line 119 amount exceeds 10o/o of line 25, column (A) amount, list line 11g expenses on Schedule Oj 12 Advertising and promotion 13 Office expenses 14 Information , . 252,320 55,041 129,386 122,977 6,469 326,903 276,763 t9,644 90,496 technology 15 Royalt¡es . 16 Occupancy , .' 17 Travel 18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public offic¡als 19 Conferences, conventions, and 20 Interest . 307,361 meetings . Payments to affiliates 22 23 24 Insurance Deprec¡ation, depletion, and amortizalion 23,973 22,O73 279,604 31,773 L,293 647 646 . I9,643 27,OB5 5,667 9,A2t 9,822 Other expenses. ltem¡ze expenses not covered above (List miscellaneous expenses in line 24e, If line 24e amount exceeds 107o of line 25, column (A) amount, ljst line 24e expenses on Schedule O,) a LICENSES, FEES AND REPoDU 47,244 37 ,796 9,448 b SMALL EQUPMENT 74,504 10,153 4,357 C SUPPL]ES 73,473 9,437 4,442 d DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 7,692 6,923 769 e All other 2,836 25 Total funct¡onal expenses. Add lines 1 6,355 . , 21 45,986 377,732 through 24e 26 Jo¡nt costs, 5,189,630 2,269 561 4,424,157 35t,794 413,685 Complete this line only if the organizatìon reported in column (B) joint costs lrom a comb¡ned educational campaign and fundraising solicitation. Check here >,.ä ,f ¡o soP 98-2 (ASC 958'-720) Forln 99O (201 https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdpr.d/sdi/proxy/printSub 12118/2018 Form 99q (?017) Page 14 Page of4 1l P*Ët X or nole to Check ¡f Scbedule O conl€lûs a liDe in lâ'rs Pðrt IX . lÀl tnd ÐêghniDg ofye¿l 1 câsh-non-Ínterest-bear¡ng . 2 Savlngs and ìemporary cash lnvestments 3 PlÊdges and grånts recÈ¡vable, 4 Accounts recêivable, 5 net 540,553 . net 4 l-oâns änd other receivables from crlrrent aRd former ofñcers. dlrectors. 5 of Schedule l- . Loâôs and othèr recÈlvðbles from other disquallñed persons (as defined under s€ctlon 4958(f)(1)), persor¡s dÉEcrlbed ¡n sedon 4958(ex3xB), afld contrîbutjng employer: and sponsorfûg orgdnlzr$lons of sé¿llon 501(cX9) volunt¡ry ernployees' beneficlary orgô¡iz¿tions (see instructions) Cornplete Pert 7 ë* a s ttl { of schedule L , . Note¡ and loaîs refe¡vable. Il & 1Oìt InvÉIltoñes forgale or use ilet 6 7 . a . chärges Prepãld èxpÈflsès and deferrsd . I , Land, butldings, and equlprßÊnt: cost nr other basls. cornplÊte PartVl ofgch€dule D loà 784,373 b Less: acf,umulåted deprcc¡ãt¡on 37å.479 11 233,103 15,m0 12 15.000 1? l3 InvesËments-program-reläted. 14 lûtangiblè 15 Other assefs. SeÊ Paft IV, llne 16 Tot¿l assets.Add llnes t7 Accouatg payâhlÊ and aæruêd expÊnsÊs la Grants payable 18 19 oðferred rgr'enue 19 2A Tax-ËxEmpt bond liab¡liues tl? 2t_ {l} 1oc 13 409"231 ¡lvestments-publlcly traded securìtiês, Investments-other s€{urit¡es. see Part IV, line 11 assets BÊ1. t 11 , SeÈ Psrt ¡V, line 11 . , 13 . 1 11 . thrDugh 15 (must eq{al linÊ 34) 1.825"897 254,694 Iv of Echedulê Ð 23 24 sÊcured mortgageE ând notes payable to unrèlated third pärtle* 25 Othêr llabllltles (hclJdlng federal lncpme tax, payables td relatêd thlrd parties, and other liabililies not fncluded on llneç 17-24). [omplete Part X Df schedufe D L , 36ß,3n 22 Unse€ured not€s and loans payable to unrelated thtrd partles 26 Tolal liabilitiesådd 3ûû,000 1,430,6?7 21 Loans änd other payables ¡o current and fomrer officers. difÊctor3, trustees. key e:nployees, hlghest compensated emptoyees, and dlsqualllred p€rson¡. Cornplãte Fãft II of Schedsle l4 f5 t6 t7 20 Escrow or custodial account liôbility. complete Part 77 18,6Ë7 gl ' 23 ?4. 2¡3,3€t 26 377,47A 1,552,t36 27 1,û43.14å Ußrestrided rìet assets 2A Ternporarlly restrlcted ]1et åss€ts 2A 29 Pe.rmanently restrictÈd nêt assets 29 30 3t] 31 Pâìd-,in or cåpitol surplus, 32 Retainecl eårnlngs, endowmenL accumulated incomÉ. or other fi¡nds 3¡J- Total pèt assets or fund balanæs' 34 Totat liabillties ðnd or fard. ùulldlng or equipment fund ret assets/fund balances 1,{t7 and 27 Organlzalions thàt do ¡rot follovr SFAS 117 {ASC 95S}, check ftereÞ il an¿ conrplete l¡tre5 30 thrùugh 34. c¿pitai stock or trust prÍncipal, or cr¡rrÈnt funds 1 25 llnes 17 t¡rough 25 Organ¡zåtlûns tl¡àt folloer sFÁ5 LL7 (AS¡C 95e), clreck here conrpfete llnes 27 tlrough 29, àrú lites 33 ônd 34, It 496,0¡5 3 , . Il (& olyeil 7 , truFteet key employees, and hlgh€:t compensat€d employees. complete PaÊ 6 I {a) 31 3L ' 1,552,5å6 33 1,825"897 B4 1,ü43,{4å lA?0,AZT form 99{¡ htþs :lleup,eps.irs. gov/meflrrdprrVsdilproxy/printSub taÍ812018 Page 15 of41 Form 990 (2017) L2 -'Pêrt.XI.,Re.concilliation of Assets eck if Schedule O conta¡ns a or note line in this 1 Total revenue (must equal part VIII, column (A), line 12) 2 Total expenses (must equal part IX, column (A), line 25) 3 Revenue less expenses, Subtract line 2 from line 1 4 Net assets or fund balances'at beginning of year (must equal part X, line 33, column (A)) . 5 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments . , 6 Donated services and use of fac¡lilies . 7 Investment expenses . . 8 Prior period adjustments 9 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (explain in Schedule O) 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year, Combine lines 3 through 9 (must equal Parf X, line 33, column Part XII n XI 1 4,635,46t 2 5,189,630 3 -554,169 4 1,552,536 5 44,782 6 7 8 9 (B)) 10 7,043,r49 Financia Statements and Reporting Check if Sched a or t: in this Part XII Yes 1 2a Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: il casn M nccrual [Jotn", Il' the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or checked "Other," explain in Schedule O. Were the organization's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? If'Yes,'check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were compiled or reviewed on sepðrate basis, consolidated basis, or both: 13 b No Separate basis fl consolidated basis I 2a Yes a eoth consol¡dated and separate basis were the organ¡zat¡on's financial statements audited by an independent accountant? If'Yes,' check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were audited on a separate basis, 2b No consolidated basis, or both: fJ separate basis ü Consolidated basis [l eotn consolidated and separate basis c If "Yes," to line 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review, or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountañt? If the organization changed either ¡ts oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain in Schedule 3a b As a resull of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the Single Audit Act and OMB C¡rcular A-133? 2c O 3a No If"Yes,"didtheorganizationundergotherequ¡redauditoraud¡ts?Iftheorganizationdidnotundergotherequired audit or audits, explain why in Schédule O and describe iny steps taken to undergo such audits, 3b Form 99O https ://eup. eþs. i rs. gov/mef/rrdptd/sd i/pròxy/printSub 01 1211812018 Page 17 of41 SCHEDTJL.T ' Å {Form 99ü or990EQ Bqarùrænt of ùre Treærry lnþrn¿l Êeye$rs Sefue Puþlic Ghàrity Status and Public Support conlplete ¡f thè organr-zðtion ¡s a sectìon 5o1tcxÐ organlzatiou of, à sectlo¡ 4947(aX1) norlexeff pt chàritablÊ tfust. ÞAtÎðch to Fornì 99O or Form I'9O-E7. Þ hforn¡atiou about SchedulÈ A (For¡n g9O or 99O-EZ) and its instructio¡rs ¡s at 201 7 üçelr ta ?*l>Iít: l{arne of th€ orgàn¡zaticn l¡unrb*r EVERGREEN FREEDOM FOUNDATION oÍgan¡zation js not a private it is: (FDr on€ ú n A church. coßvenì¡on of churches, or ãssociãt¡on of churchès dêsxrîbed în 3 m A hospital or å cooperatíve hospital service orgariizâtlon described ln sectíon 4 D 5 ü 6 üffi A medical reseârch organlzat¡on operated ln conjunctlon $rlth a hospltal des€r¡bed l'} sÊctloD 17o(b)(1)(AXlf¡), Enter thÊ hospltÊl's nam*" .ity, ãnd ãtäte: Àn organization operated for ü}e bensf¡t of a college ûr unlversity owned or op€rated by a govemmental unit d€scr¡bed lfl Eection tzo (b){1){e)(lv}. (çomplete Psrt r:.) A f€dÊra1, State, or local go\remmer¡t or govãmmentäl un¡l descr¡bed fn sect¡on 170tb)(t){A)(v}, I 2 7 A school described in sectiorì r7o(bx1xÄ)(ii). sèct¡flì 17û(b)tfxA)(i). (Attach schedule E {Form 99o or 999-EZ).) 170(b)tl.)(AX¡i¡). An tirgânizatlon that normãlly receives'a substanila¡ paft of fts strpport from ã goverÐmÊnlâl unit Dr frDm the generñl publlc describôd jn sect¡Ð$ 170(bXlXA)(v¡), (compìete ?art IL) A communìty trust described in recl¡oü 17o(bxrxAltvl). (Complete Part II.) a ß 9 LI An agr:¿ültutðl reseðrch organizåtion described ¡n 17o(ltxlxA)(ix) operated ¡n cûnjunction wìlh a land-grant college or univeßiry or ð non-land grant college of âgr¡cu¡tuFe, see tnstructions. Enterthe n€me, clty, and state oftlre college or university; 1{) ffi An orgån¡zatìon that normally rÈrelves: {1) more 11 [ 12m a ù C d e f I t}an 33v3qô of ¡6 support from contribut¡ons, membêrshtp fees. and grDss rec€lpt5 from acïvltles related to its exempt Rjnctlons-subtect to c€rtain excÊptions, end (2) no more than ?Tütv, aç lts support from groes inYestment încome a¡d uRrelated bl]siness tôxable lncÐrÍs (less sêc'lîon 5l,l tax) from buslnesses acqulEd by the orgaßlzôton äfter l{]n€ 30, 1975.see sectlo¡¡ 5û9(ð)(21. {Comglete Psrt IIf.) An organlzÊtlon organlzed and operåted €xcluslvely to test tor publ¡c aåfety. See sectTorr 5og(dlt4), Àn organizatlÐn organlzed and operated exclusively forthe beneñÌ ol to perlorm lr]e f,Jn(tÌons ol, Ðr to carfy out the purposes ofono or more public¡y supported orçãnlz€uons described in .sEct¡on st9{axl) or sectlon 5o9(a)(2), see s€ct¡or¡ 5(}9{ð)(3). Check Ìt}È box in lines 12s thrûugh l2d thatdescrjbesthÊtypeõf supportîng orgânlzatlon and completel¡nes 12e, lzf, and 12g. fYPe I' A supportlng organlzatior} opÊrated, supervlsed, or contr¡lled by its sGppoì-ted organizatlon(s), typlcälly by gly¡ng the supportÈd orgenlzatÍon(s) the power to regularly appoint or eled a rnaJorlty ot the d¡rectors or lrustees of lhe srrpporting organlzaflon. yoü tîrus? conrplete Pðrl IV, Sef,tloDs À and B" II. A supportlng organizati lled in connection with its supported organi"€tfon(s). by hãving control or Ë TYP€ management of the suppotting o e sâ¡Tre persons lhat control or mârììrg€ the supported organlzauon(s). yau nì&st complete Pàrt IV, SeEtio,rs A and C. Type lf.r funct¡Dnally ít¡t€grated. A supportlng orlanlzatlon op€rated in conn€ctloñ with, and functilnally integratÊd with, it5 n supported organlzation(s) {sÈe lr$tructlons)- You nìuct mnrgÌete part IV, S€ct¡oùÊ À Ð. ãnd €. fff . A'supporüng orgãnizaüon operË'ted in conn€f,tion wtth lts supportEd crgantza$on(s) that is not il ]VOe functlor¡al generally mu$ saflsfy a distrlbut¡cn requtrenì€nt and an åttenfivendss reqüfr€ment (see instructÌons). You nìust conrplete part fy, S€ct¡oDs A and D, and pàrt y. this box ìf the orgsnizãlion received a written delermlnation from the IRg thãt it ¡s a Type I, Type II, Type III funutionally m Check integràled. or Type ItI non-funcUonally fntegrated supporüng organtzaUon. Enter the number of supported orgänlzåtîons m Prov¡dë the Name organizôtícn infot-mðtiün ãbÕüt *re ti¡) ErN {¡i¡} lTpe of ûrgãf}¡¿.aü0n (¡v) Is ìhe organizatfon l¡sted Ín your governing document? {desalbed on llnes (v) AmÕunt üf rnÕr¡etanl suppûrt {s*Ë lnstructl0f}s) 1- 1Õ âbþve {se€ instnrttions)) Yes Amount 0lher suppûn (sË€ lilstructions) NO TÙtàI For Paperwork Fornì 99O or 99O-fZ, teß htþ s ://eup. eps-ils. gov/mef/ndprd/sdilproxy/printSub Cat. No. A (fõrnt or ?o17 1211812018 Page Schedule A (Form ggT Part ot ggO-EZ) 2OIj Schedule.for , Support (b)(1)(A)(¡x) l8 of41 2 Page Organizat¡ons in Se.ctions 17O(b (vi), ;.L7o(b (1) 1 17o a (Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, B, or 9 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under Part ization fails to' under the tests listed lease co Pa II Section Pu c rt year Ca (a) 2013 (b) 2or4 (c) 201s (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ (f) Total III. If the 1 Gifts, grants, contr¡butions, and membership fees received. (Do not include any "unusual grant.,'), Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf, The value of services or facilities furnlshed by a governmental uni! to the organization without charge,. Total, Add lines 1 through 3 The portion of total contributions by each person (other than a governmental un¡t or publ¡cly supported organization) included on line 1 that exceeds 2olo oi the amount shown on line 11, column (f) 2 3 4 5 6 Publ¡c support. Subtract line from ning in) Þ tO30,731 4,583,188 L,729,247 2,728,t51 3,244t772 4,O30,737 4,583,188 (a)20 Amounts from line 4, Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securit¡es loans, rents, royalties and income from similar sources. Net ¡ncome from unrelated business activities, whether or no[ the business is regularly carried on. , Other income. Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part VI.). Total support, Add lines 7 through l1 4 13 (b)2014 7,729,247 (c)20 15 (d)2016 (e)2017 2,728,757 3,244,772 4,O30,73r 77,22O !7,144 26,153 t4,754 16,034 79,769 24,990 77,4A3 10,695 2!,428 4/ 583,188 Gross receipts from related activities, etc, (see F¡rst five years, (f)Total 15,7L6,O29 9 1,305 154,365 15,96 1,699 10 12 13 L5,7t6,O29 15t776,O29 (or fiscal year 1O 3,244t772 5 rt 9 2,12A,751 4 Section B. Tota! 7 I 7,729,247 If the L2 797,034 Form 990 is for the organizat¡on's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3) organization, . . ÞfJ check this box and stop here C. Computation'of Public Support percentage 14 Publi c support percentage for 2OI7 (line 6, column (f) dlv¡ded by l¡ne 11¿ column (f)) r+ t5 Publi c support percentage for 2016 Schedule A, part II, line 14 16a 33 r 7:9o support test-2O17' If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 is 33 1ßo/o or m ore, check this box and stop here. The organization quarifies as a pubricry supported organization , , . Section re I 6 33t¡zo/osupporttest-2o16, Iftheorgan¡zationdidnotcheckaboxonlinel3orl6a,andlinel5¡s33 boxandstophere,Theorganizationqualifiesasapubliclysupportedorgan¡zation .l 98.460 o/o ÞM 1ßo/oormore,checkthis . . . , . . Þn 17¿ 1oolo-facts-and-circumstances test-2017, If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b, and l¡ne 14 ¡s 107o or more, and if the organ¡zation meets the "l'acts-and-circun stances" test, check this box and stop here. Explain in Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test, The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization b 1og/o-facts-and-circumstances test-2o16, If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, L6b, or 17a, and line 15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test, check this 6ox and stop here, Explain in Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. The organization qualifies ås a publicly supportedorganization 1g Private foundation' If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, !7a, or I7b, check this box and see ¡ nstructions . Þ LJ . þË Þ[: Schedufe A (Form 99O or 99O-EZ) 2OL7 https ://eu p.eps. 1211812018 Pagel9of4l Schedule A (Forrn Part III 99_0 or 990-EZ) 2017 S!ppoft Schedule tof Organ¡zations.Described in Section.509(a)(2) (Complète ôiìly'if you checked the box on line 10 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under part Il, If . the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part II. ) Section A. Public yeaÌ (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 (or fiscal year beginning in) 1 2 3 4 5 ' . 6 7a b c 8 (e) 2077 .(f) Total (e) 2017 (f) Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received, (Do not include any "unusual grants,") , Gross rece¡pts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or fac¡lities furnished in any activity that is related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose Gross receipts from activities that are not an unrelated trade or business under section 513 . Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf, The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to thg org'anization without charge ,' Total. Add lines .1 thrpugh 5 Amounts incluöed on lines 1, 2, and 3 received from disqualifîed persons Arnounts included on lines 2 and 3 received from other than disqualifìed p ersons that exceed the greater of $ 5,000 or 1olo of the amount on line 13 for the year. Add lines 7a and 7b. Publ¡c support, (Subtracl line 7c ine 6, Section B. Total Support Ca year (a) 2013 (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ 9 1Oa b c 11 f2 (b) 2or4 (c) 201s (d) 2016 Total Amounts from line 6. Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securit¡es loans, rents, royalties and income from similar sources. Unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired. after lune 30, 7975. Add lines 10a and 10b. Net ¡ncome from unrelated business activities not'included in line 10b1 whelher or not the business is regularly carried on, Other income. Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part VI.) . 13 14 Total support. (Add l¡nes 9, 10c, 11, and 12.). First five years, If the Form 990 is for check this box and Sect¡on C. Com 15 16 L7 1A stop here. , , . on of Public organization's first, second, third, fourth, or tax year as a section 501(c)(3) organ Þn , Percenta c support percentage for 2017 (line 8, column (f) Public support percentage from 2016 Schedule A, Part PU e III, line 15 , umn 15 16 on of Investment Income Investment income percentage for 2Ot7 ( ne 10c, co n ivided by 13, column (f)) 17 Investment income percentage from 2016 Schedule A, part III, line 17 18 19¿ 33t¡so/o support tests-2o17. If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33 yzo/o, and line 17 is not more tha.n 33 r¡:o/o, check this box and stop here, The organizat¡on qualjfies as a plblicly supported organizat¡on , , .>Ü _ ' 6 33 r¡zo/o support tests-2O16. If the organization did not'cheêk a box on line i4 or l¡ne 19a, and line l6 is more thari 33 v:o/o not more than 33 y:o/o, check th¡s box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization , . . , > Ü 20 ¡s Private foundation' If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a, or 19b, check this box and see instructions . . . . Þ 1."..'l Schedule A (Form 990 or 9gO-EZ) ZO17 https ://eup,eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printSub 12/1812018 Page 20 of Schedule A-(Form 990 ot 990-EZ) 2OI7 Part IV ,. Page 4l 4 .Supporting Or.ganizations (Complete only if'you checked a box on líne 12 of part I. Ii ydu checlied 12a ol Pait complete Seclions A and B. If you checked 12b ol ! Part I, complete Sect¡ons A and C. If you checked l2c of pa rt I, complete Sections A, D, and E. If you checked 12d of Part I, complete Secti ons A and D- and eomn lete Part V Section A, All n¡zat¡ons Yes supp how histo 1 Are all of the organization's If "No," describe Ìn Part VI describe the des¡gnation If 2 Did the organization have any supported organizat¡on that does not have an IRS determination ofstatus under section 509 (a)(1) or (2)? If "Yes," expla¡n ¡n Part vr how the organizat¡on determ¡ned that the supported organizat¡on was described in section 509(a)(1) or (2) 3a D¡d the organization have a supported organization described in section 501(c)(a), (5), or (6)? isted by name in the organization,s governing documents? ¡zat¡ons are designated ff designatãd by ctals or purposel lationship, exptaln No 1 2 below b If "yes," answer (b) and (c) 3a Did the organization confirm that each supported organ¡zat¡on qualified under section 501(c)(a), (5), or (6) and satisfied the public support tests under section 509(a)(2)? If "Yes," describe ¡n Part vI when and iow ine'oïganùation made the determ¡nat¡on 3b Did the organization ensure that all support to such organizations was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B) purpor".? If "Yes," expla¡n ¡n Part vr what controls the organization put Ìn place to ensure such use, 4a b c 5a Was any supported organizat¡on not organized in the United States ("foreign supported organization")? ff',yes', and if you checked 72a or 72b ¡n Part I, answer (b) and (c) below 4a Did the organization have ultimate control and discretion in deciding whether to make grants to the foreign supported organization? If "Yes," describe in Part vI how the organi2ation had such control and ãiscretion despite being controlted or supervised by or in connect¡on w¡th ¡ts suÞÞorted orqan¡zations Did the organization support any foreign iúpported órganizátión that does not have an IRS determination under sections 5 01( c) (3) a nd 509( a ) ( 1) or (2)? If "Yes, " explain in Part VI what controls the organ¡zation used to ensure that a ll support to the foreign supported organ¡zation was used exclus¡vety for section i70(c)(2)aB) purposes Did the organization add, substitute, or remove any supported organizations during the tax year? If "yes,,'answer (b) and (c) below (if applicable) Also, prov¡de deta¡l ¡n PaûVI, inctuding (i) the names ai¿ f¡u numbers of the supporftì organ¡zations ¿dded, subst¡tuted, or removed; (ii) the reasons for each such action; (iii) the authority under'the organization's organizing document authorizing such action; and (iv) how the action was accomplished (such as by amendment to the organizing document) II only. Was any added or substituted supported organ¡zat¡on b Type I or TyPe c Substitutions only, Was the substitution the result of an event beyond the organization's control? organization's organizing document? 4c 5a 5b 5c Did the organization provide support (whether in the form of grants or the provision ofservices or facilities) to anyone oth than (i) its supported organizations, (¡i) individuals that are part of the charitable class benefited by one or'more óf its supported organizat¡ons, or (iii) other supporting organizations that also support or benefit one or more of the filing organ¡zation's supported organizations? If "yes,,, provide detait in part VI. 7 D¡d the organization provide a grant, loan, compensation, or other similar payment to a substantial con[ributor (defined in .sectign 4958(c)(3)(c)), a family member of a substantial contr¡butor, or E 35vo.controlled entity with regard to à s'ubsta ntial contributor? If "Yes, " co m p lete pa rt l of Sch ed u te L ( Form SS fi o r edO- f Z ; I Did the organization make a loan to a disqualified person (as deflned in section 4958) not descrjbed in line 7? complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 9a Was the organization controlled directly or indirecUy aI any time durin g the tax year by one or more d¡squalified persons as defined in section 4946 (other than foundation managers and org anizations described in section 509(a)(1) ot (2))? If"Yes, prov¡de detail ¡n Part VI. 6 7 If"yes," b Did one or more disqualified persons (as defined in line 9a) hold a controlling interest in any ent¡ty in which the supporting organization had an interest? If "Yes," provide deta¡t ¡n paû VL c Did a disqualified person (as defined in line 9a) have an ownership interest in, or derive any personal benetit from, assets which the supporting organization also had an interest? If ,'yes,,, provide deta¡l ¡n paft vL b 4b part of a class already designated in the 6 1Oa 3c Was the organization subject to the excess business holdings rules of section 4943 because of section 4943(f) (regardinq certain Type II supporting organ¡zations, and all Type III non-functionally integrated support¡ng organizations)? Ii"yes,' answer line 70b below 8 9a 9b ¡ 9c 1Oa Did the organization have any excess business holdings in the tax year? (Use Schedute C, Form 4720, to determ¡ne the organization had excess bus¡ness hotdings) 10b Schedule A (For'm 99O or 99O- https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/m ef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 121181201'8 Page2t of4l Schedule A (Form 99p or 990-EZ) 2077 Pärt 11 a b c ' Page 5 ns continued) Su Yes No' Yes No Yes No Yes No Has the organ¡zation accepted a gitt or contribu[ion trom any of the following persons? A person who directly or ind¡rectly controls, either alone or logelher with persons described in (b) and (c) below, the governing body of a supported organization? (a) above? controlled entity of a person described in (a) or (b) above? If "Yes" to a, b, or c, provide detait ¡n part VI l1a A family member of a person described in 11b A 35o/o 1lc IS s an¡zat¡ons Did the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organizations have the power to regularly appoint or elect at least a majority of the organization's directors or trustees at all times during the tax year? ff "N;,. de¿cribe in part VI how the supported organ¡zat¡on(s) effect¡vely operated, supervised, or controlled the organ¡zat¡onb activities If the organ¡zat¡on had more than one supported organizat¡on, describe how the powers to appoint and/or remove directors or trustees were allocated ¿mong the supported organ¡zat¡ons and what conditìons or restrictions, ¡f any, applied to such powers during the tax year 1 Did the organization operate for the benefít of any supported organization other than the supported organization(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the suppor[ing organizaE¡on? If "Yes," explain in Part vI how proviâing such ùénefit carrÌed out the purposes of the supported organizat¡on(s) that operated, supervised or controlled the supþorting organ¡zat¡on 2 nc. zat¡ons Were a majority of the organization's directors or trustees dur¡ng the tax year also a majority of the directors or trustees of each of the organizafion's supported organization(s)? If "No," describe in Part Vf how còntrol or management of the supporting organ¡zat¡on was vested in the same persons that controlled or managed the supported orgânizatÌon(s) 1 2 1 Did the organization provide to each of its supported organizations, by the last day of the fifth month of the orqanizat¡on,s tax year, (i) a written notice descr¡bing the type and amount of suppor[ provided during the pr¡or tax year, (ii)i copy ol. th Form 990 that was most recently filed as of the date of notification, and (iii) copies of the organization,s qoveining documents in effect on the date of notification, to the extent not previously provided? 1 2 Were any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees either (i) appointed or elected by the supported organization (s) or (ii) serving on the governing body of a supported organization? If "No," explain ¡n part VI how ihe organízation maintained a close and continuous working relationsh¡p w¡th the supported organization(s) 3 By reason of the relationship.described in (2), did the organization's supported organizations have a significant voice in the organization's investment policies and in directing the use of lhe organization's income or assets at all -times during the tax Year? If "Yes," describe in Part VI the role the organizat¡on's supported organizations ptayed in this regard 2 Section E. TVpe 1 rII Check the box nexl to the method that the organizat¡on used to satisfy the Integral Part Test during the year (see The organization satisfied the Activities Test. Complete line 2 below. a ;l b [:l c I a b instructions) The organization ¡s the parent of each of its supported organizations. Complete line 3 below. The organizat¡on supported a governmental entity, Describe in Part Act¡v¡ties Test. Answer 2 vI how you supported a government entity (see ¡nstructions) (a) and (b) below. Yës Did substant¡ally all of the organization's act¡vities during the tax year direclly further the exempt purposes of the supporled organization(s) to which the organization was responsive? If "Yes,i then in part vr iàeitiiy those suppot-ted organizations and explain how these activ¡t¡es directly furthered the¡r exempt purposes, how the oíganization was responsive to those supported organ¡zat¡ons, and how the organization determined ihat these activitiei constiiuted substantially all of its act¡v¡t¡es Did the activities described in (a) constitule act¡vities that, but for the organizat¡on's involvement, one or more of the organizat¡on's supported organization(s) would have been engaged in? If "Yes," explain in part vI the reasons ior the organizat¡on's posit¡on that its supported organization(s) woutd have engaged in these act¡v¡t¡es but for the organizat¡on,s involvement 3 3 Funct¡onallv-fnteorated Su pport¡nq Orqanizations No 2a 2b ' Parent of Supportdd organizations. a Did the organization have th-e power lo regularly appoint or elect a majority of the officers, directors, or trustees of each of the supported organizalions? Pfov¡de deta¡ls ¡n part VL b Did the organization exercise a substantial degree of direclion over the policies, programs and activ¡ties of each of its supported organizat¡ons? If "Yes," describe in Part VL the rote played by the organlzation in this regard Answet (a) ahd (i¡) Uåow, 3a 3b Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 https://eup.eps.irs. gov/rh eflrrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 12118t2018 Page 22 of Schedule A (Forr.n 990 or ggO-EZ) 2OU FartV..TyperII Non-Fu 1 il Check here if the organ¡zation Irrtegfatcd so9(A) Page Supporting Organizatlons sat¡sfied the Integral Part Test as a qualifying trust on Nov. 20, Section A - Adjusted Net Income 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other gross income (see i nstructions) Depreciation and depletion 5 Portion of operating expenses paid or incurred for production or collection of gross income or for management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for production of income (see instructions) 6 7 a (A) Prior Year a Aggregate fair market value of all no n-exempt-use assets (see instructions for short tãx:Veàror assets held fcir ot Average monthly value of securities b, e monthly cash balances 1 la 1b Fair rnarket value of other non-exe mpt-use assets Total (add lines 1a, 1b, and 1c) 1d Discount claimed for blockage or other Factors (explain in detail in pðrt VI Acquisition indebtedness applicable to non_exem pt use asse[s Subtract l¡ne 2 lrom line 1d 4 3 Cash deemed held for exempt use. Enter 7-7/2o/o o1 line 3 (for greater amount, see i nstruction 4 5 Net value of non-exempt-use assets (subtract line 4 from line 3) Multiply line 5 by .035 6 7 8 Recover¡es of prior-year distributions Minimum Asset Amount (add line 7 lc 2 5 6 7 to line 6) 8 Section C - Distributable Amount 1 (B) Current Year (optional) 1. 2 3 (B) Current Year (optional) 3 ¡ e See 4 Other expenses (see nstructions) d (explain ¡n Part 1 8 Adjusted Net fncome (subtract lines 5, 6 and 7 from line 4 Section B - Minimum Asset Amount c LgTO 2 Add lines 1 through 3 7 5 . (A) Prior Year Net short-term ca tal gain Recoveries of prior-year distributions 4l 2 Adjusted net ¡ncome for EnLer B5o/o of line 1 3 4 lvlinimum asset amouñt for prior year (from Sect¡on B, line 8, Column A) Enter greater of line 2 or line 3 5 Income tax imposed ¡n pr¡or year or year (from Section A, line B, Column A) 6 Distributable Amount, Subtract line 5 from line 4, unless subject to emergency temporary reduction (see i nstructions) 7 ü Currenl Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Check here if the current year is the o rganization's first as a non-functionally-integrated Type ns III support¡ng organization (see Schedule A https://eup.eps. irs. gov/m eflrrd prd/sd i/pioxy/printSub 99O or 99 2017 12/18/2018 Page 23 of S_chedule A (Form 990 ot_999-ÉZ) 2017 Pärt V Type III Non-Fu Section D - Distributions 4l Page 7 nally Integrated 5 a).(3) su ort¡n9 ons Current Year 1 2 Amounts paid !o supporled organizations to 3 4 Administrat¡ve Amounts pa¡d to perform activ¡ty that directly furthers exempt purposes of supporled organizations, excess of income from idtoa exe iza ¡n tions Amounts paid to acquire exempt-use assets ual¡fied set-aside amounts 5 or IRS 7 Total annual d¡str¡but¡ons. Add lines 1 h6. I Distr¡butions to attentive supported organizations to which defails in Part the organization is responsive (provide See instructions 9 10 Line 8 amounl divlded Section 1 E Line 9 amount - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) (¡) Excess D¡str¡but¡ons U ( ¡i) nderd istri butions Pte-2O17 ( i¡¡) Distr¡butable Amount lot 2OL7 Distributable amount for 2OL7 from Section C, line 6 2 Underd¡stributions, if any, for years prior to 2017 (reasonable cause required-- explain in Part VI). See instructions. 3 Excess distributions ca if Lo 2077 a b From 2013, c From 2014, d From 2015, e From 2016, f Total of lines 3a throu e ied to underdistribut¡ons of prior years h ied to 2017 distributable amount i Carryover from 2072 not applied (see instructi Remainder. Subtract lines 3 and 3i from 3t 4 Distributions f or 2Ol7 from Section D, line 7 a ed to underdistributions of b Applied ïo 2O17 distributable amouht c Remainder. Subtract l¡nes 4a and 4b from 4. 5 Remaining underdistributions for years prior to 6 7 2OL7, if any. Subtract lines 39 and 4a from line 2, If lhe amount is greater than zero, explain in Par[ VI. See instructions. Remaining underdistr¡butions for 2017, Subtract lines 3h and 4b from line 1. If the amount is greater lhan in Part VL See instructions, Excess distributions carryover to 2018. Add lines 3j and 4c. 8 Breakdown of line 7 a Excess from 2013, b Excess from 2014, c Excess from 2015. d Excess from 2016, e frcm 20L7. Schedule A (Form 99O or 990-EZ https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/m ef/.rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printSub (20t7) 1'211812018 9107,/8{ter qns$ildlÁxold¡psprdp.u4aur/noF. (¿l-osa:nor¡6 s.u- sda - dre¡¡: srl¡¡q v OT r.å(}rleuFldxf âârr *-¡aji*l c}.jf TUVd ilåì{ ¡*aå 8*rsuãlsråtn3¡t puv ÐrËl *ag) .uo¡¡aurq¡*¡ ÄIJsd fq¡ *{rlt IÍ €sfi'Ð uon?âs¡ .1ã '^I qç le$otTtpps r{ue rc¡ ryed atãÊtroJ asi$ ? lue ,,s ,e xaa¡¡ .3 uoD]ãS r ¡Jsd puå :C p(¡ê 'E ,s sau¡¡ r¡or¡æn u&l Í¡ au¡¡ ,6ued:qe p¡¡e R€'qU'eZ 5T fiÐr¡fl,:l uÖnräS ,tU ¡JBd Fue ãi*ã¡{Í '& {c¡1¡69 1ff ¡¡e* Þ uo¡paç.¿1 UEd:rlI pua,qII tqf[ b6 ,V 5h '116'9'üS "sg'{E 'T sê¡ru JÙ 0DlÐäg ? ¡Je¿ :d pr¡E ¡ i{ ? B ã6ed lþJa þZeâeã &Dz(21-0i65- roa66 *r:oç)ya¡npa¡pg Page26 of ,r¡nt - ÐG NOT PROCESS I - prodrrctaor¡. {Forn 990 or S90-ÊZ} @rùnarf aflheTnaxry lnhrndRwmSwix .DLNi 934933L8O49778 Lobbying Activities stilrÐl¡Ln c 4I f\¡O- For Õrganizatlons Exempt From lncorne Tax Under Eection 501{c} and Eection 527 >tonrplete :f tlìe orgaflizðtlolr is described below' >Attacl¡ to Foftìì 99O of forn] 99O-EZ, >Infonì¡ôtiorì àbout sclredule c (form 99o or ggo-Ez] arrd ils ¡rìslruct¡ons js ðt r'Yw w. r€. $ o v / f n r9 r39 t. on of 3û1 7 0¡r*x T.a ?*fuli* lel*¡rec':.)n* r' r Section 501 (c)(3) organizalions: Cornplele Pâds l-A flnd B. Ðo nol mmple{e Pañ I,C r Section 501(c) þther than section 501 (c)(3)) organÍzations: Complete Pêrts I-A and C belsw- Do not complele Part !8. rSeclion 527 organizations: Complele Part.l-A oøly- lf lhe organlzatlon answered 'Yes" on Forn $90, PaftlV, Llnb 4, Ðr Forn 990-Ë2, Port Vl, ltne 47 {Lobbylng Actìvltles}, then r5ection 501(cX3) organizotbnsthat h¡ve ûled Form 5768 (elecüon underse€tion 501(h): CompÞte Part ll4'- Do notørnplele Part ll-8, rSection 50'l(cx3) orgeniza{ions that have NOT filed Form 5768 {electbn undersection 501ih)): Complete Part ll-8 Do not cornpÞte Part ll-4. lf the organizatlon a¡su¡eied "Yes" on Foryn 990, Part lV, Line 5 tProxy Taxl {see separate lnstrucfions) or form 990-EZ, Part Vn line 35c instructions), then tProxy TaxÌ (see .Secfinn lil rrgänizat¡on EVER6REEN FREËDOÎI FOUN DÀTIOÍI¡ õr exernpt I a Provide â descriptíon of lhe organlzat¡oî"s direat ånd lndi,'ect. politlcEl cåmpa¡gn acl¡vities ln Part.IV (see lnËtructlons For deflni$on 'politieal Eampãlg¡l actlvities") 2 Political campalgn ãctiyity expenditures (see instructions) Þ$ 3 Volunteer hours for political campaign ðctlvities (see lnstructions) .-.,,-..-..,.,.... TzøttT-AConrpleleiftlreorganizationisÊxemptunderse 1 Enter the amount of any €xclsÊ tax lncurred by the organizatiofl under s€cuon 4955 > 2 EntÈr the åmount of any excise tãx lncurred by organizätion managers under section 4955 ,.,...,...,.,.,.,.,.,., > * 3 If the organlzation lrlcuflÊd ã sect¡on 4955 ta)L dld lt fìle Forrn 4720 for thls yean 4.ð lvas a correctiÕn måd¿? þa$.7-{ Contplete if cxsnrpt 1 2 Enter 3 Total exempt. funstlon expenditures. Ad.d l¡nes 4[ Dîd 50 r¡ H y". il ¡to ffiy.r Fno except Eecti0n t¡e amount directly expended by thÈ fil¡ng orgãîlzation for seü¡or 527 exempt fuñct¡on activltìes -,.., Enter the amount of the fii¡ng organization's funds coñtributed to othÊr organlzatio¡s for s€.ctiofl 527 ex€mpt Functlon ãct¡vitles I rf ðnd 2. fnter here aJld on Fofm 1120-POL, l¡ne 17b........... the f¡lîng orgaßizât¡on lle fornr ,.120-pol. fÕr th¡s yêar? $ þ $ þ $ il V*, U Xo 5 unt ðted (o) Name {b} (c) Address {d} Añount EIN pâ¡d from flltãg orgênizåtl0n's fund!. :f nffie, enter {eJ Amount of pollt¡cål rontrlbuttûns received ¿nd pft,mpüy -o-. and dir*ctly deliver*d to a repûråtrF fol¡tlcål ÐrgänÍzâìlol}. If no¡*, enter -û-, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Àct see or htþs ://eup "eps.irs. govhueün dprd./sdi/proxy/printSub. C¿t, ñlo, 500845 SEhÊdüle C (Fonn 99o or 99O-tZ) 2017 T2Ì1812018 Page27 of41 Schedule Form 990 or C 2017 rt fI-* ' Complete 2 the brganizatíon is exempt under section SO1(c)( 3) and filed Form.S768 (el ecti 501 A Check r Ü B Check >D under ¡f the filing organization belongs to an afl'¡l¡ated group (and list in Part IV each affiliated group member's name, address, EIN, expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures) if the n¡zation checked box A and "limi:ed control', (a) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures Filinq Affiliated org an iza tion's (The term "expenditures', means amounts paid or incurred,) group totals totals Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grass rools lobbyinq) .,.... b Total lobbytng expenditures to influence a legislalive body (direct lobbying) ,,....... c Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 1a and 1b) d Other exempt purpose expenditures e Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 1c and 1d) 1a t 23,7A1 77,25t 4L,04! 5,003,25t 5,044,301 Lobbying nontaxable amount, Enterthe amount from the follo\^ing table in both columns, the amount on rne 1 e, colum (a) or ot over $500,000 ts3 of the ìmount on line but not over $1,000,000 bur I50/o over $1,500,000 le. excess over 175,000 pl Js 100/0 of the excess over g1,000,000. nQt over $1 402,2L: lobbying nontaxable amount is: ls exceSs over 7,0oo,0oo s h I j Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line lf) ,,,,......,,,.,.,,,,..,, Subtract l¡ne 1g from line 1a. If zero or less, enter _0_, ,,. Subtract line 1f trom line lc, Ifzero or less, enter _0_. .,.. IF there is an amount other than zero on either line t h or line 1i. did the organization file Form 4720 reporfing section 4911 tax for this year? (some oreanization" 1 00,552 Iy""Ino "rï;í ji::.ff"di';Li""itjì. th".Í"Ï;å::""'.'å?:it comprete ail or the rive columns berow. see the separate-instruct¡ons for rines za throujn zr.) itures Duri Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 2a b Lob la) nontaxable arirount 4-Year 2014 260,581 (b) Period 201s 290,466 (c) 2016 356,752 (d) 2077 (e) Total 402,275 Lobbyinq ceil¡ng amount line 7,964,721- c Totàl d Grassroots nontaxable amount e Grassroots ceiling amount expend itures 37,332 18,736 30,189 41,045 65,145 72,677 89,038 100,554 727,3O2 327 49 1,03 f Grassroots lob ditures 2A,937 14,989 L2,631 23,7A7 Schedule C (Form 99O https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 1 80,350 ot 99O-EZ) ZO T t2lt8/2018 Page 28 ,-.-. Fart}I*ßConrpleteiftheorganizationisexenrptUDder .' 'Pgge of41 3 For¡r¡ For each Yes" response o¡ /¡res 7a through 7i beløW pravide ln Part Iv ã detailed descrîptbn af tlte lobbying activW 1 ô volunteers? Pãld sfaff or manaEemÊnt (hclude compensation in expenses reported on c ItlEdfa ãdvèrtlsements?,, d l"lallings to members, leglslator¿ or the public? Publicâtlûos, or pubìished or broadcast ståtem€nt5? Í g h i. i 2a .b c Anro$nt Nq yeaf, Ðuríng orgänization sttempt to ståte or íncluding any ðttempt to ¡nfluènce publ¡c opinlon oo a legislative matter or referendum, throügh the usè of: b e Yår llner lc through 1¡)? .,--,... -,.,,,.,. Gr€nls to other organfzations For lobbylng purpos$? Olrèrt ønläct lv¡th lëglslatoß, thêlr staffs, Eovernmert offrcials. or a lêgiËlaù-v€ body? ...,.................,. *ðllies. dÊmonstratìofls, seminars" conventions, speeches, lectures, rr ðny s¡m¡lar meðns? ...,...,.-.,.,.,"" Othêr acl¡vltles? Totaf. Add lines lc thrcugh 1¡ .... DId the actlv¡t¡ês ln liDe I cause the organlzanon to be not d€sÕ1bed ¡n sectloî 5Of(cX3)7 -.... If "yeã.' ênter the amÕunt of any tãx lnct¡rrÊd under sectJon 4912 ,..-..-,.,-.,- ff'Ye'." entèr lhe arnount oFany lÐ( Incurred by organlzation månagerÉ under sectlon 491? ...,,.,.,^.,.-...,. If the fìling orgônizatlon incurred a section 4917 lax, did ít filB Form 47?0 for this year? çeft.ZLX^rt exenrpt 4), section d or Y€s r¡ore) dues received nondedudlble by rfiembÊrs? 1 Wef,e subsfanÌially all {9o% or 2 Did the organlzatlon màke only în-house lobbyîng expenditur*s of $2,o0o or less? Ðld the orgsnlzatlon agree to cärry over lobbytcg and potttical expendlturesfrom the 3 I'lD I 2 3 exenrpt 4 or and if either (a) BûTH Part III-4, lines I Bnd 2f are answered "No" OR (b) PaÈ fII-À, line 3, is a¡rswered '"YÊs,'n 2 ¿ b r 3 4 . 5 I sèct¡on 162{e) nondeductlbie lobbytng and pollncal expenditures {do not ¡lrclüdE ar$oïnts of polltlcal expeDses for wl¡ich the sect¡ûn 527(f) tàx w¿: pald). ClrIrenl year,.,.,.,.,...,., Carryover from last year ...,^,,....,.". TotaÌ Aggregate amourl. reported ln sËctþn'6fl34(e)tlxA) nÐt¡ceE of Dondeductl'blE seaion fe Z(þ Oues If notìcÈs were :snt and the amoutìt on lìfie 2c exc€€ds the arnpunt on line 3. wtìat portlon of the excess does the orgänization agrre tn æffyover to the reasonable ætimate of nondeductible lobbyÍng and pol¡tÌcãl ' expendlturÊ next year? Taxable amount of lobbying and polÌtlcal êxpenditures (see ìnstructons) Farr: Provtrde 2a 2b 2Í ? 4 5 fl lh€ deãffipllons regu¡red for Part l-À, llne 1; tãrt t-8, llne 4; Fart I-C, l¡n€ 5; Part II-A (affitiãted group list); part Ir-A, lines and Part Rêai$¡1 ll*f*r?¡lr:* line 1. this I änd z t¡ee fsplõ,lati**1 or htþs :#eup. eps.irs. govhnef,/rrdprcVsdi/proxy/printSub ?o 17 r211812018 Page 30 rrint - D{¡ 1{OT pRoCESg - Prsductio¡t of4l sLf Supþlämental Finansial Staiþrnents'' organization EVERGREEN FREEDOM l. Conrplete lf lhe arrswefed "Y€sr' ott Fonì s9o, Parl IV, liue 6, v, 8, 9, 1(}, I 1a. I lbl 1lc, ltl, ll€? 11t l2à. or L?b, Attaclì to Fô¡nl 99û. àboilt D (forfit e9oJ and ¡ls ls ät w w t y,. i¿tv $tt nl4 e {}. rcUNDATION 36961 Dotror Funds or I Total number ôt end of year 2 Aggregðte valueof contrlbuilons to {durlng year) 3 Aggregste yalue of grants from (dur¡ng year) 4 Aggr¿gatevâlu€aÌendofyeðr,, -, . . . 5 Ðid the oÍgan¡zauoÐ ¡nform ¡ll donors and donor advisors rn wñting that the asË€ts held ln donor advised tunds arÊ the organlzatloî'.s property, subject to the orgãElzatlon'sexclwve.Ìegal cnntrÐll _ , , . . , . . . , , 6 Did the organizðtion inforrr aìl grantees, donors, and donor€dvisors fn writhg that gränt Funds can be used only for charitable Purpo:eß and ¡ot foithe beneflt of the donor or oonor a¿vmi, oifå; purpose confu;rtil ilp.rmisst6¡e privâtÈ benefit? ," ;;yïh"t t I v"" fJ fi v.. ¡ro Àlo Purpose(s) of consëJvatoo å€sernênts heid by the organtzãtio¡r (check all ttl¿t ôpply), fl prrservation of land for public use (e.g.. recreation or education) il fyêservät¡on ortsn historicãlly importent land ares B prctect¡on ofoatural habital n PreservaÛon oF a rert¡fied hlstorlc structure ü preservatlon ofopen space complete lines. 2a through 2d tf the organization held a qualified conseryat¡Dn contdbuuon in the form of easement on the last day of the tåx year. oT à Total nuüber of conseryåüon êasaments 2d b Total ÊcÍeage testrfcted by consgvållon easements 2b c Number oF cor$ervaûon eåcements on ô eerífîêd hîstorrc aovcture included ¡n (a) . 2c d Number olconsenrÐtion easementE hcluded rR (c) acqulred Bfrer 8/1406, and not on a hfstorrc 2d structure lîsted ln thê Nâlional Regîster . 3 Numbsr of conselvation Ëasèments modlffed, trañsierred, released, ext¡nguíshed, or terminated by the organizðtion dur¡ng the tÊx yôar > 7 4. Number ofstâres where property EubjËct to conservation easemÊnt fs loc€ted þ 5 ooÊs lt¡e organ¡zå*on haye d wrlttÊn pÐlîcy regånàFg tñe pertodlc moÊttorfng¡ ¡nspêctîon, handlt*g of vtölðliom, 'and enforceinent Ðf thè conservat¡Õn ëäsements ¡t halds? . 6 stôffand voluDteer hours devoted to monitoring, inspect¡ng, handling ofvlolâtions, and enforcing conservatìon eàsemeñts durÌr€ the yeðr Þ 7 Amount I oF ¡r$ lT0(hX4XBXii)?. . . . . . . . .', t¡e fequîfements oFsectîoú 170(hx4xBxD ffi In Fart XüI. describe how the organ¡zation repofts conselvation eãsem€nts in its feveñue and expense stâtemffit, ãnd balance shee! and lnclude, if applicabie, the text of the Footnote to the organ¡zatÍon's f¡n¿nciai statements that désir¡bes the 's for conservation easements. 9 yrr il ¡ro expenses lncurred În monitoring, inspecting, handling of violafions, and enforcing conservation eas€mènls duflng the year Does each conselvãtion easement feported on line 2(d) above satisfy andsection ffi if the orqa nization answered "Yes" on Form 990. Part IV- lìne 1a I v"r U r.¡o or If thÊ organlzation elected, as permitted under SFAS tl6 (ASC 958), not to report in ¡ts revenue stâtômeflt and balance sheet worJ$ " {l¡)Assets included ¡n Folm 990, part X . Þ$ If the organlzation rece¡ved or.held works ûf art, histÐricãl treasures, or othsr s¡milar ås5ets a for flnancìal gãin, provide the iollorïing ämounts requ írEd to bË reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 9SB) relãllng to tlrêse ftems: à b Rê1renuê lrì¿¡uded on Form 990, partVII], l¡në 1 Assets iîcluded ln Form 990, part F9r. htþs ://eup. Act eps. irs. bç X. Þ$ form gov/urefln dprd/s cli/proxylprintsub cat. D (Fornl 7917 t2/1812018 Page 3l of4l Schedule D (Form 990) 2017 2 Using the organization's acquisition, access¡on, and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collection items (check all that apply): 3 a .n b c 4 Public d exhibition n Loan or exchang" proqruni. e Ll scholarly research Ü Preservation for future generations Prov¡de a description of the organization's collectìons and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose in PàTt XIII. Dur¡ng the year, did the organizat¡on solicit or receive donations of art, h¡storical treasures or other similar assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collection?. lV Part [] y", üru" Escrow and Custod¡al Arrangements. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, la Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other intermediary for contributions or other assets not included on Form 990, Part X? . ! v." fl b If "Yes," expla¡n the arrangement in Part XIII and complete the following table: c Beginning balance 1c d Additions during the year 1d e Dislributions during the year 1e f Ending balance 1f 2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account liability? b If "Yes," explain the arrangement ¡n Part XIII. Check here if the explanation has been provided in Part XIII r.¡o Amount . . . Part V Ë y"r n ¡¡o tr Endowment Funds. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 10. (a)Current year (b)Pr¡or year (c)Two years back (d)Three years back back 1a Beqinninq of year balance b Contrìbutions . , c Net investment earnings, gains, and losses d Grants or scholarships , , e Other expenditures for facilities and programs , , f Admin¡strative expenses . . s End of year balance 2 ¡ b 6 Provide the est¡mated percentage of the cr.nrent year end balance (liqe 19, column (a)) held as: Board designated or quasi-endowment Þ Permanent endowment 3a 3a(¡) (ii) 3a (¡¡) Yes related organìzations "Yes" on 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? Describe in Part XIII the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds. If b 4 Part VI Com 1a Land .. 3b Land, Buildings, and Equipment. if the Description of property b > Temporarily restricted endowment Þ The percentages on lines 2a,2b, and 2c should equal 100o/o, Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the organizðtion by: (i) unrelated organizations , . answered "Yes" (a) Cost or other basis ( investment) line 11a. See Form (b) Cost or other basis (other) (c) Accumulated deprec¡at¡on (d) Book value . Buildings' . . c Leåsehold improvements d Equipment e Other 600,527 248,492 352,035 163,684 739,24O 24,444 20,762 20,162 Total. Add lines la through Le,(Column (d) must equal Form 990, Part X, cotumn (B), line 10(c) ) t 376A79 Schedule D (Form 99O) 2Ol7 https ://eup. eps. irs. gov/m ef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/pri ntSub 1211812018 Page 32 of4l 3 11b-' (ã) D€scrlpt¡on of secufity or category (înc¡udtrìg name of sec¡lrlty) (b) Sook ûf Cost or eûd*Df-yËðr mat*êt vâluè value ) Financial deñvaUves (z) Closely-held egulty interests {1 (3)other (A) (c) (E) (f, (G) (H) Total- fColørnn (b) must €{,ilal turm Þ'a¡" 99Ot Fañ X EoL. yIü Investnlelìts-progralll (g) Iine tZ.) Related. Complete if the oryanization answered Yes' on Form S9û, part IV, line 11c, See Fosø (b) Book tà) E¡6cription of investm€nl valtre Patt X, line 13. (c) Co*t or (1) (r) t3) (4) {r} (7) {8} (e) lotdt, (c.olumo (b) must eqùùl Farn 99A, tutt X, Ø1.{B) Itnê Lj.) htþs ://eup.eps-ils. gov/mef/rrdprcVsclilproxy/printSul> T211812018 Page 33 of41 Farf ÏX Assêt6. il Part lfne 15. Book valuÈ .BOlrlDS 11) (2, (31 (5) (7) (8) (e) T$tâ . must Form Part col ,¡ne 15 3û0,{¡ü0 on 1, (ð) )Èscr¡pt¡on of llabil¡ty or (b) Bookvalue (1) Federal incorilê tôxes {2} (3] {4} (s) (6) (7) (8) (e) lorn 990, Pa¡l & d.{Ð) ttne 25.) h Uãbiltty for uncertafo tûx posltlofls, ln Pârt XIII, ptûvlde the tðxt ofthe footnotetÞ the.olganlza.tlon's ß*ancial ãtätements tbat repsrts th€ orgånlzal¡ori's l¡ablllty for ut¡¡Êrtein tax po6ltfons under FIN 48 {AsC74D}- Check hère lfthe text ofthe footnoÌe has been provld€d ln Pãrt XUI f oÌà1. (Catuml (b) flnret Équal z SeheduJe D (Forrìl 99O) 2017 htþs ://eup. eps.irs. gov/melTrrdprdsdi/proxylprintsub 12/t8120t8 Page 34 of 41 Schedule Part 1 2 D XI (Förm 990) 2017 ç Recôn iati of if the 'Yes'on invêstments . . Net unrealized gains (losses) on b Donated services and use of facilities grants c Recoveries of prior year d Other (Describe in Part XIIL) e Add lines 2a through 2d 4 Amounts ¡ncluded on Form 990, part c 2a 2b 2c 2d 1 3 VIII, line 12, but not on line 1 Investment expenses no[ included on Form 990, part VIII, line 7b 4a Other (Describe in Part XIIL) 4b Add lines 4a and 4b Total Part XIT 1 . . lines 3 and 4c. (This must 4c I Form g Part b c Other losses d Other (Describe in Part XIII.) e Add lines 2a [hrough a I line 12.) 5 Reconcíliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return. Com the ant answered Form 990 I2a. Total expenses and losses per aud¡ted financial statements Amoun[s included on line 1 but not on Form 990, part IX, line 25: Donated services and use of facilities Prior year adjustments . , 2 1 2e Subtract line 2e from line 5 . Part IV , 3 b ents W¡th Revenue Total revenue, gajns, and other support per audited financial statements Amounts included ôn line 1 but not on Form 990, partVilI, line 12: a a Pag e Flnancial e , 1 2a 2b . 2c 2d 2d , 2e 3 Subfract line 2e from line 4 a Amounts included on Form 990, part iX, line 25, but not on line 1: Investment expenses not included on Form 990, part VIII, line 7b 4a b Other (Describe in part XIII.) 4b c 5 1 3 Add lines 4a and 4b Tolal ex Add lines 3 and 4c, (This must 4c ual Form 990, Part I line 18. fìeturn lleferenL:e ti:xpl¿ r'ra 5 ti0tl Schedule D (Form 99O) ZOIT https ://eup.eps. irs. gov/mef/rrdprd/sd i/proxy/printSub 12118t2018 Page 36 of41 üRJTPHTT rrirrt - DO NOT PROCE-SS' NLN 0Mõ. $¡ù. pþlemerital I rifoimãiion; Rsgarding Fundraising or Garning Activíties SCHEDULË O {Förm 990 or990.EZf Su [srpldc if ' 0epartædof lhe freæe7 lnÞnd Reuen¡e Swice Name - Produ(tio'l *gðñlzatlfl afsè¡ed "Y6'.r Fonì 99o, FcÈ fV, tlrc 17, 14 q 49, d orgmiz¡tÍo¡ e¡teEd'rcrc thã *ltOOU otr tu gt{ÞE¿ líl¡€6a, the Þ¡tfr.Jt to foi- ¡f 2017 lllê ,**Ïeñ te Þsfulic 99O or Fom¡ 99O-E¿ **sgectior numl¡er organ¡zatiçn EVERGREEN FREEDOM FOUNDATIO1¡ 94-3136961 Fart 1 a b c d Í. Fulrdraising Activities.Complete if the organization answereel "Yes" on Form 990, PaÉ IV, line 17 Forrn 99û-EZ filers are not required to complete this palt, Indi€âtg wh€ther the organizãtion raised ftind8 through any ofthe followhg ¿ctiv¡t¡eE. Che€k all thåt àpply. e gl f f q I S Na*lsÕllc¡tstlons ¡8 hternetandemallsol¡cltations ffi fhone sol¡c¡tåuüls p rn-person sol¡c¡tatlont 2¿ sol¡cttãtlooofnon-gov*rnrnentgrants Folic¡Þtfonofgovernmentgrents Spedal fuñdralslilg events Dld the organizatlcn h¿ve a $rr¡tten or oÍâl agreèmênt wlÌh any lndMdual (Tnctuding ofllcers. dlrec¿ors, t(rstees or key employe* llsted în ForTn 99o. Pãrt VII) Õr entlty in connêclîon with profesÊional fundr3Tslr{ services? 5 If Yes',' Ëiv*" E X, ltst the te¡ hfqhest pald indMdu¿ls o. enllties (fundratsers) pursuant to agreemeflts under u¡hlch the fundrslser ìs to be compensâted at leâst t5,OOO by the organization. (i) Name and address of indivïduäl (i¡) Aaüvity orëntity (frindrðísêr) {¡¡i} e d ñ¡ndraissr have rrßtody {rr GrosÊ receipts früm åctMty tiv] co¡trol of Y€s AIVTERICAN PHTLAÑTHROPIC 15 il CHURCI- Sr- 2 {or retalned by} f{rndraisÊr listed io æl- (l) aùñÞiht :fi¿nq? ¡ tv) Affsirnt paid ro tvil Amaxnl pãid tû {orråtål¡ëd ¡y} ãfgån¡zãtiðn No :OI{SULTING Nû 7ø,162 -70.16¿ ño 36,400 -36,400 No 22,a27 -2?,A27 129,389 -129,383 PA Ê IÊ :Of{sULÏING N€ E}¡OICãTT 617 143RD 5T NW IHOHE CåLL ã7 TÅLAMORD TRA:L Ny 1¿t420 6 7 10 Total 3 ust al1 states in wh¡dt the orçan¡z' Þn ls règtstered orJicensed to sollcit conMbuuons or has been not¡fiÊd lt ìs €xempt frÕm rÊglstraBon or lkdnslng.. Y\IA. CA, OR :::::::::=::::-:====:===::=:=::======:=======:=======:=:-_:=::::::ï:::=====:=========:===========:=-:====:==::=:======::: For Paperwork ßedurt¡oD . Art ¡tot¡ce, see thê Inlru¿t¡ons fof Folm gDO o¡ 9O0-EZ, htþs://eup-eps.irs. govlrneflndprrVsdì/proxi/prìrrtsub cât, No. 50083fl Srhe/ule c (fornì 990 or 99o-Ez) 2017 ralaztß Schêdule Page 37 c ¿017 EvetrÍs,. Fart"trî if the organization of on .990; Paft IV. grÐss iircome ari'Fi¡rm 99O-EZ, lfnps 1 than ' (b) Evènt #z tvpe) I ? 3 Gl"oss fece¡pts of4l _ (c)Other €vents '(total number) . Lessi Contrlbutibns. . Gmås ¡ûcome (lîoe 1 minus Itne 2) 4 Cash priT¿s 5 Noncash prxzes 6 Renff€c¡lity costs 7 Food and beverages B Entertalnment I otiler direct expenses 1(} D¡recl expense sùmm6ry. Add ¡ines ll 4 through 9 tn rotumn (d) Net tncome 6ummary. Subtract llne lO from linÊ 3, column (d) fïã Ganring ou 1q, or repoÊ€d more 6a- 1 Gfoss reve¡ue 2 Cash prizes 5 Ncncash pnzes 4 RenvfacÌlity costs S Other direct expênses 6 Volunteer lôbor Z Ditect expense su ]]rn¿ry. Add lines 2 Dìrough 5 ln column (d) 3S_4{ì-( n g Net I Yes % No Ü v".------.---þ- ñ üno M Y"s qh ¡ro ltne 7 from Ent€r thè ¡tat¿(s) tn which tlle orgãniædon conducts garning a ls the organlzatioß b ff "No," explain; 1oã llcensêd þ conduct gamtrìg acttviües in each of these states? Øvr" ffNo w€re âny of the orgÊnlzat¡on's gamlng llcenses revoked, suspended or termlnat€d durlng the tax year? üv*r lr ¡f'Yes.'ëxplain: 6rl¡eafule htþs ://éup, eps.ils. gov/ruef,/n clprdls di/proxy/printSub 99{I ffirco 21t{7 12118/2018 Page 38 of41 leG 990 990- 20L7 3 l1 Does the organization. conduct gaming activities with. nonmembers? L2 Is the organization a grantor, beneficiary or trustee ot a trust or.a member ot a partnership or other entity formed to administer charitable gaming? 13 a Indicate the percentage of gaming Fctivity conducted in: Tlìe organ¡zation's facility' b An outside 14 } Þ 2403 PAC]FIC AVE OLYMPIA, Mno 13a o/o 13b o/o SE WA 98501 Does the organization have a contract with a third party from whom the organization receives gaming revenue? b If "Yes," enter the amounl of gaming revenue received by the organization amount of gaming revenue retained by the third party Þ lr Ll v"" ßZl ¡ro and the $ $ If "Yes," enter name and address of the third party: Name Þ Þ Address 16 '. ' facility v." GERRIT SHILMAN Address c ..fl Enter the name and address of the Þerson who prepares the organization's gam¡ng/special events books and records: Name 15a [Y"' ülvo Gaming manager information: Name Þ' Gaming manager compensation Þ Description of services provided Þ I l7 Director/officer $ Ü Ü employee Independent contractor Mandatory distributions: Is the organization required under state law to make charitable distribut¡ons from the gaming proceeds to retain the state gaming license? b , Enter the amount of distributions required under state law distributed to other exempt olganizations or sÞent tn nization's own exe act¡vities the tax year Þ g' Part IV Supplernental III, on. Provide. the'explanations lines 9, 9b, 10b, 15b, 15c, 16, and l7b, üy"t Mruo by'Part I, line 2b, columns (iii) and (v);:and Pa as applicable. Also provide dny additional information (see instructions lìelrtl n fìefer enìe Ëxplanation Schedule G (Form 990 ot 99O-EZ) 2OL7 https :i/eup.eps. irs: goV/mef/rrdprd/sdi/proxy/printSub 12118120+8 Page 40 of4l NOT Information to Form 990 örggO;-EZ l5 at EVERGRËEN FOUNDA]ION CONCERNED CITIZENS, DECISION-MAKING AND FORM 9S0 IS BY THE BOARD TREASURER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CHIEF SENT TO EACH BOARD MEMBER TOR REVIEW. ÏHE ORGANIZATON AND ts THE BOARD OF SETS THE COMPENSATION LEVEL FOR ThE ls REVIEWED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND TO THE THE cËo FOR TIJE FORM 1023 'hþs ://eup. Aôt THE ANNUAL CO¡./4PENSATION HEALTH OF THE FOUNÛA TION- OF THE FOUNDATION SETS THE COMPENSATION LEVEL FOR ALL NEW HIRES AND ÐETERMINES FOR CURRENT EMPLOYEES PERSONS ARE GIVEN ACCESS TO VIA GUIDESTAR.ORG AND OTHER SIMILAR WEBSITES, AND DOCUMENTS IN PERSON OR BY €MAIL] WE HAVE TWO For cEo. OFFICER OF 6æ the Fo¡m 99{ ø eps-irå. gov/mefln dprrUsdi/próxylprintSub cat. DOCUMENTS, WRITTEN FORMS, ONE FOR No, AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OR IN IHE FORM 99{) AND THE SECOND otNtA.Ezl201l t2178/2018