Liberian Advisory Board More Than Me Foundation Budget Bureau Area, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia May 29, 2019 Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner Chairman THE SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE PANEL APPOINTED BY MORE THAN ME FOUNDATION (MTM) c/o Heritage Partners & Associates Tubman Blvd & Old Road Junction Monrovia Dear Cllr. Warner: Greetings and grateful thanks from the Liberia Advisory Board (LAB) of the More than Me (MTM) Foundation to you and members of The Special Investigative Panel Appointed by the More than Me (MTM) Foundation in October 2018, to investigate various allegations contained in UNPROTECTED, an investigative report by ProPublica, October 11, 2018. Sincere apologies on behalf of the Liberia Advisory Board (LAB) for not having acknowledged receipt of the Panel’s Final Report much earlier than was actually done. I take responsibility for that delay and do hereby sincerely apologize for it. In keeping with my earlier discussions with you on the matter, attached is a discussion narrative of the LAB’s observations and comments on some elements of the current version (termed “Final”) of the Panel’s Report on the allegations contained in the ProPublica Report. The observations and comments have been raised by members of the Liberia Advisory Board. When considering the length of time required to submit such observations and comments, please consider that the views consolidated in the attached had to be pooled from LAB members with various levels of engagements and availability. In general, the concerns and observations stated in the attached pertain to certain language elements of the Report of The Independent Investigative Panel, which, if not properly addressed may well do more harm than the good that you and others on the Panel intend for the MTM Foundation and the children of Liberia. Those concerns are grave not merely because certain elements of the Panel’s choice of language are considered unduly negative, although some of that negativity is indeed valid and welcome, but because others are factually unsubstantiated, whether in the ProPublica Report that started it all or in the Panel’s own Report. Therefore those elements of the Panel’s Report carry an avoidable risk of provoking a number of possible law suits for libel. This potential outcome is one we wish to avoid. Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner Page 2 of 2 It is the position of the LAB that More Than Me takes full moral responsibility for the actions and/or inactions that allowed this tragic incident to occur, and have been focused on strengthening this organization to better serve the young girls entrusted in our care. We want this fact-finding endeavor from this Panel to be a clear and accurate reflection of the past which can be used to guide our future. We hope that you will review and reflect on the below comments & observations and work towards a more balanced, substantiated report that does not leave room for the conclusions made to be questioned. For the purpose at hand, the procedure adopted by the Liberia Advisory Board (LAB) is to quote verbatim each pertinent language element, per the Panel’s Report, and then provide the LAB’s observation(s) and comment(s) thereon. In each case, the applicable section and page references are provided to facilitate the Panel’s location of same. Gratefully yours James Dorbor Jallah Chairman, Liberia Advisory Board, MTM Foundation