Tuxtmut Pouc: DEPARTMENT Case Number: 1?-5476 it Officer Narrative 7/23/2an i .i On 07/18/2016 at approximately 1545hrs I was dispatched to take an assault report. i was told the victim was waiting at the puiice station for urficercontact. Upon my arrival I met with-[V' wha advised he was a registered nurse at Cascade Bella 'oral (12344 Military Rd 5). At approx ately isoonr was assaulted by a patient by the name or- 5 _while inside the West Win . stated grabbed him with both hands around his - throat and began to choke him. said he did not lose consciousness but yelled for help and it tank 1 several staff members to remove 5 hands from-s neck. -provlded a written statement in an email i printed the email and attached it in this case. -explained that titere Is an unwritten rule at Cascade Behavioral that staff should not call 911 for these type of Incidents; and this was why there was a delay in reporting. Based on -s statement I issued Criminal Citation ii 620808046 to-ior Assault 4" Degree and forwarded this case to the city prosecutor. cilmfiuvlon: I hereby unlfv (dedarei under penalty at veu'wy under tne laws ai the rtate ni Wuhinnou diet report it time and correct Io tlte test oi my krinwledje and mud 0th "12.0551, 207 ruxqu ED SIGNATURE BADGE ii DATE SIGNED pucz sl Approving supervisor: ser cum Page i on Hum IRON