Statement attributable to the Hon Stuart Robert MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Minister for Government Services: As a once in a generation reform, it is vital we get the NDIS right. As the Prime Minister has said, a key focus for the Government is to lift performance of government service delivery, including for the benefit of NDIS participants. Taking a considered and methodical approach is key to reforming service delivery to better support all Australians. In my first week as Minister my focus has been on meeting with key NDIA officials and disability stakeholders—and has included visiting the NDIA National Office in Geelong, Victoria. Importantly, I am meeting with participants, their families and carers, providers and others over the next few weeks to hear about their experiences with the NDIS, which will inform the development of a considered approach to busting regulatory congestion and bureaucratic roadblocks. My goal is to make life easier for NDIS participants and providers—and all Australians who rely on government services.